Advanced Algorithm
- Randomized Algorithms
- Approximation Algorithms
- Flows
- Linear Programming
- Moving towards larger dataset
- Game theory
- Algorithmic fairness
- Interactive proofs
- Cake cutting algorithm
Randomized Algorithms
Universality property
A random hash function from U to m that satisfy \[\forall x,y \in U, P\{h(x) == h(y)\} = \frac{1}{m}\]
Hash Choice
- \(h_A(x) = (ax \mod p) \mod m, p > |U|, a \in \{1, 2, ... , p-1\}\)
power of two choices: \(\log \log n\) n balls: \(n^2\) bins to prevent collisions
bloom filters
depends on requirements : is \(x \in S ? \rightarrow \mbox{yes} even if x \notin S\)
Randomized Algorithms’ properties
- las vegas Algorithms
- always correct
- resource usage randomized
- monte carlo Algorithms
- sometimes correct
- resource usage is fixed
- amplification run it n times: the chance of failure to drop exponentially(can be arbitartily small)
LV algorithm that runs in expected time T(n), run for 3T(n) steps. converts to monte carlo
Markov inequality: \(P(x>3\mu) \leq \frac{1}{3}\)
Min cut
cut \((S,V-S)\), size of cut is the number of edges between \(S,V-S\).
contract edge : take an edge and collapse it and two endpoints to a single node
edge contaction preserves the min cut in a graph
min cut k, \(|E| \geq \frac{kn}{2}\)
- randomly pick edges and accumulate:
- prob = \(1/n^2\)
- T times prob failure = \(e^{-T/n^2}\)
Freivald’s methods
verify AB=C in \(n^2\) time
- one way answer
- take \(r \in (0,1)^n\)
- compare \(ABr | Cr\)
- probability is bounded by some number
Schwartz-Zipped-DeMillo-Lipton lemma
prime field \(F_p = arithmetic \mod p\) for a polynominal P, it only have at most P root.
- two bits string, \(a_1,...,a_n\) and \(b_1,...,b_n\)
- \(A = \sum_{x=1}^{x=n}a_x x^n\)
- pick a field F, $|F| = n^2 $
- \(r \in F\), \(A(r) | B(r)\)
- \(Pr(A(r) == B(r)| A \neq B)\leq \frac{n}{n^2} = \frac{1}{n} = \frac{d}{|S|}\)
Document Similarity
Jacob similarity = \(\frac{|A\cap B|}{A \cup B}\)
hash of doc: \[h(w) \rightarrow [0,1]\] \[h(doc) = \min\{h(w),w \in doc\}\] \[Pr(h(A) = h(B)) = Jacob similarity\]
Probabilistic Behavior
- resource usage
- correctness
- tail distribution
- Markov inequality:
- \(E[X] = \mu,X \in R^+, \forall a>0, Pr(X\geq a\mu) \leq \frac{1}{a}\)
- Chebyshev inequality:
- \(Pr(|X-\mu| \geq a \sigma) \leq \frac{1}{a^2}\)
- Chernoff bound:
- \(Pr(x>(1+\delta) \mu) \leq c_\sigma^\mu\)
- \(c_\sigma = [\frac{c^\sigma}{(1+\sigma)^{1+\sigma}}]\)
- Simpler form: \(Pr(|X-\mu| \leq \sigma \mu) \leq 2 e^{-\frac{\mu\delta^2}{3}}\)
- Markov inequality:
Approximation Algorithms
Give an answer \(s\in S\), have some function \(V(s)\), give the value of the solution. Objective: \(\min/ \max\{V(s)\}\)
PAC Learning1
- Relative/absolute error comparing to best \(V^*(S)\)
- Guarantee of running time & quality. comparing to herustics
- Algorithm that will always give an answer with less than certain error
- Don’t know the right answer
- Max-cut : half approximation, using randomly spliting the vertices set
Finding the median in constant time
- find median O(n)
- approximate median: value / rank
- Take one random element: \(E[\Delta Rank]= n/4\)
- take three random element: \(5/32\)
Constant storage majority element
- take two, same keep count
- +/- count
- take k bins to find the frequency of n/k
- Deterministic / randomized
- exact / approximate
Vertex cover
Degree strategy : $ s/opt log N$. opt and each progress
Set of edges chosen forms a matching -> at least k \(s/opt \leq 2\)
- lower bound
- \(A \leq c f(G)\)
- \(opt \geq f(G)\)
- \(\frac{A}{opt} \geq f(g) \geq \frac{A}{C}\)
- \(\frac{A}{opt} \leq C\)
Set cover
Harder, NP hard, for less than \(logN\) approx
NP hard Rank
- independent set
- set cover
- vertex cover
- arbitrary good
Travelling salesperson
If there’s an algorithm that approximates TSP to g(n) factor (relative apporximation) then P=NP
- Hamilton cycle, path visiting each vector exactly once(gap method)
- add missing edges to have large weight, k
- TSP -> check total weight
- arbitrary precision
Approximation algor(triangular inequality)
- compute MST
- preorder traversal, with poping
delete multiple instances with direct distance
- \(OPT \geq MST\) - lower bound
- cost less than 2MST(because we duplicated all edges to make it eularian)
approximation is within 2 times of the optimal
Reduce the 2 to 1.5: * observe the number of odd-degreed nodes are even * will pairing them up to make it eularian cut down the number of added edges? * convert to minimum cost matching * \(C(M^+) \leq C(M in opt) \leq \frac{OPT}{2}\) * C(tour) within 1.5
Polynomial time approximation scheme(PTAS)
Want \(1+\epsilon, \epsilon \geq 0\) approximation. Runing time poly(n), but arbitrary function of \(\frac1\epsilon\), such as \(n^2 2^{1\epsilon}\)
n objects each with a value \(v_i\) and weight \(w_i\), Knapsack carries weight w, find a subset of the item with the maximum value and total weight \(\leq w\)
Dynamic programming solution, O(nw).
