path: root/include
diff options
authorTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-22 15:12:54 -0600
committerTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-22 15:12:54 -0600
commit1929ac1a60615ee86779790c46e04e53de75462f (patch)
tree35566b4f04184a9aed98fdc9dda74507075a7890 /include
parentf27e01a039195c379fd6716c4870858789941365 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'include')
-rw-r--r--include/chillAST/chillASTs.hh (renamed from include/chill_ast.hh)711
10 files changed, 702 insertions, 727 deletions
diff --git a/include/chillAST.h b/include/chillAST.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dba4ed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/chillAST.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// Created by ztuowen on 9/22/16.
+#include "chillAST/chillAST_def.hh"
+#include "chillAST/chillAST_node.hh"
+#include "chillAST/chillASTs.hh"
diff --git a/include/chillAST/chillAST_def.hh b/include/chillAST/chillAST_def.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..318b51b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/chillAST/chillAST_def.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+#ifndef _CHILLAST_DEF_H_
+#define _CHILLAST_DEF_H_
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <vector> // std::vector
+#include <ir_enums.hh> // for IR_CONDITION_*
+ CHILLAST_NODETYPE_RECORDDECL, // struct or union (or class)
+ CHILLAST_NODETYPE_PREPROCESSING, // comments, #define, #include, whatever else works
+ // CUDA specific
+ CHILLAST_NODETYPE_NULL // explicit non-statement
+ // TODO
+} ;
+enum CHILL_PREPROCESSING_POSITION { // when tied to another statement
+ CHILL_PREPROCESSING_TOTHERIGHT, // for this kind of comment, on same line
+char *parseUnderlyingType( char *sometype );
+char *parseArrayParts( char *sometype );
+bool isRestrict( const char *sometype );
+char *splitTypeInfo( char *underlyingtype );
+char *ulhack( char *brackets ); // change "1024UL" to "1024"
+char *restricthack( char *typeinfo ); // remove __restrict__ , MODIFIES the argument!
+extern const char* Chill_AST_Node_Names[]; // WARNING MUST BE KEPT IN SYNC WITH BELOW LIST
+// fwd declarations
+class chillAST_node; // the generic node. specific types derive from this
+class chillAST_NULL; // empty
+class chillAST_SourceFile; // ast for an entire source file (translationunit)
+class chillAST_TypedefDecl;
+class chillAST_VarDecl;
+//class chillAST_ParmVarDecl;
+class chillAST_FunctionDecl;
+class chillAST_RecordDecl; // structs and unions (and classes?)
+class chillAST_MacroDefinition;
+class chillAST_CompoundStmt; // just a bunch of other statements
+class chillAST_ForStmt; // AKA a LOOP
+class chillAST_TernaryOperator;
+class chillAST_BinaryOperator;
+class chillAST_ArraySubscriptExpr;
+class chillAST_MemberExpr;
+class chillAST_DeclRefExpr;
+class chillAST_IntegerLiteral;
+class chillAST_FloatingLiteral;
+class chillAST_UnaryOperator;
+class chillAST_ImplicitCastExpr;
+class chillAST_CStyleCastExpr;
+class chillAST_CStyleAddressOf;
+class chillAST_ReturnStmt;
+class chillAST_CallExpr;
+class chillAST_ParenExpr;
+class chillAST_Sizeof;
+class chillAST_Malloc;
+class chillAST_Free;
+class chillAST_NoOp;
+class chillAST_CudaMalloc;
+class chillAST_CudaFree;
+class chillAST_CudaMemcpy;
+class chillAST_CudaKernelCall;
+class chillAST_CudaSyncthreads;
+class chillAST_Preprocessing;
+typedef std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl *> chillAST_SymbolTable; // typedef
+typedef std::vector<chillAST_TypedefDecl *> chillAST_TypedefTable; // typedef
+bool symbolTableHasVariableNamed( chillAST_SymbolTable *table, const char *name ); // fwd decl
+chillAST_VarDecl *symbolTableFindVariableNamed( chillAST_SymbolTable *table, const char *name ); // fwd decl TODO too many similar named functions
+void printSymbolTable( chillAST_SymbolTable *st ); // fwd decl
+void printSymbolTableMoreInfo( chillAST_SymbolTable *st ); // fwd decl
+chillAST_node *lessthanmacro( chillAST_node *left, chillAST_node *right); // fwd declaration
+chillAST_SymbolTable *addSymbolToTable( chillAST_SymbolTable *st, chillAST_VarDecl *vd ); // fwd decl
+chillAST_TypedefTable *addTypedefToTable( chillAST_TypedefTable *tt, chillAST_TypedefDecl *td ); // fwd decl
+bool streq( const char *a, const char *b); // fwd decl
+void chillindent( int i, FILE *fp ); // fwd declaration
+void insertNewDeclAtLocationOfOldIfNeeded( chillAST_VarDecl *newdecl, chillAST_VarDecl *olddecl);
+chillAST_DeclRefExpr *buildDeclRefExpr( chillAST_VarDecl *);
+chillAST_FunctionDecl *findFunctionDecl( chillAST_node *node, const char *procname);
diff --git a/include/chillAST/chillAST_node.hh b/include/chillAST/chillAST_node.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70660c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/chillAST/chillAST_node.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+#ifndef _CHILLAST_NODE_H_
+#define _CHILLAST_NODE_H_
+#include "chillAST_def.hh"
+// an actual chill ast.
