/*************************************************************************** * copyright : (C) 2011 by Karel Vesely,UPGM,FIT,VUT,Brno * * email : iveselyk@fit.vutbr.cz * *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the APACHE License as published by the * * Apache Software Foundation; either version 2.0 of the License, * * or (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #define SVN_DATE "$Date: 2011-12-08 11:59:03 +0100 (Thu, 08 Dec 2011) $" #define SVN_AUTHOR "$Author: iveselyk $" #define SVN_REVISION "$Revision: 94 $" #define SVN_ID "$Id: TRbmCu.cc 94 2011-12-08 10:59:03Z iveselyk $" #define MODULE_VERSION "1.0.0 "__TIME__" "__DATE__" "SVN_ID /*** TNetLib includes */ #include "Error.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "Features.h" #include "Common.h" #include "UserInterface.h" #include "Timer.h" /*** TNet includes */ #include "cuNetwork.h" #include "cuRbm.h" #include "cuCache.h" #include "cuObjectiveFunction.h" #include "curand.h" /*** STL includes */ #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <numeric> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFINES // #define SNAME "TRBM" using namespace TNet; void usage(const char* progname) { const char *tchrptr; if ((tchrptr = strrchr(progname, '\\')) != NULL) progname = tchrptr+1; if ((tchrptr = strrchr(progname, '/')) != NULL) progname = tchrptr+1; fprintf(stderr, "\n%s version " MODULE_VERSION "\n" "\nUSAGE: %s [options] DataFiles...\n\n" " Option Default\n\n" " -n f Set learning rate to f 0.06\n" " -A Print command line arguments Off\n" " -C cf Set config file to cf Default\n" " -D Display configuration variables Off\n" " -H mmf Load NN macro file \n" " -S file Set script file None\n" " -T N Set trace flags to N 0\n" " -V Print version information Off\n" "\n" "FEATURETRANSFORM LEARNINGRATE MOMENTUM NATURALREADORDER PRINTCONFIG PRINTVERSION SCRIPT SOURCEMMF TARGETMMF TRACE WEIGHTCOST\n" "\n" "STARTFRMEXT ENDFRMEXT CMEANDIR CMEANMASK VARSCALEDIR VARSCALEMASK VARSCALEFN TARGETKIND DERIVWINDOWS DELTAWINDOW ACCWINDOW THIRDWINDOW\n" "\n" " %s is Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Karel Vesely\n" " licensed under the APACHE License, version 2.0\n" " Bug reports, feedback, etc, to: iveselyk@fit.vutbr.cz\n" "\n", progname, progname, progname); exit(-1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MAIN FUNCTION // int main(int argc, char *argv[]) try { const char* p_option_string = " -n r LEARNINGRATE" " -D n PRINTCONFIG=TRUE" " -H l SOURCEMMF" " -S l SCRIPT" " -T r TRACE" " -V n PRINTVERSION=TRUE" ; UserInterface ui; FeatureRepository feature_repo; CuNetwork network; CuNetwork transform_network; CuMeanSquareError mse; Timer timer; Timer timer_frontend; double time_frontend = 0.0; const char* p_script; BaseFloat learning_rate; BaseFloat momentum; BaseFloat weightcost; const char* p_source_mmf_file; const char* p_input_transform; const char* p_targetmmf; int bunch_size; int cache_size; bool randomize; long int seed; int trace; // variables for feature repository bool swap_features; int target_kind; int deriv_order; int* p_deriv_win_lenghts; int start_frm_ext; int end_frm_ext; char* cmn_path; char* cmn_file; const char* cmn_mask; char* cvn_path; char* cvn_file; const char* cvn_mask; const char* cvg_file; // OPTION PARSING .......................................................... // use the STK option parsing if (argc == 1) { usage(argv[0]); return 1; } int args_parsed = ui.ParseOptions(argc, argv, p_option_string, SNAME); // OPTION RETRIEVAL ........................................................ // extract the feature parameters swap_features = !ui.GetBool(SNAME":NATURALREADORDER", TNet::IsBigEndian()); target_kind = ui.GetFeatureParams(&deriv_order, &p_deriv_win_lenghts, &start_frm_ext, &end_frm_ext, &cmn_path, &cmn_file, &cmn_mask, &cvn_path, &cvn_file, &cvn_mask, &cvg_file, SNAME":", 0); // extract other parameters p_source_mmf_file = ui.GetStr(SNAME":SOURCEMMF", NULL); p_input_transform = ui.GetStr(SNAME":FEATURETRANSFORM", NULL); p_targetmmf = ui.GetStr(SNAME":TARGETMMF", NULL); p_script = ui.GetStr(SNAME":SCRIPT", NULL); learning_rate = ui.GetFlt(SNAME":LEARNINGRATE" , 0.10f); momentum = ui.GetFlt(SNAME":MOMENTUM" , 0.50f); weightcost = ui.GetFlt(SNAME":WEIGHTCOST" , 0.0002f); bunch_size = ui.GetInt(SNAME":BUNCHSIZE", 256); cache_size = ui.GetInt(SNAME":CACHESIZE", 12800); randomize = ui.GetBool(SNAME":RANDOMIZE", true); //cannot get long int seed = ui.GetInt(SNAME":SEED", 0); trace = ui.GetInt(SNAME":TRACE", 0); if(trace&4) { CuDevice::Instantiate().Verbose(true); } // process the parameters if(ui.GetBool(SNAME":PRINTCONFIG", false)) { std::cout << std::endl; ui.PrintConfig(std::cout); std::cout << std::endl; } if(ui.GetBool(SNAME":PRINTVERSION", false)) { std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "======= TRbmCu v"MODULE_VERSION" xvesel39 =======" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; } ui.CheckCommandLineParamUse(); // the rest of the parameters are the feature files for (; args_parsed < argc; args_parsed++) { feature_repo.AddFile(argv[args_parsed]); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** // OPTION