path: root/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
4 files changed, 777 insertions, 297 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4ce42e5a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env zsh
+#* Holds the list of valid types recognized in a commit subject
+#* and the display string of such type
+local -A TYPES
+ build "Build system"
+ chore "Chore"
+ ci "CI"
+ docs "Documentation"
+ feat "Features"
+ fix "Bug fixes"
+ perf "Performance"
+ refactor "Refactor"
+ style "Style"
+ test "Testing"
+#* Types that will be displayed in their own section,
+#* in the order specified here.
+local -a MAIN_TYPES
+MAIN_TYPES=(feat fix perf docs)
+#* Types that will be displayed under the category of other changes
+local -a OTHER_TYPES
+OTHER_TYPES=(refactor style other)
+#* Commit types that don't appear in $MAIN_TYPES nor $OTHER_TYPES
+#* will not be displayed and will simply be ignored.
+function parse-commit {
+ # This function uses the following globals as output: commits (A),
+ # subjects (A), scopes (A) and breaking (A). All associative arrays (A)
+ # have $hash as the key.
+ # - commits holds the commit type
+ # - subjects holds the commit subject
+ # - scopes holds the scope of a commit
+ # - breaking holds the breaking change warning if a commit does
+ # make a breaking change
+ function commit:type {
+ local type="$(sed -E 's/^([a-zA-Z_\-]+)(\(.+\))?!?: .+$/\1/' <<< "$1")"
+ # If $type doesn't appear in $TYPES array mark it as 'other'
+ if [[ -n "${(k)TYPES[(i)$type]}" ]]; then
+ echo $type
+ else
+ echo other
+ fi
+ }
+ function commit:scope {
+ local scope
+ # Try to find scope in "type(<scope>):" format
+ scope=$(sed -nE 's/^[a-zA-Z_\-]+\((.+)\)!?: .+$/\1/p' <<< "$1")
+ if [[ -n "$scope" ]]; then
+ echo "$scope"
+ return
+ fi
+ # If no scope found, try to find it in "<scope>:" format
+ # Make sure it's not a type before printing it
+ scope=$(sed -nE 's/^([a-zA-Z_\-]+): .+$/\1/p' <<< "$1")
+ if [[ -z "${(k)TYPES[(i)$scope]}" ]]; then
+ echo "$scope"
+ fi
+ }
+ function commit:subject {
+ # Only display the relevant part of the commit, i.e. if it has the format
+ # type[(scope)!]: subject, where the part between [] is optional, only
+ # displays subject. If it doesn't match the format, returns the whole string.
+ sed -E 's/^[a-zA-Z_\-]+(\(.+\))?!?: (.+)$/\2/' <<< "$1"
+ }
+ # Return subject if the body or subject match the breaking change format
+ function commit:is-breaking {
+ local subject="$1" body="$2"
+ if [[ "$body" =~ "BREAKING CHANGE: (.*)" || \
+ "$subject" =~ '^[^ :\)]+\)?!: (.*)$' ]]; then
+ echo "${match[1]}"
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+ }
+ # Return truncated hash of the reverted commit
+ function commit:is-revert {
+ local subject="$1" body="$2"
+ if [[ "$subject" = Revert* && \
+ "$body" =~ "This reverts commit ([^.]+)\." ]]; then
+ echo "${match[1]:0:7}"
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+ }
+ # Parse commit with hash $1
+ local hash="$1" subject body warning rhash
+ subject="$(command git show -s --format=%s $hash)"
+ body="$(command git show -s --format=%b $hash)"
+ # Commits following Conventional Commits (
+ # have the following format, where parts between [] are optional:
+ #
+ # type[(scope)][!]: subject
+ #
+ # commit body
+ # [BREAKING CHANGE: warning]
+ # commits holds the commit type
+ commits[$hash]="$(commit:type "$subject")"
+ # scopes holds the commit scope
+ scopes[$hash]="$(commit:scope "$subject")"
+ # subjects holds the commit subject
+ subjects[$hash]="$(commit:subject "$subject")"
+ # breaking holds whether a commit has breaking changes
+ # and its warning message if it does
+ if warning=$(commit:is-breaking "$subject" "$body"); then
+ breaking[$hash]="$warning"
+ fi
+ # reverts holds commits reverted in the same release
+ if rhash=$(commit:is-revert "$subject" "$body"); then
+ reverts[$hash]=$rhash
+ fi
+function display-release {
+ # This function uses the following globals: output, version,
+ # commits (A), subjects (A), scopes (A), breaking (A) and reverts (A).
+ #
+ # - output is the output format to use when formatting (raw|text|md)
+ # - version is the version in which the commits are made
+ # - commits, subjects, scopes, breaking, and reverts are associative arrays
+ # with commit hashes as keys
+ # Remove commits that were reverted
+ local hash rhash
+ for hash rhash in ${(kv)reverts}; do
+ if (( ${+commits[$rhash]} )); then
+ # Remove revert commit
+ unset "commits[$hash]" "subjects[$hash]" "scopes[$hash]" "breaking[$hash]"
+ # Remove reverted commit
+ unset "commits[$rhash]" "subjects[$rhash]" "scopes[$rhash]" "breaking[$rhash]"
+ fi
+ done
+ # If no commits left skip displaying the release
+ if (( $#commits == 0 )); then
+ return
+ fi
+ ##* Formatting functions
+ # Format the hash according to output format
+ # If no parameter is passed, assume it comes from `$hash`
+ function fmt:hash {
+ #* Uses $hash from outer scope
+ local hash="${1:-$hash}"
+ case "$output" in
+ raw) printf "$hash" ;;
+ text) printf "\e[33m$hash\e[0m" ;; # red
+ md) printf "[\`$hash\`]($hash)" ;;
+ esac
+ }
+ # Format headers according to output format
+ # Levels 1 to 2 are considered special, the rest are formatted
+ # the same, except in md output format.
