path: root/omegalib/codegen
diff options
authorTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-19 21:14:58 +0000
committerTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-19 21:14:58 +0000
commit210f77d2c32f14d2e99577fd3c9842bb19d47e50 (patch)
tree5edb327c919b8309e301c3440fb6668a0075c8ef /omegalib/codegen
parenta66ce5cd670c4d3c0dc449720f5bc45dd4c281b8 (diff)
Moved most modules into lib
Diffstat (limited to 'omegalib/codegen')
21 files changed, 0 insertions, 6039 deletions
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/CMakeLists.txt b/omegalib/codegen/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 79bdcb4..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- src/
- src/
- src/
- src/
- src/
- src/
- src/
- )
-set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-write-strings")
- include
- ${OMEGAROOT}/omega/include
- ${ROSEHOME}/include/rose
- ${BOOSTHOME}/include
- )
- ${CG_SRC}
- )
-add_dependencies(codegen omega)
-install(TARGETS codegen
-install(DIRECTORY include
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG.h b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ce56768..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _CG_H
-#define _CG_H
-#include <omega/Relation.h>
-#include <basic/BoolSet.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h>
-#include <vector>
-namespace omega {
-class CodeGen;
-struct CG_result {
- CodeGen *codegen_;
- BoolSet<> active_;
- CG_result() { codegen_ = NULL; }
- virtual ~CG_result() { /* not responsible for codegen_ */ }
- virtual CG_result *recompute(const BoolSet<> &parent_active, const Relation &known, const Relation &restriction) = 0;
- virtual int populateDepth() = 0;
- virtual std::pair<CG_result *, Relation> liftOverhead(int depth, bool propagate_up) = 0;
- virtual Relation hoistGuard() = 0;
- virtual void removeGuard(const Relation &guard) = 0;
- virtual CG_outputRepr *printRepr(int indent, CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) const = 0;
- CG_outputRepr *printRepr(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts) const;
- std::string printString() const;
- int num_level() const;
- virtual CG_result *clone() const = 0;
- virtual void dump(int indent) const {}
- void dump() { dump(0); }
-struct CG_split: public CG_result {
- std::vector<Relation> restrictions_;
- std::vector<CG_result *> clauses_;
- CG_split(CodeGen *codegen, const BoolSet<> &active, const std::vector<Relation> &restrictions, const std::vector<CG_result *> &clauses) {
- codegen_ = codegen;
- active_ = active;
- restrictions_ = restrictions;
- clauses_ = clauses;
- }
- ~CG_split() {
- for (int i = 0; i < clauses_.size(); i++)
- delete clauses_[i];
- }
- CG_result *recompute(const BoolSet<> &parent_active, const Relation &known, const Relation &restriction);
- int populateDepth();
- std::pair<CG_result *, Relation> liftOverhead(int depth, bool propagate_up);
- Relation hoistGuard();
- void removeGuard(const Relation &guard);
- CG_outputRepr *printRepr(int indent, CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) const;
- CG_result *clone() const;
- void dump(int indent) const;
- std::vector<CG_result *> findNextLevel() const;
-struct CG_loop: public CG_result {
- int level_;
- CG_result *body_;
- Relation known_;
- Relation restriction_;
- Relation bounds_;
- Relation guard_;
- bool needLoop_;
- int depth_;
- CG_loop(CodeGen *codegen, const BoolSet<> &active, int level, CG_result *body) {
- codegen_ = codegen;
- active_ = active;
- level_ = level;
- body_ = body;
- }
- ~CG_loop() { delete body_; }
- CG_result *recompute(const BoolSet<> &parent_active, const Relation &known, const Relation &restriction);
- int populateDepth();
- std::pair<CG_result *, Relation> liftOverhead(int depth, bool propagate_up);
- Relation hoistGuard();
- void removeGuard(const Relation &guard);
- CG_outputRepr *printRepr(int indent, CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) const;
- CG_outputRepr *printRepr(bool do_print_guard, int indent, CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) const;
- CG_result *clone() const;
- void dump(int indent) const;
-struct CG_leaf: public CG_result {
- Relation known_;
- std::map<int, Relation> guards_;
- CG_leaf(CodeGen *codegen, const BoolSet<> &active) {
- codegen_ = codegen;
- active_ = active;
- }
- ~CG_leaf() {}
- CG_result *recompute(const BoolSet<> &parent_active, const Relation &known, const Relation &restriction);
- int populateDepth() { return 0; }
- std::pair<CG_result *, Relation> liftOverhead(int depth, bool propagate_up);
- Relation hoistGuard();
- void removeGuard(const Relation &guard);
- CG_outputRepr *printRepr(int indent, CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) const;
- CG_result *clone() const;
- void dump(int indent) const;
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 19dc440..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 1994-2000 the Omega Project Team
- Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Chun Chen
- All Rights Reserved.
