path: root/lib/codegen/src/
diff options
authorTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-21 22:35:47 -0600
committerTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-21 22:35:47 -0600
commitab016596602a4c6bdc27adf01c308b325af221f0 (patch)
tree4e86bfcf1f38fb00cc58082d540dc3570e0f126b /lib/codegen/src/
parent6983c09937baac3ffb7d3a45c3c5009c0eba7e6c (diff)
something that only builds ...
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/codegen/src/')
1 files changed, 2515 insertions, 1444 deletions
diff --git a/lib/codegen/src/ b/lib/codegen/src/
index d3a5f71..19bb6c9 100755
--- a/lib/codegen/src/
+++ b/lib/codegen/src/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
Utility functions for processing CG tree.
07/19/07 when generating output variable substitutions for a mapping
relation, map it to each output to get correct equality, -chun
@@ -24,309 +24,456 @@
#include <stack>
namespace omega {
-int checkLoopLevel;
-int stmtForLoopCheck;
-int upperBoundForLevel;
-int lowerBoundForLevel;
-bool fillInBounds;
+ int checkLoopLevel;
+ int stmtForLoopCheck;
+ int upperBoundForLevel;
+ int lowerBoundForLevel;
+ bool fillInBounds;
//trick to static init checkLoopLevel to 0
-class JunkStaticInit{ public: JunkStaticInit(){ checkLoopLevel=0; fillInBounds=false;} };
-static JunkStaticInit junkInitInstance__;
-namespace {
-Relation find_best_guard(const Relation &R, const BoolSet<> &active, const std::map<int, Relation> &guards) {
- std::pair<int, int> best_cost = std::make_pair(0, 0);
- Relation best_cond = Relation::True(R.n_set());
+ class JunkStaticInit{
+ public:
+ JunkStaticInit(){ checkLoopLevel=0; fillInBounds=false;}
+ };
+ static JunkStaticInit junkInitInstance__;
- Relation r = copy(R);
- int max_iter_count = 2*(r.single_conjunct()->n_EQs()) + r.single_conjunct()->n_GEQs();
- int iter_count = 0;
- while (!r.is_obvious_tautology()) {
- std::pair<int, int> cost = std::make_pair(0, 0);
- Relation cond = pick_one_guard(r);
- Relation complement_cond = Complement(copy(cond));
- complement_cond.simplify();
- for (BoolSet<>::const_iterator i = active.begin(); i != active.end(); i++) {
- std::map<int, Relation>::const_iterator j = guards.find(*i);
- if (j == guards.end())
- continue;
- if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(j->second), copy(cond)))
- cost.first++;
- else if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(j->second), copy(complement_cond)))
- cost.second++;
- }
- if (cost > best_cost) {
- best_cost = cost;
- best_cond = copy(cond);
- }
- r = Gist(r, cond, 1);
- if (iter_count > max_iter_count)
- throw codegen_error("guard condition too complex to handle");
- iter_count++;
- }
- return best_cond;
-Relation find_best_guard(const Relation &R, const std::vector<CG_loop *> &loops, int start, int end) {
- std::pair<int, int> best_cost = std::make_pair(0, 0);
- Relation best_cond = Relation::True(R.n_set());
- Relation r = copy(R);
- int max_iter_count = 2*(r.single_conjunct()->n_EQs()) + r.single_conjunct()->n_GEQs();
- int iter_count = 0;
- while (!r.is_obvious_tautology()) {
- std::pair<int, int> cost = std::make_pair(0, 0);
- Relation cond = pick_one_guard(r);
- int i = start;
- for ( ; i < end; i++) {
- if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(loops[i]->guard_), copy(cond)))
- cost.first++;
- else
- break;
- }
- Relation complement_cond = Complement(copy(cond));
- complement_cond.simplify();
- for (int j = i; j < end; j++)
- if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(loops[j]->guard_), copy(complement_cond)))
- cost.second++;
- else
- break;
- if (cost > best_cost) {
- best_cost = cost;
- best_cond = copy(cond);
- }
- r = Gist(r, cond, 1);
- if (iter_count > max_iter_count)
- throw codegen_error("guard condition too complex to handle");
- iter_count++;
- }
- return best_cond;
-bool bound_must_hit_stride(const GEQ_Handle &inequality, Variable_ID v, const EQ_Handle &stride_eq, Variable_ID wc, const Relation &bounds, const Relation &known) {
- assert(inequality.get_coef(v) != 0 && abs(stride_eq.get_coef(v)) == 1 && wc->kind() == Wildcard_Var && abs(stride_eq.get_coef(wc)) > 1);
- // if bound expression uses floor operation, bail out for now
- // TODO: in the future, handle this
- if (abs(inequality.get_coef(v)) != 1)
- return false;
- coef_t stride = abs(stride_eq.get_coef(wc));
- Relation r1(known.n_set());
- F_Exists *f_exists1 = r1.add_and()->add_exists();
- F_And *f_root1 = f_exists1->add_and();
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping1;
- EQ_Handle h1 = f_root1->add_EQ();
- Relation r2(known.n_set());
- F_Exists *f_exists2 = r2.add_and()->add_exists();
- F_And *f_root2 = f_exists2->add_and();
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping2;
- EQ_Handle h2 = f_root2->add_EQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(inequality); cvi; cvi++) {
- Variable_ID v = cvi.curr_var();
- switch (v->kind()) {
- case Input_Var:
- h1.update_coef(r1.input_var(v->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
- h2.update_coef(r2.input_var(v->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = v->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v1, v2;
- if (g->arity() == 0) {
- v1 = r1.get_local(g);
- v2 = r2.get_local(g);
- }
- else {
- v1 = r1.get_local(g, v->function_of());
- v2 = r2.get_local(g, v->function_of());
+ namespace {
+ Relation find_best_guard(const Relation &R, const BoolSet<> &active, const std::map<int, Relation> &guards) {
+ std::pair<int, int> best_cost = std::make_pair(0, 0);
+ Relation best_cond = Relation::True(R.n_set());
+ Relation r = copy(R);
+ int max_iter_count = 2*(r.single_conjunct()->n_EQs()) + r.single_conjunct()->n_GEQs();
+ int iter_count = 0;
+ while (!r.is_obvious_tautology()) {
+ std::pair<int, int> cost = std::make_pair(0, 0);
+ Relation cond = pick_one_guard(r);
+ Relation complement_cond = Complement(copy(cond));
+ complement_cond.simplify();
+ for (BoolSet<>::const_iterator i = active.begin(); i != active.end(); i++) {
+ std::map<int, Relation>::const_iterator j = guards.find(*i);
+ if (j == guards.end())
+ continue;
+ if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(j->second), copy(cond)))
+ cost.first++;
+ else if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(j->second), copy(complement_cond)))
+ cost.second++;
+ }
+ if (cost > best_cost) {
+ best_cost = cost;
+ best_cond = copy(cond);
+ }
+ r = Gist(r, cond, 1);
+ if (iter_count > max_iter_count) {
+ //Relation s = copy(R);
+ //s.simplify(2,4);
+ //return s;
+ throw codegen_error("guard condition too complex to handle");
+ }
+ iter_count++;
- h1.update_coef(v1, cvi.curr_coef());
- h2.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- Variable_ID v1 = replicate_floor_definition(bounds, v, r1, f_exists1, f_root1, exists_mapping1);
- Variable_ID v2 = replicate_floor_definition(bounds, v, r2, f_exists2, f_root2, exists_mapping2);
- h1.update_coef(v1, cvi.curr_coef());
- h2.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
+ return best_cond;
- default:
- assert(false);
+ Relation find_best_guard(const Relation &R, const std::vector<CG_loop *> &loops, int start, int end) {
+ std::pair<int, int> best_cost = std::make_pair(0, 0);
+ Relation best_cond = Relation::True(R.n_set());
+ Relation r = copy(R);
+ int max_iter_count = 2*(r.single_conjunct()->n_EQs())
+ + r.single_conjunct()->n_GEQs();
+ int iter_count = 0;
+ while (!r.is_obvious_tautology()) {
+ std::pair<int, int> cost = std::make_pair(0, 0);
+ // was Relation cond = pick_one_guard(r);
+ Relation cond = pick_one_guard(r,loops[start]->level_);
+ int i = start;
+ for ( ; i < end; i++) {
+ if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(loops[i]->guard_), copy(cond)))
+ cost.first++;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ Relation complement_cond = Complement(copy(cond));
+ complement_cond.simplify();
+ for (int j = i; j < end; j++)
+ if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(loops[j]->guard_), copy(complement_cond)))
+ cost.second++;
+ else
+ break;
+ if (cost > best_cost) {
+ best_cost = cost;
+ best_cond = copy(cond);
+ }
+ r = Gist(r, cond, 1);
+ if (iter_count > max_iter_count)
+ throw codegen_error("guard condition too complex to handle");
+ iter_count++;
+ }
+ return best_cond;
- h1.update_const(inequality.get_const());
- h1.update_coef(f_exists1->declare(), stride);
- h2.update_const(inequality.get_const());
- r1.simplify();
- r2.simplify();
- Relation all_known = Intersection(copy(bounds), copy(known));
- all_known.simplify();
- if (Gist(r1, copy(all_known), 1).is_obvious_tautology()) {
- Relation r3(known.n_set());
- F_Exists *f_exists3 = r3.add_and()->add_exists();
- F_And *f_root3 = f_exists3->add_and();
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping3;
- EQ_Handle h3 = f_root3->add_EQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(stride_eq); cvi; cvi++) {
- Variable_ID v= cvi.curr_var();
+ bool bound_must_hit_stride(const GEQ_Handle &inequality,
+ Variable_ID v,
+ const EQ_Handle &stride_eq,
+ Variable_ID wc,
+ const Relation &bounds,
+ const Relation &known) {
+ assert(inequality.get_coef(v) != 0
+ && abs(stride_eq.get_coef(v)) == 1
+ && wc->kind() == Wildcard_Var
+ && abs(stride_eq.get_coef(wc)) > 1);
+ // if bound expression uses floor operation, bail out for now
+ // TODO: in the future, handle this
+ if (abs(inequality.get_coef(v)) != 1)
+ return false;
+ coef_t stride = abs(stride_eq.get_coef(wc));
+ Relation r1(known.n_set());
+ F_Exists *f_exists1 = r1.add_and()->add_exists();
+ F_And *f_root1 = f_exists1->add_and();
+ std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping1;
+ EQ_Handle h1 = f_root1->add_EQ();
+ Relation r2(known.n_set());
+ F_Exists *f_exists2 = r2.add_and()->add_exists();
+ F_And *f_root2 = f_exists2->add_and();
+ std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping2;
+ EQ_Handle h2 = f_root2->add_EQ();
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(inequality); cvi; cvi++) {
+ Variable_ID v = cvi.curr_var();
switch (v->kind()) {
- case Input_Var:
- h3.update_coef(r3.input_var(v->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
+ case Input_Var:
+ h1.update_coef(r1.input_var(v->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
+ h2.update_coef(r2.input_var(v->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
- case Global_Var: {
+ case Global_Var: {
Global_Var_ID g = v->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v3;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v3 = r3.get_local(g);
- else
- v3 = r3.get_local(g, v->function_of());
- h3.update_coef(v3, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Wildcard_Var:
- if (v == wc)
- h3.update_coef(f_exists3->declare(), cvi.curr_coef());
+ Variable_ID v1, v2;
+ if (g->arity() == 0) {
+ v1 = r1.get_local(g);
+ v2 = r2.get_local(g);
+ }
else {
- Variable_ID v3 = replicate_floor_definition(bounds, v, r3, f_exists3, f_root3, exists_mapping3);
- h3.update_coef(v3, cvi.curr_coef());
+ v1 = r1.get_local(g, v->function_of());
+ v2 = r2.get_local(g, v->function_of());
+ h1.update_coef(v1, cvi.curr_coef());
+ h2.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
+ }
+ case Wildcard_Var: {
+ Variable_ID v1 = replicate_floor_definition(bounds,
+ v,
+ r1,
+ f_exists1,
+ f_root1,
+ exists_mapping1);
+ Variable_ID v2 = replicate_floor_definition(bounds,
+ v,
+ r2,
+ f_exists2,
+ f_root2,
+ exists_mapping2);
+ h1.update_coef(v1, cvi.curr_coef());
+ h2.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
+ break;
+ }
- h3.update_const(stride_eq.get_const());
- r3.simplify();
+ h1.update_const(inequality.get_const());
+ h1.update_coef(f_exists1->declare(), stride);
+ h2.update_const(inequality.get_const());
+ r1.simplify();
+ r2.simplify();
- if (Gist(r3, Intersection(r2, all_known), 1).is_obvious_tautology())
- return true;
- else
+ Relation all_known = Intersection(copy(bounds), copy(known));
+ all_known.simplify();
+ if (Gist(r1, copy(all_known), 1).is_obvious_tautology()) {
+ Relation r3(known.n_set());
+ F_Exists *f_exists3 = r3.add_and()->add_exists();
+ F_And *f_root3 = f_exists3->add_and();
+ std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping3;
+ EQ_Handle h3 = f_root3->add_EQ();
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(stride_eq); cvi; cvi++) {
+ Variable_ID v= cvi.curr_var();
+ switch (v->kind()) {
+ case Input_Var:
+ h3.update_coef(r3.input_var(v->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
+ break;
+ case Global_Var: {
+ Global_Var_ID g = v->get_global_var();
+ Variable_ID v3;
+ if (g->arity() == 0)
+ v3 = r3.get_local(g);
+ else
+ v3 = r3.get_local(g, v->function_of());
+ h3.update_coef(v3, cvi.curr_coef());
+ break;
+ }
+ case Wildcard_Var:
+ if (v == wc)
+ h3.update_coef(f_exists3->declare(), cvi.curr_coef());
+ else {
+ Variable_ID v3 = replicate_floor_definition(bounds,
+ v,
+ r3,
+ f_exists3,
+ f_root3,
+ exists_mapping3);
+ h3.update_coef(v3, cvi.curr_coef());
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ }
+ h3.update_const(stride_eq.get_const());
+ r3.simplify();
+ if (Gist(r3, Intersection(r2, all_known), 1).is_obvious_tautology())
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ else {
return false;
+ }
- else
- return false;
// output variable by its name, however if this variable need to be substituted,
// return the substitution.