+ function fmt:header {
+ local header="$1" level="$2"
+ case "$output" in
+ raw)
+ case "$level" in
+ 1) printf "$header\n$(printf '%.0s=' {1..${#header}})\n\n" ;;
+ 2) printf "$header\n$(printf '%.0s-' {1..${#header}})\n\n" ;;
+ *) printf "$header:\n\n" ;;
+ esac ;;
+ text)
+ case "$level" in
+ 1|2) printf "\e[1;4m$header\e[0m\n\n" ;; # bold, underlined
+ *) printf "\e[1m$header:\e[0m\n\n" ;; # bold
+ esac ;;
+ md) printf "$(printf '%.0s#' {1..${level}}) $header\n\n" ;;
+ esac
+ }
+ function fmt:scope {
+ #* Uses $scopes (A) and $hash from outer scope
+ local scope="${1:-${scopes[$hash]}}"
+ # Get length of longest scope for padding
+ local max_scope=0 padding=0
+ for hash in ${(k)scopes}; do
+ max_scope=$(( max_scope < ${#scopes[$hash]} ? ${#scopes[$hash]} : max_scope ))
+ done
+ # If no scopes, exit the function
+ if [[ $max_scope -eq 0 ]]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ # Get how much padding is required for this scope
+ padding=$(( max_scope < ${#scope} ? 0 : max_scope - ${#scope} ))
+ padding="${(r:$padding:: :):-}"
+ # If no scope, print padding and 3 spaces (equivalent to "[] ")
+ if [[ -z "$scope" ]]; then
+ printf "${padding} "
+ return
+ fi
+ # Print [scope]
+ case "$output" in
+ raw|md) printf "[$scope]${padding} " ;;
+ text) printf "[\e[38;5;9m$scope\e[0m]${padding} " ;; # red 9
+ esac
+ }
+ # If no parameter is passed, assume it comes from `$subjects[$hash]`
+ function fmt:subject {
+ #* Uses $subjects (A) and $hash from outer scope
+ local subject="${1:-${subjects[$hash]}}"
+ # Capitalize first letter of the subject
+ subject="${(U)subject:0:1}${subject:1}"
+ case "$output" in
+ raw) printf "$subject" ;;
+ # In text mode, highlight (#<issue>) and dim text between `backticks`
+ text) sed -E $'s|#([0-9]+)|\e[32m#\\1\e[0m|g;s|`([^`]+)`|`\e[2m\\1\e[0m`|g' <<< "$subject" ;;
+ # In markdown mode, link to (#<issue>) issues
+ md) sed -E 's|#([0-9]+)|[#\1](\1)|g' <<< "$subject" ;;
+ esac
+ }
+ function fmt:type {
+ #* Uses $type from outer scope
+ local type="${1:-${TYPES[$type]:-${(C)type}}}"
+ [[ -z "$type" ]] && return 0
+ case "$output" in
+ raw|md) printf "$type: " ;;
+ text) printf "\e[4m$type\e[24m: " ;; # underlined
+ esac
+ }
+ ##* Section functions
+ function display:version {
+ fmt:header "$version" 2
+ }
+ function display:breaking {
+ (( $#breaking != 0 )) || return 0
+ case "$output" in
+ raw) fmt:header "BREAKING CHANGES" 3 ;;
+ text|md) fmt:header "⚠ BREAKING CHANGES" 3 ;;
+ esac
+ local hash subject
+ for hash message in ${(kv)breaking}; do
+ echo " - $(fmt:hash) $(fmt:subject "${message}")"
+ done | sort
+ echo
+ }
+ function display:type {
+ local hash type="$1"
+ local -a hashes
+ hashes=(${(k)commits[(R)$type]})
+ # If no commits found of type $type, go to next type
+ (( $#hashes != 0 )) || return 0
+ fmt:header "${TYPES[$type]}" 3
+ for hash in $hashes; do
+ echo " - $(fmt:hash) $(fmt:scope)$(fmt:subject)"
+ done | sort -k3 # sort by scope
+ echo
+ }
+ function display:others {
+ local hash type
+ # Commits made under types considered other changes
+ local -A changes
+ changes=(${(kv)commits[(R)${(j:|:)OTHER_TYPES}]})
+ # If no commits found under "other" types, don't display anything
+ (( $#changes != 0 )) || return 0
+ fmt:header "Other changes" 3
+ for hash type in ${(kv)changes}; do
+ case "$type" in
+ other) echo " - $(fmt:hash) $(fmt:scope)$(fmt:subject)" ;;
+ *) echo " - $(fmt:hash) $(fmt:scope)$(fmt:type)$(fmt:subject)" ;;
+ esac
+ done | sort -k3 # sort by scope
+ echo
+ }
+ ##* Release sections order
+ # Display version header
+ display:version
+ # Display breaking changes first
+ display:breaking
+ # Display changes for commit types in the order specified
+ for type in $MAIN_TYPES; do
+ display:type "$type"
+ done
+ # Display other changes
+ display:others
+function main {
+ # $1 = until commit, $2 = since commit
+ # $3 = output format (--raw|--text|--md)
+ local until="$1" since="$2"
+ local output=${${3:-"--text"}#--*}
+ if [[ -z "$until" ]]; then
+ until=HEAD
+ fi
+ # If $since is not specified, look up first version tag before $until
+ if [[ -z "$since" ]]; then
+ since=$(command git describe --abbrev=0 --tags "$until^" 2>/dev/null) || \
+ unset since
+ elif [[ "$since" = --all ]]; then
+ unset since
+ fi
+ # Commit classification arrays
+ local -A commits subjects scopes breaking reverts
+ local truncate=0 read_commits=0
+ local hash version tag
+ # Get the first version name:
+ # 1) try tag-like version, or
+ # 2) try name-rev, or
+ # 3) try branch name, or
+ # 4) try short hash
+ version=$(command git describe --tags $until 2>/dev/null) \
+ || version=$(command git name-rev --no-undefined --name-only --exclude="remotes/*" $until 2>/dev/null) \
+ || version=$(command git symbolic-ref --quiet --short $until 2>/dev/null) \
+ || version=$(command git rev-parse --short $until 2>/dev/null)
+ # Get commit list from $until commit until $since commit, or until root
+ # commit if $since is unset, in short hash form.
