" " _____ _ ___ ___ ___ " " " | __|___ ___ _ _| |_ | _| _| " " " |__ | -_| . | | | | _|_ | . | " " " |_____|___|___|___|_|___|___|___|.vim " " " " Low-contrast dark Vim color scheme using Seoul Colors " " " File: seoul256.vim " URL: github.com/junegunn/seoul256.vim " Author: Junegunn Choi (junegunn.c@gmail.com) " Version: 1.5.3 " Last Updated: Aug 4, 2014 " License: MIT " " Copyright (c) 2013 Junegunn Choi " " MIT License " " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be " included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, " EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND " NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE " LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION " OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION " WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. if !exists('s:rgb_map') let s:rgb_map = \{ 22: '#006F00', 23: '#007173', 24: '#007299', 25: '#0074BE', 30: '#009799', \ 31: '#0099BD', 38: '#00BDDF', 52: '#730B00', 58: '#727100', 59: '#727272', \ 65: '#719872', 66: '#719899', 67: '#7299BC', 68: '#719CDF', 73: '#6FBCBD', \ 74: '#70BDDF', 88: '#9B1300', 89: '#9B1D72', 94: '#9A7200', 95: '#9A7372', \ 96: '#9A7599', 101: '#999872', 103: '#999ABD', 108: '#98BC99', 109: '#98BCBD', \ 110: '#98BEDE', 116: '#97DDDF', 125: '#BF2172', 131: '#BE7572', 137: '#BE9873', \ 143: '#BDBB72', 144: '#BDBC98', 145: '#BDBDBD', 151: '#BCDDBD', 152: '#BCDEDE', \ 153: '#BCE0FF', 161: '#E12672', 168: '#E17899', 173: '#E19972', 174: '#E09B99', \ 179: '#DFBC72', 181: '#E0BEBC', 184: '#DEDC00', 186: '#DEDD99', 187: '#DFDEBD', \ 189: '#DFDFFF', 216: '#FFBD98', 217: '#FFBFBD', 218: '#FFC0DE', 220: '#FFDD00', \ 222: '#FFDE99', 224: '#FFDFDF', 230: '#FFFFDF', 231: '#FFFFFF', 232: '#060606', \ 233: '#171717', 234: '#252525', 235: '#333233', 236: '#3F3F3F', 237: '#4B4B4B', \ 238: '#565656', 239: '#616161', 240: '#6B6B6B', 241: '#757575', 249: '#BFBFBF', \ 250: '#C8C8C8', 251: '#D1D0D1', 252: '#D9D9D9', 253: '#E1E1E1', 254: '#E9E9E9', \ 255: '#F1F1F1' } endif let s:background = &background let s:colors_name = get(g:, 'colors_name', '') silent! unlet s:style s:seoul256_background " 1. If g:seoul256_background is found if exists('g:seoul256_background') let s:seoul256_background = g:seoul256_background if s:seoul256_background >= 233 && s:seoul256_background <= 239 let s:style = 'dark' elseif s:seoul256_background >= 252 && s:seoul256_background <= 256 let s:style = 'light' else unlet s:seoul256_background endif endif if !exists('s:style') " 2. If g:colors_name is NOT 'seoul256' -> dark version if s:colors_name != 'seoul256' let s:style = 'dark' " 3. Follow &background setting else let s:style = &background endif endif let s:style_idx = s:style == 'light' " Background colors if s:style == 'dark' let s:dark_bg = get(s:, 'seoul256_background', 237) let s:light_bg = 253 else let s:dark_bg = 237 let s:light_bg = get(s:, 'seoul256_background', 253) endif let s:dark_bg_2 = s:dark_bg > 233 ? s:dark_bg - 2 : 16 let s:light_bg_1 = min([s:light_bg + 1, 256]) let s:light_bg_2 = min([s:light_bg + 2, 256]) " Foreground colors let s:dark_fg = 252 let s:light_fg = 239 function! s:hi(item, fg, bg) let fg = a:fg[s:style_idx] > 255 ? 231 : a:fg[s:style_idx] let bg = a:bg[s:style_idx] > 255 ? 