path: root/omega/omega_calc
diff options
authordhuth <>2014-10-06 11:56:47 -0600
committerdhuth <>2014-10-06 11:56:47 -0600
commite4b20015a4ee35f1279af4caa983478fa2ff0d4a (patch)
treef47cbff8b2bba458b54a739e91a87b303f7665f1 /omega/omega_calc
parent600fa18324c21a162c50c40ae5f00c899a41dd24 (diff)
Added omega to source
Diffstat (limited to 'omega/omega_calc')
-rw-r--r--omega/omega_calc/doc/calculator.pdfbin0 -> 108062 bytes
15 files changed, 10596 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/omega/omega_calc/doc/calculator.pdf b/omega/omega_calc/doc/calculator.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c307ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omega/omega_calc/doc/calculator.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/omega/omega_calc/include/omega_calc/AST.h b/omega/omega_calc/include/omega_calc/AST.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58d74fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omega/omega_calc/include/omega_calc/AST.h
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+#ifndef _AST_H
+#define _AST_H
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <omega.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+typedef enum {eq, lt, gt, geq, leq, neq} Rel_Op;
+class tupleDescriptor;
+class Variable_Ref {
+ int anonymous;
+ omega::Const_String name;
+ omega::Const_String stripped_name;
+ omega::Variable_ID vid;
+ omega::Variable_ID id(omega::Rel_Body *R) {
+ if (vid) return vid;
+ if (arity == 0)
+ vid = R->get_local(g);
+ else
+ vid = R->get_local(g,of);
+ return vid;
+ }
+ omega::Variable_ID id(omega::Relation &R) {
+ if (vid) return vid;
+ if (arity == 0)
+ vid = R.get_local(g);
+ else
+ vid = R.get_local(g,of);
+ return vid;
+ }
+ omega::Free_Var_Decl *g;
+ int arity;
+ int pos;
+ omega::Argument_Tuple of;
+ Variable_Ref(char *s, int _arity, omega::Argument_Tuple _of);
+ Variable_Ref(char *s);
+ Variable_Ref();
+ ~Variable_Ref();
+extern std::map<omega::Const_String, Variable_Ref *> functionOfInput;
+extern std::map<omega::Const_String, Variable_Ref *> functionOfOutput;
+class Declaration_Site {
+ Declaration_Site();
+ Declaration_Site(std::set<char *> *v);
+ virtual Variable_Ref *extend(char *s);
+ virtual Variable_Ref *extend(char *s, omega::Argument_Tuple, int);
+ virtual ~Declaration_Site();
+ Variable_Ref *extend();
+ void print() {
+ for (std::set<Variable_Ref *>::iterator i = declarations.begin(); ;) {
+ printf("%s", static_cast<const char *>((*i)->name));
+ i++;
+ if (i != declarations.end())
+ printf(",");
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Declaration_Site *previous;
+ std::set<Variable_Ref *> declarations;
+class Global_Declaration_Site: public Declaration_Site {
+ virtual Variable_Ref *extend(char *s);
+ virtual Variable_Ref *extend() {
+ return Declaration_Site::extend();
+ }
+ virtual Variable_Ref *extend(char *s, omega::Argument_Tuple in_of, int in_arity) {
+ return Declaration_Site::extend(s,in_of,in_arity);
+ }
+ void extend_both_tuples(char *s, int arity);
+ virtual ~Global_Declaration_Site();
+extern Declaration_Site *current_Declaration_Site;
+inline void popScope() {
+ assert(current_Declaration_Site);
+ current_Declaration_Site = current_Declaration_Site->previous;
+Variable_Ref *lookupScalar(char *s);
+Declaration_Site * defined (char *);
+class Exp {
+ Exp(omega::coef_t c);
+ Exp(Variable_Ref *v);
+ friend Exp *multiply (omega::coef_t c, Exp *x);
+ friend Exp *multiply (Exp *x, Exp *y);
+ friend Exp *negate (Exp *x);
+ friend Exp *add (Exp *x, Exp *y);
+ friend Exp *subtract (Exp *x, Exp *y);
+ std::map<Variable_Ref *, omega::coef_t> coefs;
+ omega::coef_t constantTerm;
+ void addTerm(omega::coef_t coef, omega::Variable_ID v);
+typedef struct {
+ Exp *e;
+ int step;
+} strideConstraint;
+class AST;
+class AST_constraints;
+class Tuple_Part {
+ Variable_Ref *from,*to;
+ Tuple_Part(Variable_Ref *f, Variable_Ref *t)
+ { from = f; to = t; }
+ Tuple_Part(Variable_Ref *f)
+ { from = f; to = 0; }
+ Tuple_Part()
+ { from = 0; to = 0; }
+class AST {
+ virtual void install(omega::Formula *F) = 0;
+ virtual void print() = 0;
+ virtual ~AST() {}
+class AST_And: public AST {
+ AST_And(AST *l, AST *r) { left = l; right = r; }
+ ~AST_And() { delete left; delete right; }
+ virtual void install(omega::Formula *F);
+ virtual void print() {
+ printf("(");
+ left->print();
+ printf(" && ");
+ right->print();
+ printf(")");
+ }
+ AST *left,*right;
+class AST_Or: public AST {
+ AST_Or(AST *l, AST *r) { left = l; right = r; }
+ ~AST_Or() { delete left; delete right; }
+ virtual void install(omega::Formula *F);
+ virtual void print() {
+ printf("(");
+ left->print();
+ printf(" || ");
+ right->print();
+ printf(")");
+ }
+ AST *left, *right;
+class AST_Not: public AST {
+ AST_Not(AST *c) { child = c; }
+ ~AST_Not() { delete child; }
+ virtual void install(omega::Formula *F);
+ virtual void print() {
+ printf("(!");
+ child->print();
+ printf(")");
+ }
+ AST *child;
+class AST_declare: public AST {
+ virtual void install(omega::Formula *F) = 0;
+ virtual void print() {
+ printf("(");
+ declaredVariables->print();
+ printf(" : ");
+ child->print();
+ printf(")");
+ }
+ Declaration_Site *declaredVariables;
+ AST *child;
+class AST_exists: public AST_declare {
+ AST_exists(Declaration_Site *dV, AST *c) {declaredVariables = dV, child = c;}
+ ~AST_exists() { delete child; delete declaredVariables; }
+ virtual void install(omega::Formula *F);
+ virtual void print() {
+ printf("exists ");
+ AST_declare::print();
+ }
+class AST_forall: public AST_declare {
+ AST_forall(Declaration_Site *dV, AST *c) {declaredVariables = dV, child = c; }
+ ~AST_forall() { delete child; delete declaredVariables; }
+ virtual void install(omega::Formula *F);
+ virtual void print() {
+ printf("forall ");
+ AST_declare::print();
+ }
+class AST_constraints: public AST {
+ AST_constraints(std::set<Exp *> *f, Rel_Op r, AST_constraints *o);
+ AST_constraints(std::set<Exp *> *f, Rel_Op r, std::set<Exp *> *s);
+ AST_constraints(std::set<Exp *> *f);
+ ~AST_constraints();
+ virtual void install(omega::Formula *F);
+ virtual void print();
+ AST_constraints *others;
+ std::set<Exp *> *first;
+ Rel_Op rel_op;
+void install_stride(omega::F_And *F, strideConstraint *c);
+void install_eq(omega::F_And *F, Exp *e1, Exp *e2);
+void install_geq(omega::F_And *F, Exp *e1, Exp *e2);
+void install_gt(omega::F_And *F, Exp *e1, Exp *e2);
+void install_neq(omega::F_And *F, Exp *e1, Exp *e2);
+class tupleDescriptor {
+ tupleDescriptor() { size = 0; }
+ void extend();
+ void extend(Exp * e);
+ void extend(Exp * lb, Exp *ub);
+ void extend(Exp * lb, Exp *ub, omega::coef_t stride);
+ void extend(char * s, Exp *e);
+ void extend(char * s);
+ void extend(char * s, omega::Argument_Tuple, int);
+ int size;
+ std::vector<Variable_Ref *> vars;
+ std::set<Exp *> eq_constraints;
+ std::set<Exp *> geq_constraints;
+ std::set<strideConstraint *> stride_constraints;
+ ~tupleDescriptor() {
+ for (std::set<Exp *>::iterator i = eq_constraints.begin(); i != eq_constraints.end(); i++)
+ delete *i;
+ for (std::set<Exp *>::iterator i = geq_constraints.begin(); i != geq_constraints.end(); i++)
+ delete *i;
+ for (std::set<strideConstraint *>::iterator i = stride_constraints.begin(); i != stride_constraints.end(); i++) {
+ delete (*i)->e;
+ delete *i;
+ }
+ }
+extern Global_Declaration_Site *globalDecls;
+extern Declaration_Site *relationDecl;
+extern tupleDescriptor *currentTupleDescriptor;
+void resetGlobals();
+// Used to parse a list of paired relations for code generation commands
+// class RelTuplePair {
+// public:
+// RelTuplePair() : ispaces(0), mappings(0) {}
+// omega::Tuple<omega::Relation> ispaces;
+// omega::Tuple<omega::Relation> mappings;
+// };
diff --git a/omega/omega_calc/include/omega_calc/PT-omega.c b/omega/omega_calc/include/omega_calc/PT-omega.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad6b979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omega/omega_calc/include/omega_calc/PT-omega.c
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#include <basic/bool.h>
+#include <basic/util.h>
+#include <basic/List.h>
+#include <basic/SimpleList.h>
+#include <basic/Bag.h>
+#include <basic/Map.h>
+#include <basic/Tuple.h>
+#include <basic/Section.h>
+#include <basic/Exit.h>
+#include <basic/Dynamic_Array.h>
+#include <omega.h>
+#include <omega/AST.h>
+template int max(int, int);
+template int min(int, int);
+template unsigned int min(unsigned int, unsigned int);
+template void set_max(int&,int);
+template void set_min(int&,int);
+template void swap(int&,int&);
+template void swap(short&,short&);
+template void swap(signed char&,signed char&);
+template Relation copy(const Relation &);
+instantiate_List(Formula *);
+instantiate_List(Conjunct *);
+instantiate_List(DNF *);
+instantiate_List(Relation *);
+typedef Tuple<Relation> RelationTuple;
+instantiate_Tuple(char *);
+instantiate_Tuple(Conjunct *);
+instantiate_Tuple(Free_Var_Decl *);
+instantiate_Map(Global_Var_ID, Variable_ID);
+instantiate_Map(Const_String, Relation *);
+instantiate_Dynamic_Array1(Coef_Var_Decl *);
+/* Stuff required by calculator: */
+instantiate_Bag(Exp *);
+instantiate_Bag(strideConstraint *);
+instantiate_Bag(Variable_Ref *);
+instantiate_Bag(char *);
+instantiate_Map(Variable_Ref *, int);
+instantiate_Map(Variable_Ref *, Variable_Ref *);
+instantiate_Map(Const_String, Variable_Ref *);
+instantiate_Set(Free_Var_Decl *);
+instantiate_Tuple(Variable_Ref *);
diff --git a/omega/omega_calc/include/omega_calc/myflex.h b/omega/omega_calc/include/omega_calc/myflex.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d472e51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omega/omega_calc/include/omega_calc/myflex.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#ifndef _MYFLEX_H
+#define _MYFLEX_H
+#ifndef yyFlexLexerOnce
+#include <FlexLexer.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+class myFlexLexer: public yyFlexLexer {
+ std::string cur_line;
+ int cur_pos;
+ std::vector<std::string> history;
+ int first_history_pos;
+ int last_history_pos;
+ std::vector<std::string> key_seqs;
+ myFlexLexer(std::istream *arg_yyin = NULL, std::ostream *arg_yyout = NULL);
+ ~myFlexLexer() {}
+ int LexerInput(char *buf, int max_size);
diff --git a/omega/omega_calc/obj/FlexLexer.h b/omega/omega_calc/obj/FlexLexer.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bad4ce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omega/omega_calc/obj/FlexLexer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+// -*-C++-*-
+// FlexLexer.h -- define interfaces for lexical analyzer classes generated
+// by flex
+// Copyright (c) 1993 The Regents of the University of California.
+// All rights reserved.
+// This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
+// Kent Williams and Tom Epperly.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+// are met:
+// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+// Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
+// may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+// without specific prior written permission.
+// This file defines FlexLexer, an abstract class which specifies the
+// external interface provided to flex C++ lexer objects, and yyFlexLexer,
+// which defines a particular lexer class.
+// If you want to create multiple lexer classes, you use the -P flag
+// to rename each yyFlexLexer to some other xxFlexLexer. You then
+// include <FlexLexer.h> in your other sources once per lexer class:
+// #undef yyFlexLexer
+// #define yyFlexLexer xxFlexLexer
+// #include <FlexLexer.h>
+// #undef yyFlexLexer
+// #define yyFlexLexer zzFlexLexer
+// #include <FlexLexer.h>
+// ...
+#ifndef __FLEX_LEXER_H
+// Never included before - need to define base class.
+#define __FLEX_LEXER_H
+#include <iostream>
+# ifndef FLEX_STD
+# define FLEX_STD std::
+# endif
+extern "C++" {
+struct yy_buffer_state;
+typedef int yy_state_type;
+class FlexLexer {
+ virtual ~FlexLexer() { }
+ const char* YYText() const { return yytext; }
+ int YYLeng() const { return yyleng; }
+ virtual void
+ yy_switch_to_buffer( struct yy_buffer_state* new_buffer ) = 0;
+ virtual struct yy_buffer_state*
+ yy_create_buffer( FLEX_STD istream* s, int size ) = 0;
+ virtual void yy_delete_buffer( struct yy_buffer_state* b ) = 0;
+ virtual void yyrestart( FLEX_STD istream* s ) = 0;
+ virtual int yylex() = 0;
+ // Call yylex with new input/output sources.
+ int yylex( FLEX_STD istream* new_in, FLEX_STD ostream* new_out = 0 )
+ {
+ switch_streams( new_in, new_out );
+ return yylex();
+ }
+ // Switch to new input/output streams. A nil stream pointer
+ // indicates "keep the current one".
+ virtual void switch_streams( FLEX_STD istream* new_in = 0,
+ FLEX_STD ostream* new_out = 0 ) = 0;
+ int lineno() const { return yylineno; }
+ int debug() const { return yy_flex_debug; }
+ void set_debug( int flag ) { yy_flex_debug = flag; }
+ char* yytext;
+ int yyleng;
+ int yylineno; // only maintained if you use %option yylineno
+ int yy_flex_debug; // only has effect with -d or "%option debug"
+#endif // FLEXLEXER_H
+#if defined(yyFlexLexer) || ! defined(yyFlexLexerOnce)
+// Either this is the first time through (yyFlexLexerOnce not defined),
+// or this is a repeated include to define a different flavor of
+// yyFlexLexer, as discussed in the flex manual.
+#define yyFlexLexerOnce
+extern "C++" {
+class yyFlexLexer : public FlexLexer {
+ // arg_yyin and arg_yyout default to the cin and cout, but we
+ // only make that assignment when initializing in yylex().
+ yyFlexLexer( FLEX_STD istream* arg_yyin = 0, FLEX_STD ostream* arg_yyout = 0 );
+ virtual ~yyFlexLexer();
+ void yy_switch_to_buffer( struct yy_buffer_state* new_buffer );
+ struct yy_buffer_state* yy_create_buffer( FLEX_STD istream* s, int size );
+ void yy_delete_buffer( struct yy_buffer_state* b );
+ void yyrestart( FLEX_STD istream* s );
+ void yypush_buffer_state( struct yy_buffer_state* new_buffer );
+ void yypop_buffer_state();
+ virtual int yylex();
+ virtual void switch_streams( FLEX_STD istream* new_in, FLEX_STD ostream* new_out = 0 );
+ virtual int yywrap();
+ virtual int LexerInput( char* buf, int max_size );
+ virtual void LexerOutput( const char* buf, int size );
+ virtual void LexerError( const char* msg );
+ void yyunput( int c, char* buf_ptr );
+ int yyinput();
+ void yy_load_buffer_state();
+ void yy_init_buffer( struct yy_buffer_state* b, FLEX_STD istream* s );
+ void yy_flush_buffer( struct yy_buffer_state* b );
+ int yy_start_stack_ptr;
+ int yy_start_stack_depth;
+ int* yy_start_stack;
+ void yy_push_state( int new_state );
+ void yy_pop_state();
+ int yy_top_state();
+ yy_state_type yy_get_previous_state();
+ yy_state_type yy_try_NUL_trans( yy_state_type current_state );
+ int yy_get_next_buffer();
+ FLEX_STD istream* yyin; // input source for default LexerInput
+ FLEX_STD ostream* yyout; // output sink for default LexerOutput
+ // yy_hold_char holds the character lost when yytext is formed.
+ char yy_hold_char;
+ // Number of characters read into yy_ch_buf.
+ int yy_n_chars;
+ // Points to current character in buffer.
+ char* yy_c_buf_p;
+ int yy_init; // whether we need to initialize
+ int yy_start; // start state number
+ // Flag which is used to allow yywrap()'s to do buffer switches
+ // instead of setting up a fresh yyin. A bit of a hack ...
+ int yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof;
+ size_t yy_buffer_stack_top; /**< index of top of stack. */
+ size_t yy_buffer_stack_max; /**< capacity of stack. */
+ struct yy_buffer_state ** yy_buffer_stack; /**< Stack as an array. */
+ void yyensure_buffer_stack(void);
+ // The following are not always needed, but may be depending
+ // on use of certain flex features (like REJECT or yymore()).
+ yy_state_type yy_last_accepting_state;
+ char* yy_last_accepting_cpos;
+ yy_state_type* yy_state_buf;
+ yy_state_type* yy_state_ptr;
+ char* yy_full_match;
+ int* yy_full_state;
+ int yy_full_lp;
+ int yy_lp;
+ int yy_looking_for_trail_begin;
+ int yy_more_flag;
+ int yy_more_len;
+ int yy_more_offset;
+ int yy_prev_more_offset;
+#endif // yyFlexLexer || ! yyFlexLexerOnce
diff --git a/omega/omega_calc/obj/Makefile b/omega/omega_calc/obj/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4001c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omega/omega_calc/obj/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Makefile for release 1.0 of the omega system
+# DON'T EDIT -- put any locally required changes in Makefile.config.
+# See INSTALL for more details.
+all: $(EXEC_TARGET)
+clean: clean_self
+veryclean: veryclean_self
+SRCS := ../src/ ../src/
+OBJS := $(SRCS:../src/
+YACC_OBJS := $(
+depend: $(YACC_SRCS) depend_self
+include $(BASEDIR)/Makefile.config
+LIB_PATH := $(LIB_PATH) -L../../omega_lib/obj
+LIBS := $(LIBS) -lomega
+ifeq ($(BUILD_CODEGEN), true)
+LIB_PATH := $(LIB_PATH) -L../../code_gen/obj
+LIBS := $(LIBS) -lcodegen
+INCL_PATH := -I. $(INCL_PATH) -I../../omega_lib/include -I../../code_gen/include
+include $(BASEDIR)/Makefile.rules
+# lex/yacc related
+ ../src/parser.ll
+ flex++ $<
+ ../src/parser.yy
+ bison -t -d $<
+ifeq ($(shell test -f Makefile.deps && echo "true"), true)
+include Makefile.deps
diff --git a/omega/omega_calc/obj/Makefile.deps b/omega/omega_calc/obj/Makefile.deps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf5dddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omega/omega_calc/obj/Makefile.deps
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+AST.o: ../src/ ../include/omega_calc/AST.h /usr/include/assert.h \
+ /usr/include/features.h /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/predefs.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys/cdefs.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/wordsize.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/gnu/stubs.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/gnu/stubs-32.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/omega_core/debugging.h \
+ /usr/include/stdio.h /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.4.7/include/stddef.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/types.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/typesizes.h /usr/include/libio.h \
+ /usr/include/_G_config.h /usr/include/wchar.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.4.7/include/stdarg.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio_lim.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/sys_errlist.h /usr/include/ctype.h \
+ /usr/include/endian.h /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/endian.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/byteswap.h /usr/include/xlocale.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/pres_var.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/pres_gen.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/omega_core/oc.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/string \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/i686-linux-gnu/./bits/c++config.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/i686-linux-gnu/./bits/os_defines.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/i686-linux-gnu/./bits/cpu_defines.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stringfwd.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/char_traits.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_algobase.h /usr/include/c++/4.4/cstddef \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/functexcept.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/exception_defines.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/cpp_type_traits.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/ext/type_traits.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/ext/numeric_traits.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_pair.h /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/move.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/concept_check.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_iterator_base_types.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_iterator_base_funcs.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_iterator.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/debug/debug.h /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/postypes.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/cwchar /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/wchar.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/allocator.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/i686-linux-gnu/./bits/c++allocator.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/ext/new_allocator.h /usr/include/c++/4.4/new \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/exception /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/localefwd.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/i686-linux-gnu/./bits/c++locale.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/clocale /usr/include/locale.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/locale.h /usr/include/c++/4.4/iosfwd \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/cctype /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/ostream_insert.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/cxxabi-forced.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_function.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/backward/binders.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/basic_string.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/ext/atomicity.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/i686-linux-gnu/./bits/gthr.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/i686-linux-gnu/./bits/gthr-default.h \
+ /usr/include/pthread.h /usr/include/sched.h /usr/include/time.h \
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+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/pres_cmpr.h \
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+ ../../basic/include/basic/Dynamic_Array.h \
+ ../../basic/include/basic/Dynamic_Array.c \
+ ../include/omega_calc/myflex.h ../../basic/include/basic/Dynamic_Array.h \
+ ../../basic/include/basic/Dynamic_Array.c /usr/include/assert.h \
+ /usr/include/features.h /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/predefs.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys/cdefs.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/wordsize.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/gnu/stubs.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/gnu/stubs-32.h \
+ ../../basic/include/basic/Iterator.h \
+ ../../basic/include/basic/Collection.h ../include/omega_calc/AST.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/omega_core/debugging.h \
+ /usr/include/stdio.h /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.4.7/include/stddef.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/types.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/typesizes.h /usr/include/libio.h \
+ /usr/include/_G_config.h /usr/include/wchar.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.4.7/include/stdarg.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio_lim.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/sys_errlist.h /usr/include/ctype.h \
+ /usr/include/endian.h /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/endian.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/byteswap.h /usr/include/xlocale.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/pres_var.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/pres_gen.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/omega_core/oc.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/string \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/i686-linux-gnu/./bits/c++config.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/i686-linux-gnu/./bits/os_defines.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/i686-linux-gnu/./bits/cpu_defines.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stringfwd.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/char_traits.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_algobase.h /usr/include/c++/4.4/cstddef \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/functexcept.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/exception_defines.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/cpp_type_traits.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/ext/type_traits.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/ext/numeric_traits.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_pair.h /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/move.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/concept_check.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_iterator_base_types.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_iterator_base_funcs.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_iterator.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/debug/debug.h /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/postypes.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/cwchar /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/wchar.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/allocator.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/i686-linux-gnu/./bits/c++allocator.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/ext/new_allocator.h /usr/include/c++/4.4/new \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/exception /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/localefwd.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/i686-linux-gnu/./bits/c++locale.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/clocale /usr/include/locale.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/locale.h /usr/include/c++/4.4/iosfwd \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/cctype /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/ostream_insert.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/cxxabi-forced.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_function.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/backward/binders.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/basic_string.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/ext/atomicity.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/i686-linux-gnu/./bits/gthr.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/i686-linux-gnu/./bits/gthr-default.h \
+ /usr/include/pthread.h /usr/include/sched.h /usr/include/time.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/sched.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/time.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/timex.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/pthreadtypes.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/setjmp.h /usr/include/unistd.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/posix_opt.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/environments.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/confname.h /usr/include/getopt.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/i686-linux-gnu/./bits/atomic_word.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/initializer_list \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/basic_string.tcc \
+ ../../basic/include/basic/util.h /usr/include/stdlib.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/waitflags.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/waitstatus.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys/types.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys/select.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/select.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/sigset.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys/sysmacros.h /usr/include/alloca.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/sstream /usr/include/c++/4.4/istream \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/ios /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/ios_base.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/locale_classes.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/locale_classes.tcc \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/streambuf /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/streambuf.tcc \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/basic_ios.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/locale_facets.h /usr/include/c++/4.4/cwctype \
+ /usr/include/wctype.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/i686-linux-gnu/./bits/ctype_base.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/streambuf_iterator.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/i686-linux-gnu/./bits/ctype_inline.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/locale_facets.tcc \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/basic_ios.tcc /usr/include/c++/4.4/ostream \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/ostream.tcc \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/istream.tcc \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/sstream.tcc /usr/include/c++/4.4/stdexcept \
+ ../../basic/include/basic/Tuple.h ../../basic/include/basic/Tuple.c \
+ ../../basic/include/basic/ConstString.h ../../basic/include/basic/List.h \
+ ../../basic/include/basic/Link.h ../../basic/include/basic/List.c \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/map /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_tree.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_map.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_multimap.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/pres_cnstr.h /usr/include/c++/4.4/vector \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_construct.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_uninitialized.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_vector.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_bvector.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/vector.tcc \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/pres_subs.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/Relation.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/RelBody.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/pres_form.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/pres_dnf.h /usr/include/c++/4.4/iostream \
+ /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.4.7/include-fixed/limits.h \
+ /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.4.7/include-fixed/syslimits.h \
+ /usr/include/limits.h /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/posix1_lim.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/local_lim.h /usr/include/linux/limits.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/posix2_lim.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/xopen_lim.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/Relations.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/pres_conj.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/pres_decl.h \
+ ../../basic/include/basic/Section.h ../../basic/include/basic/Section.c \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/pres_logic.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/pres_quant.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/pres_cmpr.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/Rel_map.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/farkas.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/hull.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/closure.h /usr/include/c++/4.4/set \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_set.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/stl_multiset.h \
+ ../../omega_lib/include/omega/reach.h /usr/include/c++/4.4/fstream \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/codecvt.h /usr/include/c++/4.4/cstdio \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/i686-linux-gnu/./bits/basic_file.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/i686-linux-gnu/./bits/c++io.h \
+ /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/fstream.tcc \
+ ../include/omega_calc/myflex.h FlexLexer.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys/time.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys/resource.h \
+ /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/resource.h
diff --git a/omega/omega_calc/obj/ b/omega/omega_calc/obj/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..49a85e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omega/omega_calc/obj/
@@ -0,0 +1,3966 @@
+#line 3 ""
+#define YY_INT_ALIGNED short int
+/* A lexical scanner generated by flex */
+#define FLEX_BETA
+ /* The c++ scanner is a mess. The FlexLexer.h header file relies on the
+ * following macro. This is required in order to pass the c++-multiple-scanners
+ * test in the regression suite. We get reports that it breaks inheritance.
+ * We will address this in a future release of flex, or omit the C++ scanner
+ * altogether.
+ */
+ #define yyFlexLexer yyFlexLexer
+/* First, we deal with platform-specific or compiler-specific issues. */
+/* begin standard C headers. */
+/* end standard C headers. */
+/* flex integer type definitions */
+#ifndef FLEXINT_H
+#define FLEXINT_H
+/* C99 systems have <inttypes.h>. Non-C99 systems may or may not. */
+#if defined (__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+/* C99 says to define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS before including stdint.h,
+ * if you want the limit (max/min) macros for int types.
+ */
+#define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS 1
+#include <inttypes.h>
+typedef int8_t flex_int8_t;
+typedef uint8_t flex_uint8_t;
+typedef int16_t flex_int16_t;
+typedef uint16_t flex_uint16_t;
+typedef int32_t flex_int32_t;
+typedef uint32_t flex_uint32_t;
+typedef signed char flex_int8_t;
+typedef short int flex_int16_t;
+typedef int flex_int32_t;
+typedef unsigned char flex_uint8_t;
+typedef unsigned short int flex_uint16_t;
+typedef unsigned int flex_uint32_t;
+/* Limits of integral types. */
+#ifndef INT8_MIN
+#define INT8_MIN (-128)
+#ifndef INT16_MIN
+#define INT16_MIN (-32767-1)
+#ifndef INT32_MIN
+#define INT32_MIN (-2147483647-1)
+#ifndef INT8_MAX
+#define INT8_MAX (127)
+#ifndef INT16_MAX
+#define INT16_MAX (32767)
+#ifndef INT32_MAX
+#define INT32_MAX (2147483647)
+#ifndef UINT8_MAX
+#define UINT8_MAX (255U)
+#ifndef UINT16_MAX
+#define UINT16_MAX (65535U)
+#ifndef UINT32_MAX
+#define UINT32_MAX (4294967295U)
+#endif /* ! C99 */
+#endif /* ! FLEXINT_H */
+/* begin standard C++ headers. */
+#include <iostream>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstring>
+/* end standard C++ headers. */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/* The "const" storage-class-modifier is valid. */
+#define YY_USE_CONST
+#else /* ! __cplusplus */
+/* C99 requires __STDC__ to be defined as 1. */
+#if defined (__STDC__)
+#define YY_USE_CONST
+#endif /* defined (__STDC__) */
+#endif /* ! __cplusplus */
+#ifdef YY_USE_CONST
+#define yyconst const
+#define yyconst
+/* Returned upon end-of-file. */
+#define YY_NULL 0
+/* Promotes a possibly negative, possibly signed char to an unsigned
+ * integer for use as an array index. If the signed char is negative,
+ * we want to instead treat it as an 8-bit unsigned char, hence the
+ * double cast.
+ */
+#define YY_SC_TO_UI(c) ((unsigned int) (unsigned char) c)
+/* Enter a start condition. This macro really ought to take a parameter,
+ * but we do it the disgusting crufty way forced on us by the ()-less
+ * definition of BEGIN.
+ */
+#define BEGIN (yy_start) = 1 + 2 *
+/* Translate the current start state into a value that can be later handed
+ * to BEGIN to return to the state. The YYSTATE alias is for lex
+ * compatibility.
+ */
+#define YY_START (((yy_start) - 1) / 2)
+/* Action number for EOF rule of a given start state. */
+#define YY_STATE_EOF(state) (YY_END_OF_BUFFER + state + 1)
+/* Special action meaning "start processing a new file". */
+#define YY_NEW_FILE yyrestart( yyin )
+/* Size of default input buffer. */
+#ifndef YY_BUF_SIZE
+#ifdef __ia64__
+/* On IA-64, the buffer size is 16k, not 8k.
+ * Moreover, YY_BUF_SIZE is 2*YY_READ_BUF_SIZE in the general case.
+ * Ditto for the __ia64__ case accordingly.
+ */
+#define YY_BUF_SIZE 32768
+#define YY_BUF_SIZE 16384
+#endif /* __ia64__ */
+/* The state buf must be large enough to hold one state per character in the main buffer.
+ */
+#define YY_STATE_BUF_SIZE ((YY_BUF_SIZE + 2) * sizeof(yy_state_type))
+typedef struct yy_buffer_state *YY_BUFFER_STATE;
+extern int yyleng;
+#define EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE 1
+ /* Note: We specifically omit the test for yy_rule_can_match_eol because it requires
+ * access to the local variable yy_act. Since yyless() is a macro, it would break
+ * existing scanners that call yyless() from OUTSIDE yylex.
+ * One obvious solution it to make yy_act a global. I tried that, and saw
+ * a 5% performance hit in a non-yylineno scanner, because yy_act is
+ * normally declared as a register variable-- so it is not worth it.
+ */
+ #define YY_LESS_LINENO(n) \
+ do { \
+ int yyl;\
+ for ( yyl = n; yyl < yyleng; ++yyl )\
+ if ( yytext[yyl] == '\n' )\
+ --yylineno;\
+ }while(0)
+/* Return all but the first "n" matched characters back to the input stream. */
+#define yyless(n) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ /* Undo effects of setting up yytext. */ \
+ int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
+ YY_LESS_LINENO(yyless_macro_arg);\
+ *yy_cp = (yy_hold_char); \
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = yy_cp = yy_bp + yyless_macro_arg - YY_MORE_ADJ; \
+ YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION; /* set up yytext again */ \
+ } \
+ while ( 0 )
+#define unput(c) yyunput( c, (yytext_ptr) )
+typedef size_t yy_size_t;
+struct yy_buffer_state
+ {
+ std::istream* yy_input_file;
+ char *yy_ch_buf; /* input buffer */
+ char *yy_buf_pos; /* current position in input buffer */
+ /* Size of input buffer in bytes, not including room for EOB
+ * characters.
+ */
+ yy_size_t yy_buf_size;
+ /* Number of characters read into yy_ch_buf, not including EOB
+ * characters.
+ */
+ int yy_n_chars;
+ /* Whether we "own" the buffer - i.e., we know we created it,
+ * and can realloc() it to grow it, and should free() it to
+ * delete it.
+ */
+ int yy_is_our_buffer;
+ /* Whether this is an "interactive" input source; if so, and
+ * if we're using stdio for input, then we want to use getc()
+ * instead of fread(), to make sure we stop fetching input after
+ * each newline.
+ */
+ int yy_is_interactive;
+ /* Whether we're considered to be at the beginning of a line.
+ * If so, '^' rules will be active on the next match, otherwise
+ * not.
+ */
+ int yy_at_bol;
+ int yy_bs_lineno; /**< The line count. */
+ int yy_bs_column; /**< The column count. */
+ /* Whether to try to fill the input buffer when we reach the
+ * end of it.
+ */
+ int yy_fill_buffer;
+ int yy_buffer_status;
+#define YY_BUFFER_NEW 0
+ /* When an EOF's been seen but there's still some text to process
+ * then we mark the buffer as YY_EOF_PENDING, to indicate that we
+ * shouldn't try reading from the input source any more. We might
+ * still have a bunch of tokens to match, though, because of
+ * possible backing-up.
+ *
+ * When we actually see the EOF, we change the status to "new"
+ * (via yyrestart()), so that the user can continue scanning by
+ * just pointing yyin at a new input file.
+ */
+ };
+/* We provide macros for accessing buffer states in case in the
+ * future we want to put the buffer states in a more general
+ * "scanner state".
+ *
+ * Returns the top of the stack, or NULL.
+ */
+#define YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ( (yy_buffer_stack) \
+ ? (yy_buffer_stack)[(yy_buffer_stack_top)] \
+ : NULL)
+/* Same as previous macro, but useful when we know that the buffer stack is not
+ * NULL or when we need an lvalue. For internal use only.
+ */
+#define YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE (yy_buffer_stack)[(yy_buffer_stack_top)]
+void *yyalloc (yy_size_t );
+void *yyrealloc (void *,yy_size_t );
+void yyfree (void * );
+#define yy_new_buffer yy_create_buffer
+#define yy_set_interactive(is_interactive) \
+ { \
+ if ( ! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ){ \
+ yyensure_buffer_stack (); \
+ yy_create_buffer( yyin, YY_BUF_SIZE ); \
+ } \
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_is_interactive = is_interactive; \
+ }
+#define yy_set_bol(at_bol) \
+ { \
+ if ( ! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ){\
+ yyensure_buffer_stack (); \
+ yy_create_buffer( yyin, YY_BUF_SIZE ); \
+ } \
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_at_bol = at_bol; \
+ }
+#define YY_AT_BOL() (YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_at_bol)
+/* Begin user sect3 */
+typedef unsigned char YY_CHAR;
+#define yytext_ptr yytext
+#include <FlexLexer.h>
+int yyFlexLexer::yywrap() { return 1; }
+/* Done after the current pattern has been matched and before the
+ * corresponding action - sets up yytext.