+ # --first-parent is used when dealing with merges: it only prints the
+ # merge commit, not the commits of the merged branch.
+ command git rev-list --first-parent --abbrev-commit --abbrev=7 ${since:+$since..}$until | while read hash; do
+ # Truncate list on versions with a lot of commits
+ if [[ -z "$since" ]] && (( ++read_commits > 35 )); then
+ truncate=1
+ break
+ fi
+ # If we find a new release (exact tag)
+ if tag=$(command git describe --exact-match --tags $hash 2>/dev/null); then
+ # Output previous release
+ display-release
+ # Reinitialize commit storage
+ commits=()
+ subjects=()
+ scopes=()
+ breaking=()
+ reverts=()
+ # Start work on next release
+ version="$tag"
+ read_commits=1
+ fi
+ parse-commit "$hash"
+ done
+ display-release
+ if (( truncate )); then
+ echo " ...more commits omitted"
+ echo
+ fi
+cd "$ZSH"
+# Use raw output if stdout is not a tty
+if [[ ! -t 1 && -z "$3" ]]; then
+ main "$1" "$2" --raw
+ main "$@"
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index cadd5fe49..d0ceba92d 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Migrate .zsh-update file to $ZSH_CACHE_DIR
if [[ -f ~/.zsh-update && ! -f "${ZSH_CACHE_DIR}/.zsh-update" ]]; then
- mv ~/.zsh-update "${ZSH_CACHE_DIR}/.zsh-update"
+ mv ~/.zsh-update "${ZSH_CACHE_DIR}/.zsh-update"
# Cancel update if:
@@ -10,79 +10,81 @@ fi
if [[ "$DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE" = true ]] \
|| [[ ! -w "$ZSH" || ! -O "$ZSH" ]] \
|| ! command -v git &>/dev/null; then
- return
+ return
function current_epoch() {
- zmodload zsh/datetime
- echo $(( EPOCHSECONDS / 60 / 60 / 24 ))
+ zmodload zsh/datetime
+ echo $(( EPOCHSECONDS / 60 / 60 / 24 ))
function update_last_updated_file() {
- echo "LAST_EPOCH=$(current_epoch)" >! "${ZSH_CACHE_DIR}/.zsh-update"
+ echo "LAST_EPOCH=$(current_epoch)" >! "${ZSH_CACHE_DIR}/.zsh-update"
function update_ohmyzsh() {
- ZSH="$ZSH" sh "$ZSH/tools/"
- update_last_updated_file
+ ZSH="$ZSH" zsh -f "$ZSH/tools/" --interactive
+ update_last_updated_file
() {
- emulate -L zsh
+ emulate -L zsh
- local epoch_target mtime option LAST_EPOCH
+ local epoch_target mtime option LAST_EPOCH
- # Remove lock directory if older than a day
- zmodload zsh/datetime
- zmodload -F zsh/stat b:zstat
- if mtime=$(zstat +mtime "$ZSH/log/update.lock" 2>/dev/null); then
- if (( (mtime + 3600 * 24) < EPOCHSECONDS )); then
- command rm -rf "$ZSH/log/update.lock"
- fi
+ # Remove lock directory if older than a day
+ zmodload zsh/datetime
+ zmodload -F zsh/stat b:zstat
+ if mtime=$(zstat +mtime "$ZSH/log/update.lock" 2>/dev/null); then
+ if (( (mtime + 3600 * 24) < EPOCHSECONDS )); then
+ command rm -rf "$ZSH/log/update.lock"
+ fi
- # Check for lock directory
- if ! command mkdir "$ZSH/log/update.lock" 2>/dev/null; then
- return
- fi
+ # Check for lock directory
+ if ! command mkdir "$ZSH/log/update.lock" 2>/dev/null; then
+ return
+ fi
- # Remove lock directory on exit. `return 1` is important for when trapping a SIGINT:
- # The return status from the function is handled specially. If it is zero, the signal is
- # assumed to have been handled, and execution continues normally. Otherwise, the shell
- # will behave as interrupted except that the return status of the trap is retained.
