path: root/omega/code_gen/src/
diff options
authorTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-17 03:22:53 +0000
committerTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-17 03:22:53 +0000
commit75ff98e4d65862ff5b36b533b4f6e3ea71ede1d5 (patch)
tree498ac06b4cf78568b807fafd2619856afff69c28 /omega/code_gen/src/
parent29efa7b1a0d089e02a70f73f348f11878955287c (diff)
cmake build
Diffstat (limited to 'omega/code_gen/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1163 deletions
diff --git a/omega/code_gen/src/ b/omega/code_gen/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 42bd172..0000000
--- a/omega/code_gen/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1163 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 1994-2000 the Omega Project Team
- Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Chun Chen
- All Rights Reserved.
- Purpose:
- CG node classes, used to build AST tree from polyhedra scanning.
- Notes:
- Parameter "restriction" is always tighter than "known" since CG_split
- node does not correspond to any code for enforcement. This property is
- destroyed after hoistGuard since "restriction" is not used anymore.
- CG node's children are guaranteed not to be NULL, either NULL child is
- removed from the children or the parent node itself becomes NULL.
- History:
- 04/20/96 printRepr added by D people. Lei Zhou
- 10/24/06 hoistGuard added by chun
- 08/03/10 collect CG classes into one place, by Chun Chen
- 08/04/10 track dynamically substituted variables in printRepr, by chun
- 04/02/11 rewrite the CG node classes, by chun
- *****************************************************************************/
-#include <typeinfo>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <omega.h>
-#include <code_gen/codegen.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_stringBuilder.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_utils.h>
-#include <code_gen/codegen_error.h>
-#include <stack>
-#include <string.h>
-namespace omega {
-extern std::vector<std::vector<int> > smtNonSplitLevels;
-extern std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > loopIdxNames; //per stmt
-extern std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string> > syncs;
-extern int checkLoopLevel;
-extern int stmtForLoopCheck;
-extern int upperBoundForLevel;
-extern int lowerBoundForLevel;
-extern bool fillInBounds;
-// Class: CG_result
-CG_outputRepr *CG_result::printRepr(CG_outputBuilder *ocg,
- const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts) const {
- return printRepr(1, ocg, stmts,
- std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> >(num_level(),
- std::make_pair(static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(NULL), 0)));
-std::string CG_result::printString() const {
- CG_stringBuilder ocg;
- std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> stmts(codegen_->xforms_.size());
- for (int i = 0; i < stmts.size(); i++)
- stmts[i] = new CG_stringRepr("s" + to_string(i));
- CG_stringRepr *repr = static_cast<CG_stringRepr *>(printRepr(&ocg, stmts));
- for (int i = 0; i < stmts.size(); i++)
- delete stmts[i];
- if (repr != NULL) {
- std::string s = repr->GetString();
- delete repr;
- return s;
- } else
- return std::string();
-int CG_result::num_level() const {
- return codegen_->num_level();
-// Class: CG_split
-CG_result *CG_split::recompute(const BoolSet<> &parent_active,
- const Relation &known, const Relation &restriction) {
- active_ &= parent_active;
- if (active_.empty()) {
- delete this;
- return NULL;
- }
- int i = 0;
- while (i < restrictions_.size()) {
- Relation new_restriction = Intersection(copy(restrictions_[i]),
- copy(restriction));
- new_restriction.simplify(2, 4);
- //new_restriction.simplify();
- clauses_[i] = clauses_[i]->recompute(active_, copy(known),
- new_restriction);
- if (clauses_[i] == NULL) {
- restrictions_.erase(restrictions_.begin() + i);
- clauses_.erase(clauses_.begin() + i);
- } else
- i++;
- }
- if (restrictions_.size() == 0) {
- delete this;
- return NULL;
- } else
- return this;
-int CG_split::populateDepth() {
- int max_depth = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < clauses_.size(); i++) {
- int t = clauses_[i]->populateDepth();
- if (t > max_depth)
- max_depth = t;
- }
- return max_depth;
-std::pair<CG_result *, Relation> CG_split::liftOverhead(int depth,
- bool propagate_up) {
- for (int i = 0; i < clauses_.size();) {