using namespace std;
int main()
int n,m;
int a[1000],w,v;
cin >> n;
cin >> m;
for (int i = 0; i< n;++i)
cin >> w >> v;
for (int j=m;j>=w;--j)
if (a[j]< a[j-w]+v)
a[j] = a[j-w] + v;
cout<< a[m];
Approximation algor
exists an algorithm for knapsack running in time \(O(n^2 v_{max})\)
For number b, replace \(v_i \mbox{ by } \tilde{v_i} = \lceil \frac{v_i}{b} \rceil,\hat{v_i} = \frac{v_i}{b}\)
\(\tilde{OPT} = b \hat{OPT}\)
Run \(O(n^2 v_{max})\) on \(\tilde{v_i}\), multiply the result by b.
Set \(\frac{\epsilon}{2n}v_{max}, \tilde{v}_{max} \leq \frac{2n}{\epsilon} +1\), running time is \(O(\frac{n^3}{\epsilon})\), \(\sum_{S^*} v_i \leq \sum_{S^*} \tilde{v}_i \leq \sum_S \tilde{v}_i \leq \sum_S v_i+b\) with S being our solution \(S^*\) being the optimal set of items. \(OPT \leq nb + \sum v_i\)
Let \(b=\frac{\epsilon v^*}{n} \leq \frac{\epsilon}{n}A \rightarrow nb+a \leq A+\epsilon A\).
Dynamic programming using weight, using the weight table.
Thought process
Connect the problem with a lower bound, and devise and algorithm to connect the original problem to the lower bound. Or reduce the original problem input and devise a problem for the reduced input.
- Directed graph
- Source(s) and sink(t) vertices
Properties of flow
- \(f(e) \geq 0\)
- conservation constraints: for any \(v \neq s,t, \; \sum(in) = \sum(out)\)
- Value of flow : \(s: \sum(out)- \sum(in)\). same for the sink
Maximum low -> min cut(s-t cut)
- partition of V into A,B with \(s \in A, t \in B\)
- Capacity of edges \(C:E \rightarrow R^+\)
- Capacity of cut: \(||A,B|| = \sum_{v \in A, u \in B} C(v\rightarrow u)\)
- \(\forall e \in E, F(e)\leq C(e)\)
Let f be any flow, (A,B) be any st-cut: \(v(f) \leq ||A,B||\)
The maxflow-mincut theorem: The value of the maximum flow is equal to the minimum st-cut
special case : suppose \(\exists f \& (A,B) s.t \; v(f) = ||A,B|| \; v(f) \mbox{ is maximum }, ||A,B|| \mbox{ is minimum}\)
Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
As long as there is an open path(augmenting path), add the minimum flow residual of that path to the cut(augment). An edge is split as forward edge \(c-f^*\) with backward edge \(f^*\).
How to construct an S-T cut:
- A = all vertices reachable from s
- B = V - A
- Claim \(||A,B|| = v(f^*) = \sum f^*(A \rightarrow B) - \sum f^*(B \rightarrow A)\)
- by definition, if not, will make the vertices reachable from A.