- trap "command rm -rf '$ZSH/log/update.lock'; return 1" EXIT INT QUIT
+ # Remove lock directory on exit. `return 1` is important for when trapping a SIGINT:
+ # The return status from the function is handled specially. If it is zero, the signal is
+ # assumed to have been handled, and execution continues normally. Otherwise, the shell
+ # will behave as interrupted except that the return status of the trap is retained.
+ trap "
+ unset -f current_epoch update_last_updated_file update_ohmyzsh
+ command rm -rf '$ZSH/log/update.lock'
+ return 1
- # Create or update .zsh-update file if missing or malformed
- if ! source "${ZSH_CACHE_DIR}/.zsh-update" 2>/dev/null || [[ -z "$LAST_EPOCH" ]]; then
- update_last_updated_file
- return
- fi
+ # Create or update .zsh-update file if missing or malformed
+ if ! source "${ZSH_CACHE_DIR}/.zsh-update" 2>/dev/null || [[ -z "$LAST_EPOCH" ]]; then
+ update_last_updated_file
+ return
+ fi
- # Number of days before trying to update again
- epoch_target=${UPDATE_ZSH_DAYS:-13}
- # Test if enough time has passed until the next update
- if (( ( $(current_epoch) - $LAST_EPOCH ) < $epoch_target )); then
- return
- fi
+ # Number of days before trying to update again
+ epoch_target=${UPDATE_ZSH_DAYS:-13}
+ # Test if enough time has passed until the next update
+ if (( ( $(current_epoch) - $LAST_EPOCH ) < $epoch_target )); then
+ return
+ fi
- # Ask for confirmation before updating unless disabled
- if [[ "$DISABLE_UPDATE_PROMPT" = true ]]; then
- update_ohmyzsh
- else
- # input sink to swallow all characters typed before the prompt
- # and add a newline if there wasn't one after characters typed
- while read -t -k 1 option; do true; done
- [[ "$option" != ($'\n'|"") ]] && echo
+ # Ask for confirmation before updating unless disabled
+ if [[ "$DISABLE_UPDATE_PROMPT" = true ]]; then
+ update_ohmyzsh
+ else
+ # input sink to swallow all characters typed before the prompt
+ # and add a newline if there wasn't one after characters typed
+ while read -t -k 1 option; do true; done
+ [[ "$option" != ($'\n'|"") ]] && echo
- echo -n "[oh-my-zsh] Would you like to update? [Y/n] "
- read -r -k 1 option
- [[ "$option" != $'\n' ]] && echo
- case "$option" in
- [yY$'\n']) update_ohmyzsh ;;
- [nN]) update_last_updated_file ;;
- esac
- fi
+ echo -n "[oh-my-zsh] Would you like to update? [Y/n] "
+ read -r -k 1 option
+ [[ "$option" != $'\n' ]] && echo
+ case "$option" in
+ [yY$'\n']) update_ohmyzsh ;;
+ [nN]) update_last_updated_file ;;
+ esac
+ fi
-unset -f current_epoch update_last_updated_file update_ohmyzsh
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 8a93708ca..953c68baf 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
# This script should be run via curl:
# sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
-# or wget:
+# or via wget:
# sh -c "$(wget -qO-"
+# or via fetch:
+# sh -c "$(fetch -o -"
# As an alternative, you can first download the install script and run it afterwards:
# wget
@@ -30,9 +32,14 @@
# --keep-zshrc: sets KEEP_ZSHRC to 'yes'
# For example:
# sh --unattended
+# or:
+# sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" "" --unattended
set -e
+# Track if $ZSH was provided
# Default settings
@@ -49,8 +56,16 @@ command_exists() {
command -v "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1
-error() {
- echo ${RED}"Error: $@"${RESET} >&2
+fmt_error() {
+ echo ${RED}"Error: $@"${RESET} >&2
+fmt_underline() {
+ echo "$(printf '\033[4m')$@$(printf '\033[24m')"
+fmt_code() {
+ echo "\`$(printf '\033[38;5;247m')$@${RESET}\`"
setup_color() {
@@ -73,71 +88,71 @@ setup_color() {
setup_ohmyzsh() {
- # Prevent the cloned repository from having insecure permissions. Failing to do
- # so causes compinit() calls to fail with "command not found: compdef" errors
- # for users with insecure umasks (e.g., "002", allowing group writability). Note
- # that this will be ignored under Cygwin by default, as Windows ACLs take
- # precedence over umasks except for filesystems mounted with option "noacl".
- umask g-w,o-w
- echo "${BLUE}Cloning Oh My Zsh...${RESET}"
- command_exists git || {
- error "git is not installed"
- exit 1
- }
- if [ "$OSTYPE" = cygwin ] && git --version | grep -q msysgit; then
- error "Windows/MSYS Git is not supported on Cygwin"
- error "Make sure the Cygwin git package is installed and is first on the \$PATH"
- exit 1
- fi
- git clone -c core.eol=lf -c core.autocrlf=false \
- -c fsck.zeroPaddedFilemode=ignore \
- -c fetch.fsck.zeroPaddedFilemode=ignore \
- -c receive.fsck.zeroPaddedFilemode=ignore \
- --depth=1 --branch "$BRANCH" "$REMOTE" "$ZSH" || {
- error "git clone of oh-my-zsh repo failed"
- exit 1
- }
- echo
+ # Prevent the cloned repository from having insecure permissions. Failing to do
+ # so causes compinit() calls to fail with "command not found: compdef" errors
+ # for users with insecure umasks (e.g., "002", allowing group writability). Note
+ # that this will be ignored under Cygwin by default, as Windows ACLs take
+ # precedence over umasks except for filesystems mounted with option "noacl".