- std::pair<CG_result *, Relation> result = clauses_[i]->liftOverhead(
- depth, propagate_up);
- if (result.first == NULL)
- clauses_.erase(clauses_.begin() + i);
- else {
- clauses_[i] = result.first;
- if (!result.second.is_obvious_tautology())
- return std::make_pair(this, result.second);
- i++;
- }
- }
- if (clauses_.size() == 0) {
- delete this;
- return std::make_pair(static_cast<CG_result *>(NULL),
- Relation::True(num_level()));
- } else
- return std::make_pair(this, Relation::True(num_level()));
-Relation CG_split::hoistGuard() {
- std::vector<Relation> guards;
- for (int i = 0; i < clauses_.size(); i++)
- guards.push_back(clauses_[i]->hoistGuard());
- return SimpleHull(guards, true, true);
-void CG_split::removeGuard(const Relation &guard) {
- for (int i = 0; i < clauses_.size(); i++)
- clauses_[i]->removeGuard(guard);
-std::vector<CG_result *> CG_split::findNextLevel() const {
- std::vector<CG_result *> result;
- for (int i = 0; i < clauses_.size(); i++) {
- CG_split *splt = dynamic_cast<CG_split *>(clauses_[i]);
- if (splt != NULL) {
- std::vector<CG_result *> t = splt->findNextLevel();
- result.insert(result.end(), t.begin(), t.end());
- } else
- result.push_back(clauses_[i]);
- }
- return result;
-CG_outputRepr *CG_split::printRepr(int indent, CG_outputBuilder *ocg,
- const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts,
- const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) const {
- CG_outputRepr *stmtList = NULL;
- std::vector<CG_result *> next_level = findNextLevel();
- std::vector<CG_loop *> cur_loops;
- for (int i = 0; i < next_level.size(); i++) {
- CG_loop *lp = dynamic_cast<CG_loop *>(next_level[i]);
- if (lp != NULL) {
- cur_loops.push_back(lp);
- } else {
- stmtList = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmtList,
- loop_print_repr(cur_loops, 0, cur_loops.size(),
- Relation::True(num_level()), NULL, indent, ocg,
- stmts, assigned_on_the_fly));
- stmtList = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmtList,
- next_level[i]->printRepr(indent, ocg, stmts,
- assigned_on_the_fly));
- cur_loops.clear();
- }
- }
- stmtList = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmtList,
- loop_print_repr(cur_loops, 0, cur_loops.size(),
- Relation::True(num_level()), NULL, indent, ocg, stmts,
- assigned_on_the_fly));
- return stmtList;
-CG_result *CG_split::clone() const {
- std::vector<CG_result *> clauses(clauses_.size());
- for (int i = 0; i < clauses_.size(); i++)
- clauses[i] = clauses_[i]->clone();
- return new CG_split(codegen_, active_, restrictions_, clauses);
-void CG_split::dump(int indent) const {
- std::string prefix;
- for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++)
- prefix += " ";
- std::cout << prefix << "SPLIT: " << active_ << std::endl;
- for (int i = 0; i < restrictions_.size(); i++) {
- std::cout << prefix << "restriction: ";
- const_cast<CG_split *>(this)->restrictions_[i].print();
- clauses_[i]->dump(indent + 1);
- }
-// Class: CG_loop
-CG_result *CG_loop::recompute(const BoolSet<> &parent_active,
- const Relation &known, const Relation &restriction) {
- known_ = copy(known);
- restriction_ = copy(restriction);
- active_ &= parent_active;
- std::vector<Relation> Rs;
- for (BoolSet<>::iterator i = active_.begin(); i != active_.end(); i++) {
- Relation r = Intersection(copy(restriction),
- copy(codegen_->projected_IS_[level_ - 1][*i]));
- //r.simplify(2, 4);
- r.simplify();
- if (!r.is_upper_bound_satisfiable()) {
- active_.unset(*i);
- continue;
- }
- Rs.push_back(copy(r));
- }
- if (active_.empty()) {
- delete this;
- return NULL;
- }
- Relation hull = SimpleHull(Rs, true, true);
- //hull.simplify(2,4);
- // check if actual loop is needed
- std::pair<EQ_Handle, int> result = find_simplest_assignment(hull,
- hull.set_var(level_));
- if (result.second < INT_MAX) {
- needLoop_ = false;
- bounds_ = Relation(hull.n_set());
- F_Exists *f_exists = bounds_.add_and()->add_exists();
- F_And *f_root = f_exists->add_and();
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping;
- EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(result.first); cvi; cvi++) {
- Variable_ID v = cvi.curr_var();
- switch (v->kind()) {
- case Input_Var:
- h.update_coef(bounds_.input_var(v->get_position()),
- cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- Variable_ID v2 = replicate_floor_definition(hull, v, bounds_,
- f_exists, f_root, exists_mapping);
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = v->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v2 = bounds_.get_local(g);
