Age | Commit message (Expand) | Author |
2018-09-06 | Feat: add Salt completion plugin (#7031) | Michele Bologna |
2018-09-04 | Add fzf plugin (#6910) | Maxime Brunet |
2018-09-03 | fasd: use xdg-open in o alias back again | Marc Cornellà |
2018-09-03 | fasd: drop-in replace the autojump j alias (#3860) | Cristian Măgherușan-Stanciu @magheru_san |
2018-09-01 | jump: fix printf path output (#7105) | Ross Lafferty |
2018-08-31 | vi-mode: reset-prompt if zle is active (TRAPWINCH) | Marc Cornellà |
2018-08-29 | fix nmap vuln category name (#7044) | Fadi Hadzh |
2018-08-29 | Update kubectl.plugin.zsh (#6636) | Serhii Kuts |
2018-08-29 | vi-mode show indicator on zle-line-init and SIGWINCH (#6449) | Balint Gyapjas |
2018-08-29 | execute mvnw with "mvn" when mvnw-file is present (#6484) | Janosch Schwalm |
2018-08-29 | executing gradlew, when gradlew-file exists (#6485) | Janosch Schwalm |
2018-08-29 | Fixed `fwl` function in `firewalld` plugin when `sources` used (#7011) | Konstantin Gribov |
2018-08-29 | kubectl: add alias for `kubectl cp` (#7068) | Vinod Damle |
2018-08-29 | Update golang.plugin.zsh (#6750) | Matthew Murphy |
2018-08-29 | Update brew.plugin.zsh (#6947) | Aiden |
2018-08-29 | Add aliases for kubectl nodes (#7093) | Dan O'Brien |
2018-08-29 | [plugins/git] Updated git clone alias (#6893) | Kris Kalavantavanich |
2018-08-29 | Updating 'sbcl' to 'sbcln' (#7095) | Ryan Stull |
2018-08-23 | [plugin/chruby] Add "system" to completion list | Franklin Yu |
2018-08-23 | git: add the `git show` alias `gsh` (#5591) | Joel Wallis Jucá |
2018-08-23 | nyan: deprecate plugin with removal notice | Marc Cornellà |
2018-08-23 | github: fix new_gh to force-add .gitignore (#7086) | jack |
2018-08-19 | jenv: fix brew directory search | Marc Cornellà |
2018-08-19 | ember-cli : Add alias for ember test --serve (#6492) | Scott Kidder |
2018-08-19 | composer: Fix bin directory when Composer is not available (#6240) | Rob Loach |
2018-08-19 | Add scu-* aliases for 'systemctl --user' commands (#6661) | Sumit Sahrawat |
2018-08-19 | git-extras: update completion (2018-05-24 0f76863) | Marc Cornellà |
2018-08-19 | jenv: small fix | Marc Cornellà |
2018-08-19 | jenv: update README | Marc Cornellà |
2018-08-19 | jenv: refactor and optimize logic | Marc Cornellà |
2018-08-19 | Add jenv plugin | John Burwell |
2018-08-18 | tmux: do not auto-load tmux inside of Emacs/Vim | 15cm |
2018-08-16 | Remove the white space | Dennis Hägler |
2018-08-15 | Add Git alias for `git diff --staged` (#7064) | Peter Bittner |
2018-08-13 | kubectl: use kubectl to define aliases | Marc Cornellà |
2018-08-13 | Add alias for git add --verbose (#3167) | Tushar Tiwari |
2018-08-09 | pass: update completion (2018-08-03) | Marc Cornellà |
2018-08-09 | docker-machine: add official completion | Marc Cornellà |
2018-08-09 | Add shell completion for Swift Package Manager (#7046) | Thi |
2018-08-09 | extract: whl files support (#7045) | Alexander Kapshuna |
2018-08-09 | Update docker plugin from upstream docker/cli (#7018) | Tom Milligan |
2018-08-09 | tmux: fix invalid syntax on old zsh versions | Marc Cornellà |
2018-08-08 | Add doctl autocompletion (#6501) | Michal Halenka |
2018-08-08 | bundler: update README with latest changes | Marc Cornellà |
2018-08-08 | dotenv: test and warn of incorrect.env syntax | Marc Cornellà |
2018-08-07 | dotenv: call function on startup | Marc Cornellà |
2018-08-07 | plugins/go: Simplify/fix recursive golang format (#7027) | Joseph Richey |
2018-08-07 | use official heroku autocomplete (#6919) | Jeff Dickey |
2018-08-07 | Add support for ForkLift 3 (#6490) | Johan Kaving |
2018-08-07 | bundler: allow aliases in `bundle exec` | Marc Cornellà |