_homebrew-installed() { type brew &> /dev/null _xit=$? if [ $_xit -eq 0 ];then # ok , we have brew installed # speculatively we check default brew prefix if [ -h /usr/local/opt/awscli ];then _brew_prefix="/usr/local/opt/awscli" else # ok , it is not default prefix # this call to brew is expensive ( about 400 ms ), so at least let's make it only once _brew_prefix=$(brew --prefix awscli) fi return 0 else return $_xit fi } _awscli-homebrew-installed() { [ -r $_brew_prefix/libexec/bin/aws_zsh_completer.sh ] &> /dev/null } function agp { echo $AWS_PROFILE } function asp { local rprompt=${RPROMPT/<aws:$(agp)>/} export AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=$1 export AWS_PROFILE=$1 export RPROMPT="<aws:$AWS_PROFILE>$rprompt" } function aws_profiles { reply=($(grep '\[profile' "${AWS_CONFIG_FILE:-$HOME/.aws/config}"|sed -e 's/.*profile \([a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]*\).*/\1/')) } compctl -K aws_profiles asp if which aws_zsh_completer.sh &>/dev/null; then _aws_zsh_completer_path=$(which aws_zsh_completer.sh 2>/dev/null) elif _homebrew-installed && _awscli-homebrew-installed; then _aws_zsh_completer_path=$_brew_prefix/libexec/bin/aws_zsh_completer.sh fi [ -n "$_aws_zsh_completer_path" ] && [ -x $_aws_zsh_completer_path ] && source $_aws_zsh_completer_path unset _aws_zsh_completer_path