+ */
+ (yytext_ptr) = yy_bp; \
+ yyleng = (size_t) (yy_cp - yy_bp); \
+ (yy_hold_char) = *yy_cp; \
+ *yy_cp = '\0'; \
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = yy_cp;
+#define YY_NUM_RULES 147
+#define YY_END_OF_BUFFER 148
+/* This struct is not used in this scanner,
+ but its presence is necessary. */
+struct yy_trans_info
+ {
+ flex_int32_t yy_verify;
+ flex_int32_t yy_nxt;
+ };
+static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_accept[2067] =
+ { 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 7, 148, 146,
+ 5, 16, 117, 146, 6, 146, 109, 146, 46, 108,
+ 144, 146, 132, 134, 133, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136,
+ 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 103, 136, 136, 136,
+ 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136,
+ 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 17, 110, 19, 15,
+ 146, 103, 30, 146, 5, 3, 3, 117, 146, 6,
+ 146, 109, 146, 46, 108, 144, 146, 132, 134, 136,
+ 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136,
+ 103, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136,
+ 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136,
+ 17, 110, 19, 7, 5, 7, 7, 6, 7, 7,
+ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
+ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
+ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
+ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
+ 7, 7, 5, 130, 0, 145, 10, 111, 121, 144,
+ 120, 1, 124, 135, 127, 136, 0, 136, 136, 136,
+ 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136,
+ 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136,
+ 136, 136, 122, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 114, 136,
+ 136, 136, 0, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 112,
+ 9, 4, 13, 140, 14, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140,
+ 140, 140, 11, 140, 140, 12, 18, 20, 0, 0,
+ 5, 130, 0, 145, 0, 10, 111, 121, 144, 120,
+ 1, 124, 135, 136, 0, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136,
+ 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136,
+ 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136,
+ 122, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 114, 136, 136, 136,
+ 0, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 112, 7, 5,
+ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 1, 7,
+ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
+ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
+ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
+ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
+ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 0, 0, 0,
+ 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136,
+ 136, 113, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136,
+ 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136,
+ 136, 136, 118, 136, 136, 136, 136, 0, 136, 136,
+ 28, 136, 136, 136, 136, 8, 0, 140, 140, 140,
+ 140, 140, 140, 129, 140, 140, 126, 140, 140, 140,
+ 140, 31, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 136, 136, 136,
+ 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 113, 136,
+ 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136,
+ 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 118,
+ 136, 136, 136, 136, 0, 136, 136, 28, 136, 136,
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+ } ;
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+ { 0,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 9, 10, 11,
+ 12, 1, 1, 1, 13, 14, 15, 16, 16, 16,
+ 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 1, 18,
+ 19, 20, 1, 1, 21, 22, 23, 24, 22, 22,
+ 22, 25, 26, 22, 22, 27, 22, 22, 28, 29,
+ 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 22, 22, 22, 22,
+ 1, 36, 1, 1, 37, 1, 38, 39, 40, 41,
+ 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,
+ 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61,
+ 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
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+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
+ } ;
+static yyconst flex_int32_t yy_meta[67] =
+ { 0,
+ 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5,
+ 6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 7, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
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+ 8, 8, 8, 4, 1, 4
+ } ;
+static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_base[2080] =
+ { 0,
+ 0, 0, 64, 65, 130, 0, 196, 0, 3618, 3619,
+ 67, 3619, 3598, 3610, 3619, 3607, 3605, 3593, 3619, 3619,
+ 3596, 3592, 56, 3591, 3590, 66, 68, 70, 72, 253,
+ 74, 255, 257, 76, 78, 81, 3619, 3598, 261, 264,
+ 267, 259, 270, 272, 274, 276, 278, 285, 280, 287,
+ 289, 83, 323, 293, 295, 316, 3619, 3542, 3619, 3619,
+ 3598, 382, 3540, 3584, 93, 3619, 94, 83, 332, 3583,
+ 91, 95, 3582, 3581, 3580, 90, 88, 108, 97, 448,
+ 514, 3547, 3556, 3539, 3550, 67, 3537, 3552, 3547, 3550,
+ 3571, 580, 294, 272, 307, 3529, 291, 3543, 3537, 3535,
+ 3534, 317, 3533, 3529, 3528, 316, 307, 3536, 241, 3535,
+ 3560, 331, 3559, 0, 362, 3559, 270, 0, 3569, 3567,
+ 3555, 0, 0, 3558, 3554, 322, 3553, 3552, 646, 712,
+ 3518, 3527, 3510, 3521, 318, 3508, 3523, 3518, 3521, 0,
+ 778, 320, 322, 315, 3501, 330, 3515, 3509, 3507, 3506,
+ 334, 3505, 3501, 3500, 337, 378, 3508, 337, 3507, 0,
+ 3487, 0, 387, 3619, 3545, 3619, 3619, 3619, 3619, 3534,
+ 3619, 3619, 3619, 3619, 3619, 3539, 367, 367, 373, 390,
+ 387, 393, 396, 398, 424, 441, 403, 459, 466, 3538,
+ 461, 482, 484, 409, 489, 463, 468, 486, 472, 494,
+ 496, 545, 548, 527, 536, 542, 532, 551, 400, 554,
+ 558, 564, 3490, 623, 534, 560, 566, 614, 556, 3619,
+ 3543, 3619, 3619, 3534, 3619, 632, 487, 434, 530, 616,
+ 631, 603, 629, 626, 497, 3533, 3619, 3619, 3523, 3522,
+ 615, 3521, 671, 3520, 469, 3519, 3518, 3517, 401, 3516,
+ 3515, 3514, 3513, 392, 660, 0, 3489, 3480, 3490, 3480,
+ 3477, 3481, 3470, 3479, 3484, 3473, 3471, 844, 3480, 3467,
+ 3463, 3463, 440, 3477, 3473, 3465, 377, 3459, 3458, 429,
+ 371, 3466, 3451, 3449, 3458, 3451, 0, 3455, 3455, 573,
+ 676, 579, 3455, 3454, 3457, 3449, 3444, 3480, 0, 619,
+ 0, 554, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3483, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 3488, 653, 0, 3454, 3445, 3455, 3445, 3442,
+ 3446, 3435, 3444, 3449, 3438, 3436, 910, 3445, 3432, 3428,
+ 3428, 581, 3442, 3438, 3430, 590, 3424, 3423, 582, 636,
+ 3431, 3416, 3414, 3423, 3416, 0, 3420, 3420, 646, 3413,
+ 648, 3419, 3418, 3421, 3413, 3408, 0, 3413, 3405, 3420,
+ 688, 693, 695, 697, 725, 739, 727, 730, 743, 746,
+ 750, 732, 748, 764, 752, 794, 755, 758, 805, 734,
+ 810, 812, 817, 801, 814, 824, 827, 830, 819, 863,
+ 821, 867, 807, 879, 887, 892, 876, 3447, 881, 865,
+ 924, 928, 884, 930, 932, 3619, 853, 3449, 59, 889,
+ 698, 836, 890, 717, 936, 704, 895, 893, 939, 940,
+ 941, 3448, 3619, 3452, 782, 761, 259, 3411, 580, 3404,
+ 3406, 3412, 3398, 3406, 3411, 3393, 3396, 3397, 0, 3392,
+ 3404, 3390, 3402, 3390, 3390, 3398, 3402, 3389, 3382, 3389,
+ 3398, 3378, 3392, 3391, 3390, 3380, 3388, 3383, 3382, 0,
+ 3380, 3382, 3385, 3367, 680, 3367, 3380, 916, 3379, 3368,
+ 3377, 3373, 3366, 3358, 3373, 3368, 767, 3361, 3363, 3369,
+ 3355, 3363, 3368, 3350, 3353, 3354, 0, 3349, 3361, 3347,
+ 3359, 3347, 3347, 3355, 3359, 3346, 3339, 3346, 3355, 3335,
+ 3349, 3348, 3347, 3337, 3345, 3340, 3339, 0, 3337, 3339,
+ 3342, 3324, 3366, 3323, 3336, 917, 3335, 3324, 3333, 3329,
+ 3361, 3315, 3314, 947, 949, 954, 956, 873, 968, 958,
+ 976, 980, 982, 989, 991, 993, 998, 1000, 1005, 1002,
+ 1009, 1014, 1011, 1016, 1019, 1021, 1024, 1026, 1029, 1031,
+ 1033, 1050, 1052, 1054, 1060, 1064, 1067, 1071, 1073, 3619,
+ 1079, 1081, 1083, 1085, 1087, 1089, 1091, 1101, 3319, 3311,
+ 3326, 3356, 977, 3355, 753, 1012, 3354, 1057, 1044, 3353,
+ 3352, 3351, 3350, 3349, 960, 876, 1046, 1067, 3308, 3318,
+ 3315, 3298, 0, 3317, 3294, 3296, 3304, 3326, 3301, 0,
+ 3297, 3293, 3301, 3302, 1065, 3287, 1080, 3298, 3290, 3285,
+ 3303, 3291, 0, 3288, 3283, 3282, 0, 3281, 3285, 3284,
+ 3291, 3290, 3286, 3275, 3309, 3286, 3272, 3284, 3273, 3284,
+ 3272, 3267, 847, 3309, 3263, 3262, 3267, 3277, 3274, 3257,
+ 0, 3276, 3253, 3255, 3263, 3285, 3260, 0, 3256, 3252,
+ 3260, 3261, 1066, 3246, 1087, 3257, 3249, 3244, 3262, 3250,
+ 0, 3247, 3242, 3241, 0, 3240, 3244, 3243, 3250, 3249,
+ 3245, 3234, 0, 3246, 3232, 3244, 3233, 3244, 3232, 3227,
+ 1006, 3619, 3269, 3268, 1120, 1123, 1128, 1131, 1133, 1139,
+ 1141, 1144, 1146, 1148, 1150, 1153, 1155, 1157, 1160, 1162,
+ 1164, 1167, 1169, 1171, 1181, 1183, 1185, 1195, 1190, 1197,
+ 1202, 1205, 1210, 1215, 1217, 1221, 1224, 1226, 1235, 1237,
+ 1239, 1241, 1249, 1244, 1254, 1256, 1258, 3267, 3221, 3220,
+ 3265, 1172, 1165, 3264, 3263, 1222, 3253, 961, 1251, 3230,
+ 3246, 3209, 3216, 3213, 3221, 3220, 3240, 3206, 3221, 3201,
+ 3204, 3218, 3217, 3216, 3201, 3203, 3203, 3199, 3202, 3203,
+ 3195, 3194, 3200, 0, 3192, 3191, 3209, 3199, 3198, 3203,
+ 0, 3204, 3195, 3183, 3183, 3177, 3188, 3187, 0, 3198,
+ 3183, 3175, 0, 3220, 3219, 3188, 3204, 3167, 3174, 3171,
+ 3179, 3178, 3198, 3164, 3179, 3159, 3162, 3176, 3175, 3174,
+ 3159, 3161, 3161, 3157, 3160, 3161, 3153, 3152, 3158, 0,
+ 3150, 3149, 3167, 3157, 3156, 3161, 0, 3162, 3153, 3141,
+ 3141, 3135, 3146, 3145, 0, 3156, 3141, 3133, 3619, 3619,
+ 1263, 1265, 1271, 1273, 1294, 1298, 1267, 1300, 1302, 1304,
+ 1310, 1323, 1314, 1317, 1320, 1325, 1327, 1330, 1332, 1334,
+ 1336, 1338, 1342, 1352, 1354, 1361, 1369, 1371, 1373, 1375,
+ 1377, 1379, 1381, 1383, 1388, 1391, 1394, 1396, 1399, 1401,
+ 3619, 3178, 3177, 1187, 1269, 1094, 3168, 3167, 972, 3128,
+ 1264, 3136, 1215, 3128, 3124, 3124, 3132, 3155, 3133, 1089,
+ 3137, 3126, 3126, 3133, 3125, 3142, 3130, 0, 3129, 0,
+ 0, 0, 3128, 3127, 3129, 3104, 3103, 3108, 3125, 3123,
+ 3110, 3119, 3122, 3104, 3090, 3087, 0, 3062, 0, 0,
+ 1274, 3060, 1390, 3062, 1278, 3054, 3036, 3036, 3042, 3065,
+ 3043, 1332, 3043, 3018, 3018, 3025, 3017, 3034, 3022, 0,
+ 3021, 0, 0, 0, 3020, 3019, 3021, 2996, 2995, 3000,
+ 3017, 3015, 3002, 3010, 3013, 3003, 2996, 3008, 0, 2989,
+ 1407, 1412, 1417, 1419, 1428, 1430, 1432, 1437, 1434, 1439,
+ 1441, 1444, 1446, 1450, 1452, 1458, 1465, 1467, 1469, 1474,
+ 1477, 1480, 1486, 1488, 1490, 1495, 1500, 1502, 1504, 1507,
+ 1515, 1510, 1519, 1521, 1523, 1527, 1530, 1534, 1537, 1545,
+ 3619, 3619, 3034, 3033, 1295, 2991, 2984, 2992, 1027, 32,
+ 352, 363, 449, 505, 573, 588, 648, 913, 925, 998,
+ 1068, 1077, 1108, 0, 1144, 0, 1161, 1167, 1172, 0,
+ 1230, 0, 1233, 1290, 1297, 1546, 1310, 1316, 1332, 1320,
+ 1345, 1357, 1344, 1362, 1383, 1372, 1373, 1404, 1506, 1407,
+ 1425, 1431, 1430, 1436, 1461, 1465, 1475, 1478, 1484, 1503,
+ 1506, 1502, 1524, 0, 1520, 0, 1521, 1523, 1515, 0,
+ 1528, 0, 1517, 1529, 1530, 1571, 1524, 1521, 1536, 1524,
+ 1534, 1545, 1530, 1535, 1551, 1583, 1585, 1587, 1590, 1592,
+ 1594, 1596, 1599, 1601, 1603, 1605, 1607, 1609, 1611, 1613,
+ 1615, 1627, 1634, 1636, 1644, 1646, 1649, 1653, 1655, 1657,
+ 1659, 1663, 1589, 1667, 1669, 1671, 1679, 1695, 1681, 1686,
+ 1691, 1697, 1700, 1706, 1714, 1580, 1579, 1582, 1590, 1606,
+ 1600, 1612, 1618, 1643, 1636, 1639, 1671, 1676, 1654, 0,
+ 1664, 1684, 1672, 1678, 1691, 1680, 1692, 1685, 1695, 1679,
+ 1679, 1726, 1727, 1681, 1691, 1705, 1703, 1722, 0, 1695,
+ 1695, 0, 1691, 1692, 1695, 1702, 1705, 1706, 1714, 1710,
+ 1712, 1709, 1722, 1715, 1717, 1746, 1748, 1723, 0, 1724,
+ 1736, 1719, 1725, 1738, 1727, 1738, 1731, 1743, 1727, 1727,
+ 1773, 1774, 1750, 1729, 1739, 1753, 1750, 1769, 0, 1742,
+ 1742, 0, 1738, 1739, 1742, 1793, 1797, 1799, 1801, 1806,
+ 1808, 1810, 1812, 1814, 1820, 1816, 1823, 1826, 1828, 1832,
+ 1838, 1840, 1844, 1848, 1857, 1852, 1861, 1863, 1868, 1758,
+ 1870, 1872, 1811, 1874, 1876, 1741, 1789, 1880, 1888, 1882,
+ 1897, 1891, 1901, 1905, 1913, 1917, 1920, 1922, 1924, 1926,
+ 1836, 1805, 1807, 0, 1820, 1825, 1848, 1849, 1890, 1878,
+ 1872, 1880, 1877, 0, 1889, 1882, 1902, 1885, 1882, 1888,
+ 1933, 0, 1905, 1903, 1899, 1932, 1899, 1917, 1937, 1904,
+ 1920, 1921, 1929, 1902, 1912, 1960, 1913, 1928, 1926, 1928,
+ 1925, 1924, 1929, 1936, 1944, 1935, 0, 1945, 1947, 1939,
+ 1934, 1967, 1952, 1944, 1949, 1943, 0, 1947, 1940, 1960,
+ 1943, 1938, 1944, 1989, 0, 1961, 1958, 1954, 1965, 1955,
+ 1970, 1968, 1958, 1973, 1952, 1962, 1976, 1983, 1956, 1966,
+ 2014, 1967, 1983, 1981, 1981, 1976, 1972, 1977, 1983, 2020,
+ 2023, 2027, 2030, 2032, 2035, 2037, 2039, 2041, 2044, 2046,
+ 2048, 2050, 2052, 2057, 2054, 2059, 1992, 2061, 2063, 2068,
+ 2070, 2072, 1987, 2006, 2077, 2080, 2001, 2046, 2083, 2087,
+ 2061, 2096, 2092, 2095, 2097, 2100, 2060, 2105, 2107, 2109,
+ 2113, 2115, 2118, 2129, 2131, 2133, 2103, 2075, 0, 2082,
+ 2086, 0, 2092, 2084, 2099, 0, 2104, 2097, 0, 2106,
+ 2092, 2112, 0, 0, 2132, 2110, 2118, 0, 2107, 2121,
+ 2144, 2146, 2115, 2116, 2148, 2149, 2120, 2122, 2112, 2114,
+ 2139, 2141, 2129, 2129, 2129, 2144, 0, 2143, 2144, 2147,
+ 2139, 2144, 0, 2143, 2146, 0, 2151, 2142, 2149, 0,
+ 2155, 2148, 0, 2157, 2144, 2164, 0, 0, 2160, 2161,
+ 2167, 0, 2154, 2166, 2156, 2171, 2160, 2160, 2160, 2175,
+ 2164, 2164, 2178, 2213, 2156, 2157, 2182, 2184, 2170, 2173,
+ 2173, 2173, 2188, 0, 2185, 2186, 2188, 2180, 2221, 2223,
+ 2225, 2227, 2229, 2231, 2233, 2235, 2237, 2239, 2241, 2215,
+ 2246, 2244, 2249, 2251, 2208, 2212, 2254, 2257, 2216, 2218,
+ 2267, 2260, 2213, 2223, 2276, 2278, 2280, 2283, 2238, 2285,
+ 2292, 2296, 2299, 2301, 2303, 2305, 2307, 2286, 2268, 0,
+ 2269, 2265, 2271, 2273, 2285, 2287, 0, 2281, 2272, 2310,
+ 2293, 2277, 2282, 0, 2314, 2315, 2299, 2294, 2320, 2321,
+ 2305, 2300, 2313, 2297, 2287, 2295, 2314, 2309, 2304, 2304,
+ 0, 0, 0, 2303, 2306, 0, 2307, 2303, 2310, 2311,
+ 2323, 2326, 0, 2321, 2311, 2331, 2333, 2318, 2323, 0,
+ 2325, 2325, 2339, 2334, 2329, 2329, 2343, 2338, 2321, 2328,
+ 2353, 2336, 2325, 2332, 2346, 2352, 2347, 2342, 2342, 0,
+ 0, 0, 2341, 2385, 2387, 2389, 2391, 2394, 2396, 2399,
+ 2401, 2403, 2348, 2405, 2407, 2409, 2370, 2377, 2416, 2419,
+ 2384, 2380, 2423, 2425, 2424, 2375, 2428, 2431, 2436, 2441,
+ 3619, 2443, 2453, 2448, 2455, 2461, 2402, 2405, 2406, 2397,
+ 2430, 2426, 2429, 2420, 2431, 2458, 2424, 2432, 0, 2462,
+ 2461, 2437, 2442, 2468, 2465, 2441, 2449, 2430, 2454, 2457,
+ 2434, 2451, 2456, 2463, 2458, 2455, 2469, 2470, 2469, 2453,
+ 2476, 2467, 2470, 2461, 2472, 2464, 2465, 2473, 0, 2484,
+ 2479, 2478, 2483, 2488, 2483, 2482, 2487, 2526, 2469, 2470,
+ 2494, 2497, 2473, 0, 2490, 2495, 2500, 2495, 2491, 2531,
+ 2533, 2535, 2537, 2539, 2541, 2543, 2546, 2548, 2507, 2550,
+ 2553, 2516, 2523, 2556, 2558, 2524, 2529, 2562, 2564, 2520,
+ 2527, 2570, 2572, 2574, 2582, 2589, 2591, 2595, 2600, 2598,
+ 2521, 2530, 2544, 2555, 2546, 0, 2561, 2571, 2559, 2597,
+ 2568, 2580, 2601, 2606, 2568, 0, 2603, 2608, 2571, 0,
+ 2575, 2575, 2573, 2581, 2582, 0, 2588, 2593, 2590, 2580,
+ 2581, 2588, 2601, 2589, 0, 2600, 2609, 2597, 2606, 2607,
+ 2618, 2611, 2616, 2608, 0, 2614, 2619, 2611, 0, 2607,
+ 2614, 2615, 2614, 2611, 2618, 2618, 0, 2624, 2629, 2626,
+ 2663, 2665, 2667, 2669, 2671, 2674, 2676, 2678, 2645, 2680,
+ 2682, 2643, 3619, 2685, 2646, 3619, 2688, 2638, 2662, 2692,
+ 2694, 2696, 2703, 2705, 2709, 2715, 2718, 2662, 2664, 2666,
+ 2666, 2686, 2695, 2688, 2692, 2716, 2699, 2683, 2720, 2721,
+ 0, 2724, 2725, 0, 2707, 2698, 2686, 2710, 0, 2699,
+ 0, 2708, 2706, 2707, 2698, 2695, 2711, 2721, 2716, 2720,
+ 2726, 2727, 2710, 2716, 0, 0, 2717, 0, 0, 2707,
+ 2731, 2733, 2724, 2712, 2737, 0, 2726, 0, 2735, 2769,
+ 2771, 2773, 2775, 2777, 2779, 2781, 2784, 2737, 2786, 2788,
+ 3619, 3619, 2751, 2750, 2793, 2795, 2797, 2802, 2799, 2804,
+ 2764, 2765, 2780, 2795, 2770, 2767, 2787, 2780, 2807, 2772,
+ 0, 2811, 2812, 2781, 2778, 2785, 2785, 0, 2776, 2787,
+ 2788, 2803, 2818, 2792, 2789, 2810, 2803, 2794, 2796, 0,
+ 0, 0, 2803, 2803, 2804, 2801, 2808, 2807, 0, 2798,
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+ 2838, 2833, 2873, 2875, 2877, 2879, 2881, 2842, 2843, 2838,
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+ 2902, 2907, 2904, 0, 0, 2915, 2913, 0, 2911, 2915,
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+ 34, 35, 27, 27, 36, 37, 38, 39, 27, 40,
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+ 182, 191, 197, 192, 186, 195, 193, 202, 198, 199,
+ 291, 201, 206, 273, 203, 176, 177, 204, 278, 205,
+ 207, 208, 176, 177, 165, 165, 213, 244, 216, 309,
+ 310, 209, 279, 210, 269, 217, 270, 218, 274, 271,
+ 240, 245, 275, 289, 284, 321, 333, 290, 276, 331,
+ 334, 219, 285, 300, 292, 300, 335, 337, 293, 322,
+ 328, 343, 329, 332, 348, 330, 176, 177, 349, 344,
+ 214, 338, 176, 177, 215, 222, 223, 354, 163, 355,
+ 163, 350, 358, 1133, 359, 298, 176, 177, 360, 176,
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+ 231, 232, 233, 176, 177, 351, 234, 235, 236, 352,
+ 362, 364, 369, 366, 407, 237, 365, 238, 239, 239,
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+ 443, 176, 177, 239, 452, 413, 368, 453, 424, 444,
+ 257, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 407, 176, 177,
+ 1135, 372, 378, 176, 177, 176, 177, 407, 370, 381,
+ 379, 239, 239, 239, 239, 239, 371, 382, 239, 239,
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+ 384, 176, 177, 422, 176, 177, 165, 176, 177, 303,
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+ 385, 396, 391, 386, 387, 394, 388, 393, 395, 402,
+ 463, 403, 405, 407, 1137, 239, 241, 466, 163, 397,
+ 300, 491, 300, 176, 177, 590, 407, 496, 464, 1138,
+ 492, 467, 176, 177, 240, 497, 407, 500, 591, 407,
+ 501, 407, 407, 239, 239, 239, 299, 299, 419, 299,
+ 299, 299, 299, 299, 299, 313, 314, 299, 299, 299,
+ 299, 399, 299, 299, 299, 299, 404, 415, 416, 409,
+ 420, 421, 417, 165, 165, 400, 244, 410, 473, 240,
+ 474, 299, 418, 511, 475, 425, 514, 426, 316, 411,
+ 245, 427, 502, 625, 503, 240, 1139, 176, 177, 240,
+ 515, 512, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 407, 299,
+ 299, 299, 299, 299, 407, 299, 299, 299, 299, 299,
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+ 574, 526, 176, 177, 579, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176,
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+ 577, 543, 531, 176, 177, 299, 299, 299, 299, 299,
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+ 535, 240, 536, 176, 177, 537, 538, 540, 732, 541,
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+ 239, 239, 239, 240, 546, 549, 554, 545, 550, 552,
+ 548, 551, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 569, 239,
+ 570, 575, 176, 177, 571, 176, 177, 737, 176, 177,
+ 176, 177, 781, 176, 177, 240, 176, 177, 782, 407,
+ 407, 176, 177, 407, 553, 407, 562, 239, 239, 239,
+ 299, 299, 555, 299, 299, 299, 299, 299, 299, 313,
+ 299, 299, 299, 299, 299, 556, 299, 299, 299, 299,
+ 557, 558, 559, 176, 177, 566, 561, 176, 177, 176,
+ 177, 176, 177, 573, 576, 299, 407, 581, 580, 407,
+ 407, 407, 628, 676, 629, 677, 176, 177, 176, 177,
+ 563, 1140, 564, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 565,
+ 407, 567, 877, 299, 299, 299, 568, 176, 177, 582,
+ 240, 578, 1141, 583, 585, 176, 177, 407, 686, 176,
+ 177, 176, 177, 584, 1006, 687, 1007, 685, 176, 177,
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+ 699, 827, 696, 700, 407, 703, 704, 828, 707, 176,
+ 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 240, 701, 407, 705, 176,
+ 177, 1130, 708, 176, 177, 706, 176, 177, 1131, 709,
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+ 176, 177, 738, 713, 407, 715, 712, 734, 716, 714,
+ 176, 177, 757, 754, 800, 717, 755, 801, 1143, 803,
+ 719, 758, 1021, 739, 721, 1022, 723, 718, 804, 176,
+ 177, 1005, 176, 177, 1144, 720, 722, 176, 177, 724,
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+ 177, 845, 1147, 839, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1148, 842,
+ 841, 176, 177, 875, 176, 177, 847, 846, 848, 176,
+ 177, 850, 1149, 849, 176, 177, 176, 177, 874, 851,
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+ 853, 857, 1003, 854, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177,
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+ 859, 861, 878, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1150,
+ 240, 862, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 876, 407,
+ 176, 177, 176, 177, 1151, 961, 1009, 962, 1010, 866,
+ 868, 863, 864, 964, 1011, 965, 1046, 867, 1047, 865,
+ 1053, 966, 1054, 176, 177, 407, 869, 176, 177, 176,
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+ 973, 176, 177, 970, 978, 975, 976, 972, 1157, 977,
+ 983, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1061, 981, 979, 1062, 980,
+ 176, 177, 1158, 984, 1159, 982, 1160, 985, 176, 177,
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+ 176, 177, 1049, 1164, 1050, 992, 176, 177, 993, 1165,
+ 1051, 176, 177, 1166, 995, 996, 176, 177, 176, 177,
+ 1167, 991, 994, 989, 999, 990, 997, 176, 177, 176,
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+ 1090, 1092, 1173, 1093, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177,
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+ 1169, 1116, 1181, 1110, 176, 177, 1182, 1170, 1117, 1183,
+ 1184, 1185, 1186, 1119, 1187, 1188, 1154, 1189, 1190, 1122,
+ 1191, 1192, 1197, 1155, 1193, 1118, 1121, 1198, 1199, 1120,
+ 1200, 1125, 1156, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1124, 1123,
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+ 1253, 1209, 1206, 1207, 1251, 1208, 176, 177, 1254, 1213,
+ 1237, 1210, 1211, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1255, 1212, 1256,
+ 1214, 1215, 1220, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1218, 176, 177,
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+ 176, 177, 1264, 1234, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1240, 176,
+ 177, 1228, 1265, 1232, 1229, 176, 177, 1235, 1243, 1239,
+ 1242, 1266, 1241, 176, 177, 1244, 1238, 1267, 1268, 1269,
+ 1270, 1245, 1271, 1272, 1273, 1274, 1275, 1246, 1276, 1279,
+ 1282, 1283, 1284, 1247, 1286, 1287, 1290, 1291, 1292, 1293,
+ 1294, 1295, 1288, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1285, 1248, 1289, 1299,
+ 1300, 1301, 1302, 1249, 1303, 1304, 1277, 1280, 1305, 1250,
+ 1306, 1307, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1311, 1312, 1313, 1314, 1315,
+ 1278, 1281, 1316, 1317, 1318, 1319, 1322, 1325, 1327, 1328,
+ 1329, 1331, 1332, 1335, 1336, 1337, 1338, 1339, 1363, 1333,
+ 1371, 1326, 176, 177, 1330, 1334, 176, 177, 176, 177,
+ 176, 177, 1364, 1320, 1323, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176,
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+ 177, 1340, 176, 177, 1346, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1372,
+ 1342, 176, 177, 1388, 1343, 1341, 407, 176, 177, 176,
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+ 1396, 1365, 176, 177, 1397, 1369, 176, 177, 1398, 176,
+ 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1399, 1400, 1401,
+ 1402, 1375, 1379, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1408, 1376, 1409, 1410,
+ 1413, 240, 1378, 1380, 1414, 1417, 240, 1418, 1419, 1382,
+ 1420, 1421, 1422, 1377, 1423, 1424, 1425, 1381, 1383, 1406,
+ 1427, 1386, 1411, 1428, 1385, 1407, 1384, 1415, 1429, 1430,
+ 1426, 1431, 1432, 1433, 1434, 1435, 1412, 1436, 1437, 1438,
+ 1439, 1416, 1440, 1441, 1442, 1443, 1444, 1445, 1446, 1447,
+ 1448, 1449, 1452, 1453, 1454, 1455, 1457, 1458, 1459, 1461,
+ 1462, 1463, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1467, 1468, 1469, 1470, 1456,
+ 1471, 1472, 1460, 1474, 1475, 1450, 1476, 1477, 1478, 176,
+ 177, 1451, 176, 177, 1490, 1473, 176, 177, 1495, 176,
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+ 177, 176, 177, 1500, 1484, 1485, 176, 177, 1483, 176,
+ 177, 1487, 176, 177, 1489, 1486, 176, 177, 1503, 1504,
+ 1492, 176, 177, 1491, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1488, 176,
+ 177, 1509, 1494, 407, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177,
+ 1519, 1493, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1497, 176, 177, 1520,
+ 1498, 1521, 1501, 1522, 1507, 1523, 1508, 1502, 176, 177,
+ 176, 177, 176, 177, 1524, 1525, 1526, 1527, 1528, 1529,
+ 1513, 240, 1531, 1505, 1510, 1532, 1506, 1511, 1533, 1514,
+ 1512, 1534, 1518, 240, 1537, 240, 1538, 240, 240, 1541,
+ 1515, 1516, 1542, 1543, 1530, 1544, 1545, 1546, 1547, 1548,
+ 1549, 1550, 1517, 1536, 1551, 1552, 1540, 1553, 1554, 1555,
+ 1556, 1557, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1535, 1561, 1562, 1563, 1539,
+ 1564, 1565, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569, 1570, 1571, 1572, 1573,
+ 1574, 1575, 1576, 1577, 1578, 1579, 1580, 1581, 1582, 1583,
+ 1584, 1585, 1586, 1587, 1588, 1589, 1590, 1591, 1592, 1593,
+ 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177,
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+ 176, 177, 1603, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1607, 176, 177,
+ 176, 177, 1608, 176, 177, 1611, 176, 177, 1612, 176,
+ 177, 1594, 1599, 1600, 1615, 1595, 176, 177, 1616, 1597,
+ 1621, 1598, 1596, 1604, 1601, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176,
+ 177, 1609, 176, 177, 176, 177, 407, 1602, 1605, 1606,
+ 1610, 176, 177, 1614, 1613, 176, 177, 1617, 176, 177,
+ 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1627, 1628,
+ 1629, 1630, 1622, 1631, 1632, 1633, 1634, 1618, 1635, 240,
+ 1637, 1638, 1639, 240, 240, 1623, 1642, 1643, 1620, 240,
+ 240, 1619, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1624, 1649, 1636, 1650, 1625,
+ 1651, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659, 1626,
+ 1660, 1661, 1662, 1640, 1663, 1641, 1664, 1665, 1666, 1644,
+ 1667, 1645, 1668, 1669, 1670, 1671, 1672, 1673, 1674, 1675,
+ 1676, 1677, 1678, 1679, 1680, 1681, 1682, 1683, 1684, 1685,
+ 1686, 1687, 1688, 1689, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177,
+ 176, 177, 1699, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1702, 176, 177,
+ 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177,
+ 1703, 1706, 1690, 1707, 1691, 176, 177, 1710, 176, 177,
+ 1692, 1694, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1711, 176, 177, 1721,
+ 176, 177, 1722, 1695, 1696, 176, 177, 1723, 1698, 1693,
+ 176, 177, 176, 177, 1701, 1724, 1697, 176, 177, 1700,
+ 1705, 1704, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1709, 1725, 1708, 1713,
+ 176, 177, 1714, 1726, 1727, 1728, 1729, 240, 1731, 1732,
+ 240, 240, 1735, 1736, 240, 1718, 1739, 240, 1716, 1712,
+ 1740, 1741, 1742, 1743, 1717, 1744, 1745, 1746, 1719, 1733,
+ 1747, 1748, 1715, 1749, 1734, 1737, 1750, 1751, 1738, 1720,
+ 1752, 1753, 1730, 1754, 1755, 1756, 1757, 1758, 1759, 1760,
+ 1761, 1762, 1763, 1764, 1765, 1766, 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770,
+ 1771, 1772, 1773, 1774, 1775, 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780,
+ 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177,
+ 176, 177, 176, 177, 1789, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176,
+ 177, 1792, 176, 177, 1793, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1795,
+ 1796, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1798, 1799, 1808, 1784, 176,
+ 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1783, 1809, 1781, 1787, 1782,
