path: root/lib/rosecg/include
diff options
authorTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-19 21:14:58 +0000
committerTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-19 21:14:58 +0000
commit210f77d2c32f14d2e99577fd3c9842bb19d47e50 (patch)
tree5edb327c919b8309e301c3440fb6668a0075c8ef /lib/rosecg/include
parenta66ce5cd670c4d3c0dc449720f5bc45dd4c281b8 (diff)
Moved most modules into lib
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rosecg/include')
3 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rosecg/include/CG_roseBuilder.h b/lib/rosecg/include/CG_roseBuilder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb622c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rosecg/include/CG_roseBuilder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#ifndef CG_roseBuilder_h
+#define CG_roseBuilder_h
+#include <basic/Tuple.h>
+#include "rose_attributes.h"
+#include <code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h>
+#include "CG_roseRepr.h"
+#include <string>
+namespace omega {
+class CG_roseBuilder : public CG_outputBuilder {
+ CG_roseBuilder(int isFortran, SgGlobal* global, SgGlobal* global_scope, SgSymbolTable* symtab1, SgSymbolTable* symtab2, SgNode* root);
+ ~CG_roseBuilder();
+ //! substitute variables in stmt
+ CG_outputRepr *CreateSubstitutedStmt(int indent, CG_outputRepr *stmt,
+ const std::vector<std::string> &vars,
+ std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &subs) const;
+ //! assignment generation
+ CG_outputRepr* CreateAssignment(int indent, CG_outputRepr* lhs,
+ CG_outputRepr* rhs) const;
+ //! function invocation generation
+ CG_outputRepr* CreateInvoke(const std::string &funcName,
+ std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &argList) const;
+ //! comment generation
+ CG_outputRepr* CreateComment(int indent, const std::string &commentText) const;
+ //! Attribute generation
+ CG_outputRepr* CreateAttribute(CG_outputRepr *control,
+ const std::string &commentText) const;
+ //! Pragma Attribute
+ CG_outputRepr* CreatePragmaAttribute(CG_outputRepr *scopeStmt, int looplevel,
+ const std::string &pragmaText) const;
+ //! Prefetch Attribute
+ CG_outputRepr* CreatePrefetchAttribute(CG_outputRepr *scopeStmt, int looplevel,
+ const std::string &arrName, int hint) const;
+ //! if stmt gen operations
+ CG_outputRepr* CreateIf(int indent, CG_outputRepr* guardCondition,
+ CG_outputRepr* true_stmtList, CG_outputRepr* false_stmtList) const;
+ //! inductive variable generation, to be used in CreateLoop as control
+ CG_outputRepr* CreateInductive(CG_outputRepr* index,
+ CG_outputRepr* lower,
+ CG_outputRepr* upper,
+ CG_outputRepr* step) const;
+ //! loop stmt generation
+ CG_outputRepr* CreateLoop(int indent, CG_outputRepr* control,
+ CG_outputRepr* stmtList) const;
+ CG_outputRepr* CreateInt(int num ) const;
+ bool isInteger(CG_outputRepr *op) const;
+ CG_outputRepr* CreateIdent(const std::string &varName) const;
+ //! binary arithmetic operations
+ CG_outputRepr* CreatePlus(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
+ CG_outputRepr* CreateMinus(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
+ CG_outputRepr* CreateTimes(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
+ CG_outputRepr* CreateIntegerFloor(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
+ CG_outputRepr* CreateIntegerMod(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
+ //! binary logical operations
+ CG_outputRepr* CreateAnd(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // binary relational operations
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // CG_outputRepr* CreateGE(CG_outputRepr*, CG_outputRepr*) const;
+ CG_outputRepr* CreateLE(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
+ CG_outputRepr* CreateEQ(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // stmt list gen operations
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CG_outputRepr*
+ StmtListAppend(CG_outputRepr* list1, CG_outputRepr* list2) const;
+ CG_outputRepr* CreateDim3(const char* varName, CG_outputRepr* arg1, CG_outputRepr* arg2, CG_outputRepr* arg3 = NULL) const;
+ // Manu:: added for fortran support
+ bool isInputFortran() const;
+ SgSymbolTable *symtab_;
+ SgSymbolTable *symtab2_;
+ SgNode* root_;
+ SgGlobal* global_;
