# Set ZSH_CACHE_DIR to the path where cache files should be created # or else we will use the default cache/ if [[ -z "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR" ]]; then ZSH_CACHE_DIR="$ZSH/cache" fi # Check for updates on initial load... if [ "$DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE" != "true" ]; then source $ZSH/tools/check_for_upgrade.sh fi # Initializes Oh My Zsh # add a function path fpath=($ZSH/functions $ZSH/completions $fpath) # Load all stock functions (from $fpath files) called below. autoload -U compaudit compinit # Set ZSH_CUSTOM to the path where your custom config files # and plugins exists, or else we will use the default custom/ if [[ -z "$ZSH_CUSTOM" ]]; then ZSH_CUSTOM="$ZSH/custom" fi is_plugin() { local base_dir=$1 local name=$2 builtin test -f $base_dir/plugins/$name/$name.plugin.zsh \ || builtin test -f $base_dir/plugins/$name/_$name } # Add all defined plugins to fpath. This must be done # before running compinit. for plugin ($plugins); do if is_plugin $ZSH_CUSTOM $plugin; then fpath=($ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/$plugin $fpath) elif is_plugin $ZSH $plugin; then fpath=($ZSH/plugins/$plugin $fpath) else echo "[oh-my-zsh] plugin '$plugin' not found" fi done # Figure out the SHORT hostname if [[ "$OSTYPE" = darwin* ]]; then # macOS's $HOST changes with dhcp, etc. Use ComputerName if possible. SHORT_HOST=$(scutil --get ComputerName 2>/dev/null) || SHORT_HOST=${HOST/.*/} else SHORT_HOST=${HOST/.*/} fi # Save the location of the current completion dump file. if [ -z "$ZSH_COMPDUMP" ]; then ZSH_COMPDUMP="${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zcompdump-${SHORT_HOST}-${ZSH_VERSION}" fi # Construct zcompdump OMZ metadata zcompdump_revision="#omz revision: $(builtin cd -q "$ZSH"; git rev-parse HEAD 2>/dev/null)" zcompdump_fpath="#omz fpath: $fpath" # Delete the zcompdump file if OMZ zcompdump metadata changed if ! command grep -q -Fx "$zcompdump_revision" "$ZSH_COMPDUMP" 2>/dev/null \ || ! command grep -q -Fx "$zcompdump_fpath" "$ZSH_COMPDUMP" 2>/dev/null; then command rm -f "$ZSH_COMPDUMP" zcompdump_refresh=1 fi if [[ $ZSH_DISABLE_COMPFIX != true ]]; then source $ZSH/lib/compfix.zsh # If completion insecurities exist, warn the user handle_completion_insecurities # Load only from secure directories compinit -i -C -d "${ZSH_COMPDUMP}" else # If the user wants it, load from all found directories compinit -u -C -d "${ZSH_COMPDUMP}" fi # Append zcompdump metadata if missing if (( $zcompdump_refresh )); then # Use `tee` in case the $ZSH_COMPDUMP filename is invalid, to silence the error # See https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/commit/dd1a7269#commitcomment-39003489 tee -a "$ZSH_COMPDUMP" &>/dev/null <<EOF $zcompdump_revision $zcompdump_fpath EOF fi unset zcompdump_revision zcompdump_fpath zcompdump_refresh # Load all of the config files in ~/oh-my-zsh that end in .zsh # TIP: Add files you don't want in git to .gitignore for config_file ($ZSH/lib/*.zsh); do custom_config_file="${ZSH_CUSTOM}/lib/${config_file:t}" [ -f "${custom_config_file}" ] && config_file=${custom_config_file} source $config_file done # Load all of the plugins that were defined in ~/.zshrc for plugin ($plugins); do if [ -f $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/$plugin/$plugin.plugin.zsh ]; then source $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/$plugin/$plugin.plugin.zsh elif [ -f $ZSH/plugins/$plugin/$plugin.plugin.zsh ]; then source $ZSH/plugins/$plugin/$plugin.plugin.zsh fi done # Load all of your custom configurations from custom/ for config_file ($ZSH_CUSTOM/*.zsh(N)); do source $config_file done unset config_file # Load the theme if [ ! "$ZSH_THEME" = "" ]; then if [ -f "$ZSH_CUSTOM/$ZSH_THEME.zsh-theme" ]; then source "$ZSH_CUSTOM/$ZSH_THEME.zsh-theme" elif [ -f "$ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/$ZSH_THEME.zsh-theme" ]; then source "$ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/$ZSH_THEME.zsh-theme" else source "$ZSH/themes/$ZSH_THEME.zsh-theme" fi fi