- else
- v2 = bounds_.get_local(g, v->function_of());
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- h.update_const(result.first.get_const());
- bounds_.simplify();
- }
- // loop iterates more than once, extract bounds now
- else {
- needLoop_ = true;
- bounds_ = Relation(hull.n_set());
- F_Exists *f_exists = bounds_.add_and()->add_exists();
- F_And *f_root = f_exists->add_and();
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping;
- Relation b = Gist(copy(hull), copy(known), 1);
- bool has_unresolved_bound = false;
- std::set<Variable_ID> excluded_floor_vars;
- excluded_floor_vars.insert(b.set_var(level_));
- for (GEQ_Iterator e(b.single_conjunct()->GEQs()); e; e++)
- if ((*e).get_coef(b.set_var(level_)) != 0) {
- bool is_bound = true;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e, true); cvi; cvi++) {
- std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(
- b, cvi.curr_var(), excluded_floor_vars);
- if (!result.first) {
- is_bound = false;
- has_unresolved_bound = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!is_bound)
- continue;
- GEQ_Handle h = f_root->add_GEQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
- Variable_ID v = cvi.curr_var();
- switch (v->kind()) {
- case Input_Var:
- h.update_coef(bounds_.input_var(v->get_position()),
- cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- Variable_ID v2 = replicate_floor_definition(b, v,
- bounds_, f_exists, f_root, exists_mapping);
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = v->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v2 = bounds_.get_local(g);
- else
- v2 = bounds_.get_local(g, v->function_of());
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- h.update_const((*e).get_const());
- }
- if (has_unresolved_bound) {
- b = Approximate(b);
- b.simplify(2, 4);
- //Simplification of Hull
- hull = Approximate(hull);
- hull.simplify(2, 4);
- //end : Anand
- for (GEQ_Iterator e(b.single_conjunct()->GEQs()); e; e++)
- if ((*e).get_coef(b.set_var(level_)) != 0)
- f_root->add_GEQ(*e);
- }
- bounds_.simplify();
- hull.simplify(2,4);
- // Since current SimpleHull does not support max() upper bound or min() lower bound,
- // we have to forcefully split the loop when hull approximation does not return any bound.
- bool has_lb = false;
- bool has_ub = false;
- for (GEQ_Iterator e = bounds_.single_conjunct()->GEQs(); e; e++) {
- if ((*e).get_coef(bounds_.set_var(level_)) > 0)
- has_lb = true;
- else if ((*e).get_coef(bounds_.set_var(level_)) < 0)
- has_ub = true;
- if (has_lb && has_ub)
- break;
- }
- if (!has_lb) {
- for (int i = 0; i < Rs.size(); i++) {
- Relation r = Approximate(copy(Rs[i]));
- r.simplify(2, 4);
- for (GEQ_Iterator e = r.single_conjunct()->GEQs(); e; e++)
- if ((*e).get_coef(r.input_var(level_)) > 0) {
- Relation r2 = Relation::True(num_level());
- r2.and_with_GEQ(*e);
- r2.simplify();
- std::vector<Relation> restrictions(2);
- restrictions[0] = Complement(copy(r2));
- restrictions[0].simplify();
- restrictions[1] = r2;
- std::vector<CG_result *> clauses(2);
- clauses[0] = this;
- clauses[1] = this->clone();
- CG_result *cgr = new CG_split(codegen_, active_,
- restrictions, clauses);
- cgr = cgr->recompute(active_, copy(known),
- copy(restriction));
- return cgr;
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < Rs.size(); i++) {
- Relation r = Approximate(copy(Rs[i]));
- r.simplify(2, 4);
- for (EQ_Iterator e = r.single_conjunct()->EQs(); e; e++)
- if ((*e).get_coef(r.input_var(level_)) != 0) {
- Relation r2 = Relation::True(num_level());
- r2.and_with_GEQ(*e);
- r2.simplify();
- std::vector<Relation> restrictions(2);
- if ((*e).get_coef(r.input_var(level_)) > 0) {
- restrictions[0] = Complement(copy(r2));
- restrictions[0].simplify();
- restrictions[1] = r2;
- } else {
- restrictions[0] = r2;
- restrictions[1] = Complement(copy(r2));
- restrictions[1].simplify();
- }
- std::vector<CG_result *> clauses(2);
- clauses[0] = this;
- clauses[1] = this->clone();
- CG_result *cgr = new CG_split(codegen_, active_,
- restrictions, clauses);
- cgr = cgr->recompute(active_, copy(known),
- copy(restriction));
- return cgr;
- }
- }
- } else if (!has_ub) {
- for (int i = 0; i < Rs.size(); i++) {
- Relation r = Approximate(copy(Rs[i]));
- r.simplify(2, 4);
- for (GEQ_Iterator e = r.single_conjunct()->GEQs(); e; e++)
- if ((*e).get_coef(r.input_var(level_)) < 0) {
- Relation r2 = Relation::True(num_level());
