path: root/lib/codegen/src/
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authorTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-19 21:14:58 +0000
committerTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-19 21:14:58 +0000
commit210f77d2c32f14d2e99577fd3c9842bb19d47e50 (patch)
tree5edb327c919b8309e301c3440fb6668a0075c8ef /lib/codegen/src/
parenta66ce5cd670c4d3c0dc449720f5bc45dd4c281b8 (diff)
Moved most modules into lib
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/codegen/src/')
1 files changed, 378 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/codegen/src/ b/lib/codegen/src/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..92ca702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/codegen/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1994-2000 the Omega Project Team
+ Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Chun Chen
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Purpose:
+ CodeGen class as entry point for code generation.
+ Notes:
+ Loop variable name prefix should not cause any possible name conflicts
+ with original loop variables wrapped in statement holder. This guarantees
+ that variable substitution done correctly in the generated code.
+ History:
+ 04/24/96 MMGenerateCode, added by Fortran D people. Lei Zhou
+ 09/17/08 loop overhead removal based on actual nesting depth -- by chun
+ 03/05/11 fold MMGenerateCode into CodeGen class, Chun Chen
+#include <typeinfo>
+#include <omega.h>
+#include <basic/util.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <code_gen/CG.h>
+#include <code_gen/codegen.h>
+#include <code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h>
+#include <code_gen/codegen_error.h>
+namespace omega {
+const std::string CodeGen::loop_var_name_prefix = "t";
+const int CodeGen::var_substitution_threshold = 10;
+//Anand--adding stuff to make Chun's code work with Gabe's
+std::vector< std::vector<int> > smtNonSplitLevels;
+std::vector< std::vector<std::string> > loopIdxNames;//per stmt
+std::vector< std::pair<int, std::string> > syncs;
+CodeGen::CodeGen(const std::vector<Relation> &xforms, const std::vector<Relation> &IS, const Relation &known, std::vector< std::vector<int> > smtNonSplitLevels_ , std::vector< std::vector<std::string> > loopIdxNames_, std::vector< std::pair<int, std::string> > syncs_) {
+ // check for sanity of parameters
+ int num_stmt = IS.size();
+ if (xforms.size() != num_stmt)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("number of iteration spaces does not match number of transformations");
+ known_ = copy(known);
+ if (known_.n_out() != 0)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("known condition must be a set relation");
+ if (known_.is_null())
+ known_ = Relation::True(0);
+ else
+ known_.simplify(2, 4);
+ if (!known_.is_upper_bound_satisfiable())
+ return;
+ if (known_.number_of_conjuncts() > 1)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("only one conjunct allowed in known condition");
+ xforms_ = xforms;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_stmt; i++) {
+ xforms_[i].simplify();
+ if (!xforms_[i].has_single_conjunct())
+ throw std::invalid_argument("mapping relation must have only one conjunct");
+ if (xforms_[i].n_inp() != IS[i].n_inp() || IS[i].n_out() != 0)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("illegal iteration space or transformation arity");
+ }
+ //protonu--
+ //easier to handle this as a global
+ smtNonSplitLevels = smtNonSplitLevels_;
+ syncs = syncs_;
+ loopIdxNames = loopIdxNames_;
+ //end-protonu
+ // find the maximum iteration space dimension we are going to operate on
+ int num_level = known_.n_inp();
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_stmt; i++)
+ if (xforms_[i].n_out() > num_level)
+ num_level = xforms_[i].n_out();
+ known_ = Extend_Set(known_, num_level-known_.n_inp());
+ for (int i = 1; i <= num_level; i++)
+ known_.name_set_var(i, loop_var_name_prefix + to_string(i));
+ known_.setup_names();
+ // split disjoint conjunctions in original iteration spaces
+ std::vector<Relation> new_IS;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_stmt; i++) {
+ for (int j = 1; j <= IS[i].n_inp(); j++)
+ xforms_[i].name_input_var(j, const_cast<std::vector<Relation> &>(IS)[i].input_var(j)->name());
+ for (int j = 1; j <= xforms_[i].n_out(); j++)
+ xforms_[i].name_output_var(j, loop_var_name_prefix + to_string(j));
+ xforms_[i].setup_names();
+ Relation R = Range(Restrict_Domain(copy(xforms_[i]), copy(IS[i])));
+ R = Intersection(Extend_Set(R, num_level-R.n_inp()), copy(known_));
+ R.simplify(2, 4);
+ if (R.is_inexact())
+ throw codegen_error("cannot generate code for inexact iteration spaces");
+ while(R.is_upper_bound_satisfiable()) {
+ DNF *dnf = R.query_DNF();
+ DNF_Iterator c(dnf);
+ Relation R2 = Relation(R, *c);
+ R2.simplify();
+ new_IS.push_back(copy(R2));
+ remap_.push_back(i);
+ if (!
