# Shrink directory paths, e.g. /home/me/foo/bar/quux -> ~/f/b/quux. # # For a fish-style working directory in your command prompt, add the following # to your theme or zshrc: # # setopt prompt_subst # PS1='%n@%m $(shrink_path -f)>' # # The following options are available: # # -f, --fish fish simulation, equivalent to -l -s -t. # -l, --last Print the last directory's full name. # -s, --short Truncate directory names to the first character. Without # -s, names are truncated without making them ambiguous. # -t, --tilde Substitute ~ for the home directory. # -T, --nameddirs Substitute named directories as well. # # The long options can also be set via zstyle, like # zstyle :prompt:shrink_path fish yes # # Note: Directory names containing two or more consecutive spaces are not yet # supported. # # Keywords: prompt directory truncate shrink collapse fish # # Copyright (C) 2008 by Daniel Friesel <derf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> # License: WTFPL <http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl> # # Ref: http://www.zsh.org/mla/workers/2009/msg00415.html # http://www.zsh.org/mla/workers/2009/msg00419.html shrink_path () { setopt localoptions setopt rc_quotes null_glob typeset -i lastfull=0 typeset -i short=0 typeset -i tilde=0 typeset -i named=0 if zstyle -t ':prompt:shrink_path' fish; then lastfull=1 short=1 tilde=1 fi if zstyle -t ':prompt:shrink_path' nameddirs; then tilde=1 named=1 fi zstyle -t ':prompt:shrink_path' last && lastfull=1 zstyle -t ':prompt:shrink_path' short && short=1 zstyle -t ':prompt:shrink_path' tilde && tilde=1 while [[ $1 == -* ]]; do case $1 in -f|--fish) lastfull=1 short=1 tilde=1 ;; -h|--help) print 'Usage: shrink_path [-f -l -s -t] [directory]' print ' -f, --fish fish-simulation, like -l -s -t' print ' -l, --last Print the last directory''s full name' print ' -s, --short Truncate directory names to the first character' print ' -t, --tilde Substitute ~ for the home directory' print ' -T, --nameddirs Substitute named directories as well' print 'The long options can also be set via zstyle, like' print ' zstyle :prompt:shrink_path fish yes' return 0 ;; -l|--last) lastfull=1 ;; -s|--short) short=1 ;; -t|--tilde) tilde=1 ;; -T|--nameddirs) tilde=1 named=1 ;; esac shift done typeset -a tree expn typeset result part dir=${1-$PWD} typeset -i i [[ -d $dir ]] || return 0 if (( named )) { for part in ${(k)nameddirs}; { [[ $dir == ${nameddirs[$part]}(/*|) ]] && dir=${dir/${nameddirs[$part]}/\~$part} } } (( tilde )) && dir=${dir/$HOME/\~} tree=(${(s:/:)dir}) ( # unset chpwd_functions since we'll be calling `cd` and don't # want any side-effects (eg., if the user was using auto-ls) chpwd_functions=() # unset chpwd since even if chpwd_functions is (), zsh will # attempt to execute chpwd unfunction chpwd 2> /dev/null if [[ $tree[1] == \~* ]] { cd ${~tree[1]} result=$tree[1] shift tree } else { cd / } for dir in $tree; { if (( lastfull && $#tree == 1 )) { result+="/$tree" break } expn=(a b) part='' i=0 until [[ (( ${#expn} == 1 )) || $dir = $expn || $i -gt 99 ]] do (( i++ )) part+=$dir[$i] expn=($(echo ${part}*(-/))) (( short )) && break done result+="/$part" cd $dir shift tree } echo ${result:-/} ) } ## vim:ft=zsh