-CG_outputRepr *output_ident(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const Relation &R, Variable_ID v, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- const_cast<Relation &>(R).setup_names(); // hack
- if (v->kind() == Input_Var) {
- int pos = v->get_position();
- if (assigned_on_the_fly[pos-1].first != NULL)
- return assigned_on_the_fly[pos-1].first->clone();
- else
- return ocg->CreateIdent(v->name());
- }
- else if (v->kind() == Global_Var) {
- if (v->get_global_var()->arity() == 0)
- return ocg->CreateIdent(v->name());
- else {
- /* This should be improved to take into account the possible elimination
- of the set variables. */
- int arity = v->get_global_var()->arity();
- std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> argList;
- for(int i = 1; i <= arity; i++)
- argList.push_back(ocg->CreateIdent(const_cast<Relation &>(R).input_var(i)->name()));
- CG_outputRepr *call = ocg->CreateInvoke(v->get_global_var()->base_name(), argList);
- return call;
+ CG_outputRepr *output_ident(CG_outputBuilder *ocg,
+ const Relation &R,
+ Variable_ID v,
+ const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly,
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> > unin) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "output_ident( %s )\n", v->name().c_str());
+ const_cast<Relation &>(R).setup_names(); // hack
+ if (v->kind() == Input_Var) {
+ int pos = v->get_position();
+ if (assigned_on_the_fly[pos - 1].first != NULL) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "on the fly pos=%d\n", pos);
+ CG_outputRepr *tmp = assigned_on_the_fly[pos-1].first->clone();
+ //fprintf(stderr, "tmp on the fly (0x%x)\n", tmp);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ else {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "creating Ident for %s\n", v->name().c_str());
+ CG_outputRepr *tmp = ocg->CreateIdent(v->name());
+ //fprintf(stderr, "ident created for %s\n", v->name().c_str());
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ else if (v->kind() == Global_Var) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, " output_ident() Global_Var\n");
+ if (v->get_global_var()->arity() == 0) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "arity 0\n");
+ return ocg->CreateIdent(v->name());
+ }
+ else {
+ /* This should be improved to take into account the possible elimination
+ of the set variables. */
+ int arity = v->get_global_var()->arity();
+ //fprintf(stderr, "arity %dn", arity );
+ std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> argList;
+ if (unin.find(v->get_global_var()->base_name()) != unin.end()) {
+ std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> argList_ = unin.find(
+ v->get_global_var()->base_name())->second;
+ for (int l = 0; l < argList_.size(); l++)
+ argList.push_back(argList_[l]->clone());
+ }
+ else {
+ for (int i = 1; i <= arity; i++) {
+ /*
+ */
+ if (assigned_on_the_fly.size() > (R.n_inp() + i - 1)) {
+ if (assigned_on_the_fly[R.n_inp() + i - 1].first != NULL)
+ argList.push_back(
+ assigned_on_the_fly[R.n_inp() + i - 1].first->clone());
+ else
+ argList.push_back(
+ ocg->CreateIdent(
+ const_cast<Relation &>(R).input_var(
+ 2 * i)->name()));
+ } else
+ argList.push_back(
+ ocg->CreateIdent(
+ const_cast<Relation &>(R).input_var(
+ 2 * i)->name()));
+ /*if (assigned_on_the_fly[2*i - 1].first == NULL)
+ argList.push_back(
+ ocg->CreateIdent(
+ const_cast<Relation &>(R).input_var(2 * i)->name()));
+ else
+ argList.push_back(assigned_on_the_fly[2*i - 1].first->clone());
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ CG_outputRepr *call = ocg->CreateInvoke(
+ v->get_global_var()->base_name(), argList);
+ return call;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ assert(false);
- else
- assert(false);
// return pair<if condition, <assignment rhs, assignment cost> >
-std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > output_assignment(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const Relation &R, int level, const Relation &known, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- Variable_ID v = const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level);
- Conjunct *c = const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct();
- std::pair<EQ_Handle, int> result = find_simplest_assignment(R, v, assigned_on_the_fly);
- if (result.second == INT_MAX)
- return std::make_pair(static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(NULL), std::make_pair(static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(NULL), INT_MAX));
- CG_outputRepr *if_repr = NULL;
- CG_outputRepr *assign_repr = NULL;
- // check whether to generate if-conditions from equality constraints
- if (abs(result.first.get_coef(v)) != 1) {
- Relation r(R.n_set());
- F_Exists *f_exists = r.add_and()->add_exists();
- F_And *f_root = f_exists->add_and();
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping;
- exists_mapping[v] = f_exists->declare();
- EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(result.first); cvi; cvi++)
- switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
- case Input_Var: {
- if (cvi.curr_var() == v)
- h.update_coef(exists_mapping[v], cvi.curr_coef());
- else
- h.update_coef(r.set_var(cvi.curr_var()->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = cvi.curr_var()->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v2 = r.get_local(g);
- else
- v2 = r.get_local(g, cvi.curr_var()->function_of());
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID>::iterator p = exists_mapping.find(cvi.curr_var());
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (p == exists_mapping.end()) {
- v2 = f_exists->declare();
- exists_mapping[cvi.curr_var()] = v2;
+ std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > output_assignment(
+ CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const Relation &R, int level,
+ const Relation &known,
+ const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly,
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> > unin) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "output_assignment( )\n");
+ int numfly = assigned_on_the_fly.size();
+ //fprintf(stderr, "assigned on the fly %d\n", numfly );
+ for (int i=0; i<numfly; i++) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "i %d\n", i);
+ std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int>p = assigned_on_the_fly[i];
+ CG_outputRepr *tr = NULL;
+ if (p.first != NULL) tr = p.first->clone();
+ int val = p.second;
+ //fprintf(stderr, "0x%x %d\n", tr, val);
+ }
+ Variable_ID v = const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level);
+ Conjunct *c = const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct();
+ std::pair<EQ_Handle, int> result = find_simplest_assignment(R, v, assigned_on_the_fly);
+ if (result.second == INT_MAX)
+ return std::make_pair(static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(NULL), std::make_pair(static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(NULL), INT_MAX));
+ CG_outputRepr *if_repr = NULL;
+ CG_outputRepr *assign_repr = NULL;
+ // check whether to generate if-conditions from equality constraints
+ if (abs(result.first.get_coef(v)) != 1) {
+ Relation r(R.n_set());
+ F_Exists *f_exists = r.add_and()->add_exists();
+ F_And *f_root = f_exists->add_and();
+ std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping;
+ exists_mapping[v] = f_exists->declare();
+ EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(result.first); cvi; cvi++)
+ switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
+ case Input_Var: {
+ if (cvi.curr_var() == v)
+ h.update_coef(exists_mapping[v], cvi.curr_coef());
+ else
+ h.update_coef(r.set_var(cvi.curr_var()->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
+ break;
- else
- v2 = p->second;
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- h.update_const(result.first.get_const());
+ case Global_Var: {
+ Global_Var_ID g = cvi.curr_var()->get_global_var();
+ Variable_ID v2;
+ if (g->arity() == 0)
+ v2 = r.get_local(g);
+ else
+ v2 = r.get_local(g, cvi.curr_var()->function_of());
+ h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
+ break;
+ }
+ case Wildcard_Var: {
+ std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID>::iterator p = exists_mapping.find(cvi.curr_var());
+ Variable_ID v2;
+ if (p == exists_mapping.end()) {
+ v2 = f_exists->declare();
+ exists_mapping[cvi.curr_var()] = v2;
+ }
+ else
+ v2 = p->second;
+ h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ h.update_const(result.first.get_const());
- for (EQ_Iterator e(c->EQs()); e; e++)
- if (!((*e) == result.first)) {
- EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
+ for (EQ_Iterator e(c->EQs()); e; e++)
+ if (!((*e) == result.first)) {
+ EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
+ switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
+ case Input_Var: {
+ assert(cvi.curr_var() != v);
+ h.update_coef(r.set_var(cvi.curr_var()->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
+ break;
+ }
+ case Global_Var: {
+ Global_Var_ID g = cvi.curr_var()->get_global_var();
+ Variable_ID v2;
+ if (g->arity() == 0)
+ v2 = r.get_local(g);
+ else
+ v2 = r.get_local(g, cvi.curr_var()->function_of());
+ h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
+ break;
+ }
+ case Wildcard_Var: {
+ std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID>::iterator p = exists_mapping.find(cvi.curr_var());
+ Variable_ID v2;
+ if (p == exists_mapping.end()) {
+ v2 = f_exists->declare();
+ exists_mapping[cvi.curr_var()] = v2;
+ }
+ else
+ v2 = p->second;
+ h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ h.update_const((*e).get_const());
+ }
+ for (GEQ_Iterator e(c->GEQs()); e; e++) {
+ GEQ_Handle h = f_root->add_GEQ();
for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
case Input_Var: {
- assert(cvi.curr_var() != v);
h.update_coef(r.set_var(cvi.curr_var()->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
@@ -357,1379 +504,2303 @@ std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > output_assignment(C
- for (GEQ_Iterator e(c->GEQs()); e; e++) {
- GEQ_Handle h = f_root->add_GEQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
- case Input_Var: {
- h.update_coef(r.set_var(cvi.curr_var()->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = cvi.curr_var()->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v2 = r.get_local(g);
- else
- v2 = r.get_local(g, cvi.curr_var()->function_of());
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID>::iterator p = exists_mapping.find(cvi.curr_var());
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (p == exists_mapping.end()) {
- v2 = f_exists->declare();
- exists_mapping[cvi.curr_var()] = v2;
- }
- else
- v2 = p->second;
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- h.update_const((*e).get_const());
- }
- r.simplify();
- if (!Gist(r, copy(known), 1).is_obvious_tautology()) {
- CG_outputRepr *lhs = output_substitution_repr(ocg, result.first, v, false, R, assigned_on_the_fly);
- if_repr = ocg->CreateEQ(ocg->CreateIntegerMod(lhs->clone(), ocg->CreateInt(abs(result.first.get_coef(v)))), ocg->CreateInt(0));
- assign_repr = ocg->CreateDivide(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(abs(result.first.get_coef(v))));
+ r.simplify();
+ if (!Gist(r, copy(known), 1).is_obvious_tautology()) {
+ CG_outputRepr *lhs = output_substitution_repr(ocg, result.first, v,
+ false, R, assigned_on_the_fly, unin);
+ if_repr = ocg->CreateEQ(ocg->CreateIntegerMod(lhs->clone(),
+ ocg->CreateInt(abs(result.first.get_coef(v)))),
+ ocg->CreateInt(0));
+ assign_repr = ocg->CreateDivide(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(abs(result.first.get_coef(v))));
+ }
+ else {
+ assign_repr = output_substitution_repr(ocg, result.first, v, true, R,
+ assigned_on_the_fly, unin);
+ }
- else
- assign_repr = output_substitution_repr(ocg, result.first, v, true, R, assigned_on_the_fly);
+ else {
+ assign_repr = output_substitution_repr(ocg, result.first, v, true, R,
+ assigned_on_the_fly, unin);
+ }
+ if (assign_repr == NULL) {
+ assign_repr = ocg->CreateInt(0);
+ }
+ //fprintf(stderr, "assigned on the fly %d\n", numfly );
+ //for (int i=0; i<numfly; i++) {
+ // //fprintf(stderr, "i %d\n", i);
+ // std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int>p = assigned_on_the_fly[i];
+ // CG_outputRepr *tr = NULL;
+ // if (p.first != NULL) tr = p.first->clone();
+ // int val = p.second;
+ // //fprintf(stderr, "0x%x %d\n", tr, val);
+ //}
+ return std::make_pair(if_repr, std::make_pair(assign_repr, result.second));
- else
- assign_repr = output_substitution_repr(ocg, result.first, v, true, R, assigned_on_the_fly);
- if (assign_repr == NULL)
- assign_repr = ocg->CreateInt(0);
- return std::make_pair(if_repr, std::make_pair(assign_repr, result.second));
// return NULL if 0
-CG_outputRepr *output_substitution_repr(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const EQ_Handle &equality, Variable_ID v, bool apply_v_coef, const Relation &R, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- const_cast<Relation &>(R).setup_names(); // hack
- coef_t a = equality.get_coef(v);
- assert(a != 0);
- CG_outputRepr *repr = NULL;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(equality); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var() != v) {
- CG_outputRepr *t;
- if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Wildcard_Var) {
- std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, cvi.curr_var());
- if (!result.first) {
- delete repr;
- throw codegen_error("can't output non floor defined wildcard");
+ CG_outputRepr *output_substitution_repr(CG_outputBuilder *ocg,
+ const EQ_Handle &equality,
+ Variable_ID v,
+ bool apply_v_coef,
+ const Relation &R,
+ const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly,
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> > unin) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "output_substitution_repr( v = '%s' )\n", v->char_name());
+ const_cast<Relation &>(R).setup_names(); // hack
+ coef_t a = equality.get_coef(v);
+ assert(a != 0);
+ CG_outputRepr *repr = NULL;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(equality); cvi; cvi++)
+ if (cvi.curr_var() != v) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "cvi\n");
+ CG_outputRepr *t;
+ if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Wildcard_Var) {
+ std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, cvi.curr_var());
+ if (!result.first) {
+ delete repr;
+ throw codegen_error("can't output non floor defined wildcard");
+ }
+ t = output_inequality_repr(ocg, result.second, cvi.curr_var(), R, assigned_on_the_fly, unin);
- t = output_inequality_repr(ocg, result.second, cvi.curr_var(), R, assigned_on_the_fly);
- }
- else
- t = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi.curr_var(), assigned_on_the_fly);
- coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
- if (a > 0) {
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, t);
- else
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), t));
+ else {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "else t = output_ident()\n");
+ t = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi.curr_var(), assigned_on_the_fly, unin);
+ //if (t== NULL) fprintf(stderr, "t NULL\n");
- else { // coef < 0
- if (coef == -1)
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, t);
- else
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), t));
- }
- }
- else {
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, t);
- else
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), t));
+ coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
+ //fprintf(stderr, "coef %d\n", coef);
+ //fprintf(stderr, "a %d\n", a);
+ if (a > 0) {
+ if (coef > 0) {
+ if (coef == 1)
+ repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, t);
+ else
+ repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), t));
+ }
+ else { // coef < 0
+ if (coef == -1) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, t);\n");
+ repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, t);
+ //if (repr == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "repr NULL\n");
+ //else fprintf(stderr, "repr NOT NULL\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), t));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (coef > 0) {
+ if (coef == 1)
+ repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, t);
+ else
+ repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), t));
+ }
+ else { // coef < 0
+ if (coef == -1)
+ repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, t);
+ else
+ repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), t));
+ }
- else { // coef < 0
- if (coef == -1)
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, t);
- else
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), t));
- }
+ }
+ //if (repr == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "before inequality, repr == NULL\n");
+ int c = equality.get_const();
+ if (a > 0) {
+ if (c > 0)
+ repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(c));
+ else if (c < 0)
+ repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
+ }
+ else {
+ if (c > 0) {
+ repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(c));
+ }
+ else if (c < 0) {
+ repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- int c = equality.get_const();
- if (a > 0) {
- if (c > 0)
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else if (c < 0)
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- }
- else {
- if (c > 0)
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else if (c < 0)
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- }
- if (apply_v_coef && abs(a) != 1)
- repr = ocg->CreateDivide(repr, ocg->CreateInt(abs(a)));
- return repr;
+ if (apply_v_coef && abs(a) != 1)
+ repr = ocg->CreateDivide(repr, ocg->CreateInt(abs(a)));
+ //if (repr == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "at end, repr == NULL\n");
+ //fprintf(stderr, "leaving output_substitution_repr()\n");
+ return repr;
+ }
// original Substitutions class from omega can't handle integer
// division, this is new way.