- r2.and_with_GEQ(*e);
- r2.simplify();
- std::vector<Relation> restrictions(2);
- restrictions[1] = Complement(copy(r2));
- restrictions[1].simplify();
- restrictions[0] = r2;
- std::vector<CG_result *> clauses(2);
- clauses[0] = this;
- clauses[1] = this->clone();
- CG_result *cgr = new CG_split(codegen_, active_,
- restrictions, clauses);
- cgr = cgr->recompute(active_, copy(known),
- copy(restriction));
- return cgr;
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < Rs.size(); i++) {
- Relation r = Approximate(copy(Rs[i]));
- r.simplify(2, 4);
- for (EQ_Iterator e = r.single_conjunct()->EQs(); e; e++)
- if ((*e).get_coef(r.input_var(level_)) != 0) {
- Relation r2 = Relation::True(num_level());
- r2.and_with_GEQ(*e);
- r2.simplify();
- std::vector<Relation> restrictions(2);
- if ((*e).get_coef(r.input_var(level_)) > 0) {
- restrictions[0] = Complement(copy(r2));
- restrictions[0].simplify();
- restrictions[1] = r2;
- } else {
- restrictions[0] = r2;
- restrictions[1] = Complement(copy(r2));
- restrictions[1].simplify();
- }
- std::vector<CG_result *> clauses(2);
- clauses[0] = this;
- clauses[1] = this->clone();
- CG_result *cgr = new CG_split(codegen_, active_,
- restrictions, clauses);
- cgr = cgr->recompute(active_, copy(known),
- copy(restriction));
- return cgr;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!has_lb && !has_ub)
- throw codegen_error(
- "can't find any bound at loop level " + to_string(level_));
- else if (!has_lb)
- throw codegen_error(
- "can't find lower bound at loop level "
- + to_string(level_));
- else if (!has_ub)
- throw codegen_error(
- "can't find upper bound at loop level "
- + to_string(level_));
- }
- bounds_.copy_names(hull);
- bounds_.setup_names();
- // additional guard/stride condition extraction
- if (needLoop_) {
- Relation cur_known = Intersection(copy(bounds_), copy(known_));
- cur_known.simplify();
- hull = Gist(hull, copy(cur_known), 1);
- std::pair<EQ_Handle, Variable_ID> result = find_simplest_stride(hull,
- hull.set_var(level_));
- if (result.second != NULL)
- if (abs(result.first.get_coef(hull.set_var(level_))) == 1) {
- F_Exists *f_exists = bounds_.and_with_and()->add_exists();
- F_And *f_root = f_exists->add_and();
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping;
- EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(result.first); cvi; cvi++) {
- Variable_ID v = cvi.curr_var();
- switch (v->kind()) {
- case Input_Var:
- h.update_coef(bounds_.input_var(v->get_position()),
- cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (v == result.second)
- v2 = f_exists->declare();
- else
- v2 = replicate_floor_definition(hull, v, bounds_,
- f_exists, f_root, exists_mapping);
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = v->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v2 = bounds_.get_local(g);
- else
- v2 = bounds_.get_local(g, v->function_of());
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- h.update_const(result.first.get_const());
- } else {
- // since gist is not powerful enough on modular constraints for now,
- // make an educated guess
- coef_t stride = abs(result.first.get_coef(result.second))
- / gcd(abs(result.first.get_coef(result.second)),
- abs(
- result.first.get_coef(
- hull.set_var(level_))));
- Relation r1(hull.n_inp());
- F_Exists *f_exists = r1.add_and()->add_exists();
- F_And *f_root = f_exists->add_and();
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping;
- EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(result.first); cvi; cvi++) {
- Variable_ID v = cvi.curr_var();
- switch (v->kind()) {
- case Input_Var:
- h.update_coef(r1.input_var(v->get_position()),
- cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (v == result.second)
- v2 = f_exists->declare();
- else
- v2 = replicate_floor_definition(hull, v, r1,
- f_exists, f_root, exists_mapping);
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = v->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v2 = r1.get_local(g);
- else
- v2 = r1.get_local(g, v->function_of());
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- h.update_const(result.first.get_const());
- r1.simplify();
- bool guess_success = false;
- for (GEQ_Iterator e(bounds_.single_conjunct()->GEQs()); e; e++)
- if ((*e).get_coef(bounds_.set_var(level_)) == 1) {
- Relation r2(hull.n_inp());
- F_Exists *f_exists = r2.add_and()->add_exists();
- F_And *f_root = f_exists->add_and();
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping;
- EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
- h.update_coef(f_exists->declare(), stride);
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
- Variable_ID v = cvi.curr_var();
- switch (v->kind()) {
- case Input_Var:
- h.update_coef(r2.input_var(v->get_position()),
- cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- Variable_ID v2 = replicate_floor_definition(
- hull, v, r2, f_exists, f_root,
- exists_mapping);
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = v->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v2 = r2.get_local(g);
- else
- v2 = r2.get_local(g, v->function_of());
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- h.update_const((*e).get_const());
- r2.simplify();
- if (Gist(copy(r1),
- Intersection(copy(cur_known), copy(r2)), 1).is_obvious_tautology()
- && Gist(copy(r2),
- Intersection(copy(cur_known), copy(r1)),
- 1).is_obvious_tautology()) {
- bounds_ = Intersection(bounds_, r2);
- bounds_.simplify();
- guess_success = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- // this is really a stride with non-unit coefficient for this loop variable
- if (!guess_success) {
- // TODO: for stride ax = b mod n it might be beneficial to
- // generate modular linear equation solver code for
- // runtime to get the starting position in printRepr,
- // and stride would be n/gcd(|a|,n), thus this stride
- // can be put into bounds_ too.
- }
- }
- hull = Project(hull, hull.set_var(level_));
- hull.simplify(2, 4);
- guard_ = Gist(hull, Intersection(copy(bounds_), copy(known_)), 1);
- }
- // don't generate guard for non-actual loop, postpone it. otherwise
- // redundant if-conditions might be generated since for-loop semantics
- // includes implicit comparison checking. -- by chun 09/14/10
- else
- guard_ = Relation::True(num_level());
- guard_.copy_names(bounds_);
- guard_.setup_names();
- //guard_.simplify();
- // recursively down the AST
- Relation new_known = Intersection(copy(known),
- Intersection(copy(bounds_), copy(guard_)));
- new_known.simplify(2, 4);
- Relation new_restriction = Intersection(copy(restriction),
- Intersection(copy(bounds_), copy(guard_)));
- new_restriction.simplify(2, 4);
- body_ = body_->recompute(active_, new_known, new_restriction);
- if (body_ == NULL) {
- delete this;
- return NULL;
- } else
- return this;
-int CG_loop::populateDepth() {
- int depth = body_->populateDepth();
- if (needLoop_)
- depth_ = depth + 1;
- else
- depth_ = depth;
- return depth_;
-std::pair<CG_result *, Relation> CG_loop::liftOverhead(int depth,
- bool propagate_up) {
- if (depth_ > depth) {
- assert(propagate_up == false);
- std::pair<CG_result *, Relation> result = body_->liftOverhead(depth,
- false);
- body_ = result.first;
- return std::make_pair(this, Relation::True(num_level()));
- } else { // (depth_ <= depth)
- if (propagate_up) {
- Relation r = pick_one_guard(guard_, level_);
- if (!r.is_obvious_tautology())
- return std::make_pair(this, r);
- }
- std::pair<CG_result *, Relation> result;
- if (propagate_up || needLoop_)
- result = body_->liftOverhead(depth, true);
- else
- result = body_->liftOverhead(depth, false);
- body_ = result.first;
- if (result.second.is_obvious_tautology())
- return std::make_pair(this, result.second);
- // loop is an assignment, replace this loop variable in overhead condition
- if (!needLoop_) {
- result.second = Intersection(result.second, copy(bounds_));
- result.second = Project(result.second,
- result.second.set_var(level_));
- result.second.simplify(2, 4);
- }
- int max_level = 0;
- bool has_wildcard = false;
- bool direction = true;
- for (EQ_Iterator e(result.second.single_conjunct()->EQs()); e; e++)
- if ((*e).has_wildcards()) {
- if (has_wildcard)
- assert(false);
- else
- has_wildcard = true;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Input_Var
- && cvi.curr_var()->get_position() > max_level)
- max_level = cvi.curr_var()->get_position();
- } else
- assert(false);
- if (!has_wildcard) {
- int num_simple_geq = 0;
- for (GEQ_Iterator e(result.second.single_conjunct()->GEQs()); e;
- e++)
- if (!(*e).has_wildcards()) {
- num_simple_geq++;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Input_Var
- && cvi.curr_var()->get_position() > max_level) {
- max_level = cvi.curr_var()->get_position();
- direction = (cvi.curr_coef() < 0) ? true : false;
- }
- } else {
- has_wildcard = true;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Input_Var