+ break;
+ Relation remainder(R, *c);
+ while ( {
+ remainder = Union(remainder, Relation(R, *c));
+ }
+ R = Difference(remainder, R2);
+ R.simplify(2, 4);
+ }
+ }
+ // number of new statements after splitting
+ num_stmt = new_IS.size();
+ if(!smtNonSplitLevels.empty())
+ smtNonSplitLevels.resize(num_stmt);
+ // assign a dummy value to loops created for the purpose of expanding to maximum dimension
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_stmt; i++) {
+ if (xforms[remap_[i]].n_out() < num_level) {
+ F_And *f_root = new_IS[i].and_with_and();
+ for (int j = xforms[remap_[i]].n_out()+1; j <= num_level; j++) {
+ EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
+ h.update_coef(new_IS[i].set_var(j), 1);
+ h.update_const(posInfinity);
+ }
+ new_IS[i].simplify();
+ }
+ }
+ // calculate projected subspaces for each loop level once and save for CG tree manipulation later
+ projected_IS_ = std::vector<std::vector<Relation> >(num_level);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_level; i++)
+ projected_IS_[i] = std::vector<Relation>(num_stmt);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_stmt; i++) {
+ if (num_level > 0)
+ projected_IS_[num_level-1][i] = new_IS[i];
+ for (int j = num_level-1; j >= 1; j--) {
+ projected_IS_[j-1][i] = Project(copy(projected_IS_[j][i]), j+1, Set_Var);
+ projected_IS_[j-1][i].simplify(2, 4);
+ }
+ }
+CG_result *CodeGen::buildAST(int level, const BoolSet<> &active, bool split_on_const, const Relation &restriction) {
+ if (level > num_level())
+ return new CG_leaf(this, active);
+ int num_active_stmt = active.num_elem();
+ if (num_active_stmt == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ else if (num_active_stmt == 1)
+ return new CG_loop(this, active, level, buildAST(level+1, active, true, restriction));
+ // use estimated constant bounds for fast non-overlap iteration space splitting
+ if (split_on_const) {
+ std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<coef_t, coef_t>, int> > bounds;
+ for (BoolSet<>::const_iterator i = active.begin(); i != active.end(); i++) {
+ Relation r = Intersection(copy(projected_IS_[level-1][*i]), copy(restriction));
+ r.simplify(2, 4);
+ if (!r.is_upper_bound_satisfiable())
+ continue;
+ coef_t lb, ub;
+ r.single_conjunct()->query_variable_bounds(r.set_var(level),lb,ub);
+ bounds.push_back(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(lb, ub), *i));
+ }
+ sort(bounds.begin(), bounds.end());
+ std::vector<Relation> split_cond;
+ std::vector<CG_result *> split_child;
+ coef_t prev_val = -posInfinity;
+ coef_t next_val = bounds[0].first.second;
+ BoolSet<> next_active(active.size());
+ int i = 0;
+ while (i < bounds.size()) {
+ if (bounds[i].first.first <= next_val) {
+ next_active.set(bounds[i].second);
+ next_val = max(next_val, bounds[i].first.second);
+ i++;
+ }
+ else {
+ Relation r(num_level());
+ F_And *f_root = r.add_and();
+ if (prev_val != -posInfinity) {
+ GEQ_Handle h = f_root->add_GEQ();
+ h.update_coef(r.set_var(level), 1);
+ h.update_const(-prev_val-1);
+ }
+ if (next_val != posInfinity) {
+ GEQ_Handle h = f_root->add_GEQ();
+ h.update_coef(r.set_var(level), -1);
+ h.update_const(next_val);
+ }
+ r.simplify();
+ Relation new_restriction = Intersection(copy(r), copy(restriction));
+ new_restriction.simplify(2, 4);
+ CG_result *child = buildAST(level, next_active, false, new_restriction);
+ if (child != NULL) {
+ split_cond.push_back(copy(r));
+ split_child.push_back(child);
+ }
+ next_active.unset_all();
+ prev_val = next_val;
+ next_val = bounds[i].first.second;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!next_active.empty()) {
+ Relation r = Relation::True(num_level());
+ if (prev_val != -posInfinity) {
+ F_And *f_root = r.and_with_and();
+ GEQ_Handle h = f_root->add_GEQ();
+ h.update_coef(r.set_var(level), 1);
+ h.update_const(-prev_val-1);
+ r.simplify();
+ }
+ Relation new_restriction = Intersection(copy(r), copy(restriction));
+ new_restriction.simplify(2, 4);
+ CG_result *child = buildAST(level, next_active, false, new_restriction);
+ if (child != NULL) {
+ split_cond.push_back(copy(r));
+ split_child.push_back(child);
+ }
+ }
+ if (split_child.size() == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ else if (split_child.size() == 1)
+ return split_child[0];
+ else
+ return new CG_split(this, active, split_cond, split_child);
+ }
+ // check bound conditions exhaustively for non-overlap iteration space splitting
+ else {
+ std::vector<Relation> Rs(active.size());
+ for (BoolSet<>::const_iterator i = active.begin(); i != active.end(); i++) {
+ Rs[*i] = Intersection(Approximate(copy(projected_IS_[level-1][*i])), copy(restriction));
+ Rs[*i].simplify(2, 4);
+ }
+ Relation hull = SimpleHull(Rs);
+ //protonu-warn Chun about this change
+ //This does some fancy splitting of statements into loops with the
+ //fewest dimentions, but that's not necessarily what we want when
+ //code-gening for CUDA. smtNonSplitLevels keeps track per-statment of
+ //the levels that should not be split on.