+// nodes based on clang AST which are in turn based on C++
+class chillAST_node { // generic node. a tree of these is the AST. this is virtual (can't instantiate)
+ static int chill_scalar_counter; // for manufactured scalars
+ static int chill_array_counter ; // for manufactured arrays
+ static int chill_pointer_counter ; // for manufactured arrays
+ bool isSourceFile() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_SOURCEFILE); };
+ bool isTypeDefDecl() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_TYPEDEFDECL); };
+ bool isVarDecl() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_VARDECL); };
+ bool isFunctionDecl() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_FUNCTIONDECL); };
+ bool isRecordDecl() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_RECORDDECL); };
+ bool isMacroDefinition() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_MACRODEFINITION); };
+ bool isCompoundStmt() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_COMPOUNDSTMT); };
+ bool isLoop() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_LOOP); }; // AKA ForStmt
+ bool isForStmt() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_LOOP); }; // AKA Loop
+ bool isIfStmt() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_IFSTMT); };
+ bool isTernaryOperator() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_TERNARYOPERATOR);};
+ bool isBinaryOperator() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_BINARYOPERATOR); };
+ bool isUnaryOperator() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_UNARYOPERATOR); };
+ bool isArraySubscriptExpr() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_ARRAYSUBSCRIPTEXPR); };
+ bool isMemberExpr() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_MEMBEREXPR); };
+ bool isDeclRefExpr() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_DECLREFEXPR); };
+ bool isIntegerLiteral() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_INTEGERLITERAL); };
+ bool isFloatingLiteral() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_FLOATINGLITERAL); };
+ bool isImplicitCastExpr() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_IMPLICITCASTEXPR); };
+ bool isReturnStmt() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_RETURNSTMT); };
+ bool isCallExpr() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_CALLEXPR); };
+ bool isParenExpr() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_PARENEXPR); };
+ bool isSizeof() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_SIZEOF); };
+ bool isMalloc() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_MALLOC); };
+ bool isFree() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_FREE); };
+ bool isPreprocessing() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_PREPROCESSING); };
+ bool isNoOp() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_NOOP); };
+ bool isNull() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_NULL); };
+ bool isCStyleCastExpr() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_CSTYLECASTEXPR); };
+ bool isCStyleAddressOf() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_CSTYLEADDRESSOF); };
+ bool isCudaMalloc() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_CUDAMALLOC); };
+ bool isCudaFree() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_CUDAFREE); };
+ bool isCudaMemcpy() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_CUDAMEMCPY); };
+ bool isCudaKERNELCALL() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_CUDAKERNELCALL); };
+ bool isCudaSYNCTHREADS() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_CUDASYNCTHREADS); };
+ bool isDeclStmt() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_DECLSTMT); }; // doesn't exist
+ bool isConstant() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_INTEGERLITERAL) || (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_FLOATINGLITERAL); }
+ virtual bool isAssignmentOp() { return false; };
+ virtual bool isComparisonOp() { return false; };
+ virtual bool isNotLeaf() { return false; };
+ virtual bool isLeaf() { return true; };
+ virtual bool isParmVarDecl() { return false; };
+ virtual bool isPlusOp() { return false; };
+ virtual bool isMinusOp() { return false; };
+ virtual bool isPlusMinusOp() { return false; };
+ virtual bool isMultDivOp() { return false; };
+ virtual bool isAStruct() { return false; };
+ virtual bool isAUnion() { return false; };
+ virtual bool hasSymbolTable() { return false; } ; // most nodes do NOT have a symbol table
+ virtual bool hasTypedefTable() { return false; } ; // most nodes do NOT have a typedef table
+ virtual chillAST_SymbolTable *getSymbolTable() { return NULL; } // most nodes do NOT have a symbol table
+ virtual chillAST_VarDecl *findVariableNamed( const char *name ); // recursive
+ chillAST_RecordDecl *findRecordDeclNamed( const char *name ); // recursive
+ // void addDecl( chillAST_VarDecl *vd); // recursive, adds to first symbol table it can find
+ // TODO decide how to hide some data
+ chillAST_node *parent;
+ bool isFromSourceFile; // false = #included
+ char *filename; // file this node is from
+ void segfault() { fprintf(stderr, "segfaulting on purpose\n"); int *i=0; int j = i[0]; }; // seg fault
+ int getNumChildren() { return children.size(); };
+ std::vector<chillAST_node*> children;
+ std::vector<chillAST_node*> getChildren() { return children; } ; // not usually useful
+ void setChildren( std::vector<chillAST_node*>&c ) { children = c; } ; // does not set parent. probably should
+ chillAST_node *getChild( int which) { return children[which]; };
+ void setChild( int which, chillAST_node *n ) { children[which] = n; children[which]->parent = this; } ;
+ char *metacomment; // for compiler internals, formerly a comment
+ void setMetaComment( char *c ) { metacomment = strdup(c); };
+ std::vector<chillAST_Preprocessing*> preprocessinginfo;
+ virtual void addChild( chillAST_node* c) {
+ //if (c->isFunctionDecl()) fprintf(stderr, "addchild FunctionDecl\n");
+ c->parent = this;
+ // check to see if it's already there
+ for (int i=0; i<children.size(); i++) {
+ if (c == children[i]) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "addchild ALREADY THERE\n");
+ return; // already there
+ }
+ }
+ children.push_back(c);
+ } ; // not usually useful
+ virtual void insertChild(int i, chillAST_node* node) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "%s inserting child of type %s at location %d\n", getTypeString(), node->getTypeString(), i);
+ node->parent = this;
+ children.insert( children.begin()+i, node );
+ };
+ virtual void removeChild(int i) {
+ children.erase( children.begin()+i );
+ };
+ int findChild( chillAST_node *c ) {
+ for (int i=0; i<children.size(); i++) {
+ if (children[i] == c) return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ virtual void replaceChild( chillAST_node *old, chillAST_node *newchild ) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement replaceChild() ... using generic\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "%d children\n", children.size());
+ for (int i=0; i<children.size(); i++) {
+ if (children[i] == old) {
+ children[i] = newchild;
+ newchild->setParent( this );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s %p generic replaceChild called with oldchild that was not a child\n",
+ getTypeString(), this) ;
+ fprintf(stderr, "printing\n");
+ print(); fprintf(stderr, "\nchild: ");
+ if (!old) fprintf(stderr, "oldchild NULL!\n");
+ old->print(); fprintf(stderr, "\nnew: ");
+ newchild->print(); fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ segfault(); // make easier for gdb
+ };
+ virtual void loseLoopWithLoopVar( char *var ) {
+ // walk tree. If a loop has this loop variable, replace the loop with the loop body,
+ // removing the loop. The loop will be spread across a bunch of cores that will each
+ // calculate their own loop variable.
+ // things that can not have loops as substatements can have a null version of this method
+ // things that have more complicated sets of "children" will have specialized versions
+ // this is the generic version of the method. It just recurses among its children.
+ // ForStmt is the only one that can actually remove itself. When it does, it will
+ // potentially change the children vector, which is not the simple array it might appear.
+ // so you have to make a copy of the vector to traverse
+ std::vector<chillAST_node*> dupe = children; // simple enough?
+ //fprintf(stderr, "node XXX has %d children\n", dupe.size());
+ //fprintf(stderr, "generic node %s has %d children\n", getTypeString(), dupe.size());
+ for (int i=0; i<dupe.size(); i++) { // recurse on all children
+ dupe[i]->loseLoopWithLoopVar( var );
+ }
+ }
+ virtual int evalAsInt() {
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) can't be evaluated as an integer??\n", Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ print(); fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ segfault();
+ }
+ virtual const char* getUnderlyingType() {
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement getUnderlyingType()\n", Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ dump();
+ print();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
+ segfault();
+ };
+ virtual chillAST_VarDecl* getUnderlyingVarDecl() {
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement getUnderlyingVarDecl()\n", Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ dump();
+ print();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
+ segfault();
+ };
+ virtual chillAST_node *findref(){// find the SINGLE constant or data reference at this node or below
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement findref()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ dump();
+ print();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
+ segfault();
+ };
+ virtual void gatherArrayRefs( std::vector<chillAST_ArraySubscriptExpr*> &refs, bool writtento ) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherArrayRefs()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ dump();
+ print();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
+ };
+ // TODO we MIGHT want the VarDecl // NOTHING IMPLEMENTS THIS? ???