+ 1791, 176, 177, 1786, 1810, 1785, 1811, 1790, 176, 177,
+ 176, 177, 1812, 1788, 176, 177, 1794, 176, 177, 176,
+ 177, 1813, 1797, 1814, 1815, 1817, 240, 1818, 1821, 1800,
+ 240, 1824, 240, 1801, 1825, 240, 1826, 240, 1827, 1802,
+ 1828, 1803, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1804,
+ 1805, 1806, 1836, 1807, 1816, 1837, 1819, 1820, 1822, 1823,
+ 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847,
+ 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857,
+ 1858, 1859, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177,
+ 176, 177, 1868, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176,
+ 177, 176, 177, 1871, 176, 177, 1872, 176, 177, 1873,
+ 1874, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1881, 1860, 1882,
+ 1861, 1865, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1864, 1869, 176, 177,
+ 1867, 1866, 1883, 1862, 176, 177, 1884, 176, 177, 1863,
+ 1875, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 240, 1890, 1870, 1891, 240,
+ 240, 1878, 1876, 240, 240, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898,
+ 1899, 1900, 1901, 1889, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1877, 1905, 1879,
+ 1880, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914,
+ 1892, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1893, 1918, 1919, 1920, 176, 177,
+ 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177,
+ 176, 177, 1929, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1924,
+ 1931, 1932, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177,
+ 1923, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1927, 1941,
+ 1921, 1942, 1922, 1943, 1944, 1945, 240, 1947, 1925, 1928,
+ 240, 240, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1926, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954,
+ 1955, 1930, 1956, 1957, 1933, 1958, 1935, 1959, 1960, 1961,
+ 1934, 1962, 1963, 1936, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969,
+ 176, 177, 1946, 176, 177, 1937, 176, 177, 176, 177,
+ 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 1978, 176, 177, 176,
+ 177, 1979, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177,
+ 176, 177, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990,
+ 240, 1970, 1991, 1976, 1971, 1977, 1992, 1993, 1975, 1994,
+ 1995, 1974, 1996, 1972, 1997, 1981, 1973, 1998, 1999, 2000,
+ 2001, 1980, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 1982, 176, 177,
+ 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177,
+ 176, 177, 176, 177, 2012, 2013, 176, 177, 176, 177,
+ 176, 177, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024,
+ 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031, 2032, 2007, 2033,
+ 2034, 2011, 2040, 2008, 176, 177, 176, 177, 2042, 2010,
+ 2009, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177, 2043,
+ 2015, 2044, 2014, 176, 177, 2045, 2016, 176, 177, 2046,
+ 2047, 2048, 2049, 2050, 2051, 2052, 2053, 2054, 176, 177,
+ 176, 177, 176, 177, 2057, 2036, 2035, 2038, 176, 177,
+ 176, 177, 2037, 176, 177, 2059, 2039, 2060, 2061, 2062,
+ 2063, 2064, 2041, 2065, 176, 177, 176, 177, 176, 177,
+ 1129, 1128, 1127, 407, 407, 1085, 1084, 1083, 1082, 2055,
+ 1081, 1080, 2056, 1079, 1078, 1077, 1076, 1075, 1074, 1073,
+ 1072, 1071, 1070, 1069, 1068, 1067, 1066, 1065, 1064, 2058,
+ 165, 165, 165, 165, 165, 165, 165, 165, 178, 178,
+ 178, 178, 190, 1063, 190, 190, 224, 224, 1060, 1059,
+ 1058, 224, 239, 1057, 1056, 239, 239, 239, 239, 239,
+ 243, 243, 243, 243, 243, 243, 243, 243, 256, 1055,
+ 1052, 256, 256, 256, 256, 256, 268, 1048, 1045, 268,
+ 268, 268, 268, 268, 299, 1044, 299, 299, 299, 299,
+ 299, 299, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302, 302,
+ 315, 1043, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 327, 1042,
+ 327, 327, 327, 327, 327, 327, 408, 408, 408, 1041,
+ 1040, 1039, 1038, 1037, 1036, 1035, 1034, 1033, 1032, 1031,
+ 1030, 1029, 1028, 1027, 1026, 1025, 1024, 1023, 1020, 1019,
+ 1018, 1017, 1016, 1015, 1012, 1008, 240, 240, 1002, 1001,
+ 960, 959, 958, 957, 956, 955, 954, 953, 952, 951,
+ 950, 949, 948, 947, 946, 945, 944, 943, 942, 941,
+ 940, 939, 938, 937, 936, 935, 934, 933, 932, 931,
+ 930, 929, 928, 927, 926, 925, 924, 923, 922, 921,
+ 920, 919, 918, 917, 916, 915, 914, 913, 912, 911,
+ 910, 909, 908, 907, 906, 905, 904, 903, 902, 901,
+ 900, 899, 898, 897, 896, 895, 894, 893, 892, 891,
+ 890, 889, 888, 887, 886, 885, 884, 883, 882, 881,
+ 880, 879, 240, 407, 407, 407, 873, 872, 871, 830,
+ 829, 826, 825, 824, 823, 822, 821, 820, 819, 818,
+ 817, 816, 815, 814, 813, 812, 811, 810, 809, 808,
+ 807, 806, 805, 802, 799, 798, 797, 796, 795, 794,
+ 793, 792, 791, 790, 789, 788, 787, 786, 785, 784,
+ 783, 780, 779, 778, 777, 776, 775, 774, 240, 773,
+ 772, 771, 770, 769, 768, 767, 766, 765, 764, 763,
+ 762, 761, 760, 759, 756, 753, 752, 751, 750, 749,
+ 748, 747, 746, 745, 744, 743, 742, 741, 740, 407,
+ 407, 407, 407, 407, 407, 407, 407, 730, 729, 728,
+ 684, 683, 682, 681, 680, 679, 678, 675, 674, 673,
+ 672, 671, 670, 669, 668, 667, 666, 665, 664, 663,
+ 662, 661, 660, 659, 658, 657, 656, 655, 654, 653,
+ 652, 651, 650, 649, 648, 647, 646, 645, 644, 643,
+ 642, 641, 640, 637, 636, 635, 634, 633, 632, 631,
+ 630, 627, 626, 624, 623, 622, 621, 620, 619, 618,
+ 617, 616, 615, 614, 613, 612, 611, 610, 609, 608,
+ 607, 606, 605, 604, 603, 602, 601, 600, 599, 598,
+ 597, 596, 595, 594, 593, 592, 589, 166, 407, 407,
+ 560, 523, 522, 521, 520, 519, 518, 517, 516, 513,
+ 510, 509, 508, 507, 506, 505, 504, 499, 498, 495,
+ 494, 493, 490, 489, 488, 487, 486, 485, 484, 483,
+ 482, 481, 480, 479, 478, 477, 476, 313, 307, 240,
+ 472, 471, 470, 469, 468, 462, 461, 460, 459, 458,
+ 457, 456, 451, 450, 447, 446, 445, 442, 441, 440,
+ 439, 438, 437, 436, 435, 434, 433, 432, 431, 430,
+ 429, 428, 240, 240, 240, 240, 423, 240, 240, 240,
+ 240, 423, 240, 407, 407, 406, 398, 176, 176, 170,
+ 166, 357, 356, 353, 347, 346, 345, 342, 341, 340,
+ 339, 336, 326, 325, 324, 323, 320, 319, 318, 317,
+ 312, 311, 308, 307, 306, 305, 304, 301, 240, 240,
+ 297, 294, 288, 287, 286, 283, 282, 281, 280, 277,
+ 240, 267, 266, 265, 264, 261, 260, 259, 258, 240,
+ 240, 248, 240, 240, 220, 221, 220, 176, 175, 174,
+ 171, 170, 169, 168, 167, 166, 164, 2066, 9, 2066,
+ 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066,
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+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 11, 409,
+ 11, 3, 4, 23, 23, 26, 26, 27, 27, 28,
+ 28, 29, 29, 31, 31, 34, 34, 35, 35, 1010,
+ 36, 36, 52, 52, 65, 67, 65, 67, 71, 3,
+ 4, 68, 68, 72, 86, 76, 77, 77, 26, 76,
+ 71, 409, 65, 29, 72, 79, 79, 34, 86, 31,
+ 52, 28, 36, 35, 52, 78, 78, 78, 3, 4,
+ 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
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+ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
+ 7, 7, 30, 30, 32, 32, 33, 33, 42, 42,
+ 39, 39, 117, 40, 40, 117, 41, 41, 427, 43,
+ 43, 44, 44, 45, 45, 46, 46, 47, 47, 49,
+ 49, 109, 32, 109, 48, 48, 50, 50, 51, 51,
+ 427, 40, 54, 54, 55, 55, 32, 43, 41, 94,
+ 30, 39, 41, 39, 33, 40, 39, 44, 41, 42,
+ 107, 43, 48, 94, 45, 56, 56, 46, 97, 47,
+ 48, 49, 53, 53, 69, 69, 53, 69, 54, 126,
+ 126, 50, 97, 51, 93, 55, 93, 55, 95, 93,
+ 112, 69, 95, 106, 102, 135, 144, 106, 95, 143,
+ 144, 56, 102, 115, 107, 115, 144, 146, 107, 135,
+ 142, 151, 142, 143, 155, 142, 178, 178, 155, 151,
+ 53, 146, 179, 179, 53, 62, 62, 158, 163, 158,
+ 163, 156, 177, 1011, 177, 112, 181, 181, 177, 180,
+ 180, 254, 182, 182, 1012, 183, 183, 184, 184, 209,
+ 209, 254, 187, 187, 277, 179, 249, 62, 194, 194,
+ 249, 62, 277, 62, 62, 62, 181, 281, 62, 281,
+ 62, 62, 62, 185, 185, 156, 62, 62, 62, 156,
+ 180, 182, 187, 184, 228, 62, 183, 62, 80, 80,
+ 186, 186, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80,
+ 80, 80, 80, 194, 80, 80, 80, 80, 188, 188,
+ 191, 191, 196, 196, 245, 189, 189, 197, 197, 185,
+ 273, 199, 199, 80, 280, 228, 186, 280, 245, 273,
+ 80, 192, 192, 193, 193, 198, 198, 227, 195, 195,
+ 1013, 191, 196, 200, 200, 201, 201, 235, 188, 199,
+ 197, 80, 80, 80, 81, 81, 189, 199, 81, 81,
+ 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81, 195,
+ 81, 81, 81, 81, 192, 198, 204, 204, 195, 193,
+ 229, 207, 207, 215, 215, 205, 205, 227, 200, 81,
+ 201, 206, 206, 235, 202, 202, 302, 203, 203, 302,
+ 208, 208, 1014, 210, 210, 219, 219, 211, 211, 216,
+ 216, 229, 204, 212, 212, 217, 217, 81, 81, 81,
+ 92, 92, 207, 215, 92, 92, 92, 92, 92, 92,
+ 92, 92, 92, 92, 92, 205, 92, 92, 92, 92,
+ 202, 212, 206, 202, 203, 210, 203, 208, 211, 216,
+ 290, 217, 219, 232, 1015, 92, 241, 292, 241, 212,
+ 300, 332, 300, 218, 218, 429, 230, 336, 290, 1016,
+ 332, 292, 214, 214, 241, 336, 234, 339, 429, 233,
+ 339, 231, 226, 92, 92, 92, 129, 129, 232, 129,
+ 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129,
+ 129, 214, 129, 129, 129, 129, 218, 230, 231, 226,
+ 233, 234, 231, 243, 243, 214, 243, 226, 314, 255,
+ 314, 129, 231, 349, 314, 255, 351, 255, 129, 226,
+ 243, 255, 340, 465, 340, 291, 1017, 361, 361, 465,
+ 351, 349, 362, 362, 363, 363, 364, 364, 411, 129,
+ 129, 129, 130, 130, 416, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130,
+ 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 414, 130, 130,
+ 130, 130, 291, 361, 365, 365, 367, 367, 362, 368,
+ 368, 372, 372, 380, 380, 364, 363, 130, 366, 366,
+ 411, 362, 369, 369, 416, 370, 370, 373, 373, 371,
+ 371, 375, 375, 575, 377, 377, 365, 378, 378, 368,
+ 414, 380, 367, 374, 374, 130, 130, 130, 141, 141,
+ 426, 141, 141, 141, 141, 141, 141, 141, 141, 141,
+ 141, 141, 141, 366, 141, 141, 141, 141, 370, 369,
+ 371, 425, 373, 376, 376, 374, 375, 377, 575, 378,
+ 384, 384, 477, 141, 379, 379, 393, 393, 426, 381,
+ 381, 382, 382, 385, 385, 477, 383, 383, 389, 389,
+ 391, 391, 425, 386, 386, 376, 387, 387, 384, 388,
+ 388, 141, 141, 141, 268, 268, 412, 379, 268, 268,
+ 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 381,
+ 268, 268, 268, 268, 383, 386, 391, 382, 387, 389,
+ 385, 388, 390, 390, 400, 400, 392, 392, 407, 268,
+ 407, 412, 528, 528, 407, 397, 397, 586, 394, 394,
+ 399, 399, 633, 403, 403, 586, 395, 395, 633, 410,
+ 413, 396, 396, 418, 390, 417, 400, 268, 268, 268,
+ 327, 327, 392, 327, 327, 327, 327, 327, 327, 327,
+ 327, 327, 327, 327, 327, 394, 327, 327, 327, 327,
+ 395, 396, 397, 401, 401, 403, 399, 402, 402, 404,
+ 404, 405, 405, 410, 413, 327, 415, 418, 417, 419,
+ 420, 421, 468, 516, 468, 516, 524, 524, 525, 525,
+ 401, 1018, 401, 526, 526, 527, 527, 530, 530, 402,
+ 585, 404, 738, 327, 327, 327, 405, 529, 529, 419,
+ 738, 415, 1019, 420, 421, 531, 531, 573, 525, 532,
+ 532, 533, 533, 420, 879, 526, 879, 524, 534, 534,
+ 535, 535, 536, 536, 585, 529, 533, 537, 537, 538,
+ 538, 540, 540, 527, 539, 539, 573, 530, 541, 541,
+ 543, 543, 576, 542, 542, 544, 544, 532, 545, 545,
+ 546, 546, 531, 547, 547, 548, 548, 534, 549, 549,
+ 550, 550, 551, 551, 536, 538, 542, 1020, 539, 576,
+ 540, 681, 537, 540, 579, 542, 543, 681, 546, 552,
+ 552, 553, 553, 554, 554, 587, 541, 578, 544, 555,
+ 555, 1009, 547, 556, 556, 545, 557, 557, 1009, 549,
+ 558, 558, 559, 559, 579, 550, 588, 551, 561, 561,
+ 562, 562, 563, 563, 564, 564, 565, 565, 566, 566,
+ 567, 567, 587, 554, 876, 556, 553, 578, 557, 555,
+ 568, 568, 607, 605, 653, 558, 605, 653, 1021, 655,
+ 561, 607, 890, 588, 563, 890, 565, 559, 655, 685,
+ 685, 876, 686, 686, 1022, 562, 564, 687, 687, 566,
+ 688, 688, 689, 689, 1023, 567, 568, 686, 690, 690,
+ 691, 691, 568, 692, 692, 693, 693, 694, 694, 695,
+ 695, 685, 696, 696, 697, 697, 698, 698, 692, 699,
+ 699, 700, 700, 701, 701, 733, 702, 702, 703, 703,
+ 704, 704, 732, 688, 690, 1025, 691, 689, 687, 694,
+ 705, 705, 706, 706, 707, 707, 697, 874, 698, 709,
+ 709, 699, 1027, 693, 708, 708, 710, 710, 1028, 696,
+ 695, 711, 711, 733, 712, 712, 701, 700, 702, 713,
+ 713, 704, 1029, 703, 714, 714, 715, 715, 732, 705,
+ 716, 716, 736, 717, 717, 718, 718, 883, 706, 883,
+ 707, 712, 874, 708, 719, 719, 720, 720, 721, 721,
+ 722, 722, 710, 724, 724, 713, 715, 711, 723, 723,
+ 714, 717, 739, 725, 725, 726, 726, 727, 727, 1031,
+ 739, 718, 831, 831, 832, 832, 837, 837, 736, 875,
+ 833, 833, 834, 834, 1033, 831, 881, 831, 881, 722,
+ 725, 719, 720, 833, 881, 833, 921, 723, 921, 721,
+ 925, 833, 925, 835, 835, 1005, 726, 836, 836, 838,
+ 838, 839, 839, 840, 840, 727, 835, 875, 835, 841,
+ 841, 834, 832, 843, 843, 837, 844, 844, 840, 845,
+ 845, 1034, 842, 842, 846, 846, 847, 847, 1035, 848,
+ 848, 849, 849, 850, 850, 851, 851, 852, 852, 1005,
+ 839, 853, 853, 836, 843, 841, 842, 838, 1037, 842,
+ 848, 854, 854, 855, 855, 932, 846, 844, 932, 845,
+ 856, 856, 1038, 849, 1039, 847, 1040, 851, 857, 857,
+ 858, 858, 859, 859, 860, 860, 861, 861, 862, 862,
+ 863, 863, 864, 864, 1041, 855, 1042, 865, 865, 1043,
+ 866, 866, 856, 867, 867, 868, 868, 857, 869, 869,
+ 870, 870, 923, 1044, 923, 861, 961, 961, 862, 1045,
+ 923, 962, 962, 1046, 864, 865, 963, 963, 964, 964,
+ 1047, 860, 863, 858, 868, 859, 866, 965, 965, 966,
+ 966, 967, 967, 969, 969, 867, 968, 968, 970, 970,
+ 971, 971, 1048, 972, 972, 973, 973, 870, 961, 974,
+ 974, 975, 975, 964, 1050, 963, 1051, 976, 976, 962,
+ 964, 966, 1052, 967, 977, 977, 978, 978, 979, 979,
+ 970, 1053, 971, 980, 980, 965, 981, 981, 968, 982,
+ 982, 969, 972, 1054, 973, 983, 983, 984, 984, 985,
+ 985, 975, 1055, 978, 986, 986, 1056, 974, 976, 987,
+ 987, 988, 988, 989, 989, 980, 990, 990, 991, 992,
+ 992, 982, 977, 1057, 991, 991, 1058, 983, 993, 993,
+ 994, 994, 995, 995, 986, 991, 996, 996, 984, 997,
+ 997, 1059, 991, 998, 998, 989, 999, 999, 990, 1036,
+ 1049, 991, 1060, 988, 1000, 1000, 1061, 1049, 992, 1062,
+ 1063, 1065, 1067, 994, 1068, 1069, 1036, 1071, 1073, 997,
+ 1074, 1075, 1077, 1036, 1076, 993, 996, 1078, 1079, 995,
+ 1080, 1000, 1036, 1081, 1082, 1083, 1084, 1085, 999, 998,
+ 1126, 1076, 1086, 1086, 1087, 1087, 1088, 1088, 1076, 1089,
+ 1089, 1090, 1090, 1091, 1091, 1092, 1092, 1076, 1093, 1093,
+ 1094, 1094, 1095, 1095, 1096, 1096, 1097, 1097, 1098, 1098,
+ 1099, 1099, 1100, 1100, 1101, 1101, 1113, 1096, 1127, 1097,
+ 1128, 1089, 1086, 1087, 1126, 1088, 1102, 1102, 1129, 1093,
+ 1113, 1090, 1091, 1103, 1103, 1104, 1104, 1130, 1092, 1131,
+ 1094, 1095, 1101, 1105, 1105, 1106, 1106, 1098, 1107, 1107,
+ 1132, 1100, 1108, 1108, 1109, 1109, 1110, 1110, 1111, 1111,
+ 1133, 1111, 1112, 1112, 1104, 1112, 1114, 1114, 1115, 1115,
+ 1116, 1116, 1102, 1134, 1103, 1135, 1106, 1136, 1117, 1117,
+ 1119, 1119, 1108, 1137, 1105, 1120, 1120, 1107, 1138, 1111,
+ 1121, 1121, 1139, 1112, 1118, 1118, 1122, 1122, 1116, 1123,
+ 1123, 1109, 1141, 1111, 1110, 1124, 1124, 1112, 1118, 1115,
+ 1117, 1142, 1116, 1125, 1125, 1118, 1114, 1143, 1144, 1145,
+ 1146, 1118, 1147, 1148, 1149, 1150, 1151, 1120, 1152, 1153,
+ 1154, 1155, 1156, 1121, 1157, 1158, 1160, 1161, 1163, 1164,
+ 1165, 1166, 1158, 1167, 1168, 1169, 1156, 1123, 1158, 1170,
+ 1171, 1172, 1173, 1124, 1174, 1175, 1152, 1153, 1176, 1125,
+ 1177, 1178, 1180, 1181, 1182, 1183, 1184, 1185, 1186, 1187,
+ 1152, 1153, 1188, 1189, 1190, 1191, 1192, 1193, 1194, 1195,
+ 1196, 1197, 1198, 1200, 1201, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1230, 1198,
+ 1236, 1193, 1206, 1206, 1196, 1198, 1207, 1207, 1208, 1208,
+ 1209, 1209, 1230, 1191, 1192, 1210, 1210, 1211, 1211, 1212,
+ 1212, 1213, 1213, 1214, 1214, 1216, 1216, 1191, 1192, 1215,
+ 1215, 1206, 1217, 1217, 1213, 1218, 1218, 1219, 1219, 1237,
+ 1209, 1220, 1220, 1252, 1210, 1207, 1251, 1221, 1221, 1222,
+ 1222, 1233, 1214, 1223, 1223, 1253, 1211, 1224, 1224, 1255,
+ 1216, 1226, 1226, 1256, 1212, 1233, 1225, 1225, 1215, 1225,
+ 1227, 1227, 1228, 1228, 1217, 1221, 1219, 1229, 1229, 1231,
+ 1231, 1232, 1232, 1234, 1234, 1235, 1235, 1251, 1220, 1238,
+ 1238, 1240, 1240, 1225, 1242, 1222, 1257, 1239, 1239, 1225,
+ 1242, 1242, 1227, 1258, 1224, 1223, 1241, 1241, 1228, 1232,
+ 1243, 1243, 1259, 1235, 1244, 1244, 1260, 1238, 1229, 1239,
+ 1261, 1231, 1245, 1245, 1262, 1234, 1246, 1246, 1263, 1247,
+ 1247, 1248, 1248, 1249, 1249, 1250, 1250, 1265, 1266, 1267,
+ 1268, 1240, 1244, 1269, 1270, 1271, 1273, 1241, 1274, 1275,
+ 1277, 1276, 1243, 1245, 1278, 1280, 1279, 1281, 1282, 1246,
+ 1283, 1284, 1285, 1286, 1287, 1288, 1289, 1245, 1247, 1271,
+ 1290, 1250, 1276, 1291, 1249, 1271, 1248, 1279, 1292, 1293,
+ 1289, 1294, 1295, 1296, 1298, 1299, 1276, 1300, 1301, 1302,
+ 1303, 1279, 1304, 1305, 1306, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1311, 1312,
+ 1313, 1314, 1316, 1317, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1321, 1322, 1323,
+ 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1329, 1330, 1331, 1332, 1319,
+ 1333, 1334, 1322, 1335, 1336, 1314, 1337, 1338, 1339, 1340,
+ 1340, 1314, 1341, 1341, 1357, 1334, 1342, 1342, 1363, 1343,
+ 1343, 1344, 1344, 1364, 1345, 1345, 1346, 1346, 1347, 1347,
+ 1348, 1348, 1367, 1349, 1349, 1350, 1350, 1351, 1351, 1352,
+ 1352, 1353, 1353, 1355, 1355, 1340, 1354, 1354, 1356, 1356,
+ 1358, 1358, 1359, 1359, 1342, 1343, 1345, 1360, 1360, 1361,
+ 1361, 1362, 1362, 1368, 1347, 1349, 1365, 1365, 1346, 1366,
+ 1366, 1352, 1369, 1369, 1354, 1350, 1370, 1370, 1371, 1372,
+ 1359, 1373, 1373, 1358, 1374, 1374, 1375, 1375, 1353, 1376,
+ 1376, 1377, 1362, 1387, 1378, 1378, 1379, 1379, 1380, 1380,
+ 1388, 1361, 1381, 1381, 1382, 1382, 1365, 1383, 1383, 1390,
+ 1366, 1391, 1369, 1393, 1375, 1394, 1376, 1370, 1384, 1384,
+ 1385, 1385, 1386, 1386, 1395, 1397, 1398, 1400, 1401, 1402,
+ 1381, 1405, 1406, 1373, 1378, 1407, 1374, 1379, 1409, 1383,
+ 1380, 1410, 1387, 1411, 1413, 1412, 1414, 1415, 1416, 1417,
+ 1384, 1385, 1418, 1419, 1405, 1420, 1421, 1422, 1423, 1424,
+ 1425, 1426, 1386, 1412, 1428, 1429, 1416, 1430, 1431, 1432,
+ 1434, 1435, 1437, 1438, 1439, 1411, 1441, 1442, 1444, 1415,
+ 1445, 1446, 1449, 1450, 1451, 1453, 1454, 1455, 1456, 1457,
+ 1458, 1459, 1460, 1461, 1462, 1463, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1467,
+ 1468, 1469, 1470, 1471, 1472, 1473, 1475, 1476, 1477, 1478,
+ 1479, 1479, 1480, 1480, 1481, 1481, 1482, 1482, 1483, 1483,
+ 1484, 1484, 1485, 1485, 1486, 1486, 1487, 1487, 1488, 1488,
+ 1489, 1489, 1490, 1492, 1492, 1491, 1491, 1495, 1493, 1493,
+ 1494, 1494, 1496, 1497, 1497, 1499, 1498, 1498, 1500, 1502,
+ 1502, 1479, 1485, 1486, 1503, 1481, 1501, 1501, 1504, 1483,
+ 1509, 1484, 1482, 1491, 1488, 1505, 1505, 1506, 1506, 1507,
+ 1507, 1497, 1508, 1508, 1510, 1510, 1518, 1489, 1492, 1493,
+ 1498, 1511, 1511, 1502, 1501, 1512, 1512, 1505, 1513, 1513,
+ 1514, 1514, 1515, 1515, 1516, 1516, 1517, 1517, 1519, 1521,
+ 1522, 1523, 1510, 1524, 1525, 1526, 1528, 1506, 1529, 1530,
+ 1531, 1532, 1533, 1535, 1536, 1511, 1537, 1538, 1508, 1539,
+ 1540, 1507, 1541, 1542, 1543, 1512, 1544, 1530, 1545, 1513,
+ 1546, 1547, 1548, 1549, 1550, 1554, 1555, 1557, 1558, 1517,
+ 1559, 1560, 1561, 1535, 1562, 1536, 1564, 1565, 1566, 1539,
+ 1567, 1540, 1568, 1569, 1571, 1572, 1573, 1574, 1575, 1576,
+ 1577, 1578, 1579, 1580, 1581, 1582, 1583, 1584, 1585, 1586,
+ 1587, 1588, 1589, 1593, 1594, 1594, 1595, 1595, 1596, 1596,
+ 1597, 1597, 1603, 1598, 1598, 1599, 1599, 1607, 1600, 1600,
+ 1601, 1601, 1602, 1602, 1604, 1604, 1605, 1605, 1606, 1606,
+ 1608, 1611, 1594, 1612, 1595, 1609, 1609, 1615, 1610, 1610,
+ 1596, 1598, 1613, 1613, 1614, 1614, 1616, 1617, 1617, 1627,
+ 1618, 1618, 1628, 1599, 1600, 1619, 1619, 1629, 1602, 1597,
+ 1620, 1620, 1622, 1622, 1605, 1630, 1601, 1624, 1624, 1604,
+ 1610, 1609, 1623, 1623, 1625, 1625, 1614, 1631, 1613, 1618,
+ 1626, 1626, 1619, 1632, 1633, 1634, 1635, 1636, 1637, 1638,
+ 1641, 1640, 1642, 1643, 1645, 1624, 1646, 1644, 1622, 1617,
+ 1647, 1648, 1649, 1650, 1623, 1651, 1652, 1653, 1625, 1640,
+ 1654, 1655, 1620, 1656, 1641, 1644, 1657, 1658, 1645, 1626,
+ 1659, 1660, 1636, 1661, 1662, 1663, 1664, 1665, 1666, 1667,
+ 1668, 1670, 1671, 1672, 1673, 1674, 1675, 1676, 1677, 1678,
+ 1679, 1680, 1681, 1682, 1683, 1685, 1686, 1687, 1688, 1689,
+ 1690, 1690, 1691, 1691, 1692, 1692, 1693, 1693, 1694, 1694,
+ 1695, 1695, 1696, 1696, 1699, 1697, 1697, 1698, 1698, 1700,
+ 1700, 1702, 1701, 1701, 1703, 1704, 1704, 1705, 1705, 1706,
+ 1707, 1708, 1708, 1709, 1709, 1710, 1711, 1721, 1693, 1712,
+ 1712, 1713, 1713, 1714, 1714, 1692, 1722, 1690, 1697, 1691,
+ 1701, 1715, 1715, 1696, 1723, 1694, 1724, 1700, 1716, 1716,
+ 1717, 1717, 1725, 1698, 1718, 1718, 1704, 1720, 1720, 1719,
+ 1719, 1727, 1708, 1728, 1729, 1731, 1730, 1732, 1735, 1712,
+ 1733, 1739, 1737, 1713, 1741, 1734, 1742, 1738, 1743, 1714,
+ 1744, 1715, 1745, 1747, 1748, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1716,
+ 1718, 1719, 1753, 1720, 1730, 1754, 1733, 1734, 1737, 1738,
+ 1756, 1757, 1758, 1759, 1760, 1761, 1762, 1763, 1764, 1766,
+ 1767, 1768, 1770, 1771, 1772, 1773, 1774, 1775, 1776, 1778,
+ 1779, 1780, 1781, 1781, 1782, 1782, 1783, 1783, 1784, 1784,
+ 1785, 1785, 1789, 1786, 1786, 1787, 1787, 1788, 1788, 1790,
+ 1790, 1791, 1791, 1792, 1794, 1794, 1795, 1797, 1797, 1798,
+ 1799, 1800, 1800, 1801, 1801, 1802, 1802, 1808, 1781, 1809,
+ 1782, 1786, 1803, 1803, 1804, 1804, 1785, 1790, 1805, 1805,
+ 1788, 1787, 1810, 1783, 1806, 1806, 1811, 1807, 1807, 1784,
+ 1800, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1791, 1818, 1819,
+ 1820, 1803, 1801, 1822, 1823, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1830,
+ 1832, 1833, 1834, 1816, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1802, 1838, 1805,
+ 1807, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1847, 1850, 1851,
+ 1819, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1822, 1855, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1860,
+ 1861, 1861, 1862, 1862, 1863, 1863, 1864, 1864, 1865, 1865,
+ 1866, 1866, 1868, 1867, 1867, 1869, 1869, 1870, 1870, 1863,
+ 1873, 1874, 1875, 1875, 1876, 1876, 1877, 1877, 1879, 1879,
+ 1862, 1878, 1878, 1880, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1866, 1884,
+ 1860, 1885, 1861, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1864, 1867,
+ 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1865, 1897, 1899, 1900, 1901,
+ 1902, 1869, 1903, 1904, 1875, 1905, 1877, 1906, 1907, 1908,
+ 1876, 1909, 1913, 1878, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1920,
+ 1921, 1921, 1889, 1922, 1922, 1880, 1923, 1923, 1924, 1924,
+ 1925, 1925, 1926, 1926, 1927, 1927, 1931, 1928, 1928, 1930,
+ 1930, 1932, 1933, 1933, 1934, 1934, 1935, 1935, 1936, 1936,
+ 1937, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945,
+ 1946, 1921, 1948, 1927, 1922, 1928, 1950, 1951, 1926, 1953,
+ 1954, 1925, 1955, 1923, 1956, 1935, 1924, 1957, 1958, 1959,
+ 1960, 1933, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1968, 1936, 1970, 1970,
+ 1971, 1971, 1972, 1972, 1973, 1973, 1974, 1974, 1975, 1975,
+ 1976, 1976, 1977, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1980, 1981, 1981,
+ 1982, 1982, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993,
+ 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 1972, 2005,
+ 2006, 1977, 2012, 1973, 2007, 2007, 2008, 2008, 2017, 1976,
+ 1975, 2009, 2009, 2014, 2014, 2010, 2010, 2011, 2011, 2018,
+ 1981, 2019, 1980, 2015, 2015, 2020, 1982, 2016, 2016, 2021,
+ 2023, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2033, 2035, 2035,
+ 2036, 2036, 2037, 2037, 2040, 2008, 2007, 2010, 2038, 2038,
+ 2039, 2039, 2009, 2041, 2041, 2042, 2011, 2046, 2047, 2048,
+ 2052, 2053, 2015, 2054, 2055, 2055, 2056, 2056, 2058, 2058,
+ 1008, 1007, 1006, 1004, 1003, 960, 958, 957, 956, 2035,
+ 955, 954, 2039, 953, 952, 951, 950, 949, 948, 947,
+ 946, 945, 941, 939, 938, 937, 936, 935, 934, 2041,
+ 2067, 2067, 2067, 2067, 2067, 2067, 2067, 2067, 2068, 2068,
+ 2068, 2068, 2069, 933, 2069, 2069, 2070, 2070, 931, 930,
+ 929, 2070, 2071, 928, 927, 2071, 2071, 2071, 2071, 2071,
+ 2072, 2072, 2072, 2072, 2072, 2072, 2072, 2072, 2073, 926,
+ 924, 2073, 2073, 2073, 2073, 2073, 2074, 922, 918, 2074,
+ 2074, 2074, 2074, 2074, 2075, 916, 2075, 2075, 2075, 2075,
+ 2075, 2075, 2076, 2076, 2076, 2076, 2076, 2076, 2076, 2076,
+ 2077, 915, 2077, 2077, 2077, 2077, 2077, 2077, 2078, 914,
+ 2078, 2078, 2078, 2078, 2078, 2078, 2079, 2079, 2079, 913,
+ 912, 911, 910, 909, 908, 907, 906, 905, 904, 903,
+ 899, 897, 896, 895, 894, 893, 892, 891, 889, 888,
+ 887, 886, 885, 884, 882, 880, 878, 877, 873, 872,
+ 828, 827, 826, 824, 823, 822, 821, 820, 819, 818,
+ 816, 815, 814, 813, 812, 811, 809, 808, 807, 806,
+ 805, 804, 803, 802, 801, 800, 799, 798, 797, 796,
+ 795, 794, 793, 792, 791, 790, 789, 788, 787, 786,
+ 785, 784, 782, 781, 780, 778, 777, 776, 775, 774,
+ 773, 772, 770, 769, 768, 767, 766, 765, 763, 762,
+ 761, 760, 759, 758, 757, 756, 755, 754, 753, 752,
+ 751, 750, 749, 748, 747, 746, 745, 744, 743, 742,
+ 741, 740, 737, 735, 734, 731, 730, 729, 728, 684,
+ 683, 680, 679, 678, 677, 676, 675, 674, 672, 671,
+ 670, 669, 668, 667, 666, 664, 663, 662, 660, 659,
+ 658, 657, 656, 654, 652, 651, 650, 649, 647, 646,
+ 645, 644, 643, 642, 640, 639, 638, 637, 636, 635,
+ 634, 632, 631, 630, 629, 628, 627, 626, 625, 624,
+ 623, 622, 621, 620, 619, 618, 616, 615, 614, 612,
+ 611, 610, 609, 608, 606, 604, 603, 602, 601, 599,
+ 598, 597, 596, 595, 594, 592, 591, 590, 589, 584,
+ 583, 582, 581, 580, 577, 574, 572, 571, 570, 569,
+ 523, 522, 521, 520, 519, 518, 517, 515, 514, 513,
+ 512, 511, 510, 509, 507, 506, 505, 504, 503, 502,
+ 501, 500, 499, 498, 497, 496, 495, 494, 493, 492,
+ 491, 490, 489, 488, 486, 485, 484, 483, 482, 481,
+ 480, 479, 478, 476, 475, 474, 473, 472, 471, 470,
+ 469, 467, 466, 464, 463, 462, 461, 459, 458, 457,
+ 456, 455, 454, 453, 452, 451, 450, 449, 448, 447,
+ 446, 445, 444, 443, 442, 441, 440, 438, 437, 436,
+ 435, 434, 433, 432, 431, 430, 428, 424, 422, 408,
+ 398, 360, 359, 358, 356, 355, 354, 353, 352, 350,
+ 348, 347, 345, 344, 343, 342, 341, 338, 337, 335,
+ 334, 333, 331, 330, 329, 328, 326, 325, 324, 323,
+ 322, 321, 320, 319, 318, 317, 316, 313, 307, 298,
+ 297, 296, 295, 294, 293, 289, 288, 286, 285, 284,
+ 283, 282, 279, 278, 276, 275, 274, 272, 271, 270,
+ 269, 267, 266, 265, 264, 263, 262, 261, 260, 259,
+ 258, 257, 253, 252, 251, 250, 248, 247, 246, 244,
+ 242, 240, 239, 236, 224, 221, 213, 190, 176, 170,
+ 165, 161, 159, 157, 154, 153, 152, 150, 149, 148,
+ 147, 145, 139, 138, 137, 136, 134, 133, 132, 131,
+ 128, 127, 125, 124, 121, 120, 119, 116, 113, 111,
+ 110, 108, 105, 104, 103, 101, 100, 99, 98, 96,
+ 91, 90, 89, 88, 87, 85, 84, 83, 82, 75,
+ 74, 73, 70, 64, 63, 61, 58, 38, 25, 24,
+ 22, 21, 18, 17, 16, 14, 13, 9, 2066, 2066,
+ 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066,
+ 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066,
+ 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066,
+ 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066,
+ 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066,
+ 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066,
+ 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066
+ } ;
+/* Table of booleans, true if rule could match eol. */
+static yyconst flex_int32_t yy_rule_can_match_eol[148] =
+ { 0,
+0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, };
+/* The intent behind this definition is that it'll catch
+ * any uses of REJECT which flex missed.