231 : a:bg[s:style_idx] if !empty(fg) execute printf("highlight %s ctermfg=%s guifg=%s", a:item, fg, get(s:rgb_map, fg, 'NONE')) endif if !empty(bg) execute printf("highlight %s ctermbg=%s guibg=%s", a:item, bg, get(s:rgb_map, bg, 'NONE')) endif endfunction let s:gui = has('gui_running') if !s:gui set t_Co=256 end silent! unlet g:colors_name hi clear if exists("syntax_on") syntax reset endif call s:hi('Normal', [s:dark_fg, s:light_fg], [s:dark_bg, s:light_bg]) call s:hi('LineNr', [101, 101], [s:dark_bg + 1, s:light_bg - 2]) call s:hi('Visual', ['', ''], [23, 152]) call s:hi('VisualNOS', ['', ''], [23, 152]) call s:hi('Comment', [65, 65], ['', '']) call s:hi('Number', [222, 95], ['', '']) call s:hi('Float', [222, 95], ['', '']) call s:hi('Boolean', [103, 168], ['', '']) call s:hi('String', [109, 30], ['', '']) call s:hi('Constant', [73, 23], ['', '']) call s:hi('Character', [174, 168], ['', '']) call s:hi('Delimiter', [137, 94], ['', '']) call s:hi('StringDelimiter', [137, 94], ['', '']) call s:hi('Statement', [108, 66], ['', '']) " case, default, etc. " hi Label ctermfg= " if else end call s:hi('Conditional', [110, 31], ['', '']) " while end call s:hi('Repeat', [68, 67], ['', '']) call s:hi('Todo', [161, 125], [s:dark_bg_2, s:light_bg_2]) call s:hi('Function', [187, 58], ['', '']) " Macros call s:hi('Define', [173, 131], ['', '']) call s:hi('Macro', [173, 131], ['', '']) call s:hi('Include', [173, 131], ['', '']) call s:hi('PreCondit', [173, 131], ['', '']) " #! call s:hi('PreProc', [143, 58], ['', '']) " @abc call s:hi('Identifier', [217, 96], ['', '']) " AAA Abc call s:hi('Type', [179, 94], ['', '']) " + - * / << call s:hi('Operator', [186, 131], ['', '']) " super yield call s:hi('Keyword', [168, 168], ['', '']) " raise call s:hi('Exception', [161, 161], ['', '']) " " hi StorageClass ctermfg= call s:hi('Structure', [116, 23], ['', '']) " hi Typedef ctermfg= call s:hi('Error', [s:dark_fg, s:light_bg_1], [52, 174]) call s:hi('ErrorMsg', [s:dark_fg, s:light_bg_1], [52, 168]) call s:hi('Underlined', [181, 168], ['', '']) " set textwidth=80 " set colorcolumn=+1 call s:hi('ColorColumn', ['', ''], [s:dark_bg - 1, s:light_bg - 2]) " GVIM only " hi Cursor ctermfg= " hi CursorIM ctermfg= " set cursorline cursorcolumn call s:hi('CursorLine', ['', ''], [s:dark_bg - 1, s:light_bg - 1]) call s:hi('CursorLineNr', [131, 131], [s:dark_bg - 1, s:light_bg - 1]) call s:hi('CursorColumn', ['', ''], [s:dark_bg - 1, s:light_bg - 1]) call s:hi('Directory', [187, 95], ['', '']) call s:hi('DiffAdd', ['NONE', 'NONE'], [22, 151]) call s:hi('DiffDelete', ['NONE', 'NONE'], [95, 181]) call s:hi('DiffChange', ['NONE', 'NONE'], [s:dark_bg + 3, 189]) call s:hi('DiffText', ['NONE', 'NONE'], [52, 224]) call s:hi('VertSplit', [s:dark_bg_2, s:light_bg - 3], [s:dark_bg_2, s:light_bg - 3]) call s:hi('Folded', [101, 101], [s:dark_bg + 1, s:light_bg - 2]) " set foldcolumn=1 call s:hi('FoldColumn', [144, 94], [s:dark_bg + 1, s:light_bg - 2]) call s:hi('MatchParen', ['', ''], [s:dark_bg + 3, s:light_bg - 3]) " -- INSERT -- call s:hi('ModeMsg', [173, 173], ['', '']) " let &showbreak = '> ' call s:hi('NonText', [101, 101], ['', '']) call s:hi('MoreMsg', [173, 173], ['', '']) " Popup menu call s:hi('Pmenu', [s:dark_bg + 1, 238], [224, 224]) call s:hi('PmenuSel', [s:dark_fg, s:dark_fg], [89, 89]) call s:hi('PmenuSbar', ['', ''], [65, 65]) call s:hi('PmenuThumb', ['', ''], [23, 23]) call s:hi('Search', [s:dark_fg, 255], [24, 74]) call s:hi('IncSearch', [220, 220], [s:dark_bg + 1, 238]) " String delimiter, interpolation call s:hi('Special', [216, 173], ['', '']) " hi SpecialChar ctermfg= " hi SpecialComment ctermfg= " hi Tag ctermfg= " hi Debug ctermfg= " :map, listchars call s:hi('SpecialKey', [59, 145], ['', '']) if !s:gui " Red / Blue / Cyan / Magenta if