AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-12-13Change to alias and remove deprecated GREP_COLOROndřej Súkup
2014-12-13Tidy up the grep.zsh libraryMarc Cornellà
2014-12-13Use unaliased grep in flag checkMarc Cornellà
2014-12-13Ignore .bzr folders in grep tooMarc Cornellà
2014-12-13Extract VCS folders definition to avoid repetitionMarc Cornellà
2014-12-12Merge pull request #3344 from wrboyce/custom-libRobby Russell
2014-12-12Add itunes shuffle command to OSX plugin.Ryan Robeson
2014-12-12Fixed output issues webith websearch plugin.Pete "Peteches" McCabe
2014-12-11Fix dircycle pluginRotem Yaari
2014-12-11Update theme "jispwoso" to support ret status and gitzghember
2014-12-10add current bookmark to rkj-repos themeAnatoly Bubenkov
2014-12-08allow overriding lib/*.zsh in custom/libWill Boyce
2014-12-04autojump installed from github has mv the autojump.zsh to $HOME/.autojump/sha...ZHANG Biao
2014-12-02Fixed command autocomplete for Symfony 2.6.xIon Marusic
2014-12-01Added Xcode alias for deleting Derived Data.Emil Marashliev
2014-11-30Existing code indents with spaces, not tabs, conform.Joe Block
2014-11-30Don't clobber HISTSIZE or SAVEHIST if they're already setJoe Block
2014-11-28Save ZSH path in newly created .zshrcmizabrik
2014-11-28Throw an error message when $WORKON_HOME is not setbenjaoming
2014-11-27Merge pull request #2448 from gawashburn/masterRobby Russell
2014-11-27Merge pull request #2871 from wrboyce/extract-pigzRobby Russell
2014-11-27Merge pull request #3092 from MWers/aws-brew-issueRobby Russell
2014-11-27Merge pull request #3265 from thii/fix-yosemite-brokenRobby Russell
2014-11-27Merge pull request #3283 from jaapz/masterRobby Russell
2014-11-27Merge pull request #3309 from jarinudom/superjarinRobby Russell
2014-11-26use pigz if available in extract pluginWill Boyce
2014-11-24Fix chruby plugin to not complain if chruby is *not* installedEric Ripa
2014-11-21Fix Yosemite broken zsh where $PATH var does not get appended correctly.Doan Truong Thi
2014-11-19Merge pull request #3333 from mcornella/fix-git-hide-dirtyRobby Russell
2014-11-19Merge pull request #3323 from alfss/fix-pjRobby Russell
2014-11-19Switch back to oh-my-zsh.hide-dirty setting againMarc Cornellà
2014-11-16[~] fix plugin pjKravchuk S.V
2014-11-16ignore any grep aliases that might be definedDanielFGray
2014-11-15Fix autojump script to support Nix installationsGeoffrey Washburn
2014-11-10Merge simplified superjarin themeJarin Udom
2014-11-08Add screenshots to readmeTim O'Brien
2014-11-08Fix for OS X when no window id is returned (like on the desktop)Tim O'Brien
2014-11-08Remove deprecated brew commands, update core commandsIan Lancaster
2014-11-07Add window ID fallback for windows. Tim O'Brien
2014-11-07Fix renamed method issue.Tim O'Brien
2014-11-07Merge pull request #3299 from apoxa/fix-profilesRobby Russell
2014-11-07Fixes the profiles-pluginBenjamin Stier
2014-11-06Merge pull request #3223 from mcornella/use-special-varsRobby Russell
2014-11-06add cygwin windows support with notifu, add to readmeTim O'Brien
2014-11-06Fixed math on linux, removed debug echo.Tim O'Brien
2014-11-06Add bgnotify plugin, a cross-platform background notifier!Tim O'Brien
2014-11-06Change all hostname calls for $HOST or $SHORT_HOSTMarc Cornellà
2014-11-06Change all pwd calls for $PWD variableMarc Cornellà
2014-11-06Change all whoami calls for $USER variableMarc Cornellà
2014-11-06Merge pull request #3213 from nikhgupta/features/fix-emoji-clockRobby Russell