- Every augementing path has capacity at least 1,
- \(O(mC*)\)
- it may take infinite time for \(v(f*) = 2x+1\) where x is irrational
- converges to wrong answer
Solutions: by changing how to choose the augmenting path
- FAT pipes: the path that maximizes flow
- for every augmenting path: \(v \geq \frac{f^*}{m}\)
- \(O(m^2 \log m \ln f^*)\)
- SHORT pipes:
- if every edge flips at most \(\frac{|v|}2\) times, running time \(O(m^2n)\)
- the level of a vertex: shortest path from s
- \(l_j(u) \geq l_i(u) + 2\) for each time it flips
Edge disjoint path: given a graph and (s,t) find the total number of edge disjoint path…same as flow with edge capacity 1
Vertex disjoint path: given a graph and (s,t) find the toal number of edge disjoint path…split the vertex as in & out vertex
Bipartite graph matching: create (s,t) with only 1 capacity to vetices in A,B
Project Management: A set of jobs J, and dependencies between them. Each job have a profits.
- C = sum of all the positive profits
- \[\begin{cases} C(i \rightarrow j) &= \inf \\ C(s \rightarrow v) &= P_v , + \\ C(v \rightarrow t) &= -P_v , - \\ C(a \rightarrow b) &= \inf , a \rightarrow b \end{cases}\]
- C - MINCUT = result
Linear Programming
- Variables : \(x_1,x_2,\dots, x_n\)
- A cost function to maximize or minimize: \(c_1x_1 + c_2x_2 + \dots + c_nx_n\)
- max \(\overrightarrow{c} \cdot \overrightarrow{x}\)
- Constraints : \(a_{i1}x_1 + a_{i2}x_2 + \dots + a_{in}x_n \leq b_i\)
- \(A \cdot \overrightarrow{x} \leq \overrightarrow{b}\)
- \(x\geq 0\)
- Above are the Canonical form, can transform a problem to this form
Solving Linear Programming: \(\overrightarrow{c}\) can be interpreted as direction that the equi-solution line moving perpendicular to that of the equi-solution line. After rotation, -> finding the lowest point
Shortest paths:
- max \(d_t\)
- \(d_s = 0\)
\(\forall u,v \in E d_u - d_v \leq w_{u,v}\)
- min \(\sum_{u,v \in E} w_{uv} x_{uv}\)
- \(\sum_{s,w \in E} x_{sw} - \sum_{s,v \in E} x_{vs} = 1\)
- \(\sum_{t,w \in E} x_{tw} - \sum_{t,v \in E} x_{vt} = -1\)
\(\sum_{u,w \in E} x_{uw} - \sum_{u,v \in E} x_{vu} = 0\)
Max Flow:
- similar to the above
- except the s,t constraints
Min Cut:
- \(\min \sum y\)
- \(y_{uv} + d_u + d_v \geq 0\)
- \(y_{sv} - d_v \geq 0\)
- \(y_{ut} + d_u \geq 0\)
Primal LP
- max \(cx\)
- \(Ax \leq b\)
- \(x\geq 0\)
Dual LP
- min \(yb\)
- \(y^TA \geq c^T\)
\(y\geq 0\)
- primal variables -> dual constraints
- primal constraints -> dual variables
- combining bounds to get the tightest
- unbounded -> equality
bounded to other sign -> relationhip to another sign
- weak duality : \(\forall \mbox{ feasible } x,y: cx \leq yb\)
- strong duality : \(c x^* = y^* b\)
- check \(Ax \leq b\)
- ask for feasible y for dual LP
- Check \(y^TA \geq c\)
- \(cx=yb\)
Primal-dual methods:
- start with x feasible & infeasible y
- use x produce a y that is less in feasible
- backforth
Solve problem don’t know how to solve
Vertex cover: We have G(V,E). Find \(S \subseteq V\). That covers all edges s.t. \(|S|\) is minimum.
