path: root/plugins/frontend-search
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/frontend-search')
3 files changed, 260 insertions, 205 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/frontend-search/ b/plugins/frontend-search/
index 32784d03b..d0bc5589f 100644
--- a/plugins/frontend-search/
+++ b/plugins/frontend-search/
@@ -1,82 +1,65 @@
-## Rationale ##
+## Introduction ##
-The idea for this script is to help searches in important doc contents from frontend.
+> Searches for your frontend web development made easier
-## Instalation ##
-I will send a Pull Request with this plugin for .oh-my-zsh official repository. If accept them, it's only add in plugins list that exists in ```.zshrc``` file.
+## Installation ##
-For now, you can clone this repository and add in ```custom/plugins``` folder
+Open your `~/.zshrc` file and enable the `frontend-search` plugin:
+plugins=( ... frontend-search)
-$ git clone git:// ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/frontend-search
-After this, restart your terminal and frontend-search plugin is configurated in you CLI.
-plugins=( <your-plugins-list>... frontend-search)
+## Usage ##
+You can use the frontend-search plugin in these two forms:
+* `frontend <context> <term> [more terms if you want]`
+* `<context> <term> [more terms if you want]`
+For example, these two are equivalent:
+$ frontend angularjs dependency injection
+$ angularjs dependency injection
-## Commands ##
-All command searches are accept only in format
-* `frontend <search-content> <search-term>`
-The search content are
-* `jquery <>`
-* `mdn <>`
-* `compass <>`
-* `html5please <>`
-* `caniuse <>`
-* `aurajs <>`
-* `dartlang <>`
-* `lodash <search>`
-* `qunit <>`
-* `fontello <>`
-* `bootsnipp <>`
-* `cssflow <>`
-* `codepen <>`
-* `unheap <>`
-* `bem <<search-term>&>`
-* `smacss <<search-term>&>`
-* `angularjs <<search-term>&>`
-* `reactjs <<search-term>&>`
-* `emberjs <>`
-## Aliases ##
-There are a few aliases presented as well:
-* `jquery` A shorthand for `frontend jquery`
-* `mdn` A shorthand for `frontend mdn`
-* `compass` A shorthand for `frontend compass`
-* `html5please` A shorthand for `frontend html5please`
-* `caniuse` A shorthand for `frontend caniuse`
-* `aurajs` A shorthand for `frontend aurajs`
-* `dartlang` A shorthand for `frontend dartlang`
-* `lodash` A shorthand for `frontend lodash`
-* `qunit` A shorthand for `frontend qunit`
-* `fontello` A shorthand for `frontend fontello`
-* `bootsnipp` A shorthand for `frontend bootsnipp`
-* `cssflow` A shorthand for `frontend cssflow`
-* `codepen` A shorthand for `frontend codepen`
-* `unheap` A shorthand for `frontend unheap`
-* `bem` A shorthand for `frontend bem`
-* `smacss` A shorthand for `frontend smacss`
-* `angularjs` A shorthand for `frontend angularjs`
-* `reactjs` A shorthand for `frontend reactjs`
-* `emberjs` A shorthand for `frontend emberjs`
+Available search contexts are:
+| context | URL |
+| angularjs | `` |
+| aurajs | `` |
+| bem | `` |
+| bootsnipp | `` |
+| caniuse | `` |
+| codepen | `` |
+| compass | `` |
+| cssflow | `` |
+| dartlang | `` |
+| emberjs | `` |
+| fontello | `` |
+| html5please | `` |
+| jquery | `` |
+| lodash | `` |
+| mdn | `` |
+| npmjs | `` |
+| qunit | `` |
+| reactjs | `` |
+| smacss | `` |
+| stackoverflow | `` |
+| unheap | `` |
+If you want to have another context, open an Issue and tell us!
## Author
**Wilson Mendes (willmendesneto)**
++ <>
+ <>
+ <>
-New features comming soon.
