/*************************************************************************** * copyright : (C) 2011 by Karel Vesely,UPGM,FIT,VUT,Brno * * email : iveselyk@fit.vutbr.cz * *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the APACHE License as published by the * * Apache Software Foundation; either version 2.0 of the License, * * or (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #define SVN_DATE "$Date: 2011-10-18 12:42:04 +0200 (Tue, 18 Oct 2011) $" #define SVN_AUTHOR "$Author: iveselyk $" #define SVN_REVISION "$Revision: 86 $" #define SVN_ID "$Id: TRecurrentCu.cc 86 2011-10-18 10:42:04Z iveselyk $" #define MODULE_VERSION "1.0.0 "__TIME__" "__DATE__" "SVN_ID /*** TNetLib includes */ #include "Error.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "Features.h" #include "Labels.h" #include "Common.h" #include "MlfStream.h" #include "UserInterface.h" #include "Timer.h" /*** TNet includes */ #include "cuObjectiveFunction.h" #include "cuNetwork.h" #include "cuRecurrent.h" /*** STL includes */ #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <numeric> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFINES // #define SNAME "TNET" using namespace TNet; void usage(const char* progname) { const char *tchrptr; if ((tchrptr = strrchr(progname, '\\')) != NULL) progname = tchrptr+1; if ((tchrptr = strrchr(progname, '/')) != NULL) progname = tchrptr+1; fprintf(stderr, "\n%s version " MODULE_VERSION "\n" "\nUSAGE: %s [options] DataFiles...\n\n" "\n:TODO:\n\n" " Option Default\n\n" " -c Enable crossvalidation off\n" " -m file Set label map of NN outputs \n" " -n f Set learning rate to f 0.06\n" " -o ext Set target model ext None\n" " -A Print command line arguments Off\n" " -C cf Set config file to cf Default\n" " -D Display configuration variables Off\n" " -H mmf Load NN macro file \n" " -I mlf Load master label file mlf \n" " -L dir Set input label (or net) dir Current\n" " -M dir Dir to write NN macro files Current\n" " -O fn Objective function [mse,xent] xent\n" " -S file Set script file None\n" " -T N Set trace flags to N 0\n" " -V Print version information Off\n" " -X ext Set input label file ext lab\n" "\n" "BUNCHSIZE CACHESIZE CROSSVALIDATE FEATURETRANSFORM LEARNINGRATE LEARNRATEFACTORS MLFTRANSC MOMENTUM NATURALREADORDER OBJECTIVEFUNCTION OUTPUTLABELMAP PRINTCONFIG PRINTVERSION RANDOMIZE SCRIPT SEED SOURCEMLF SOURCEMMF SOURCETRANSCDIR SOURCETRANSCEXT TARGETMMF TARGETMODELDIR TARGETMODELEXT TRACE WEIGHTCOST\n" "\n" "STARTFRMEXT ENDFRMEXT CMEANDIR CMEANMASK VARSCALEDIR VARSCALEMASK VARSCALEFN TARGETKIND DERIVWINDOWS DELTAWINDOW ACCWINDOW THIRDWINDOW\n" "\n" " %s is Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Karel Vesely\n" " licensed under the APACHE License, version 2.0\n" " Bug reports, feedback, etc, to: iveselyk@fit.vutbr.cz\n" "\n", progname, progname, progname); exit(-1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MAIN FUNCTION // int main(int argc, char *argv[]) try { const char* p_option_string = " -m r OUTPUTLABELMAP" " -n r LEARNINGRATE" " -D n PRINTCONFIG=TRUE" " -H l SOURCEMMF" " -I r SOURCEMLF" " -L r SOURCETRANSCDIR" " -S l SCRIPT" " -T r TRACE" " -V n PRINTVERSION=TRUE" " -X r SOURCETRANSCEXT"; UserInterface ui; FeatureRepository feature_repo; LabelRepository label_repo; CuNetwork network; CuNetwork transform_network; CuObjectiveFunction* p_obj_function = NULL; Timer timer; Timer timer_frontend; double time_frontend = 0.0; const char* p_source_mmf_file; const char* p_input_transform; const char* p_targetmmf; const char* p_script; const char* p_output_label_map; BaseFloat learning_rate; const char* learning_rate_factors; BaseFloat momentum; BaseFloat weightcost; int bptt; CuObjectiveFunction::ObjFunType obj_fun_id; const char* p_source_mlf_file; const char* p_src_lbl_dir; const char* p_src_lbl_ext; bool cross_validate; int trace; // variables for feature repository bool swap_features; int target_kind; int deriv_order; int* p_deriv_win_lenghts; int start_frm_ext; int end_frm_ext; char* cmn_path; char* cmn_file; const char* cmn_mask; char* cvn_path; char* cvn_file; const char* cvn_mask; const char* cvg_file; // OPTION PARSING .......................................................... // use the STK option parsing if (argc == 1) { usage(argv[0]); return 1; } int args_parsed = ui.ParseOptions(argc, argv, p_option_string, SNAME); // OPTION RETRIEVAL ........................................................ // extract the feature parameters swap_features = !ui.GetBool(SNAME":NATURALREADORDER", TNet::IsBigEndian()); target_kind = ui.GetFeatureParams(&deriv_order, &p_deriv_win_lenghts, &start_frm_ext, &end_frm_ext, &cmn_path, &cmn_file, &cmn_mask, &cvn_path, &cvn_file, &cvn_mask, &cvg_file, SNAME":", 0); // extract other parameters p_source_mmf_file = ui.GetStr(SNAME":SOURCEMMF", NULL); p_input_transform = ui.GetStr(SNAME":FEATURETRANSFORM", NULL); p_targetmmf = ui.GetStr(SNAME":TARGETMMF", NULL); p_script = ui.GetStr(SNAME":SCRIPT", NULL); p_output_label_map = ui.GetStr(SNAME":OUTPUTLABELMAP", NULL); learning_rate = ui.GetFlt(SNAME":LEARNINGRATE" , 0.06f); learning_rate_factors = ui.GetStr(SNAME":LEARNRATEFACTORS", NULL); momentum = ui.GetFlt(SNAME":MOMENTUM" , 0.0); weightcost = ui.GetFlt(SNAME":WEIGHTCOST" , 0.0); bptt = ui.GetInt(SNAME":BPTT" , 4); obj_fun_id = static_cast<CuObjectiveFunction::ObjFunType>( ui.GetEnum(SNAME":OBJECTIVEFUNCTION", CuObjectiveFunction::CROSS_ENTROPY, //< default "xent", CuObjectiveFunction::CROSS_ENTROPY, "mse", CuObjectiveFunction::MEAN_SQUARE_ERROR )); p_source_mlf_file = ui.GetStr(SNAME":SOURCEMLF", NULL); p_src_lbl_dir = ui.GetStr(SNAME":SOURCETRANSCDIR", NULL); p_src_lbl_ext = ui.GetStr(SNAME":SOURCETRANSCEXT", "lab"); cross_validate = ui.GetBool(SNAME":CROSSVALIDATE", false); trace = ui.GetInt(SNAME":TRACE", 0); //if(trace&1) { CuDevice::Instantiate().Verbose(true); //} //throw away... ui.GetInt(SNAME":BUNCHSIZE", 256); ui.GetInt(SNAME":CACHESIZE", 12800); ui.GetBool(SNAME":RANDOMIZE", true); // process the parameters if(ui.GetBool(SNAME":PRINTCONFIG", false)) { std::cout << std::endl; ui.PrintConfig(std::cout); std::cout << std::endl; } if(ui.GetBool(SNAME":PRINTVERSION", false)) { std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "======= "MODULE_VERSION" =======" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; } ui.CheckCommandLineParamUse(); // the rest of the parameters are the feature files for (; args_parsed < argc; args_parsed++) { feature_repo.AddFile(argv[args_parsed]); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** // OPTION PARSING DONE ..................................................... //read the input transform network if(NULL != p_input_transform) { if(trace&1) TraceLog(std::string("Reading input transform network: ")+p_input_transform); transform_network.ReadNetwork(p_input_transform); } //read the neural network if(NULL != p_source_mmf_file) { if(trace&1) TraceLog(std::string("Reading network: ")+p_source_mmf_file); network.ReadNetwork(p_source_mmf_file); } else { Error("Source MMF must be specified [-H]"); } // initialize the feature repository feature_repo.Init( swap_features, start_frm_ext, end_frm_ext, target_kind, deriv_order, p_deriv_win_lenghts, cmn_path, cmn_mask, cvn_path, cvn_mask, cvg_file ); if(NULL != p_script) { feature_repo.AddFileList(p_script); } else { Warning("WARNING: The script file is missing [-S]"); } // initialize the label repository if(NULL == p_source_mlf_file) Error("Source mlf file file is missing [-I]"); if(NULL == p_output_label_map) Error("Output label map is missing [-m]"); label_repo.Init(p_source_mlf_file, p_output_label_map, p_src_lbl_dir, p_src_lbl_ext); //get objective function instance p_obj_function = CuObjectiveFunction::Factory(obj_fun_id); //set the learnrate, etc