+ virtual void gatherScalarRefs( std::vector<chillAST_DeclRefExpr*> &refs, bool writtento ) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherScalarRefs()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ dump();
+ print();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
+ };
+ virtual void gatherLoopIndeces( std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl*> &indeces ) { // recursive walk parent links, looking for loops, and grabbing the declRefExpr in the loop init and cond.
+ // you can quit when you get to certain nodes
+ //fprintf(stderr, "%s::gatherLoopIndeces()\n", getTypeString());
+ if (isSourceFile() || isFunctionDecl() ) return; // end of the line
+ // just for debugging
+ //if (parent) {
+ // fprintf(stderr, "%s has parent of type %s\n", getTypeString(), parent->getTypeString());
+ //}
+ //else fprintf(stderr, "this %s %p has no parent???\n", getTypeString(), this);
+ if (!parent) return; // should not happen, but be careful
+ // for most nodes, this just recurses upwards
+ //fprintf(stderr, "%s::gatherLoopIndeces() %p recursing up\n", this);
+ parent->gatherLoopIndeces( indeces );
+ }
+ chillAST_ForStmt* findContainingLoop() { // recursive walk parent links, looking for loops
+ //fprintf(stderr, "%s::findContainingLoop() ", getTypeString());
+ //if (parent) fprintf(stderr, "parents is a %s\n", parent->getTypeString());
+ //else fprintf(stderr, "no parent\n");
+ // do not check SELF type, as we may want to find the loop containing a loop
+ if (!parent) return NULL;
+ if (parent->isForStmt()) return (chillAST_ForStmt*)parent;
+ return parent->findContainingLoop(); // recurse upwards
+ }
+ chillAST_node* findContainingNonLoop() { // recursive walk parent links, avoiding loops
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s::findContainingNonLoop() ", getTypeString());
+ //if (parent) fprintf(stderr, "parent is a %s\n", parent->getTypeString());
+ //else fprintf(stderr, "no parent\n");
+ // do not check SELF type, as we may want to find the loop containing a loop
+ if (!parent) return NULL;
+ if (parent->isCompoundStmt() && parent->getParent()->isForStmt()) return parent->getParent()->findContainingNonLoop(); // keep recursing
+ if (parent->isForStmt()) return parent->findContainingNonLoop(); // keep recursing
+ return (chillAST_node*)parent; // return non-loop
+ }
+ // TODO gather loop init and cond (and if cond) like gatherloopindeces
+ virtual void gatherDeclRefExprs( std::vector<chillAST_DeclRefExpr *>&refs ){ // both scalar and arrays
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherDeclRefExpr()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ };
+ virtual void gatherVarUsage( std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl*> &decls ) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherVarUsage()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ };
+ virtual void gatherVarLHSUsage( std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl*> &decls ) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherVarLHSUsage()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ };
+ virtual void gatherVarDecls( std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl*> &decls ) { // ACTUAL Declaration
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherVarDecls()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ };
+ virtual void gatherVarDeclsMore( std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl*> &decls ) { // even if the decl itself is not in the ast.
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherVarDeclsMore()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ };
+ virtual void gatherScalarVarDecls( std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl*> &decls ) { // ACTUAL Declaration
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherScalarVarDecls()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ };
+ virtual void gatherArrayVarDecls( std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl*> &decls ) { // ACTUAL Declaration
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherArrayVarDecls()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ };
+ virtual chillAST_VarDecl *findArrayDecl( const char *name ) { // scoping TODO
+ if (!hasSymbolTable()) return parent->findArrayDecl( name ); // most things
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherArrayVarDecls()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ }
+ virtual void replaceVarDecls( chillAST_VarDecl *olddecl, chillAST_VarDecl *newdecl) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement replaceVarDecls()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ };
+ virtual bool findLoopIndexesToReplace( chillAST_SymbolTable *symtab, bool forcesync=false ) {
+ // this just looks for ForStmts with preferred index metacomment attached
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement findLoopIndexesToReplace()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual chillAST_node* constantFold() { // hacky. TODO. make nice
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement constantFold()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ exit(-1); ;
+ };
+ virtual chillAST_node* clone() { // makes a deep COPY (?)
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement clone()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ exit(-1); ;
+ };
+ virtual void dump( int indent=0, FILE *fp = stderr ) {
+ fflush(fp);
+ fprintf(fp,"(%s) forgot to implement dump()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]); };// print ast
+ virtual void print( int indent=0, FILE *fp = stderr ) {
+ fflush(fp);
+ //fprintf(stderr, "generic chillAST_node::print() called!\n");
+ //fprintf(stderr, "asttype is %d\n", asttype);
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ chillindent(indent, fp);
+ fprintf(fp,"(%s) forgot to implement print()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ };// print CODE
+ virtual void printName( int indent=0, FILE *fp = stderr ) {
+ fflush(fp);
+ //fprintf(stderr, "generic chillAST_node::printName() called!\n");
+ //fprintf(stderr, "asttype is %d\n", asttype);
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ chillindent(indent, fp);
+ fprintf(fp,"(%s) forgot to implement printName()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ };// print CODE
+ virtual char *stringRep(int indent=0 ) { // the ast's print version
+ fflush(stdout);
+ // chillindent(indent, fp); TODO
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement stringRep()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ segfault();
+ }
+ virtual void printonly( int indent=0, FILE *fp = stderr ) { print( indent, fp); };
+ //virtual void printString( std::string &s ) {
+ // fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement printString()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ //}
+ virtual void get_top_level_loops( std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> &loops) {
+ int n = children.size();
+ //fprintf(stderr, "get_top_level_loops of a %s with %d children\n", getTypeString(), n);
+ for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "child %d is a %s\n", i, children[i]->getTypeString());
+ if (children[i]->isForStmt()) {
+ loops.push_back( ((chillAST_ForStmt *)(children[i])) );
+ }
+ }
+ //fprintf(stderr, "found %d top level loops\n", loops.size());
+ }
+ virtual void repairParentChild() { // for nodes where all subnodes are children
+ int n = children.size();
+ for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ if (children[i]->parent != this) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "fixing child %s that didn't know its parent\n", children[i]->getTypeString());
+ children[i]->parent = this;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void get_deep_loops( std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> &loops) { // this is probably broken - returns ALL loops under it