-std::vector<CG_outputRepr*> output_substitutions(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const Relation &R, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> subs;
- for (int i = 1; i <= R.n_out(); i++) {
- Relation mapping(R.n_out(), 1);
- F_And *f_root = mapping.add_and();
- EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
- h.update_coef(mapping.output_var(1), 1);
- h.update_coef(mapping.input_var(i), -1);
- Relation r = Composition(mapping, copy(R));
- r.simplify();
- Variable_ID v = r.output_var(1);
- CG_outputRepr *repr = NULL;
- std::pair<EQ_Handle, int> result = find_simplest_assignment(r, v, assigned_on_the_fly);
- if (result.second < INT_MAX)
- repr = output_substitution_repr(ocg, result.first, v, true, r, assigned_on_the_fly);
- else {
- std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, v);
- if (result.first)
- try {
- repr = output_inequality_repr(ocg, result.second, v, R, assigned_on_the_fly);
- }
- catch (const codegen_error &) {
- }
+ std::vector<CG_outputRepr*> output_substitutions(CG_outputBuilder *ocg,
+ const Relation &R,
+ const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly,
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> > unin) {
+ std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> subs;
+ fprintf(stderr, " output_substitutions()\n");
+ for (int i = 1; i <= R.n_out(); i++) {
+ Relation mapping(R.n_out(), 1);
+ F_And *f_root = mapping.add_and();
+ EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
+ h.update_coef(mapping.output_var(1), 1);
+ h.update_coef(mapping.input_var(i), -1);
+ Relation r = Composition(mapping, copy(R));
+ r.simplify();
+ Variable_ID v = r.output_var(1);
+ CG_outputRepr *repr = NULL;
+ fprintf(stderr, "v %s\n", v->char_name());
+ std::pair<EQ_Handle, int> result = find_simplest_assignment(r, v, assigned_on_the_fly);
+ if (result.second < INT_MAX) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "output_substitutions() calling output_substitution_repr()\n");
+ repr = output_substitution_repr(ocg, result.first, v, true, r,
+ assigned_on_the_fly, unin);
+ if (repr == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "IN IF, repr for %s assigned NULL\n", v->char_name());
+ }
+ else {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "else\n");
+ std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, v);
+ if (result.first)
+ try {
+ repr = output_inequality_repr(ocg, result.second, v, R,
+ assigned_on_the_fly, unin);
+ }
+ catch (const codegen_error &) {
+ }
+ }
+ if (repr == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "repr NULL\n");
+ if (repr != NULL) {
+ subs.push_back(repr);
+ }
+ else {
+ //Anand:Add additional checks for variables that have been mapped to inspector/global variables
+ for (int k = 1; k <= R.n_out(); k++) {
+ //Relation mapping1(mapping.n_out(), 1);
+ //F_And *f_root = mapping1.add_and();
+ //EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
+ //h.update_coef(mapping1.output_var(1), 1);
+ //h.update_coef(mapping1.input_var(i), -1);
+ //Relation r = Composition(mapping1, copy(mapping));
+ //r.simplify();
+ Relation r = copy(R);
+ Variable_ID v = r.output_var(k);
+ CG_outputRepr* inspector = NULL;
+ bool has_insp = false;
+ Global_Var_ID global_insp;
+ std::pair<EQ_Handle, int> result = find_simplest_assignment(
+ copy(r), v, assigned_on_the_fly);
+ CG_outputRepr *repr_ = NULL;
+ if (result.second < INT_MAX) {
+ /*std::vector<Variable_ID> variables;
+ //Anand: commenting this out as well : 05/29/2013
+ variables.push_back(r.input_var(2 * k));
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(result.first); cvi; cvi++) {
+ Variable_ID v1 = cvi.curr_var();
+ if (v1->kind() == Input_Var)
+ variables.push_back(v1);
+ }
+ */
+ repr_ = output_substitution_repr(ocg, result.first, v, true,
+ copy(r), assigned_on_the_fly, unin);
+ for (DNF_Iterator di(copy(r).query_DNF()); di; di++)
+ for (GEQ_Iterator ci = (*di)->GEQs(); ci; ci++) {
+ //Anand: temporarily commenting this out as it causes problems 5/28/2013
+ /*int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < variables.size(); j++)
+ if ((*ci).get_coef(variables[j]) == 0)
+ break;
+ if (j != variables.size())
+ continue;
+ */
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*ci); cvi; cvi++) {
+ Variable_ID v1 = cvi.curr_var();
+ if (v1->kind() == Global_Var)
+ if (v1->get_global_var()->arity() > 0) {
+ if (i
+ <= v1->get_global_var()->arity()) {
+ /* std::pair<EQ_Handle, int> result =
+ find_simplest_assignment(
+ copy(r), v,
+ assigned_on_the_fly);
+ if (result.second < INT_MAX) {
+ CG_outputRepr *repr =
+ output_substitution_repr(
+ ocg,
+ result.first, v,
+ true, copy(r),
+ assigned_on_the_fly);
+ inspector =
+ ocg->CreateArrayRefExpression(
+ ocg->CreateDotExpression(
+ ocg->ObtainInspectorData(
+ v1->get_global_var()->base_name()),
+ ocg->CreateIdent(
+ copy(
+ R).output_var(
+ i)->name())),
+ repr);
+ } else
+ */
+ inspector =
+ /* ocg->CreateArrayRefExpression(
+ ocg->CreateDotExpression(
+ ocg->ObtainInspectorData(
+ v1->get_global_var()->base_name()),
+ ocg->CreateIdent(
+ copy(
+ R).output_var(
+ i)->name())),
+ repr);*/
+ ocg->CreateArrayRefExpression(
+ ocg->ObtainInspectorData(
+ v1->get_global_var()->base_name(),
+ copy(R).output_var(
+ i)->name()),
+ repr_);
+ //ocg->CreateIdent(
+ // v->name()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (inspector != NULL) {
+ subs.push_back(inspector);
+ break;
+ } else if (k == i && repr_ != NULL) {
+ subs.push_back(repr_);
+ }
+ //std::pair<EQ_Handle, int> result = find_simplest_assignment(r,
+ // v, assigned_on_the_fly, &has_insp);
+ /*if (has_insp) {
+ bool found_insp = false;
+ //Anand: check if inspector constraint present in equality
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(result.first); cvi; cvi++) {
+ Variable_ID v = cvi.curr_var();
+ if (v->kind() == Global_Var)
+ if (v->get_global_var()->arity() > 0) {
+ global_insp = v->get_global_var();
+ found_insp = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found_insp)
+ if (i <= global_insp->arity())
+ inspector =
+ ocg->CreateArrayRefExpression(
+ ocg->CreateDotExpression(
+ ocg->ObtainInspectorData(
+ global_insp->base_name()),
+ ocg->CreateIdent(
+ copy(R).output_var(
+ i)->name())),
+ ocg->CreateIdent(v->name()));
+ }
+ */
+ } // for int k
+ }
- subs.push_back(repr);
- }
- return subs;
+ fprintf(stderr, " output_substitutions() DONE\n\n");
+ return subs;
+ }
// handle floor definition wildcards in equality, the second in returned pair
// is the cost.
-std::pair<EQ_Handle, int> find_simplest_assignment(const Relation &R, Variable_ID v, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- Conjunct *c = const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct();
- int min_cost = INT_MAX;
- EQ_Handle eq;
- for (EQ_Iterator e(c->EQs()); e; e++)
- if (!(*e).has_wildcards() && (*e).get_coef(v) != 0) {
- int cost = 0;
- if (abs((*e).get_coef(v)) != 1)
- cost += 4; // divide cost
- int num_var = 0;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var() != v) {
+ std::pair<EQ_Handle, int> find_simplest_assignment(const Relation &R,
+ Variable_ID v,
+ const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly,
+ bool *found_inspector_global) {
+ Conjunct *c = const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct();
+ int min_cost = INT_MAX;
+ EQ_Handle eq;
+ for (EQ_Iterator e(c->EQs()); e; e++)
+ if (!(*e).has_wildcards() && (*e).get_coef(v) != 0) {
+ int cost = 0;
+ if (abs((*e).get_coef(v)) != 1)
+ cost += 4; // divide cost
+ int num_var = 0;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
+ if (cvi.curr_var() != v) {
+ num_var++;
+ if (abs(cvi.curr_coef()) != 1)
+ cost += 2; // multiply cost
+ if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Global_Var && cvi.curr_var()->get_global_var()->arity() > 0) {
+ //Anand --start: Check for Global Variable not being involved in any GEQ
+ Conjunct *d =
+ const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct();
+ bool found = false;
+ for (GEQ_Iterator g(d->GEQs()); g; g++)
+ if ((*g).get_coef(v) != 0) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ cost += 10; // function cost
+ else {
+ cost = INT_MAX;
+ eq = *e;
+ if (found_inspector_global != NULL)
+ *found_inspector_global = true;
+ return std::make_pair(eq, cost);
+ } //Anand --end: Check for Global Variable not being involved in any GEQ
+ }
+ else if (cvi.curr_var()->kind()
+ == Input_Var&&
+ assigned_on_the_fly.size() >= cvi.curr_var()->get_position() &&
+ assigned_on_the_fly[cvi.curr_var()->get_position()-1].first != NULL) {
+ cost += assigned_on_the_fly[cvi.curr_var()->get_position()-1].second; // substitution cost on record
+ }
+ }
+ if ((*e).get_const() != 0)
- if (abs(cvi.curr_coef()) != 1)
- cost += 2; // multiply cost
- if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Global_Var && cvi.curr_var()->get_global_var()->arity() > 0)
- cost += 10; // function cost
- else if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Input_Var &&
- assigned_on_the_fly.size() >= cvi.curr_var()->get_position() &&
- assigned_on_the_fly[cvi.curr_var()->get_position()-1].first != NULL)
- cost += assigned_on_the_fly[cvi.curr_var()->get_position()-1].second; // substitution cost on record
+ if (num_var > 1)
+ cost += num_var - 1; // addition cost
+ if (cost < min_cost) {
+ min_cost = cost;
+ eq = *e;
+ if (found_inspector_global != NULL)
+ *found_inspector_global = true;
- if ((*e).get_const() != 0)
- num_var++;
- if (num_var > 1)
- cost += num_var - 1; // addition cost
- if (cost < min_cost) {
- min_cost = cost;
- eq = *e;
- }
- if (min_cost < INT_MAX)
- return std::make_pair(eq, min_cost);
- for (EQ_Iterator e(c->EQs()); e; e++)
- if ((*e).has_wildcards() && (*e).get_coef(v) != 0) {
- bool is_assignment = true;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e, true); cvi; cvi++) {
- std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, v);
- if (!result.first) {
- is_assignment = false;
- break;
+ if (min_cost < INT_MAX)
+ return std::make_pair(eq, min_cost);
+ for (EQ_Iterator e(c->EQs()); e; e++)
+ if ((*e).has_wildcards() && (*e).get_coef(v) != 0) {
+ bool is_assignment = true;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e, true); cvi; cvi++) {
+ std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, v);
+ if (!result.first) {
+ is_assignment = false;
+ break;
+ }
- }
- if (!is_assignment)
- continue;
- int cost = 0;
- if (abs((*e).get_coef(v)) != 1)
- cost += 4; // divide cost
- int num_var = 0;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var() != v) {
+ if (!is_assignment)
+ continue;
+ int cost = 0;
+ if (abs((*e).get_coef(v)) != 1)
+ cost += 4; // divide cost
+ int num_var = 0;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
+ if (cvi.curr_var() != v) {
+ num_var++;
+ if (abs(cvi.curr_coef()) != 1)
+ cost += 2; // multiply cost
+ if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Wildcard_Var)
+ cost += 10; // floor operation cost
+ else if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Global_Var &&
+ cvi.curr_var()->get_global_var()->arity() > 0) {
+ cost += 20; // function cost
+ }
+ else if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Input_Var &&
+ assigned_on_the_fly.size() >= cvi.curr_var()->get_position() &&
+ assigned_on_the_fly[cvi.curr_var()->get_position()-1].first != NULL) {
+ cost += assigned_on_the_fly[cvi.curr_var()->get_position()-1].second; // substitution cost on record
+ }
+ }
+ if ((*e).get_const() != 0)
- if (abs(cvi.curr_coef()) != 1)
- cost += 2; // multiply cost
- if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Wildcard_Var)
- cost += 10; // floor operation cost
- else if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Global_Var && cvi.curr_var()->get_global_var()->arity() > 0)
- cost += 20; // function cost
- else if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Input_Var &&
- assigned_on_the_fly.size() >= cvi.curr_var()->get_position() &&
- assigned_on_the_fly[cvi.curr_var()->get_position()-1].first != NULL)
- cost += assigned_on_the_fly[cvi.curr_var()->get_position()-1].second; // substitution cost on record
+ if (num_var > 1)
+ cost += num_var - 1; // addition cost
+ if (cost < min_cost) {
+ min_cost = cost;
+ eq = *e;
+ if (found_inspector_global != NULL)
+ *found_inspector_global = true;
- if ((*e).get_const() != 0)
- num_var++;
- if (num_var > 1)
- cost += num_var - 1; // addition cost
- if (cost < min_cost) {
- min_cost = cost;
- eq = *e;
- }
- return std::make_pair(eq, min_cost);
+ return std::make_pair(eq, min_cost);
+ }
// find floor definition for variable v, e.g. m-c <= 4v <= m, (c is
// constant and 0 <= c < 4). this translates to v = floor(m, 4) and
// return 4v<=m in this case. All wildcards in such inequality are
// also floor defined.
-std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> find_floor_definition(const Relation &R, Variable_ID v, std::set<Variable_ID> excluded_floor_vars) {
- Conjunct *c = const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct();
- excluded_floor_vars.insert(v);
- for (GEQ_Iterator e = c->GEQs(); e; e++) {
- coef_t a = (*e).get_coef(v);
- if (a >= -1)
- continue;
- a = -a;
- bool interested = true;
- for (std::set<Variable_ID>::const_iterator i = excluded_floor_vars.begin(); i != excluded_floor_vars.end(); i++)
- if ((*i) != v && (*e).get_coef(*i) != 0) {
- interested = false;
- break;
- }
- if (!interested)
- continue;
- // check if any wildcard is floor defined
- bool has_undefined_wc = false;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e, true); cvi; cvi++)
- if (excluded_floor_vars.find(cvi.curr_var()) == excluded_floor_vars.end()) {
- std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, cvi.curr_var(), excluded_floor_vars);
- if (!result.first) {
- has_undefined_wc = true;
+ std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> find_floor_definition(const Relation &R,
+ Variable_ID v,
+ std::set<Variable_ID> excluded_floor_vars) {
+ Conjunct *c = const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct();
+ excluded_floor_vars.insert(v);
+ for (GEQ_Iterator e = c->GEQs(); e; e++) {
+ coef_t a = (*e).get_coef(v);
+ if (a >= -1)
+ continue;
+ a = -a;
+ bool interested = true;
+ for (std::set<Variable_ID>::const_iterator i = excluded_floor_vars.begin();
+ i != excluded_floor_vars.end();
+ i++) {
+ if ((*i) != v && (*e).get_coef(*i) != 0) {
+ interested = false;
- if (has_undefined_wc)
- continue;
- // find the matching upper bound for floor definition
- for (GEQ_Iterator e2 = c->GEQs(); e2; e2++)
- if ((*e2).get_coef(v) == a && (*e).get_const() + (*e2).get_const() < a) {
- bool match = true;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- if ((*e2).get_coef(cvi.curr_var()) != -cvi.curr_coef()) {
- match = false;
+ if (!interested)
+ continue;
+ // check if any wildcard is floor defined
+ bool has_undefined_wc = false;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e, true); cvi; cvi++)
+ if (excluded_floor_vars.find(cvi.curr_var()) == excluded_floor_vars.end()) {
+ std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R,
+ cvi.curr_var(),
+ excluded_floor_vars);
+ if (!result.first) {
+ has_undefined_wc = true;
- if (!match)
- continue;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e2); cvi; cvi++)
- if ((*e).get_coef(cvi.curr_var()) != -cvi.curr_coef()) {
- match = false;
+ }
+ if (has_undefined_wc)
+ continue;
+ // find the matching upper bound for floor definition
+ for (GEQ_Iterator e2 = c->GEQs(); e2; e2++)
+ if ((*e2).get_coef(v) == a && (*e).get_const() + (*e2).get_const() < a) {
+ bool match = true;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
+ if ((*e2).get_coef(cvi.curr_var()) != -cvi.curr_coef()) {
+ match = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!match)
+ continue;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e2); cvi; cvi++)
+ if ((*e).get_coef(cvi.curr_var()) != -cvi.curr_coef()) {
+ match = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (match)
+ return std::make_pair(true, *e);
+ }
+ }
+ return std::make_pair(false, GEQ_Handle());
+ }
+ //Anand- adding the following just for debug
+ std::vector<std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> > find_floor_definition_temp(
+ const Relation &R, Variable_ID v,
+ std::set<Variable_ID> excluded_floor_vars) {
+ Conjunct *c = const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct();
+ std::vector<std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> > to_return;
+ excluded_floor_vars.insert(v);
+ for (GEQ_Iterator e = c->GEQs(); e; e++) {
+ coef_t a = (*e).get_coef(v);
+ if (a >= -1)
+ continue;
+ a = -a;
+ //Anand: commenting out the following for debug 7/28/2013
+ bool interested = true;
+ Variable_ID possibly_interfering;
+ for (std::set<Variable_ID>::const_iterator i =
+ excluded_floor_vars.begin(); i != excluded_floor_vars.end();
+ i++)
+ if ((*i) != v && (*e).get_coef(*i) != 0) {
+ possibly_interfering = *i;
+ interested = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ // continue;
+ // check if any wildcard is floor defined
+ bool has_undefined_wc = false;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e, true); cvi; cvi++)
+ if (excluded_floor_vars.find(cvi.curr_var())
+ == excluded_floor_vars.end()) {
+ std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R,
+ cvi.curr_var(), excluded_floor_vars);
+ if (!result.first) {
+ has_undefined_wc = true;
- if (match)
- return std::make_pair(true, *e);
- }
+ }
+ if (has_undefined_wc)
+ continue;
+// find the matching upper bound for floor definition
+ for (GEQ_Iterator e2 = c->GEQs(); e2; e2++)
+ if ((*e2).get_coef(v) == a
+ && (*e).get_const() + (*e2).get_const() < a) {
+ bool match = true;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
+ if (v == cvi.curr_var()
+ && (*e2).get_coef(cvi.curr_var())
+ != -cvi.curr_coef()) {
+ match = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!match)
+ continue;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e2); cvi; cvi++)
+ if (v == cvi.curr_var()
+ && (*e).get_coef(cvi.curr_var())
+ != -cvi.curr_coef()) {
+ match = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (match) {
+ to_return.push_back(std::make_pair(true, *e));
+ if (!interested)
+ to_return.push_back(std::make_pair(true, *e2));
+ return to_return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ to_return.push_back(std::make_pair(false, GEQ_Handle()));
+ return to_return;
- return std::make_pair(false, GEQ_Handle());
// find the stride involving the specified variable, the stride
// equality can have other wildcards as long as they are defined as
// floor variables.
