# Docker plugin

This plugin adds auto-completion and aliases for [docker](https://www.docker.com/).

To use it add `docker` to the plugins array in your zshrc file.

plugins=(... docker)

A copy of the completion script from the docker/cli git repo:

## Settings

By default, the completion doesn't allow option-stacking, meaning if you try to
complete `docker run -it <TAB>` it won't work, because you're _stacking_ the
`-i` and `-t` options.

[You can enable it](https://github.com/docker/cli/commit/b10fb43048) by **adding
the lines below to your zshrc file**, but be aware of the side effects:

> This enables Zsh to understand commands like `docker run -it
> ubuntu`. However, by enabling this, this also makes Zsh complete
> `docker run -u<tab>` with `docker run -uapprox` which is not valid. The
> users have to put the space or the equal sign themselves before trying
> to complete.
> Therefore, this behavior is disabled by default. To enable it:
> ```sh
> zstyle ':completion:*:*:docker:*' option-stacking yes
> zstyle ':completion:*:*:docker-*:*' option-stacking yes
> ```

## Aliases

| Alias   | Command                     | Description                                                                              |
| :------ | :-------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| dbl     | `docker build`              | Build an image from a Dockerfile                                                         |
| dcin    | `docker container inspect`  | Display detailed information on one or more containers                                   |
| dlo     | `docker container logs`     | Fetch the logs of a docker container                                                     |
| dcls     | `docker container ls`       | List all the running docker containers                                                   |
| dclsa    | `docker container ls -a`    | List all running and stopped containers                                                  |
| dpo     | `docker container port`     | List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container                               |
| dpu     | `docker pull`               | Pull an image or a repository from a registry                                            |
| dr      | `docker container run`      | Create a new container and start it using the specified command                          |
| drit    | `docker container run -it`  | Create a new container and start it in an interactive shell                              |
| drm     | `docker container rm`       | Remove the specified container(s)                                                        |
| drm!    | `docker container rm -f`    | Force the removal of a running container (uses SIGKILL)                                  |
| dst     | `docker container start`    | Start one or more stopped containers                                                     |
| dstp    | `docker container stop`     | Stop one or more running containers                                                      |
| dtop    | `docker top`                | Display the running processes of a container                                             |
| dxc     | `docker container exec`     | Run a new command in a running container                                                 |
| dxcit   | `docker container exec -it` | Run a new command in a running container in an interactive shell                         |
|         |                             | **Docker Images**                                                                        |
| dib     | `docker image build`        | Build an image from a Dockerfile (same as docker build)                                  |
| dii     | `docker image inspect`      | Display detailed information on one or more images                                       |
| dils    | `docker image ls`           | List docker images                                                                       |
| dip     | `docker image push`         | Push an image or repository to a remote registry                                         |
| dirm    | `docker image rm`           | Remove one or more images                                                                |
| dit     | `docker image tag`          | Add a name and tag to a particular image                                                 |
|         |                             | **Docker Network**                                                                       |
| dnc     | `docker network create`     | Create a new network                                                                     |
| dncn    | `docker network connect`    | Connect a container to a network                                                         |
| dndcn   | `docker network disconnect` | Disconnect a container from a network                                                    |
| dni     | `docker network inspect`    | Return information about one or more networks                                            |
| dnls    | `docker network ls`         | List all networks the engine daemon knows about, including those spanning multiple hosts |
| dnrm    | `docker network rm`         | Remove one or more networks                                                              |
|         |                             | **Docker Volume**                                                                        |
| dvi     | `docker volume inspect`     | Display detailed information about one or more volumes                                   |
| dvls    | `docker volume ls`          | List all the volumes known to  docker                                                    |
| dvprune | `docker volume prune`       | Cleanup dangling volumes                                                                 |