+ bool checkForSplits = true;
+ for (BoolSet<>::const_iterator i = active.begin(); i != active.end(); i++) {
+ if(*i < smtNonSplitLevels.size())
+ for(int k = 0; k <smtNonSplitLevels[*i].size(); k++)
+ if(smtNonSplitLevels[*i][k] == (level-2)){
+ checkForSplits = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (BoolSet<>::const_iterator i = active.begin(); i != active.end() && checkForSplits; i++) {
+ Relation r = Gist(copy(Rs[*i]), copy(hull), 1);
+ if (r.is_obvious_tautology())
+ continue;
+ r = EQs_to_GEQs(r);
+ for (GEQ_Iterator e = r.single_conjunct()->GEQs(); e; e++) {
+ if ((*e).has_wildcards())
+ continue;
+ Relation cond = Relation::True(num_level());
+ BoolSet<> first_chunk(active.size());
+ BoolSet<> second_chunk(active.size());
+ if ((*e).get_coef(hull.set_var(level)) > 0) {
+ cond.and_with_GEQ(*e);
+ cond = Complement(cond);;
+ cond.simplify();
+ second_chunk.set(*i);
+ }
+ else if ((*e).get_coef(hull.set_var(level)) < 0) {
+ cond.and_with_GEQ(*e);
+ cond.simplify();
+ first_chunk.set(*i);
+ }
+ else
+ continue;
+ bool is_proper_split_cond = true;
+ for (BoolSet<>::const_iterator j = active.begin(); j != active.end(); j++)
+ if ( *j != *i) {
+ bool in_first = Intersection(copy(Rs[*j]), copy(cond)).is_upper_bound_satisfiable();
+ bool in_second = Difference(copy(Rs[*j]), copy(cond)).is_upper_bound_satisfiable();
+ if (in_first && in_second) {
+ is_proper_split_cond = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (in_first)
+ first_chunk.set(*j);
+ else if (in_second)
+ second_chunk.set(*j);
+ }
+ if (is_proper_split_cond && first_chunk.num_elem() != 0 && second_chunk.num_elem() != 0) {
+ CG_result *first_cg = buildAST(level, first_chunk, false, copy(cond));
+ CG_result *second_cg = buildAST(level, second_chunk, false, Complement(copy(cond)));
+ if (first_cg == NULL)
+ return second_cg;
+ else if (second_cg == NULL)
+ return first_cg;
+ else {
+ std::vector<Relation> split_cond;
+ std::vector<CG_result *> split_child;
+ split_cond.push_back(copy(cond));
+ split_child.push_back(first_cg);
+ split_cond.push_back(Complement(copy(cond)));
+ split_child.push_back(second_cg);
+ return new CG_split(this, active, split_cond, split_child);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return new CG_loop(this, active, level, buildAST(level+1, active, true, restriction));
+ }
+CG_result *CodeGen::buildAST(int effort) {
+ if (remap_.size() == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ CG_result *cgr = buildAST(1, ~BoolSet<>(remap_.size()), true, Relation::True(num_level()));
+ if (cgr == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ // break down the complete iteration space condition to levels of bound/guard condtions
+ cgr = cgr->recompute(cgr->active_, copy(known_), copy(known_));
+ if (cgr == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ // calculate each loop's nesting depth
+ int depth = cgr->populateDepth();
+ // redistribute guard condition locations by additional splittings
+ std::pair<CG_result *, Relation> result = cgr->liftOverhead(min(effort,depth), false);
+ // since guard conditions are postponed for non-loop levels, hoist them now.
+ // this enables proper if-condition simplication when outputting actual code.
+ result.first->hoistGuard();
+ return result.first;