+ umask g-w,o-w
+ echo "${BLUE}Cloning Oh My Zsh...${RESET}"
+ command_exists git || {
+ fmt_error "git is not installed"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ if [ "$OSTYPE" = cygwin ] && git --version | grep -q msysgit; then
+ fmt_error "Windows/MSYS Git is not supported on Cygwin"
+ fmt_error "Make sure the Cygwin git package is installed and is first on the \$PATH"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ git clone -c core.eol=lf -c core.autocrlf=false \
+ -c fsck.zeroPaddedFilemode=ignore \
+ -c fetch.fsck.zeroPaddedFilemode=ignore \
+ -c receive.fsck.zeroPaddedFilemode=ignore \
+ --depth=1 --branch "$BRANCH" "$REMOTE" "$ZSH" || {
+ fmt_error "git clone of oh-my-zsh repo failed"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ echo
setup_zshrc() {
- # Keep most recent old .zshrc at .zshrc.pre-oh-my-zsh, and older ones
- # with datestamp of installation that moved them aside, so we never actually
- # destroy a user's original zshrc
- echo "${BLUE}Looking for an existing zsh config...${RESET}"
- # Must use this exact name so can find it
- OLD_ZSHRC=~/.zshrc.pre-oh-my-zsh
- if [ -f ~/.zshrc ] || [ -h ~/.zshrc ]; then
- # Skip this if the user doesn't want to replace an existing .zshrc
- if [ $KEEP_ZSHRC = yes ]; then
- echo "${YELLOW}Found ~/.zshrc.${RESET} ${GREEN}Keeping...${RESET}"
- return
- fi
- if [ -e "$OLD_ZSHRC" ]; then
- OLD_OLD_ZSHRC="${OLD_ZSHRC}-$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S)"
- if [ -e "$OLD_OLD_ZSHRC" ]; then
- error "$OLD_OLD_ZSHRC exists. Can't back up ${OLD_ZSHRC}"
- error "re-run the installer again in a couple of seconds"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "${YELLOW}Found old ~/.zshrc.pre-oh-my-zsh." \
- "${GREEN}Backing up to ${OLD_OLD_ZSHRC}${RESET}"
- fi
- echo "${YELLOW}Found ~/.zshrc.${RESET} ${GREEN}Backing up to ${OLD_ZSHRC}${RESET}"
- mv ~/.zshrc "$OLD_ZSHRC"
- fi
- echo "${GREEN}Using the Oh My Zsh template file and adding it to ~/.zshrc.${RESET}"
- sed "/^export ZSH=/ c\\
+ # Keep most recent old .zshrc at .zshrc.pre-oh-my-zsh, and older ones
+ # with datestamp of installation that moved them aside, so we never actually
+ # destroy a user's original zshrc
+ echo "${BLUE}Looking for an existing zsh config...${RESET}"
+ # Must use this exact name so can find it
+ OLD_ZSHRC=~/.zshrc.pre-oh-my-zsh
+ if [ -f ~/.zshrc ] || [ -h ~/.zshrc ]; then
+ # Skip this if the user doesn't want to replace an existing .zshrc
+ if [ $KEEP_ZSHRC = yes ]; then
+ echo "${YELLOW}Found ~/.zshrc.${RESET} ${GREEN}Keeping...${RESET}"
+ return
+ fi
+ if [ -e "$OLD_ZSHRC" ]; then
+ OLD_OLD_ZSHRC="${OLD_ZSHRC}-$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S)"
+ if [ -e "$OLD_OLD_ZSHRC" ]; then
+ fmt_error "$OLD_OLD_ZSHRC exists. Can't back up ${OLD_ZSHRC}"
+ fmt_error "re-run the installer again in a couple of seconds"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "${YELLOW}Found old ~/.zshrc.pre-oh-my-zsh." \
+ "${GREEN}Backing up to ${OLD_OLD_ZSHRC}${RESET}"
+ fi
+ echo "${YELLOW}Found ~/.zshrc.${RESET} ${GREEN}Backing up to ${OLD_ZSHRC}${RESET}"
+ mv ~/.zshrc "$OLD_ZSHRC"
+ fi
+ echo "${GREEN}Using the Oh My Zsh template file and adding it to ~/.zshrc.${RESET}"
+ sed "/^export ZSH=/ c\\
export ZSH=\"$ZSH\"
" "$ZSH/templates/zshrc.zsh-template" > ~/.zshrc-omztemp
mv -f ~/.zshrc-omztemp ~/.zshrc
@@ -146,144 +161,160 @@ export ZSH=\"$ZSH\"
setup_shell() {
- # Skip setup if the user wants or stdin is closed (not running interactively).
- if [ $CHSH = no ]; then
- return
- fi
- # If this user's login shell is already "zsh", do not attempt to switch.
- if [ "$(basename "$SHELL")" = "zsh" ]; then
- return
- fi
- # If this platform doesn't provide a "chsh" command, bail out.
- if ! command_exists chsh; then
- cat <<-EOF
- I can't change your shell automatically because this system does not have chsh.