+ int n = children.size();
+ //fprintf(stderr, "get_deep_loops of a %s with %d children\n", getTypeString(), n);
+ for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "child %d is a %s\n", i, children[i]->getTypeString());
+ children[i]->get_deep_loops( loops );
+ }
+ //fprintf(stderr, "found %d deep loops\n", loops.size());
+ }
+ // generic for chillAST_node with children
+ virtual void find_deepest_loops( std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> &loops) { // returns DEEPEST nesting of loops
+ std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *>deepest; // deepest below here
+ int n = children.size();
+ //fprintf(stderr, "find_deepest_loops of a %s with %d children\n", getTypeString(), n);
+ for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> subloops; // loops below here among a child of mine
+ //fprintf(stderr, "child %d is a %s\n", i, children[i]->getTypeString());
+ children[i]->find_deepest_loops( subloops );
+ if (subloops.size() > deepest.size()) {
+ deepest = subloops;
+ }
+ }
+ // append deepest we see at this level to loops
+ for ( int i=0; i<deepest.size(); i++) {
+ loops.push_back( deepest[i] );
+ }
+ //fprintf(stderr, "found %d deep loops\n", loops.size());
+ }
+ const char *getTypeString() { return Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]; } ;
+ int getType() { return asttype; };
+ void setParent( chillAST_node *p) { parent = p; } ;
+ chillAST_node *getParent() { return parent; } ;
+ chillAST_SourceFile *getSourceFile() {
+ if (isSourceFile()) return ((chillAST_SourceFile *)this);
+ if (parent != NULL) return parent->getSourceFile();
+ fprintf(stderr, "UHOH, getSourceFile() called on node %p %s that does not have a parent and is not a source file\n", this, this->getTypeString());
+ this->print(); printf("\n\n"); fflush(stdout);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ virtual chillAST_node *findDatatype( char *t ) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s looking for datatype %s\n", getTypeString(), t);
+ if (parent != NULL) return parent->findDatatype(t); // most nodes do this
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ virtual chillAST_SymbolTable *addVariableToSymbolTable( chillAST_VarDecl *vd ) {
+ if (!parent) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s with no parent addVariableToSymbolTable()\n", getTypeString());
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ //fprintf(stderr, "%s::addVariableToSymbolTable() (default) headed up\n", getTypeString());
+ return parent->addVariableToSymbolTable( vd ); // default, defer to parent
+ }
+ virtual void addTypedefToTypedefTable( chillAST_TypedefDecl *tdd ) {
+ parent->addTypedefToTypedefTable( tdd ); // default, defer to parent
+ }
+ void walk_parents() {
+ fprintf(stderr, "wp: (%s) ", getTypeString());
+ print(); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
+ if (isSourceFile()) { fprintf(stderr, "(top sourcefile)\n\n"); return;}
+ if (parent) parent->walk_parents();
+ else fprintf(stderr, "UHOH, %s has no parent??\n", getTypeString());
+ return;
+ }
+ virtual chillAST_node *getEnclosingStatement( int level = 0 );
+ virtual chillAST_VarDecl *multibase() {
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement multibase()\n", Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ virtual chillAST_node *multibase2() {
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement multibase2()\n", Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ virtual void gatherStatements( std::vector<chillAST_node*> &statements ) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherStatements()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ dump();fflush(stdout);
+ print();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
+ }
+ virtual bool isSameAs( chillAST_node *other ){ // for tree comparison
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement isSameAs()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
+ dump(); fflush(stdout);
+ print();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\n"); }
+ void printPreprocBEFORE( int indent, FILE *fp );
+ void printPreprocAFTER( int indent, FILE *fp );
diff --git a/include/chill_ast.hh b/include/chillAST/chillASTs.hh
index 43eb106..228cf3f 100644
--- a/include/chill_ast.hh
+++ b/include/chillAST/chillASTs.hh
@@ -1,664 +1,10 @@
-#ifndef _CHILL_AST_H_
-#define _CHILL_AST_H_
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <vector> // std::vector
-#include <ir_enums.hh> // for IR_CONDITION_*
-char *parseUnderlyingType( char *sometype );
-char *parseArrayParts( char *sometype );
-bool isRestrict( const char *sometype );
-char *splitTypeInfo( char *underlyingtype );
-char *ulhack( char *brackets ); // change "1024UL" to "1024"
-char *restricthack( char *typeinfo ); // remove __restrict__ , MODIFIES the argument!
- CHILLAST_NODETYPE_RECORDDECL, // struct or union (or class)
- CHILLAST_NODETYPE_PREPROCESSING, // comments, #define, #include, whatever else works
- // CUDA specific
- CHILLAST_NODETYPE_NULL // explicit non-statement
- // TODO
-} ;
-enum CHILL_PREPROCESSING_POSITION { // when tied to another statement
- CHILL_PREPROCESSING_TOTHERIGHT, // for this kind of comment, on same line
-extern const char* Chill_AST_Node_Names[]; // WARNING MUST BE KEPT IN SYNC WITH BELOW LIST
-// fwd declarations
-class chillAST_node; // the generic node. specific types derive from this
-class chillAST_NULL; // empty
-class chillAST_SourceFile; // ast for an entire source file (translationunit)
-class chillAST_TypedefDecl;
-class chillAST_VarDecl;
-//class chillAST_ParmVarDecl;
-class chillAST_FunctionDecl;
-class chillAST_RecordDecl; // structs and unions (and classes?)
-class chillAST_MacroDefinition;
-class chillAST_CompoundStmt; // just a bunch of other statements
-class chillAST_ForStmt; // AKA a LOOP
-class chillAST_TernaryOperator;
-class chillAST_BinaryOperator;
-class chillAST_ArraySubscriptExpr;
-class chillAST_MemberExpr;
-class chillAST_DeclRefExpr;
-class chillAST_IntegerLiteral;
-class chillAST_FloatingLiteral;
-class chillAST_UnaryOperator;
-class chillAST_ImplicitCastExpr;
-class chillAST_CStyleCastExpr;
-class chillAST_CStyleAddressOf;
-class chillAST_ReturnStmt;
-class chillAST_CallExpr;
-class chillAST_ParenExpr;
-class chillAST_Sizeof;
-class chillAST_Malloc;
-class chillAST_Free;
-class chillAST_NoOp;
-class chillAST_CudaMalloc;
-class chillAST_CudaFree;
-class chillAST_CudaMemcpy;
-class chillAST_CudaKernelCall;
-class chillAST_CudaSyncthreads;
-class chillAST_Preprocessing;
-typedef std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl *> chillAST_SymbolTable; // typedef
-typedef std::vector<chillAST_TypedefDecl *> chillAST_TypedefTable; // typedef
-bool symbolTableHasVariableNamed( chillAST_SymbolTable *table, const char *name ); // fwd decl
-chillAST_VarDecl *symbolTableFindVariableNamed( chillAST_SymbolTable *table, const char *name ); // fwd decl TODO too many similar named functions
-void printSymbolTable( chillAST_SymbolTable *st ); // fwd decl
-void printSymbolTableMoreInfo( chillAST_SymbolTable *st ); // fwd decl
-chillAST_node *lessthanmacro( chillAST_node *left, chillAST_node *right); // fwd declaration
-chillAST_SymbolTable *addSymbolToTable( chillAST_SymbolTable *st, chillAST_VarDecl *vd ); // fwd decl
-chillAST_TypedefTable *addTypedefToTable( chillAST_TypedefTable *tt, chillAST_TypedefDecl *td ); // fwd decl
-bool streq( const char *a, const char *b); // fwd decl
-void chillindent( int i, FILE *fp ); // fwd declaration
-void insertNewDeclAtLocationOfOldIfNeeded( chillAST_VarDecl *newdecl, chillAST_VarDecl *olddecl);
-chillAST_DeclRefExpr *buildDeclRefExpr( chillAST_VarDecl *);
-// an actual chill ast.
