path: root/plugins/yarn
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/yarn')
3 files changed, 69 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/yarn/ b/plugins/yarn/
index 671a272d9..fd748b742 100644
--- a/plugins/yarn/
+++ b/plugins/yarn/
@@ -11,29 +11,36 @@ plugins=(... yarn)
## Aliases
-| Alias | Command | Description |
-| y | `yarn` | The Yarn command |
-| ya | `yarn add` | Install a package in dependencies (`package.json`) |
-| yad | `yarn add --dev` | Install a package in devDependencies (`package.json`) |
-| yap | `yarn add --peer` | Install a package in peerDependencies (`package.json`) |
-| yb | `yarn build` | Run the build script defined in `package.json` |
-| ycc | `yarn cache clean` | Clean yarn's global cache of packages |
-| yga | `yarn global add` | Install packages globally on your operating system |
-| ygls | `yarn global list` | Lists global installed packages |
-| ygrm | `yarn global remove` | Remove global installed packages from your OS |
-| ygu | `yarn global upgrade` | Upgrade packages installed globally to their latest version |
-| yh | `yarn help` | Show help for a yarn command |
-| yi | `yarn init` | Interactively creates or updates a package.json file |
-| yin | `yarn install` | Install dependencies defined in `package.json` |
-| yls | `yarn list` | List installed packages |
-| yout | `yarn outdated` | Check for outdated package dependencies |
-| yp | `yarn pack` | Create a compressed gzip archive of package dependencies |
-| yrm | `yarn remove` | Remove installed packages |
-| yrun | `yarn run` | Run a defined package script |
-| ys | `yarn serve` | Start the dev server |
-| yst | `yarn start` | Run the start script defined in `package.json` |
-| yt | `yarn test` | Run the test script defined in `package.json` |
-| yuc | `yarn global upgrade && yarn cache clean` | Upgrade global packages and clean yarn's global cache |
-| yui | `yarn upgrade-interactive` | Prompt for which outdated packages to upgrade |
-| yup | `yarn upgrade` | Upgrade packages to their latest version |
+| Alias | Command | Description |
+| ----- | ----------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| y | `yarn` | The Yarn command |
+| ya | `yarn add` | Install a package in dependencies (`package.json`) |
+| yad | `yarn add --dev` | Install a package in devDependencies (`package.json`) |
+| yap | `yarn add --peer` | Install a package in peerDependencies (`package.json`) |
+| yb | `yarn build` | Run the build script defined in `package.json` |
+| ycc | `yarn cache clean` | Clean yarn's global cache of packages |
+| yd | `yarn dev` | Run the dev script defined in `package.json` |
+| yga | `yarn global add` | Install packages globally on your operating system |
+| ygls | `yarn global list` | Lists global installed packages |
+| ygrm | `yarn global remove` | Remove global installed packages from your OS |
+| ygu | `yarn global upgrade` | Upgrade packages installed globally to their latest version |
+| yh | `yarn help` | Show help for a yarn command |
+| yi | `yarn init` | Interactively creates or updates a package.json file |
+| yin | `yarn install` | Install dependencies defined in `package.json` |
+| yln | `yarn lint` | Run the lint script defined in `package.json` |
+| yls | `yarn list` | List installed packages |
+| yout | `yarn outdated` | Check for outdated package dependencies |
+| yp | `yarn pack` | Create a compressed gzip archive of package dependencies |
+| yrm | `yarn remove` | Remove installed packages |
+| yrun | `yarn run` | Run a defined package script |
+| ys | `yarn serve` | Start the dev server |
+| yst | `yarn start` | Run the start script defined in `package.json` |
+| yt | `yarn test` | Run the test script defined in `package.json` |
+| ytc | `yarn test --coverage` | Run the test script defined in `package.json` with coverage |