- Integer programming problem, originally. NP-hard by transitivity
- relaxation by reducing constraints
- LP-rounding, 2-approximation
- randomized rounding: for other problem
MAX 3-SAT: 3 terms disjuction, in conjunction clause. Find assignments of variables that maximize the number of clauses satisfied in the conjuction
Another LP relaxation
- Binary search
- zombie binary search
- treat weight as posibility
- Linear programming
- set cover
- MAXCUT: given \(G(V,E), w: E \rightarrow R^+\)
- Find partition \(V= A \cup B\) s.t. \(\sum_{e \in E \cap A \times B} w_e\) is maximaized
- \(|x_i+x_j = 1| \rightarrow v_{ij} \leq x_i+x_j; v_{ij} \leq 2- (x_i+x_j)\)
- Regression when trying to relax -> randomized algorithm(relax by random toss)
integrality gap of 1/2
- Nonlinear version, best to date(semi-definite program)
- \(y_i = \pm 1,\max \sum 1/2 - 1/2 y_i y_j\)
- \(||y_i||^2 = 1, X_{ii} = 1\)
- picking any plane at random:
- \(\cos^{-1} (<x,y>)/\pi \geq 0.878 S^*\)
- \(max CX\)
- \(A_kX \leq b_k\)
- \(X\geq 0\)
Semi-definite program can also be solved in polynomial time -> LP is a special case
Moving towards larger dataset
Compress: Original dataset P, have \(S\subseteq P\) s.t. \(|S| << |P|\) and \(f(P) \approx f(S)\). Compute f takes \(g(|P|)\) time \(|P|+g(|S|)\) time
Furthest point
- Find furthest neighbor to any point p, let the distance be r
- hash point into grid G with cell size \(c \epsilon r\)
- Find diameter pair in G
\(O(n+\frac1{\epsilon^4}\) vs \(n^2\)
When \(c= \frac1{\sqrt2}\), \(\tilde{\Delta} \geq \Delta (1-\epsilon)\)
Fixed Parameter Tractable
- problem in this set might be NP-hard
The curve of dimensionality
Time / space / resources to solve a problem grows exponentially with dimension
Convex Hall: the smallest convex set that contains all the points, Points + boundaries: nonlinear increase with dimensionality
Claim: “interesting structures grows exponentially with d”
Dimensionality reduction
- Principal Component Analysis
- \(\max_u u^T C u, C = \sum x_i x_i^T\)
- Center the data
- Compute \(C =\sum x_i X_i^T\)
- Compute largest k eigenvalues: \(R^d \rightarrow R^k\)
Johnson - lindenstrauss lemma
\[\exists A: P\rightarrow R^d : ||P_i - P_j|| \leq (1+\epsilon) ||P_i - P_j||\] \[d = O(\frac{\log n}{\epsilon^2})\] \[||x||=1 , ||Ax|| \leq 1 + \epsilon, ||Ax|| \geq 1\]
What does the transformation looks like
A random d-dimensional subspace \(A = \{a_{ij}\}, a_{ij} \in N(0,1)\), or sub-gaussian distribution even with discrete values
Game theory
- Theory of games and economic behavior
- Voting system
- economics
- biology
tragedy of the commons
- dominant equilibrium, every are happy to change, vickrey second-price auction
- Nash equilibrium, no incentive to move assuming no one else moves.2
- every D.E is N.E
- every finite game has a nash equilibrium with “mixed” strategy
- Machanism design
- voting, personal preference -> global ranking
- unanimity
- no dictator
- no strategic voting
- pref represented are rank ordering
- THM (ARROW): can’t do it
- THM (BTT): defeating the scheme is NP-hard
- vickery-clark-grove mechanism: second-price auction
bidding for ads
- How long will it reach equilibrium
- not NP-hard because all games have nash equilibrium
- The price of anarchy
Braess’s paradox
Algorithmic fairness
accountability & transparancy
- What is fairness
- disparate impact
- treatment
- askewd outcome: ratio
- No post changing of rules
- group fairness
- disparate impact
- Data: Diversity, Distribution merging
- Algorithm
- Output: look at criteria carefully, interpretable machine learning
- class condition accuracy
Interactive proofs
back and forth between prover and verifier: if prover is all power, it is the same
\[NP=dIP, P \subseteq NP \subseteq IP = PSPACE \subseteq EXP\]
if verifier if randomized
- Completeness : if x is in L, \(1 \geq P(acc) \geq \frac23\)
- Soundness : if x not in L, \(0 < P(acc) \leq \frac13\)
- zero knowledge
PSPACE : poly space computation, rewrite problem as a polynomial and verify polynomial
- oncloud:
- Client(V) sends data to Server(P)
P gives answer, V is streaming algorithm, how to verify?
Verifier protocals
give a stream return a poly verify at only one point
- Nearest N
- linear classifier
- clustering
- matrix
- connected component
- TSP(approximate)
PCP - probablilistic checkable proves
\[MIP = NEXP\]
Cake cutting algorithm
How to divide a resource that can convince someone that it is fair(get at least 1/n)
I cut, You choose(disagreement are good, everyone might be convinced that it have more than 1/2.)
Moving knife(the number of decisions are infinite)
Cut, trim, get the piece that trimmed
Recursively divide cake between n-1 players, take on slice from each of the 1/n of the n-1 slice.
Envy-free cake cutting:
\[\forall i,j \mu_i(x_i) \geq \mu_i(x_j)\] \[\mu_i(x_i) \geq 1/n\]
A cuts, B pick two largest, make one same as the smallest. C pick one. Trimming is divided by B, C pick, B pick, A pick.
Recursive cut