- && cvi.curr_var()->get_position() > max_level) {
- max_level = cvi.curr_var()->get_position();
- }
- }
- assert(
- (has_wildcard && num_simple_geq == 0) || (!has_wildcard && num_simple_geq == 1));
- }
- // check if this is the top loop level for splitting for this overhead
- if (!propagate_up || (has_wildcard && max_level == level_ - 1)
- || (!has_wildcard && max_level == level_)) {
- std::vector<Relation> restrictions(2);
- std::vector<CG_result *> clauses(2);
- int saved_num_level = num_level();
- if (has_wildcard || direction) {
- restrictions[1] = Complement(copy(result.second));
- restrictions[1].simplify();
- clauses[1] = this->clone();
- restrictions[0] = result.second;
- clauses[0] = this;
- } else {
- restrictions[0] = Complement(copy(result.second));
- restrictions[0].simplify();
- clauses[0] = this->clone();
- restrictions[1] = result.second;
- clauses[1] = this;
- }
- CG_result *cgr = new CG_split(codegen_, active_, restrictions,
- clauses);
- CG_result *new_cgr = cgr->recompute(active_, copy(known_),
- copy(restriction_));
- new_cgr->populateDepth();
- assert(new_cgr==cgr);
- if (static_cast<CG_split *>(new_cgr)->clauses_.size() == 1)
- // infinite recursion detected, bail out
- return std::make_pair(new_cgr, Relation::True(saved_num_level));
- else
- return cgr->liftOverhead(depth, propagate_up);
- } else
- return std::make_pair(this, result.second);
- }
-Relation CG_loop::hoistGuard() {
- Relation r = body_->hoistGuard();
- // TODO: should bookkeep catched contraints in loop output as enforced and check if anything missing
- // if (!Gist(copy(b), copy(enforced)).is_obvious_tautology()) {
- // fprintf(stderr, "need to generate extra guard inside the loop\n");
- // }
- if (!needLoop_)
- r = Intersection(r, copy(bounds_));
- r = Project(r, r.set_var(level_));
- r = Gist(r, copy(known_), 1);
- Relation eliminate_existentials_r;
- Relation eliminate_existentials_known;
- eliminate_existentials_r = copy(r);
- if (!r.is_obvious_tautology()) {
- eliminate_existentials_r = Approximate(copy(r));
- eliminate_existentials_r.simplify(2,4);
- eliminate_existentials_known = Approximate(copy(known_));
- eliminate_existentials_known.simplify(2,4);
- eliminate_existentials_r = Gist( eliminate_existentials_r, eliminate_existentials_known, 1);
- }
- if (!eliminate_existentials_r.is_obvious_tautology()) {
- // if (!r.is_obvious_tautology()) {
- body_->removeGuard(r);
- guard_ = Intersection(guard_, copy(r));
- guard_.simplify();
- }
- return guard_;
- // return ifList;
- // }
-void CG_loop::removeGuard(const Relation &guard) {
- known_ = Intersection(known_, copy(guard));
- known_.simplify();
- guard_ = Gist(guard_, copy(known_), 1);
- guard_.copy_names(known_);
- guard_.setup_names();
-CG_outputRepr *CG_loop::printRepr(int indent, CG_outputBuilder *ocg,
- const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts,
- const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) const {
- return printRepr(true, indent, ocg, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly);
-CG_outputRepr *CG_loop::printRepr(bool do_print_guard, int indent,
- CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts,
- const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) const {
- CG_outputRepr *guardRepr;
- if (do_print_guard)
- guardRepr = output_guard(ocg, guard_, assigned_on_the_fly);
- else
- guardRepr = NULL;
- Relation cur_known = Intersection(copy(known_), copy(guard_));
- cur_known.simplify();
- if (needLoop_) {
- if (checkLoopLevel)
- if (level_ == checkLoopLevel)
- if (active_.get(stmtForLoopCheck))
- fillInBounds = true;
- CG_outputRepr *ctrlRepr = output_loop(ocg, bounds_, level_, cur_known,
- assigned_on_the_fly);
- fillInBounds = false;
- CG_outputRepr *bodyRepr = body_->printRepr(
- (guardRepr == NULL) ? indent + 1 : indent + 2, ocg, stmts,
- assigned_on_the_fly);
- CG_outputRepr * loopRepr;
- if (guardRepr == NULL)
- loopRepr = ocg->CreateLoop(indent, ctrlRepr, bodyRepr);
- else
- loopRepr = ocg->CreateLoop(indent + 1, ctrlRepr, bodyRepr);
- if (!smtNonSplitLevels.empty()) {
- bool blockLoop = false;
- bool threadLoop = false;
- bool sync = false;
- int firstActiveStmt = -1;
- for (int s = 0; s < active_.size(); s++) {
- if (active_.get(s)) {
- if (firstActiveStmt < 0)
- firstActiveStmt = s;
- //We assume smtNonSplitLevels is only used to mark the first of
- //the block or thread loops to be reduced in CUDA-CHiLL. Here we
- //place some comments to help with final code generation.
