path: root/lib
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-10-08lib: follow standards in window title (#9320)Michele Bologna
2020-09-29lib: support simple terminal in title functionMarc Cornellà
2020-09-28lib: support alacritty $TERM in title functionMarc Cornellà
2020-09-27lib: correct :q syntax in title function for clarityMarc Cornellà
2020-09-26lib: clean up zsh_stats functionMarc Cornellà
2020-09-04lib: treat _ and - as part of a wordMarc Cornellà
2020-08-18Remove zsh session restart on omz update and upgrade_oh_my_zshMarc Cornellà
2020-08-17Fix upgrade_oh_my_zsh function deprecationMarc Cornellà
2020-08-06lib: remove CTRL-Backspace key binding altogetherMarc Cornellà
2020-08-05lib: remove CTRL-Backspace binding for vi keymapsMarc Cornellà
2020-08-04cli: add update command (#9094)Dario Vladović
2020-08-04lib: bind to all keymaps when COMPLETION_WAITING_DOTS is setMarc Cornellà
2020-08-04lib: add CTRL-backspace and CTRL-delete to delete whole wordsMarc Cornellà
2020-08-04lib: bind keys to viins and vicmd keymaps and clean up fileMarc Cornellà
2020-08-02lib: substitute COMPLETION_WAITING_DOTS for ellipsisMarc Cornellà
2020-07-23lib: support mlterm-256colorMarc Cornellà
2020-07-06lib: safety fix and speed-ups for git.zsh prompt functions (#7804)Robert Estelle
2020-07-06lib: prefix diff call with command to bypass diff aliasesMarc Cornellà
2020-07-03cli: beauty touches on 'omz pr test' commandMarc Cornellà
2020-07-01lib: enable diff color (#8807)Monson Shao
2020-06-30Handle unset variables in various parts of the codebase (#8944)Patrick Moore
2020-06-19core: add title support for mlterm (#8303)joshuashaffer
2020-06-03lib: don't override bigger HISTSIZE and SAVEHIST values (#8993)Marco Trevisan
2020-05-21core: remove inc_append_history option (#8048)Benoit GALATI
2020-05-20Revert "core: enable hist_reduce_blanks"Marc Cornellà
2020-05-20Prefix cd calls with `builtin` (#8937)Jacob Menke
2020-05-16core: enable hist_reduce_blanksMarc Cornellà
2020-05-11core: fix zstyle definition of use-cacheMarc Cornellà
2020-05-01core: move core folder to lib, for nowMarc Cornellà
2020-04-05lib: speed up slow parts of the lib files; other small fixesMarc Cornellà
2020-03-05lib: support konsole* $TERM in title function (#8035)Marc Cornellà
2020-03-03lib: automatic title: replace fg with description from jobs (#7982)Marc Cornellà
2020-03-03lib: clean up termsupport.zshMarc Cornellà
2020-03-03Use $jobstates and $jobtexts to look for jobsMarc Cornellà
2020-03-03lib: use `command` to run rm in upgrade function (#8696)Marek Dědič
2020-03-02lib: use grep-alias cache only if ZSH_CACHE_DIR is writableMarc Cornellà
2020-03-01Refactor grep.zsh fileMarc Cornellà
2020-03-01Fast algorithm to determine grep alias flagsMarc Cornellà
2020-03-01Performance enhancement for lib/grepmattmc3
2020-03-01Ignore .tox folder in grepShi Yan
2020-03-01Also set options for egrep and fgrepPeter Vandenberk
2020-03-01Exclude .idea folder from grep search scopeVital Kolas
2020-02-28lib: urlencode hostname in update_terminalapp_cwd (#6245)Stephen Heuer
2020-02-28lib: add support for clippaste in WSL using powershellMarc Cornellà
2020-02-27lib: add termux commands to clipboard.zsh (#6243)j
2020-02-27lib: add support for clip.exe clipboard copy in WSLMarc Cornellà
2020-02-27Merge branch 'master' into clipboardMarc Cornellà
2020-02-24lib: delete upgrade lock in upgrade_oh_my_zshMarc Cornellà
2020-02-11lib: load bash completion functions automaticallyMarc Cornellà
2020-02-10lib: add git function to determine repository name (#4989)Evan Chiu