-std::pair<EQ_Handle, Variable_ID> find_simplest_stride(const Relation &R, Variable_ID v) {
- int best_num_var = INT_MAX;
- coef_t best_coef;
- EQ_Handle best_eq;
- Variable_ID best_stride_wc;
- for (EQ_Iterator e(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->EQs()); e; e++)
- if ((*e).has_wildcards() && (*e).get_coef(v) != 0) {
- bool is_stride = true;
- bool found_free = false;
- int num_var = 0;
- int num_floor = 0;
- Variable_ID stride_wc;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
- switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- bool is_free = true;
- for (GEQ_Iterator e2(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->GEQs()); e2; e2++)
- if ((*e2).get_coef(cvi.curr_var()) != 0) {
- is_free = false;
- break;
+ std::pair<EQ_Handle, Variable_ID> find_simplest_stride(const Relation &R,
+ Variable_ID v) {
+ int best_num_var = INT_MAX;
+ coef_t best_coef;
+ EQ_Handle best_eq;
+ Variable_ID best_stride_wc;
+ for (EQ_Iterator e(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->EQs()); e; e++)
+ if ((*e).has_wildcards() && (*e).get_coef(v) != 0) {
+ bool is_stride = true;
+ bool found_free = false;
+ int num_var = 0;
+ int num_floor = 0;
+ Variable_ID stride_wc;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
+ switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
+ case Wildcard_Var: {
+ bool is_free = true;
+ for (GEQ_Iterator e2(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->GEQs());
+ e2;
+ e2++)
+ if ((*e2).get_coef(cvi.curr_var()) != 0) {
+ is_free = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (is_free) {
+ if (found_free)
+ is_stride = false;
+ else {
+ found_free = true;
+ stride_wc = cvi.curr_var();
+ }
- if (is_free) {
- if (found_free)
- is_stride = false;
else {
- found_free = true;
- stride_wc = cvi.curr_var();
+ std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, cvi.curr_var());
+ if (result.first)
+ num_floor++;
+ else
+ is_stride = false;
+ break;
- else {
- std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, cvi.curr_var());
- if (result.first)
- num_floor++;
- else
- is_stride = false;
+ case Input_Var:
+ num_var++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ;
- break;
- }
- case Input_Var:
- num_var++;
- break;
- default:
- ;
+ if (!is_stride)
+ break;
- if (!is_stride)
- break;
- }
- if (is_stride) {
- coef_t coef = abs((*e).get_coef(v));
- if (best_num_var == INT_MAX || coef < best_coef ||
- (coef == best_coef && num_var < best_num_var)) {
- best_coef = coef;
- best_num_var = num_var;
- best_eq = *e;
- best_stride_wc = stride_wc;
+ if (is_stride) {
+ coef_t coef = abs((*e).get_coef(v));
+ if (best_num_var == INT_MAX || coef < best_coef ||
+ (coef == best_coef && num_var < best_num_var)) {
+ best_coef = coef;
+ best_num_var = num_var;
+ best_eq = *e;
+ best_stride_wc = stride_wc;
+ }
- }
- if (best_num_var != INT_MAX)
- return std::make_pair(best_eq, best_stride_wc);
- else
- return std::make_pair(EQ_Handle(), static_cast<Variable_ID>(NULL));
+ if (best_num_var != INT_MAX)
+ return std::make_pair(best_eq, best_stride_wc);
+ else
+ return std::make_pair(EQ_Handle(), static_cast<Variable_ID>(NULL));
+ }
// convert relation to if-condition
-CG_outputRepr *output_guard(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const Relation &R, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- assert(R.n_out()==0);
- CG_outputRepr *result = NULL;
- Conjunct *c = const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct();
- // e.g. 4i=5*j
- for (EQ_Iterator e = c->EQs(); e; e++)
- if (!(*e).has_wildcards()) {
- CG_outputRepr *lhs = NULL;
- CG_outputRepr *rhs = NULL;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
- CG_outputRepr *v = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi.curr_var(), assigned_on_the_fly);
- coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, v);
- else
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v));
+ CG_outputRepr *output_guard(CG_outputBuilder *ocg,
+ const Relation &R,
+ const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly,
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> > unin) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "output_guard()\n");
+ assert(R.n_out()==0);
+ CG_outputRepr *result = NULL;
+ Conjunct *c = const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct();
+ // e.g. 4i=5*j
+ for (EQ_Iterator e = c->EQs(); e; e++)
+ if (!(*e).has_wildcards()) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "EQ\n");
+ CG_outputRepr *lhs = NULL;
+ CG_outputRepr *rhs = NULL;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
+ CG_outputRepr *v = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi.curr_var(), assigned_on_the_fly, unin);
+ coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
+ if (coef > 0) {
+ if (coef == 1)
+ lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, v);
+ else
+ lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs,
+ ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v));
+ }
+ else { // coef < 0
+ if (coef == -1)
+ rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, v);
+ else
+ rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs,
+ ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v));
+ }
- else { // coef < 0
- if (coef == -1)
- rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, v);
- else
- rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v));
+ coef_t c = (*e).get_const();
+ CG_outputRepr *term;
+ if (lhs == NULL)
+ term = ocg->CreateEQ(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
+ else {
+ if (c > 0)
+ rhs = ocg->CreateMinus(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
+ else if (c < 0)
+ rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
+ else if (rhs == NULL)
+ rhs = ocg->CreateInt(0);
+ term = ocg->CreateEQ(lhs, rhs);
+ result = ocg->CreateAnd(result, term);
- coef_t c = (*e).get_const();
- CG_outputRepr *term;
- if (lhs == NULL)
- term = ocg->CreateEQ(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else {
- if (c > 0)
- rhs = ocg->CreateMinus(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else if (c < 0)
- rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- else if (rhs == NULL)
- rhs = ocg->CreateInt(0);
- term = ocg->CreateEQ(lhs, rhs);
- }
- result = ocg->CreateAnd(result, term);
- }
- // e.g. i>5j
- for (GEQ_Iterator e = c->GEQs(); e; e++)
- if (!(*e).has_wildcards()) {
- CG_outputRepr *lhs = NULL;
- CG_outputRepr *rhs = NULL;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
- CG_outputRepr *v = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi.curr_var(), assigned_on_the_fly);
- coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, v);
- else
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v));
+ // e.g. i>5j
+ for (GEQ_Iterator e = c->GEQs(); e; e++)
+ if (!(*e).has_wildcards()) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "GEQ\n");
+ CG_outputRepr *lhs = NULL;
+ CG_outputRepr *rhs = NULL;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
+ CG_outputRepr *v = output_ident(ocg,
+ R,
+ cvi.curr_var(),
+ assigned_on_the_fly,
+ unin);
+ coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
+ if (coef > 0) {
+ if (coef == 1)
+ lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, v);
+ else
+ lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs,
+ ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v));
+ }
+ else { // coef < 0
+ if (coef == -1)
+ rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, v);
+ else
+ rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs,
+ ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v));
+ }
- else { // coef < 0
- if (coef == -1)
- rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, v);
- else
- rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v));
+ coef_t c = (*e).get_const();
+ CG_outputRepr *term;
+ if (lhs == NULL)
+ term = ocg->CreateLE(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
+ else {
+ if (c > 0)
+ rhs = ocg->CreateMinus(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
+ else if (c < 0)
+ rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
+ else if (rhs == NULL)
+ rhs = ocg->CreateInt(0);
+ term = ocg->CreateGE(lhs, rhs);
+ //fprintf(stderr, "result = ocg->CreateAnd(result, term);\n");
+ result = ocg->CreateAnd(result, term);
- coef_t c = (*e).get_const();
- CG_outputRepr *term;
- if (lhs == NULL)
- term = ocg->CreateLE(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else {
- if (c > 0)
- rhs = ocg->CreateMinus(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else if (c < 0)
- rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- else if (rhs == NULL)
- rhs = ocg->CreateInt(0);
- term = ocg->CreateGE(lhs, rhs);
- }
- result = ocg->CreateAnd(result, term);
- }
- // e.g. 4i=5j+4alpha
- for (EQ_Iterator e = c->EQs(); e; e++)
- if ((*e).has_wildcards()) {
- Variable_ID wc;
- int num_wildcard = 0;
- int num_positive = 0;
- int num_negative = 0;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
- if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Wildcard_Var) {
- num_wildcard++;
- wc = cvi.curr_var();
+ // e.g. 4i=5j+4alpha
+ for (EQ_Iterator e = c->EQs(); e; e++)
+ if ((*e).has_wildcards()) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "EQ ??\n");
+ Variable_ID wc;
+ int num_wildcard = 0;
+ int num_positive = 0;
+ int num_negative = 0;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
+ if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Wildcard_Var) {
+ num_wildcard++;
+ wc = cvi.curr_var();
+ }
+ else {
+ if (cvi.curr_coef() > 0)
+ num_positive++;
+ else
+ num_negative++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (num_wildcard > 1) {
+ delete result;
+ throw codegen_error(
+ "Can't generate equality condition with multiple wildcards");
+ }
+ int sign = (num_positive>=num_negative)?1:-1;
+ CG_outputRepr *lhs = NULL;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
+ if (cvi.curr_var() != wc) {
+ CG_outputRepr *v = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi.curr_var(),
+ assigned_on_the_fly, unin);
+ coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
+ if (sign == 1) {
+ if (coef > 0) {
+ if (coef == 1)
+ lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, v);
+ else
+ lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs,
+ ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v));
+ }
+ else { // coef < 0
+ if (coef == -1)
+ lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, v);
+ else
+ lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs,
+ ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (coef > 0) {
+ if (coef == 1)
+ lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, v);
+ else
+ lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs,
+ ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v));
+ }
+ else { // coef < 0
+ if (coef == -1)
+ lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, v);
+ else
+ lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs,
+ ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ coef_t c = (*e).get_const();
+ if (sign == 1) {
+ if (c > 0)
+ lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
+ else if (c < 0)
+ lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
else {
- if (cvi.curr_coef() > 0)
- num_positive++;
- else
- num_negative++;
+ if (c > 0)
+ lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
+ else if (c < 0)
+ lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
+ lhs = ocg->CreateIntegerMod(lhs,
+ ocg->CreateInt(abs((*e).get_coef(wc))));
+ CG_outputRepr *term = ocg->CreateEQ(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(0));
+ result = ocg->CreateAnd(result, term);
- if (num_wildcard > 1) {
- delete result;
- throw codegen_error("Can't generate equality condition with multiple wildcards");
- }
- int sign = (num_positive>=num_negative)?1:-1;
- CG_outputRepr *lhs = NULL;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
- if (cvi.curr_var() != wc) {
- CG_outputRepr *v = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi.curr_var(), assigned_on_the_fly);
- coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
+ // e.g. 4alpha<=i<=5alpha
+ for (GEQ_Iterator e = c->GEQs(); e; e++)
+ if ((*e).has_wildcards()) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "GEQ ??\n");
+ Variable_ID wc;
+ int num_wildcard = 0;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e, true); cvi; cvi++)
+ if (num_wildcard == 0) {
+ wc = cvi.curr_var();
+ num_wildcard = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ num_wildcard++;
+ if (num_wildcard > 1) {
+ delete result;
+ // e.g. c*alpha - x >= 0 (*)
+ // -d*alpha + y >= 0 (*)
+ // e1*alpha + f1*beta + g1 >= 0 (**)
+ // e2*alpha + f2*beta + g2 >= 0 (**)
+ // ...
+ // TODO: should generate a testing loop for alpha using its lower and
+ // upper bounds from (*) constraints and do the same if-condition test
+ // for beta from each pair of opposite (**) constraints as above,
+ // and exit the loop when if-condition satisfied.