+ */
+#define REJECT reject_used_but_not_detected
+#define yymore() yymore_used_but_not_detected
+#define YY_MORE_ADJ 0
+#line 1 "../src/parser.ll"
+ Copyright (C) 1994-2000 the Omega Project Team
+ Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Chun Chen
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Purpose:
+ lex parser for calculator.
+ Notes:
+ History:
+ 02/04/11 migrate to flex c++ mode, Chun Chen
+#line 16 "../src/parser.ll"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <omega_calc/AST.h>
+#include <basic/Dynamic_Array.h>
+#include ""
+#include <omega_calc/myflex.h>
+myFlexLexer mylexer;
+bool is_interactive;
+const char *PROMPT_STRING = ">>>";
+#define BUFFER scanBuf += yytext
+std::string scanBuf;
+std::string err_msg;
+extern bool need_coef;
+void yyerror(const std::string &s);
+void flushScanBuffer();
+#line 1974 ""
+#define INITIAL 0
+#define LATEX 1
+#define INCLUDE 2
+#define COMMENT 3
+#ifndef YY_NO_UNISTD_H
+/* Special case for "unistd.h", since it is non-ANSI. We include it way
+ * down here because we want the user's section 1 to have been scanned first.
+ * The user has a chance to override it with an option.
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#ifndef YY_EXTRA_TYPE
+#define YY_EXTRA_TYPE void *
+#ifndef yytext_ptr
+static void yy_flex_strncpy (char *,yyconst char *,int );
+static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * );
+#ifndef YY_NO_INPUT
+/* Amount of stuff to slurp up with each read. */
+#ifdef __ia64__
+/* On IA-64, the buffer size is 16k, not 8k */
+#define YY_READ_BUF_SIZE 16384
+#define YY_READ_BUF_SIZE 8192
+#endif /* __ia64__ */
+/* Copy whatever the last rule matched to the standard output. */
+#ifndef ECHO
+#define ECHO LexerOutput( yytext, yyleng )
+/* Gets input and stuffs it into "buf". number of characters read, or YY_NULL,
+ * is returned in "result".
+ */
+#ifndef YY_INPUT
+#define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \
+ if ( (result = LexerInput( (char *) buf, max_size )) < 0 ) \
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "input in flex scanner failed" );
+/* No semi-colon after return; correct usage is to write "yyterminate();" -
+ * we don't want an extra ';' after the "return" because that will cause
+ * some compilers to complain about unreachable statements.
+ */
+#ifndef yyterminate
+#define yyterminate() return YY_NULL
+/* Number of entries by which start-condition stack grows. */
+/* Report a fatal error. */
+#define YY_FATAL_ERROR(msg) LexerError( msg )
+/* end tables serialization structures and prototypes */
+/* Default declaration of generated scanner - a define so the user can
+ * easily add parameters.
+ */
+#ifndef YY_DECL
+#define YY_DECL_IS_OURS 1
+#define YY_DECL int yyFlexLexer::yylex()
+#endif /* !YY_DECL */
+/* Code executed at the beginning of each rule, after yytext and yyleng
+ * have been set up.
+ */
+/* Code executed at the end of each rule. */
+#ifndef YY_BREAK
+#define YY_BREAK break;
+#define YY_RULE_SETUP \
+/** The main scanner function which does all the work.
+ */
+ register yy_state_type yy_current_state;
+ register char *yy_cp, *yy_bp;
+ register int yy_act;
+#line 46 "../src/parser.ll"
+#line 2085 ""
+ if ( !(yy_init) )
+ {
+ (yy_init) = 1;
+#ifdef YY_USER_INIT
+ if ( ! (yy_start) )
+ (yy_start) = 1; /* first start state */
+ if ( ! yyin )
+ yyin = & std::cin;
+ if ( ! yyout )
+ yyout = & std::cout;
+ if ( ! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ) {
+ yyensure_buffer_stack ();
+ yy_create_buffer( yyin, YY_BUF_SIZE );
+ }
+ yy_load_buffer_state( );
+ }
+ while ( 1 ) /* loops until end-of-file is reached */
+ {
+ yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ /* Support of yytext. */
+ *yy_cp = (yy_hold_char);
+ /* yy_bp points to the position in yy_ch_buf of the start of
+ * the current run.
+ */
+ yy_bp = yy_cp;
+ yy_current_state = (yy_start);
+ do
+ {
+ register YY_CHAR yy_c = yy_ec[YY_SC_TO_UI(*yy_cp)];
+ if ( yy_accept[yy_current_state] )
+ {
+ (yy_last_accepting_state) = yy_current_state;
+ (yy_last_accepting_cpos) = yy_cp;
+ }
+ while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
+ {
+ yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
+ if ( yy_current_state >= 2067 )
+ yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
+ }
+ yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
+ ++yy_cp;
+ }
+ while ( yy_base[yy_current_state] != 3619 );
+ yy_act = yy_accept[yy_current_state];
+ if ( yy_act == 0 )
+ { /* have to back up */
+ yy_cp = (yy_last_accepting_cpos);
+ yy_current_state = (yy_last_accepting_state);
+ yy_act = yy_accept[yy_current_state];
+ }
+ if ( yy_act != YY_END_OF_BUFFER && yy_rule_can_match_eol[yy_act] )
+ {
+ int yyl;
+ for ( yyl = 0; yyl < yyleng; ++yyl )
+ if ( yytext[yyl] == '\n' )
+ yylineno++;
+ }
+do_action: /* This label is used only to access EOF actions. */
+ switch ( yy_act )
+ { /* beginning of action switch */
+ case 0: /* must back up */
+ /* undo the effects of YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION */
+ *yy_cp = (yy_hold_char);
+ yy_cp = (yy_last_accepting_cpos);
+ yy_current_state = (yy_last_accepting_state);
+ goto yy_find_action;
+case 1:
+#line 48 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 2:
+#line 49 "../src/parser.ll"
+ scanBuf += "\n";
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ if (is_interactive) {
+ std::cout << "file include disabled in interactive mode\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ char *s = yytext;
+ while (*s != '>') s++;
+ *s = '\0';
+ std::ifstream *ifs = new std::ifstream(yytext, std::ifstream::in);
+ if (!ifs->is_open()) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file %s\n", yytext);
+ }
+ else {
+ yy_buffer_state *bs = mylexer.yy_create_buffer(ifs, 8092);
+ mylexer.yypush_buffer_state(bs);
+ }
+ }
+case 3:
+/* rule 3 can match eol */
+#line 72 "../src/parser.ll"
+ std::cout << "Error in include syntax\n";
+ std::cout << "Use <<fname>> to include the file named fname\n";
+ if(is_interactive) {
+ std::cout << PROMPT_STRING << ' ';
+ std::cout.flush();
+ }
+case 4:
+#line 86 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; }
+case 5:
+#line 87 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; }
+case 6:
+#line 88 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 7:
+#line 89 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; }
+case 8:
+/* rule 8 can match eol */
+#line 90 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 9:
+#line 91 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 10:
+#line 92 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 11:
+#line 93 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; }
+case 12:
+#line 94 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; }
+case 13:
+#line 95 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; }
+case 14:
+#line 96 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; }
+case 15:
+/* rule 15 can match eol */
+#line 97 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; }
+case 16:
+/* rule 16 can match eol */
+#line 100 "../src/parser.ll"
+ if(is_interactive) {
+ std::cout << PROMPT_STRING << ' ';
+ std::cout.flush();
+ }
+case 17:
+#line 113 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return OPEN_BRACE; }
+case 18:
+#line 114 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return OPEN_BRACE; }
+case 19:
+#line 115 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return CLOSE_BRACE; }
+case 20:
+#line 116 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return CLOSE_BRACE; }
+case 21:
+#line 117 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return APPROX; }
+case 22:
+#line 118 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return UNION; }
+case 23:
+#line 119 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return UNION; }
+case 24:
+#line 120 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 25:
+#line 121 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 26:
+#line 122 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return NO_SIMPLIFY; }
+case 27:
+#line 123 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return SYMBOLIC; }
+case 28:
+#line 124 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return SYMBOLIC; }
+case 29:
+#line 125 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 30:
+#line 126 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 31:
+#line 127 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return SUCH_THAT; }
+case 32:
+#line 128 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return SUCH_THAT; }
+case 33:
+#line 129 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return INVERSE; }
+case 34:
+#line 130 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 35:
+#line 131 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return COMPOSE; }
+case 36:
+#line 132 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return COMPOSE; }
+case 37:
+#line 133 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 38:
+#line 134 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 39:
+#line 135 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 40:
+#line 136 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 41:
+#line 137 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 42:
+#line 138 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 43:
+#line 139 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 44:
+#line 140 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 45:
+#line 141 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return JOIN; }
+case 46:
+#line 142 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return JOIN; }
+case 47:
+#line 143 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return JOIN; }
+case 48:
+#line 144 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return DOMAIN; }
+case 49:
+#line 145 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return TIME; }
+case 50:
+#line 146 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 51:
+#line 147 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return RANGE; }
+case 52:
+#line 148 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return FORALL; }
+case 53:
+#line 149 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return FORALL; }
+case 54:
+#line 150 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return EXISTS; }
+case 55:
+#line 151 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return EXISTS; }
+case 56:
+#line 153 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return VENN; }
+case 57:
+#line 154 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 58:
+#line 155 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 59:
+#line 156 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 60:
+#line 157 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 61:
+#line 158 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 62:
+#line 159 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ /*deprecated*/ BUFFER; return RECT_HULL; }
+case 63:
+#line 160 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return SIMPLE_HULL; }
+case 64:
+#line 161 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return CONVEX_HULL; }
+case 65:
+#line 162 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 66:
+#line 163 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return AFFINE_HULL; }
+case 67:
+#line 164 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return CONIC_HULL; }
+case 68:
+#line 165 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return LINEAR_HULL; }
+case 69:
+#line 166 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ /*deprecated*/ BUFFER; return PAIRWISE_CHECK; }
+case 70:
+#line 167 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ /*deprecated*/ BUFFER; return CONVEX_CHECK; }
+case 71:
+#line 168 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ /*deprecated*/ BUFFER; return QUICK_HULL; }
+case 72:
+#line 169 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return HULL; }
+case 73:
+#line 170 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return FARKAS; }
+case 74:
+#line 171 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 75:
+#line 172 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 76:
+#line 173 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 77:
+#line 175 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return MINIMIZE; }
+case 78:
+#line 176 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return MAXIMIZE; }
+case 79:
+#line 177 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 80:
+#line 178 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 81:
+#line 179 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 82:
+#line 180 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 83:
+#line 181 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 84:
+#line 182 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 85:
+#line 183 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 86:
+#line 184 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 87:
+#line 185 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return GIST; }
+case 88:
+#line 186 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return GIVEN; }
+case 89:
+#line 187 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return WITHIN; }
+case 90:
+#line 188 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return SUBSET; }
+case 91:
+#line 189 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return CODEGEN; }
+case 92:
+#line 190 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 93:
+#line 191 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 94:
+#line 192 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 95:
+#line 193 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return SUBSETOF;}
+case 96:
+#line 194 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return SYM_SAMPLE;}
+case 97:
+#line 195 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return SAMPLE;}
+case 98:
+#line 196 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return CARRIED_BY;}
+case 99:
+#line 197 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 100:
+#line 198 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 101:
+#line 199 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 102:
+#line 200 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 103:
+#line 201 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 104:
+#line 202 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 105:
+#line 203 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 106:
+#line 204 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 107:
+#line 205 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 108:
+#line 207 "../src/parser.ll"
+case 109:
+#line 208 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return AND; }
+case 110:
+#line 209 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return OR; }
+case 111:
+#line 210 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return AND; }
+case 112:
+#line 211 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return OR; }
+case 113:
+#line 212 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return AND; }
+case 114:
+#line 213 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return OR; }
+case 115:
+#line 214 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return AND; }
+case 116:
+#line 215 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return OR; }
+case 117:
+#line 216 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return NOT; }
+case 118:
+#line 217 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return NOT; }
+case 119:
+#line 218 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return NOT; }
+case 120:
+#line 219 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return IS_ASSIGNED; }
+case 121:
+#line 220 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return GOES_TO; }
+case 122:
+#line 221 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return IN; }
+case 123:
+#line 222 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return GOES_TO; }
+case 124:
+#line 223 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = leq; return REL_OP; }
+case 125:
+#line 224 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = leq; return REL_OP; }
+case 126:
+#line 225 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = leq; return REL_OP; }
+case 127:
+#line 226 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = geq; return REL_OP; }
+case 128:
+#line 227 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = geq; return REL_OP; }
+case 129:
+#line 228 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = geq; return REL_OP; }
+case 130:
+#line 229 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = neq; return REL_OP; }
+case 131:
+#line 230 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = neq; return REL_OP; }
+case 132:
+#line 231 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = lt; return REL_OP; }
+case 133:
+#line 232 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = gt; return REL_OP; }
+case 134:
+#line 233 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = eq; return REL_OP; }
+case 135:
+#line 234 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = eq; return REL_OP; }
+case 136:
+#line 236 "../src/parser.ll"
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ return VAR;
+case 137:
+#line 242 "../src/parser.ll"
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-3] = 'i'; // lowercase
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-2] = 'n';
+ return VAR;
+case 138:
+#line 250 "../src/parser.ll"
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-4] = 'i'; // Change to "in"
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-3] = 'n'; // Be afraid
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-2] = ')';
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-1] = '\0';
+ return VAR;
+case 139:
+#line 260 "../src/parser.ll"
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-4] = 'o'; // lowercase
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-3] = 'u';
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-2] = 't';
+ return VAR;
+case 140:
+#line 269 "../src/parser.ll"
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ return VAR;
+ }
+case 141:
+#line 275 "../src/parser.ll"
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-3] = 'i'; // lowercase
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-2] = 'n';
+ return VAR;
+ }
+case 142:
+#line 283 "../src/parser.ll"
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-4] = 'i'; // Change to "in"
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-3] = 'n'; // Be afraid
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-2] = ')';
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-1] = '\0';
+ return VAR;
+ }
+case 143:
+#line 293 "../src/parser.ll"
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-4] = 'o'; // lowercase
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-3] = 'u';
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-2] = 't';
+ return VAR;
+ }
+case 144:
+#line 303 "../src/parser.ll"
+ if (need_coef) {
+ sscanf(yytext, coef_fmt, &yylval.COEF_VALUE);
+ return COEF;
+ }
+ else {
+ yylval.INT_VALUE = atoi(yytext);
+ return INT;
+ }
+case 145:
+/* rule 145 can match eol */
+#line 314 "../src/parser.ll"
+ yytext[yyleng-1]='\0';
+ yylval.STRING_VALUE = new std::string(yytext+1);
+ return STRING;
+#line 321 "../src/parser.ll"
+ mylexer.yypop_buffer_state();
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ return YY_NULL;
+ }
+case 146:
+#line 329 "../src/parser.ll"
+{ BUFFER; return yytext[0]; }
+case 147:
+#line 332 "../src/parser.ll"
+#line 3039 ""
+ {
+ /* Amount of text matched not including the EOB char. */
+ int yy_amount_of_matched_text = (int) (yy_cp - (yytext_ptr)) - 1;
+ /* Undo the effects of YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION. */
+ *yy_cp = (yy_hold_char);
+ if ( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buffer_status == YY_BUFFER_NEW )
+ {
+ /* We're scanning a new file or input source. It's
+ * possible that this happened because the user
+ * just pointed yyin at a new source and called
+ * yylex(). If so, then we have to assure
+ * consistency between YY_CURRENT_BUFFER and our
+ * globals. Here is the right place to do so, because
+ * this is the first action (other than possibly a
+ * back-up) that will match for the new input source.
+ */
+ (yy_n_chars) = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars;
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_input_file = yyin;
+ }
+ /* Note that here we test for yy_c_buf_p "<=" to the position
+ * of the first EOB in the buffer, since yy_c_buf_p will
+ * already have been incremented past the NUL character
+ * (since all states make transitions on EOB to the
+ * end-of-buffer state). Contrast this with the test
+ * in input().
+ */
+ if ( (yy_c_buf_p) <= &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars)] )
+ { /* This was really a NUL. */
+ yy_state_type yy_next_state;
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = (yytext_ptr) + yy_amount_of_matched_text;
+ yy_current_state = yy_get_previous_state( );
+ /* Okay, we're now positioned to make the NUL
+ * transition. We couldn't have
+ * yy_get_previous_state() go ahead and do it
+ * for us because it doesn't know how to deal
+ * with the possibility of jamming (and we don't
+ * want to build jamming into it because then it
+ * will run more slowly).
+ */
+ yy_next_state = yy_try_NUL_trans( yy_current_state );
+ yy_bp = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ;
+ if ( yy_next_state )
+ {
+ /* Consume the NUL. */
+ yy_cp = ++(yy_c_buf_p);
+ yy_current_state = yy_next_state;
+ goto yy_match;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ goto yy_find_action;
+ }
+ }
+ else switch ( yy_get_next_buffer( ) )
+ {
+ {
+ (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) = 0;
+ if ( yywrap( ) )
+ {
+ /* Note: because we've taken care in
+ * yy_get_next_buffer() to have set up
+ * yytext, we can now set up
+ * yy_c_buf_p so that if some total
+ * hoser (like flex itself) wants to
+ * call the scanner after we return the
+ * YY_NULL, it'll still work - another
+ * YY_NULL will get returned.
+ */
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ;
+ yy_act = YY_STATE_EOF(YY_START);
+ goto do_action;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( ! (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) )
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ (yy_c_buf_p) =
+ (yytext_ptr) + yy_amount_of_matched_text;
+ yy_current_state = yy_get_previous_state( );
+ yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ yy_bp = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ;
+ goto yy_match;
+ (yy_c_buf_p) =
+ &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars)];
+ yy_current_state = yy_get_previous_state( );
+ yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ yy_bp = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ;
+ goto yy_find_action;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ "fatal flex scanner internal error--no action found" );
+ } /* end of action switch */
+ } /* end of scanning one token */
+} /* end of yylex */
+/* The contents of this function are C++ specific, so the () macro is not used.
+ */
+yyFlexLexer::yyFlexLexer( std::istream* arg_yyin, std::ostream* arg_yyout )
+ yyin = arg_yyin;
+ yyout = arg_yyout;
+ yy_c_buf_p = 0;
+ yy_init = 0;
+ yy_start = 0;
+ yy_flex_debug = 0;
+ yylineno = 1; // this will only get updated if %option yylineno
+ yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof = 0;
+ yy_looking_for_trail_begin = 0;
+ yy_more_flag = 0;
+ yy_more_len = 0;
+ yy_more_offset = yy_prev_more_offset = 0;
+ yy_start_stack_ptr = yy_start_stack_depth = 0;
+ yy_start_stack = NULL;
+ yy_buffer_stack = 0;
+ yy_buffer_stack_top = 0;
+ yy_buffer_stack_max = 0;
+ yy_state_buf = 0;
+/* The contents of this function are C++ specific, so the () macro is not used.
+ */
+ delete [] yy_state_buf;
+ yyfree(yy_start_stack );
+ yy_delete_buffer( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER );
+ yyfree(yy_buffer_stack );
+/* The contents of this function are C++ specific, so the () macro is not used.
+ */
+void yyFlexLexer::switch_streams( std::istream* new_in, std::ostream* new_out )
+ if ( new_in )
+ {
+ yy_delete_buffer( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER );
+ yy_switch_to_buffer( yy_create_buffer( new_in, YY_BUF_SIZE ) );
+ }
+ if ( new_out )
+ yyout = new_out;
+int yyFlexLexer::LexerInput( char* buf, int /* max_size */ )
+int yyFlexLexer::LexerInput( char* buf, int max_size )
+ if ( yyin->eof() || yyin->fail() )
+ return 0;
+ yyin->get( buf[0] );
+ if ( yyin->eof() )
+ return 0;
+ if ( yyin->bad() )
+ return -1;
+ return 1;
+ (void) yyin->read( buf, max_size );
+ if ( yyin->bad() )
+ return -1;
+ else
+ return yyin->gcount();
+void yyFlexLexer::LexerOutput( const char* buf, int size )
+ (void) yyout->write( buf, size );
+/* yy_get_next_buffer - try to read in a new buffer
+ *
+ * Returns a code representing an action:
+ * EOB_ACT_CONTINUE_SCAN - continue scanning from current position
+ * EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE - end of file
+ */
+int yyFlexLexer::yy_get_next_buffer()
+ register char *dest = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf;
+ register char *source = (yytext_ptr);
+ register int number_to_move, i;
+ int ret_val;
+ if ( (yy_c_buf_p) > &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars) + 1] )
+ "fatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missed" );
+ if ( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_fill_buffer == 0 )
+ { /* Don't try to fill the buffer, so this is an EOF. */
+ if ( (yy_c_buf_p) - (yytext_ptr) - YY_MORE_ADJ == 1 )
+ {
+ /* We matched a single character, the EOB, so
+ * treat this as a final EOF.
+ */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* We matched some text prior to the EOB, first
+ * process it.
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ /* Try to read more data. */
+ /* First move last chars to start of buffer. */
+ number_to_move = (int) ((yy_c_buf_p) - (yytext_ptr)) - 1;
+ for ( i = 0; i < number_to_move; ++i )
+ *(dest++) = *(source++);
+ /* don't do the read, it's not guaranteed to return an EOF,
+ * just force an EOF
+ */
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars = (yy_n_chars) = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ int num_to_read =
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_size - number_to_move - 1;
+ while ( num_to_read <= 0 )
+ { /* Not enough room in the buffer - grow it. */
+ /* just a shorter name for the current buffer */
+ int yy_c_buf_p_offset =
+ (int) ((yy_c_buf_p) - b->yy_ch_buf);
+ if ( b->yy_is_our_buffer )
+ {
+ int new_size = b->yy_buf_size * 2;
+ if ( new_size <= 0 )
+ b->yy_buf_size += b->yy_buf_size / 8;
+ else
+ b->yy_buf_size *= 2;
+ b->yy_ch_buf = (char *)
+ /* Include room in for 2 EOB chars. */
+ yyrealloc((void *) b->yy_ch_buf,b->yy_buf_size + 2 );
+ }
+ else
+ /* Can't grow it, we don't own it. */
+ b->yy_ch_buf = 0;
+ if ( ! b->yy_ch_buf )
+ "fatal error - scanner input buffer overflow" );
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = &b->yy_ch_buf[yy_c_buf_p_offset];
+ num_to_read = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_size -
+ number_to_move - 1;
+ }
+ if ( num_to_read > YY_READ_BUF_SIZE )
+ num_to_read = YY_READ_BUF_SIZE;
+ /* Read in more data. */
+ YY_INPUT( (&YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[number_to_move]),
+ (yy_n_chars), (size_t) num_to_read );
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars = (yy_n_chars);
+ }
+ if ( (yy_n_chars) == 0 )
+ {
+ if ( number_to_move == YY_MORE_ADJ )
+ {
+ ret_val = EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE;
+ yyrestart( yyin );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret_val = EOB_ACT_LAST_MATCH;
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buffer_status =
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if ((yy_size_t) ((yy_n_chars) + number_to_move) > YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_size) {
+ /* Extend the array by 50%, plus the number we really need. */
+ yy_size_t new_size = (yy_n_chars) + number_to_move + ((yy_n_chars) >> 1);
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf = (char *) yyrealloc((void *) YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf,new_size );
+ if ( ! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_get_next_buffer()" );
+ }
+ (yy_n_chars) += number_to_move;
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars)] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars) + 1] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ (yytext_ptr) = &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[0];
+ return ret_val;
+/* yy_get_previous_state - get the state just before the EOB char was reached */
+ yy_state_type yyFlexLexer::yy_get_previous_state()
+ register yy_state_type yy_current_state;
+ register char *yy_cp;
+ yy_current_state = (yy_start);
+ for ( yy_cp = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ; yy_cp < (yy_c_buf_p); ++yy_cp )
+ {
+ register YY_CHAR yy_c = (*yy_cp ? yy_ec[YY_SC_TO_UI(*yy_cp)] : 1);
+ if ( yy_accept[yy_current_state] )
+ {
+ (yy_last_accepting_state) = yy_current_state;
+ (yy_last_accepting_cpos) = yy_cp;
+ }
+ while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
+ {
+ yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
+ if ( yy_current_state >= 2067 )
+ yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
+ }
+ yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
+ }
+ return yy_current_state;
+/* yy_try_NUL_trans - try to make a transition on the NUL character
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * next_state = yy_try_NUL_trans( current_state );
+ */
+ yy_state_type yyFlexLexer::yy_try_NUL_trans( yy_state_type yy_current_state )
+ register int yy_is_jam;
+ register char *yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ register YY_CHAR yy_c = 1;
+ if ( yy_accept[yy_current_state] )
+ {
+ (yy_last_accepting_state) = yy_current_state;
+ (yy_last_accepting_cpos) = yy_cp;
+ }
+ while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
+ {
+ yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
+ if ( yy_current_state >= 2067 )
+ yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
+ }
+ yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
+ yy_is_jam = (yy_current_state == 2066);
+ return yy_is_jam ? 0 : yy_current_state;
+ void yyFlexLexer::yyunput( int c, register char* yy_bp)
+ register char *yy_cp;
+ yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ /* undo effects of setting up yytext */
+ *yy_cp = (yy_hold_char);
+ if ( yy_cp < YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf + 2 )
+ { /* need to shift things up to make room */
+ /* +2 for EOB chars. */
+ register int number_to_move = (yy_n_chars) + 2;
+ register char *dest = &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_size + 2];
+ register char *source =
+ &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[number_to_move];
+ while ( source > YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf )
+ *--dest = *--source;
+ yy_cp += (int) (dest - source);
+ yy_bp += (int) (dest - source);
+ (yy_n_chars) = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_size;
+ if ( yy_cp < YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf + 2 )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "flex scanner push-back overflow" );
+ }
+ *--yy_cp = (char) c;
+ if ( c == '\n' ){
+ --yylineno;
+ }
+ (yytext_ptr) = yy_bp;
+ (yy_hold_char) = *yy_cp;
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = yy_cp;
+ int yyFlexLexer::yyinput()
+ int c;
+ *(yy_c_buf_p) = (yy_hold_char);
+ if ( *(yy_c_buf_p) == YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR )
+ {
+ /* yy_c_buf_p now points to the character we want to return.
+ * If this occurs *before* the EOB characters, then it's a
+ * valid NUL; if not, then we've hit the end of the buffer.
+ */
+ if ( (yy_c_buf_p) < &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars)] )
+ /* This was really a NUL. */
+ *(yy_c_buf_p) = '\0';
+ else
+ { /* need more input */
+ int offset = (yy_c_buf_p) - (yytext_ptr);
+ ++(yy_c_buf_p);
+ switch ( yy_get_next_buffer( ) )
+ {
+ /* This happens because yy_g_n_b()
+ * sees that we've accumulated a
+ * token and flags that we need to
+ * try matching the token before
+ * proceeding. But for input(),
+ * there's no matching to consider.
+ * So convert the EOB_ACT_LAST_MATCH
+ */
+ /* Reset buffer status. */
+ yyrestart( yyin );
+ {
+ if ( yywrap( ) )
+ return EOF;
+ if ( ! (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) )
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ return yyinput();
+ return input();
+ }
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = (yytext_ptr) + offset;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ c = *(unsigned char *) (yy_c_buf_p); /* cast for 8-bit char's */
+ *(yy_c_buf_p) = '\0'; /* preserve yytext */
+ (yy_hold_char) = *++(yy_c_buf_p);
+ if ( c == '\n' )
+ yylineno++;
+ return c;
+/** Immediately switch to a different input stream.
+ * @param input_file A readable stream.
+ *
+ * @note This function does not reset the start condition to @c INITIAL .
+ */
+ void yyFlexLexer::yyrestart( std::istream* input_file )
+ yyensure_buffer_stack ();
+ yy_create_buffer( yyin, YY_BUF_SIZE );
+ }
+ yy_init_buffer( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER, input_file );
+ yy_load_buffer_state( );
+/** Switch to a different input buffer.
+ * @param new_buffer The new input buffer.
+ *
+ */
+ void yyFlexLexer::yy_switch_to_buffer( YY_BUFFER_STATE new_buffer )
+ /* TODO. We should be able to replace this entire function body
+ * with
+ * yypop_buffer_state();
+ * yypush_buffer_state(new_buffer);
+ */
+ yyensure_buffer_stack ();
+ if ( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER == new_buffer )
+ return;
+ {
+ /* Flush out information for old buffer. */
+ *(yy_c_buf_p) = (yy_hold_char);
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_pos = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars = (yy_n_chars);
+ }
+ yy_load_buffer_state( );
+ /* We don't actually know whether we did this switch during
+ * EOF (yywrap()) processing, but the only time this flag
+ * is looked at is after yywrap() is called, so it's safe
+ * to go ahead and always set it.
+ */
+ (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) = 1;
+ void yyFlexLexer::yy_load_buffer_state()
+ (yy_n_chars) = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars;
+ (yytext_ptr) = (yy_c_buf_p) = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_pos;
+ yyin = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_input_file;
+ (yy_hold_char) = *(yy_c_buf_p);
+/** Allocate and initialize an input buffer state.
+ * @param file A readable stream.
+ * @param size The character buffer size in bytes. When in doubt, use @c YY_BUF_SIZE.
+ *
+ * @return the allocated buffer state.
+ */
+ YY_BUFFER_STATE yyFlexLexer::yy_create_buffer( std::istream* file, int size )
+ b = (YY_BUFFER_STATE) yyalloc(sizeof( struct yy_buffer_state ) );
+ if ( ! b )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_create_buffer()" );
+ b->yy_buf_size = size;
+ /* yy_ch_buf has to be 2 characters longer than the size given because
+ * we need to put in 2 end-of-buffer characters.
+ */
+ b->yy_ch_buf = (char *) yyalloc(b->yy_buf_size + 2 );
+ if ( ! b->yy_ch_buf )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_create_buffer()" );
+ b->yy_is_our_buffer = 1;
+ yy_init_buffer( b, file );
+ return b;
+/** Destroy the buffer.
+ * @param b a buffer created with yy_create_buffer()
+ *
+ */
+ void yyFlexLexer::yy_delete_buffer( YY_BUFFER_STATE b )
+ if ( ! b )
+ return;
+ if ( b == YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ) /* Not sure if we should pop here. */
+ if ( b->yy_is_our_buffer )
+ yyfree((void *) b->yy_ch_buf );
+ yyfree((void *) b );
+extern "C" int isatty (int );
+/* Initializes or reinitializes a buffer.
+ * This function is sometimes called more than once on the same buffer,
+ * such as during a yyrestart() or at EOF.
+ */
+ void yyFlexLexer::yy_init_buffer( YY_BUFFER_STATE b, std::istream* file )
+ int oerrno = errno;
+ yy_flush_buffer( b );
+ b->yy_input_file = file;
+ b->yy_fill_buffer = 1;
+ /* If b is the current buffer, then yy_init_buffer was _probably_
+ * called from yyrestart() or through yy_get_next_buffer.
+ * In that case, we don't want to reset the lineno or column.
+ */
+ if (b != YY_CURRENT_BUFFER){
+ b->yy_bs_lineno = 1;
+ b->yy_bs_column = 0;
+ }
+ b->yy_is_interactive = 0;
+ errno = oerrno;
+/** Discard all buffered characters. On the next scan, YY_INPUT will be called.
+ * @param b the buffer state to be flushed, usually @c YY_CURRENT_BUFFER.
+ *
+ */
+ void yyFlexLexer::yy_flush_buffer( YY_BUFFER_STATE b )
+ if ( ! b )
+ return;
+ b->yy_n_chars = 0;
+ /* We always need two end-of-buffer characters. The first causes
+ * a transition to the end-of-buffer state. The second causes
+ * a jam in that state.
+ */
+ b->yy_ch_buf[0] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ b->yy_ch_buf[1] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ b->yy_buf_pos = &b->yy_ch_buf[0];
+ b->yy_at_bol = 1;
+ b->yy_buffer_status = YY_BUFFER_NEW;
+ if ( b == YY_CURRENT_BUFFER )
+ yy_load_buffer_state( );
+/** Pushes the new state onto the stack. The new state becomes
+ * the current state. This function will allocate the stack
+ * if necessary.
+ * @param new_buffer The new state.
