[](./LICENSE) [](./LICENSE)  [![Gitter][gitter-image]][gitter-link]  # Zsh Navigation Tools Set of tools like `n-history` – multi-word history searcher, `n-cd` – directory bookmark manager, `n-kill` – `htop` like kill utility, and more. Based on `n-list`, a tool generating selectable curses-based list of elements that has access to current `Zsh` session, i.e. has broad capabilities to work together with it. Feature highlights include incremental multi-word searching, approximate matching, ANSI coloring, themes, unique mode, horizontal scroll, grepping, advanced history management and various integrations with `Zsh`. To use it, add `zsh-navigation-tools` to the plugins array in your zshrc file: ```zsh plugins=(... zsh-navigation-tools) ``` Also check out [ Zsh Command Architect](https://github.com/zdharma-continuum/zsh-cmd-architect) and [Zconvey](https://github.com/zdharma-continuum/zconvey) Videos: - [https://youtu.be/QwZ8IJEgXRE](https://youtu.be/QwZ8IJEgXRE) - [https://youtu.be/DN9QqssAYB8](https://youtu.be/DN9QqssAYB8) Screenshots:   ## History Widget To have `n-history` as the incremental searcher bound to `Ctrl-R` copy `znt-*` files into the `*/site-functions` dir (unless you do single file install) and add: ```zsh autoload znt-history-widget zle -N znt-history-widget bindkey "^R" znt-history-widget ``` to `.zshrc`. This is done automatically when using the installer, zgen, antigen or single file install. Two other widgets exist, `znt-cd-widget` and `znt-kill-widget`, they too can be assigned to key combinations (`autoload` is done in `.zshrc` so no need of it): ```zsh zle -N znt-cd-widget bindkey "^B" znt-cd-widget zle -N znt-kill-widget bindkey "^Y" znt-kill-widget ``` ## Introduction The tools are: - `n-aliases` - browses aliases, relegates editing to `vared` - `n-cd` - browses dirstack and bookmarked directories, allows to enter selected directory - `n-functions` - browses functions, relegates editing to `zed` or `vared` - `n-history` - browses history, allows to edit and run commands from it - `n-kill` - browses processes list, allows to send signal to selected process - `n-env` - browses environment, relegates editing to `vared` - `n-options` - browses options, allows to toggle their state - `n-panelize` - loads output of given command into the list for browsing All tools support horizontal scroll with `<`,`>`, `{`,`}`, `h`,`l` or left and right cursors. Other keys are: - `H`, `?` (from n-history) - run n-help - `Ctrl-R` - start n-history, the incremental, multi-keyword history searcher (Zsh binding) - `Ctrl-A` - rotate entered words (1+2+3 -> 3+1+2) - `Ctrl-F` - fix mode (approximate matching) - `Ctrl-L` - redraw of whole display - `Ctrl-T` - browse themes (next theme) - `Ctrl-G` - browse themes (previous theme) - `Ctrl-U` - half page up - `Ctrl-D` - half page down - `Ctrl-P` - previous element (also done with vim's k) - `Ctrl-N` - next element (also done with vim's j) - `[`, `]` - jump directory bookmarks in n-cd and typical signals in n-kill - `g`, `G` - beginning and end of the list - `/` - show incremental search - `F3` - show/hide incremental search - `Esc` - exit incremental search, clearing filter - `Ctrl-W` (in incremental search) - delete whole word - `Ctrl-K` (in incremental search) - delete whole line - `Ctrl-O`, `o` - enter uniq mode (no duplicate lines) - `Ctrl-E`, `e` - edit private history (when in private history view) - `F1` - (in n-history) - switch view - `F2`, `Ctrl-X`, `Ctrl-/` - search predefined keywords (defined in config files) ## Configuration `ZNT` has configuration files located in `~/.config/znt`. The files are: ``` n-aliases.conf n-cd.conf n-env.conf n-functions.conf n-history.conf n-kill.conf n-list.conf n-options.conf n-panelize.conf ``` `n-list.conf` contains main configuration variables: ```zsh # Should the list (text, borders) be drawn in bold local bold=0 # Main color pair (foreground/background) local colorpair="white/black" # Should draw the border? local border=1 # Combinations of colors to try out with Ctrl-T and Ctrl-G # The last number is the bold option, 0 or 1 local -a themes themes=( "white/black/1" "green/black/0" "green/black/1" "white/blue/0" "white/blue/1" "magenta/black/0" "magenta/black/1" ) ``` Read remaining configuration files to see what's in them. Nevertheless, configuration can be also set from `zshrc`. There are `5` standard `zshrc` configuration variables: ``` znt_history_active_text - underline or reverse - how should be active element highlighted znt_history_nlist_coloring_pattern - pattern that can be used to colorize elements znt_history_nlist_coloring_color - color with which to colorize znt_history_nlist_coloring_match_multiple - should multiple matches be colorized (0 or 1) znt_history_keywords (array) - search keywords activated with `Ctrl-X`, `F2` or `Ctrl-/`, e.g. ( "git" "vim" ) ``` Above variables will work for `n-history` tool. For other tools, change `_history_` to e.g. `_cd_`, for the `n-cd` tool. The same works for all `8` tools. Common configuration of the tools uses variables with `_list_` in them: ``` znt_list_bold - should draw text in bold (0 or 1) znt_list_colorpair - main pair of colors to be used, e.g "green/black" znt_list_border - should draw borders around windows (0 or 1) znt_list_themes (array) - list of themes to try out with Ctrl-T, e.g. ( "white/black/1" "green/black/0" ) znt_list_instant_select - should pressing enter in search mode leave tool (0 or 1) ``` If you used `ZNT` before `v2.1.12`, remove old configuration files `~/.config/znt/*.conf` so that `ZNT` can update them to the latest versions that support integration with `Zshrc`. If you used installer then run it again (after the remove of configuration files). ## Programming The function `n-list` is used as follows: ```zsh n-list {element1} [element2] ... [elementN] ``` This is all that is needed to be done to have the features like ANSI coloring, incremental multi-word search, unique mode, horizontal scroll, non-selectable elements (grepping is done outside `n-list`, see the tools for how it can be done). To set up non-selectable entries add their indices into array `NLIST_NONSELECTABLE_ELEMENTS`: ```zsh typeset -a NLIST_NONSELECTABLE_ELEMENTS NLIST_NONSELECTABLE_ELEMENTS=( 1 ) ``` Result is stored as `$reply[REPLY]` (`$` isn't needed before `REPLY` because of arithmetic context inside `[]`). The returned array might be different from input arguments as `n-list` can process them via incremental search or uniq mode. `$REPLY` is the index in that possibly processed array. If `$REPLY` equals `-1` it means that no selection have been made (user quitted via `q` key). To set up entries that can be jumped to with `[`,`]` keys add their indices to `NLIST_HOP_INDEXES` array: ```zsh typeset -a NLIST_HOP_INDEXES NLIST_HOP_INDEXES=( 1 10 ) ``` `n-list` can automatically colorize entries according to a `Zsh` pattern. Following example will colorize all numbers with blue: ```zsh local NLIST_COLORING_PATTERN="[0-9]##" local NLIST_COLORING_COLOR=$'\x1b[00;34m' local NLIST_COLORING_END_COLOR=$'\x1b[0m' local NLIST_COLORING_MATCH_MULTIPLE=1 n-list "This is a number 123" "This line too has a number: 456" ``` Blue is the default color, it doesn't have to be set. See `zshexpn` man page for more information on `Zsh` patterns. Briefly, comparing to regular expressions, `(#s)` is `^`, `(#e)` is `$`, `#` is `*`, `##` is `+`. Alternative will work when in parenthesis, i.e. `(a|b)`. BTW by using this method you can colorize output of the tools, via their config files (check out e.g. n-cd.conf, it is using this). ## Performance `ZNT` are fastest with `Zsh` before `5.0.6` and starting from `5.2` ## A tip Zsh plugins may look scary, as they seem to have some "architecture". In fact, what a plugin really is, is that: 1. It has its directory added to `fpath` 2. It has any first `*.plugin.zsh` file sourced That's it. When one contributes to Oh-My-Zsh or creates a plugin for any plugin manager, they only need to account for this. The same with doing any non-typical Zsh Navigation Tools installation. ## More - be aware of [this](https://github.com/zdharma-continuum/zsh-navigation-tools/blob/f49f910d239ae5bc6e1a5bb34930307b4f4e3ffe/zsh-navigation-tools.plugin.zsh#L35-L49) # Fixing tmux, screen and linux vt If `TERM=screen-256color` (often a case for `tmux` and `screen` sessions) then `ncv` terminfo capability will have `2`nd bit set. This in general means that underline won't work. To fix this by creating your own `ncv=0`-equipped terminfo file, run: ```zsh { infocmp -x screen-256color; printf '\t%s\n' 'ncv@,'; } > /tmp/t && tic -x /tmp/t ``` A file will be created in directory `~/.terminfo` and will be automatically used, `tmux` and `screen` will work. Similar is for Linux virtual terminal: ```zsh { infocmp -x linux; printf '\t%s\n' 'ncv@,'; } > /tmp/t && tic -x /tmp/t ``` It will not display underline properly, but will instead highlight by a color, which is quite nice. The same will not work for FreeBSD's vt, `ZNT` will detect if that vt is used and will revert to highlighting elements via `reverse` mode. [gitter-image]: https://badges.gitter.im/zdharma-continuum/community.svg [gitter-link]: https://gitter.im/zdharma-continuum/community