path: root/ir_code.hh
diff options
authorTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-17 03:22:53 +0000
committerTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-17 03:22:53 +0000
commit75ff98e4d65862ff5b36b533b4f6e3ea71ede1d5 (patch)
tree498ac06b4cf78568b807fafd2619856afff69c28 /ir_code.hh
parent29efa7b1a0d089e02a70f73f348f11878955287c (diff)
cmake build
Diffstat (limited to 'ir_code.hh')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 263 deletions
diff --git a/ir_code.hh b/ir_code.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f853fa..0000000
--- a/ir_code.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 2009-2010 University of Utah
- All Rights Reserved.
- Purpose:
- CHiLL's compiler intermediate representation interface that extends
- Omega's builder interface to accomodate compiler analyses and
- extra code generation.
- Notes:
- Unlike CG_outputRepr, IR_Symbol,IR_Ref and IR_Control are place holders
- to the underlying code, thus deleting or duplicating them does not affect
- the actual code. Similar to Omega builder's memory allocation strategy,
- all non-const pointer parameters of CG_outputRepr/IR_Symbol/IR_Ref/IR_Control
- are destroyed after the call.
- History:
- 02/2009 Created by Chun Chen.
- 06/2010 Add IR_Control interface, by chun.
-#ifndef IR_CODE_HH
-#define IR_CODE_HH
-#include <code_gen/CG_outputRepr.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h>
-#include <vector>
-class IR_Code;
-// Base abstract class for scalar and array symbols. This is a place
-// holder for related declaration in IR code.
-struct IR_Symbol {
- const IR_Code *ir_;
- virtual ~IR_Symbol() {/* ir_ is not the responsibility of this object */}
- virtual int n_dim() const = 0;
- virtual std::string name() const = 0;
- virtual bool operator==(const IR_Symbol &that) const = 0;
- virtual bool operator!=(const IR_Symbol &that) const {return !(*this == that);}
- virtual IR_Symbol *clone() const = 0; /* shallow copy */
-struct IR_ScalarSymbol: public IR_Symbol {
- virtual ~IR_ScalarSymbol() {}
- int n_dim() const {return 0;}
- virtual int size() const = 0;
-struct IR_ArraySymbol: public IR_Symbol {
- virtual ~IR_ArraySymbol() {}
- virtual int elem_size() const = 0;
- virtual omega::CG_outputRepr *size(int dim) const = 0;
- virtual IR_ARRAY_LAYOUT_TYPE layout_type() const = 0;
-// Base abstract class for scalar and array references. This is a
-// place holder for related code in IR code.
-struct IR_Ref {
- const IR_Code *ir_;
- virtual ~IR_Ref() {/* ir_ is not the responsibility of this object */}
- virtual int n_dim() const = 0;
- virtual bool is_write() const = 0;
- virtual std::string name() const = 0;
- virtual bool operator==(const IR_Ref &that) const = 0;
- virtual bool operator!=(const IR_Ref &that) const {return !(*this == that);}
- virtual omega::CG_outputRepr *convert() = 0;
- virtual IR_Ref *clone() const = 0; /* shallow copy */
-struct IR_ConstantRef: public IR_Ref {
- virtual ~IR_ConstantRef() {}
- int n_dim() const {return 0;}
- bool is_write() const {return false;}
- std::string name() const {return std::string();}
- virtual bool is_integer() const {return type_ == IR_CONSTANT_INT;}
- virtual omega::coef_t integer() const = 0;
-struct IR_ScalarRef: public IR_Ref {
- virtual ~IR_ScalarRef() {}
- int n_dim() const {return 0;}
- virtual IR_ScalarSymbol *symbol() const = 0;
- std::string name() const {
- IR_ScalarSymbol *sym = symbol();
- std::string s = sym->name();
- delete sym;
- return s;
- }
- virtual int size() const {
- IR_ScalarSymbol *sym = symbol();
- int s = sym->size();
- delete sym;
- return s;
- }
-struct IR_ArrayRef: public IR_Ref {
- virtual ~IR_ArrayRef() {}
- int n_dim() const {
- IR_ArraySymbol *sym = symbol();
- int n = sym->n_dim();
- delete sym;
- return n;
- }
- virtual omega::CG_outputRepr *index(int dim) const = 0;
- virtual IR_ArraySymbol *symbol() const = 0;
- std::string name() const {
- IR_ArraySymbol *sym = symbol();
- std::string s = sym->name();
- delete sym;
- return s;
- }
- virtual int elem_size() const {
- IR_ArraySymbol *sym = symbol();
- int s = sym->elem_size();
- delete sym;
- return s;
- }
- virtual IR_ARRAY_LAYOUT_TYPE layout_type() const {
- IR_ArraySymbol *sym = symbol();
- IR_ARRAY_LAYOUT_TYPE t = sym->layout_type();
- delete sym;
- return t;
- }
-struct IR_Block;
-// Base abstract class for code structures. This is a place holder
-// for the actual structure in the IR code. However, in cases that
-// original source code may be transformed during loop initialization
-// such as converting a while loop to a for loop or reconstructing the
-// loop from low level IR code, the helper loop class (NOT
-// IMPLEMENTED) must contain the transformed code that needs to be
-// freed when out of service.
