path: root/plugins
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-11-16Added wd pluginMarkus Færevaag
2013-11-15Rebranded plugin according to Zypper's official aliasAtem18
2013-11-14basic command line xcode functionalityChris Martin
2013-11-14add aliases to readmePedro Henrique Passalini
2013-11-14add new alias to zeusPedro Henrique Passalini
2013-11-13Merge pull request #2244 from marcoccchan/masterRobby Russell
2013-11-12Merge pull request #2243 from sabarishcrri/bundle_plugin_nobundle_fixRobby Russell
2013-11-12python3 clean updated.Carlos Cardoso
2013-11-13getting the projects name correctly and making compdef to work with mux aliasAmila Perera
2013-11-12Use environment specific open command when creating a new Jira issue.Marco Chan
2013-11-12bundle plugin throwing error when bundle is not in path while initializingSabarish Kumar R
2013-11-11Fix issues with special characters when running mvnZsolt Sz. Sztupák
2013-11-04Prevent errors in prompts if no info available.James Seward
2013-11-05Fix bad ps syntax in ssh-agent pluginnishigori
2013-11-04Merge pull request #1529 from aquaplanet/fix-sshagent-openbsdRobby Russell
2013-11-02Merge pull request #2174 from oxnz/masterRobby Russell
2013-10-31randquote pluginEduardo San Martin Morote
2013-10-30Make the pip cache work with djangopypi2Brandon W Maister
2013-10-29pip: successfully cache all the packagesBrandon W Maister
2013-10-30Update git.plugin.zshonemouth
2013-10-29updated to the latest version of cocoapods 0.27.1Alexandre Joly
2013-10-28themes plugin now picks a random theme if no argument is provided.Kaiwen Xu
2013-10-26Add "options" as a valide 1st argumentAdrien Dudouit-Exposito
2013-10-25Re-add whitespaceKevin Bongart
2013-10-25Add command blacklist support to bundler pluginKevin Bongart
2013-10-24Merge pull request #1688 from mbauhardt/zRobby Russell
2013-10-24Merge pull request #2165 from kevinxucs/custom-gitignore-fixRobby Russell
2013-10-24Merge pull request #1963 from shajra/pr/gpg-fixRobby Russell
2013-10-24Merge pull request #2078 from tbuehl/masterRobby Russell
2013-10-24Merge pull request #2192 from kevintraver/tmux-aliasesRobby Russell
2013-10-24Merge pull request #2107 from maxd/masterRobby Russell
2013-10-23Add tmux aliasesKevin Traver
2013-10-16add itunes function to control itnues from the terminaloxnz
2013-10-16Add support .venv folder as virtual envLei Zhang
2013-10-14don't clobber existing RBENV_ROOT & follow Homebrew's default behaviorWes Morgan
2013-10-14Moved misplaced plugins.Kaiwen Xu
2013-10-09Added a completion plugin for the new aws-cli toolCristian Măgherușan-Stanciu
2013-10-08Merge pull request #2132 from jkaving/forklift2Robby Russell
2013-10-03Added '.jar'Timo Sand
2013-10-03Added '.war' extension to unzipTimo Sand
2013-10-02Add support for ForkLift 2 to the ForkLift pluginkaving
2013-10-01Fix work_in_progress in empty git reposSteven Schmid
2013-09-24Check bundler version to avoid error with unsupported command line argumentsMaxim Dobryakov
2013-09-19Merge pull request #1763 from jonilicious/masterRobby Russell
2013-09-19Merge pull request #1967 from tchaudhri/gdc_git_aliasRobby Russell
2013-09-19Merge pull request #2079 from paulmelnikow/sublRobby Russell
2013-09-19Merge pull request #2077 from paulmelnikow/nvmRobby Russell
2013-09-19Merge pull request #2060 from dchusovitin/bug-node-docRobby Russell
2013-09-19Merge pull request #2066 from agronemann/patch-1Robby Russell
2013-09-19Merge pull request #2098 from monstermunchkin/masterRobby Russell