path: root/plugins/dircycle
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2015-02-10Run pushd command directly and trigger prompt redrawMarc Cornellà
2015-02-10Clean up and fix +1/-0 syntax to work as expectedMarc Cornellà
This change follows this proposed behaviour: Ctrl+Shift+Left: move to last visited directory Ctrl+Shift+Right: move to next visited directory an alternative behaviour would be: Ctrl+Shift+Left: move directory to the left in `dirs` output Ctrl+Shift+Right: move directory to the right in `dirs` output It also introduces `setopt nopushdminus` as a way to standardise pushd syntax. It's value wasn't clear before, which has been the cause of so many pull requests regarding this plugin not working in some environments.
2014-12-11Fix dircycle pluginRotem Yaari
dircycle right did not behave as expected and was fixed
2012-03-01Add dircycle plugin: enables cycling through the directory stackRotem Yaari