s:style_idx == 0 hi SpellBad ctermbg=NONE cterm=underline ctermfg=168 hi SpellCap ctermbg=NONE cterm=underline ctermfg=110 hi SpellLocal ctermbg=NONE cterm=underline ctermfg=153 hi SpellRare ctermbg=NONE cterm=underline ctermfg=218 else hi SpellBad ctermbg=NONE cterm=underline ctermfg=125 hi SpellCap ctermbg=NONE cterm=underline ctermfg=25 hi SpellLocal ctermbg=NONE cterm=underline ctermfg=31 hi SpellRare ctermbg=NONE cterm=underline ctermfg=96 endif else if s:style_idx == 0 execute 'hi SpellBad gui=undercurl guisp=' . s:rgb_map[168] execute 'hi SpellCap gui=undercurl guisp=' . s:rgb_map[110] execute 'hi SpellLocal gui=undercurl guisp=' . s:rgb_map[153] execute 'hi SpellRare gui=undercurl guisp=' . s:rgb_map[218] else execute 'hi SpellBad gui=undercurl guisp=' . s:rgb_map[125] execute 'hi SpellCap gui=undercurl guisp=' . s:rgb_map[25] execute 'hi SpellLocal gui=undercurl guisp=' . s:rgb_map[31] execute 'hi SpellRare gui=undercurl guisp=' . s:rgb_map[96] endif endif " call s:hi('StatusLine', [95, 95], [187, 187]) call s:hi('StatusLineNC', [s:dark_bg + 2, s:light_bg - 2], [187, 238]) call s:hi('TabLineFill', [s:dark_bg + 2, s:light_bg - 2], ['', '']) call s:hi('TabLineSel', [187, 187], [23, 66]) call s:hi('TabLine', [s:dark_bg + 12, s:light_bg - 12], [s:dark_bg + 4, s:light_bg - 4]) call s:hi('WildMenu', [95, 95], [184, 184]) " :set all call s:hi('Title', [181, 88], ['', '']) " TODO call s:hi('Question', [179, 88], ['', '']) " Search hit bottom call s:hi('WarningMsg', [179, 88], ['', '']) " Sign column call s:hi('SignColumn', [173, 173], [s:dark_bg, s:light_bg]) " Diff call s:hi('diffAdded', [108, 65], ['', '']) call s:hi('diffRemoved', [174, 131], ['', '']) hi link diffLine Constant call s:hi('Conceal', [s:dark_fg + 2, s:light_fg - 2], [s:dark_bg - 1, s:light_bg + 2]) call s:hi('Ignore', [s:dark_bg + 3, s:light_bg - 3], [s:dark_bg, s:light_bg]) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Plugins """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " vim-indent-guides " ----------------- let g:indent_guides_auto_colors = 0 call s:hi('IndentGuidesOdd', ['', ''], [s:dark_bg - 1, s:light_bg + 1]) call s:hi('IndentGuidesEven', ['', ''], [s:dark_bg + 1, s:light_bg - 1]) " vim-gitgutter " ------------- call s:hi('GitGutterAdd', [108, 65], ['', '']) call s:hi('GitGutterChange', [68, 68], ['', '']) call s:hi('GitGutterDelete', [161, 161], ['', '']) call s:hi('GitGutterChangeDelete', [168, 168], ['', '']) " http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Highlight_unwanted_spaces " ---------------------------------------------------^^^^^ call s:hi('ExtraWhitespace', ['', ''], [s:dark_bg - 1, s:light_bg - 2]) " vim-ruby " -------- " " rubySymbol let ruby_operators = 1 call s:hi('rubyClass', [31, 31], ['', '']) " call s:hi('rubyInstanceVariable', [189, 189], ['', '']) call s:hi('rubyRegexp', [186, 101], ['', '']) call s:hi('rubyRegexpDelimiter', [168, 168], ['', '']) call s:hi('rubyArrayDelimiter', [67, 38], ['', '']) call s:hi('rubyBlockParameterList', [186, 94], ['', '']) call s:hi('rubyCurlyBlockDelimiter', [144, 101], ['', '']) " ARGV $stdout call s:hi('rubyPredefinedIdentifier', [230, 52], ['', '']) " hi rubyRegexpSpecial hi CursorLine cterm=NONE hi CursorLineNr cterm=NONE let g:seoul256_current_fg = [s:dark_fg, s:light_fg][s:style_idx] let g:seoul256_current_bg = [s:dark_bg, s:light_bg][s:style_idx] let g:colors_name = 'seoul256' if s:colors_name != g:colors_name || s:background == s:style let &background = s:style else let &background = s:background endif