+ *
+ */
+void yyFlexLexer::yypush_buffer_state (YY_BUFFER_STATE new_buffer)
+ if (new_buffer == NULL)
+ return;
+ yyensure_buffer_stack();
+ /* This block is copied from yy_switch_to_buffer. */
+ {
+ /* Flush out information for old buffer. */
+ *(yy_c_buf_p) = (yy_hold_char);
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_pos = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars = (yy_n_chars);
+ }
+ /* Only push if top exists. Otherwise, replace top. */
+ (yy_buffer_stack_top)++;
+ /* copied from yy_switch_to_buffer. */
+ yy_load_buffer_state( );
+ (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) = 1;
+/** Removes and deletes the top of the stack, if present.
+ * The next element becomes the new top.
+ *
+ */
+void yyFlexLexer::yypop_buffer_state (void)
+ return;
+ yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER );
+ if ((yy_buffer_stack_top) > 0)
+ --(yy_buffer_stack_top);
+ yy_load_buffer_state( );
+ (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) = 1;
+ }
+/* Allocates the stack if it does not exist.
+ * Guarantees space for at least one push.
+ */
+void yyFlexLexer::yyensure_buffer_stack(void)
+ int num_to_alloc;
+ if (!(yy_buffer_stack)) {
+ /* First allocation is just for 2 elements, since we don't know if this
+ * scanner will even need a stack. We use 2 instead of 1 to avoid an
+ * immediate realloc on the next call.
+ */
+ num_to_alloc = 1;
+ (yy_buffer_stack) = (struct yy_buffer_state**)yyalloc
+ (num_to_alloc * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*)
+ );
+ if ( ! (yy_buffer_stack) )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yyensure_buffer_stack()" );
+ memset((yy_buffer_stack), 0, num_to_alloc * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*));
+ (yy_buffer_stack_max) = num_to_alloc;
+ (yy_buffer_stack_top) = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((yy_buffer_stack_top) >= ((yy_buffer_stack_max)) - 1){
+ /* Increase the buffer to prepare for a possible push. */
+ int grow_size = 8 /* arbitrary grow size */;
+ num_to_alloc = (yy_buffer_stack_max) + grow_size;
+ (yy_buffer_stack) = (struct yy_buffer_state**)yyrealloc
+ ((yy_buffer_stack),
+ num_to_alloc * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*)
+ );
+ if ( ! (yy_buffer_stack) )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yyensure_buffer_stack()" );
+ /* zero only the new slots.*/
+ memset((yy_buffer_stack) + (yy_buffer_stack_max), 0, grow_size * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*));
+ (yy_buffer_stack_max) = num_to_alloc;
+ }
+ void yyFlexLexer::yy_push_state( int new_state )
+ if ( (yy_start_stack_ptr) >= (yy_start_stack_depth) )
+ {
+ yy_size_t new_size;
+ (yy_start_stack_depth) += YY_START_STACK_INCR;
+ new_size = (yy_start_stack_depth) * sizeof( int );
+ if ( ! (yy_start_stack) )
+ (yy_start_stack) = (int *) yyalloc(new_size );
+ else
+ (yy_start_stack) = (int *) yyrealloc((void *) (yy_start_stack),new_size );
+ if ( ! (yy_start_stack) )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of memory expanding start-condition stack" );
+ }
+ (yy_start_stack)[(yy_start_stack_ptr)++] = YY_START;
+ BEGIN(new_state);
+ void yyFlexLexer::yy_pop_state()
+ if ( --(yy_start_stack_ptr) < 0 )
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "start-condition stack underflow" );
+ BEGIN((yy_start_stack)[(yy_start_stack_ptr)]);
+ int yyFlexLexer::yy_top_state()
+ return (yy_start_stack)[(yy_start_stack_ptr) - 1];
+#define YY_EXIT_FAILURE 2
+void yyFlexLexer::LexerError( yyconst char msg[] )
+ std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
+ exit( YY_EXIT_FAILURE );
+/* Redefine yyless() so it works in section 3 code. */
+#undef yyless
+#define yyless(n) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ /* Undo effects of setting up yytext. */ \
+ int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
+ YY_LESS_LINENO(yyless_macro_arg);\
+ yytext[yyleng] = (yy_hold_char); \
+ (yy_c_buf_p) = yytext + yyless_macro_arg; \
+ (yy_hold_char) = *(yy_c_buf_p); \
+ *(yy_c_buf_p) = '\0'; \
+ yyleng = yyless_macro_arg; \
+ } \
+ while ( 0 )
+/* Accessor methods (get/set functions) to struct members. */
+ * Internal utility routines.
+ */
+#ifndef yytext_ptr
+static void yy_flex_strncpy (char* s1, yyconst char * s2, int n )
+ register int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
+ s1[i] = s2[i];
+static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * s )
+ register int n;
+ for ( n = 0; s[n]; ++n )
+ ;
+ return n;
+void *yyalloc (yy_size_t size )
+ return (void *) malloc( size );
+void *yyrealloc (void * ptr, yy_size_t size )
+ /* The cast to (char *) in the following accommodates both
+ * implementations that use char* generic pointers, and those
+ * that use void* generic pointers. It works with the latter
+ * because both ANSI C and C++ allow castless assignment from
+ * any pointer type to void*, and deal with argument conversions
+ * as though doing an assignment.
+ */
+ return (void *) realloc( (char *) ptr, size );
+void yyfree (void * ptr )
+ free( (char *) ptr ); /* see yyrealloc() for (char *) cast */
+#define YYTABLES_NAME "yytables"
+#line 332 "../src/parser.ll"
+void flushScanBuffer() {
+ if (scanBuf.size() == 0)
+ return;
+ if (!is_interactive) {
+ size_t prev_pos = 0;
+ if (scanBuf[0] == '\n')
+ prev_pos = 1;
+ for (size_t pos = prev_pos; pos <= scanBuf.size(); pos++) {
+ if (pos == scanBuf.size() || scanBuf[pos] == '\n') {
+ std::cout << PROMPT_STRING << " " << scanBuf.substr(prev_pos, pos-prev_pos) << std::endl;
+ prev_pos = pos+1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ scanBuf.clear();
diff --git a/omega/omega_calc/obj/tile.script b/omega/omega_calc/obj/tile.script
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54980bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omega/omega_calc/obj/tile.script
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+sym = n;
+s1:={[In_1,In_2,In_3,In_4] : exists ( t2,t4,t6,t8,t2',t4',t6',t8' : ( exists ( alpha,beta : t2 = 16beta && t2' = 16alpha && t4' = t4 && t6' = 1+t6 && t8' = 1+t8 && t2' = t2+In_1 && t4' = t4+In_2 && t6' = t6+In_3 && t8' = t8+In_4 && 0, t8-15 <= t2 <= t8 <= t2'+14 && 0 <= t2' <= t8+1, n-1 && 0 <= t6 <= n-2 && 0 <= t4 < n && t2 < n) )) };
+s2:={[t8]: 0 < t8 < 8};
diff --git a/omega/omega_calc/src/ b/omega/omega_calc/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f885a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omega/omega_calc/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1994-2000 the Omega Project Team
+ Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Chun Chen
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Purpose:
+ build relation from parsed input.
+ Notes:
+ History:
+#include <omega_calc/AST.h>
+#include <string.h>
+using namespace omega;
+Global_Declaration_Site *globalDecls;
+Declaration_Site *relationDecl = NULL;
+tupleDescriptor *currentTupleDescriptor;
+std::map<omega::Const_String, Variable_Ref *> functionOfInput;
+std::map<omega::Const_String, Variable_Ref *> functionOfOutput;
+AST_constraints::AST_constraints(std::set<Exp *> *f, Rel_Op r, AST_constraints *o) {
+ others = o;
+ rel_op = r;
+ first = f;
+AST_constraints::AST_constraints(std::set<Exp *> *f, Rel_Op r, std::set<Exp *> *s) {
+ others = new AST_constraints(s);
+ rel_op = r;
+ first = f;
+AST_constraints::AST_constraints(std::set<Exp *> *f){
+ others = 0;
+ first = f;
+AST_constraints::~AST_constraints() {
+ for (std::set<Exp *>::iterator i = first->begin(); i != first->end(); i++)
+ delete *i;
+ delete first;
+ delete others;
+void AST_constraints::print() {
+ for (std::set<Exp *>::iterator i = first->begin(); ;) {
+ printf(coef_fmt, (*i)->constantTerm);
+ for (std::map<Variable_Ref *, omega::coef_t>::iterator j = (*i)->coefs.begin(); j != (*i)->coefs.end(); j++)
+ printf("+"coef_fmt"%s", (*j).second, static_cast<const char *>((*j).first->name));
+ i++;
+ if (i != first->end())
+ printf(", ");
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+Exp::Exp(coef_t c) : coefs() {
+ constantTerm = c;
+Exp::Exp(Variable_Ref *v) : coefs() {
+ assert(v != 0);
+ constantTerm = 0;
+ coefs[v] = 1;
+Exp *negate (Exp *x) {
+ x->constantTerm = -x->constantTerm;
+ for (std::map<Variable_Ref *, omega::coef_t>::iterator i = x->coefs.begin(); i != x->coefs.end(); i++)
+ (*i).second = -(*i).second;
+ return x;
+Exp *add (Exp *x, Exp *y) {
+ x->constantTerm += y->constantTerm;
+ for (std::map<Variable_Ref *, omega::coef_t>::iterator i = y->coefs.begin(); i != y->coefs.end(); i++)
+ x->coefs[(*i).first] += (*i).second;
+ delete y;
+ return x;
+Exp *subtract (Exp *x, Exp *y) {
+ x->constantTerm -= y->constantTerm;
+ for (std::map<Variable_Ref *, omega::coef_t>::iterator i = y->coefs.begin(); i != y->coefs.end(); i++)
+ x->coefs[(*i).first] -= (*i).second;
+ delete y;
+ return x;
+Exp *multiply (coef_t c, Exp *x) {
+ x->constantTerm *= c;
+ for (std::map<Variable_Ref *, omega::coef_t>::iterator i = x->coefs.begin(); i != x->coefs.end(); i++)
+ (*i).second *= c;
+ return x;
+Exp *multiply (Exp *x, Exp *y) {
+ bool found_nonzero = false;
+ for (std::map<Variable_Ref *, omega::coef_t>::iterator i = x->coefs.begin(); i != x->coefs.end(); i++)
+ if ((*i).second != 0)
+ found_nonzero = true;
+ if (!found_nonzero) {
+ coef_t c = x->constantTerm;
+ delete x;
+ return multiply(c,y);
+ }
+ found_nonzero = false;
+ for (std::map<Variable_Ref *, omega::coef_t>::iterator i = y->coefs.begin(); i != y->coefs.end(); i++)
+ if ((*i).second != 0)
+ found_nonzero = true;
+ if (!found_nonzero) {
+ coef_t c = y->constantTerm;
+ delete y;
+ return multiply(c,x);
+ }
+ delete x;
+ delete y;
+ throw std::runtime_error("invalid exp multiply");
+Declaration_Site *current_Declaration_Site = 0;
+Declaration_Site::Declaration_Site() {
+ previous = current_Declaration_Site;
+ current_Declaration_Site = this;
+Declaration_Site::Declaration_Site(std::set<char *> *v) {
+ previous = current_Declaration_Site;
+ current_Declaration_Site = this;
+ for (std::set<char *>::iterator i = v->begin(); i != v->end(); i++)
+ declarations.insert(new Variable_Ref(*i));
+Declaration_Site::~Declaration_Site() {
+ for (std::set<Variable_Ref *>::iterator i = declarations.begin(); i != declarations.end(); i++)
+ delete *i;
+Variable_Ref::Variable_Ref(char *s, int _arity, Argument_Tuple _of) {
+ name = s;
+ arity = _arity;
+ of = _of;
+ anonymous = !strncmp("In_",s,3) || !strncmp("Out_",s,4);
+ char *t = s;
+ while (*t != '\0') t++;
+ t--;
+ while (*t == '\'') t--;
+ t++;
+ *t = '\0';
+ stripped_name = s;
+ g = 0;
+Variable_Ref::Variable_Ref(char *s) {
+ name = s;
+ arity = 0;
+ anonymous = !strncmp("In_",s,3) || !strncmp("Out_",s,4);
+ char *t = s;
+ while (*t != '\0') t++;
+ t--;
+ while (*t == '\'') t--;
+ t++;
+ *t = '\0';
+ stripped_name = s;
+ g = 0;
+Variable_Ref::Variable_Ref() {
+ name = "#anonymous";
+ arity = 0;
+ anonymous = 1;
+ stripped_name = name;
+ g = 0;
+Variable_Ref::~Variable_Ref() {
+ assert(g == 0);
+Variable_Ref *lookupScalar(char *s) {
+ Declaration_Site *ds;
+ for(ds = current_Declaration_Site; ds; ds = ds->previous)
+ for (std::set<Variable_Ref *>::iterator i = ds->declarations.begin(); i != ds->declarations.end(); i++)
+ if ((*i)->name == static_cast<Const_String>(s))
+ return (*i);
+ return NULL;
+Declaration_Site *defined(char *s) {
+ Declaration_Site *ds;
+ for(ds = current_Declaration_Site; ds; ds = ds->previous)
+ for (std::set<Variable_Ref *>::iterator i = ds->declarations.begin(); i != ds->declarations.end(); i++)
+ if ((*i)->name == static_cast<Const_String>(s))
+ return ds;
+ return NULL;
+void AST_Or::install(Formula *F) {
+ if (F->node_type() != Op_Or)
+ F = F->add_or();
+ left->install(F);
+ right->install(F);
+void AST_And::install(Formula *F) {
+ if (F->node_type() != Op_And) F = F->add_and();
+ left->install(F);
+ right->install(F);
+void AST_Not::install(Formula *F) {
+ child->install(F->add_not());
+void AST_exists::install(Formula *F) {
+ F_Exists *G = F->add_exists();
+ for (std::set<Variable_Ref *>::iterator i = declaredVariables->declarations.begin(); i != declaredVariables->declarations.end(); i++)
+ (*i)->vid = G->declare((*i)->stripped_name);
+ child->install(G);
+void AST_forall::install(Formula *F) {
+ F_Forall *G = F->add_forall();
+ for (std::set<Variable_Ref *>::iterator i = declaredVariables->declarations.begin(); i != declaredVariables->declarations.end(); i++)
+ (*i)->vid = G->declare((*i)->stripped_name);
+ child->install(G);
+void AST_constraints::install(Formula *F) {
+ if (!others) return;
+ F_And *f = F->and_with();
+ for (std::set<Exp *>::iterator i = first->begin(); i != first->end(); i++)
+ for (std::set<Exp *>::iterator j = others->first->begin(); j != others->first->end(); j++)
+ switch (rel_op) {
+ case(lt) : install_gt(f, *j, *i); break;
+ case(gt) : install_gt(f, *i, *j); break;
+ case(leq) : install_geq(f, *j, *i); break;
+ case(geq) : install_geq(f, *i, *j); break;
+ case(eq) : install_eq(f, *i, *j); break;
+ case(neq) : install_neq(f, *i, *j); break;
+ default : assert(0);
+ }
+ others->install(f);
+void install_neq(F_And *F, Exp *e1, Exp *e2) {
+ F_Or *or_ = F->add_or();
+ F_And *and1 = or_->add_and();
+ F_And *and2 = or_->add_and();
+ install_gt(and1,e1,e2);
+ install_gt(and2,e2,e1);
+void install_stride(F_And *F, strideConstraint *s) {
+ Stride_Handle c = F->add_stride(s->step);
+ c.update_const(s->e->constantTerm);
+ for (std::map<Variable_Ref *, omega::coef_t>::iterator i = s->e->coefs.begin(); i != s->e->coefs.end(); i++)
+ c.update_coef((*i).first->id(F->relation()), (*i).second);
+ c.finalize();
+void install_eq(F_And *F, Exp *e1, Exp *e2) {
+ EQ_Handle c = F->add_EQ();
+ c.update_const(e1->constantTerm);
+ if (e2) c.update_const(-e2->constantTerm);
+ for (std::map<Variable_Ref *, omega::coef_t>::iterator i = e1->coefs.begin(); i != e1->coefs.end(); i++)
+ c.update_coef((*i).first->id(F->relation()), (*i).second);
+ if (e2)
+ for (std::map<Variable_Ref *, omega::coef_t>::iterator i = e2->coefs.begin(); i != e2->coefs.end(); i++)
+ c.update_coef((*i).first->id(F->relation()), -(*i).second);
+ c.finalize();
+void install_geq(F_And *F, Exp *e1, Exp *e2) {
+ GEQ_Handle c = F->add_GEQ();
+ c.update_const(e1->constantTerm);
+ if (e2) c.update_const(-e2->constantTerm);
+ for (std::map<Variable_Ref *, omega::coef_t>::iterator i = e1->coefs.begin(); i != e1->coefs.end(); i++)
+ c.update_coef((*i).first->id(F->relation()), (*i).second);
+ if (e2)
+ for (std::map<Variable_Ref *, omega::coef_t>::iterator i = e2->coefs.begin(); i != e2->coefs.end(); i++)
+ c.update_coef((*i).first->id(F->relation()), -(*i).second);
+ c.finalize();
+void install_gt(F_And *F, Exp *e1, Exp *e2) {
+ GEQ_Handle c = F->add_GEQ();
+ c.update_const(-1);
+ c.update_const(e1->constantTerm);
+ if (e2) c.update_const(-e2->constantTerm);
+ for (std::map<Variable_Ref *, omega::coef_t>::iterator i = e1->coefs.begin(); i != e1->coefs.end(); i++)
+ c.update_coef((*i).first->id(F->relation()), (*i).second);
+ if (e2)
+ for (std::map<Variable_Ref *, omega::coef_t>::iterator i = e2->coefs.begin(); i != e2->coefs.end(); i++)
+ c.update_coef((*i).first->id(F->relation()), -(*i).second);
+ c.finalize();
+Global_Declaration_Site::~Global_Declaration_Site() {
+/* // Take care of global variables - since we do that kludge */
+/* // of declaring globals twice if arity > 0, we must take care */
+/* // not to just delete each global once per declaration. */
+/* // Actually, we can't free these, since Relations containing references to */
+/* // this may get freed later */
+/* foreach(v,Variable_Ref*,this->declarations,v->g=0); */
+/* //Set<Free_Var_Decl *> globals; */
+/* //foreach(v,Variable_Ref*,this->declarations,(globals.insert(v->g),v->g=0)); */
+/* //foreach(g,Free_Var_Decl*,globals,delete g); */
+ // Only delete global variables here. --chun 5/28/2008
+ for (std::set<Variable_Ref *>::iterator i= declarations.begin(); i != declarations.end(); i++) {
+ if ((*i)->g != 0) {
+ if ((*i)->arity != 0) { // functional symbols
+ // only delete once from a pair of "(in)" and "(out)" variables
+ const char *name = static_cast<const char *>((*i)->name);
+ const char *s = "(in)";
+ bool match = true;
+ for (size_t p = strlen(name)-4, q = 0; p < strlen(name); p++, q++)
+ if (s[q] != name[p]) {
+ match = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (match)
+ delete (*i)->g;
+ }
+ else // not functions
+ delete (*i)->g;
+ (*i)->g = 0;
+ }
+ }
+Variable_Ref * Global_Declaration_Site::extend(char *s) {
+ Variable_Ref *r = new Variable_Ref(s);
+ r->g = new Free_Var_Decl(r->stripped_name);
+ declarations.insert(r);
+ return r;
+void Global_Declaration_Site::extend_both_tuples(char *s, int arity) {
+ if (arity == 0)
+ extend(s);
+ else {
+ assert(arity > 0);
+ char s1[strlen(s)+5], s2[strlen(s)+6];
+ strcpy(s1,s); strcat(s1,"(in)");
+ strcpy(s2,s); strcat(s2,"(out)");
+ Const_String name = s;
+ Variable_Ref *r1 = new Variable_Ref(s1, arity, Input_Tuple);
+ Variable_Ref *r2 = new Variable_Ref(s2, arity, Output_Tuple);
+ r1->g = r2->g = new Free_Var_Decl(s,arity);
+ functionOfInput[name] = r1;
+ functionOfOutput[name] = r2;
+ declarations.insert(r1);
+ declarations.insert(r2);
+ }
+void resetGlobals() {
+ for (std::set<Variable_Ref *>::iterator i = globalDecls->declarations.begin(); i != globalDecls->declarations.end(); i++)
+ (*i)->vid = 0;
+Variable_Ref *Declaration_Site::extend(char *s) {
+ Variable_Ref *r = new Variable_Ref(s);
+ declarations.insert(r);
+ return r;
+Variable_Ref *Declaration_Site::extend(char *s, Argument_Tuple of, int pos) {
+ Variable_Ref *r = new Variable_Ref(s);
+ declarations.insert(r);
+ r->of = of;
+ r->pos = pos;
+ return r;
+Variable_Ref * Declaration_Site::extend() {
+ Variable_Ref *r = new Variable_Ref();
+ declarations.insert(r);
+ return r;
+void tupleDescriptor::extend(char *s) {
+ Variable_Ref *r = relationDecl->extend(s);
+ size++;
+ vars.push_back(r);
+ assert(size == vars.size());
+void tupleDescriptor::extend(char *s, Argument_Tuple of, int pos) {
+ Variable_Ref *r = relationDecl->extend(s, of, pos);
+ size++;
+ vars.push_back(r);
+ assert(size == vars.size());
+void tupleDescriptor::extend(Exp *e) {
+ Variable_Ref *r = relationDecl->extend();
+ size++;
+ vars.push_back(r);
+ assert(size == vars.size());
+ Exp *eq = subtract(e, new Exp(r));
+ eq_constraints.insert(eq);
+void tupleDescriptor::extend(char *s, Exp *e) {
+ Variable_Ref *r = relationDecl->extend(s);
+ size++;
+ vars.push_back(r);
+ assert(size == vars.size());
+ Exp *eq = subtract(e, new Exp(r));
+ eq_constraints.insert(eq);
+void tupleDescriptor::extend() {
+ Variable_Ref *r = relationDecl->extend();
+ size++;
+ vars.push_back(r);
+ assert(size == vars.size());
+void tupleDescriptor::extend(Exp *lb,Exp *ub) {
+ Variable_Ref *r = relationDecl->extend();
+ size++;
+ vars.push_back(r);
+ assert(size == vars.size());
+ Exp *lb_exp = subtract(new Exp(r), lb);
+ geq_constraints.insert(lb_exp);
+ Exp *ub_exp = subtract(ub, new Exp(r));
+ geq_constraints.insert(ub_exp);
+void tupleDescriptor::extend(Exp *lb,Exp *ub, coef_t stride) {
+ Variable_Ref *r = relationDecl->extend();
+ size++;
+ vars.push_back(r);
+ Exp *lb_exp = subtract(new Exp(r), new Exp(*lb));
+ geq_constraints.insert(lb_exp);
+ Exp *ub_exp = subtract(ub, new Exp(r));
+ geq_constraints.insert(ub_exp);
+ strideConstraint *s = new strideConstraint;
+ s->e = subtract(lb, new Exp(r));
+ s->step = stride;
+ stride_constraints.insert(s);
diff --git a/omega/omega_calc/src/ b/omega/omega_calc/src/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..89a2544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omega/omega_calc/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2011 Chun Chen
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Purpose:
+ support command line editing for calculator.
+ Notes:
+ Since terminfo database is not queried for those nagging escape sequences,
+ current supported terminials are limited to xterm, linux, cygwin.
+ History:
+ 02/06/11 created by Chun Chen
+#include <omega_calc/myflex.h>
+#include <basic/util.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#if defined __USE_POSIX
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <termios.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#elif defined __WIN32
+#define HISTORY_SIZE 100
+namespace {
+extern bool is_interactive;
+extern const char * PROMPT_STRING;
+void move_cursor(int col, int n, int num_cols, const std::vector<std::string> &key_seqs) {
+ if (n == 0)
+ return;
+ int new_col = omega::int_mod(col + n, num_cols);
+ if (new_col == 0)
+ new_col = num_cols;
+ for (int i = 0; i < new_col-col; i++)
+ std::cout.write(key_seqs[MY_KEY_RIGHT].c_str(), key_seqs[MY_KEY_RIGHT].length());
+ for (int i = 0; i < col-new_col; i++)
+ std::cout.write(key_seqs[MY_KEY_LEFT].c_str(), key_seqs[MY_KEY_LEFT].length());
+ if (n < 0)
+ for (int i = 0; i < omega::abs(n) / num_cols + (new_col>col)?1:0; i++)
+ std::cout.write(key_seqs[MY_KEY_UP].c_str(), key_seqs[MY_KEY_UP].length());
+ else
+ for (int i = 0; i < omega::abs(n) / num_cols + (new_col<col)?1:0; i++)
+ std::cout.write(key_seqs[MY_KEY_DOWN].c_str(), key_seqs[MY_KEY_DOWN].length());
+myFlexLexer::myFlexLexer(std::istream *arg_yyin, std::ostream *arg_yyout):
+ yyFlexLexer(arg_yyin, arg_yyout), history(HISTORY_SIZE), key_seqs(12) {
+ cur_pos = 0;
+ first_history_pos = 0;
+ last_history_pos = -1;
+ if (strcmp(getenv("TERM"), "xterm") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(getenv("TERM"), "xterm-color") == 0) {
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_EOF] = "\x04";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_LEFT] = "\x1B\x5B\x44";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_RIGHT] = "\x1B\x5B\x43";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_UP] = "\x1B\x5B\x41";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_DOWN] = "\x1B\x5B\x42";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_DEL] = "\x1B\x5B\x33\x7E";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_HOME] = "\x1B\x4F\x48";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_END] = "\x1B\x4F\x46";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_PGUP] = "\x1B\x5B\x35\x7E";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_PGDOWN] = "\x1B\x5B\x36\x7E";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_NUMPAD_HOME] = "\x1B\x5B\x31\x7E";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_NUMPAD_END] = "\x1B\x5B\x34\x7E";
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(getenv("TERM"), "linux") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(getenv("TERM"), "cygwin") == 0) {
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_EOF] = "\x04";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_LEFT] = "\x1B\x5B\x44";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_RIGHT] = "\x1B\x5B\x43";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_UP] = "\x1B\x5B\x41";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_DOWN] = "\x1B\x5B\x42";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_DEL] = "\x1B\x5B\x33\x7E";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_HOME] = "\x1B\x5B\x31\x7E";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_END] = "\x1B\x5B\x34\x7E";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_PGUP] = "\x1B\x5B\x35\x7E";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_PGDOWN] = "\x1B\x5B\x36\x7E";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_NUMPAD_HOME] = "\x1B\x5B\x31\x7E";
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_NUMPAD_END] = "\x1B\x5B\x34\x7E";
+ }
+ else {
+ key_seqs[MY_KEY_EOF] = "\x04";
+ }
+int myFlexLexer::LexerInput(char *buf, int max_size) {
+ if (!is_interactive)
+ return yyFlexLexer::LexerInput(buf, max_size);
+#if defined __USE_POSIX
+ winsize wsz;
+ ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &wsz);
+ int num_cols = wsz.ws_col;
+ // unknown screen size, bail out
+ if (num_cols == 0)
+ return yyFlexLexer::LexerInput(buf, max_size);
+ termios old_settings;
+ termios new_settings;
+ char keycodes[255];
+ // set console to no echo, raw input mode
+ tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &old_settings);
+ new_settings = old_settings;
+ new_settings.c_cc[VTIME] = 1;
+ new_settings.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
+ new_settings.c_iflag &= ~(IXOFF);
+ new_settings.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO|ICANON);
+ tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &new_settings);
+ int cur_history_pos = (last_history_pos+1)%HISTORY_SIZE;
+ while (true) {
+ // feed current line to lex
+ int len = cur_line.length();
+ if (len > 0 && cur_line[len-1] == '\n') {
+ int n = omega::min(len-cur_pos, max_size);
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ buf[i] = cur_line[cur_pos+i];
+ cur_pos = cur_pos + n;
+ if (cur_pos == len) {
+ // save history
+ if (len > 1) {
+ if (last_history_pos == -1)
+ last_history_pos = 0;
+ else {
+ last_history_pos = (last_history_pos+1)%HISTORY_SIZE;
+ if ((last_history_pos + 1)%HISTORY_SIZE == first_history_pos)
+ first_history_pos = (first_history_pos+1)%HISTORY_SIZE;
+ }
+ history[last_history_pos] = cur_line.substr(0, len-1);
+ cur_history_pos = (last_history_pos+1)%HISTORY_SIZE;
+ }
+ // clear the working line
+ cur_pos = 0;
+ cur_line.clear();
+ }
+ tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &old_settings);
+ return n;
+ }
+ int count = read(STDIN_FILENO, keycodes, 255);
+ // handle special key my way
+ int eaten = 0;
+ while (eaten < count) {
+ if (key_seqs[MY_KEY_EOF].length() > 0 &&
+ static_cast<size_t>(count - eaten) >= key_seqs[MY_KEY_EOF].length() &&
+ strncmp(&keycodes[eaten], key_seqs[MY_KEY_EOF].c_str(), key_seqs[MY_KEY_EOF].length()) == 0) {
+ if (cur_line.length() == 0) {
+ tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &old_settings);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ eaten += key_seqs[MY_KEY_EOF].length();
+ }
+ else if (key_seqs[MY_KEY_LEFT].length() > 0 &&
+ static_cast<size_t>(count - eaten) >= key_seqs[MY_KEY_LEFT].length() &&
+ strncmp(&keycodes[eaten], key_seqs[MY_KEY_LEFT].c_str(), key_seqs[MY_KEY_LEFT].length()) == 0) {
+ if (cur_pos > 0) {
+ int cur_col = (cur_pos + 1 + strlen(PROMPT_STRING) + 1) % num_cols;
+ if (cur_col == 0)
+ cur_col = num_cols;
+ cur_pos--;
+ move_cursor(cur_col, -1, num_cols, key_seqs);
+ }
+ eaten += key_seqs[MY_KEY_LEFT].length();
+ }
+ else if (key_seqs[MY_KEY_RIGHT].length() > 0 &&
+ static_cast<size_t>(count - eaten) >= key_seqs[MY_KEY_RIGHT].length() &&
+ strncmp(&keycodes[eaten], key_seqs[MY_KEY_RIGHT].c_str(), key_seqs[MY_KEY_RIGHT].length()) == 0) {
+ if (static_cast<size_t>(cur_pos) < cur_line.length()) {
+ int cur_col = (cur_pos + 1 + strlen(PROMPT_STRING) + 1) % num_cols;
+ if (cur_col == 0)
+ cur_col = num_cols;
+ cur_pos++;
+ move_cursor(cur_col, 1, num_cols, key_seqs);
+ }
+ eaten += key_seqs[MY_KEY_RIGHT].length();
+ }
+ else if (key_seqs[MY_KEY_UP].length() > 0 &&
+ static_cast<size_t>(count - eaten) >= key_seqs[MY_KEY_UP].length() &&
+ strncmp(&keycodes[eaten], key_seqs[MY_KEY_UP].c_str(), key_seqs[MY_KEY_UP].length()) == 0) {
+ if (cur_history_pos >= 0 && cur_history_pos != first_history_pos) {
+ history[cur_history_pos] = cur_line;
+ cur_history_pos = omega::int_mod(cur_history_pos-1, HISTORY_SIZE);
+ int cur_col = (cur_pos + 1 + strlen(PROMPT_STRING) + 1) % num_cols;
+ if (cur_col == 0)
+ cur_col = num_cols;
+ move_cursor(cur_col, -cur_pos, num_cols, key_seqs);
+ std::cout.write(history[cur_history_pos].c_str(), history[cur_history_pos].length());
+ cur_col = (history[cur_history_pos].length() + strlen(PROMPT_STRING) + 1) % num_cols;
+ if (cur_col == 0) {
+ std::cout.put(' ');
+ std::cout.put('\b');
+ }
+ if (cur_line.length() > history[cur_history_pos].length()) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_line.length() - history[cur_history_pos].length(); i++)
+ std::cout.put(' ');
+ cur_col = (cur_line.length() + strlen(PROMPT_STRING) + 1) % num_cols;
+ if (cur_col == 0)
+ cur_col = num_cols + 1;
+ else
+ cur_col++;
+ move_cursor(cur_col, -(cur_line.length() - history[cur_history_pos].length()), num_cols, key_seqs);
+ }
+ cur_line = history[cur_history_pos];
+ cur_pos = cur_line.length();
+ }
+ eaten += key_seqs[MY_KEY_UP].length();
+ }
+ else if (key_seqs[MY_KEY_DOWN].length() > 0 &&
+ static_cast<size_t>(count - eaten) >= key_seqs[MY_KEY_DOWN].length() &&
+ strncmp(&keycodes[eaten], key_seqs[MY_KEY_DOWN].c_str(), key_seqs[MY_KEY_DOWN].length()) == 0) {
+ if (cur_history_pos >= 0 && cur_history_pos != (last_history_pos+1)%HISTORY_SIZE) {
+ history[cur_history_pos] = cur_line;
+ cur_history_pos = (cur_history_pos+1)%HISTORY_SIZE;
+ int cur_col = (cur_pos + 1 + strlen(PROMPT_STRING) + 1) % num_cols;