+ throw codegen_error(
+ "Can't generate multiple wildcard GEQ guards right now");
+ }
+ coef_t c = (*e).get_coef(wc);
+ int sign = (c>0)?1:-1;
+ GEQ_Iterator e2 = e;
+ e2++;
+ for ( ; e2; e2++) {
+ coef_t c2 = (*e2).get_coef(wc);
+ if (c2 == 0)
+ continue;
+ int sign2 = (c2>0)?1:-1;
+ if (sign != -sign2)
+ continue;
+ int num_wildcard2 = 0;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e2, true); cvi; cvi++)
+ num_wildcard2++;
+ if (num_wildcard2 > 1)
+ continue;
+ GEQ_Handle lb, ub;
if (sign == 1) {
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, v);
- else
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v));
- }
- else { // coef < 0
- if (coef == -1)
- lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, v);
- else
- lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v));
- }
+ lb = (*e);
+ ub = (*e2);
else {
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, v);
- else
- lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v));
+ lb = (*e2);
+ ub = (*e);
+ }
+ CG_outputRepr *lhs = NULL;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(lb); cvi; cvi++)
+ if (cvi.curr_var() != wc) {
+ CG_outputRepr *v = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi.curr_var(),
+ assigned_on_the_fly, unin);
+ coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
+ if (coef > 0) {
+ if (coef == 1)
+ lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, v);
+ else
+ lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs,
+ ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v));
+ }
+ else { // coef < 0
+ if (coef == -1)
+ lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, v);
+ else
+ lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs,
+ ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v));
+ }
- else { // coef < 0
- if (coef == -1)
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, v);
- else
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v));
+ coef_t c = lb.get_const();
+ if (c > 0)
+ lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
+ else if (c < 0)
+ lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
+ CG_outputRepr *rhs = NULL;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(ub); cvi; cvi++)
+ if (cvi.curr_var() != wc) {
+ CG_outputRepr *v = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi.curr_var(),
+ assigned_on_the_fly, unin);
+ coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
+ if (coef > 0) {
+ if (coef == 1)
+ rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, v);
+ else
+ rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs,
+ ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v));
+ }
+ else { // coef < 0
+ if (coef == -1)
+ rhs = ocg->CreateMinus(rhs, v);
+ else
+ rhs = ocg->CreateMinus(rhs,
+ ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v));
+ }
- }
+ c = ub.get_const();
+ if (c > 0)
+ rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
+ else if (c < 0)
+ rhs = ocg->CreateMinus(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
+ rhs = ocg->CreateIntegerFloor(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(-ub.get_coef(wc)));
+ rhs = ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(lb.get_coef(wc)), rhs);
+ CG_outputRepr *term = ocg->CreateLE(lhs, rhs);
+ result = ocg->CreateAnd(result, term);
- coef_t c = (*e).get_const();
- if (sign == 1) {
- if (c > 0)
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else if (c < 0)
- lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- }
- else {
- if (c > 0)
- lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else if (c < 0)
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- }
- lhs = ocg->CreateIntegerMod(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(abs((*e).get_coef(wc))));
- CG_outputRepr *term = ocg->CreateEQ(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(0));
- result = ocg->CreateAnd(result, term);
- }
+ //fprintf(stderr, "output_guard returning at bottom 0x%x\n", result);
+ return result;
+ }
+// return NULL if 0
+ CG_outputRepr *output_inequality_repr(CG_outputBuilder *ocg,
+ const GEQ_Handle &inequality,
+ Variable_ID v,
+ const Relation &R,
+ const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly,
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> > unin,
+ std::set<Variable_ID> excluded_floor_vars) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "output_inequality_repr() v %s\n", v->name().c_str());
+ const_cast<Relation &>(R).setup_names(); // hack
+ coef_t a = inequality.get_coef(v);
+ assert(a != 0);
+ excluded_floor_vars.insert(v);
+ std::vector<std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> > result2;
+ CG_outputRepr *repr = NULL;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(inequality); cvi; cvi++)
+ if (cvi.curr_var() != v) {
+ CG_outputRepr *t;
+ if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Wildcard_Var) {
+ std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R,
+ cvi.curr_var(),
+ excluded_floor_vars);
+ if (!result.first) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\n*** heading into NEW CODE\n");
+ coef_t coef_ = cvi.curr_coef();
+ result2 = find_floor_definition_temp(R, cvi.curr_var(),
+ excluded_floor_vars);
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi_(
+ result2[result2.size() - 1].second); cvi_; cvi_++) {
+ if (cvi_.curr_var()->kind() != Wildcard_Var
+ && cvi_.curr_var()->kind() != Set_Var) {
+ t = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi_.curr_var(),
+ assigned_on_the_fly, unin);
+ coef_t coef2 = cvi_.curr_coef();
+ assert(cvi_.curr_coef() == -1 && a == 1);
+ repr = ocg->CreateIntegerFloor(t,
+ ocg->CreateInt(-coef_));
+ repr = ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef_),
+ repr);
+ fprintf(stderr, "returning a TIMES\n");
+ return repr;
+ }
+ }
+ };
- // e.g. 4alpha<=i<=5alpha
- for (GEQ_Iterator e = c->GEQs(); e; e++)
- if ((*e).has_wildcards()) {
- Variable_ID wc;
- int num_wildcard = 0;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e, true); cvi; cvi++)
- if (num_wildcard == 0) {
- wc = cvi.curr_var();
- num_wildcard = 1;
+ if (!result.first) {
+ delete repr;
+ throw codegen_error("Can't generate bound expression with wildcard not involved in floor definition");
+ }
+ try {
+ t = output_inequality_repr(ocg,
+ result.second,
+ cvi.curr_var(),
+ R,
+ assigned_on_the_fly,
+ unin,
+ excluded_floor_vars);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete repr;
+ throw e;
+ }
- num_wildcard++;
- if (num_wildcard > 1) {
- delete result;
- // e.g. c*alpha - x >= 0 (*)
- // -d*alpha + y >= 0 (*)
- // e1*alpha + f1*beta + g1 >= 0 (**)
- // e2*alpha + f2*beta + g2 >= 0 (**)
- // ...
- // TODO: should generate a testing loop for alpha using its lower and
- // upper bounds from (*) constraints and do the same if-condition test
- // for beta from each pair of opposite (**) constraints as above,
- // and exit the loop when if-condition satisfied.
- throw codegen_error("Can't generate multiple wildcard GEQ guards right now");
- }
- coef_t c = (*e).get_coef(wc);
- int sign = (c>0)?1:-1;
- GEQ_Iterator e2 = e;
- e2++;
- for ( ; e2; e2++) {
- coef_t c2 = (*e2).get_coef(wc);
- if (c2 == 0)
- continue;
- int sign2 = (c2>0)?1:-1;
- if (sign != -sign2)
- continue;
- int num_wildcard2 = 0;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e2, true); cvi; cvi++)
- num_wildcard2++;
- if (num_wildcard2 > 1)
- continue;
- GEQ_Handle lb, ub;
- if (sign == 1) {
- lb = (*e);
- ub = (*e2);
+ t = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi.curr_var(), assigned_on_the_fly, unin);
+ coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
+ if (a > 0) {
+ if (coef > 0) {
+ if (coef == 1)
+ repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, t);
+ else
+ repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr,
+ ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef),t));
+ }
+ else {
+ if (coef == -1)
+ repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, t);
+ else
+ repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr,
+ ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef),t));
+ }
else {
- lb = (*e2);
- ub = (*e);
- }
- CG_outputRepr *lhs = NULL;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(lb); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var() != wc) {
- CG_outputRepr *v = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi.curr_var(), assigned_on_the_fly);
- coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, v);
- else
- lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v));
- }
- else { // coef < 0
- if (coef == -1)
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, v);
- else
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v));
- }
+ if (coef > 0) {
+ if (coef == 1)
+ repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, t);
+ else
+ repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr,
+ ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef),t));
- coef_t c = lb.get_const();
- if (c > 0)
- lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else if (c < 0)
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- CG_outputRepr *rhs = NULL;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(ub); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var() != wc) {
- CG_outputRepr *v = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi.curr_var(), assigned_on_the_fly);
- coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, v);
- else
- rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v));
- }
- else { // coef < 0
- if (coef == -1)
- rhs = ocg->CreateMinus(rhs, v);
- else
- rhs = ocg->CreateMinus(rhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v));
- }
+ else {
+ if (coef == -1)
+ repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, t);
+ else
+ repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr,
+ ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef),t));
- c = ub.get_const();
- if (c > 0)
- rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else if (c < 0)
- rhs = ocg->CreateMinus(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- rhs = ocg->CreateIntegerFloor(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(-ub.get_coef(wc)));
- rhs = ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(lb.get_coef(wc)), rhs);
- CG_outputRepr *term = ocg->CreateLE(lhs, rhs);
- result = ocg->CreateAnd(result, term);
+ }
+ coef_t c = inequality.get_const();
+ if (c > 0) {
+ if (a > 0)
+ repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(c));
+ else
+ repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(c));
+ else if (c < 0) {
+ if (a > 0)
+ repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
+ else
+ repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
+ }
+ if (abs(a) == 1)
+ return repr;
+ else if (a > 0)
+ return ocg->CreateIntegerCeil(repr, ocg->CreateInt(a));
+ else // a < 0
+ return ocg->CreateIntegerFloor(repr, ocg->CreateInt(-a));
+ }
- return result;
-// return NULL if 0
+// nothing special, just an alias
-CG_outputRepr *output_inequality_repr(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const GEQ_Handle &inequality, Variable_ID v, const Relation &R, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly, std::set<Variable_ID> excluded_floor_vars) {
- const_cast<Relation &>(R).setup_names(); // hack
+ CG_outputRepr *output_upper_bound_repr(CG_outputBuilder *ocg,
+ const GEQ_Handle &inequality,
+ Variable_ID v,
+ const Relation &R,
+ const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly,
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> > unin) {
+ assert(inequality.get_coef(v) < 0);
+ CG_outputRepr* zero_;
+ zero_ = output_inequality_repr(ocg, inequality, v, R, assigned_on_the_fly,
+ unin);
+ if(!zero_)
+ zero_ = ocg->CreateInt(0);
+ return zero_;
+ }
- coef_t a = inequality.get_coef(v);
- assert(a != 0);
- excluded_floor_vars.insert(v);
- CG_outputRepr *repr = NULL;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(inequality); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var() != v) {
- CG_outputRepr *t;
- if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Wildcard_Var) {
- std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, cvi.curr_var(), excluded_floor_vars);
- if (!result.first) {
- delete repr;
- throw codegen_error("Can't generate bound expression with wildcard not involved in floor definition");
- }
- try {
- t = output_inequality_repr(ocg, result.second, cvi.curr_var(), R, assigned_on_the_fly, excluded_floor_vars);
- }
- catch (const std::exception &e) {
- delete repr;
- throw e;
- }
+// output lower bound with respect to lattice
+ CG_outputRepr *output_lower_bound_repr(CG_outputBuilder *ocg,
+ const GEQ_Handle &inequality,
+ Variable_ID v,
+ const EQ_Handle &stride_eq,
+ Variable_ID wc,
+ const Relation &R,
+ const Relation &known,
+ const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly,
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> > unin) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "output_lower_bound_repr()\n");
+ assert(inequality.get_coef(v) > 0);
+ CG_outputRepr* zero_;
+ if (wc == NULL
+ || bound_must_hit_stride(inequality, v, stride_eq, wc, R, known)){
+ zero_ = output_inequality_repr(ocg, inequality, v, R,
+ assigned_on_the_fly, unin);
+ if(!zero_)
+ zero_ = ocg->CreateInt(0);
+ return zero_;
+ }
+ CG_outputRepr *strideBoundRepr = NULL;
+ int sign = (stride_eq.get_coef(v)>0)?1:-1;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(stride_eq); cvi; cvi++) {
+ Variable_ID v2 = cvi.curr_var();
+ if (v2 == v || v2 == wc)
+ continue;
+ CG_outputRepr *v_repr;
+ if (v2->kind() == Input_Var || v2->kind() == Global_Var)
+ v_repr = output_ident(ocg, R, v2, assigned_on_the_fly,unin);
+ else if (v2->kind() == Wildcard_Var) {
+ std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, v2);
+ assert(result.first);
+ v_repr = output_inequality_repr(ocg, result.second, v2, R,
+ assigned_on_the_fly, unin);
- else
- t = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi.curr_var(), assigned_on_the_fly);
coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
- if (a > 0) {
+ if (sign < 0) {
if (coef > 0) {
if (coef == 1)
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, t);
+ strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreatePlus(strideBoundRepr, v_repr);
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), t));
+ strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreatePlus(strideBoundRepr,
+ ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v_repr));
- else {
+ else { // coef < 0
if (coef == -1)
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, t);
+ strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr, v_repr);
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), t));
+ strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr,
+ ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v_repr));
else {
if (coef > 0) {
if (coef == 1)
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, t);
+ strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr, v_repr);
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), t));
+ strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr,
+ ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v_repr));
- else {
+ else { // coef < 0
if (coef == -1)
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, t);
+ strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreatePlus(strideBoundRepr, v_repr);
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), t));
+ strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreatePlus(strideBoundRepr,
+ ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v_repr));
+ }
+ coef_t c = stride_eq.get_const();
+ fprintf(stderr, "stride eq const %d\n", c);
+ fprintf(stderr, "sign %d\n", sign );
+ if (c > 0) {
+ if (sign < 0)
+ strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreatePlus(strideBoundRepr, ocg->CreateInt(c));
+ else
+ strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- coef_t c = inequality.get_const();
- if (c > 0) {
- if (a > 0)
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- }
- else if (c < 0) {
- if (a > 0)
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- else
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- }
- if (abs(a) == 1)
- return repr;
- else if (a > 0)
- return ocg->CreateIntegerCeil(repr, ocg->CreateInt(a));
- else // a < 0
- return ocg->CreateIntegerFloor(repr, ocg->CreateInt(-a));
-// nothing special, just an alias
-CG_outputRepr *output_upper_bound_repr(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const GEQ_Handle &inequality, Variable_ID v, const Relation &R, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- assert(inequality.get_coef(v) < 0);
