path: root/plugins/wd/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/wd/')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/wd/ b/plugins/wd/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..dfb9ad89a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/wd/
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# ==============
+# Jump to custom directories in terminal
+# because `cd` takes too long...
+## variables
+readonly CONFIG=$HOME/.warprc
+# colors
+readonly BLUE="\033[96m"
+readonly GREEN="\033[92m"
+readonly YELLOW="\033[93m"
+readonly RED="\033[91m"
+readonly NOC="\033[m"
+## init
+# check if config file exists
+if [ ! -e $CONFIG ]
+ # if not, create config file
+ touch $CONFIG
+# load warp points
+typeset -A points
+while read -r line
+ arr=(${(s,:,)line})
+ key=${arr[1]}
+ val=${arr[2]}
+ points[$key]=$val
+done < $CONFIG
+## functions
+ local point=$1
+ if [[ $point =~ "^\.+$" ]]
+ then
+ if [ $#1 < 2 ]
+ then
+ wd_print_msg $YELLOW "Warping to current directory?"
+ else
+ (( n = $#1 - 1 ))
+ cd -$n > /dev/null
+ fi
+ elif [[ ${points[$point]} != "" ]]
+ then
+ cd ${points[$point]}
+ else
+ wd_print_msg $RED "Unknown warp point '${point}'"
+ fi
+ local force=$1
+ local point=$2
+ if [[ $point =~ "^[\.]+$" ]]
+ then
+ wd_print_msg $RED "Warp point cannot be just dots"
+ elif [[ $point =~ "(\s|\ )+" ]]
+ then
+ wd_print_msg $RED "Warp point should not contain whitespace"
+ elif [[ $point == *:* ]]
+ then
+ wd_print_msg $RED "Warp point cannot contain colons"
+ elif [[ $point == "" ]]
+ then
+ wd_print_msg $RED "Warp point cannot be empty"
+ elif [[ ${points[$2]} == "" ]] || $force
+ then
+ wd_remove $point > /dev/null
+ printf "%q:%q\n" "${point}" "${PWD}" >> $CONFIG
+ wd_print_msg $GREEN "Warp point added"
+ else
+ wd_print_msg $YELLOW "Warp point '${point}' already exists. Use 'add!' to overwrite."
+ fi
+ local point=$1
+ if [[ ${points[$point]} != "" ]]
+ then
+ if sed -i.bak "s,^${point}:.*$,,g" $CONFIG
+ then
+ wd_print_msg $GREEN "Warp point removed"
+ else
+ wd_print_msg $RED "Something bad happened! Sorry."
+ fi
+ else
+ wd_print_msg $RED "Warp point was not found"
+ fi
+ wd_print_msg $BLUE "All warp points:"
+ while IFS= read -r line
+ do
+ if [[ $line != "" ]]
+ then
+ arr=(${(s,:,)line})
+ key=${arr[1]}
+ val=${arr[2]}
+ printf "%20s -> %s\n" $key $val
+ fi
+ done <<< $(sed "s:${HOME}:~:g" $CONFIG)
+ local cwd=$(print $PWD | sed "s:^${HOME}:~:")
+ wd_print_msg $BLUE "Warp points to current directory:"
+ wd_list_all | grep -e "${cwd}$"
+ local color=$1
+ local msg=$2
+ if [[ $color == "" || $msg == "" ]]
+ then
+ print " ${RED}*${NOC} Could not print message. Sorry!"
+ else
+ print " ${color}*${NOC} ${msg}"
+ fi
+ cat <<- EOF
+Usage: wd [add|-a|--add] [rm|-r|--remove] <point>
+ add Adds the current working directory to your warp points
+ add! Overwrites existing warp point
+ rm Removes the given warp point
+ show Outputs warp points to current directory
+ ls Outputs all stored warp points
+ help Show this extremely helpful text
+## run
+# get opts
+args=$(getopt -o a:r:lhs -l add:,rm:,ls,help,show -- $*)
+# check if no arguments were given
+if [[ $? -ne 0 || $#* -eq 0 ]]
+ wd_print_usage
+# check if config file is writeable
+elif [ ! -w $CONFIG ]
+ # do nothing
+ # can't run `exit`, as this would exit the executing shell
+ wd_print_msg $RED "\'$CONFIG\' is not writeable."
+ for o
+ do
+ case "$o"
+ in
+ -a|--add|add)
+ wd_add false $2
+ break
+ ;;
+ -a!|--add!|add!)
+ wd_add true $2
+ break
+ ;;
+ -r|--remove|rm)
+ wd_remove $2
+ break
+ ;;
+ -l|--list|ls)
+ wd_list_all
+ break
+ ;;
+ -h|--help|help)
+ wd_print_usage
+ break
+ ;;
+ -s|--show|show)
+ wd_show
+ break
+ ;;
+ *)
+ wd_warp $o
+ break
+ ;;
+ --)
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+## garbage collection
+# if not, next time warp will pick up variables from this run
+# remember, there's no sub shell
+unset wd_warp
+unset wd_add
+unset wd_remove
+unset wd_show
+unset wd_list_all
+unset wd_print_msg
+unset wd_print_usage
+unset args
+unset points
+unset val &> /dev/null # fixes issue #1