path: root/lib/chillcg/src/
diff options
authorTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-21 22:35:47 -0600
committerTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-21 22:35:47 -0600
commitab016596602a4c6bdc27adf01c308b325af221f0 (patch)
tree4e86bfcf1f38fb00cc58082d540dc3570e0f126b /lib/chillcg/src/
parent6983c09937baac3ffb7d3a45c3c5009c0eba7e6c (diff)
something that only builds ...
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/chillcg/src/')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chillcg/src/ b/lib/chillcg/src/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0fd72a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/chillcg/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2008 University of Southern California.
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Purpose:
+ omega holder for chill AST implementaion
+ Notes:
+ History:
+ 02/01/06 - Chun Chen - created
+ LLVM/CLANG interface created by Saurav Muralidharan
+#include <code_gen/CG_chillRepr.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h> // for exit()
+namespace omega {
+ CG_chillRepr::~CG_chillRepr() {
+ }
+ //void CG_chillRepr::AppendStmt(Stmt *s) const {
+ // tree_node_list_->push_back(s);
+ //}
+ //void CG_chillRepr::AppendV(StmtList *sl) const {
+ // for(int i=0; i<sl->size(); ++i) tree_node_list_->push_back((*sl)[i]);
+ //}
+ chillAST_node * CG_chillRepr::GetCode() {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "CG_chillRepr::GetCode() this %p size %d\n", this, chillnodes.size());
+ if (0 == chillnodes.size()) return NULL; // error?
+ if (1 == chillnodes.size()) return chillnodes[0];
+ // make a compoundstatement with all the code ??? probably should be that way already
+ fprintf(stderr, "CG_chillRepr GetCode(), multiple (%d) statements in the code??\n", chillnodes.size());
+ for (int i=0; i<chillnodes.size(); i++) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "chillnode %d %p\n", i, chillnodes[i] );
+ }
+ chillAST_CompoundStmt *CS = new chillAST_CompoundStmt();
+ for (int i=0; i<chillnodes.size(); i++) {
+ CS->addChild( chillnodes[i] );
+ }
+ return CS;
+ }
+ CG_outputRepr* CG_chillRepr::clone() const { // make a deep/shallow COPY of all the nodes
+ //fprintf(stderr, "CG_chillRepr::clone() %d chill nodes\n", chillnodes.size());
+ //for (int i=0; i<chillnodes.size(); i++) { chillnodes[i]->print(); printf("\n"); } fflush(stdout);
+ CG_chillRepr *newrepr = new CG_chillRepr(); // empty
+ // deep ( nothing is the same as in the source )
+ for (int i=0; i<chillnodes.size(); i++) newrepr->addStatement( chillnodes[i]->clone() );
+ // shallow (the submembers are the same )
+ //for (int i=0; i<chillnodes.size(); i++) newrepr->addStatement( chillnodes[i] );
+ //fprintf(stderr, "done cloning\n");
+ return newrepr;
+ }
+ void CG_chillRepr::clear() {
+ chillnodes.clear();
+ }
+ // TODO this is duplicated and shouldn't be here anyway
+ static std::string binops[] = {
+ " ", " ", // BO_PtrMemD, BO_PtrMemI, // [C++ 5.5] Pointer-to-member operators.
+ "*", "/", "%", // BO_Mul, BO_Div, BO_Rem, // [C99 6.5.5] Multiplicative operators.
+ "+", "-", // BO_Add, BO_Sub, // [C99 6.5.6] Additive operators.
+ "<<", ">>", // BO_Shl, BO_Shr, // [C99 6.5.7] Bitwise shift operators.
+ "<", ">", "<=", ">=", // BO_LT, BO_GT, BO_LE, BO_GE, // [C99 6.5.8] Relational operators.
+ "==", "!=", // BO_EQ, BO_NE, // [C99 6.5.9] Equality operators.
+ "&", // BO_And, // [C99 6.5.10] Bitwise AND operator.
+ "??", // BO_Xor, // [C99 6.5.11] Bitwise XOR operator.
+ "|", // BO_Or, // [C99 6.5.12] Bitwise OR operator.
+ "&&", // BO_LAnd, // [C99 6.5.13] Logical AND operator.
+ "||", // BO_LOr, // [C99 6.5.14] Logical OR operator.
+ "=", "*=", // BO_Assign, BO_MulAssign, // [C99 6.5.16] Assignment operators.
+ "/=", "%=", // BO_DivAssign, BO_RemAssign,
+ "+=", "-=", // BO_AddAssign, BO_SubAssign,
+ "???", "???", // BO_ShlAssign, BO_ShrAssign,
+ "&&=", "???", // BO_AndAssign, BO_XorAssign,
+ "||=", // BO_OrAssign,
+ ","}; // BO_Comma // [C99 6.5.17] Comma operator.
+ static std::string unops[] = {
+ "++", "--", // [C99] Postfix increment and decrement
+ "++", "--", // [C99] Prefix increment and decrement
+ "@", "*", // [C99] Address and indirection
+ "+", "-", // [C99] Unary arithmetic
+ "~", "!", // [C99] Unary arithmetic
+ "__real", "__imag", // "__real expr"/"__imag expr" Extension.
+ "__extension" // __extension__ marker.
+ };
+ //void CG_chillRepr::dump() const { Dump(); }
+ void CG_chillRepr::Dump() const {
+ CG_chillRepr *me = (CG_chillRepr *)this; // ??
+ //fprintf(stderr, "repr of type ");
+ //fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", this->type());
+ int numnodes = me->chillnodes.size();
+ //fprintf(stderr, "repr %p %d nodes\n", this, numnodes);
+ for (int i=0; i<numnodes; i++) {
+ me->chillnodes[i]->print(); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+} // namespace