- CG_outputRepr* zero_;
- zero_ = output_inequality_repr(ocg, inequality, v, R, assigned_on_the_fly);
- if(!zero_)
- zero_ = ocg->CreateInt(0);
- return zero_;
-// output lower bound with respect to lattice
-CG_outputRepr *output_lower_bound_repr(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const GEQ_Handle &inequality, Variable_ID v, const EQ_Handle &stride_eq, Variable_ID wc, const Relation &R, const Relation &known, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- assert(inequality.get_coef(v) > 0);
- CG_outputRepr* zero_;
- if (wc == NULL || bound_must_hit_stride(inequality, v, stride_eq, wc, R, known)){
- zero_ = output_inequality_repr(ocg, inequality, v, R, assigned_on_the_fly);
- if(!zero_)
- zero_ = ocg->CreateInt(0);
- return zero_;
- }
- CG_outputRepr *strideBoundRepr = NULL;
- int sign = (stride_eq.get_coef(v)>0)?1:-1;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(stride_eq); cvi; cvi++) {
- Variable_ID v2 = cvi.curr_var();
- if (v2 == v || v2 == wc)
- continue;
- CG_outputRepr *v_repr;
- if (v2->kind() == Input_Var || v2->kind() == Global_Var)
- v_repr = output_ident(ocg, R, v2, assigned_on_the_fly);
- else if (v2->kind() == Wildcard_Var) {
- std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, v2);
- assert(result.first);
- v_repr = output_inequality_repr(ocg, result.second, v2, R, assigned_on_the_fly);
+ else if (c < 0) {
+ if (sign < 0)
+ strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
+ else
+ strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreatePlus(strideBoundRepr, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
+ CG_outputRepr *repr = output_inequality_repr(ocg, inequality, v, R,
+ assigned_on_the_fly, unin);
+ //fprintf(stderr, "inequality repr %p\n", repr);
+ CG_outputRepr *repr2 = ocg->CreateCopy(repr);
+ fprintf(stderr, "stride_eq.get_coef(wc) %d\n", stride_eq.get_coef(wc));
+ fprintf(stderr, "repr + mod( strideBoundRepr - repr, %d )\n", stride_eq.get_coef(wc));
- coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
- if (sign < 0) {
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreatePlus(strideBoundRepr, v_repr);
- else
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreatePlus(strideBoundRepr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v_repr));
- }
- else { // coef < 0
- if (coef == -1)
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr, v_repr);
- else
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v_repr));
- }
- }
- else {
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr, v_repr);
- else
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v_repr));
- }
- else { // coef < 0
- if (coef == -1)
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreatePlus(strideBoundRepr, v_repr);
- else
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreatePlus(strideBoundRepr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v_repr));
- }
- }
- }
- coef_t c = stride_eq.get_const();
- if (c > 0) {
- if (sign < 0)
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreatePlus(strideBoundRepr, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- }
- else if (c < 0) {
- if (sign < 0)
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- else
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreatePlus(strideBoundRepr, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
+ repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr2,
+ ocg->CreateIntegerMod(ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr, repr),
+ ocg->CreateInt(abs(stride_eq.get_coef(wc)))));
+ return repr;
- CG_outputRepr *repr = output_inequality_repr(ocg, inequality, v, R, assigned_on_the_fly);
- CG_outputRepr *repr2 = ocg->CreateCopy(repr);
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr2, ocg->CreateIntegerMod(ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr, repr), ocg->CreateInt(abs(stride_eq.get_coef(wc)))));
- return repr;
// return loop control structure only
-CG_outputRepr *output_loop(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const Relation &R, int level, const Relation &known, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- std::pair<EQ_Handle, Variable_ID> result = find_simplest_stride(R, const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level));
- if (result.second != NULL)
- assert(abs(result.first.get_coef(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level))) == 1);
- std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> lbList, ubList;
- try {
- coef_t const_lb = negInfinity, const_ub = posInfinity;
+ CG_outputRepr *output_loop(CG_outputBuilder *ocg,
+ const Relation &R,
+ int level,
+ const Relation &known,
+ const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly,
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> > unin) {
+ fprintf(stderr, " output_loop()\n");
+ std::pair<EQ_Handle, Variable_ID> result = find_simplest_stride(R, const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level));
+ fprintf(stderr, "found stride\n");
- for (GEQ_Iterator e(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->GEQs()); e; e++) {
- coef_t coef = (*e).get_coef(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level));
+ if (result.second != NULL)
+ assert(abs(result.first.get_coef(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level))) == 1);
+ std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> lbList, ubList;
+ try {
+ coef_t const_lb = negInfinity, const_ub = posInfinity;
+ for (GEQ_Iterator e(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->GEQs());
+ e;
+ e++) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "new e\n");
+ coef_t coef = (*e).get_coef(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level));
+ fprintf(stderr, "coef %d\n", coef);
+ if (coef > 0) {
+ CG_outputRepr *repr = output_lower_bound_repr(ocg, *e, const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level), result.first, result.second, R, known, assigned_on_the_fly, unin);
+ fprintf(stderr, "got a repr\n");
+ if (repr == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "repr NULL\n");
- if (coef > 0) {
- CG_outputRepr *repr = output_lower_bound_repr(ocg, *e, const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level), result.first, result.second, R, known, assigned_on_the_fly);
if (repr == NULL)
- repr = ocg->CreateInt(0);
- lbList.push_back(repr);
- if ((*e).is_const(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level))){
- if(!result.second) {
- //no variables but v in constr
- coef_t L,m;
- L = -((*e).get_const());
- m = (*e).get_coef(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level));
- coef_t sb = (int) (ceil(((float) L) /m));
- set_max(const_lb, sb);
+ repr = ocg->CreateInt(0);
+ lbList.push_back(repr);
+ if ((*e).is_const(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level))){
+ if(!result.second) {
+ //no variables but v in constr
+ coef_t L,m;
+ L = -((*e).get_const());
+ m = (*e).get_coef(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level));
+ coef_t sb = (int) (ceil(((float) L) /m));
+ set_max(const_lb, sb);
- else{
- coef_t L,m,s,c;
- L = -((*e).get_const());
- m = (*e).get_coef(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level));
- s = abs(result.first.get_coef(result.second));
- c = result.first.get_const();
- coef_t sb = (s * (int) (ceil( (float) (L - (c * m)) /(s*m))))+ c;
- set_max(const_lb, sb);
- }
+ else{
+ coef_t L,m,s,c;
+ L = -((*e).get_const());
+ m = (*e).get_coef(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level));
+ s = abs(result.first.get_coef(result.second));
+ c = result.first.get_const();
+ coef_t sb = (s * (int) (ceil( (float) (L - (c * m)) /(s*m))))+ c;
+ set_max(const_lb, sb);
+ }
+ }
- }
- else if (coef < 0) {
- CG_outputRepr *repr = output_upper_bound_repr(ocg, *e, const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level), R, assigned_on_the_fly);
- if (repr == NULL)
- repr = ocg->CreateInt(0);
- ubList.push_back(repr);
- if ((*e).is_const(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level))) {
- // no variables but v in constraint
- set_min(const_ub,-(*e).get_const()/(*e).get_coef(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level)));
+ else if (coef < 0) {
+ CG_outputRepr *repr = output_upper_bound_repr(ocg,
+ *e,
+ const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level),
+ R,
+ assigned_on_the_fly,
+ unin);
+ if (repr == NULL)
+ repr = ocg->CreateInt(0);
+ ubList.push_back(repr);
+ if ((*e).is_const(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level))) {
+ // no variables but v in constraint
+ set_min(const_ub,-(*e).get_const()/(*e).get_coef(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level)));
+ }
+ if(fillInBounds && lbList.size() == 1 && const_lb != negInfinity)
+ lowerBoundForLevel = const_lb;
+ if(fillInBounds && const_ub != posInfinity) {
+ upperBoundForLevel = const_ub;
+ }
+ if (lbList.size() == 0)
+ throw codegen_error(
+ "missing lower bound at loop level " + to_string(level));
+ if (ubList.size() == 0)
+ throw codegen_error(
+ "missing upper bound at loop level " + to_string(level));
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < lbList.size(); i++)
+ delete lbList[i];
+ for (int i = 0; i < ubList.size(); i++)
+ delete ubList[i];
+ throw e;
- if(fillInBounds && lbList.size() == 1 && const_lb != negInfinity)
- lowerBoundForLevel = const_lb;
+ CG_outputRepr *lbRepr = NULL;
+ if (lbList.size() > 1) {
+ fprintf(stderr, " output_loop() createInvoke( max )\n");
+ lbRepr = ocg->CreateInvoke("max", lbList);
+ }
+ else { // (lbList.size() == 1)
+ lbRepr = lbList[0];
+ }
- if(fillInBounds && const_ub != posInfinity)
- upperBoundForLevel = const_ub;
- if (lbList.size() == 0)
- throw codegen_error("missing lower bound at loop level " + to_string(level));
- if (ubList.size() == 0)
- throw codegen_error("missing upper bound at loop level " + to_string(level));
- }
- catch (const std::exception &e) {
- for (int i = 0; i < lbList.size(); i++)
- delete lbList[i];
- for (int i = 0; i < ubList.size(); i++)
- delete ubList[i];
- throw e;
+ CG_outputRepr *ubRepr = NULL;
+ if (ubList.size() > 1) {
+ fprintf(stderr, " output_loop() createInvoke( min )\n");
+ ubRepr = ocg->CreateInvoke("min", ubList);
+ }
+ else { // (ubList.size() == 1)
+ ubRepr = ubList[0];
+ }
+ CG_outputRepr *stRepr;
+ if (result.second == NULL)
+ stRepr = ocg->CreateInt(1);
+ else
+ stRepr = ocg->CreateInt(abs(result.first.get_coef(result.second)));
+ CG_outputRepr *indexRepr = output_ident(ocg,
+ R,
+ const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level),
+ assigned_on_the_fly,
+ unin);
+ //fprintf(stderr," output_loop() returning CreateInductive()\n");
+ return ocg->CreateInductive(indexRepr, lbRepr, ubRepr, stRepr);
- CG_outputRepr *lbRepr = NULL;
- if (lbList.size() > 1)
- lbRepr = ocg->CreateInvoke("max", lbList);
- else // (lbList.size() == 1)
- lbRepr = lbList[0];
- CG_outputRepr *ubRepr = NULL;
- if (ubList.size() > 1)
- ubRepr = ocg->CreateInvoke("min", ubList);
- else // (ubList.size() == 1)
- ubRepr = ubList[0];
- CG_outputRepr *stRepr;
- if (result.second == NULL)
- stRepr = ocg->CreateInt(1);
- else
- stRepr = ocg->CreateInt(abs(result.first.get_coef(result.second)));
- CG_outputRepr *indexRepr = output_ident(ocg, R, const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level), assigned_on_the_fly);
- return ocg->CreateInductive(indexRepr, lbRepr, ubRepr, stRepr);
// parameter f_root is inside f_exists, not the other way around.
// return replicated variable in new relation, with all cascaded floor definitions
// using wildcards defined in the same way as in the original relation.
-Variable_ID replicate_floor_definition(const Relation &R, const Variable_ID floor_var,
- Relation &r, F_Exists *f_exists, F_And *f_root,
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> &exists_mapping) {
- assert(R.n_out() == 0 && r.n_out() == 0 && R.n_inp() == r.n_inp());
- std::set<Variable_ID> excluded_floor_vars;
- std::stack<Variable_ID> to_fill;
- to_fill.push(floor_var);
+ Variable_ID replicate_floor_definition(const Relation &R,
+ const Variable_ID floor_var,
+ Relation &r,
+ F_Exists *f_exists,
+ F_And *f_root,
+ std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> &exists_mapping) {
+ //Anand: commenting the assertion out 8/4/2013
+ //assert(R.n_out() == 0 && r.n_out() == 0 && R.n_inp() == r.n_inp());
+ bool is_mapping = false;
+ if (r.n_out() > 0)
+ is_mapping = true;
+ std::set<Variable_ID> excluded_floor_vars;
+ std::set<Variable_ID> excluded_floor_vars2;
+ std::stack<Variable_ID> to_fill;
+ to_fill.push(floor_var);
+ while (!to_fill.empty()) {
+ Variable_ID v =;
+ to_fill.pop();
+ if (excluded_floor_vars.find(v) != excluded_floor_vars.end())
+ continue;
+ std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, v,
+ excluded_floor_vars);
+ std::vector<std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> > result2;
+ if (!result.first) {
+ result2 = find_floor_definition_temp(R, v, excluded_floor_vars2);
+ assert(result2.size() >= 1);
+ result = result2[0];
+ }
+ else
+ result2.push_back(result);
- while (!to_fill.empty()) {
- Variable_ID v =;
- to_fill.pop();
- if (excluded_floor_vars.find(v) != excluded_floor_vars.end())
- continue;
- std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, v, excluded_floor_vars);
- assert(result.first);
- excluded_floor_vars.insert(v);
+ assert(result.first);
+ excluded_floor_vars.insert(v);
+ excluded_floor_vars2.insert(v);
- GEQ_Handle h1 = f_root->add_GEQ();
- GEQ_Handle h2 = f_root->add_GEQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(result.second); cvi; cvi++) {
- Variable_ID v2 = cvi.curr_var();
- switch (v2->kind()) {
- case Input_Var: {
- int pos = v2->get_position();
- h1.update_coef(r.input_var(pos), cvi.curr_coef());
- h2.update_coef(r.input_var(pos), -cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID>::iterator p = exists_mapping.find(v2);
- Variable_ID v3;
- if (p == exists_mapping.end()) {
- v3 = f_exists->declare();
- exists_mapping[v2] = v3;
+ for (int i = 0; i < result2.size(); i++) {
+ GEQ_Handle h1 = f_root->add_GEQ();
+ GEQ_Handle h2 = f_root->add_GEQ();
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(result2[i].second); cvi; cvi++) {
+ Variable_ID v2 = cvi.curr_var();
+ switch (v2->kind()) {
+ case Input_Var: {
+ int pos = v2->get_position();
+ if (!is_mapping) {
+ h1.update_coef(r.input_var(pos), cvi.curr_coef());
+ h2.update_coef(r.input_var(pos), -cvi.curr_coef());
+ }
+ else {
+ h1.update_coef(r.output_var(pos), cvi.curr_coef());
+ h2.update_coef(r.output_var(pos), -cvi.curr_coef());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Wildcard_Var: {
+ std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID>::iterator p=exists_mapping.find(v2);
+ Variable_ID v3;
+ if (p == exists_mapping.end()) {
+ v3 = f_exists->declare();
+ exists_mapping[v2] = v3;
+ }
+ else
+ v3 = p->second;
+ h1.update_coef(v3, cvi.curr_coef());
+ h2.update_coef(v3, -cvi.curr_coef());
+ if (v2 != v)
+ to_fill.push(v2);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Global_Var: {
+ Global_Var_ID g = v2->get_global_var();
+ Variable_ID v3;
+ if (g->arity() == 0)
+ v3 = r.get_local(g);
+ else
+ v3 = r.get_local(g, v2->function_of());
+ h1.update_coef(v3, cvi.curr_coef());
+ h2.update_coef(v3, -cvi.curr_coef());
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ }
- else
- v3 = p->second;
- h1.update_coef(v3, cvi.curr_coef());
- h2.update_coef(v3, -cvi.curr_coef());
- if (v2 != v)
- to_fill.push(v2);
- break;
- }
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = v2->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v3;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v3 = r.get_local(g);
- else
- v3 = r.get_local(g, v2->function_of());
- h1.update_coef(v3, cvi.curr_coef());
- h2.update_coef(v3, -cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
+ h1.update_const(result2[i].second.get_const());
+ h2.update_const(
+ -result2[i].second.get_const()
+ - result2[i].second.get_coef(v) - 1);
- h1.update_const(result.second.get_const());
- h2.update_const(-result.second.get_const()-result.second.get_coef(v)-1);
+ if (floor_var->kind() == Input_Var)
+ return r.input_var(floor_var->get_position());
+ else if (floor_var->kind() == Wildcard_Var)
+ return exists_mapping[floor_var];
+ else
+ assert(false);
- if (floor_var->kind() == Input_Var)
- return r.input_var(floor_var->get_position());
- else if (floor_var->kind() == Wildcard_Var)
- return exists_mapping[floor_var];
- else
- assert(false);
// pick one guard condition from relation. it can involve multiple
// constraints when involving wildcards, as long as its complement
// is a single conjunct.
