path: root/plugins/common-aliases
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-11-02common-aliases: minor style fixesMarc Cornellà
2016-11-02common-aliases: check if $BROWSER is defined on browser aliasesMarc Cornellà
2016-11-02PHP suffix alias should be removedMarco De Bortoli
PHP can be executed as CLI script but due to the automated attempt to add browser support to that extension such ability is prevented in certain circumstances.
2016-10-08Add m4a format in the common aliases plugin (#5502)Florian Boulay
The m4a file format can be opened in the command line with mplayer
2015-12-11common-aliases: handle "dev" versions in version checkAndrew Janke
Uses `is-at-least` instead of a numeric comparison hack, so versions with non-numeric bits like "4.5.0-dev5" don't throw errors.
2015-05-06Use $EDITORAleks
2015-02-10Deletes dot aliases from common-aliases.LFDM
They are implemented in lib anyway.
2014-09-13Remove j alias for autojumpHalil Özgür
j alias conflicts with autojump's j() function. Fixes #2989
2014-05-24Fix dud alias. Switch --max-depth for just -dBrian Hartvigsen
As far as I can tell (tested on Linux & Darwin, BSD man page seems to agree), `-d` is pretty univerally accepted as the depth argument. So instead of doing a test, we can just use -d and call it a day.
2014-05-24This is already done in lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh and supports Darwin/BSD/etcBrian Hartvigsen
2014-03-22add common video formats FLV and WEBMjieryn
2013-06-12Better super-grepGaetan Semet
Signed-off-by: Gaetan Semet <>
2013-06-11New plugin 'common-aliases' for optional cutting edge zsh aliasesGaetan Semet
Signed-off-by: Gaetan Semet <>