- //int idx = smtNonSplitLevels[s].index(level_);
- if (s < smtNonSplitLevels.size()) {
- if (smtNonSplitLevels[s].size() > 0)
- if (smtNonSplitLevels[s][0] == level_) {
- blockLoop = true;
- }
- //Assume every stmt marked with a thread loop index also has a block loop idx
- if (smtNonSplitLevels[s].size() > 1)
- if (smtNonSplitLevels[s][1] == level_) {
- threadLoop = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (blockLoop && threadLoop) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Warning, have %d level more than once in smtNonSplitLevels\n",
- level_);
- threadLoop = false;
- }
- std::string preferredIdx;
- if (loopIdxNames.size()
- && (level_ / 2) - 1 < loopIdxNames[firstActiveStmt].size())
- preferredIdx = loopIdxNames[firstActiveStmt][(level_ / 2) - 1];
- for (int s = 0; s < active_.size(); s++) {
- if (active_.get(s)) {
- for (int i = 0; i < syncs.size(); i++) {
- if (syncs[i].first == s
- && strcmp(syncs[i].second.c_str(),
- preferredIdx.c_str()) == 0) {
- sync = true;
- //printf("FOUND SYNC\n");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (threadLoop || blockLoop || preferredIdx.length() != 0) {
- char buf[1024];
- std::string loop;
- if (blockLoop)
- loop = "blockLoop ";
- if (threadLoop)
- loop = "threadLoop ";
- if (preferredIdx.length() != 0 && sync) {
- sprintf(buf, "~cuda~ %spreferredIdx: %s sync", loop.c_str(),
- preferredIdx.c_str());
- } else if (preferredIdx.length() != 0) {
- sprintf(buf, "~cuda~ %spreferredIdx: %s", loop.c_str(),
- preferredIdx.c_str());
- } else {
- sprintf(buf, "~cuda~ %s", loop.c_str());
- }
- loopRepr = ocg->CreateAttribute(loopRepr, buf);
- }
- }
- if (guardRepr == NULL)
- return loopRepr;
- else
- return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guardRepr, loopRepr, NULL);
- } else {
- std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > result =
- output_assignment(ocg, bounds_, level_, cur_known,
- assigned_on_the_fly);
- guardRepr = ocg->CreateAnd(guardRepr, result.first);
- if (result.second.second < CodeGen::var_substitution_threshold) {
- std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > atof =
- assigned_on_the_fly;
- atof[level_ - 1] = result.second;
- CG_outputRepr *bodyRepr = body_->printRepr(
- (guardRepr == NULL) ? indent : indent + 1, ocg, stmts,
- atof);
- delete atof[level_ - 1].first;
- if (guardRepr == NULL)
- return bodyRepr;
- else
- return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guardRepr, bodyRepr, NULL);
- } else {
- CG_outputRepr *assignRepr = ocg->CreateAssignment(
- (guardRepr == NULL) ? indent : indent + 1,
- output_ident(ocg, bounds_,
- const_cast<CG_loop *>(this)->bounds_.set_var(
- level_), assigned_on_the_fly),
- result.second.first);
- CG_outputRepr *bodyRepr = body_->printRepr(
- (guardRepr == NULL) ? indent : indent + 1, ocg, stmts,
- assigned_on_the_fly);
- if (guardRepr == NULL)
- return ocg->StmtListAppend(assignRepr, bodyRepr);
- else
- return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guardRepr,
- ocg->StmtListAppend(assignRepr, bodyRepr), NULL);
- }
- }
-CG_result *CG_loop::clone() const {
- return new CG_loop(codegen_, active_, level_, body_->clone());
-void CG_loop::dump(int indent) const {
- std::string prefix;
- for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++)
- prefix += " ";
- std::cout << prefix << "LOOP (level " << level_ << "): " << active_
- << std::endl;
- std::cout << prefix << "known: ";
- const_cast<CG_loop *>(this)->known_.print();
- std::cout << prefix << "restriction: ";
- const_cast<CG_loop *>(this)->restriction_.print();
- std::cout << prefix << "bounds: ";