diff --git a/plugins/frontend-search/ b/plugins/frontend-search/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b12f829a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/frontend-search/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+#compdef frontend
+zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format '%B%d%b'
+zstyle ':completion::complete:frontend:*:commands' group-name commands
+zstyle ':completion::complete:frontend:*:frontend_points' group-name frontend_points
+zstyle ':completion::complete:frontend::' list-grouped
+zmodload zsh/mapfile
+function _frontend() {
+ local CONFIG=$HOME/.frontend-search
+ local ret=1
+ local -a commands
+ local -a frontend_points
+ frontend_points=( "${(f)mapfile[$CONFIG]//$HOME/~}" )
+ commands=(
+ 'jquery: Search in jQuery website'
+ 'mdn: Search in MDN website'
+ 'compass: Search in COMPASS website'
+ 'html5please: Search in HTML5 Please website'
+ 'caniuse: Search in Can I Use website'
+ 'aurajs: Search in AuraJs website'
+ 'dartlang: Search in Dart website'
+ 'lodash: Search in Lo-Dash website'
+ 'qunit: Search in Qunit website'
+ 'fontello: Search in fontello website'
+ 'bootsnipp: Search in bootsnipp website'
+ 'cssflow: Search in cssflow website'
+ 'codepen: Search in codepen website'
+ 'unheap: Search in unheap website'
+ 'bem: Search in BEM website'
+ 'smacss: Search in SMACSS website'
+ 'angularjs: Search in Angular website'
+ 'reactjs: Search in React website'
+ 'emberjs: Search in Ember website'
+ 'stackoverflow: Search in StackOverflow website'
+ 'npmjs: Search in NPMJS website'
+ )
+ _arguments -C \
+ '1: :->first_arg' \
+ '2: :->second_arg' && ret=0
+ case $state in
+ first_arg)
+ _describe -t frontend_points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ _describe -t commands "Commands" commands && ret=0
+ ;;
+ second_arg)
+ case $words[2] in
+ jquery)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ mdn)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ compass)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ html5please)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ caniuse)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ aurajs)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ dartlang)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ lodash)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ qunit)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ fontello)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ bootsnipp)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ cssflow)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ codepen)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ unheap)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ bem)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ smacss)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ angularjs)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ reactjs)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ emberjs)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ stackoverflow)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ npmjs)
+ _describe -t points "Warp points" frontend_points && ret=0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ return $ret
+_frontend "$@"
+# Local Variables:
+# mode: Shell-Script
+# sh-indentation: 2
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# sh-basic-offset: 2
+# End:
+# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et
diff --git a/plugins/frontend-search/frontend-search.plugin.zsh b/plugins/frontend-search/frontend-search.plugin.zsh
index 38b1a80ea..2fd5416b3 100644
--- a/plugins/frontend-search/frontend-search.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/frontend-search/frontend-search.plugin.zsh
@@ -1,151 +1,91 @@
-# frontend from terminal
+alias angularjs='frontend angularjs'
+alias aurajs='frontend aurajs'
+alias bem='frontend bem'
+alias bootsnipp='frontend bootsnipp'
+alias caniuse='frontend caniuse'
+alias codepen='frontend codepen'
+alias compass='frontend compass'
+alias cssflow='frontend cssflow'
+alias dartlang='frontend dartlang'
+alias emberjs='frontend emberjs'
+alias fontello='frontend fontello'
+alias html5please='frontend html5please'
+alias jquery='frontend jquery'
+alias lodash='frontend lodash'
+alias mdn='frontend mdn'
+alias npmjs='frontend npmjs'
+alias qunit='frontend qunit'
+alias reactjs='frontend reactjs'
+alias smacss='frontend smacss'
+alias stackoverflow='frontend stackoverflow'
+alias unheap='frontend unheap'
function frontend() {
- # get the open command
- local open_cmd
- if [[ $(uname -s) == 'Darwin' ]]; then
- open_cmd='open'
- else
- open_cmd='xdg-open'
- fi
- # no keyword provided, simply show how call methods
- if [[ $# -le 1 ]]; then
- echo "Please provide a search-content and a search-term for app.\nEx:\nfrontend <search-content> <search-term>\n"
- return 1
+ emulate -L zsh
+ # define search context URLS
+ typeset -A urls
+ urls=(
+ angularjs ''
+ aurajs ''
+ bem ''
+ bootsnipp ''
+ caniuse ''
+ codepen ''
+ compass ''
+ cssflow ''
+ dartlang ''
+ emberjs ''
+ fontello ''
+ html5please ''
+ jquery ''
+ lodash ''
+ mdn ''
+ npmjs ''
+ qunit ''
+ reactjs ''
+ smacss ''
+ stackoverflow ''
+ unheap ''
+ )
+ # show help for command list
+ if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]
+ then
+ print -P "Usage: frontend %Ucontext%u %Uterm%u [...%Umore%u] (or just: %Ucontext%u %Uterm%u [...%Umore%u])"
+ print -P ""
+ print -P "%Uterm%u and what follows is what will be searched for in the %Ucontext%u website,"
+ print -P "and %Ucontext%u is one of the following:"
+ print -P ""
+ print -P " angularjs, aurajs, bem, bootsnipp, caniuse, codepen, compass, cssflow,"
+ print -P " dartlang, emberjs, fontello, html5please, jquery, lodash, mdn, npmjs,"
+ print -P " qunit, reactjs, smacss, stackoverflow, unheap"
+ print -P ""
+ print -P "For example: frontend npmjs mocha (or just: npmjs mocha)."