+ if (cur_col == 0)
+ cur_col = num_cols;
+ move_cursor(cur_col, -cur_pos, num_cols, key_seqs);
+ std::cout.write(history[cur_history_pos].c_str(), history[cur_history_pos].length());
+ cur_col = (history[cur_history_pos].length() + strlen(PROMPT_STRING) + 1) % num_cols;
+ if (cur_col == 0) {
+ std::cout.put(' ');
+ std::cout.put('\b');
+ }
+ if (cur_line.length() > history[cur_history_pos].length()) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_line.length() - history[cur_history_pos].length(); i++)
+ std::cout.put(' ');
+ cur_col = (cur_line.length() + strlen(PROMPT_STRING) + 1) % num_cols;
+ if (cur_col == 0)
+ cur_col = num_cols + 1;
+ else
+ cur_col++;
+ move_cursor(cur_col, -(cur_line.length() - history[cur_history_pos].length()), num_cols, key_seqs);
+ }
+ cur_line = history[cur_history_pos];
+ cur_pos = cur_line.length();
+ }
+ eaten += key_seqs[MY_KEY_DOWN].length();
+ }
+ else if (key_seqs[MY_KEY_DEL].length() > 0 &&
+ static_cast<size_t>(count - eaten) >= key_seqs[MY_KEY_DEL].length() &&
+ strncmp(&keycodes[eaten], key_seqs[MY_KEY_DEL].c_str(), key_seqs[MY_KEY_DEL].length()) == 0) {
+ if (static_cast<size_t>(cur_pos) < cur_line.length()) {
+ cur_line.erase(cur_pos, 1);
+ std::cout.write(&(cur_line.c_str()[cur_pos]), cur_line.length()-cur_pos);
+ std::cout.put(' ');
+ int cur_col = (cur_line.length() + 1 + strlen(PROMPT_STRING) + 1) % num_cols;
+ if (cur_col == 0)
+ cur_col = num_cols + 1;
+ else
+ cur_col++;
+ move_cursor(cur_col, -(cur_line.length()-cur_pos+1), num_cols, key_seqs);
+ }
+ eaten += key_seqs[MY_KEY_DEL].length();
+ }
+ else if (key_seqs[MY_KEY_HOME].length() > 0 &&
+ static_cast<size_t>(count - eaten) >= key_seqs[MY_KEY_HOME].length() &&
+ strncmp(&keycodes[eaten], key_seqs[MY_KEY_HOME].c_str(), key_seqs[MY_KEY_HOME].length()) == 0) {
+ int cur_col = (cur_pos + 1 + strlen(PROMPT_STRING) + 1) % num_cols;
+ if (cur_col == 0)
+ cur_col = num_cols;
+ move_cursor(cur_col, -cur_pos, num_cols, key_seqs);
+ cur_pos = 0;
+ eaten += key_seqs[MY_KEY_HOME].length();
+ }
+ else if (key_seqs[MY_KEY_END].length() > 0 &&
+ static_cast<size_t>(count - eaten) >= key_seqs[MY_KEY_END].length() &&
+ strncmp(&keycodes[eaten], key_seqs[MY_KEY_END].c_str(), key_seqs[MY_KEY_END].length()) == 0) {
+ int cur_col = (cur_pos + 1 + strlen(PROMPT_STRING) + 1) % num_cols;
+ if (cur_col == 0)
+ cur_col = num_cols;
+ move_cursor(cur_col, cur_line.length()-cur_pos, num_cols, key_seqs);
+ cur_pos = cur_line.length();
+ eaten += key_seqs[MY_KEY_END].length();
+ }
+ else if (key_seqs[MY_KEY_PGUP].length() > 0 &&
+ static_cast<size_t>(count - eaten) >= key_seqs[MY_KEY_PGUP].length() &&
+ strncmp(&keycodes[eaten], key_seqs[MY_KEY_PGUP].c_str(), key_seqs[MY_KEY_PGUP].length()) == 0) {
+ eaten += key_seqs[MY_KEY_PGUP].length();
+ }
+ else if (key_seqs[MY_KEY_PGDOWN].length() > 0 &&
+ static_cast<size_t>(count - eaten) >= key_seqs[MY_KEY_PGDOWN].length() &&
+ strncmp(&keycodes[eaten], key_seqs[MY_KEY_PGDOWN].c_str(), key_seqs[MY_KEY_PGDOWN].length()) == 0) {
+ eaten += key_seqs[MY_KEY_PGDOWN].length();
+ }
+ else if (key_seqs[MY_KEY_NUMPAD_HOME].length() > 0 &&
+ static_cast<size_t>(count - eaten) >= key_seqs[MY_KEY_NUMPAD_HOME].length() &&
+ strncmp(&keycodes[eaten], key_seqs[MY_KEY_NUMPAD_HOME].c_str(), key_seqs[MY_KEY_NUMPAD_HOME].length()) == 0) {
+ eaten += key_seqs[MY_KEY_NUMPAD_HOME].length();
+ }
+ else if (key_seqs[MY_KEY_NUMPAD_END].length() > 0 &&
+ static_cast<size_t>(count - eaten) >= key_seqs[MY_KEY_NUMPAD_END].length() &&
+ strncmp(&keycodes[eaten], key_seqs[MY_KEY_NUMPAD_END].c_str(), key_seqs[MY_KEY_NUMPAD_END].length()) == 0) {
+ eaten += key_seqs[MY_KEY_NUMPAD_END].length();
+ }
+ else if (keycodes[eaten] == '\x1B' && (count - eaten == 1 || keycodes[eaten+1] == '\x1B')) { // single ESC key
+ eaten++;
+ }
+ else if (keycodes[eaten] == '\x1B') { // unknown escape sequences
+ while (eaten+1 < count && keycodes[eaten+1] != '\x1B')
+ eaten++;
+ keycodes[eaten] = '~';
+ }
+ else if (keycodes[eaten] == '\x7F') { // backspace key
+ if (cur_pos > 0) {
+ int cur_col = (cur_pos + 1 + strlen(PROMPT_STRING) + 1) % num_cols;
+ if (cur_col == 0)
+ cur_col = num_cols;
+ cur_pos--;
+ cur_line.erase(cur_pos, 1);
+ move_cursor(cur_col, -1, num_cols, key_seqs);
+ std::cout.write(&(cur_line.c_str()[cur_pos]), cur_line.length()-cur_pos);
+ std::cout.put(' ');
+ cur_col = (cur_line.length() + 1 + strlen(PROMPT_STRING) + 1) % num_cols;
+ if (cur_col == 0)
+ cur_col = num_cols + 1;
+ else
+ cur_col++;
+ move_cursor(cur_col, -(cur_line.length()-cur_pos+1), num_cols, key_seqs);
+ }
+ eaten++;
+ }
+ else if (keycodes[eaten] == '\n'){ // return key
+ int cur_col = (cur_pos + 1 + strlen(PROMPT_STRING) + 1) % num_cols;
+ if (cur_col == 0)
+ cur_col = num_cols;
+ move_cursor(cur_col, cur_line.length()-cur_pos, num_cols, key_seqs);
+ std::cout.put(keycodes[eaten]);
+ cur_line.append(1, '\n');
+ cur_pos = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ else { // all other key
+ std::cout.put(keycodes[eaten]);
+ std::cout.write(&(cur_line.c_str()[cur_pos]), cur_line.length()-cur_pos);
+ cur_line.insert(cur_pos, &keycodes[eaten], 1);
+ cur_pos++;
+ int cur_col = (cur_line.length() + strlen(PROMPT_STRING) + 1) % num_cols;
+ if (cur_col == 0) {
+ // force cursor to move to the next line when the last printed char is at
+ // the right boundary of the terminal
+ std::cout.put(' ');
+ std::cout.put('\b');
+ cur_col = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ cur_col++;
+ move_cursor(cur_col, -(cur_line.length()-cur_pos), num_cols, key_seqs);
+ eaten++;
+ }
+ std::cout.flush();
+ }
+ }
+ return yyFlexLexer::LexerInput(buf, max_size);
diff --git a/omega/omega_calc/src/parser.l b/omega/omega_calc/src/parser.l
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac2b448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omega/omega_calc/src/parser.l
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <omega_calc/AST.h>
+#include <basic/Dynamic_Array.h>
+using namespace omega;
+#include ""
+#define BUFFER scanBuf += yytext
+std::string scanBuf;
+std::string err_msg;
+extern "C" int yywrap() {return 1;};
+int include_stack_ptr = 0;
+int comment_caller;
+extern bool is_interactive;
+extern const char *PROMPT_STRING;
+extern bool need_coef;
+// void yyerror(const char *s);
+void yyerror(const std::string &s);
+void flushScanBuffer();
+%option yylineno
+<INCLUDE>[^>\n ]+">>" {
+ scanBuf += "\n";
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ if (include_stack_ptr >= MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "File including nested too deeply, abort");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ char *s = yytext;
+ while (*s != '>') s++;
+ *s = '\0';
+ FILE *f = fopen(yytext, "r");
+ if (!f) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file %s\n", yytext);
+ }
+ else {
+ include_stack[include_stack_ptr++] = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
+ yyin = f;
+ yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(yyin, YY_BUF_SIZE));
+ }
+<INCLUDE>[ \n] {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Error in include syntax\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"Use <<fname>> to include the file named fname\n");
+ if(is_interactive && include_stack_ptr == 0)
+ printf("%s ", PROMPT_STRING);
+<COMMENT>\n {
+ BEGIN(comment_caller);
+ if(is_interactive && include_stack_ptr == 0)
+ printf("%s ", PROMPT_STRING);
+\n {
+ if(is_interactive && include_stack_ptr == 0)
+ printf("%s ", PROMPT_STRING);
+<LATEX>"\\ " { BUFFER; }
+[ \t]+ { BUFFER; }
+# { BUFFER; comment_caller = YY_START; BEGIN(COMMENT); }
+<COMMENT>.* { BUFFER; flushScanBuffer(); }
+"\$\$" { BUFFER; BEGIN(LATEX); }
+<LATEX>"\\t" { BUFFER; }
+<LATEX>"\\!" { BUFFER; }
+<LATEX>"\\\\" { BUFFER; }
+"{" { BUFFER; return OPEN_BRACE; }
+<LATEX>"\\{" { BUFFER; return OPEN_BRACE; }
+"}" { BUFFER; return CLOSE_BRACE; }
+<LATEX>"\\}" { BUFFER; return CLOSE_BRACE; }
+"approximate" { BUFFER; return APPROX; }
+"union" { BUFFER; return UNION; }
+<LATEX>"\\cup" { BUFFER; return UNION; }
+"intersection" { BUFFER; return INTERSECTION; }
+<LATEX>"\\cap" { BUFFER; return INTERSECTION; }
+"symbolic" { BUFFER; return SYMBOLIC; }
+"sym" { BUFFER; return SYMBOLIC; }
+<LATEX>"\\mid" { BUFFER; return VERTICAL_BAR; }
+<LATEX>"|" { BUFFER; return VERTICAL_BAR; }
+<LATEX>"\\st" { BUFFER; return SUCH_THAT; }
+"s.t." { BUFFER; return SUCH_THAT; }
+"inverse" { BUFFER; return INVERSE; }
+"complement" { BUFFER; return COMPLEMENT; }
+<LATEX>"\\circ" { BUFFER; return COMPOSE; }
+"compose" { BUFFER; return COMPOSE; }
+"difference" { BUFFER; return DIFFERENCE; }
+"project away symbols" { BUFFER; return PROJECT_AWAY_SYMBOLS; }
+"project_away_symbols" { BUFFER; return PROJECT_AWAY_SYMBOLS; }
+"projectAwaySymbols" { BUFFER; return PROJECT_AWAY_SYMBOLS; }
+"project on symbols" { BUFFER; return PROJECT_ON_SYMBOLS; }
+"project_on_symbols" { BUFFER; return PROJECT_ON_SYMBOLS; }
+"projectOnSymbols" { BUFFER; return PROJECT_ON_SYMBOLS; }
+<LATEX>"\\join" { BUFFER; return JOIN; }
+"\." { BUFFER; return JOIN; }
+"join" { BUFFER; return JOIN; }
+"domain" { BUFFER; return DOMAIN; }
+"time" { BUFFER; return TIME; }
+"timeclosure" { BUFFER; return TIMECLOSURE; }
+"range" { BUFFER; return RANGE; }
+<LATEX>"\\forall" { BUFFER; return FORALL; }
+"forall" { BUFFER; return FORALL; }
+<LATEX>"\\exists" { BUFFER; return EXISTS; }
+"exists" { BUFFER; return EXISTS; }
+"Venn" { BUFFER; return VENN; }
+"ConvexRepresentation" { BUFFER; return CONVEX_REPRESENTATION; }
+"ConvexCombination" { BUFFER; return CONVEX_COMBINATION; }
+"PositiveCombination" { BUFFER; return POSITIVE_COMBINATION; }
+"LinearCombination" { BUFFER; return LINEAR_COMBINATION; }
+"AffineCombination" { BUFFER; return AFFINE_COMBINATION; }
+"RectHull" { BUFFER; return RECT_HULL; }
+"ConvexHull" { BUFFER; return CONVEX_HULL; }
+"DecoupledConvexHull" { BUFFER; return DECOUPLED_CONVEX_HULL; }
+"AffineHull" { BUFFER; return AFFINE_HULL; }
+"ConicHull" { BUFFER; return CONIC_HULL; }
+"LinearHull" { BUFFER; return LINEAR_HULL; }
+"PairwiseCheck" { /*deprecated*/ BUFFER; return PAIRWISE_CHECK; }
+"ConvexCheck" { /*deprecated*/ BUFFER; return CONVEX_CHECK; }
+"QuickHull" { /*deprecated*/ BUFFER; return QUICK_HULL; }
+"hull" { BUFFER; return HULL; }
+"minimize" { BUFFER; return MINIMIZE; }
+"maximize" { BUFFER; return MAXIMIZE; }
+"minimize-range" { BUFFER; return MINIMIZE_RANGE; }
+"maximize-range" { BUFFER; return MAXIMIZE_RANGE; }
+"minimizerange" { BUFFER; return MINIMIZE_RANGE; }
+"maximizerange" { BUFFER; return MAXIMIZE_RANGE; }
+"minimize-domain" { BUFFER; return MINIMIZE_DOMAIN; }
+"maximize-domain" { BUFFER; return MAXIMIZE_DOMAIN; }
+"minimizedomain" { BUFFER; return MINIMIZE_DOMAIN; }
+"maximizedomain" { BUFFER; return MAXIMIZE_DOMAIN; }
+"gist" { BUFFER; return GIST; }
+"given" { BUFFER; return GIVEN; }
+"within" { BUFFER; return WITHIN; }
+"subset" { BUFFER; return SUBSET; }
+"codegen" { BUFFER; return CODEGEN; }
+"farkas" { BUFFER; return FARKAS; }
+"decoupledfarkas" { BUFFER; return DECOUPLED_FARKAS; }
+"decoupled-farkas" { BUFFER; return DECOUPLED_FARKAS; }
+"decoupled_farkas" { BUFFER; return DECOUPLED_FARKAS; }
+"upper_bound" { BUFFER; return MAKE_UPPER_BOUND; }
+"lower_bound" { BUFFER; return MAKE_LOWER_BOUND; }
+"supersetof" { BUFFER; return SUPERSETOF;}
+"subsetof" { BUFFER; return SUBSETOF;}
+"sym_example" { BUFFER; return SYM_SAMPLE;}
+"example" { BUFFER; return SAMPLE;}
+"carried_by" { BUFFER; return CARRIED_BY;}
+"reachable" { BUFFER; return REACHABLE_FROM; }
+"reachable of" { BUFFER; return REACHABLE_OF; }
+"restrict_domain" { BUFFER; return RESTRICT_DOMAIN; }
+"restrictDomain" { BUFFER; return RESTRICT_DOMAIN; }
+<LATEX>"\\" { yyerror("Can't use \\ for restrict_domain in Tex mode"); }
+"\\" { BUFFER; return RESTRICT_DOMAIN; }
+"restrict_range" { BUFFER; return RESTRICT_RANGE; }
+"restrictRange" { BUFFER; return RESTRICT_RANGE; }
+"assertUnsatisfiable" { BUFFER; return ASSERT_UNSAT; }
+"assert_unsatisfiable" { BUFFER; return ASSERT_UNSAT; }
+"/" { BUFFER; return RESTRICT_RANGE; }
+"&" { BUFFER; return AND; }
+"|" { BUFFER; return OR; }
+"&&" { BUFFER; return AND; }
+"||" { BUFFER; return OR; }
+"and" { BUFFER; return AND; }
+"or" { BUFFER; return OR; }
+<LATEX>"\\land" { BUFFER; return AND; }
+<LATEX>"\\lor" { BUFFER; return OR; }
+"!" { BUFFER; return NOT; }
+"not" { BUFFER; return NOT; }
+<LATEX>"\\neg" { BUFFER; return NOT; }
+":=" { BUFFER; return IS_ASSIGNED; }
+"->" { BUFFER; return GOES_TO; }
+"in" { BUFFER; return IN; }
+<LATEX>"\\rightarrow" { BUFFER; return GOES_TO; }
+"<=" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = leq; return REL_OP; }
+<LATEX>"\\leq" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = leq; return REL_OP; }
+<LATEX>"\\le" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = leq; return REL_OP; }
+">=" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = geq; return REL_OP; }
+<LATEX>"\\geq" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = geq; return REL_OP; }
+<LATEX>"\\ge" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = geq; return REL_OP; }
+"!=" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = neq; return REL_OP; }
+<LATEX>"\\neq" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = neq; return REL_OP; }
+"<" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = lt; return REL_OP; }
+">" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = gt; return REL_OP; }
+"=" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = eq; return REL_OP; }
+"==" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = eq; return REL_OP; }
+[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*[\']* {
+ if (yyleng > 19) yyerror("Identifier too long");
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ return VAR;
+[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*"(in)" {
+ if (yyleng > 19) yyerror("Identifier too long");
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-3] = 'i'; // lowercase
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-2] = 'n';
+ return VAR;
+[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*"(set)" {
+ if (yyleng > 19) yyerror("Identifier too long");
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-4] = 'i'; // Change to "in"
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-3] = 'n'; // Be afraid
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-2] = ')';
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-1] = '\0';
+ return VAR;
+[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*"(out)" {
+ if (yyleng > 19) yyerror("Identifier too long");
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-4] = 'o'; // lowercase
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-3] = 'u';
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-2] = 't';
+ return VAR;
+<LATEX>"\\"[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]* {
+ if (yyleng > 19) yyerror("Identifier too long");
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ return VAR;
+ }
+<LATEX>"\\"[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*"(in)" {
+ if (yyleng > 19) yyerror("Identifier too long");
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-3] = 'i'; // lowercase
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-2] = 'n';
+ return VAR;
+ }
+<LATEX>"\\"[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*"(set)" {
+ if (yyleng > 19) yyerror("Identifier too long");
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-4] = 'i'; // Change to "in"
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-3] = 'n'; // Be afraid
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-2] = ')';
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-1] = '\0';
+ return VAR;
+ }
+<LATEX>"\\"[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*"(out)" {
+ if (yyleng > 19) yyerror("Identifier too long");
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-4] = 'o'; // lowercase
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-3] = 'u';
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-2] = 't';
+ return VAR;
+ }
+[0-9]+ { BUFFER;
+ if (need_coef) {
+ sscanf(yytext, coef_fmt, &yylval.COEF_VALUE);
+ return COEF;
+ }
+ else {
+ yylval.INT_VALUE = atoi(yytext);
+ return INT;
+ }
+\"[^\"]*\" { BUFFER;
+ yytext[strlen(yytext)-1]='\0';
+ yylval.STRING_VALUE = new std::string(yytext+1);
+ return STRING;
+<<EOF>> {
+ if (--include_stack_ptr < 0) {
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ return yytext[0];
+ }
+ yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER);
+ yy_switch_to_buffer(include_stack[include_stack_ptr]);
+. { BUFFER; return yytext[0]; }
+void yyerror(const std::string &s) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ if (is_interactive && include_stack_ptr == 0)
+ ss << s << "\n";
+ else
+ ss << s << " at line " << yylineno << "\n";
+ err_msg = ss.str();
+void flushScanBuffer() {
+ if (scanBuf.size() == 0)
+ return;
+ if (!is_interactive || include_stack_ptr > 0) {
+ size_t prev_pos = 0;
+ if (scanBuf[0] == '\n')
+ prev_pos = 1;
+ for (size_t pos = prev_pos; pos <= scanBuf.size(); pos++) {
+ if (pos == scanBuf.size() || scanBuf[pos] == '\n') {
+ std::cout << PROMPT_STRING << " " << scanBuf.substr(prev_pos, pos-prev_pos) << std::endl;
+ prev_pos = pos+1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ scanBuf.clear();
diff --git a/omega/omega_calc/src/parser.ll b/omega/omega_calc/src/parser.ll
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..86de3a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omega/omega_calc/src/parser.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1994-2000 the Omega Project Team
+ Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Chun Chen
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Purpose:
+ lex parser for calculator.
+ Notes:
+ History:
+ 02/04/11 migrate to flex c++ mode, Chun Chen
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <omega_calc/AST.h>
+#include <basic/Dynamic_Array.h>
+#include ""
+#include <omega_calc/myflex.h>
+myFlexLexer mylexer;
+bool is_interactive;
+const char *PROMPT_STRING = ">>>";
+#define BUFFER scanBuf += yytext
+std::string scanBuf;
+std::string err_msg;
+extern bool need_coef;
+void yyerror(const std::string &s);
+void flushScanBuffer();
+%option yylineno
+%option noyywrap
+<INCLUDE>[^>\n ]+">>" {
+ scanBuf += "\n";
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ if (is_interactive) {
+ std::cout << "file include disabled in interactive mode\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ char *s = yytext;
+ while (*s != '>') s++;
+ *s = '\0';
+ std::ifstream *ifs = new std::ifstream(yytext, std::ifstream::in);
+ if (!ifs->is_open()) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file %s\n", yytext);
+ }
+ else {
+ yy_buffer_state *bs = mylexer.yy_create_buffer(ifs, 8092);
+ mylexer.yypush_buffer_state(bs);
+ }
+ }
+<INCLUDE>[ \n] {
+ std::cout << "Error in include syntax\n";
+ std::cout << "Use <<fname>> to include the file named fname\n";
+ if(is_interactive) {
+ std::cout << PROMPT_STRING << ' ';
+ std::cout.flush();
+ }
+<LATEX>"\\ " { BUFFER; }
+[ \t]+ { BUFFER; }
+"\$\$" { BUFFER; BEGIN(LATEX); }
+<LATEX>"\\n" { BUFFER; }
+<LATEX>"\\t" { BUFFER; }
+<LATEX>"\\!" { BUFFER; }
+<LATEX>"\\\\" { BUFFER; }
+<LATEX>"\n" { BUFFER; }
+\n {
+ if(is_interactive) {
+ std::cout << PROMPT_STRING << ' ';
+ std::cout.flush();
+ }
+"{" { BUFFER; return OPEN_BRACE; }
+<LATEX>"\\{" { BUFFER; return OPEN_BRACE; }
+"}" { BUFFER; return CLOSE_BRACE; }
+<LATEX>"\\}" { BUFFER; return CLOSE_BRACE; }
+"approximate" { BUFFER; return APPROX; }
+"union" { BUFFER; return UNION; }
+<LATEX>"\\cup" { BUFFER; return UNION; }
+"intersection" { BUFFER; return INTERSECTION; }
+<LATEX>"\\cap" { BUFFER; return INTERSECTION; }
+"without_simplify" { BUFFER; return NO_SIMPLIFY; }
+"symbolic" { BUFFER; return SYMBOLIC; }
+"sym" { BUFFER; return SYMBOLIC; }
+<LATEX>"\\mid" { BUFFER; return VERTICAL_BAR; }
+<LATEX>"|" { BUFFER; return VERTICAL_BAR; }
+<LATEX>"\\st" { BUFFER; return SUCH_THAT; }
+"s.t." { BUFFER; return SUCH_THAT; }
+"inverse" { BUFFER; return INVERSE; }
+"complement" { BUFFER; return COMPLEMENT; }
+<LATEX>"\\circ" { BUFFER; return COMPOSE; }
+"compose" { BUFFER; return COMPOSE; }
+"difference" { BUFFER; return DIFFERENCE; }
+"project away symbols" { BUFFER; return PROJECT_AWAY_SYMBOLS; }
+"project_away_symbols" { BUFFER; return PROJECT_AWAY_SYMBOLS; }
+"projectAwaySymbols" { BUFFER; return PROJECT_AWAY_SYMBOLS; }
+"project on symbols" { BUFFER; return PROJECT_ON_SYMBOLS; }
+"project_on_symbols" { BUFFER; return PROJECT_ON_SYMBOLS; }
+"projectOnSymbols" { BUFFER; return PROJECT_ON_SYMBOLS; }
+<LATEX>"\\join" { BUFFER; return JOIN; }
+"\." { BUFFER; return JOIN; }
+"join" { BUFFER; return JOIN; }
+"domain" { BUFFER; return DOMAIN; }
+"time" { BUFFER; return TIME; }
+"timeclosure" { BUFFER; return TIMECLOSURE; }
+"range" { BUFFER; return RANGE; }
+<LATEX>"\\forall" { BUFFER; return FORALL; }
+"forall" { BUFFER; return FORALL; }
+<LATEX>"\\exists" { BUFFER; return EXISTS; }
+"exists" { BUFFER; return EXISTS; }
+"Venn" { BUFFER; return VENN; }
+"ConvexRepresentation" { BUFFER; return CONVEX_REPRESENTATION; }
+"ConvexCombination" { BUFFER; return CONVEX_COMBINATION; }
+"PositiveCombination" { BUFFER; return POSITIVE_COMBINATION; }
+"LinearCombination" { BUFFER; return LINEAR_COMBINATION; }
+"AffineCombination" { BUFFER; return AFFINE_COMBINATION; }
+"RectHull" { /*deprecated*/ BUFFER; return RECT_HULL; }
+"SimpleHull" { BUFFER; return SIMPLE_HULL; }
+"ConvexHull" { BUFFER; return CONVEX_HULL; }
+"DecoupledConvexHull" { BUFFER; return DECOUPLED_CONVEX_HULL; }
+"AffineHull" { BUFFER; return AFFINE_HULL; }
+"ConicHull" { BUFFER; return CONIC_HULL; }
+"LinearHull" { BUFFER; return LINEAR_HULL; }
+"PairwiseCheck" { /*deprecated*/ BUFFER; return PAIRWISE_CHECK; }
+"ConvexCheck" { /*deprecated*/ BUFFER; return CONVEX_CHECK; }
+"QuickHull" { /*deprecated*/ BUFFER; return QUICK_HULL; }
+"Hull" { BUFFER; return HULL; }
+"farkas" { BUFFER; return FARKAS; }
+"decoupledfarkas" { BUFFER; return DECOUPLED_FARKAS; }
+"decoupled-farkas" { BUFFER; return DECOUPLED_FARKAS; }
+"decoupled_farkas" { BUFFER; return DECOUPLED_FARKAS; }
+"minimize" { BUFFER; return MINIMIZE; }
+"maximize" { BUFFER; return MAXIMIZE; }
+"minimize-range" { BUFFER; return MINIMIZE_RANGE; }
+"maximize-range" { BUFFER; return MAXIMIZE_RANGE; }
+"minimizerange" { BUFFER; return MINIMIZE_RANGE; }
+"maximizerange" { BUFFER; return MAXIMIZE_RANGE; }
+"minimize-domain" { BUFFER; return MINIMIZE_DOMAIN; }
+"maximize-domain" { BUFFER; return MAXIMIZE_DOMAIN; }
+"minimizedomain" { BUFFER; return MINIMIZE_DOMAIN; }
+"maximizedomain" { BUFFER; return MAXIMIZE_DOMAIN; }
+"gist" { BUFFER; return GIST; }
+"given" { BUFFER; return GIVEN; }
+"within" { BUFFER; return WITHIN; }
+"subset" { BUFFER; return SUBSET; }
+"codegen" { BUFFER; return CODEGEN; }
+"upper_bound" { BUFFER; return MAKE_UPPER_BOUND; }
+"lower_bound" { BUFFER; return MAKE_LOWER_BOUND; }
+"supersetof" { BUFFER; return SUPERSETOF;}
+"subsetof" { BUFFER; return SUBSETOF;}
+"sym_example" { BUFFER; return SYM_SAMPLE;}
+"example" { BUFFER; return SAMPLE;}
+"carried_by" { BUFFER; return CARRIED_BY;}
+"reachable" { BUFFER; return REACHABLE_FROM; }
+"reachable of" { BUFFER; return REACHABLE_OF; }
+"restrict_domain" { BUFFER; return RESTRICT_DOMAIN; }
+"restrictDomain" { BUFFER; return RESTRICT_DOMAIN; }
+"\\" { BUFFER; return RESTRICT_DOMAIN; }
+"restrict_range" { BUFFER; return RESTRICT_RANGE; }
+"restrictRange" { BUFFER; return RESTRICT_RANGE; }
+"assertUnsatisfiable" { BUFFER; return ASSERT_UNSAT; }
+"assert_unsatisfiable" { BUFFER; return ASSERT_UNSAT; }
+"/" { BUFFER; return RESTRICT_RANGE; }
+"&" { BUFFER; return AND; }
+"|" { BUFFER; return OR; }
+"&&" { BUFFER; return AND; }
+"||" { BUFFER; return OR; }
+"and" { BUFFER; return AND; }
+"or" { BUFFER; return OR; }
+<LATEX>"\\land" { BUFFER; return AND; }
+<LATEX>"\\lor" { BUFFER; return OR; }
+"!" { BUFFER; return NOT; }
+"not" { BUFFER; return NOT; }
+<LATEX>"\\neg" { BUFFER; return NOT; }
+":=" { BUFFER; return IS_ASSIGNED; }
+"->" { BUFFER; return GOES_TO; }
+"in" { BUFFER; return IN; }
+<LATEX>"\\rightarrow" { BUFFER; return GOES_TO; }
+"<=" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = leq; return REL_OP; }
+<LATEX>"\\leq" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = leq; return REL_OP; }
+<LATEX>"\\le" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = leq; return REL_OP; }
+">=" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = geq; return REL_OP; }
+<LATEX>"\\geq" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = geq; return REL_OP; }
+<LATEX>"\\ge" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = geq; return REL_OP; }
+"!=" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = neq; return REL_OP; }
+<LATEX>"\\neq" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = neq; return REL_OP; }
+"<" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = lt; return REL_OP; }
+">" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = gt; return REL_OP; }
+"=" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = eq; return REL_OP; }
+"==" { BUFFER; yylval.REL_OPERATOR = eq; return REL_OP; }
+[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*[\']* {
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ return VAR;
+[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*"(In)" {
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-3] = 'i'; // lowercase
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-2] = 'n';
+ return VAR;
+[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*"(Set)" {
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-4] = 'i'; // Change to "in"
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-3] = 'n'; // Be afraid
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-2] = ')';
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-1] = '\0';
+ return VAR;
+[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*"(Out)" {
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-4] = 'o'; // lowercase
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-3] = 'u';
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-2] = 't';
+ return VAR;
+<LATEX>"\\"[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]* {
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ return VAR;
+ }
+<LATEX>"\\"[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*"(In)" {
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-3] = 'i'; // lowercase
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-2] = 'n';
+ return VAR;
+ }
+<LATEX>"\\"[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*"(Set)" {
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-4] = 'i'; // Change to "in"
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-3] = 'n'; // Be afraid
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-2] = ')';
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-1] = '\0';
+ return VAR;
+ }
+<LATEX>"\\"[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*"(Out)" {
+ yylval.VAR_NAME = new char[yyleng+1];
+ strcpy(yylval.VAR_NAME,yytext);
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-4] = 'o'; // lowercase
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-3] = 'u';
+ yylval.VAR_NAME[yyleng-2] = 't';
+ return VAR;
+ }
+[0-9]+ { BUFFER;
+ if (need_coef) {
+ sscanf(yytext, coef_fmt, &yylval.COEF_VALUE);
+ return COEF;
+ }
+ else {
+ yylval.INT_VALUE = atoi(yytext);
+ return INT;
+ }
+\"[^\"]*\" { BUFFER;
+ yytext[yyleng-1]='\0';
+ yylval.STRING_VALUE = new std::string(yytext+1);
+ return STRING;
+<<EOF>> {
+ mylexer.yypop_buffer_state();
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ return YY_NULL;
+ }
+. { BUFFER; return yytext[0]; }
+void flushScanBuffer() {
+ if (scanBuf.size() == 0)
+ return;
+ if (!is_interactive) {
+ size_t prev_pos = 0;
+ if (scanBuf[0] == '\n')
+ prev_pos = 1;
+ for (size_t pos = prev_pos; pos <= scanBuf.size(); pos++) {
+ if (pos == scanBuf.size() || scanBuf[pos] == '\n') {
+ std::cout << PROMPT_STRING << " " << scanBuf.substr(prev_pos, pos-prev_pos) << std::endl;
+ prev_pos = pos+1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ scanBuf.clear();
diff --git a/omega/omega_calc/src/parser.y b/omega/omega_calc/src/parser.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7369b94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omega/omega_calc/src/parser.y
@@ -0,0 +1,1925 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1994-2000 University of Maryland.
+ Copyright (C) 2008 University of Southern California.
+ Copyright (C) 2009-2010 University of Utah.
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Purpose:
+ omega calculator yacc parser.