- ${BLUE}Please manually change your default shell to zsh${RESET}
- return
- fi
- echo "${BLUE}Time to change your default shell to zsh:${RESET}"
- # Prompt for user choice on changing the default login shell
- printf "${YELLOW}Do you want to change your default shell to zsh? [Y/n]${RESET} "
- read opt
- case $opt in
- y*|Y*|"") echo "Changing the shell..." ;;
- n*|N*) echo "Shell change skipped."; return ;;
- *) echo "Invalid choice. Shell change skipped."; return ;;
- esac
- # Check if we're running on Termux
- case "$PREFIX" in
- *com.termux*) termux=true; zsh=zsh ;;
- *) termux=false ;;
- esac
- if [ "$termux" != true ]; then
- # Test for the right location of the "shells" file
- if [ -f /etc/shells ]; then
- shells_file=/etc/shells
- elif [ -f /usr/share/defaults/etc/shells ]; then # Solus OS
- shells_file=/usr/share/defaults/etc/shells
- else
- error "could not find /etc/shells file. Change your default shell manually."
- return
- fi
- # Get the path to the right zsh binary
- # 1. Use the most preceding one based on $PATH, then check that it's in the shells file
- # 2. If that fails, get a zsh path from the shells file, then check it actually exists
- if ! zsh=$(which zsh) || ! grep -qx "$zsh" "$shells_file"; then
- if ! zsh=$(grep '^/.*/zsh$' "$shells_file" | tail -1) || [ ! -f "$zsh" ]; then
- error "no zsh binary found or not present in '$shells_file'"
- error "change your default shell manually."
- return
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # We're going to change the default shell, so back up the current one
- if [ -n "$SHELL" ]; then
- echo $SHELL > ~/.shell.pre-oh-my-zsh
- else
- grep "^$USER:" /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $7}' > ~/.shell.pre-oh-my-zsh
- fi
- # Actually change the default shell to zsh
- if ! chsh -s "$zsh"; then
- error "chsh command unsuccessful. Change your default shell manually."
- else
- export SHELL="$zsh"
- echo "${GREEN}Shell successfully changed to '$zsh'.${RESET}"
- fi
- echo
+ # Skip setup if the user wants or stdin is closed (not running interactively).
+ if [ $CHSH = no ]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ # If this user's login shell is already "zsh", do not attempt to switch.
+ if [ "$(basename -- "$SHELL")" = "zsh" ]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ # If this platform doesn't provide a "chsh" command, bail out.
+ if ! command_exists chsh; then
+ cat <<EOF
+I can't change your shell automatically because this system does not have chsh.
+${BLUE}Please manually change your default shell to zsh${RESET}
+ return
+ fi
+ echo "${BLUE}Time to change your default shell to zsh:${RESET}"
+ # Prompt for user choice on changing the default login shell
+ printf "${YELLOW}Do you want to change your default shell to zsh? [Y/n]${RESET} "
+ read opt
+ case $opt in
+ y*|Y*|"") echo "Changing the shell..." ;;
+ n*|N*) echo "Shell change skipped."; return ;;
+ *) echo "Invalid choice. Shell change skipped."; return ;;
+ esac
+ # Check if we're running on Termux
+ case "$PREFIX" in
+ *com.termux*) termux=true; zsh=zsh ;;
+ *) termux=false ;;
+ esac
+ if [ "$termux" != true ]; then
+ # Test for the right location of the "shells" file
+ if [ -f /etc/shells ]; then
+ shells_file=/etc/shells
+ elif [ -f /usr/share/defaults/etc/shells ]; then # Solus OS
+ shells_file=/usr/share/defaults/etc/shells
+ else
+ fmt_error "could not find /etc/shells file. Change your default shell manually."
+ return
+ fi
+ # Get the path to the right zsh binary
+ # 1. Use the most preceding one based on $PATH, then check that it's in the shells file
+ # 2. If that fails, get a zsh path from the shells file, then check it actually exists
+ if ! zsh=$(which zsh) || ! grep -qx "$zsh" "$shells_file"; then
+ if ! zsh=$(grep '^/.*/zsh$' "$shells_file" | tail -1) || [ ! -f "$zsh" ]; then
+ fmt_error "no zsh binary found or not present in '$shells_file'"
+ fmt_error "change your default shell manually."
+ return
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ # We're going to change the default shell, so back up the current one
+ if [ -n "$SHELL" ]; then
+ echo $SHELL > ~/.shell.pre-oh-my-zsh
+ else
+ grep "^$USER:" /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $7}' > ~/.shell.pre-oh-my-zsh
+ fi
+ # Actually change the default shell to zsh
+ if ! chsh -s "$zsh"; then
+ fmt_error "chsh command unsuccessful. Change your default shell manually."
+ else
+ export SHELL="$zsh"
+ echo "${GREEN}Shell successfully changed to '$zsh'.${RESET}"
+ fi
+ echo
main() {
- # Run as unattended if stdin is closed
- if [ ! -t 0 ]; then
- CHSH=no
- fi
- # Parse arguments
- while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- case $1 in
- --unattended) RUNZSH=no; CHSH=no ;;
- --skip-chsh) CHSH=no ;;
- --keep-zshrc) KEEP_ZSHRC=yes ;;
- esac
- shift
- done
- setup_color
- if ! command_exists zsh; then
- echo "${YELLOW}Zsh is not installed.${RESET} Please install zsh first."