network.SetLearnRate(learning_rate, learning_rate_factors); network.SetMomentum(momentum); network.SetWeightcost(weightcost); //set the BPTT order for(int i=0; i<network.Layers(); i++) { if(network.Layer(i).GetType() == CuComponent::RECURRENT) { dynamic_cast<CuRecurrent&>(network.Layer(i)).BpttOrder(bptt); } } //********************************************************************** //********************************************************************** // INITIALIZATION DONE ................................................. // // Start training timer.Start(); if(cross_validate) { std::cout << "===== TRecurrentCu CROSSVAL STARTED =====" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "===== TRecurrentCu TRAINING STARTED =====" << std::endl; } feature_repo.Rewind(); //********************************************************************** //********************************************************************** // MAIN LOOP // int frames = 0; Matrix<BaseFloat> targets_host; CuMatrix<BaseFloat> feats, output, targets, globerr; for(feature_repo.Rewind(); !feature_repo.EndOfList(); feature_repo.MoveNext()) { timer_frontend.Start(); Matrix<BaseFloat> feats_host, globerr_host; CuMatrix<BaseFloat> feats_original; CuMatrix<BaseFloat> feats_expanded; //read feats, perfrom feature transform feature_repo.ReadFullMatrix(feats_host); feats_original.CopyFrom(feats_host); transform_network.Propagate(feats_original,feats_expanded); //trim the start/end context int rows = feats_expanded.Rows()-start_frm_ext-end_frm_ext; feats.Init(rows,feats_expanded.Cols()); feats.CopyRows(rows,start_frm_ext,feats_expanded,0); timer_frontend.End(); time_frontend += timer_frontend.Val(); //read the targets label_repo.GenDesiredMatrix(targets_host,feats.Rows(), feature_repo.CurrentHeader().mSamplePeriod, feature_repo.Current().Logical().c_str()); targets.CopyFrom(targets_host); //reset the history context for(int i=0; i<network.Layers(); i++) { if(network.Layer(i).GetType() == CuComponent::RECURRENT) { dynamic_cast<CuRecurrent&>(network.Layer(i)).ClearHistory(); } } CuMatrix<BaseFloat> input_row(1,feats.Cols()); CuMatrix<BaseFloat> output_row(1,network.GetNOutputs()); CuMatrix<BaseFloat> target_row(1,network.GetNOutputs()); CuMatrix<BaseFloat> error_row(1,network.GetNOutputs()); for(size_t frm=0; frm<feats.Rows(); frm++) { //select data rows input_row.CopyRows(1,frm,feats,0); target_row.CopyRows(1,frm,targets,0); //forward network.Propagate(input_row,output_row); //xetropy p_obj_function->Evaluate(output_row,target_row,error_row); if(!cross_validate) { //backward network.Backpropagate(error_row); } } frames += feats.Rows(); std::cout << "." << std::flush; } //********************************************************************** //********************************************************************** // TRAINING FINISHED ................................................. // // Let's store the network, report the log if(cross_validate) { if(trace&1) TraceLog("Crossval finished"); } else { if(trace&1) TraceLog("Training finished"); } //write the network if(!cross_validate) { if (NULL != p_targetmmf) { if(trace&1) TraceLog(std::string("Writing network: ")+p_targetmmf); network.WriteNetwork(p_targetmmf); } else { Error("forgot to specify --TARGETMMF argument"); } } timer.End(); std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "===== TRecurrentCu FINISHED ( " << timer.Val() << "s ) " << "[FPS:" << float(frames) / timer.Val() << ",RT:" << 1.0f / (float(frames) / timer.Val() / 100.0f) << "] =====" << std::endl; //report objective function (accuracy, frame counts...) std::cout << "-- " << (cross_validate?"CV":"TR") << p_obj_function->Report(); std::cout << "T-fe: " << time_frontend << std::endl; return 0; ///finish OK } catch (std::exception& rExc) { std::cerr << "Exception thrown" << std::endl; std::cerr << rExc.what() << std::endl; return 1; }