path: root/lib
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-12-22Added support for entries in /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts.Kyle Smith
2011-12-21Ignore submodules dirty in prompt infojulien@macbook
2011-12-16`setopt append_history` is not necessary.Daniel Hahler
2011-12-16Only `setopt correct`, not "correct_all".Daniel Hahler
2011-12-15Merge remote branch 'upstream/master'Sébastien M-B
2011-12-14Merge pull request #732 from ggustafsson/patch-1Robby Russell
2011-12-03Removed duplicate setting and sorted the remainingGöran Gustafsson
2011-11-15lib/termsupport now uses add-zsh-hookChristian Höltje
2011-11-05Update completion for SSHSébastien M-B
2011-08-30Merge pull request #490 from hwti/428f18cf428fd86bd6e99c4363e5f25d0e392506Robby Russell
2011-08-30Revert "Enable red dots during completion by default".Robby Russell
2011-08-11Merge pull request #492 from hwti/red-dots-completionRobby Russell
2011-08-01Fix edit-command-line bindingRandy Hancock
2011-08-01Merge in recent stuffJames Smith
2011-07-30Merge pull request #464 from bkonkle/patch-1Robby Russell
2011-07-28Enable red dots during completion by defaultLoïc Yhuel
2011-07-24Display red dots during completion process (disabled by default)Loïc Yhuel
2011-07-23Add key bindings for gnome-terminal on FedoraLoïc Yhuel
2011-07-23Merge pull request #208 from sorin-ionescu/plugin-extractRobby Russell
2011-07-23Merge branch 'master' of Russell
2011-07-23added mac keybinding for backward-delete-charSven Lito
2011-07-23Merge pull request #487 from dreur/upstream-spectrum-utilityRobby Russell
2011-07-23More generic.hobbestigrou
2011-07-23Add utility method to spectrumBenjamin Boudreau
2011-07-18C-x C-e to edit current command in EDITORChristopher Sexton
2011-07-13Minor corrections to deletion detection in git_prompt_statusBrandon Konkle
2011-06-05AliasesAndrew Hodges
2011-06-01Added extract plugin.Sorin Ionescu
2011-05-31Fix deleted in git.zshMichael Hanson
2011-05-26Merge pull request #196 from asymmetric/masterRobby Russell
2011-05-13Merge pull request #290 from arthurkalm/delete-key-workingRobby Russell
2011-05-13Merge pull request #329 from juanghurtado/masterRobby Russell
2011-05-09Adds support for $(current_branch) on git_parse_ahead()Juan G. Hurtado
2011-05-02Relax pattern matching on TERM. Closes #320.Renaud (Nel) Morvan
2011-04-29Adds new prompt methods on Git libJuan G. Hurtado
2011-04-20Merge remote branch 'upstream/master'Pat Regan
2011-04-19Added bindings for Gnome terminal.Arthur Kalmenson
2011-04-19Make the delete key work correctly, instead of outputting a ~Arthur Kalmenson
2011-04-12Moved compinit call back to, after plugins are loadedPat Regan
2011-04-12Revert "Enable alias completion, do not limit completion to just files"Robby Russell
2011-04-08Moved the single compinit call from to lib/completion.zshPat Regan
2011-04-08Replace redundant calls to compinit with a single call.Pat Regan
2011-04-04Refactor DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE to be more DRYRenaud (Nel) Morvan
2011-04-04Command title behavior no longer depend on local zsh configurationRenaud (Nel) Morvan
2011-04-04Escape characters used in escape sequence to avoid triggering bugs in Apple T...Renaud (Nel) Morvan
2011-03-23Introduce DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE optionLorrin Nelson
2011-03-19Added new function git_remote_status to check if we are ahead, behind or dive...James Smith
2011-03-16Revert "Re-order title/tab setting to make window titles work on OSX terminal...Robby Russell
2011-03-16Merge branch 'osx-terminal-title' of Russell
2011-03-13Re-order title/tab setting to make window titles work on OSX terminal whichMatt Cable