+ print -P ""
+ return 1
- # check whether the search engine is supported
- if [[ ! $1 =~ '(jquery|mdn|compass|html5please|caniuse|aurajs|dartlang|qunit|fontello|bootsnipp|cssflow|codepen|unheap|bem|smacss|angularjs|reactjs|emberjs)' ]];
+ # check whether the search context is supported
+ if [[ -z "$urls[$1]" ]]
- echo "Search valid search content $1 not supported."
- echo "Valid contents: (formats 'frontend <search-content>' or '<search-content>')"
- echo "* jquery"
- echo "* mdn"
- echo "* compass"
- echo "* html5please"
- echo "* caniuse"
- echo "* aurajs"
- echo "* dartlang"
- echo "* lodash"
- echo "* qunit"
- echo "* fontello"
- echo "* bootsnipp"
- echo "* cssflow"
- echo "* codepen"
- echo "* unheap"
- echo "* bem"
- echo "* smacss"
- echo "* angularjs"
- echo "* reactjs"
- echo "* emberjs"
+ echo "Search context \"$1\" currently not supported."
+ echo ""
+ echo "Valid contexts are:"
+ echo ""
+ echo " angularjs, aurajs, bem, bootsnipp, caniuse, codepen, compass, cssflow, "
+ echo " dartlang, emberjs, fontello, html5please, jquery, lodash, mdn, npmjs, "
+ echo " qunit, reactjs, smacss, stackoverflow, unheap"
echo ""
return 1
- local url="http://"
- local query=""
- case "$1" in
- "jquery")
- url="${url}"
- url="${url}/?s=$2" ;;
- "mdn")
- url="${url}"
- url="${url}/search?q=$2" ;;
- "compass")
- url="${url}"
- url="${url}/search?q=$2" ;;
- "html5please")
- url="${url}"
- url="${url}/#$2" ;;
- "caniuse")
- url="${url}"
- url="${url}/#search=$2" ;;
- "aurajs")
- url="${url}"
- url="${url}/api/#stq=$2" ;;
- "dartlang")
- url="${url}"
- url="${url}/dart-$2" ;;
- "qunit")
- url="${url}"
- url="${url}/?s=$2" ;;
- "fontello")
- url="${url}"
- url="${url}/#search=$2" ;;
- "bootsnipp")
- url="${url}"
- url="${url}/search?q=$2" ;;
- "cssflow")
- url="${url}"
- url="${url}/search?q=$2" ;;
- "codepen")
- url="${url}"
- url="${url}/search?q=$2" ;;
- "unheap")
- url="${url}"
- url="${url}/?s=$2" ;;
- "bem")
- url="${url}"
- url="${url}/search?as_q=$2&" ;;
- "smacss")
- url="${url}"
- url="${url}/search?as_q=$2&" ;;
- "angularjs")
- url="${url}"
- url="${url}/search?as_q=$2&" ;;
- "reactjs")
- url="${url}"
- url="${url}/search?as_q=$2&" ;;
- "emberjs")
- url="${url}"
- url="${url}/api/#stq=$2&stp=1" ;;
- *) echo "INVALID PARAM!"
- return ;;
- esac
- echo "$url"
+ # build search url:
+ # join arguments passed with '+', then append to search context URL
+ # TODO substitute for proper urlencode method
+ url="${urls[$1]}${(j:+:)@[2,-1]}"
- $open_cmd "$url"
+ echo "Opening $url ..."
+ open_command "$url"
-# javascript
-alias jquery='frontend jquery'
-alias mdn='frontend mdn'
-# pre processors frameworks
-alias compass='frontend compass'
-# important links
-alias html5please='frontend html5please'
-alias caniuse='frontend caniuse'
-# components and libraries
-alias aurajs='frontend aurajs'
-alias dartlang='frontend dartlang'
-alias lodash='frontend lodash'
-alias qunit='frontend qunit'
-alias fontello='frontend fontello'
-# snippets
-alias bootsnipp='frontend bootsnipp'
-alias cssflow='frontend cssflow'
-alias codepen='frontend codepen'
-alias unheap='frontend unheap'
-# css architecture
-alias bem='frontend bem'
-alias smacss='frontend smacss'
-# frameworks
-alias angularjs='frontend angularjs'
-alias reactjs='frontend reactjs'
-alias emberjs='frontend emberjs'