PARSING DONE ..................................................... //read the input transform network if(NULL != p_input_transform) { if(trace&1) TraceLog(std::string("Reading input transform network: ")+p_input_transform); transform_network.ReadNetwork(p_input_transform); } //read the neural network if(NULL != p_source_mmf_file) { if(trace&1) TraceLog(std::string("Reading network: ")+p_source_mmf_file); network.ReadNetwork(p_source_mmf_file); } else { Error("Source MMF must be specified [-H]"); } //extract the RBM from the network if(network.Layers() != 1) { Error(std::string("Number of layers must be 1")+p_source_mmf_file); } if(network.Layer(0).GetType() != CuComponent::RBM && network.Layer(0).GetType() != CuComponent::RBM_SPARSE) { Error(std::string("Layer must be RBM")+p_source_mmf_file); } CuRbmBase& rbm = dynamic_cast<CuRbmBase&>(network.Layer(0)); // initialize the feature repository feature_repo.Init( swap_features, start_frm_ext, end_frm_ext, target_kind, deriv_order, p_deriv_win_lenghts, cmn_path, cmn_mask, cvn_path, cvn_mask, cvg_file ); if(NULL != p_script) { feature_repo.AddFileList(p_script); } else { Warning("WARNING: The script file is missing [-S]"); } feature_repo.Trace(trace); //set the learnrate, momentum, weightcost rbm.LearnRate(learning_rate); rbm.Momentum(momentum); rbm.Weightcost(weightcost); //seed the random number generator if(seed == 0) { struct timeval tv; if (gettimeofday(&tv, 0) == -1) { assert(0 && "gettimeofday does not work."); exit(-1); } seed = (int)(tv.tv_sec) + (int)tv.tv_usec; } srand48(seed); //initialize the matrix random number generator CuRand<BaseFloat> cu_rand(bunch_size,rbm.GetNOutputs()); //********************************************************************** //********************************************************************** // INITIALIZATION DONE ................................................. // // Start training timer.Start(); std::cout << "===== TRbmCu TRAINING STARTED =====" << std::endl; std::cout << "learning rate: " << learning_rate << " momentum: " << momentum << " weightcost: " << weightcost << std::endl; std::cout << "Using seed: " << seed << "\n"; CuCache cache; cache.Init(cache_size,bunch_size); cache.Trace(trace); feature_repo.Rewind(); //********************************************************************** //********************************************************************** // MAIN LOOP // CuMatrix<BaseFloat> pos_vis, pos_hid, neg_vis, neg_hid; CuMatrix<BaseFloat> dummy_labs, dummy_err; while(!feature_repo.EndOfList()) { timer_frontend.Start(); //fill cache while(!cache.Full() && !feature_repo.EndOfList()) { Matrix<BaseFloat> feats_host; CuMatrix<BaseFloat> feats_original; CuMatrix<BaseFloat> feats_expanded; //read feats, perfrom feature transform feature_repo.ReadFullMatrix(feats_host); feats_original.CopyFrom(feats_host); transform_network.Propagate(feats_original,feats_expanded); //trim the start/end context int rows = feats_expanded.Rows()-start_frm_ext-end_frm_ext; CuMatrix<BaseFloat> feats_trim(rows,feats_expanded.Cols()); feats_trim.CopyRows(rows,start_frm_ext,feats_expanded,0); //fake the labels!!! CuMatrix<BaseFloat> labs_cu(feats_trim.Rows(),1); //add to cache cache.AddData(feats_trim,labs_cu); feature_repo.MoveNext(); } timer_frontend.End(); time_frontend += timer_frontend.Val(); if(randomize) { //randomize the cache cache.Randomize(); } while(!cache.Empty()) { //get training data cache.GetBunch(pos_vis,dummy_labs); //forward pass rbm.Propagate(pos_vis,pos_hid); //change the hidden values so we can generate negative example if(rbm.HidType() == CuRbmBase::BERNOULLI) { cu_rand.BinarizeProbs(pos_hid,neg_hid); } else { neg_hid.CopyFrom(pos_hid); cu_rand.AddGaussNoise(neg_hid); } //reconstruct pass rbm.Reconstruct(neg_hid,neg_vis); //forward pass rbm.Propagate(neg_vis, neg_hid); //update the weioghts rbm.RbmUpdate(pos_vis, pos_hid, neg_vis, neg_hid); //evalueate mean square error mse.Evaluate(neg_vis,pos_vis,dummy_err); if(trace&2) std::cout << "." << std::flush; } //check the NaN/inf pos_hid.CheckData(); } //********************************************************************** //********************************************************************** // TRAINING FINISHED ................................................. // // Let's store the network, report the log if(trace&1) TraceLog("Training finished"); //write the network if (NULL != p_targetmmf) { if(trace&1) TraceLog(std::string("Writing network: ")+p_targetmmf); network.WriteNetwork(p_targetmmf); } else { Error("missing argument --TARGETMMF"); } timer.End(); std::cout << "===== TRbmCu FINISHED ( " << timer.Val() << "s ) " << "[FPS:" << mse.GetFrames() / timer.Val() << ",RT:" << 1.0f / (mse.GetFrames() / timer.Val() / 100.0f) << "] =====" << std::endl; //report objective function (accuracy, frame counts...) std::cout << mse.Report(); if(trace &4) { std::cout << "\n== PROFILE ==\nT-fe: " << time_frontend << std::endl; } return 0; ///finish OK } catch (std::exception& rExc) { std::cerr << "Exception thrown" << std::endl; std::cerr << rExc.what() << std::endl; return 1; }