+| yuc | `yarn global upgrade && yarn cache clean` | Upgrade global packages and clean yarn's global cache |
+| yui | `yarn upgrade-interactive` | Prompt for which outdated packages to upgrade |
+| yuil | `yarn upgrade-interactive --latest` | Prompt for which outdated packages to upgrade to the latest available version |
+| yup | `yarn upgrade` | Upgrade packages to their latest version |
+| yv | `yarn version` | Update the version of your package |
+| yw | `yarn workspace` | Run a command within a single workspace. |
+| yws | `yarn workspaces` | Run a command within all defined workspaces. |
diff --git a/plugins/yarn/_yarn b/plugins/yarn/_yarn
index 382f58a0a..70e783b86 100644
--- a/plugins/yarn/_yarn
+++ b/plugins/yarn/_yarn
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ _global_commands=(
'bin:Displays the location of the yarn bin folder'
'remove:Remove installed package from dependencies updating package.json'
'upgrade:Upgrades packages to their latest version based on the specified range'
- 'upgrade-interactive'
+ 'upgrade-interactive:Interactively upgrade packages'
_yarn_commands_scripts() {
@@ -81,9 +81,23 @@ _yarn_commands_scripts() {
_yarn_scripts() {
- local -a scripts
- scripts=($(yarn run --json 2>/dev/null | sed -E '/Commands available|possibleCommands/!d;s/.*Commands available from binary scripts: ([^"]+)".*/\1/;s/.*"items":\[([^]]+).*/\1/;s/[" ]//g' | tr , '\n' | sed -e 's/:/\\:/g'))
- _describe 'script' scripts
+ local -a commands binaries scripts
+ local -a scriptNames scriptCommands
+ local i runJSON
+ runJSON=$(yarn run --json 2>/dev/null)
+ # Some sed utilities (e.g. Mac OS / BSD) don't interpret `\n` in a replacement
+ # pattern as a newline. See
+ binaries=($(sed -E '/Commands available/!d;s/.*Commands available from binary scripts: ([^"]+)".*/\1/;s/.*"items":\[([^]]+).*/\1/;s/[" ]//g;s/:/\\:/g;s/,/\'$'\n/g' <<< "$runJSON"))
+ scriptNames=($(sed -E '/possibleCommands/!d;s/.*"items":\[([^]]+).*/\1/;s/[" ]//g;s/:/\\:/g;s/,/\'$'\n/g' <<< "$runJSON"))
+ scriptCommands=("${(@f)$(sed -E '/possibleCommands/!d;s/.*"hints":\{(.+")\}.*/\1/;s/"[^"]+"://g;s/:/\\:/g;s/","/\'$'\n/g;s/(^"|"$)//g' <<< "$runJSON")}")
+ for (( i=1; i <= $#scriptNames; i++ )); do
+ scripts+=("${scriptNames[$i]}:${scriptCommands[$i]}")
+ done
+ commands=($scripts $binaries)
+ _describe 'command' commands
_yarn_global_commands() {
@@ -240,7 +254,8 @@ _yarn() {
_arguments \
- '1: :_yarn_scripts'
+ '1: :_yarn_scripts' \
+ '*:: :_default'
@@ -255,6 +270,11 @@ _yarn() {
'*:: :->team_args'
+ upgrade-interactive)
+ _arguments \
+ '--latest:use the version tagged latest in the registry:'
+ ;;
_arguments \
'--new-version:version:' \
@@ -266,6 +286,10 @@ _yarn() {
_arguments \
+ *)
+ _default
+ ;;
diff --git a/plugins/yarn/yarn.plugin.zsh b/plugins/yarn/yarn.plugin.zsh
index 9ed8322cd..4a5192c61 100644
--- a/plugins/yarn/yarn.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/yarn/yarn.plugin.zsh
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ alias yad="yarn add --dev"
alias yap="yarn add --peer"
alias yb="yarn build"
alias ycc="yarn cache clean"
+alias yd="yarn dev"
alias yga="yarn global add"
alias ygls="yarn global list"
alias ygrm="yarn global remove"
@@ -11,6 +12,7 @@ alias ygu="yarn global upgrade"
alias yh="yarn help"
alias yi="yarn init"
alias yin="yarn install"
+alias yln="yarn lint"
alias yls="yarn list"
alias yout="yarn outdated"
alias yp="yarn pack"
@@ -19,6 +21,11 @@ alias yrun="yarn run"
alias ys="yarn serve"
alias yst="yarn start"
alias yt="yarn test"
+alias ytc="yarn test --coverage"
alias yuc="yarn global upgrade && yarn cache clean"
alias yui="yarn upgrade-interactive"
+alias yuil="yarn upgrade-interactive --latest"
alias yup="yarn upgrade"
+alias yv="yarn version"
+alias yw="yarn workspace"
+alias yws="yarn workspaces"