diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.github/actions/spelling')
-rw-r--r-- | .github/actions/spelling/README.md | 15 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | .github/actions/spelling/advice.md | 25 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | .github/actions/spelling/allow.txt | 0 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | .github/actions/spelling/excludes.txt | 41 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | .github/actions/spelling/expect.txt | 4494 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | .github/actions/spelling/patterns.txt | 73 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | .github/actions/spelling/reject.txt | 7 |
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 4655 deletions
diff --git a/.github/actions/spelling/README.md b/.github/actions/spelling/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index dcd237ba2..000000000 --- a/.github/actions/spelling/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -# check-spelling/check-spelling configuration - -File | Purpose | Format | Info --|-|-|- -[dictionary.txt](dictionary.txt) | Replacement dictionary (creating this file will override the default dictionary) | one word per line | [dictionary](https://github.com/check-spelling/check-spelling/wiki/Configuration#dictionary) -[allow.txt](allow.txt) | Add words to the dictionary | one word per line (only letters and `'`s allowed) | [allow](https://github.com/check-spelling/check-spelling/wiki/Configuration#allow) -[reject.txt](reject.txt) | Remove words from the dictionary (after allow) | grep pattern matching whole dictionary words | [reject](https://github.com/check-spelling/check-spelling/wiki/Configuration-Examples%3A-reject) -[excludes.txt](excludes.txt) | Files to ignore entirely | perl regular expression | [excludes](https://github.com/check-spelling/check-spelling/wiki/Configuration-Examples%3A-excludes) -[only.txt](only.txt) | Only check matching files (applied after excludes) | perl regular expression | [only](https://github.com/check-spelling/check-spelling/wiki/Configuration-Examples%3A-only) -[patterns.txt](patterns.txt) | Patterns to ignore from checked lines | perl regular expression (order matters, first match wins) | [patterns](https://github.com/check-spelling/check-spelling/wiki/Configuration-Examples%3A-patterns) -[expect.txt](expect.txt) | Expected words that aren't in the dictionary | one word per line (sorted, alphabetically) | [expect](https://github.com/check-spelling/check-spelling/wiki/Configuration#expect) -[advice.md](advice.md) | Supplement for GitHub comment when unrecognized words are found | GitHub Markdown | [advice](https://github.com/check-spelling/check-spelling/wiki/Configuration-Examples%3A-advice) - -Note: you can replace any of these files with a directory by the same name (minus the suffix) -and then include multiple files inside that directory (with that suffix) to merge multiple files together. diff --git a/.github/actions/spelling/advice.md b/.github/actions/spelling/advice.md deleted file mode 100644 index c83423a8e..000000000 --- a/.github/actions/spelling/advice.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -<!-- See https://github.com/check-spelling/check-spelling/wiki/Configuration-Examples%3A-advice --> <!-- markdownlint-disable MD033 MD041 --> -<details><summary>If the flagged items do not appear to be text</summary> - -If items relate to a ... -* well-formed pattern. - - If you can write a [pattern](https://github.com/check-spelling/check-spelling/wiki/Configuration-Examples:-patterns) that would match it, - try adding it to the `patterns.txt` file. - - Patterns are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( -https://www.regexplanet.com/advanced/perl/) yours before committing to verify it will match your lines. - - Note that patterns can't match multiline strings. - -* binary file. - - Please add a file path to the `excludes.txt` file matching the containing file. - - File paths are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( -https://www.regexplanet.com/advanced/perl/) yours before committing to verify it will match your files. - - `^` refers to the file's path from the root of the repository, so `^README\.md$` would exclude [README.md]( -../tree/HEAD/README.md) (on whichever branch you're using). - -</details> diff --git a/.github/actions/spelling/allow.txt b/.github/actions/spelling/allow.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/.github/actions/spelling/allow.txt +++ /dev/null diff --git a/.github/actions/spelling/excludes.txt b/.github/actions/spelling/excludes.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f1cfeefbb..000000000 --- a/.github/actions/spelling/excludes.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -# See https://github.com/check-spelling/check-spelling/wiki/Configuration-Examples:-excludes -(?:^|/)(?i)COPYRIGHT -(?:^|/)(?i)LICEN[CS]E -(?:^|/)package(?:-lock|)\.json$ -(?:^|/)vendor/ -ignore$ -\.avi$ -\.ico$ -\.jpe?g$ -\.lock$ -\.map$ -\.min\.. -\.mod$ -\.mp[34]$ -\.png$ -\.wav$ -^\.github/ -^\Qplugins/archlinux/archlinux.plugin.zsh\E$ -^\Qplugins/cp/cp.plugin.zsh\E$ -^\Qplugins/extract/_extract\E$ -^\Qplugins/genpass/genpass.plugin.zsh\E$ -^\Qplugins/gitignore/gitignore.plugin.zsh\E$ -^\Qplugins/gnu-utils/gnu-utils.plugin.zsh\E$ -^\Qplugins/hitchhiker/fortunes/hitchhiker\E$ -^\Qplugins/jhbuild/jhbuild.plugin.zsh\E$ -^\Qplugins/jhbuild/README.md\E$ -^\Qplugins/jruby/jruby.plugin.zsh\E$ -^\Qplugins/kubectl/kubectl.plugin.zsh\E$ -^\Qplugins/lol/lol.plugin.zsh\E$ -^\Qplugins/mosh/mosh.plugin.zsh\E$ -^\Qplugins/npx/npx.plugin.zsh\E$ -^\Qplugins/powder/_powder\E$ -^\Qplugins/suse/suse.plugin.zsh\E$ -^\Qplugins/thor/_thor\E$ -^\Qplugins/universalarchive/_universalarchive\E$ -^\Qplugins/vagrant/vagrant.plugin.zsh\E$ -^\Qplugins/wp-cli/README.md\E$ -^\Qplugins/wp-cli/wp-cli.plugin.zsh\E$ -^\Qthemes/clean.zsh-theme\E$ -^\Qthemes/philips.zsh-theme\E$ -^\Qthemes/tonotdo.zsh-theme\E$ diff --git a/.github/actions/spelling/expect.txt b/.github/actions/spelling/expect.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5c5a04ff1..000000000 --- a/.github/actions/spelling/expect.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4494 +0,0 @@ -AAAAC -aac -aar -abcdefghjkmnpqrstvwxyz -ABRT -absorbgitdirs -abspath -abtvfr -acceptorthreads -accessip -ACDIM -acking -ackmate -ackup -ACLs -acon -aconf -acp -acpi -acpitool -acr -acroread -acs -acsc -acsp -acss -actionformats -Adamantium -adb -adbd -adben -addgroups -addhistory -addon -addprincipals -addrport -addrs -addusergroups -addwin -adelcampo -adg -ADK -adminalias -adminport -Admins -adoc -adu -aeiouy -afh -afind -afmagic -afs -afu -agb -agc -agd -agentpath -agi -agignore -agli -aglu -agnoster -agp -agrimaldi -ags -agu -agud -agug -aguu -AHg -ainv -aip 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