+ Notes:
+ History:
+#include <basic/Dynamic_Array.h>
+#include <basic/Iterator.h>
+#include <code_gen/code_gen.h>
+#include <omega_calc/AST.h>
+#include <omega/hull.h>
+#include <omega/closure.h>
+#include <omega/reach.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include <io.h>
+#define isatty _isatty
+#define alloca _alloca
+#ifndef WIN32
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#if !defined(OMIT_GETRUSAGE)
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#if !defined(OMIT_GETRUSAGE)
+#ifdef __sparc__
+extern "C" int getrusage (int, struct rusage*);
+using namespace omega;
+struct rusage start_time;
+bool anyTimingDone = false;
+void start_clock( void ) {
+ getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &start_time);
+int clock_diff( void ) {
+ struct rusage current_time;
+ getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &current_time);
+ return (current_time.ru_utime.tv_sec -start_time.ru_utime.tv_sec)*1000000 + (current_time.ru_utime.tv_usec-start_time.ru_utime.tv_usec);
+int omega_calc_debug = 0;
+bool is_interactive;
+const char *PROMPT_STRING = ">>>";
+extern std::string err_msg;
+extern FILE *yyin;
+bool need_coef;
+Map<Const_String,Relation*> relationMap ((Relation *)0);
+namespace {
+ int redundant_conj_level = 2; // default maximum 2
+ int redundant_constr_level = 4; // default maximum 4
+int argCount = 0;
+int tuplePos = 0;
+Argument_Tuple currentTuple = Input_Tuple;
+Relation LexForward(int n);
+reachable_information *reachable_info;
+int yylex();
+void yyerror(const std::string &s);
+void flushScanBuffer();
+%union {
+ int INT_VALUE;
+ coef_t COEF_VALUE;
+ char *VAR_NAME;
+ VarList *VAR_LIST;
+ Exp *EXP;
+ ExpList *EXP_LIST;
+ Argument_Tuple ARGUMENT_TUPLE;
+ AST_constraints *ASTCP;
+ Declaration_Site * DECLARATION_SITE;
+ Relation * RELATION;
+ tupleDescriptor * TUPLE_DESCRIPTOR;
+ RelTuplePair * REL_TUPLE_PAIR;
+ Dynamic_Array2<Relation> * RELATION_ARRAY_2D;
+ Dynamic_Array1<Relation> * RELATION_ARRAY_1D;
+ Tuple<std::string> *STRING_TUPLE;
+ std::string *STRING_VALUE;
+%token <VAR_NAME> VAR
+%token <INT_VALUE> INT
+%token SYMBOLIC
+%token OR AND NOT
+%token ST APPROX
+%token LEQ GEQ NEQ
+%token GOES_TO
+%type <INT_VALUE> effort
+%type <EXP> exp simpleExp
+%type <EXP_LIST> expList
+%type <VAR_LIST> varList
+%type <ARGUMENT_TUPLE> argumentList
+%type <ASTP> formula optionalFormula
+%type <ASTCP> constraintChain
+%type <TUPLE_DESCRIPTOR> tupleDeclaration
+%type <DECLARATION_SITE> varDecl varDeclOptBrackets
+%type <RELATION> relation builtRelation context
+%type <RELATION> reachable_of
+%type <REL_TUPLE_PAIR> relPairList
+%type <RELATION_ARRAY_1D> reachable
+%destructor {delete []$$;} VAR
+%destructor {delete $$;} STRING
+%destructor {delete $$;} relation builtRelation tupleDeclaration formula optionalFormula context reachable_of constraintChain varDecl varDeclOptBrackets relPairList reachable
+%destructor {delete $$;} varList exp simpleExp
+%destructor {
+ foreach(e, Exp *, *$$, delete e);
+ delete $$;
+ } expList;
+%nonassoc ASSERT_UNSAT
+%left UNION p1 '+' '-'
+%left INTERSECTION p3 '*' '@'
+%left p4
+%left OR p5
+%left AND p6
+%left p8
+%nonassoc GIVEN
+%left p9
+%left '(' p10
+inputSequence : /*empty*/
+ | inputSequence { assert( current_Declaration_Site == globalDecls);}
+ inputItem
+inputItem : ';' /*empty*/
+ | error ';' {
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ std::cout << err_msg;
+ err_msg.clear();
+ current_Declaration_Site = globalDecls;
+ need_coef = false;
+ std::cout << "...skipping to statement end..." << std::endl;
+ delete relationDecl;
+ relationDecl = NULL;
+ }
+ | SYMBOLIC globVarList ';' {flushScanBuffer();}
+ | VAR IS_ASSIGNED relation ';' {
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ try {
+ $3->simplify(redundant_conj_level, redundant_constr_level);
+ Relation *r = relationMap((Const_String)$1);
+ if (r) delete r;
+ relationMap[(Const_String)$1] = $3;
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ | relation ';' {
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ $1->simplify(redundant_conj_level, redundant_constr_level);
+ $1->print_with_subs(stdout);
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | TIME relation ';' {
+#if defined(OMIT_GETRUSAGE)
+ printf("'time' requires getrusage, but the omega calclator was compiled with OMIT_GETRUSAGE set!\n");
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ printf("\n");
+ int t;
+ Relation R;
+ ($2)->and_with_GEQ();
+ start_clock();
+ for (t=1;t<=100;t++) {
+ R = *$2;
+ R.finalize();
+ }
+ int copyTime = clock_diff();
+ start_clock();
+ for (t=1;t<=100;t++) {
+ R = *$2;
+ R.finalize();
+ R.simplify(); /* default simplification effort */
+ }
+ int simplifyTime = clock_diff() -copyTime;
+ Relation R2;
+ start_clock();
+ for (t=1;t<=100;t++) {
+ R2 = *$2;
+ R2.finalize();
+ R2.simplify(2,4); /* maximal simplification effort */
+ }
+ }
+ int excessiveTime = clock_diff() - copyTime;
+ printf("Times (in microseconds): \n");
+ printf("%5d us to copy original set of constraints\n",copyTime/100);
+ printf("%5d us to do the default amount of simplification, obtaining: \n\t", simplifyTime/100);
+ R.print_with_subs(stdout);
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("%5d us to do the maximum (i.e., excessive) amount of simplification, obtaining: \n\t", excessiveTime/100);
+ R2.print_with_subs(stdout);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ if (!anyTimingDone) {
+ bool warn = false;
+#ifndef SPEED
+ warn =true;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ warn = true;
+ if (warn) {
+ printf("WARNING: The Omega calculator was compiled with options that force\n");
+ printf("it to perform additional consistency and error checks\n");
+ printf("that may slow it down substantially\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ printf("NOTE: These times relect the time of the current _implementation_\n");
+ printf("of our algorithms. Performance bugs do exist. If you intend to publish or \n");
+ printf("report on the performance on the Omega test, we respectfully but strongly \n");
+ printf("request that send your test cases to us to allow us to determine if the \n");
+ printf("times are appropriate, and if the way you are using the Omega library to \n");
+ printf("solve your problem is the most effective way.\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("Also, please be aware that over the past two years, we have focused our \n");
+ printf("efforts on the expressive power of the Omega library, sometimes at the\n");
+ printf("expensive of raw speed. Our original implementation of the Omega test\n");
+ printf("was substantially faster on the limited domain it handled.\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ printf(" Thanks, \n");
+ printf(" the Omega Team \n");
+ }
+ anyTimingDone = true;
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | TIMECLOSURE relation ';' {
+#if defined(OMIT_GETRUSAGE)
+ printf("'timeclosure' requires getrusage, but the omega calclator was compiled with OMIT_GETRUSAGE set!\n");
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ try {
+ int t;
+ Relation R;
+ ($2)->and_with_GEQ();
+ start_clock();
+ for (t=1;t<=100;t++) {
+ R = *$2;
+ R.finalize();
+ }
+ int copyTime = clock_diff();
+ start_clock();
+ for (t=1;t<=100;t++) {
+ R = *$2;
+ R.finalize();
+ R.simplify();
+ }
+ int simplifyTime = clock_diff() -copyTime;
+ Relation Rclosed;
+ start_clock();
+ for (t=1;t<=100;t++) {
+ Rclosed = *$2;
+ Rclosed.finalize();
+ Rclosed = TransitiveClosure(Rclosed, 1,Relation::Null());
+ }
+ int closureTime = clock_diff() - copyTime;
+ Relation R2;
+ start_clock();
+ for (t=1;t<=100;t++) {
+ R2 = *$2;
+ R2.finalize();
+ R2.simplify(2,4);
+ }
+ int excessiveTime = clock_diff() - copyTime;
+ printf("Times (in microseconds): \n");
+ printf("%5d us to copy original set of constraints\n",copyTime/100);
+ printf("%5d us to do the default amount of simplification, obtaining: \n\t", simplifyTime/100);
+ R.print_with_subs(stdout);
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("%5d us to do the maximum (i.e., excessive) amount of simplification, obtaining: \n\t", excessiveTime/100);
+ R2.print_with_subs(stdout);
+ printf("%5d us to do the transitive closure, obtaining: \n\t", closureTime/100);
+ Rclosed.print_with_subs(stdout);
+ printf("\n");
+ if (!anyTimingDone) {
+ bool warn = false;
+#ifndef SPEED
+ warn =true;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ warn = true;
+ if (warn) {
+ printf("WARNING: The Omega calculator was compiled with options that force\n");
+ printf("it to perform additional consistency and error checks\n");
+ printf("that may slow it down substantially\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ printf("NOTE: These times relect the time of the current _implementation_\n");
+ printf("of our algorithms. Performance bugs do exist. If you intend to publish or \n");
+ printf("report on the performance on the Omega test, we respectfully but strongly \n");
+ printf("request that send your test cases to us to allow us to determine if the \n");
+ printf("times are appropriate, and if the way you are using the Omega library to \n");
+ printf("solve your problem is the most effective way.\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("Also, please be aware that over the past two years, we have focused our \n");
+ printf("efforts on the expressive power of the Omega library, sometimes at the\n");
+ printf("expensive of raw speed. Our original implementation of the Omega test\n");
+ printf("was substantially faster on the limited domain it handled.\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ printf(" Thanks, \n");
+ printf(" the Omega Team \n");
+ }
+ anyTimingDone = true;
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | relation SUBSET relation ';' {
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ try {
+ if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(*$1), copy(*$3)))
+ std::cout << "True" << std::endl;
+ else if (Might_Be_Subset(copy(*$1), copy(*$3)))
+ std::cout << "Possible" << std::endl;
+ else
+ std::cout << "False" << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | CODEGEN effort relPairList context';' {
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ try {
+ std::string s = MMGenerateCode($3->mappings, $3->ispaces,*$4,$2);
+ std::cout << s << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ delete $4;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | reachable ';' {
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ Dynamic_Array1<Relation> &final = *$1;
+ bool any_sat = false;
+ int i,n_nodes = reachable_info->node_names.size();
+ for(i = 1; i <= n_nodes; i++)
+ if(final[i].is_upper_bound_satisfiable()) {
+ any_sat = true;
+ std::cout << "Node %s: " << reachable_info->node_names[i];
+ final[i].print_with_subs(stdout);
+ }
+ if(!any_sat)
+ std::cout << "No nodes reachable.\n";
+ delete $1;
+ delete reachable_info;
+ }
+effort : {$$ = 1;}
+ | INT {$$ = $1;}
+ | '-' INT {$$ = -$2;}
+context : {$$ = new Relation(); *$$ = Relation::Null();}
+ | GIVEN relation {$$ = $2; }
+relPairList : relPairList ',' relation ':' relation {
+ try {
+ $1->mappings.append(*$3);
+ $1->mappings[$1->mappings.size()].compress();
+ $1->ispaces.append(*$5);
+ $1->ispaces[$1->ispaces.size()].compress();
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ delete $5;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $3;
+ delete $5;
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ | relPairList ',' relation {
+ try {
+ $1->mappings.append(Identity($3->n_set()));
+ $1->mappings[$1->mappings.size()].compress();
+ $1->ispaces.append(*$3);
+ $1->ispaces[$1->ispaces.size()].compress();
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $3;
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ | relation ':' relation {
+ RelTuplePair *rtp = new RelTuplePair;
+ try {
+ rtp->mappings.append(*$1);
+ rtp->mappings[rtp->mappings.size()].compress();
+ rtp->ispaces.append(*$3);
+ rtp->ispaces[rtp->ispaces.size()].compress();
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete rtp;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ $$ = rtp;
+ }
+ | relation {
+ RelTuplePair *rtp = new RelTuplePair;
+ try {
+ rtp->mappings.append(Identity($1->n_set()));
+ rtp->mappings[rtp->mappings.size()].compress();
+ rtp->ispaces.append(*$1);
+ rtp->ispaces[rtp->ispaces.size()].compress();
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete rtp;
+ delete $1;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ $$ = rtp;
+ }
+relation : OPEN_BRACE {need_coef = true; relationDecl = new Declaration_Site();}
+ builtRelation CLOSE_BRACE {
+ need_coef = false;
+ $$ = $3;
+ if (omega_calc_debug) {
+ fprintf(DebugFile,"Built relation:\n");
+ $$->prefix_print(DebugFile);
+ }
+ current_Declaration_Site = globalDecls;
+ delete relationDecl;
+ relationDecl = NULL;
+ }
+ | VAR {
+ Const_String s = $1;
+ Relation *r = relationMap(s);
+ if (r == NULL) {
+ yyerror(std::string("relation ") + to_string($1) + std::string(" not declared"));
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ $$ = new Relation(*r);
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ | '(' relation ')' {$$ = $2;}
+ | relation '+' %prec p9 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = TransitiveClosure(*$1, 1, Relation::Null());
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | relation '*' %prec p9 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ int vars = $1->n_inp();
+ *$$ = Union(Identity(vars), TransitiveClosure(*$1, 1, Relation::Null()));
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | relation '+' WITHIN relation %prec p9 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$= TransitiveClosure(*$1, 1, *$4);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $4;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $4;
+ }
+ | relation '^' '@' %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = ApproxClosure(*$1);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | relation '^' '+' %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = calculateTransitiveClosure(*$1);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | MINIMIZE_RANGE relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ Relation o(*$2);
+ Relation r(*$2);
+ r = Join(r,LexForward($2->n_out()));
+ *$$ = Difference(o,r);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | MAXIMIZE_RANGE relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ Relation o(*$2);
+ Relation r(*$2);
+ r = Join(r,Inverse(LexForward($2->n_out())));
+ *$$ = Difference(o,r);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | MINIMIZE_DOMAIN relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ Relation o(*$2);
+ Relation r(*$2);
+ r = Join(LexForward($2->n_inp()),r);
+ *$$ = Difference(o,r);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | MAXIMIZE_DOMAIN relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ Relation o(*$2);
+ Relation r(*$2);
+ r = Join(Inverse(LexForward($2->n_inp())),r);
+ *$$ = Difference(o,r);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | MAXIMIZE relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ Relation c(*$2);
+ Relation r(*$2);
+ *$$ = Cross_Product(Relation(*$2),c);
+ *$$ = Difference(r,Domain(Intersection(*$$,LexForward($$->n_inp()))));
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | MINIMIZE relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ Relation c(*$2);
+ Relation r(*$2);
+ *$$ = Cross_Product(Relation(*$2),c);
+ *$$ = Difference(r,Range(Intersection(*$$,LexForward($$->n_inp()))));
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | FARKAS relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Farkas(*$2, Basic_Farkas);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | DECOUPLED_FARKAS relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Farkas(*$2, Decoupled_Farkas);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | relation '@' %prec p9 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = ConicClosure(*$1);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | PROJECT_AWAY_SYMBOLS relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Project_Sym(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | PROJECT_ON_SYMBOLS relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Project_On_Sym(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | DIFFERENCE relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Deltas(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | DIFFERENCE_TO_RELATION relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = DeltasToRelation(*$2,$2->n_set(),$2->n_set());
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | DOMAIN relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Domain(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | VENN relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = VennDiagramForm(*$2,Relation::True(*$2));
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | VENN relation GIVEN relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = VennDiagramForm(*$2,*$4);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ delete $4;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ delete $4;
+ }
+ | CONVEX_HULL relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = ConvexHull(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | DECOUPLED_CONVEX_HULL relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = DecoupledConvexHull(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | POSITIVE_COMBINATION relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Farkas(*$2,Positive_Combination_Farkas);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | LINEAR_COMBINATION relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Farkas(*$2,Linear_Combination_Farkas);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | AFFINE_COMBINATION relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Farkas(*$2,Affine_Combination_Farkas);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | CONVEX_COMBINATION relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Farkas(*$2,Convex_Combination_Farkas);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | PAIRWISE_CHECK relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = CheckForConvexRepresentation(CheckForConvexPairs(*$2));
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | CONVEX_CHECK relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = CheckForConvexRepresentation(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | CONVEX_REPRESENTATION relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = ConvexRepresentation(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | AFFINE_HULL relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = AffineHull(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | CONIC_HULL relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = ConicHull(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | LINEAR_HULL relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = LinearHull(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | QUICK_HULL relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = QuickHull(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | RECT_HULL relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = RectHull(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | HULL relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Hull(*$2,false,1,Relation::Null());
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | HULL relation GIVEN relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Hull(*$2,false,1,*$4);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ delete $4;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ delete $4;
+ }
+ | APPROX relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Approximate(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | RANGE relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Range(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | INVERSE relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Inverse(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | COMPLEMENT relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Complement(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | GIST relation GIVEN relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Gist(*$2,*$4,1);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ delete $4;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ delete $4;
+ }
+ | relation '(' relation ')' {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Composition(*$1,*$3);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | relation COMPOSE relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Composition(*$1,*$3);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | relation CARRIED_BY INT {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = After(*$1,$3,$3);
+ (*$$).prefix_print(stdout);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | relation JOIN relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Composition(*$3,*$1);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | relation RESTRICT_RANGE relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Restrict_Range(*$1,*$3);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | relation RESTRICT_DOMAIN relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Restrict_Domain(*$1,*$3);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | relation INTERSECTION relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Intersection(*$1,*$3);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | relation '-' relation %prec INTERSECTION {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Difference(*$1,*$3);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | relation UNION relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Union(*$1,*$3);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | relation '*' relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Cross_Product(*$1,*$3);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | SUPERSETOF relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Union(*$2, Relation::Unknown(*$2));
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | SUBSETOF relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Intersection(*$2, Relation::Unknown(*$2));
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | MAKE_UPPER_BOUND relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Upper_Bound(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | MAKE_LOWER_BOUND relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Lower_Bound(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | SAMPLE relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Sample_Solution(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | SYM_SAMPLE relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Symbolic_Solution(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | reachable_of { $$ = $1; }
+ | ASSERT_UNSAT relation {
+ if (($2)->is_satisfiable()) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"assert_unsatisfiable failed on ");
+ ($2)->print_with_subs(stderr);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ $$=$2;
+ }
+builtRelation : tupleDeclaration GOES_TO {currentTuple = Output_Tuple;}
+ tupleDeclaration {currentTuple = Input_Tuple;} optionalFormula {
+ Relation * r = new Relation($1->size,$4->size);
+ resetGlobals();
+ F_And *f = r->add_and();
+ for(int i=1;i<=$1->size;i++) {
+ $1->vars[i]->vid = r->input_var(i);
+ if (!$1->vars[i]->anonymous)
+ r->name_input_var(i,$1->vars[i]->stripped_name);
+ }
+ for(int i=1;i<=$4->size;i++) {
+ $4->vars[i]->vid = r->output_var(i);
+ if (!$4->vars[i]->anonymous)
+ r->name_output_var(i,$4->vars[i]->stripped_name);
+ }
+ r->setup_names();
+ foreach(e,Exp*,$1->eq_constraints, install_eq(f,e,0));
+ foreach(e,Exp*,$1->geq_constraints, install_geq(f,e,0));
+ foreach(c,strideConstraint*,$1->stride_constraints, install_stride(f,c));
+ foreach(e,Exp*,$4->eq_constraints, install_eq(f,e,0));
+ foreach(e,Exp*,$4->geq_constraints, install_geq(f,e,0));
+ foreach(c,strideConstraint*,$4->stride_constraints, install_stride(f,c));
+ if ($6) $6->install(f);
+ delete $1;
+ delete $4;
+ delete $6;
+ $$ = r;
+ }
+ | tupleDeclaration optionalFormula {
+ Relation * r = new Relation($1->size);
+ resetGlobals();
+ F_And *f = r->add_and();
+ for(int i=1;i<=$1->size;i++) {
+ $1->vars[i]->vid = r->set_var(i);
+ if (!$1->vars[i]->anonymous)
+ r->name_set_var(i,$1->vars[i]->stripped_name);
+ }
+ r->setup_names();
+ foreach(e,Exp*,$1->eq_constraints, install_eq(f,e,0));
+ foreach(e,Exp*,$1->geq_constraints, install_geq(f,e,0));
+ foreach(c,strideConstraint*,$1->stride_constraints, install_stride(f,c));
+ if ($2) $2->install(f);
+ delete $1;
+ delete $2;
+ $$ = r;
+ }
+ | formula {
+ Relation * r = new Relation(0,0);
+ F_And *f = r->add_and();
+ $1->install(f);
+ delete $1;
+ $$ = r;
+ }
+optionalFormula : formula_sep formula {$$ = $2;}
+ | {$$ = 0;}
+formula_sep : ':'
+tupleDeclaration : {currentTupleDescriptor = new tupleDescriptor; tuplePos = 1;}
+ '[' optionalTupleVarList ']'
+ {$$ = currentTupleDescriptor; tuplePos = 0;}
+optionalTupleVarList : /* empty */
+ | tupleVar
+ | optionalTupleVarList ',' tupleVar
+tupleVar : VAR %prec p10 {
+ Declaration_Site *ds = defined($1);
+ if (!ds)
+ currentTupleDescriptor->extend($1,currentTuple,tuplePos);
+ else {
+ Variable_Ref *v = lookupScalar($1);
+ if (v == NULL) {
+ yyerror(std::string("cannot find declaration for variable ") + to_string($1));
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ if (ds != globalDecls)
+ currentTupleDescriptor->extend($1, new Exp(v));
+ else
+ currentTupleDescriptor->extend(new Exp(v));
+ }
+ tuplePos++;
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ | '*' {currentTupleDescriptor->extend(); tuplePos++;}
+ | exp %prec p1 {
+ currentTupleDescriptor->extend($1);
+ tuplePos++;
+ }
+ | exp ':' exp %prec p1 {
+ currentTupleDescriptor->extend($1,$3);
+ tuplePos++;
+ }
+ | exp ':' exp ':' COEF %prec p1 {
+ currentTupleDescriptor->extend($1,$3,$5);
+ tuplePos++;
+ }
+varList : varList ',' VAR {$$ = $1; $$->insert($3); $3 = NULL;}
+ | VAR {$$ = new VarList; $$->insert($1); $1 = NULL;}
+varDecl : varList {
+ $$ = current_Declaration_Site = new Declaration_Site($1);
+ foreach(s,char *, *$1, delete []s);
+ delete $1;
+ }
+varDeclOptBrackets : varDecl {$$ = $1;}
+ |'[' varDecl ']' {$$ = $2;}
+globVarList : globVarList ',' globVar
+ | globVar
+globVar : VAR '(' INT ')' {globalDecls->extend_both_tuples($1, $3); delete []$1;}
+ | VAR {
+ globalDecls->extend($1);
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+formula : formula AND formula {$$ = new AST_And($1,$3);}
+ | formula OR formula {$$ = new AST_Or($1,$3);}
+ | constraintChain {$$ = $1;}
+ | '(' formula ')' {$$ = $2;}
+ | NOT formula {$$ = new AST_Not($2);}
+ | start_exists varDeclOptBrackets exists_sep formula end_quant {$$ = new AST_exists($2,$4);}
+ | start_forall varDeclOptBrackets forall_sep formula end_quant {$$ = new AST_forall($2,$4);}
+start_exists : '(' EXISTS
+ | EXISTS '('
+exists_sep : ':'
+start_forall : '(' FORALL
+ | FORALL '('
+forall_sep : ':'
+end_quant : ')' {popScope();}
+expList : exp ',' expList {$$ = $3; $$->insert($1);}
+ | exp {$$ = new ExpList; $$->insert($1);}
+constraintChain : expList REL_OP expList {$$ = new AST_constraints($1,$2,$3);}
+ | expList REL_OP constraintChain {$$ = new AST_constraints($1,$2,$3);}
+simpleExp : VAR %prec p9 {
+ Variable_Ref *v = lookupScalar($1);
+ if (v == NULL) {
+ yyerror(std::string("cannot find declaration for variable ") + to_string($1));
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ $$ = new Exp(v);
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ | VAR '(' {argCount = 1;} argumentList ')' %prec p9 {
+ Variable_Ref *v;
+ if ($4 == Input_Tuple)
+ v = functionOfInput[$1];
+ else
+ v = functionOfOutput[$1];
+ if (v == NULL) {
+ yyerror(std::string("Function ") + to_string($1) + std::string(" not declared"));
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ $$ = new Exp(v);
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ | '(' exp ')' { $$ = $2; }
+argumentList : argumentList ',' VAR {
+ Variable_Ref *v = lookupScalar($3);
+ if (v == NULL) {
+ yyerror(std::string("cannot find declaration for variable ") + to_string($1));
+ delete []$3;
+ }
+ if (v->pos != argCount || v->of != $1 || (v->of != Input_Tuple && v->of != Output_Tuple)) {
+ yyerror("arguments to function must be prefix of input or output tuple");
+ delete []$3;
+ }
+ $$ = v->of;
+ argCount++;
+ delete []$3;
+ }
+ | VAR {
+ Variable_Ref *v = lookupScalar($1);
+ if (v == NULL) {
+ yyerror(std::string("cannot find declaration for variable ") + to_string($1));
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ if (v->pos != argCount || (v->of != Input_Tuple && v->of != Output_Tuple)) {
+ yyerror("arguments to function must be prefix of input or output tuple");
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ $$ = v->of;
+ argCount++;
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+exp : COEF {$$ = new Exp($1);}
+ | COEF simpleExp %prec '*' {$$ = multiply($1,$2);}
+ | simpleExp {$$ = $1; }
+ | '-' exp %prec '*' {$$ = negate($2);}
+ | exp '+' exp {$$ = add($1,$3);}
+ | exp '-' exp {$$ = subtract($1,$3);}
+ | exp '*' exp {$$ = multiply($1,$3);}
+reachable : REACHABLE_FROM nodeNameList nodeSpecificationList {
+ Dynamic_Array1<Relation> *final = Reachable_Nodes(reachable_info);
+ $$ = final;
+ }
+reachable_of : REACHABLE_OF VAR IN nodeNameList nodeSpecificationList {
+ Dynamic_Array1<Relation> *final = Reachable_Nodes(reachable_info);
+ int index = reachable_info->node_names.index(std::string($2));
+ if (index == 0) {
+ yyerror(std::string("no such node ") + to_string($2));
+ delete []$2;
+ delete final;
+ delete reachable_info;
+ }
+ $$ = new Relation;
+ *$$ = (*final)[index];
+ delete final;
+ delete reachable_info;
+ delete []$2;
+ }
+nodeNameList : '(' realNodeNameList ')' {
+ int sz = reachable_info->node_names.size();
+ reachable_info->node_arity.reallocate(sz);
+ reachable_info->transitions.resize(sz+1,sz+1);
+ reachable_info->start_nodes.resize(sz+1);
+ }
+realNodeNameList : realNodeNameList ',' VAR {
+ reachable_info->node_names.append(std::string($3));
+ delete []$3;
+ }
+ | VAR {
+ reachable_info = new reachable_information;
+ reachable_info->node_names.append(std::string($1));
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+nodeSpecificationList : OPEN_BRACE realNodeSpecificationList CLOSE_BRACE {
+ int i,j;
+ int n_nodes = reachable_info->node_names.size();
+ Tuple<int> &arity = reachable_info->node_arity;
+ Dynamic_Array2<Relation> &transitions = reachable_info->transitions;
+ /* fixup unspecified transitions to be false */
+ /* find arity */
+ for(i = 1; i <= n_nodes; i++) arity[i] = -1;
+ for(i = 1; i <= n_nodes; i++)
+ for(j = 1; j <= n_nodes; j++)
+ if(! transitions[i][j].is_null()) {
+ int in_arity = transitions[i][j].n_inp();
+ int out_arity = transitions[i][j].n_out();
+ if(arity[i] < 0) arity[i] = in_arity;
+ if(arity[j] < 0) arity[j] = out_arity;
+ if(in_arity != arity[i] || out_arity != arity[j]) {
+ yyerror(std::string("arity mismatch in node transition: ") + to_string(reachable_info->node_names[i]) + std::string(" -> ") + to_string(reachable_info->node_names[j]));
+ delete reachable_info;
+ }
+ }
+ for(i = 1; i <= n_nodes; i++)
+ if(arity[i] < 0) arity[i] = 0;
+ /* Fill in false relations */
+ for(i = 1; i <= n_nodes; i++)
+ for(j = 1; j <= n_nodes; j++)
+ if(transitions[i][j].is_null())
+ transitions[i][j] = Relation::False(arity[i],arity[j]);
+ /* fixup unused start node positions */
+ Dynamic_Array1<Relation> &nodes = reachable_info->start_nodes;
+ for(i = 1; i <= n_nodes; i++)
+ if(nodes[i].is_null())
+ nodes[i] = Relation::False(arity[i]);
+ else
+ if(nodes[i].n_set() != arity[i]){
+ yyerror(std::string("arity mismatch in start node ") + to_string(reachable_info->node_names[i]));
+ delete reachable_info;
+ }
+ }
+realNodeSpecificationList : realNodeSpecificationList ',' VAR ':' relation {
+ int n_nodes = reachable_info->node_names.size();
+ int index = reachable_info->node_names.index($3);
+ if (!(index > 0 && index <= n_nodes)) {
+ yyerror(std::string("no such node ")+to_string($3));
+ delete $5;
+ delete []$3;
+ delete reachable_info;
+ }
+ reachable_info->start_nodes[index] = *$5;
+ delete $5;
+ delete []$3;
+ }
+ | realNodeSpecificationList ',' VAR GOES_TO VAR ':' relation {
+ int n_nodes = reachable_info->node_names.size();
+ int from_index = reachable_info->node_names.index($3);
+ if (!(from_index > 0 && from_index <= n_nodes)) {
+ yyerror(std::string("no such node ")+to_string($3));
+ delete $7;
+ delete []$3;
+ delete []$5;
+ delete reachable_info;
+ }
+ int to_index = reachable_info->node_names.index($5);
+ if (!(to_index > 0 && to_index <= n_nodes)) {
+ yyerror(std::string("no such node ")+to_string($5));
+ delete $7;
+ delete []$3;
+ delete []$5;
+ delete reachable_info;
+ }
+ reachable_info->transitions[from_index][to_index] = *$7;
+ delete $7;
+ delete []$3;
+ delete []$5;
+ }
+ | VAR GOES_TO VAR ':' relation {
+ int n_nodes = reachable_info->node_names.size();
+ int from_index = reachable_info->node_names.index($1);
+ if (!(from_index > 0 && from_index <= n_nodes)) {
+ yyerror(std::string("no such node ")+to_string($1));
+ delete $5;
+ delete []$1;
+ delete []$3;
+ delete reachable_info;
+ }
+ int to_index = reachable_info->node_names.index($3);
+ if (!(to_index > 0 && to_index <= n_nodes)) {
+ yyerror(std::string("no such node ")+to_string($3));
+ delete $5;
+ delete []$1;
+ delete []$3;
+ delete reachable_info;
+ }
+ reachable_info->transitions[from_index][to_index] = *$5;
+ delete $5;
+ delete []$1;
+ delete []$3;
+ }
+ | VAR ':' relation {
+ int n_nodes = reachable_info->node_names.size();
+ int index = reachable_info->node_names.index($1);
+ if (!(index > 0 && index <= n_nodes)) {
+ yyerror(std::string("no such node ")+to_string($1));
+ delete $3;
+ delete []$1;
+ delete reachable_info;
+ }
+ reachable_info->start_nodes[index] = *$3;
+ delete $3;
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+void printUsage(FILE *outf, char **argv) {
+ fprintf(outf, "usage: %s {-R} {-D[facility][level]...} infile\n -R means skip redundant conjunct elimination\n -D sets debugging level as follows:\n a = all debugging flags\n g = code generation\n l = calculator\n c = omega core\n p = presburger functions\n r = relational operators\n t = transitive closure\n", argv[0]);
+bool process_calc_debugging_flags(char *arg,int &j) {
+ char debug_type;
+ while((debug_type=arg[j]) != 0) {
+ j++;
+ int level;
+ if(isdigit(arg[j]))
+ level = (arg[j++]) - '0';
+ else
+ if(arg[j] == 0 || isalpha(arg[j]))
+ level = 1;
+ else
+ return false;
+ if (level < 0 || level > 4) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Debug level %c out of range: %d\n", debug_type, level);
+ return false;
+ }
+ switch(debug_type) {
+ case 'a':
+ omega_core_debug = relation_debug = hull_debug =
+ closure_presburger_debug =
+ farkas_debug =
+ pres_debug = omega_calc_debug = code_gen_debug = level;
+ break;
+ case 'g':
+ code_gen_debug = level; break;
+ case 'f':
+ farkas_debug = level; break;
+ case 'h':
+ hull_debug = level; break;
+ case 'c':
+ omega_core_debug = level; break;
+ case 'r':
+ relation_debug = level; break;
+ case 'p':
+ pres_debug = level; break;
+ case 't':
+ closure_presburger_debug = level; break;
+ case 'l':
+ omega_calc_debug = level; break;
+ case 'e':
+ evac_debug = level; break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown debug type %c\n", debug_type);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+#if YYDEBUG != 0
+ yydebug = 1;
+ /* process flags */
+ char *fileName = 0;
+ for(int i=1; i<argc; i++) {
+ if(argv[i][0] == '-') {
+ int j = 1, c;
+ while((c=argv[i][j++]) != 0) {
+ switch(c) {
+ case 'D':
+ if (!process_calc_debugging_flags(argv[i],j)) {
+ printUsage(stderr, argv);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'G':
+ fprintf(stderr,"Note: specifying number of GEQ's is no longer useful.\n");
+ while(argv[i][j] != 0) j++;
+ break;
+ case 'E':
+ fprintf(stderr,"Note: specifying number of EQ's is no longer useful.\n");
+ while(argv[i][j] != 0) j++;
+ break;
+ case 'R':
+ redundant_conj_level = 1;
+ break;
+ /* Other future options go here */
+ case 'h':
+ printUsage(stderr, argv);
+ exit(1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nUnknown flag -%c\n", c);
+ printUsage(stderr, argv);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Make sure this is a file name */
+ if (fileName) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"\nCan only handle a single input file\n");
+ printUsage(stderr,argv);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ fileName = argv[i];
+ yyin = fopen(fileName, "r");
+ if (!yyin) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nCan't open input file %s\n",fileName);
+ printUsage(stderr,argv);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (fileName || !isatty((int)fileno(stdin))) {
+ is_interactive = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ is_interactive = true;
+ setbuf(DebugFile, NULL);
+ printf("Calculator for Omega+ v20110204snapshot (built on %s)\n", OMEGA_BUILD_DATE);
+ printf("Copyright (C) 1994-2000 University of Maryland the Omega Project Team\n");
+ printf("Copyright (C) 2008 University of Southern California\n");
+ printf("Copyright (C) 2009-2011 University of Utah\n");
+ printf("%s ", PROMPT_STRING);
+ }
+ need_coef = false;
+ current_Declaration_Site = globalDecls = new Global_Declaration_Site();
+ if (yyparse() != 0) {
+ if (!is_interactive)
+ std::cout << "syntax error at the end of the file, missing ';'" << std::endl;
+ else
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ delete relationDecl;
+ relationDecl = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (is_interactive)
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ foreach_map(cs,Const_String,r,Relation *,relationMap,
+ {delete r; relationMap[cs]=0;});
+ delete globalDecls;
+ fclose(yyin);
+ return 0;
+Relation LexForward(int n) {
+ Relation r(n,n);
+ F_Or *f = r.add_or();
+ for (int i=1; i <= n; i++) {
+ F_And *g = f->add_and();
+ for(int j=1;j<i;j++) {
+ EQ_Handle e = g->add_EQ();
+ e.update_coef(r.input_var(j),-1);
+ e.update_coef(r.output_var(j),1);
+ e.finalize();
+ }
+ GEQ_Handle e = g->add_GEQ();
+ e.update_coef(r.input_var(i),-1);
+ e.update_coef(r.output_var(i),1);
+ e.update_const(-1);
+ e.finalize();
+ }
+ r.finalize();
+ return r;
diff --git a/omega/omega_calc/src/parser.yy b/omega/omega_calc/src/parser.yy
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cad6e8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omega/omega_calc/src/parser.yy
@@ -0,0 +1,1928 @@
+ Copyright (C) 1994-2000 the Omega Project Team
+ Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Chun Chen
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Purpose:
+ yacc parser for calculator.