-// nodes based on clang AST which are in turn based on C++
-class chillAST_node { // generic node. a tree of these is the AST. this is virtual (can't instantiate)
- static int chill_scalar_counter; // for manufactured scalars
- static int chill_array_counter ; // for manufactured arrays
- static int chill_pointer_counter ; // for manufactured arrays
- bool isSourceFile() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_SOURCEFILE); };
- bool isTypeDefDecl() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_TYPEDEFDECL); };
- bool isVarDecl() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_VARDECL); };
- bool isFunctionDecl() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_FUNCTIONDECL); };
- bool isRecordDecl() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_RECORDDECL); };
- bool isMacroDefinition() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_MACRODEFINITION); };
- bool isCompoundStmt() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_COMPOUNDSTMT); };
- bool isLoop() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_LOOP); }; // AKA ForStmt
- bool isForStmt() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_LOOP); }; // AKA Loop
- bool isIfStmt() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_IFSTMT); };
- bool isTernaryOperator() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_TERNARYOPERATOR);};
- bool isBinaryOperator() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_BINARYOPERATOR); };
- bool isUnaryOperator() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_UNARYOPERATOR); };
- bool isArraySubscriptExpr() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_ARRAYSUBSCRIPTEXPR); };
- bool isMemberExpr() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_MEMBEREXPR); };
- bool isDeclRefExpr() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_DECLREFEXPR); };
- bool isIntegerLiteral() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_INTEGERLITERAL); };
- bool isFloatingLiteral() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_FLOATINGLITERAL); };
- bool isImplicitCastExpr() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_IMPLICITCASTEXPR); };
- bool isReturnStmt() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_RETURNSTMT); };
- bool isCallExpr() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_CALLEXPR); };
- bool isParenExpr() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_PARENEXPR); };
- bool isSizeof() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_SIZEOF); };
- bool isMalloc() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_MALLOC); };
- bool isFree() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_FREE); };
- bool isPreprocessing() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_PREPROCESSING); };
- bool isNoOp() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_NOOP); };
- bool isNull() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_NULL); };
- bool isCStyleCastExpr() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_CSTYLECASTEXPR); };
- bool isCStyleAddressOf() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_CSTYLEADDRESSOF); };
- bool isCudaMalloc() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_CUDAMALLOC); };
- bool isCudaFree() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_CUDAFREE); };
- bool isCudaMemcpy() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_CUDAMEMCPY); };
- bool isCudaKERNELCALL() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_CUDAKERNELCALL); };
- bool isCudaSYNCTHREADS() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_CUDASYNCTHREADS); };
- bool isDeclStmt() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_DECLSTMT); }; // doesn't exist
- bool isConstant() { return (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_INTEGERLITERAL) || (asttype == CHILLAST_NODETYPE_FLOATINGLITERAL); }
- virtual bool isAssignmentOp() { return false; };
- virtual bool isComparisonOp() { return false; };
- virtual bool isNotLeaf() { return false; };
- virtual bool isLeaf() { return true; };
- virtual bool isParmVarDecl() { return false; };
- virtual bool isPlusOp() { return false; };
- virtual bool isMinusOp() { return false; };
- virtual bool isPlusMinusOp() { return false; };
- virtual bool isMultDivOp() { return false; };
- virtual bool isAStruct() { return false; };
- virtual bool isAUnion() { return false; };
- virtual bool hasSymbolTable() { return false; } ; // most nodes do NOT have a symbol table
- virtual bool hasTypedefTable() { return false; } ; // most nodes do NOT have a typedef table
- virtual chillAST_SymbolTable *getSymbolTable() { return NULL; } // most nodes do NOT have a symbol table
- virtual chillAST_VarDecl *findVariableNamed( const char *name ); // recursive
- chillAST_RecordDecl *findRecordDeclNamed( const char *name ); // recursive
- // void addDecl( chillAST_VarDecl *vd); // recursive, adds to first symbol table it can find
- // TODO decide how to hide some data
- chillAST_node *parent;
- bool isFromSourceFile; // false = #included
- char *filename; // file this node is from
- void segfault() { fprintf(stderr, "segfaulting on purpose\n"); int *i=0; int j = i[0]; }; // seg fault
- int getNumChildren() { return children.size(); };
- std::vector<chillAST_node*> children;
- std::vector<chillAST_node*> getChildren() { return children; } ; // not usually useful
- void setChildren( std::vector<chillAST_node*>&c ) { children = c; } ; // does not set parent. probably should
- chillAST_node *getChild( int which) { return children[which]; };
- void setChild( int which, chillAST_node *n ) { children[which] = n; children[which]->parent = this; } ;
- char *metacomment; // for compiler internals, formerly a comment
- void setMetaComment( char *c ) { metacomment = strdup(c); };
- std::vector<chillAST_Preprocessing*> preprocessinginfo;
- virtual void addChild( chillAST_node* c) {
- //if (c->isFunctionDecl()) fprintf(stderr, "addchild FunctionDecl\n");
- c->parent = this;
- // check to see if it's already there
- for (int i=0; i<children.size(); i++) {
- if (c == children[i]) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "addchild ALREADY THERE\n");
- return; // already there
- }
- }
- children.push_back(c);
- } ; // not usually useful
- virtual void insertChild(int i, chillAST_node* node) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "%s inserting child of type %s at location %d\n", getTypeString(), node->getTypeString(), i);
- node->parent = this;
- children.insert( children.begin()+i, node );
- };
- virtual void removeChild(int i) {
- children.erase( children.begin()+i );
- };
- int findChild( chillAST_node *c ) {
- for (int i=0; i<children.size(); i++) {
- if (children[i] == c) return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- virtual void replaceChild( chillAST_node *old, chillAST_node *newchild ) {
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement replaceChild() ... using generic\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- fprintf(stderr, "%d children\n", children.size());
- for (int i=0; i<children.size(); i++) {
- if (children[i] == old) {
- children[i] = newchild;
- newchild->setParent( this );
- return;
- }
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "%s %p generic replaceChild called with oldchild that was not a child\n",
- getTypeString(), this) ;
- fprintf(stderr, "printing\n");
- print(); fprintf(stderr, "\nchild: ");
- if (!old) fprintf(stderr, "oldchild NULL!\n");
- old->print(); fprintf(stderr, "\nnew: ");
- newchild->print(); fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- segfault(); // make easier for gdb
- };
- virtual void loseLoopWithLoopVar( char *var ) {
- // walk tree. If a loop has this loop variable, replace the loop with the loop body,
- // removing the loop. The loop will be spread across a bunch of cores that will each
- // calculate their own loop variable.