-Relation pick_one_guard(const Relation &R, int level) {
- assert(R.n_out()==0);
- Relation r = Relation::True(R.n_set());
- for (GEQ_Iterator e(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->GEQs()); e; e++)
- if (!(*e).has_wildcards()) {
- r.and_with_GEQ(*e);
- r.simplify();
- r.copy_names(R);
- r.setup_names();
- return r;
- }
- for (EQ_Iterator e(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->EQs()); e; e++)
- if (!(*e).has_wildcards()) {
- r.and_with_GEQ(*e);
- r.simplify();
- r.copy_names(R);
- r.setup_names();
- return r;
- }
- for (EQ_Iterator e(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->EQs()); e; e++)
- if ((*e).has_wildcards()) {
- int num_wildcard = 0;
- int max_level = 0;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
- case Wildcard_Var:
- num_wildcard++;
- break;
- case Input_Var:
- if (cvi.curr_var()->get_position() > max_level)
- max_level = cvi.curr_var()->get_position();
- break;
- default:
- ;
- }
- if (num_wildcard == 1 && max_level != level-1) {
- r.and_with_EQ(*e);
+ Relation pick_one_guard(const Relation &R, int level) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "pick_one_guard()\n");
+ assert(R.n_out()==0);
+ Relation r = Relation::True(R.n_set());
+ for (GEQ_Iterator e(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->GEQs());
+ e;
+ e++)
+ if (!(*e).has_wildcards()) {
+ r.and_with_GEQ(*e);
return r;
- }
- for (GEQ_Iterator e(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->GEQs()); e; e++)
- if ((*e).has_wildcards()) {
- int num_wildcard = 0;
- int max_level = 0;
- bool direction;
- Variable_ID wc;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
- case Wildcard_Var:
- num_wildcard++;
- wc = cvi.curr_var();
- direction = cvi.curr_coef()>0?true:false;
- break;
- case Input_Var:
- if (cvi.curr_var()->get_position() > max_level)
- max_level = cvi.curr_var()->get_position();
- break;
- default:
- ;
+ for (EQ_Iterator e(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->EQs());
+ e;
+ e++)
+ if (!(*e).has_wildcards()) {
+ r.and_with_GEQ(*e);
+ r.simplify();
+ r.copy_names(R);
+ r.setup_names();
+ return r;
+ }
+ for (EQ_Iterator e(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->EQs());
+ e;
+ e++)
+ if ((*e).has_wildcards()) {
+ int num_wildcard = 0;
+ int max_level = 0;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
+ switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
+ case Wildcard_Var:
+ num_wildcard++;
+ break;
+ case Input_Var:
+ if (cvi.curr_var()->get_position() > max_level)
+ max_level = cvi.curr_var()->get_position();
+ break;
+ default:
+ ;
+ }
+ if (num_wildcard == 1 && max_level != level-1) {
+ r.and_with_EQ(*e);
+ r.simplify();
+ r.copy_names(R);
+ r.setup_names();
+ return r;
- if (num_wildcard == 1 && max_level != level-1) {
- // find the pairing inequality
- GEQ_Iterator e2 = e;
- e2++;
- for ( ; e2; e2++) {
- int num_wildcard2 = 0;
- int max_level2 = 0;
- bool direction2;
- Variable_ID wc2;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e2); cvi; cvi++)
- switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
- case Wildcard_Var:
- num_wildcard2++;
- wc2 = cvi.curr_var();
- direction2 = cvi.curr_coef()>0?true:false;
- break;
- case Input_Var:
- if (cvi.curr_var()->get_position() > max_level2)
- max_level2 = cvi.curr_var()->get_position();
- break;
- default:
- ;
- }
- if (num_wildcard2 == 1 && max_level2 != level-1 && wc2 == wc && direction2 == not direction) {
- F_Exists *f_exists = r.and_with_and()->add_exists();
- Variable_ID wc3 = f_exists->declare();
- F_And *f_root = f_exists->add_and();
- GEQ_Handle h = f_root->add_GEQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
+ }
+ for (GEQ_Iterator e(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->GEQs());
+ e;
+ e++)
+ if ((*e).has_wildcards()) {
+ int num_wildcard = 0;
+ int max_level = 0;
+ bool direction;
+ Variable_ID wc;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
+ switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
+ case Wildcard_Var:
+ num_wildcard++;
+ wc = cvi.curr_var();
+ direction = cvi.curr_coef()>0?true:false;
+ break;
+ case Input_Var:
+ if (cvi.curr_var()->get_position() > max_level)
+ max_level = cvi.curr_var()->get_position();
+ break;
+ default:
+ ;
+ }
+ if (num_wildcard == 1 && max_level != level-1) {
+ // find the pairing inequality
+ GEQ_Iterator e2 = e;
+ e2++;
+ for ( ; e2; e2++) {
+ int num_wildcard2 = 0;
+ int max_level2 = 0;
+ bool direction2;
+ Variable_ID wc2;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e2); cvi; cvi++)
switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
case Wildcard_Var:
- h.update_coef(wc3, cvi.curr_coef());
+ num_wildcard2++;
+ wc2 = cvi.curr_var();
+ direction2 = cvi.curr_coef()>0?true:false;
case Input_Var:
- h.update_coef(r.input_var(cvi.curr_var()->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = cvi.curr_var()->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v = r.get_local(g);
- else
- v = r.get_local(g, cvi.curr_var()->function_of());
- h.update_coef(v, cvi.curr_coef());
+ if (cvi.curr_var()->get_position() > max_level2)
+ max_level2 = cvi.curr_var()->get_position();
- }
- assert(false);
+ ;
- }
- h.update_const((*e).get_const());
- h = f_root->add_GEQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e2); cvi; cvi++) {
- switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
- case Wildcard_Var:
- h.update_coef(wc3, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- case Input_Var:
- h.update_coef(r.input_var(cvi.curr_var()->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = cvi.curr_var()->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v = r.get_local(g);
- else
- v = r.get_local(g, cvi.curr_var()->function_of());
- h.update_coef(v, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
+ if (num_wildcard2 == 1
+ && max_level2 != level-1
+ && wc2 == wc
+ && direction2 == not direction) {
+ F_Exists *f_exists = r.and_with_and()->add_exists();
+ Variable_ID wc3 = f_exists->declare();
+ F_And *f_root = f_exists->add_and();
+ GEQ_Handle h = f_root->add_GEQ();
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
+ switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
+ case Wildcard_Var:
+ h.update_coef(wc3, cvi.curr_coef());
+ break;
+ case Input_Var:
+ h.update_coef(r.input_var(cvi.curr_var()->get_position()),
+ cvi.curr_coef());
+ break;
+ case Global_Var: {
+ Global_Var_ID g = cvi.curr_var()->get_global_var();
+ Variable_ID v;
+ if (g->arity() == 0)
+ v = r.get_local(g);
+ else
+ v = r.get_local(g, cvi.curr_var()->function_of());
+ h.update_coef(v, cvi.curr_coef());
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ }
- default:
- assert(false);
+ h.update_const((*e).get_const());
+ h = f_root->add_GEQ();
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e2); cvi; cvi++) {
+ switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
+ case Wildcard_Var:
+ h.update_coef(wc3, cvi.curr_coef());
+ break;
+ case Input_Var:
+ h.update_coef(r.input_var(cvi.curr_var()->get_position()),
+ cvi.curr_coef());
+ break;
+ case Global_Var: {
+ Global_Var_ID g = cvi.curr_var()->get_global_var();
+ Variable_ID v;
+ if (g->arity() == 0)
+ v = r.get_local(g);
+ else
+ v = r.get_local(g, cvi.curr_var()->function_of());
+ h.update_coef(v, cvi.curr_coef());
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ h.update_const((*e2).get_const());
+ r.simplify();
+ r.copy_names(R);
+ r.setup_names();
+ return r;
- h.update_const((*e2).get_const());
- r.simplify();
- r.copy_names(R);
- r.setup_names();
- return r;
+ }
+// heavy lifting for code output for one leaf node
+ CG_outputRepr *leaf_print_repr(BoolSet<> active,
+ const std::map<int,
+ Relation> &guards,
+ CG_outputRepr *guard_repr,
+ const Relation &known,
+ int indent,
+ CG_outputBuilder *ocg,
+ const std::vector<int> &remap,
+ const std::vector<Relation> &xforms,
+ const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts,
+ const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly,
+ std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> > > unin) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "\n\nleaf_print_repr()\n");
+ if (active.num_elem() == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ CG_outputRepr *stmt_list = NULL;
+ for (BoolSet<>::iterator i = active.begin(); i != active.end(); i++) {
+ std::map<int, Relation>::const_iterator j = guards.find(*i);
+ if (j == guards.end() || Must_Be_Subset(copy(known), copy(j->second))) {
+ Relation mapping = Inverse(copy((xforms[remap[*i]])));
+ mapping.simplify();
+ mapping.setup_names();
+ std::vector<std::string> loop_vars;
+ for (int k = 1; k <= mapping.n_out(); k++)
+ loop_vars.push_back(mapping.output_var(k)->name());
+ std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> sList = output_substitutions(ocg,
+ mapping,
+ assigned_on_the_fly,
+ unin[*i]);
+ stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list,
+ ocg->CreateSubstitutedStmt(
+ (guard_repr==NULL)?indent:indent+1,
+ stmts[remap[*i]]->clone(),
+ loop_vars,
+ sList));
+ active.unset(*i);
+ }
+ if (stmt_list != NULL) {
+ if (active.num_elem() != 0)
+ stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list,
+ leaf_print_repr(active,
+ guards,
+ known,
+ (guard_repr==NULL)?indent:indent+1,
+ ocg,
+ remap,
+ xforms,
+ stmts,
+ assigned_on_the_fly,
+ unin));
+ if (guard_repr == NULL)
+ return stmt_list;
+ else {
+ fprintf(stderr, " leaf_print_repr() CreateIf()\n");
+ return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guard_repr, stmt_list, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Relation then_cond =
+ find_best_guard(
+ const_cast<std::map<int, Relation> &>(guards)[*(active.begin())],
+ active, guards);
+ assert(!then_cond.is_obvious_tautology());
+ Relation new_then_known = Intersection(copy(known), copy(then_cond));
+ new_then_known.simplify();
+ Relation else_cond = Complement(copy(then_cond));
+ else_cond.simplify();
+ Relation new_else_known = Intersection(copy(known), copy(else_cond));
+ new_else_known.simplify();
+ BoolSet<> then_active(active.size());
+ BoolSet<> else_active(active.size());
+ BoolSet<> indep_active(active.size());
+ std::map<int, Relation> then_guards, else_guards;
+ for (BoolSet<>::iterator i = active.begin(); i != active.end(); i++) {
+ Relation &r = const_cast<std::map<int, Relation> &>(guards)[*i];
+ if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(r), copy(then_cond))) {
+ Relation r2 = Gist(copy(r), copy(then_cond), 1);
+ if (!r2.is_obvious_tautology())
+ then_guards[*i] = r2;
+ then_active.set(*i);
+ }
+ else if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(r), copy(else_cond))) {
+ Relation r2 = Gist(copy(r), copy(else_cond), 1);
+ if (!r2.is_obvious_tautology())
+ else_guards[*i] = r2;
+ else_active.set(*i);
+ }
+ else
+ indep_active.set(*i);
+ }
+ assert(!then_active.empty());
+ //Anand: adding support for Replacing substituted variables within
+ //Uninterpreted function symbols or global variables with arity > 0 here
+ //--begin
+ std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > aotf = assigned_on_the_fly;
+ CG_outputRepr *new_guard_repr = output_guard(ocg, then_cond, aotf,
+ unin[*(active.begin())]);
+ if (else_active.empty() && indep_active.empty()) {
+ guard_repr = ocg->CreateAnd(guard_repr, new_guard_repr);
+ return leaf_print_repr(then_active,
+ then_guards,
+ guard_repr,
+ new_then_known,
+ indent,
+ ocg,
+ remap,
+ xforms,
+ stmts,
+ assigned_on_the_fly,
+ unin);
+ }
+ else if (else_active.empty() && !indep_active.empty()) {
+ int new_indent = (guard_repr==NULL)?indent:indent+1;
+ stmt_list = leaf_print_repr(then_active,
+ then_guards,
+ new_guard_repr,
+ new_then_known,
+ new_indent,
+ ocg,
+ remap,
+ xforms,
+ stmts,
+ assigned_on_the_fly,
+ unin);
+ stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list,
+ leaf_print_repr(indep_active,
+ guards,
+ known,
+ new_indent,
+ ocg,
+ remap,
+ xforms,
+ stmts,
+ assigned_on_the_fly,
+ unin));
+ if (guard_repr == NULL)
+ return stmt_list;
+ else {
+ fprintf(stderr, " leaf_print_repr() CreateIf() 2\n");
+ return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guard_repr, stmt_list, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ else { // (!else_active.empty())
+ int new_indent = (guard_repr==NULL)?indent:indent+1;
+ CG_outputRepr *then_stmt_list = leaf_print_repr(then_active,
+ then_guards,
+ new_then_known,
+ new_indent+1,
+ ocg,
+ remap,
+ xforms,
+ stmts,
+ assigned_on_the_fly,
+ unin);
+ CG_outputRepr *else_stmt_list = leaf_print_repr(else_active,
+ else_guards,
+ new_else_known,
+ new_indent+1,
+ ocg,
+ remap,
+ xforms,
+ stmts,
+ assigned_on_the_fly,
+ unin);
+ fprintf(stderr, " leaf_print_repr() CreateIf() 3\n");
+ stmt_list = ocg->CreateIf(new_indent,
+ new_guard_repr,
+ then_stmt_list,
+ else_stmt_list);
+ if (!indep_active.empty())
+ stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list,
+ leaf_print_repr(indep_active,
+ guards,
+ known,
+ new_indent,
+ ocg,
+ remap,
+ xforms,
+ stmts,
+ assigned_on_the_fly,
+ unin));
+ if (guard_repr == NULL)
+ return stmt_list;
+ else {
+ fprintf(stderr, " leaf_print_repr() CreateIf() 4\n");
+ return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guard_repr, stmt_list, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::string print_to_iegen_string(Relation &R) {
+ std::string s = "";
+ for (GEQ_Iterator e(R.single_conjunct()->GEQs()); e; e++) {
+ if (s != "")
+ s += " && ";
+ s += (*e).print_to_string();
+ }
+ for (EQ_Iterator e(R.single_conjunct()->EQs()); e; e++) {
+ if (s != "")
+ s += " && ";
+ s += (*e).print_to_string();
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
-// heavy lifting for code output for one leaf node
+// Check if a set/input var is projected out of a inequality by a global variable with arity > 0
-CG_outputRepr *leaf_print_repr(BoolSet<> active, const std::map<int, Relation> &guards,
- CG_outputRepr *guard_repr, const Relation &known,
- int indent, CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const std::vector<int> &remap,
- const std::vector<Relation> &xforms, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts,
- const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- if (active.num_elem() == 0)
- return NULL;
- CG_outputRepr *stmt_list = NULL;
- for (BoolSet<>::iterator i = active.begin(); i != active.end(); i++) {
- std::map<int, Relation>::const_iterator j = guards.find(*i);
- if (j == guards.end() || Must_Be_Subset(copy(known), copy(j->second))) {
- Relation mapping = Inverse(copy((xforms[remap[*i]])));
- mapping.simplify();
- mapping.setup_names();
- std::vector<std::string> loop_vars;
- for (int k = 1; k <= mapping.n_out(); k++) {
- loop_vars.push_back(mapping.output_var(k)->name());
-// std::cout << "CG_Utils:: " << k << ", " << mapping.output_var(k)->name().c_str() << "\n";
+ Relation checkAndRestoreIfProjectedByGlobal(const Relation &R1,
+ const Relation &R2, Variable_ID v) {
+ Relation to_return(R2.n_set());
+//1. detect if a variable is not involved in a GEQ.