-struct IR_Control {
- const IR_Code *ir_;
- virtual ~IR_Control() {/* ir_ is not the responsibility of this object */}
- virtual IR_CONTROL_TYPE type() const = 0;
- virtual IR_Block *convert() = 0;
- virtual IR_Control *clone() const = 0; /* shallow copy */
-struct IR_Loop: public IR_Control {
- virtual ~IR_Loop() {}
- virtual IR_ScalarSymbol *index() const = 0;
- virtual omega::CG_outputRepr *lower_bound() const = 0;
- virtual omega::CG_outputRepr *upper_bound() const = 0;
- virtual IR_CONDITION_TYPE stop_cond() const = 0;
- virtual IR_Block *body() const = 0;
- virtual int step_size() const = 0;
- IR_CONTROL_TYPE type() const { return IR_CONTROL_LOOP; }
-struct IR_Block: public IR_Control {
- virtual ~IR_Block() {}
- virtual omega::CG_outputRepr *extract() const = 0;
- IR_Block *convert() {return this;}
- IR_CONTROL_TYPE type() const { return IR_CONTROL_BLOCK; }
- virtual omega::CG_outputRepr *original() const = 0;
-struct IR_If: public IR_Control {
- virtual ~IR_If() {}
- virtual omega::CG_outputRepr *condition() const = 0;
- virtual IR_Block *then_body() const = 0;
- virtual IR_Block *else_body() const = 0;
- IR_CONTROL_TYPE type() const { return IR_CONTROL_IF; }
-struct IR_While: public IR_Control {
-// Abstract class for compiler IR.
-class IR_Code {
- omega::CG_outputBuilder *ocg_;
- omega::CG_outputRepr *init_code_;
- omega::CG_outputRepr *cleanup_code_;
- IR_Code() {ocg_ = NULL; init_code_ = cleanup_code_ = NULL;}
- virtual ~IR_Code() { delete ocg_; delete init_code_; delete cleanup_code_; } /* the content of init and cleanup code have already been released in derived classes */
- // memory_type is for differentiating the location of where the new memory is allocated.
- // this is useful for processors with heterogeneous memory hierarchy.
- virtual IR_ScalarSymbol *CreateScalarSymbol(const IR_Symbol *sym, int memory_type) = 0;
- virtual IR_ArraySymbol *CreateArraySymbol(const IR_Symbol *sym, std::vector<omega::CG_outputRepr *> &size, int memory_type) = 0;
- virtual IR_ScalarRef *CreateScalarRef(const IR_ScalarSymbol *sym) = 0;
- virtual IR_ArrayRef *CreateArrayRef(const IR_ArraySymbol *sym, std::vector<omega::CG_outputRepr *> &index) = 0;
- virtual int ArrayIndexStartAt() {return 0;}
- // Array references should be returned in their accessing order.
- // e.g. s1: A[i] = A[i-1]
- // s2: B[C[i]] = D[i] + E[i]
- // return A[i-1], A[i], D[i], E[i], C[i], B[C[i]] in this order.
- virtual std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> FindArrayRef(const omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) const = 0;
- virtual std::vector<IR_ScalarRef *> FindScalarRef(const omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) const = 0;
- // If there is no sub structure interesting inside the block, return empty,
- // so we know when to stop looking inside.
- virtual std::vector<IR_Control *> FindOneLevelControlStructure(const IR_Block *block) const = 0;
- // All controls must be in the same block, at the same level and in
- // contiguous lexical order as appeared in parameter vector.
- virtual IR_Block *MergeNeighboringControlStructures(const std::vector<IR_Control *> &controls) const = 0;
- virtual IR_Block *GetCode() const = 0;
- virtual void ReplaceCode(IR_Control *old, omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) = 0;
- virtual void ReplaceExpression(IR_Ref *old, omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) = 0;
- virtual IR_OPERATION_TYPE QueryExpOperation(const omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) const = 0;
- virtual IR_CONDITION_TYPE QueryBooleanExpOperation(const omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) const = 0;
- virtual std::vector<omega::CG_outputRepr *> QueryExpOperand(const omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) const = 0;
- virtual IR_Ref *Repr2Ref(const omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) const = 0;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // CC Omega code builder interface here
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- omega::CG_outputBuilder *builder() const {return ocg_;}