path: root/lib
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-09-16Update Solaris changes to use OSTYPE and zsh datetime module.Moinak Ghosh
2014-08-31Merge pull request #3045 from fornwall/remove-usr-binRobby Russell
2014-08-31Merge pull request #3053 from jingweno/patch-1Robby Russell
2014-08-31Merge pull request #3055 from sachin21/remove_aliasRobby Russell
2014-08-24This alias is conflict causesachin21
2014-08-22Fix missing add-zsh-hookJingwen Owen Ou
2014-08-20Replace /usr/bin/env with envFredrik Fornwall
2014-07-15Merge pull request #2828 from r3dDoX/masterRobby Russell
2014-07-11Solaris portability tweaks.Moinak Ghosh
2014-07-03Fix POST_1_7_2_GIT check for parse_git_dirty submodules.Simon Buchan
2014-07-03Fix parse_git_dirty() when status.branch is set.Simon Buchan
2014-06-28git_prompt_info: ignore git-config errorsAlbert Krewinkel
2014-06-28Add missing `command` wrapper for gitMikhail S. Pobolovets
2014-06-10ignore usernames beginning with underscoreWill Boyce
2014-06-10return 0 when not a git reponcanceill
2014-05-26added prefix/suffix variable for customizabilityr3dDoX
2014-05-25added new function to get number of commits ahead of remoter3dDoX
2014-05-25replaced hardcoded origin/{branch-name} with @{upstream} which gets the upstr...r3dDoX
2014-05-24Ordering nocorrect aliases alphabeticallySimon Courtois
2014-05-24Defining nocorrect aliases only when ENABLE_CORRECTION is "true"Simon Courtois
2014-04-19Merge pull request #2502 from UniIsland/patch-1Robby Russell
2014-04-19Merge pull request #2650 from kemko/patch-1Robby Russell
2014-04-19set exclude-dir or exclude grep flags only if availableDmitriy
2014-03-27Merge pull request #2661 from mcornella/fix_title_tab_percentRobby Russell
2014-03-26Fix broken reverse-menu-complete keybinding.Andre Eriksson
2014-03-25Escape % in $CMD variableMarc Cornellà
2014-03-23Merge pull request #2390 from LFDM/updating_spectrumRobby Russell
2014-03-23Fix export syntax of $GREP_OPTIONSMarc Cornellà
2014-03-22Merge pull request #1162 from nXqd/patch-1Robby Russell
2014-03-22Merge pull request #750 from blueyed/history-drop-default-append-historyRobby Russell
2014-03-21Added a forward-delete fallback to bind Delete keyAlexei Danchenkov
2014-03-20Aligned commentsAlexei Danchenkov
2014-03-20Update key-bindings.zshAlexei Danchenkov
2014-03-20added terminfo keys verificationAlexei Danchenkov
2014-03-16Ignore more users in ssh completion.Mariusz Fik
2014-03-15Merge pull request #2602 from blueyed/use-default-hosts-completion-2Robby Russell
2014-03-13Merge pull request #2591 from kevinxucs/remove-extra-aliasesRobby Russell
2014-03-13Use zsh's default for ':completion:*:hosts'Daniel Hahler
2014-03-13Merge pull request #1355 from F30/key-bindingsRobby Russell
2014-03-10Removed unsolicited aliases.Kaiwen Xu
2014-03-08Merge pull request #2341 from mcornella/title_backticksRobby Russell
2014-03-08Merge pull request #2287 from rumpelsepp/masterRobby Russell
2014-02-21Avoid 'title:parse error' with single quotes in $CMDMarc Cornellà
2014-02-21Revert previous commit, escape %Marc Cornellà
2014-02-21Use single quotes also in $LINE definitonMarc Cornellà
2014-02-21Avoid evaluating special chars in $LINE on title command (fixes #2234)Marc Cornellà
2014-02-06`fc -l 1` instead of `history` in zsh_stats #2501Huang, Tao
2014-01-07No need to eval in rvm_prompt_info!LFDM
2014-01-06Renames the file to prompt_info_functions.zshLFDM
2014-01-06Adds documentation.LFDM