+ Notes:
+ History:
+ 02/04/11 work with flex c++ mode, Chun Chen
+//#define YYDEBUG 1
+#include <basic/Dynamic_Array.h>
+#include <basic/Iterator.h>
+#include <omega_calc/AST.h>
+#include <omega/hull.h>
+#include <omega/closure.h>
+#include <omega/reach.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include ""
+#include <omega_calc/myflex.h>
+//#include <stdio.h>
+#if defined __USE_POSIX
+#include <unistd.h>
+#elif defined __WIN32
+#include <io.h>
+#ifndef WIN32
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#if !defined(OMIT_GETRUSAGE)
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#if !defined(OMIT_GETRUSAGE)
+#ifdef __sparc__
+extern "C" int getrusage (int, struct rusage*);
+struct rusage start_time;
+bool anyTimingDone = false;
+void start_clock( void ) {
+ getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &start_time);
+int clock_diff( void ) {
+ struct rusage current_time;
+ getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &current_time);
+ return (current_time.ru_utime.tv_sec -start_time.ru_utime.tv_sec)*1000000 + (current_time.ru_utime.tv_usec-start_time.ru_utime.tv_usec);
+#include <code_gen/codegen.h>
+extern myFlexLexer mylexer;
+#define yylex mylexer.yylex
+int omega_calc_debug = 0;
+extern bool is_interactive;
+extern const char *PROMPT_STRING;
+bool simplify = true;
+using namespace omega;
+extern std::string err_msg;
+bool need_coef;
+namespace {
+ int redundant_conj_level = 2; // default maximum 2
+ int redundant_constr_level = 4; // default maximum 4
+std::map<std::string, Relation *> relationMap;
+int argCount = 0;
+int tuplePos = 0;
+Argument_Tuple currentTuple = Input_Tuple;
+Relation LexForward(int n);
+reachable_information *reachable_info;
+void yyerror(const std::string &s);
+void flushScanBuffer();
+%union {
+ int INT_VALUE;
+ omega::coef_t COEF_VALUE;
+ char *VAR_NAME;
+ std::set<char *> *VAR_LIST;
+ Exp *EXP;
+ std::set<Exp *> *EXP_LIST;
+ omega::Argument_Tuple ARGUMENT_TUPLE;
+ AST_constraints *ASTCP;
+ Declaration_Site *DECLARATION_SITE;
+ omega::Relation *RELATION;
+ tupleDescriptor *TUPLE_DESCRIPTOR;
+ std::pair<std::vector<omega::Relation>, std::vector<omega::Relation> > *REL_TUPLE_PAIR;
+ omega::Dynamic_Array1<omega::Relation> * RELATION_ARRAY_1D;
+ std::string *STRING_VALUE;
+%token <VAR_NAME> VAR
+%token <INT_VALUE> INT
+%token OR AND NOT
+%token ST APPROX
+%token LEQ GEQ NEQ
+%token GOES_TO
+%type <EXP> exp simpleExp
+%type <EXP_LIST> expList
+%type <VAR_LIST> varList
+%type <ARGUMENT_TUPLE> argumentList
+%type <ASTP> formula optionalFormula
+%type <ASTCP> constraintChain
+%type <TUPLE_DESCRIPTOR> tupleDeclaration
+%type <DECLARATION_SITE> varDecl varDeclOptBrackets
+%type <RELATION> relation builtRelation context
+%type <RELATION> reachable_of
+%type <REL_TUPLE_PAIR> relPairList
+%type <RELATION_ARRAY_1D> reachable
+%destructor {delete []$$;} VAR
+%destructor {delete $$;} STRING
+%destructor {delete $$;} relation builtRelation tupleDeclaration formula optionalFormula context reachable_of constraintChain varDecl varDeclOptBrackets relPairList reachable
+%destructor {delete $$;} exp simpleExp
+%destructor {
+ for (std::set<Exp *>::iterator i = $$->begin(); i != $$->end(); i++)
+ delete *i;
+ delete $$;
+ } expList;
+%destructor {
+ for (std::set<char *>::iterator i = $$->begin(); i != $$->end(); i++)
+ delete []*i;
+ delete $$;
+ } varList;
+%nonassoc ASSERT_UNSAT
+%left UNION p1 '+' '-'
+%left INTERSECTION p3 '*' '@'
+%left p4
+%left OR p5
+%left AND p6
+%left p8
+%nonassoc GIVEN
+%left p9
+%left '(' p10
+inputSequence : /*empty*/
+ | inputSequence { assert( current_Declaration_Site == globalDecls);}
+ inputItem;
+inputItem : ';' /*empty*/
+ | NO_SIMPLIFY ';'{
+ simplify = false;
+ }
+ | error ';' {
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ std::cout << err_msg;
+ err_msg.clear();
+ current_Declaration_Site = globalDecls;
+ need_coef = false;
+ std::cout << "...skipping to statement end..." << std::endl;
+ delete relationDecl;
+ relationDecl = NULL;
+ }
+ | SYMBOLIC globVarList ';' {flushScanBuffer();}
+ | VAR IS_ASSIGNED relation ';' {
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ try {
+ if(simplify)
+ $3->simplify(redundant_conj_level, redundant_constr_level);
+ else
+ $3->simplify();
+ Relation *r = relationMap[std::string($1)];
+ if (r != NULL) delete r;
+ relationMap[std::string($1)] = $3;
+ }
+ catch(const std::exception &e){
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ | relation ';' {
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ if(simplify)
+ $1->simplify(redundant_conj_level, redundant_constr_level);
+ else
+ $1->simplify();
+ $1->print_with_subs(stdout);
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | TIME relation ';' {
+#if defined(OMIT_GETRUSAGE)
+ printf("'time' requires getrusage, but the omega calclator was compiled with OMIT_GETRUSAGE set!\n");
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ printf("\n");
+ int t;
+ Relation R;
+ ($2)->and_with_GEQ();
+ start_clock();
+ for (t=1;t<=100;t++) {
+ R = *$2;
+ R.finalize();
+ }
+ int copyTime = clock_diff();
+ start_clock();
+ for (t=1;t<=100;t++) {
+ R = *$2;
+ R.finalize();
+ R.simplify(); /* default simplification effort */
+ }
+ int simplifyTime = clock_diff() -copyTime;
+ Relation R2;
+ start_clock();
+ for (t=1;t<=100;t++) {
+ R2 = *$2;
+ R2.finalize();
+ R2.simplify(2,4); /* maximal simplification effort */
+ }
+ }
+ int excessiveTime = clock_diff() - copyTime;
+ printf("Times (in microseconds): \n");
+ printf("%5d us to copy original set of constraints\n",copyTime/100);
+ printf("%5d us to do the default amount of simplification, obtaining: \n\t", simplifyTime/100);
+ R.print_with_subs(stdout);
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("%5d us to do the maximum (i.e., excessive) amount of simplification, obtaining: \n\t", excessiveTime/100);
+ R2.print_with_subs(stdout);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ if (!anyTimingDone) {
+ bool warn = false;
+#ifndef SPEED
+ warn =true;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ warn = true;
+ if (warn) {
+ printf("WARNING: The Omega calculator was compiled with options that force\n");
+ printf("it to perform additional consistency and error checks\n");
+ printf("that may slow it down substantially\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ printf("NOTE: These times relect the time of the current _implementation_\n");
+ printf("of our algorithms. Performance bugs do exist. If you intend to publish or \n");
+ printf("report on the performance on the Omega test, we respectfully but strongly \n");
+ printf("request that send your test cases to us to allow us to determine if the \n");
+ printf("times are appropriate, and if the way you are using the Omega library to \n");
+ printf("solve your problem is the most effective way.\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("Also, please be aware that over the past two years, we have focused our \n");
+ printf("efforts on the expressive power of the Omega library, sometimes at the\n");
+ printf("expensive of raw speed. Our original implementation of the Omega test\n");
+ printf("was substantially faster on the limited domain it handled.\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ printf(" Thanks, \n");
+ printf(" the Omega Team \n");
+ }
+ anyTimingDone = true;
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | TIMECLOSURE relation ';' {
+#if defined(OMIT_GETRUSAGE)
+ printf("'timeclosure' requires getrusage, but the omega calclator was compiled with OMIT_GETRUSAGE set!\n");
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ try {
+ int t;
+ Relation R;
+ ($2)->and_with_GEQ();
+ start_clock();
+ for (t=1;t<=100;t++) {
+ R = *$2;
+ R.finalize();
+ }
+ int copyTime = clock_diff();
+ start_clock();
+ for (t=1;t<=100;t++) {
+ R = *$2;
+ R.finalize();
+ R.simplify();
+ }
+ int simplifyTime = clock_diff() -copyTime;
+ Relation Rclosed;
+ start_clock();
+ for (t=1;t<=100;t++) {
+ Rclosed = *$2;
+ Rclosed.finalize();
+ Rclosed = TransitiveClosure(Rclosed, 1,Relation::Null());
+ }
+ int closureTime = clock_diff() - copyTime;
+ Relation R2;
+ start_clock();
+ for (t=1;t<=100;t++) {
+ R2 = *$2;
+ R2.finalize();
+ R2.simplify(2,4);
+ }
+ int excessiveTime = clock_diff() - copyTime;
+ printf("Times (in microseconds): \n");
+ printf("%5d us to copy original set of constraints\n",copyTime/100);
+ printf("%5d us to do the default amount of simplification, obtaining: \n\t", simplifyTime/100);
+ R.print_with_subs(stdout);
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("%5d us to do the maximum (i.e., excessive) amount of simplification, obtaining: \n\t", excessiveTime/100);
+ R2.print_with_subs(stdout);
+ printf("%5d us to do the transitive closure, obtaining: \n\t", closureTime/100);
+ Rclosed.print_with_subs(stdout);
+ printf("\n");
+ if (!anyTimingDone) {
+ bool warn = false;
+#ifndef SPEED
+ warn =true;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ warn = true;
+ if (warn) {
+ printf("WARNING: The Omega calculator was compiled with options that force\n");
+ printf("it to perform additional consistency and error checks\n");
+ printf("that may slow it down substantially\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ printf("NOTE: These times relect the time of the current _implementation_\n");
+ printf("of our algorithms. Performance bugs do exist. If you intend to publish or \n");
+ printf("report on the performance on the Omega test, we respectfully but strongly \n");
+ printf("request that send your test cases to us to allow us to determine if the \n");
+ printf("times are appropriate, and if the way you are using the Omega library to \n");
+ printf("solve your problem is the most effective way.\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("Also, please be aware that over the past two years, we have focused our \n");
+ printf("efforts on the expressive power of the Omega library, sometimes at the\n");
+ printf("expensive of raw speed. Our original implementation of the Omega test\n");
+ printf("was substantially faster on the limited domain it handled.\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ printf(" Thanks, \n");
+ printf(" the Omega Team \n");
+ }
+ anyTimingDone = true;
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | relation SUBSET relation ';' {
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ try {
+ if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(*$1), copy(*$3)))
+ std::cout << "True" << std::endl;
+ else if (Might_Be_Subset(copy(*$1), copy(*$3)))
+ std::cout << "Possible" << std::endl;
+ else
+ std::cout << "False" << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | CODEGEN relPairList context';' {
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ try {
+ CodeGen cg($2->first, $2->second, *$3);
+ CG_result *cgr = cg.buildAST();
+ if (cgr != NULL) {
+ std::string s = cgr->printString();
+ std::cout << s << std::endl;
+ delete cgr;
+ }
+ else
+ std::cout << "/* empty */" << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout << "CodeGen package not built" << std::endl;
+ delete $3;
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | CODEGEN INT relPairList context';' {
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ try {
+ CodeGen cg($3->first, $3->second, *$4);
+ CG_result *cgr = cg.buildAST($2);
+ if (cgr != NULL) {
+ std::string s = cgr->printString();
+ std::cout << s << std::endl;
+ delete cgr;
+ }
+ else
+ std::cout << "/* empty */" << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout << "CodeGen package not built" << std::endl;
+ delete $4;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | reachable ';' {
+ flushScanBuffer();
+ Dynamic_Array1<Relation> &final = *$1;
+ bool any_sat = false;
+ int i,n_nodes = reachable_info->node_names.size();
+ for(i = 1; i <= n_nodes; i++)
+ if(final[i].is_upper_bound_satisfiable()) {
+ any_sat = true;
+ std::cout << "Node " << reachable_info->node_names[i] << ": ";
+ final[i].print_with_subs(stdout);
+ }
+ if(!any_sat)
+ std::cout << "No nodes reachable.\n";
+ delete $1;
+ delete reachable_info;
+ }
+context : {$$ = new Relation(); *$$ = Relation::Null();}
+ | GIVEN relation {$$ = $2; }
+relPairList : relPairList ',' relation ':' relation {
+ try {
+ $1->first.push_back(*$3);
+ $1->second.push_back(*$5);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ delete $5;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $3;
+ delete $5;
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ | relPairList ',' relation {
+ try {
+ $1->first.push_back(Identity($3->n_set()));
+ $1->second.push_back(*$3);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $3;
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ | relation ':' relation {
+ std::pair<std::vector<Relation>, std::vector<Relation> > *rtp = new std::pair<std::vector<Relation>, std::vector<Relation> >();
+ try {
+ rtp->first.push_back(*$1);
+ rtp->second.push_back(*$3);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete rtp;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ $$ = rtp;
+ }
+ | relation {
+ std::pair<std::vector<Relation>, std::vector<Relation> > *rtp = new std::pair<std::vector<Relation>, std::vector<Relation> >();
+ try {
+ rtp->first.push_back(Identity($1->n_set()));
+ rtp->second.push_back(*$1);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete rtp;
+ delete $1;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ $$ = rtp;
+ }
+relation : OPEN_BRACE {need_coef = true; relationDecl = new Declaration_Site();}
+ builtRelation CLOSE_BRACE {
+ need_coef = false;
+ $$ = $3;
+ current_Declaration_Site = globalDecls;
+ delete relationDecl;
+ relationDecl = NULL;
+ }
+ | VAR {
+ Relation *r = relationMap[std::string($1)];
+ if (r == NULL) {
+ yyerror(std::string("relation ") + to_string($1) + std::string(" not declared"));
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ $$ = new Relation(*r);
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ | '(' relation ')' {$$ = $2;}
+ | relation '+' %prec p9 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = TransitiveClosure(*$1, 1, Relation::Null());
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | relation '*' %prec p9 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ int vars = $1->n_inp();
+ *$$ = Union(Identity(vars), TransitiveClosure(*$1, 1, Relation::Null()));
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | relation '+' WITHIN relation %prec p9 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$= TransitiveClosure(*$1, 1, *$4);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $4;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $4;
+ }
+ | relation '^' '@' %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = ApproxClosure(*$1);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | relation '^' '+' %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = calculateTransitiveClosure(*$1);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | MINIMIZE_RANGE relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ Relation o(*$2);
+ Relation r(*$2);
+ r = Join(r,LexForward($2->n_out()));
+ *$$ = Difference(o,r);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | MAXIMIZE_RANGE relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ Relation o(*$2);
+ Relation r(*$2);
+ r = Join(r,Inverse(LexForward($2->n_out())));
+ *$$ = Difference(o,r);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | MINIMIZE_DOMAIN relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ Relation o(*$2);
+ Relation r(*$2);
+ r = Join(LexForward($2->n_inp()),r);
+ *$$ = Difference(o,r);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | MAXIMIZE_DOMAIN relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ Relation o(*$2);
+ Relation r(*$2);
+ r = Join(Inverse(LexForward($2->n_inp())),r);
+ *$$ = Difference(o,r);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | MAXIMIZE relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ Relation c(*$2);
+ Relation r(*$2);
+ *$$ = Cross_Product(Relation(*$2),c);
+ *$$ = Difference(r,Domain(Intersection(*$$,LexForward($$->n_inp()))));
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | MINIMIZE relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ Relation c(*$2);
+ Relation r(*$2);
+ *$$ = Cross_Product(Relation(*$2),c);
+ *$$ = Difference(r,Range(Intersection(*$$,LexForward($$->n_inp()))));
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | FARKAS relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Farkas(*$2, Basic_Farkas);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | DECOUPLED_FARKAS relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Farkas(*$2, Decoupled_Farkas);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | relation '@' %prec p9 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = ConicClosure(*$1);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | PROJECT_AWAY_SYMBOLS relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Project_Sym(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | PROJECT_ON_SYMBOLS relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Project_On_Sym(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | DIFFERENCE relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Deltas(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | DIFFERENCE_TO_RELATION relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = DeltasToRelation(*$2,$2->n_set(),$2->n_set());
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | DOMAIN relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Domain(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | VENN relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = VennDiagramForm(*$2,Relation::True(*$2));
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | VENN relation GIVEN relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = VennDiagramForm(*$2,*$4);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ delete $4;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ delete $4;
+ }
+ | CONVEX_HULL relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = ConvexHull(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | DECOUPLED_CONVEX_HULL relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = DecoupledConvexHull(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | POSITIVE_COMBINATION relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Farkas(*$2,Positive_Combination_Farkas);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | LINEAR_COMBINATION relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Farkas(*$2,Linear_Combination_Farkas);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | AFFINE_COMBINATION relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Farkas(*$2,Affine_Combination_Farkas);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | CONVEX_COMBINATION relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Farkas(*$2,Convex_Combination_Farkas);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | PAIRWISE_CHECK relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = CheckForConvexRepresentation(CheckForConvexPairs(*$2));
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | CONVEX_CHECK relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = CheckForConvexRepresentation(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | CONVEX_REPRESENTATION relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = ConvexRepresentation(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | AFFINE_HULL relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = AffineHull(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | CONIC_HULL relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = ConicHull(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | LINEAR_HULL relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = LinearHull(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | QUICK_HULL relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = QuickHull(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | RECT_HULL relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = RectHull(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | SIMPLE_HULL relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = SimpleHull(*$2, true, true);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | HULL relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Hull(*$2,true,1,Relation::Null());
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | HULL relation GIVEN relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Hull(*$2,true,1,*$4);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ delete $4;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ delete $4;
+ }
+ | APPROX relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Approximate(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | RANGE relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Range(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | INVERSE relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Inverse(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | COMPLEMENT relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Complement(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | GIST relation GIVEN relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Gist(*$2,*$4,1);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ delete $4;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ delete $4;
+ }
+ | relation '(' relation ')' {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Composition(*$1,*$3);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | relation COMPOSE relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Composition(*$1,*$3);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | relation CARRIED_BY INT {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = After(*$1,$3,$3);
+ (*$$).prefix_print(stdout);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ }
+ | relation JOIN relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Composition(*$3,*$1);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | relation RESTRICT_RANGE relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Restrict_Range(*$1,*$3);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | relation RESTRICT_DOMAIN relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Restrict_Domain(*$1,*$3);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | relation INTERSECTION relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Intersection(*$1,*$3);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | relation '-' relation %prec INTERSECTION {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Difference(*$1,*$3);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | relation UNION relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Union(*$1,*$3);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | relation '*' relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Cross_Product(*$1,*$3);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $1;
+ delete $3;
+ }
+ | SUPERSETOF relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Union(*$2, Relation::Unknown(*$2));
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | SUBSETOF relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Intersection(*$2, Relation::Unknown(*$2));
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | MAKE_UPPER_BOUND relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Upper_Bound(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | MAKE_LOWER_BOUND relation %prec p8 {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Lower_Bound(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | SAMPLE relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Sample_Solution(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | SYM_SAMPLE relation {
+ $$ = new Relation();
+ try {
+ *$$ = Symbolic_Solution(*$2);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ delete $$;
+ delete $2;
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ delete $2;
+ }
+ | reachable_of { $$ = $1; }
+ | ASSERT_UNSAT relation {
+ if (($2)->is_satisfiable()) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"assert_unsatisfiable failed on ");
+ ($2)->print_with_subs(stderr);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ $$=$2;
+ }
+builtRelation : tupleDeclaration GOES_TO {currentTuple = Output_Tuple;}
+ tupleDeclaration {currentTuple = Input_Tuple;} optionalFormula {
+ Relation * r = new Relation($1->size,$4->size);
+ resetGlobals();
+ F_And *f = r->add_and();
+ for(int i = 1; i <= $1->size; i++) {
+ $1->vars[i-1]->vid = r->input_var(i);
+ if (!$1->vars[i-1]->anonymous)
+ r->name_input_var(i, $1->vars[i-1]->stripped_name);
+ }
+ for(int i = 1; i <= $4->size; i++) {
+ $4->vars[i-1]->vid = r->output_var(i);
+ if (!$4->vars[i-1]->anonymous)
+ r->name_output_var(i, $4->vars[i-1]->stripped_name);
+ }
+ r->setup_names();
+ for (std::set<Exp *>::iterator i = $1->eq_constraints.begin(); i != $1->eq_constraints.end(); i++)
+ install_eq(f, *i, 0);
+ for (std::set<Exp *>::iterator i = $1->geq_constraints.begin(); i != $1->geq_constraints.end(); i++)
+ install_geq(f, *i, 0);
+ for (std::set<strideConstraint *>::iterator i = $1->stride_constraints.begin(); i != $1->stride_constraints.end(); i++)
+ install_stride(f, *i);
+ for (std::set<Exp *>::iterator i = $4->eq_constraints.begin(); i != $4->eq_constraints.end(); i++)
+ install_eq(f, *i, 0);
+ for (std::set<Exp *>::iterator i = $4->geq_constraints.begin(); i != $4->geq_constraints.end(); i++)
+ install_geq(f, *i, 0);
+ for (std::set<strideConstraint *>::iterator i = $4->stride_constraints.begin(); i != $4->stride_constraints.end(); i++)
+ install_stride(f, *i);
+ if ($6) $6->install(f);
+ delete $1;
+ delete $4;
+ delete $6;
+ $$ = r;
+ }
+ | tupleDeclaration optionalFormula {
+ Relation * r = new Relation($1->size);
+ resetGlobals();
+ F_And *f = r->add_and();
+ for(int i = 1; i <= $1->size; i++) {
+ $1->vars[i-1]->vid = r->set_var(i);
+ if (!$1->vars[i-1]->anonymous)
+ r->name_set_var(i, $1->vars[i-1]->stripped_name);
+ }
+ r->setup_names();
+ for (std::set<Exp *>::iterator i = $1->eq_constraints.begin(); i != $1->eq_constraints.end(); i++)
+ install_eq(f, *i, 0);
+ for (std::set<Exp *>::iterator i = $1->geq_constraints.begin(); i != $1->geq_constraints.end(); i++)
+ install_geq(f, *i, 0);
+ for (std::set<strideConstraint *>::iterator i = $1->stride_constraints.begin(); i != $1->stride_constraints.end(); i++)
+ install_stride(f, *i);
+ if ($2) $2->install(f);
+ delete $1;
+ delete $2;
+ $$ = r;
+ }
+ | formula {
+ Relation * r = new Relation(0,0);
+ F_And *f = r->add_and();
+ $1->install(f);
+ delete $1;
+ $$ = r;
+ }
+optionalFormula : formula_sep formula {$$ = $2;}
+ | {$$ = 0;}
+formula_sep : ':'
+tupleDeclaration : {currentTupleDescriptor = new tupleDescriptor; tuplePos = 1;}
+ '[' optionalTupleVarList ']'
+ {$$ = currentTupleDescriptor; tuplePos = 0;}
+optionalTupleVarList : /* empty */
+ | tupleVar
+ | optionalTupleVarList ',' tupleVar
+tupleVar : VAR %prec p10 {
+ Declaration_Site *ds = defined($1);
+ if (!ds)
+ currentTupleDescriptor->extend($1,currentTuple,tuplePos);
+ else {
+ Variable_Ref *v = lookupScalar($1);
+ if (v == NULL) {
+ yyerror(std::string("cannot find declaration for variable ") + to_string($1));
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ if (ds != globalDecls)
+ currentTupleDescriptor->extend($1, new Exp(v));
+ else
+ currentTupleDescriptor->extend(new Exp(v));
+ }
+ tuplePos++;
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ | '*' {currentTupleDescriptor->extend(); tuplePos++;}
+ | exp %prec p1 {
+ currentTupleDescriptor->extend($1);
+ tuplePos++;
+ }
+ | exp ':' exp %prec p1 {
+ currentTupleDescriptor->extend($1,$3);
+ tuplePos++;
+ }
+ | exp ':' exp ':' COEF %prec p1 {
+ currentTupleDescriptor->extend($1,$3,$5);
+ tuplePos++;
+ }
+varList : varList ',' VAR {$$ = $1; $$->insert($3); $3 = NULL;}
+ | VAR {$$ = new std::set<char *>(); $$->insert($1); $1 = NULL;}
+varDecl : varList {
+ $$ = current_Declaration_Site = new Declaration_Site($1);
+ for (std::set<char *>::iterator i = $1->begin(); i != $1->end(); i++)
+ delete [](*i);
+ delete $1;
+ }
+varDeclOptBrackets : varDecl {$$ = $1;}
+ |'[' varDecl ']' {$$ = $2;}
+globVarList : globVarList ',' globVar
+ | globVar
+globVar : VAR '(' INT ')' {globalDecls->extend_both_tuples($1, $3); delete []$1;}
+ | VAR {
+ globalDecls->extend($1);
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+formula : formula AND formula {$$ = new AST_And($1,$3);}
+ | formula OR formula {$$ = new AST_Or($1,$3);}
+ | constraintChain {$$ = $1;}
+ | '(' formula ')' {$$ = $2;}
+ | NOT formula {$$ = new AST_Not($2);}
+ | start_exists varDeclOptBrackets exists_sep formula end_quant {$$ = new AST_exists($2,$4);}
+ | start_forall varDeclOptBrackets forall_sep formula end_quant {$$ = new AST_forall($2,$4);}
+start_exists : '(' EXISTS
+ | EXISTS '('
+exists_sep : ':'
+start_forall : '(' FORALL
+ | FORALL '('
+forall_sep : ':'
+end_quant : ')' {popScope();}
+expList : exp ',' expList {$$ = $3; $$->insert($1);}
+ | exp {$$ = new std::set<Exp *>(); $$->insert($1);}
+constraintChain : expList REL_OP expList {$$ = new AST_constraints($1,$2,$3);}
+ | expList REL_OP constraintChain {$$ = new AST_constraints($1,$2,$3);}
+simpleExp : VAR %prec p9 {
+ Variable_Ref *v = lookupScalar($1);
+ if (v == NULL) {
+ yyerror(std::string("cannot find declaration for variable ") + to_string($1));
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ $$ = new Exp(v);
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ | VAR '(' {argCount = 1;} argumentList ')' %prec p9 {
+ Variable_Ref *v;
+ if ($4 == Input_Tuple)
+ v = functionOfInput[$1];
+ else
+ v = functionOfOutput[$1];
+ if (v == NULL) {
+ yyerror(std::string("Function ") + to_string($1) + std::string(" not declared"));
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ $$ = new Exp(v);
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ | '(' exp ')' { $$ = $2; }
+argumentList : argumentList ',' VAR {
+ Variable_Ref *v = lookupScalar($3);
+ if (v == NULL) {
+ yyerror(std::string("cannot find declaration for variable ") + to_string($1));
+ delete []$3;
+ }
+ if (v->pos != argCount || v->of != $1 || (v->of != Input_Tuple && v->of != Output_Tuple)) {
+ yyerror("arguments to function must be prefix of input or output tuple");
+ delete []$3;
+ }
+ $$ = v->of;
+ argCount++;
+ delete []$3;
+ }
+ | VAR {
+ Variable_Ref *v = lookupScalar($1);
+ if (v == NULL) {
+ yyerror(std::string("cannot find declaration for variable ") + to_string($1));
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ if (v->pos != argCount || (v->of != Input_Tuple && v->of != Output_Tuple)) {
+ yyerror("arguments to function must be prefix of input or output tuple");
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+ $$ = v->of;
+ argCount++;
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+exp : COEF {$$ = new Exp($1);}
+ | COEF simpleExp %prec '*' {$$ = multiply($1,$2);}
+ | simpleExp {$$ = $1; }
+ | '-' exp %prec '*' {$$ = negate($2);}
+ | exp '+' exp {$$ = add($1,$3);}
+ | exp '-' exp {$$ = subtract($1,$3);}
+ | exp '*' exp {
+ try {
+ $$ = multiply($1,$3);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ yyerror(e.what());
+ }
+ }
+reachable : REACHABLE_FROM nodeNameList nodeSpecificationList {
+ Dynamic_Array1<Relation> *final = Reachable_Nodes(reachable_info);
+ $$ = final;
+ }
+reachable_of : REACHABLE_OF VAR IN nodeNameList nodeSpecificationList {
+ Dynamic_Array1<Relation> *final = Reachable_Nodes(reachable_info);
+ int index = reachable_info->node_names.index(std::string($2));
+ if (index == 0) {
+ yyerror(std::string("no such node ") + to_string($2));
+ delete []$2;
+ delete final;
+ delete reachable_info;
+ }
+ $$ = new Relation;
+ *$$ = (*final)[index];
+ delete final;
+ delete reachable_info;
+ delete []$2;
+ }
+nodeNameList : '(' realNodeNameList ')' {
+ int sz = reachable_info->node_names.size();
+ reachable_info->node_arity.reallocate(sz);
+ reachable_info->transitions.resize(sz+1,sz+1);
+ reachable_info->start_nodes.resize(sz+1);
+ }
+realNodeNameList : realNodeNameList ',' VAR {
+ reachable_info->node_names.append(std::string($3));
+ delete []$3;
+ }
+ | VAR {
+ reachable_info = new reachable_information;
+ reachable_info->node_names.append(std::string($1));
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+nodeSpecificationList : OPEN_BRACE realNodeSpecificationList CLOSE_BRACE {
+ int i,j;
+ int n_nodes = reachable_info->node_names.size();
+ Tuple<int> &arity = reachable_info->node_arity;
+ Dynamic_Array2<Relation> &transitions = reachable_info->transitions;
+ /* fixup unspecified transitions to be false */
+ /* find arity */
+ for(i = 1; i <= n_nodes; i++) arity[i] = -1;
+ for(i = 1; i <= n_nodes; i++)
+ for(j = 1; j <= n_nodes; j++)
+ if(! transitions[i][j].is_null()) {
+ int in_arity = transitions[i][j].n_inp();
+ int out_arity = transitions[i][j].n_out();
+ if(arity[i] < 0) arity[i] = in_arity;
+ if(arity[j] < 0) arity[j] = out_arity;
+ if(in_arity != arity[i] || out_arity != arity[j]) {
+ yyerror(std::string("arity mismatch in node transition: ") + to_string(reachable_info->node_names[i]) + std::string(" -> ") + to_string(reachable_info->node_names[j]));
+ delete reachable_info;
+ }
+ }
+ for(i = 1; i <= n_nodes; i++)
+ if(arity[i] < 0) arity[i] = 0;
+ /* Fill in false relations */
+ for(i = 1; i <= n_nodes; i++)
+ for(j = 1; j <= n_nodes; j++)
+ if(transitions[i][j].is_null())
+ transitions[i][j] = Relation::False(arity[i],arity[j]);
+ /* fixup unused start node positions */
+ Dynamic_Array1<Relation> &nodes = reachable_info->start_nodes;
+ for(i = 1; i <= n_nodes; i++)
+ if(nodes[i].is_null())
+ nodes[i] = Relation::False(arity[i]);
+ else
+ if(nodes[i].n_set() != arity[i]){
+ yyerror(std::string("arity mismatch in start node ") + to_string(reachable_info->node_names[i]));
+ delete reachable_info;
+ }
+ }
+realNodeSpecificationList : realNodeSpecificationList ',' VAR ':' relation {
+ int n_nodes = reachable_info->node_names.size();
+ int index = reachable_info->node_names.index($3);
+ if (!(index > 0 && index <= n_nodes)) {
+ yyerror(std::string("no such node ")+to_string($3));
+ delete $5;
+ delete []$3;
+ delete reachable_info;
+ }
+ reachable_info->start_nodes[index] = *$5;
+ delete $5;
+ delete []$3;
+ }
+ | realNodeSpecificationList ',' VAR GOES_TO VAR ':' relation {
+ int n_nodes = reachable_info->node_names.size();
+ int from_index = reachable_info->node_names.index($3);
+ if (!(from_index > 0 && from_index <= n_nodes)) {
+ yyerror(std::string("no such node ")+to_string($3));
+ delete $7;
+ delete []$3;
+ delete []$5;
+ delete reachable_info;
+ }
+ int to_index = reachable_info->node_names.index($5);
+ if (!(to_index > 0 && to_index <= n_nodes)) {
+ yyerror(std::string("no such node ")+to_string($5));
+ delete $7;
+ delete []$3;
+ delete []$5;
+ delete reachable_info;
+ }
+ reachable_info->transitions[from_index][to_index] = *$7;
+ delete $7;
+ delete []$3;
+ delete []$5;
+ }
+ | VAR GOES_TO VAR ':' relation {
+ int n_nodes = reachable_info->node_names.size();
+ int from_index = reachable_info->node_names.index($1);
+ if (!(from_index > 0 && from_index <= n_nodes)) {
+ yyerror(std::string("no such node ")+to_string($1));
+ delete $5;
+ delete []$1;
+ delete []$3;
+ delete reachable_info;
+ }
+ int to_index = reachable_info->node_names.index($3);
+ if (!(to_index > 0 && to_index <= n_nodes)) {
+ yyerror(std::string("no such node ")+to_string($3));
+ delete $5;
+ delete []$1;
+ delete []$3;
+ delete reachable_info;
+ }
+ reachable_info->transitions[from_index][to_index] = *$5;
+ delete $5;
+ delete []$1;
+ delete []$3;
+ }
+ | VAR ':' relation {
+ int n_nodes = reachable_info->node_names.size();
+ int index = reachable_info->node_names.index($1);
+ if (!(index > 0 && index <= n_nodes)) {
+ yyerror(std::string("no such node ")+to_string($1));
+ delete $3;
+ delete []$1;
+ delete reachable_info;
+ }
+ reachable_info->start_nodes[index] = *$3;
+ delete $3;
+ delete []$1;
+ }
+void yyerror(const std::string &s) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ if (is_interactive)
+ ss << s << "\n";
+ else
+ ss << s << " at line " << mylexer.lineno() << "\n";
+ err_msg = ss.str();
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ if (argc > 2){
+ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [script_file]\n", argv[0]);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (argc == 2) {
+ std::ifstream *ifs = new std::ifstream;
+ ifs->open(argv[1], std::ifstream::in);
+ if (!ifs->is_open()) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "can't open input file %s\n", argv[1]);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ yy_buffer_state *bs = mylexer.yy_create_buffer(ifs, 8092);
+ mylexer.yypush_buffer_state(bs);
+ }
+ //yydebug = 1;
+ is_interactive = false;
+ if (argc == 1) {
+#if defined __USE_POSIX
+ if (isatty((int)fileno(stdin)))
+ is_interactive = true;
+#elif defined __WIN32
+ if (_isatty(_fileno(stdin)))
+ is_interactive = true;
+ }
+ if (is_interactive) {
+ std::cout << "Omega+ and CodeGen+ ";
+ std::cout << "Omega+ ";
+ std::cout << "v2.2.3 (built on " OMEGA_BUILD_DATE ")" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Copyright (C) 1994-2000 the Omega Project Team" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Chun Chen" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Copyright (C) 2011-2012 University of Utah" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << PROMPT_STRING << ' ';
+ std::cout.flush();
+ }
+ need_coef = false;
+ current_Declaration_Site = globalDecls = new Global_Declaration_Site();
+ if (yyparse() != 0) {
+ if (!is_interactive)
+ std::cout << "syntax error at the end of the file, missing ';'" << std::endl;
+ else
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ delete relationDecl;
+ relationDecl = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (is_interactive)
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ for (std::map<std::string, Relation *>::iterator i = relationMap.begin(); i != relationMap.end(); i++)
+ delete (*i).second;
+ delete globalDecls;
+ return 0;
+Relation LexForward(int n) {
+ Relation r(n,n);
+ F_Or *f = r.add_or();
+ for (int i=1; i <= n; i++) {
+ F_And *g = f->add_and();
+ for(int j=1;j<i;j++) {
+ EQ_Handle e = g->add_EQ();
+ e.update_coef(r.input_var(j),-1);
+ e.update_coef(r.output_var(j),1);
+ e.finalize();
+ }
+ GEQ_Handle e = g->add_GEQ();
+ e.update_coef(r.input_var(i),-1);
+ e.update_coef(r.output_var(i),1);
+ e.update_const(-1);
+ e.finalize();
+ }
+ r.finalize();
+ return r;