- // things that can not have loops as substatements can have a null version of this method
- // things that have more complicated sets of "children" will have specialized versions
- // this is the generic version of the method. It just recurses among its children.
- // ForStmt is the only one that can actually remove itself. When it does, it will
- // potentially change the children vector, which is not the simple array it might appear.
- // so you have to make a copy of the vector to traverse
- std::vector<chillAST_node*> dupe = children; // simple enough?
- //fprintf(stderr, "node XXX has %d children\n", dupe.size());
- //fprintf(stderr, "generic node %s has %d children\n", getTypeString(), dupe.size());
- for (int i=0; i<dupe.size(); i++) { // recurse on all children
- dupe[i]->loseLoopWithLoopVar( var );
- }
- }
- virtual int evalAsInt() {
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) can't be evaluated as an integer??\n", Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- print(); fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- segfault();
- }
- virtual const char* getUnderlyingType() {
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement getUnderlyingType()\n", Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- dump();
- print();
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
- segfault();
- };
- virtual chillAST_VarDecl* getUnderlyingVarDecl() {
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement getUnderlyingVarDecl()\n", Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- dump();
- print();
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
- segfault();
- };
+#ifndef _CHILLAST_ASTs_H_
+#define _CHILLAST_ASTs_H_
- virtual chillAST_node *findref(){// find the SINGLE constant or data reference at this node or below
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement findref()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- dump();
- print();
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
- segfault();
- };
- virtual void gatherArrayRefs( std::vector<chillAST_ArraySubscriptExpr*> &refs, bool writtento ) {
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherArrayRefs()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- dump();
- print();
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
- };
- // TODO we MIGHT want the VarDecl // NOTHING IMPLEMENTS THIS? ???
- virtual void gatherScalarRefs( std::vector<chillAST_DeclRefExpr*> &refs, bool writtento ) {
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherScalarRefs()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- dump();
- print();
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
- };
- virtual void gatherLoopIndeces( std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl*> &indeces ) { // recursive walk parent links, looking for loops, and grabbing the declRefExpr in the loop init and cond.
- // you can quit when you get to certain nodes
- //fprintf(stderr, "%s::gatherLoopIndeces()\n", getTypeString());
- if (isSourceFile() || isFunctionDecl() ) return; // end of the line
- // just for debugging
- //if (parent) {
- // fprintf(stderr, "%s has parent of type %s\n", getTypeString(), parent->getTypeString());
- //}
- //else fprintf(stderr, "this %s %p has no parent???\n", getTypeString(), this);
- if (!parent) return; // should not happen, but be careful
- // for most nodes, this just recurses upwards
- //fprintf(stderr, "%s::gatherLoopIndeces() %p recursing up\n", this);
- parent->gatherLoopIndeces( indeces );
- }
- chillAST_ForStmt* findContainingLoop() { // recursive walk parent links, looking for loops
- //fprintf(stderr, "%s::findContainingLoop() ", getTypeString());
- //if (parent) fprintf(stderr, "parents is a %s\n", parent->getTypeString());
- //else fprintf(stderr, "no parent\n");
- // do not check SELF type, as we may want to find the loop containing a loop
- if (!parent) return NULL;
- if (parent->isForStmt()) return (chillAST_ForStmt*)parent;
- return parent->findContainingLoop(); // recurse upwards
- }
- chillAST_node* findContainingNonLoop() { // recursive walk parent links, avoiding loops
- fprintf(stderr, "%s::findContainingNonLoop() ", getTypeString());
- //if (parent) fprintf(stderr, "parent is a %s\n", parent->getTypeString());
- //else fprintf(stderr, "no parent\n");
- // do not check SELF type, as we may want to find the loop containing a loop
- if (!parent) return NULL;
- if (parent->isCompoundStmt() && parent->getParent()->isForStmt()) return parent->getParent()->findContainingNonLoop(); // keep recursing
- if (parent->isForStmt()) return parent->findContainingNonLoop(); // keep recursing
- return (chillAST_node*)parent; // return non-loop
- }
- // TODO gather loop init and cond (and if cond) like gatherloopindeces
- virtual void gatherDeclRefExprs( std::vector<chillAST_DeclRefExpr *>&refs ){ // both scalar and arrays
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherDeclRefExpr()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- };
- virtual void gatherVarUsage( std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl*> &decls ) {
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherVarUsage()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- };
- virtual void gatherVarLHSUsage( std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl*> &decls ) {
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherVarLHSUsage()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- };
- virtual void gatherVarDecls( std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl*> &decls ) { // ACTUAL Declaration
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherVarDecls()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- };
- virtual void gatherVarDeclsMore( std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl*> &decls ) { // even if the decl itself is not in the ast.
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherVarDeclsMore()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- };
- virtual void gatherScalarVarDecls( std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl*> &decls ) { // ACTUAL Declaration
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherScalarVarDecls()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- };
- virtual void gatherArrayVarDecls( std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl*> &decls ) { // ACTUAL Declaration
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherArrayVarDecls()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- };
- virtual chillAST_VarDecl *findArrayDecl( const char *name ) { // scoping TODO
- if (!hasSymbolTable()) return parent->findArrayDecl( name ); // most things
- else
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherArrayVarDecls()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- }
- virtual void replaceVarDecls( chillAST_VarDecl *olddecl, chillAST_VarDecl *newdecl) {
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement replaceVarDecls()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- };
- virtual bool findLoopIndexesToReplace( chillAST_SymbolTable *symtab, bool forcesync=false ) {
- // this just looks for ForStmts with preferred index metacomment attached
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement findLoopIndexesToReplace()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- return false;
- }
- virtual chillAST_node* constantFold() { // hacky. TODO. make nice
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement constantFold()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- exit(-1); ;
- };
- virtual chillAST_node* clone() { // makes a deep COPY (?)