+ for (DNF_Iterator di(copy(R1).query_DNF()); di; di++)
+ for (GEQ_Iterator ci = (*di)->GEQs(); ci; ci++)
+ if ((*ci).get_coef(v) != 0)
+ return copy(R2);
+ bool found_global_eq = false;
+ Global_Var_ID g1;
+ EQ_Handle e;
+//2. detect if its involved in an eq involving a global with arity >= 1
+ for (DNF_Iterator di(copy(R1).query_DNF()); di; di++)
+ for (EQ_Iterator ci = (*di)->EQs(); ci; ci++)
+ if ((*ci).get_coef(v) != 0)
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*ci); cvi; cvi++) {
+ v = cvi.curr_var();
+ if (v->kind() == Global_Var)
+ if (v->get_global_var()->arity() > 0) {
+ found_global_eq = true;
+ g1 = v->get_global_var();
+ e = (*ci);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found_global_eq)
+ return copy(R2);
+//3. check if the global is involved in a geq
+ bool found_global_lb = false;
+ bool found_global_ub = false;
+ std::vector<GEQ_Handle> ub;
+ std::vector<GEQ_Handle> lb;
+ for (DNF_Iterator di(copy(R1).query_DNF()); di; di++)
+ for (GEQ_Iterator ci = (*di)->GEQs(); ci; ci++)
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*ci); cvi; cvi++) {
+ Variable_ID v = cvi.curr_var();
+ if (v->kind() == Global_Var)
+ if (v->get_global_var()->arity() > 0
+ && v->get_global_var() == g1) {
+ if (cvi.curr_coef() > 0) {
+ found_global_lb = true;
+ lb.push_back(*ci);
+ }
+ else if (cvi.curr_coef() < 0) {
+ found_global_ub = true;
+ ub.push_back(*ci);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found_global_lb || !found_global_ub)
+ return copy(R2);
+ F_And *root = to_return.add_and();
+ for (int i = 0; i < lb.size(); i++) {
+ GEQ_Handle lower = root->add_GEQ();
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(lb[i]); cvi; cvi++) {
+ Variable_ID v2 = cvi.curr_var();
+ if (v2->kind() == Wildcard_Var)
+ return copy(R2);
+ if (v2->kind() != Global_Var
+ || (v2->kind() == Global_Var && v2->get_global_var() != g1)) {
+ if (v2->kind() != Global_Var)
+ lower.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
+ else {
+ Variable_ID lb1 = to_return.get_local(v2->get_global_var(),
+ Input_Tuple);
+ lower.update_coef(lb1, cvi.curr_coef());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ lower.update_coef(v, cvi.curr_coef());
- std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> sList = output_substitutions(ocg, mapping, assigned_on_the_fly);
- stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list, ocg->CreateSubstitutedStmt((guard_repr==NULL)?indent:indent+1, stmts[remap[*i]]->clone(), loop_vars, sList));
- active.unset(*i);
+ lower.update_const(lb[i].get_const());
+ for (int i = 0; i < ub.size(); i++) {
+ GEQ_Handle upper = root->add_GEQ();
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(ub[i]); cvi; cvi++) {
+ Variable_ID v2 = cvi.curr_var();
+ if (v2->kind() == Wildcard_Var)
+ return copy(R2);
+ if (v2->kind() != Global_Var
+ || (v2->kind() == Global_Var && v2->get_global_var() != g1)) {
+ if (v2->kind() != Global_Var)
+ upper.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
+ else {
+ Variable_ID ub1 = to_return.get_local(v2->get_global_var(),
+ Input_Tuple);
+ upper.update_coef(ub1, cvi.curr_coef());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ upper.update_coef(v, cvi.curr_coef());
+ }
+ upper.update_const(ub[i].get_const());
+ }
+//Relation to_return2 = copy(R2);
+ for (EQ_Iterator g(const_cast<Relation &>(R2).single_conjunct()->EQs()); g;
+ g++)
+ to_return.and_with_EQ(*g);
+ for (GEQ_Iterator g(const_cast<Relation &>(R2).single_conjunct()->GEQs());
+ g; g++) {
+ bool found_glob = false;
+ for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*g); cvi; cvi++) {
+ Variable_ID v2 = cvi.curr_var();
+ if (v2->kind() == Global_Var && v2->get_global_var() == g1) {
+ found_glob = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found_glob)
+ to_return.and_with_GEQ(*g);
+ }
+ to_return.copy_names(copy(R2));
+ to_return.setup_names();
+ to_return.finalize();
+ return to_return;
- if (stmt_list != NULL) {
- if (active.num_elem() != 0)
- stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list, leaf_print_repr(active, guards, NULL, known, (guard_repr==NULL)?indent:indent+1, ocg, remap, xforms, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly));
- if (guard_repr == NULL)
- return stmt_list;
- else
- return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guard_repr, stmt_list, NULL);
+/*Relation addInequalitiesToRelation(const Relation &R,
+ std::vector<GEQ_Handle> &inequalities) {
+ Relation to_return(R.n_set());
+ return to_return;
- else {
- Relation then_cond = find_best_guard(const_cast<std::map<int, Relation> &>(guards)[*(active.begin())], active, guards);
+// heavy lifting for code output for one level of loop nodes
+ CG_outputRepr *loop_print_repr(BoolSet<> active,
+ const std::vector<CG_loop *> &loops,
+ int start,
+ int end,
+ const Relation &guard,
+ CG_outputRepr *guard_repr,
+ int indent,
+ const std::vector<int> &remap,
+ const std::vector<Relation> &xforms,
+ CG_outputBuilder *ocg,
+ const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts,
+ const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly,
+ std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> > > unin) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "loop_print_repr() guard_repr ");
+ if (guard_repr == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "NULL\n");
+ else fprintf(stderr, "NOT NULL\n");
+ if (start >= end)
+ return NULL;
+ Relation R = Gist(copy(loops[start]->guard_), copy(guard), 1);
+ if (Must_Be_Subset(Intersection(copy(loops[start]->known_), copy(guard)),
+ copy(R))) {
+ int new_indent = (guard_repr==NULL)?indent:indent+1;
+ int i = start+1;
+ for ( ; i < end; i++)
+ if (!Gist(copy(loops[i]->guard_), copy(guard), 1).is_obvious_tautology())
+ break;
+ CG_outputRepr *stmt_list = NULL;
+ for (int j = start; j < i; j++)
+ stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list,
+ loops[j]->printRepr(false,
+ new_indent,
+ ocg,
+ stmts,
+ assigned_on_the_fly,
+ unin));
+ fprintf(stderr," loop_print_repr recursive\n");
+ stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list,
+ loop_print_repr(active,
+ loops,
+ i,
+ end,
+ guard,
+ new_indent,
+ remap,
+ xforms,
+ ocg,
+ stmts,
+ assigned_on_the_fly,
+ unin));
+ //fprintf(stderr, "guard_repr 0x%x\n", guard_repr);
+ if (guard_repr == NULL)
+ return stmt_list;
+ else {
+ fprintf(stderr, " loop_print_repr() CreateIf()\n");
+ return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guard_repr, stmt_list, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ Relation then_cond = find_best_guard(R, loops, start, end);
+ fprintf(stderr, "then_cond "); then_cond.print(stderr);
- Relation new_then_known = Intersection(copy(known), copy(then_cond));
- new_then_known.simplify();
Relation else_cond = Complement(copy(then_cond));
- Relation new_else_known = Intersection(copy(known), copy(else_cond));
- new_else_known.simplify();
- BoolSet<> then_active(active.size()), else_active(active.size()), indep_active(active.size());
- std::map<int, Relation> then_guards, else_guards;
- for (BoolSet<>::iterator i = active.begin(); i != active.end(); i++) {
- Relation &r = const_cast<std::map<int, Relation> &>(guards)[*i];
- if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(r), copy(then_cond))) {
- Relation r2 = Gist(copy(r), copy(then_cond), 1);
- if (!r2.is_obvious_tautology())
- then_guards[*i] = r2;
- then_active.set(*i);
- }
- else if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(r), copy(else_cond))) {
- Relation r2 = Gist(copy(r), copy(else_cond), 1);
- if (!r2.is_obvious_tautology())
- else_guards[*i] = r2;
- else_active.set(*i);
- }
- else
- indep_active.set(*i);
- }
- assert(!then_active.empty());
+ std::vector<CG_loop *> then_loops, else_loops, indep_loops;
+ int i = start;
+ for ( ; i < end; i++)
+ if (!Must_Be_Subset(copy(loops[i]->guard_), copy(then_cond)))
+ break;
+ int j = i;
+ for ( ; j < end; j++)
+ if (!Must_Be_Subset(copy(loops[j]->guard_), copy(else_cond)))
+ break;
+ assert(i>start);
- CG_outputRepr *new_guard_repr = output_guard(ocg, then_cond, assigned_on_the_fly);
- if (else_active.empty() && indep_active.empty()) {
+ //Anand: adding support for Replacing substituted variables within
+ //Uninterpreted function symbols or global variables with arity > 0 here
+ //--begin
+ std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > aotf = assigned_on_the_fly;
+ CG_outputRepr *new_guard_repr = output_guard(ocg, then_cond, aotf, unin[*(active.begin())]);
+ //fprintf(stderr, "new_guard_repr 0x%x\n", new_guard_repr);
+ if (j == i && end == j) {
guard_repr = ocg->CreateAnd(guard_repr, new_guard_repr);
- return leaf_print_repr(then_active, then_guards, guard_repr, new_then_known, indent, ocg, remap, xforms, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly);
+ Relation new_guard = Intersection(copy(guard), copy(then_cond));
+ new_guard.simplify();
+ fprintf(stderr," loop_print_repr recursive 2\n");
+ return loop_print_repr(active, loops, start, end, new_guard, guard_repr,
+ indent, remap, xforms, ocg, stmts, aotf, unin);
- else if (else_active.empty() && !indep_active.empty()) {
+ else if (j == i && end > j) {
int new_indent = (guard_repr==NULL)?indent:indent+1;
- stmt_list = leaf_print_repr(then_active, then_guards, new_guard_repr, new_then_known, new_indent, ocg, remap, xforms, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly);
- stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list, leaf_print_repr(indep_active, guards, NULL, known, new_indent, ocg, remap, xforms, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly));
+ Relation new_guard = Intersection(copy(guard), copy(then_cond));
+ new_guard.print(stderr);
+ new_guard.print_with_subs(stderr);
+ new_guard.simplify();
+ new_guard.print(stderr);
+ new_guard.print_with_subs(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr," loop_print_repr recursive 3\n");
+ CG_outputRepr *stmt_list = loop_print_repr(active,
+ loops,
+ start,
+ i,
+ new_guard,
+ new_guard_repr,
+ new_indent,
+ remap,
+ xforms,
+ ocg,
+ stmts,
+ aotf,
+ unin);
+ fprintf(stderr," loop_print_repr recursive 4\n");
+ stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list,
+ loop_print_repr(active,
+ loops,
+ j,
+ end,
+ guard,
+ new_indent,
+ remap,
+ xforms,
+ ocg,
+ stmts,
+ aotf,
+ unin));
if (guard_repr == NULL)
return stmt_list;
- else
+ else {
+ fprintf(stderr, " loop_print_repr() CreateIf() 2\n");
return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guard_repr, stmt_list, NULL);
+ }
- else { // (!else_active.empty())
+ else { // (j > i)
int new_indent = (guard_repr==NULL)?indent:indent+1;
- CG_outputRepr *then_stmt_list = leaf_print_repr(then_active, then_guards, NULL, new_then_known, new_indent+1, ocg, remap, xforms, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly);
- CG_outputRepr *else_stmt_list = leaf_print_repr(else_active, else_guards, NULL, new_else_known, new_indent+1, ocg, remap, xforms, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly);
- stmt_list = ocg->CreateIf(new_indent, new_guard_repr, then_stmt_list, else_stmt_list);
- if (!indep_active.empty())
- stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list, leaf_print_repr(indep_active, guards, NULL, known, new_indent, ocg, remap, xforms, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly));
+ Relation then_new_guard = Intersection(copy(guard), copy(then_cond));
+ then_new_guard.simplify();
+ fprintf(stderr," loop_print_repr recursive 5\n");
+ CG_outputRepr *then_stmt_list = loop_print_repr(active,
+ loops,
+ start,
+ i,
+ then_new_guard,
+ new_indent+1,
+ remap,
+ xforms,
+ ocg,
+ stmts,
+ aotf,
+ unin);
+ Relation else_new_guard = Intersection(copy(guard), copy(else_cond));
+ else_new_guard.simplify();
+ fprintf(stderr," loop_print_repr recursive 6\n");
+ CG_outputRepr *else_stmt_list = loop_print_repr(active,
+ loops,
+ i,
+ j,
+ else_new_guard,
+ new_indent+1,
+ remap,
+ xforms,
+ ocg,
+ stmts,
+ aotf,
+ unin);
+ fprintf(stderr, " loop_print_repr() CreateIf() 3\n");
+ CG_outputRepr *stmt_list = ocg->CreateIf(new_indent,
+ new_guard_repr,
+ then_stmt_list,
+ else_stmt_list);
+ fprintf(stderr," loop_print_repr recursive 7\n");
+ stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list,
+ loop_print_repr(active,
+ loops,
+ j,
+ end,
+ guard,
+ new_indent,
+ remap,
+ xforms,
+ ocg,
+ stmts,
+ aotf,
+ unin));
if (guard_repr == NULL)
return stmt_list;
- else
+ else {
+ fprintf(stderr, " loop_print_repr() CreateIf() 4\n");
return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guard_repr, stmt_list, NULL);
+ }
-// heavy lifting for code output for one level of loop nodes
-CG_outputRepr *loop_print_repr(const std::vector<CG_loop *> &loops, int start, int end,
- const Relation &guard, CG_outputRepr *guard_repr,
- int indent, CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts,
- const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- if (start >= end)
- return NULL;
- Relation R = Gist(copy(loops[start]->guard_), copy(guard), 1);
- if (Must_Be_Subset(Intersection(copy(loops[start]->known_), copy(guard)), copy(R))) {
- int new_indent = (guard_repr==NULL)?indent:indent+1;
- int i = start+1;
- for ( ; i < end; i++)
- if (!Gist(copy(loops[i]->guard_), copy(guard), 1).is_obvious_tautology())
- break;
- CG_outputRepr *stmt_list = NULL;
- for (int j = start; j < i; j++)
- stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list, loops[j]->printRepr(false, new_indent, ocg, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly));
- stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list, loop_print_repr(loops, i, end, guard, NULL, new_indent, ocg, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly));
- if (guard_repr == NULL)
- return stmt_list;
- else
- return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guard_repr, stmt_list, NULL);
- }
- Relation then_cond = find_best_guard(R, loops, start, end);
- assert(!then_cond.is_obvious_tautology());
- Relation else_cond = Complement(copy(then_cond));
- else_cond.simplify();
- std::vector<CG_loop *> then_loops, else_loops, indep_loops;
- int i = start;
- for ( ; i < end; i++)
- if (!Must_Be_Subset(copy(loops[i]->guard_), copy(then_cond)))
- break;
- int j = i;
- for ( ; j < end; j++)
- if (!Must_Be_Subset(copy(loops[j]->guard_), copy(else_cond)))
- break;
- assert(i>start);
- CG_outputRepr *new_guard_repr = output_guard(ocg, then_cond, assigned_on_the_fly);
- if (j == i && end == j) {
- guard_repr = ocg->CreateAnd(guard_repr, new_guard_repr);
- Relation new_guard = Intersection(copy(guard), copy(then_cond));
- new_guard.simplify();
- return loop_print_repr(loops, start, end, new_guard, guard_repr, indent, ocg, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly);
- }
- else if (j == i && end > j) {
- int new_indent = (guard_repr==NULL)?indent:indent+1;
- Relation new_guard = Intersection(copy(guard), copy(then_cond));
- new_guard.simplify();
- CG_outputRepr *stmt_list = loop_print_repr(loops, start, i, new_guard, new_guard_repr, new_indent, ocg, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly);
- stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list, loop_print_repr(loops, j, end, guard, NULL, new_indent, ocg, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly));
- if (guard_repr == NULL)
- return stmt_list;
- else
- return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guard_repr, stmt_list, NULL);
- }
- else { // (j > i)
- int new_indent = (guard_repr==NULL)?indent:indent+1;
- Relation then_new_guard = Intersection(copy(guard), copy(then_cond));
- then_new_guard.simplify();
- CG_outputRepr *then_stmt_list = loop_print_repr(loops, start, i, then_new_guard, NULL, new_indent+1, ocg, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly);
- Relation else_new_guard = Intersection(copy(guard), copy(else_cond));
- else_new_guard.simplify();
- CG_outputRepr *else_stmt_list = loop_print_repr(loops, i, j, else_new_guard, NULL, new_indent+1, ocg, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly);
- CG_outputRepr *stmt_list = ocg->CreateIf(new_indent, new_guard_repr, then_stmt_list, else_stmt_list);
- stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list, loop_print_repr(loops, j, end, guard, NULL, new_indent, ocg, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly));
- if (guard_repr == NULL)
- return stmt_list;
- else
- return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guard_repr, stmt_list, NULL);
- }