+ SgGlobal* global_scope;
+ int isFortran; // Manu:: added for fortran support
+extern char *k_ocg_comment;
+std::vector<SgVarRefExp *>substitute(SgNode *tnl, const SgVariableSymbol *sym, SgExpression *expr,SgNode* root) ;
+} // namespace
diff --git a/lib/rosecg/include/CG_roseRepr.h b/lib/rosecg/include/CG_roseRepr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28553e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rosecg/include/CG_roseRepr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#ifndef CG_roseRepr_h
+#define CG_roseRepr_h
+#include <code_gen/CG_outputRepr.h>
+#include "rose.h"
+namespace omega {
+class CG_roseRepr : public CG_outputRepr {
+ friend class CG_roseBuilder;
+ CG_roseRepr();
+ CG_roseRepr(SgNode *tnl);
+ CG_roseRepr(SgExpression *exp);
+ CG_roseRepr(SgStatementPtrList* stmtlist);
+ ~CG_roseRepr();
+ CG_outputRepr *clone() const;
+ void clear();
+ SgNode* GetCode() const;
+ SgStatementPtrList* GetList() const;
+ SgExpression *GetExpression() const;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Dump operations
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void Dump() const;
+ // only one of _tnl and _op would be active at any time, depending on
+ // whether it is building a statement list or an expression tree
+ SgNode *tnl_;
+ SgExpression *op_;
+ SgStatementPtrList *list_;
+ void DumpFileHelper(SgNode* node, FILE* fp) const;
+ //operand op_;
+} // namespace
diff --git a/lib/rosecg/include/rose_attributes.h b/lib/rosecg/include/rose_attributes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9766f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rosecg/include/rose_attributes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+#include "rose.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace omega {
+class CodeInsertion;
+typedef std::vector<CodeInsertion*> CodeInsertionPtrList;
+typedef std::vector<CodeInsertion*>::iterator CodeInsertionPtrListItr;
+class CodeInsertion {
+ int loop_level;
+ bool marked;
+ CodeInsertion(int looplevel) { this->loop_level = looplevel; marked = false; }
+ ~CodeInsertion() {}
+ virtual SgStatement* getStatement(SgScopeStatement* scopeStmt = NULL) = 0;
+class PragmaInsertion : public CodeInsertion {
+ std::string name;
+ PragmaInsertion(int loop_level, const std::string &pragma) : CodeInsertion(loop_level) { this->name = std::string(pragma); }
+ ~PragmaInsertion() { }
+ virtual SgStatement* getStatement(SgScopeStatement* scopeStmt = NULL);
+class MMPrefetchInsertion : public CodeInsertion {
+ std::string arrName;
+ std::vector<std::string*> indecies;
+ std::vector<int> offsets;
+ int indexCount;
+ int cacheHint;
+ void initialize(const std::string& arrName, int hint);
+ void addDim(int offset);
+ void addDim(int offset, const std::string& indexer);
+ SgExpression* buildArrArg(SgScopeStatement* scopeStmt);
+ SgExpression* makeIndexExp(int dim, SgScopeStatement* scopeStmt);
+ MMPrefetchInsertion(int loop_level, const std::string &arr, int hint) : CodeInsertion(loop_level)
+ { this->initialize(arr, hint); }
+ ~MMPrefetchInsertion() { }
+ virtual SgStatement* getStatement(SgScopeStatement* scopeStmt = NULL);
+class CodeInsertionAttribute : public AstAttribute {
+ std::vector<CodeInsertion*> code_insertions;
+ CodeInsertionAttribute() { code_insertions = std::vector<CodeInsertion*>(); }
+ ~CodeInsertionAttribute() {}
+ void add(CodeInsertion* ci) { code_insertions.push_back(ci); }
+ CodeInsertionPtrListItr begin() { return code_insertions.begin(); }
+ CodeInsertionPtrListItr end() { return code_insertions.end(); }
+ void remove(CodeInsertion* ci) { std::remove(code_insertions.begin(), code_insertions.end(), ci); }
+ int countCodeInsertions() { return code_insertions.size(); }
+struct CodeInsertionMark {
+ SgStatement* stmt;
+ CodeInsertion* ci;
+class CodeInsertionVisitor : public AstPrePostProcessing {
+ int loop_level;
+ std::vector<CodeInsertionMark*> ci_marks;
+ void markStmt(SgStatement* stmt, CodeInsertion* ci);
+ void initialize();
+ virtual void preOrderVisit(SgNode* n);
+ virtual void postOrderVisit(SgNode* n);
+ void insertCode();
+void postProcessRoseCodeInsertion(SgProject* proj);
+void copyAttributes(SgNode* s, SgNode* d);
+CodeInsertionAttribute* getOrCreateCodeInsertionAttribute(SgNode* node);