People Reidentification in a camera network
- Differences in cam viewpoints & orientations
- Light conditions
- Pose variability
- Change of Cloth
Related work
- Match among images
- Biometric
- Color
- Some limited by movements of people(for people/car)
- have method of maintenance [2]
- *** Very efficient description of object using local features, communication, point correlation
- Procedure:
- target => idef & des by local features
- des => wavelet(signature)
- signature =Communicate=> neighboring camera node => gen des(specific signature)
- Mathing algorithm
Architecture of proposed system:
Control component
- Input: query(set of images, from each camera)
- Reidef (Query image from op) => point detection & description
Reidef component
Interest Point Detection
Hessian matrix => minima maxima(using sign of Det) \[H(f(x,y)) = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x^2} & \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x \partial y} \\ \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x \partial y} & \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial y^2} \end{bmatrix}\]
Intensity Image, second derivative <= convolution with gaussian kernel(derivative,laplacian), scale \(\sigma\) \[H(x,\sigma) = \begin{bmatrix} L_{xx}(x,\sigma) & L_{xy}(x,\sigma) \\ L_{xy}(x,\sigma) & L_{yy}(y,\sigma) \end{bmatrix}\] (highlight ed)
Approx, weighted box filter => \(det=D_{xx}D_{yy}-(0.9D_{xy})^2\)
Accurate Interest Point Localisation
- Thresholding
- non-maximal suppression
- localisation => intrepolating & fitting (Brown [3])
- Taylor expansion of H & d = 0
- \(\hat{x} = -\frac{\partial^2H^{-1}}{\partial x^2}\frac{\partial H}{\partial x}\)
Feature Descriptors
64 & 1281 dim vector with hue information, divide \(4\sigma *4\sigma\) \[[\sum d_x, \sum d_y, \sum |d_x|, \sum |d_y|]\]
The orientation is selected by rotating a circle segment covering angles of \(\pi / 3\)2
Point Correlation
Matching process, op give interest point \(x_j\), from frame interest point \(c_i\)
Sum of Quadratic differences(SQD)