- const_cast<CG_loop *>(this)->bounds_.print();
- std::cout << prefix << "guard: ";
- const_cast<CG_loop *>(this)->guard_.print();
- body_->dump(indent + 1);
-// Class: CG_leaf
-CG_result* CG_leaf::recompute(const BoolSet<> &parent_active,
- const Relation &known, const Relation &restriction) {
- active_ &= parent_active;
- known_ = copy(known);
- guards_.clear();
- for (BoolSet<>::iterator i = active_.begin(); i != active_.end(); i++) {
- Relation r = Intersection(
- copy(codegen_->projected_IS_[num_level() - 1][*i]),
- copy(restriction));
- r.simplify(2, 4);
- if (!r.is_upper_bound_satisfiable())
- active_.unset(*i);
- else {
- r = Gist(r, copy(known), 1);
- if (!r.is_obvious_tautology()) {
- guards_[*i] = r;
- guards_[*i].copy_names(known);
- guards_[*i].setup_names();
- }
- }
- }
- if (active_.empty()) {
- delete this;
- return NULL;
- } else
- return this;
-std::pair<CG_result *, Relation> CG_leaf::liftOverhead(int depth, bool) {
- if (depth == 0)
- return std::make_pair(this, Relation::True(num_level()));
- for (std::map<int, Relation>::iterator i = guards_.begin();
- i != guards_.end(); i++) {
- Relation r = pick_one_guard(i->second);
- if (!r.is_obvious_tautology()) {
- bool has_wildcard = false;
- int max_level = 0;
- for (EQ_Iterator e(r.single_conjunct()->EQs()); e; e++) {
- if ((*e).has_wildcards())
- has_wildcard = true;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Input_Var
- && cvi.curr_var()->get_position() > max_level)
- max_level = cvi.curr_var()->get_position();
- }
- for (GEQ_Iterator e(r.single_conjunct()->GEQs()); e; e++) {
- if ((*e).has_wildcards())
- has_wildcard = true;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Input_Var
- && cvi.curr_var()->get_position() > max_level)
- max_level = cvi.curr_var()->get_position();
- }
- if (!(has_wildcard && max_level == codegen_->num_level()))
- return std::make_pair(this, r);
- }
- }
- return std::make_pair(this, Relation::True(num_level()));
-Relation CG_leaf::hoistGuard() {
- std::vector<Relation> guards;
- for (BoolSet<>::iterator i = active_.begin(); i != active_.end(); i++) {
- std::map<int, Relation>::iterator j = guards_.find(*i);
- if (j == guards_.end()) {
- Relation r = Relation::True(num_level());
- r.copy_names(known_);
- r.setup_names();
- return r;
- } else {
- guards.push_back(j->second);
- }
- }
- return SimpleHull(guards, true, true);
-void CG_leaf::removeGuard(const Relation &guard) {
- known_ = Intersection(known_, copy(guard));
- known_.simplify();
- std::map<int, Relation>::iterator i = guards_.begin();
- while (i != guards_.end()) {
- i->second = Gist(i->second, copy(known_), 1);
- if (i->second.is_obvious_tautology())
- guards_.erase(i++);
- else
- ++i;
- }
-CG_outputRepr *CG_leaf::printRepr(int indent, CG_outputBuilder *ocg,
- const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts,
- const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) const {
- return leaf_print_repr(active_, guards_, NULL, known_, indent, ocg,
- codegen_->remap_, codegen_->xforms_, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly);
-CG_result *CG_leaf::clone() const {
- return new CG_leaf(codegen_, active_);
-void CG_leaf::dump(int indent) const {
- std::string prefix;
- for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++)
- prefix += " ";
- std::cout << prefix << "LEAF: " << active_ << std::endl;
- std::cout << prefix << "known: ";
- const_cast<CG_leaf *>(this)->known_.print();
- for (std::map<int, Relation>::const_iterator i = guards_.begin();
- i != guards_.end(); i++) {
- std::cout << prefix << "guard #" << i->first << ":";
- const_cast<Relation &>(i->second).print();
- }