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement clone()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- exit(-1); ;
- };
- virtual void dump( int indent=0, FILE *fp = stderr ) {
- fflush(fp);
- fprintf(fp,"(%s) forgot to implement dump()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]); };// print ast
- virtual void print( int indent=0, FILE *fp = stderr ) {
- fflush(fp);
- //fprintf(stderr, "generic chillAST_node::print() called!\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, "asttype is %d\n", asttype);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- chillindent(indent, fp);
- fprintf(fp,"(%s) forgot to implement print()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- };// print CODE
- virtual void printName( int indent=0, FILE *fp = stderr ) {
- fflush(fp);
- //fprintf(stderr, "generic chillAST_node::printName() called!\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, "asttype is %d\n", asttype);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- chillindent(indent, fp);
- fprintf(fp,"(%s) forgot to implement printName()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- };// print CODE
- virtual char *stringRep(int indent=0 ) { // the ast's print version
- fflush(stdout);
- // chillindent(indent, fp); TODO
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement stringRep()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- segfault();
- }
- virtual void printonly( int indent=0, FILE *fp = stderr ) { print( indent, fp); };
- //virtual void printString( std::string &s ) {
- // fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement printString()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- //}
- virtual void get_top_level_loops( std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> &loops) {
- int n = children.size();
- //fprintf(stderr, "get_top_level_loops of a %s with %d children\n", getTypeString(), n);
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "child %d is a %s\n", i, children[i]->getTypeString());
- if (children[i]->isForStmt()) {
- loops.push_back( ((chillAST_ForStmt *)(children[i])) );
- }
- }
- //fprintf(stderr, "found %d top level loops\n", loops.size());
- }
- virtual void repairParentChild() { // for nodes where all subnodes are children
- int n = children.size();
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
- if (children[i]->parent != this) {
- fprintf(stderr, "fixing child %s that didn't know its parent\n", children[i]->getTypeString());
- children[i]->parent = this;
- }
- }
- }
- virtual void get_deep_loops( std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> &loops) { // this is probably broken - returns ALL loops under it
- int n = children.size();
- //fprintf(stderr, "get_deep_loops of a %s with %d children\n", getTypeString(), n);
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "child %d is a %s\n", i, children[i]->getTypeString());
- children[i]->get_deep_loops( loops );
- }
- //fprintf(stderr, "found %d deep loops\n", loops.size());
- }
- // generic for chillAST_node with children
- virtual void find_deepest_loops( std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> &loops) { // returns DEEPEST nesting of loops
- std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *>deepest; // deepest below here
- int n = children.size();
- //fprintf(stderr, "find_deepest_loops of a %s with %d children\n", getTypeString(), n);
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
- std::vector<chillAST_ForStmt *> subloops; // loops below here among a child of mine
- //fprintf(stderr, "child %d is a %s\n", i, children[i]->getTypeString());
- children[i]->find_deepest_loops( subloops );
- if (subloops.size() > deepest.size()) {
- deepest = subloops;
- }
- }
- // append deepest we see at this level to loops
- for ( int i=0; i<deepest.size(); i++) {
- loops.push_back( deepest[i] );
- }
- //fprintf(stderr, "found %d deep loops\n", loops.size());
- }
- const char *getTypeString() { return Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]; } ;
- int getType() { return asttype; };
- void setParent( chillAST_node *p) { parent = p; } ;
- chillAST_node *getParent() { return parent; } ;
- chillAST_SourceFile *getSourceFile() {
- if (isSourceFile()) return ((chillAST_SourceFile *)this);
- if (parent != NULL) return parent->getSourceFile();
- fprintf(stderr, "UHOH, getSourceFile() called on node %p %s that does not have a parent and is not a source file\n", this, this->getTypeString());
- this->print(); printf("\n\n"); fflush(stdout);
- exit(-1);
- }
- virtual chillAST_node *findDatatype( char *t ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s looking for datatype %s\n", getTypeString(), t);
- if (parent != NULL) return parent->findDatatype(t); // most nodes do this
- return NULL;
- }
- virtual chillAST_SymbolTable *addVariableToSymbolTable( chillAST_VarDecl *vd ) {
- if (!parent) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s with no parent addVariableToSymbolTable()\n", getTypeString());
- exit(-1);
- }
- //fprintf(stderr, "%s::addVariableToSymbolTable() (default) headed up\n", getTypeString());
- return parent->addVariableToSymbolTable( vd ); // default, defer to parent
- }
- virtual void addTypedefToTypedefTable( chillAST_TypedefDecl *tdd ) {
- parent->addTypedefToTypedefTable( tdd ); // default, defer to parent
- }
- void walk_parents() {
- fprintf(stderr, "wp: (%s) ", getTypeString());
- print(); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
- if (isSourceFile()) { fprintf(stderr, "(top sourcefile)\n\n"); return;}
- if (parent) parent->walk_parents();
- else fprintf(stderr, "UHOH, %s has no parent??\n", getTypeString());
- return;
- }
- virtual chillAST_node *getEnclosingStatement( int level = 0 );
- virtual chillAST_VarDecl *multibase() {
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement multibase()\n", Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- exit(-1);
- }
- virtual chillAST_node *multibase2() {
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement multibase2()\n", Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- exit(-1);
- }
- virtual void gatherStatements( std::vector<chillAST_node*> &statements ) {
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement gatherStatements()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- dump();fflush(stdout);
- print();
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
- }
- virtual bool isSameAs( chillAST_node *other ){ // for tree comparison
- fprintf(stderr,"(%s) forgot to implement isSameAs()\n" ,Chill_AST_Node_Names[asttype]);
- dump(); fflush(stdout);
- print();
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\n"); }
- void printPreprocBEFORE( int indent, FILE *fp );
- void printPreprocAFTER( int indent, FILE *fp );
+#include "chillAST_def.hh"
+#include "chillAST_node.hh"
class chillAST_NULL: public chillAST_node { // NOOP?
@@ -1223,46 +569,7 @@ public:
- class chillAST_VarDecl: public chillAST_node { // now a SINGLE DECL. multiples in
- public:
- int howmany; // usually 1 but sometimes multiple declarations in a decl;
- std::vector<class chillAST_SingleVarDecl*> decls;
- chillAST_VarDecl();
- chillAST_VarDecl( char *t, char *n, char *a);
- void addDecl( char *t, char *n, char *a);
- void dump( int indent=0, FILE *fp = stderr );
- void print( int indent=0, FILE *fp = stderr );
- };
-class chillAST_ParmVarDecl: public chillAST_node { // no longer used?
