AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-05-06escape sequences so rprompt doesn't mess upcanthiswait
2010-05-06Added scpectrum script for easy 256 color theamingcanthiswait
2010-05-06makes git status prompt 4x fasterAndy Fowler
2010-01-02clean theme: username is now boldEvandro Myller
2010-01-02improvements to the 'clean' themeEvandro Myller
2010-01-02added "clean" themeEvandro Myller
2009-12-27fork xiong-chiamiov theme for git supportRyan Wilcox
2009-12-27Putting Git related aliases into git.zsh to have them in context.Martin Klepsch
2009-12-27adding quotes to tab()Dale Campbell
2009-12-16Adding a function that will open up a ticket in Lighthouse based on the numbe...Robby Russell
2009-12-13Adding a nocorrect for the heroku command as it was getting triggered by hero...Robby Russell
2009-12-13Based on a suggestion from robbyrussel, using env for greater compatibility.johnmaxwelliv
2009-12-12Instead of using the user's standard shell, this script should be run using z...johnmaxwelliv
2009-12-12Merge commit 'e429ff9e2bed41f88e3df3315b159fa79a7152fc'Robby Russell
2009-12-12Merge branch 'master' of git:// into macovsky/ma...Robby Russell
2009-12-12Updating check_for_upgrade script to fix issue when the LAST_EPOCH file/value...Robby Russell
2009-12-12no correction on gistTo1ne
2009-12-12new thememacovsky
2009-12-10No correction on mkdir + removed duplicate nocorrect mvTo1ne
2009-12-01RevertToon Claes
2009-11-30Completion from historyToon Claes
2009-11-26Merge branch 'master' of git:// Claes
2009-11-25Adding current_branch function, which can be used like: git pull origin masterRobby Russell
2009-11-13tonotdo theme: Back to the originalToon Claes
2009-11-13tonotdo theme still not like I wantedToon Claes
2009-11-13tonotdo theme like I like itToon Claes
2009-11-13Theme tonotdo upgradeToon Claes
2009-11-13Gallifrey themeJordan Bracco
2009-11-12gave credit to Nick for the rake autocompletion code.technoweenie
2009-11-11Spiced up the tonotdo theme, some moreToon Claes
2009-11-11Spiced up the tonotdo themeToon Claes
2009-11-11LS_COLORS fix for tonotdo themeToon Claes
2009-11-09Improved the LS_COLORS in my tonotdo themeToon Claes
2009-11-09Fixed all themes so tab-completion doesn't move the cursor to a weird positionToon Claes
2009-11-09Modifying changes for issue 25, to fix issue 27Toon Claes
2009-11-09Merge branch 'master' of git:// Claes
2009-11-09Revert "Added my prompt theme, with a tweak to the core oh-my-zsh to support ...Robby Russell
2009-11-09Revert "Whoops, forgot to include this dummy precmd implementation."Robby Russell
2009-11-08Only using the contents of .ssh/known_hosts when the file exists for ssh/scp ...Robby Russell
2009-11-08Removing gdb alias as it conflicts with an actual command for gdb. Closes #17Robby Russell
2009-11-08Revert "Fixed issue #19 'Rake not auto completing'. The stat command syntax ...Robby Russell
2009-11-09Added initial jnrowe theme.James Rowe
2009-11-09Fixed issue #25.meh
2009-11-09Fixed darkblood theme as in issue #23.meh
2009-11-09Whoops, forgot to include this dummy precmd implementation.James Adam
2009-11-09Added my prompt theme, with a tweak to the core oh-my-zsh to support it. My g...James Adam
2009-11-05parse error fixToon Claes
2009-11-05Enabled colors in ls and made it possible to theme themToon Claes
2009-11-05added LSCOLORSToon Claes
2009-11-04Joined the appearance so the theme can apply LSCOLORS tooToon Claes