AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-04-07fix(jump): even spacing between marks (#11601)Alexander Huynh
2023-04-06fix(extract): fix conflict if compressed file has a folder of the same nameMarc Cornellà
2023-04-06feat(toolbox)!: rename and add aliases (#11580)François M
2023-04-05feat(lib): send OSC 7 on directory change for more supported terminals (#9914)Alexander Schlarb
2023-04-04feat(term_tab): add support for macOS (#11391)Richard Mitchell
2023-04-04feat(termsupport): add contour terminal (#11599)Christian Parpart
2023-04-03fix(init): don't use digits in parameter modifiers for compatibility (#11598)Marc Cornellà
2023-04-03fix(changelog): ignore lines containing whitespace in breaking change commitsMarc Cornellà
2023-04-03feat(init)!: allow turning off aliases for libs and plugins (#11550)Marc Cornellà
2023-04-03chore(installer): remove words triggering false positives in antivirusesMarc Cornellà
2023-04-02fix(extract): safely remove extract directoryMarc Cornellà
2023-04-02feat(extract): always extract files into its own folder (#11596)Marc Cornellà
2023-04-02fix(vi-mode): fix cursor change on visual mode (#11586)Marc Cornellà
2023-04-02docs(spotify): fix link (#11593)Saverio Guzzo
2023-04-01fix(updater): search for upstream remote if using non-conventional name (#11135)Marc Cornellà
2023-03-31fix(upgrade): typo in variable checkCarlo Sala
2023-03-31fix(vi-mode): fix check for prompt redisplay on mode change (#11547)Marc Cornellà
2023-03-31feat(changelog): provide links in changelog (#11578)Guy Sartorelli
2023-03-31fix(installer): don't use `sudo` when user is in Termux (#11591)Webpage-gh
2023-03-28fix(aws): restore accidentally deleted variableCarlo Sala
2023-03-28feat(upgrade): add verbosity settingsHåvard Bartnes
2023-03-23fix(uninstall): abort uninstall if unable to change shell (#10357)Michele Bologna
2023-03-23feat(juju): add functions to get current controller and model (#11572)Jose C. Massón
2023-03-21fix(aws): do not print region if it's not definedCarlo Sala
2023-03-21feat(aws): set region when AWS_REGION is not setYu Xiang Zhang
2023-03-20feat(gnu-utils): add `gindent` (#11569)vladislav doster
2023-03-12fix(lib): set equivalent LS_COLORS and LSCOLORS variablesMarc Cornellà
2023-03-10feat(rails): add `rta` alias (#11553)Zhong Zheng
2023-03-08docs(vi-mode): document how to add vi-mode info on the prompt (#11548)Benjamin Lieb
2023-03-07Fixing link to PA website in READMERobby Russell
2023-03-07feat(vi-mode): add settings for vi-mode cursor styles (#10860)Julien Vincent
2023-03-07fix(init): set completion colors on theme load, not with `precmd`Marc Cornellà
2023-03-07feat(aws): add AWS_REGION to aws_prompt_info (#10062)potato
2023-03-07fix(aliases): group properly aliases (#11546)Karim Benbourenane
2023-03-06fix(argocd): typo in filenameCarlo Sala
2023-03-04feat(argocd): add completion pluginCarlo Sala
2023-03-03refactor(theme-and-appearance): reorganize and clean up logic (#11529)Marc Cornellà
2023-03-03fix(lib): use `$BROWSER` in `open_command` if set (#11532)Marc Cornellà
2023-03-02docs(brew): remove duplication (#11535)Batuhan Şanlı
2023-03-01feat(rvm): add `rb32` alias (#11533)Julian Suarez
2023-02-27fix(aliases): fix regression in filter argumentMarc Cornellà
2023-02-27fix(aliases): clarify how to pass in keywords to `acs` (#11521)ZYX
2023-02-27feat(nodenv): add plugin for `nodenv` (#9880)Carlos Eduardo Monti
2023-02-26feat(macos): allow multiple man pages in `man-preview` (#11365)Richard Mitchell
2023-02-26fix(lib): fix case-insensitive completion for zsh 5.9 (#11526)Jannik
2023-02-26fix(gnu-utils): reset ls alias to use GNU-based --color argument (#11527)Marc Cornellà
2023-02-24refactor: reorganize setopts in lib folderMarc Cornellà
2023-02-24fix(lib): fix return code after expected non-zero exit code (#11524)Marc Cornellà
2023-02-24feat(iterm2): add shell integration script (#11509)Zoltán Reegn
2023-02-23fix(azure): load completion properly for brew (#11499)Carlo Sala