diff options
authorMichele Bologna <>2015-05-28 16:25:49 +0200
committerncanceill <>2015-06-11 21:13:48 +0200
commit81eec406c8186a8f15763cf21230e0f1164942c9 (patch)
parent1f008b4113cd4586423c4ecc54f65f12e8a61145 (diff)
* Added header with help and information
* Moved git information to left prompt, with support for: * +ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_UNTRACKED, MODIFIED, STASHED, ADDED, UPSTREAM STATUS (if applicable) * Removed right prompt * Refactored following Google's guidelines for scripts [ ] * Using local variables where applicable
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/themes/michelebologna.zsh-theme b/themes/michelebologna.zsh-theme
index a7599c8f5..fec243873 100644
--- a/themes/michelebologna.zsh-theme
+++ b/themes/michelebologna.zsh-theme
@@ -1,44 +1,74 @@
-# reference colors
-# color reset
-# which color should be applied?
-# uncomment next line if you want auto-generated hostname color
-#for i in $HOST; HOSTNAME_NORMAL_COLOR=$COLOR_ARRAY[$[((#i))%7+1]]
-# zsh commands
-# output: colors + commands
-# git theming
+# Michele Bologna's theme
+# This a theme for oh-my-zsh. Features a colored prompt with:
+# * username@host: [jobs] [git] workdir %
+# * hostname color is based on hostname characters. When using as root, the
+# prompt shows only the hostname in red color.
+# * [jobs], if applicable, counts the number of suspended jobs tty
+# * [git], if applicable, represents the status of your git repo (more on that
+# later)
+# * '%' prompt will be green if last command return value is 0, yellow otherwise.
+# git prompt is inspired by official git contrib prompt:
+# and it adds:
+# * the current branch
+# * '%' if there are untracked files
+# * '$' if there are stashed changes
+# * '*' if there are modified files
+# * '+' if there are added files
+# * '<' if local repo is behind remote repo
+# * '>' if local repo is ahead remote repo
+# * '=' if local repo is equal to remote repo (in sync)
+# * '<>' if local repo is diverged
+local green="%{$fg_bold[green]%}"
+local red="%{$fg_bold[red]%}"
+local cyan="%{$fg_bold[cyan]%}"
+local yellow="%{$fg_bold[yellow]%}"
+local blue="%{$fg_bold[blue]%}"
+local magenta="%{$fg_bold[magenta]%}"
+local white="%{$fg_bold[white]%}"
+local reset="%{$reset_color%}"
+local -a color_array
+color_array=($green $red $cyan $yellow $blue $magenta $white)
+local username_normal_color=$white
+local username_root_color=$red
+local hostname_root_color=$red
+# calculating hostname color with hostname characters
+for i in `hostname`; local hostname_normal_color=$color_array[$[((#i))%7+1]]
+local -a hostname_color
+local current_dir_color=$blue
+local username_command="%n"
+local hostname_command="%m"
+local current_dir="%~"
+local username_output="%(!..$username_normal_color$username_command$reset@)"
+local hostname_output="$hostname_color$hostname_command$reset"
+local current_dir_output="$current_dir_color$current_dir$reset"
+local jobs_bg="${red}fg: %j$reset"
+local last_command_output="%(?.%(!.$red.$green).$yellow)"
-# wrap all together
-RPROMPT='%1(j.fg: [%j].) $GREEN$(git_prompt_info)$RESET_COLOR [%@]'
+PROMPT='$username_output$hostname_output:$current_dir_output%1(j. [$jobs_bg].)'
+PROMPT+=" $last_command_output%#$reset "