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ -d "$ZSH" ]; then
- cat <<-EOF
- ${YELLOW}You already have Oh My Zsh installed.${RESET}
- You'll need to remove '$ZSH' if you want to reinstall.
- exit 1
- fi
- setup_ohmyzsh
- setup_zshrc
- setup_shell
- printf "$GREEN"
- cat <<-'EOF'
- __ __
- ____ / /_ ____ ___ __ __ ____ _____/ /_
- / __ \/ __ \ / __ `__ \/ / / / /_ / / ___/ __ \
- / /_/ / / / / / / / / / / /_/ / / /_(__ ) / / /
- \____/_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/\__, / /___/____/_/ /_/
- /____/ now installed!
- Before you scream Oh My Zsh! please look over the ~/.zshrc file to select plugins, themes, and options.
- • Follow us on Twitter:
- • Join our Discord server:
- • Get stickers, shirts, coffee mugs and other swag:
- printf "$RESET"
- if [ $RUNZSH = no ]; then
- echo "${YELLOW}Run zsh to try it out.${RESET}"
- exit
- fi
- exec zsh -l
+ # Run as unattended if stdin is not a tty
+ if [ ! -t 0 ]; then
+ CHSH=no
+ fi
+ # Parse arguments
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case $1 in
+ --unattended) RUNZSH=no; CHSH=no ;;
+ --skip-chsh) CHSH=no ;;
+ --keep-zshrc) KEEP_ZSHRC=yes ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ setup_color
+ if ! command_exists zsh; then
+ echo "${YELLOW}Zsh is not installed.${RESET} Please install zsh first."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ -d "$ZSH" ]; then
+ echo "${YELLOW}The \$ZSH folder already exists ($ZSH).${RESET}"
+ if [ "$custom_zsh" = yes ]; then
+ cat <<EOF
+You ran the installer with the \$ZSH setting or the \$ZSH variable is
+exported. You have 3 options:
+1. Unset the ZSH variable when calling the installer:
+ $(fmt_code "ZSH= sh")
+2. Install Oh My Zsh to a directory that doesn't exist yet:
+ $(fmt_code "ZSH=path/to/new/ohmyzsh/folder sh")
+3. (Caution) If the folder doesn't contain important information,
+ you can just remove it with $(fmt_code "rm -r $ZSH")
+ else
+ echo "You'll need to remove it if you want to reinstall."
+ fi
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ setup_ohmyzsh
+ setup_zshrc
+ setup_shell
+ printf "$GREEN"
+ cat <<'EOF'
+ __ __
+ ____ / /_ ____ ___ __ __ ____ _____/ /_
+ / __ \/ __ \ / __ `__ \/ / / / /_ / / ___/ __ \
+/ /_/ / / / / / / / / / / /_/ / / /_(__ ) / / /
+\____/_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/\__, / /___/____/_/ /_/
+ /____/ now installed!
+ cat <<EOF
+Before you scream Oh My Zsh! please look over the ~/.zshrc file to select plugins, themes, and options.
+• Follow us on Twitter: $(fmt_underline
+• Join our Discord server: $(fmt_underline
+• Get stickers, shirts, coffee mugs and other swag: $(fmt_underline
+ printf "$RESET"
+ if [ $RUNZSH = no ]; then
+ echo "${YELLOW}Run zsh to try it out.${RESET}"
+ exit
+ fi
+ exec zsh -l
main "$@"
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index de7a8419b..cfd424527 100644..100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -1,38 +1,48 @@
-# Use colors, but only if connected to a terminal, and that terminal
-# supports them.
+#!/usr/bin/env zsh
+if [ -z "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then
+ exec zsh "$0"
+cd "$ZSH"
+# Use colors, but only if connected to a terminal
+# and that terminal supports them.
+local -a RAINBOW
if [ -t 1 ]; then
- RB_RED=$(printf '\033[38;5;196m')
- RB_ORANGE=$(printf '\033[38;5;202m')
- RB_YELLOW=$(printf '\033[38;5;226m')
- RB_GREEN=$(printf '\033[38;5;082m')
- RB_BLUE=$(printf '\033[38;5;021m')
- RB_INDIGO=$(printf '\033[38;5;093m')
- RB_VIOLET=$(printf '\033[38;5;163m')
+ "$(printf '\033[38;5;196m')"
+ "$(printf '\033[38;5;202m')"
+ "$(printf '\033[38;5;226m')"
+ "$(printf '\033[38;5;082m')"
+ "$(printf '\033[38;5;021m')"
+ "$(printf '\033[38;5;093m')"
+ "$(printf '\033[38;5;163m')"
+ )
RED=$(printf '\033[31m')
GREEN=$(printf '\033[32m')
YELLOW=$(printf '\033[33m')
BLUE=$(printf '\033[34m')
BOLD=$(printf '\033[1m')
+ UNDER=$(printf '\033[4m')
RESET=$(printf '\033[m')
- RB_RED=""
- RB_BLUE=""
- RED=""
- GREEN=""
- BLUE=""
- BOLD=""
- RESET=""
-cd "$ZSH"
+# Update upstream remote to ohmyzsh org