- char *vartype; // should probably be an enum
- char *varname;
- char *arraypart;
- int numdimensions; // TODO
- int *arraysizes; // TODO
- // hasDefaultArg
- // getDefaultArg
- chillAST_ParmVarDecl();
- chillAST_ParmVarDecl( const char *type, const char *name, const char *ap, chillAST_node *p );
- void dump( int indent=0, FILE *fp = stderr ) {
- fprintf(fp, "(2VarDecl'%s' '%s' '%s')", vartype, varname, arraypart); };
- void print( int indent=0, FILE *fp = stderr );
-class chillAST_MacroDefinition: public chillAST_node {
+class chillAST_MacroDefinition: public chillAST_node {
chillAST_node *body; // rhs always a compound statement?
chillAST_SymbolTable *symbol_table;
@@ -1321,13 +628,8 @@ public:
bool findLoopIndexesToReplace( chillAST_SymbolTable *symtab, bool forcesync=false ){};
chillAST_node* constantFold(){};
-class chillAST_ForStmt: public chillAST_node {
+class chillAST_ForStmt: public chillAST_node {
// variables that are special for this type of node
chillAST_node *init;
@@ -2357,7 +1659,6 @@ public:
-chillAST_FunctionDecl *findFunctionDecl( chillAST_node *node, const char *procname);
diff --git a/include/chilldebug.h b/include/chilldebug.h
index f187955..c09aa59 100644
--- a/include/chilldebug.h
+++ b/include/chilldebug.h
@@ -1,20 +1,31 @@
+#include <libgen.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef NDEBUG // means that CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
+// This thing below potentially create leaks
+#define FILENAME basename(strdup(__FILE__))
-#define CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT(format,args...) fprintf(stderr,"%s,%s,LN%d:\n\t" format,__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__, ##args )
+#define CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT(format,args...) fprintf(stderr,"%s, %s, LN%d:\t" format,FILENAME,__FUNCTION__, \
+ __LINE__, ##args )
- fprintf(stderr,"%s,%s,LN%d:\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
-#define CHILL_DEBUG_END }
+ fprintf(stderr,"=========\t%s, %s, LN%d\t=========\n",FILENAME,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
+#define CHILL_DEBUG_END fprintf(stderr,"===========================\n");}
#define CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT(format,args...) do {} while(0) /* Don't do anything */
-#define CHILL_DEBUG_BEGIN do {
-#define CHILL_DEBUG_END } while (0);
+#define CHILL_DEBUG_BEGIN while(0) {
+#define CHILL_DEBUG_END }
+// TODO below should be substituted by some error throwing? to be more consistent with cpp style
+#define CHILL_ERROR(format,args...) fprintf(stderr,"ERROR:\t%s, %s, LN%d:\t" format,FILENAME,__FUNCTION__, \
+ __LINE__, ##args )
diff --git a/include/dep.hh b/include/dep.hh
index ed5a83d..73c662c 100644
--- a/include/dep.hh
+++ b/include/dep.hh
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ struct DependenceVector {
quasi = false;
is_scalar_dependence = false;
- // DependenceVector(int size);
DependenceVector(const DependenceVector &that);
~DependenceVector() { delete sym; } // is this legal? TODO
DependenceVector &operator=(const DependenceVector &that);
@@ -60,7 +59,6 @@ struct DependenceVector {
std::vector<DependenceVector> normalize() const;
std::vector<DependenceVector> permute(const std::vector<int> &pi) const;
DependenceVector reverse() const;
- // std::vector<DependenceVector> matrix(const std::vector<std::vector<int> > &M) const;
DependenceType getType() const;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const DependenceVector &d);
@@ -77,10 +75,8 @@ public:
DependenceGraph() { num_dim_ = 0; }
~DependenceGraph() {}
int num_dim() const { return num_dim_; }
-// DependenceGraph permute(const std::vector<int> &pi) const;
DependenceGraph permute(const std::vector<int> &pi,
const std::set<int> &active = std::set<int>()) const;
- // DependenceGraph matrix(const std::vector<std::vector<int> > &M) const;
DependenceGraph subspace(int dim) const;
bool isPositive() const;
bool hasPositive(int dim) const;
diff --git a/include/ir_clang.hh b/include/ir_clang.hh
index b283359..e637016 100755
--- a/include/ir_clang.hh
+++ b/include/ir_clang.hh
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
#include <omega.h>
#include "ir_code.hh"
-//#include <AstInterface_CLANG.h>
#include "chill_error.hh"
@@ -29,7 +28,7 @@
#include "clang/Frontend/TextDiagnosticPrinter.h"
#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticOptions.h"
-#include "chill_ast.hh"
+#include "chillAST.h"
extern std::vector<chillAST_VarDecl *> VariableDeclarations; // a global. TODO
@@ -282,14 +281,6 @@ public:
std::vector<chillAST_node *>statements;
chillAST_node *chillAST; // how about for now we say if there are statements, which is presumably the top level of statements from ... somewhere, otherwise the code is in chillAST
- //IR_chillBlock(const IR_Code *ir, const StmtList& bDecl) : bDecl_(bDecl), cs_(NULL) {
- // fprintf(stderr, "MISTAKE IR_chillBlock bdecl\n"); exit(-1);
- // ir_ = ir;
- //}
- //IR_chillBlock(const IR_Code *ir, clang::CompoundStmt *cs) : cs_(cs) {
- // fprintf(stderr, "MISTAKE IR_chillBlock cs\n"); exit(-1);
- // ir_ = ir;
- //}
IR_chillBlock( const IR_chillBlock *CB ) { // clone existing IR_chillBlock
ir_ = CB->ir_;
for (int i=0; i<CB->statements.size(); i++) statements.push_back( CB->statements[i] );
diff --git a/include/ir_code.hh b/include/ir_code.hh
index f52d147..e3fd8ea 100644
--- a/include/ir_code.hh
+++ b/include/ir_code.hh
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
#include <ir_enums.hh>
-#include <chill_ast.hh>
+#include <chillAST/chillASTs.hh>
#include <vector>
diff --git a/include/irtools.hh b/include/irtools.hh
index d85b76b..a743fa5 100644
--- a/include/irtools.hh
+++ b/include/irtools.hh
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ typedef std::map<int, std::pair<std::vector<DependenceVector>, std::vector<Depen
typedef std::pair<std::vector<DependenceVector>, std::vector<DependenceVector> > DVPair;
// Manu:: this function is required for reduction operation
-//omega::CG_outputRepr * from_same_statement(IR_Code *ir, IR_ArrayRef *a, IR_ArrayRef *b);
bool from_same_statement(IR_Code *ir, IR_ArrayRef *a, IR_ArrayRef *b);
int stmtType(IR_Code *ir, const omega::CG_outputRepr *repr);
IR_OPERATION_TYPE getReductionOperator(IR_Code *ir, const omega::CG_outputRepr *repr);
diff --git a/include/stencil.hh b/include/stencil.hh
index 69eec42..799e3b9 100644
--- a/include/stencil.hh
+++ b/include/stencil.hh
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "ir_clang.hh"
-#include "chill_ast.hh"
+#include "chillAST/chillASTs.hh"
//#include <omega.h>
#include <omegatools.hh>