+git remote -v | while read remote url extra; do
+ case "$url" in
+ git remote set-url "$remote" ""
+ break ;;
+ git remote set-url "$remote" ""
+ break ;;
+ esac
# Set git-config values known to fix git errors
# Line endings (#4069)
@@ -43,29 +53,45 @@ git config fsck.zeroPaddedFilemode ignore
git config fetch.fsck.zeroPaddedFilemode ignore
git config receive.fsck.zeroPaddedFilemode ignore
# autostash on rebase (#7172)
-resetAutoStash=$(git config --bool rebase.autoStash 2>&1)
+resetAutoStash=$(git config --bool rebase.autoStash 2>/dev/null)
git config rebase.autoStash true
-# Update upstream remote to ohmyzsh org
-remote=$(git remote -v | awk '/https:\/\/github\.com\/robbyrussell\/oh-my-zsh\.git/{ print $1; exit }')
-if [ -n "$remote" ]; then
- git remote set-url "$remote" ""
+local ret=0
+# Update Oh My Zsh
printf "${BLUE}%s${RESET}\n" "Updating Oh My Zsh"
-if git pull --rebase --stat origin master
- printf '%s %s__ %s %s %s %s %s__ %s\n' $RB_RED $RB_ORANGE $RB_YELLOW $RB_GREEN $RB_BLUE $RB_INDIGO $RB_VIOLET $RB_RESET
- printf '%s ____ %s/ /_ %s ____ ___ %s__ __ %s ____ %s_____%s/ /_ %s\n' $RB_RED $RB_ORANGE $RB_YELLOW $RB_GREEN $RB_BLUE $RB_INDIGO $RB_VIOLET $RB_RESET
- printf '%s / __ \%s/ __ \ %s / __ `__ \%s/ / / / %s /_ / %s/ ___/%s __ \ %s\n' $RB_RED $RB_ORANGE $RB_YELLOW $RB_GREEN $RB_BLUE $RB_INDIGO $RB_VIOLET $RB_RESET
- printf '%s/ /_/ /%s / / / %s / / / / / /%s /_/ / %s / /_%s(__ )%s / / / %s\n' $RB_RED $RB_ORANGE $RB_YELLOW $RB_GREEN $RB_BLUE $RB_INDIGO $RB_VIOLET $RB_RESET
- printf '%s\____/%s_/ /_/ %s /_/ /_/ /_/%s\__, / %s /___/%s____/%s_/ /_/ %s\n' $RB_RED $RB_ORANGE $RB_YELLOW $RB_GREEN $RB_BLUE $RB_INDIGO $RB_VIOLET $RB_RESET
- printf '%s %s %s %s /____/ %s %s %s %s\n' $RB_RED $RB_ORANGE $RB_YELLOW $RB_GREEN $RB_BLUE $RB_INDIGO $RB_VIOLET $RB_RESET
- printf "${BLUE}%s\n" "Hooray! Oh My Zsh has been updated and/or is at the current version."
- printf "${BLUE}${BOLD}%s${RESET}\n" "To keep up on the latest news and updates, follow us on Twitter:"
- printf "${BLUE}${BOLD}%s${RESET}\n" "Want to get involved in the community? Join our Discord:"
- printf "${BLUE}${BOLD}%s${RESET}\n" "Get your Oh My Zsh swag at:"
+last_commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
+if git pull --rebase --stat origin master; then
+ # Check if it was really updated or not
+ if [[ "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" = "$last_commit" ]]; then
+ message="Oh My Zsh is already at the latest version."
+ ret=80 # non-zero exit code to indicate no changes pulled
+ else
+ message="Hooray! Oh My Zsh has been updated!"
+ # Display changelog with less if available, otherwise just print it to the terminal
+ if [[ "$1" = --interactive ]]; then
+ if (( $+commands[less] )); then
+ "$ZSH/tools/" HEAD "$last_commit" --text | LESS= command less -R
+ else
+ "$ZSH/tools/" HEAD "$last_commit"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ printf '%s %s__ %s %s %s %s %s__ %s\n' $RAINBOW $RESET
+ printf '%s ____ %s/ /_ %s ____ ___ %s__ __ %s ____ %s_____%s/ /_ %s\n' $RAINBOW $RESET
+ printf '%s / __ \%s/ __ \ %s / __ `__ \%s/ / / / %s /_ / %s/ ___/%s __ \ %s\n' $RAINBOW $RESET
+ printf '%s/ /_/ /%s / / / %s / / / / / /%s /_/ / %s / /_%s(__ )%s / / / %s\n' $RAINBOW $RESET
+ printf '%s\____/%s_/ /_/ %s /_/ /_/ /_/%s\__, / %s /___/%s____/%s_/ /_/ %s\n' $RAINBOW $RESET
+ printf '%s %s %s %s /____/ %s %s %s %s\n' $RAINBOW $RESET
+ printf '\n'
+ printf "${BLUE}%s${RESET}\n" "$message"
+ printf "${BLUE}${BOLD}%s ${UNDER}%s${RESET}\n" "To keep up with the latest news and updates, follow us on Twitter:" ""
+ printf "${BLUE}${BOLD}%s ${UNDER}%s${RESET}\n" "Want to get involved in the community? Join our Discord:" ""
+ printf "${BLUE}${BOLD}%s ${UNDER}%s${RESET}\n" "Get your Oh My Zsh swag at:" ""
+ ret=$?
printf "${RED}%s${RESET}\n" 'There was an error updating. Try again later?'
@@ -74,3 +100,6 @@ case "$resetAutoStash" in
"") git config --unset rebase.autoStash ;;
*) git config rebase.autoStash "$resetAutoStash" ;;
+# Exit with `1` if the update failed
+exit $ret