- Purpose:
- abstract base class of comiler IR code builder
- Notes:
- All "CG_outputRepr *" parameters are consumed inside the the function
- unless explicitly stated otherwise, i.e., not valid after the call.
- Parameter "indent" normally not used except it is used in unstructured
- string output for correct indentation.
- History:
- 04/17/96 created - Lei Zhou
- 05/02/08 clarify integer floor/mod/ceil definitions, -chen
- 05/31/08 use virtual clone to implement CreateCopy, -chun
- 08/05/10 clarify NULL parameter allowance, -chun
-#include <code_gen/CG_outputRepr.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-namespace omega {
-//! abstract base class of comiler IR code builder
-class CG_outputBuilder {
- CG_outputBuilder() {}
- virtual ~CG_outputBuilder() {}
- //! substitute variables in stmt
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateSubstitutedStmt(int indent, CG_outputRepr *stmt,
- const std::vector<std::string> &vars,
- std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &subs) const = 0;
- //! assignment stmt generation
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateAssignment(int indent, CG_outputRepr *lhs,
- CG_outputRepr *rhs) const = 0;
- //! function invocation generation
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateInvoke(const std::string &funcName,
- std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &argList) const = 0;
- //! comment generation
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateComment(int indent,
- const std::string &commentText) const = 0;
- //! Attribute generation
- virtual CG_outputRepr* CreateAttribute(CG_outputRepr *control,
- const std::string &commentText) const = 0;
- //! Pragma Attribute
- virtual CG_outputRepr* CreatePragmaAttribute(CG_outputRepr *scopeStmt, int looplevel, const std::string &pragmaText) const = 0;
- //! Prefetch Attribute
- virtual CG_outputRepr* CreatePrefetchAttribute(CG_outputRepr *scopeStmt, int looplevel, const std::string &arrName, int hint) const = 0;
- //! generate if stmt, true/false stmt can be NULL but not the condition
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateIf(int indent, CG_outputRepr *guardCondition,
- CG_outputRepr *true_stmtList,
- CG_outputRepr *false_stmtList) const = 0;
- //! generate loop inductive variable (loop control structure)
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateInductive(CG_outputRepr *index,
- CG_outputRepr *lower,
- CG_outputRepr *upper,
- CG_outputRepr *step) const = 0;
- //! generate loop stmt from loop control and loop body, NULL parameter allowed
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateLoop(int indent, CG_outputRepr *control,
- CG_outputRepr *stmtList) const = 0;
- //! copy operation, NULL parameter allowed.
- /*!
- * this function makes pointer handling uniform regardless NULL status
- */
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateCopy(CG_outputRepr *original) const {
- if (original == NULL)
- return NULL;
- else
- return original->clone();
- }
- //! basic integer number creation
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateInt(int num) const = 0;
- virtual bool isInteger(CG_outputRepr *op) const = 0;
- //! basic identity/variable creation
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateIdent(const std::string &varName) const = 0;
- //! Addition operations, NULL parameter means 0,
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreatePlus(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const = 0;
- //! Subtraction operations, NULL parameter means 0,
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateMinus(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const = 0;
- //! Multiplication operations, NULL parameter means 0,
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateTimes(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const = 0;
- //! Division operations, NULL parameter means 0,
- /*!
- * integer division truncation method undefined, only use when lop is known
- * to be multiple of rop, otherwise use integer floor instead
- */
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateDivide(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- return CreateIntegerFloor(lop, rop);
- }
- //! integer floor functions, NULL parameter means 0
- /*!
- * second parameter must be postive (i.e. b > 0 below), otherwise function undefined
- *
- * floor(a, b)
- * * = a/b if a >= 0
- * * = (a-b+1)/b if a < 0
- */
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateIntegerFloor(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const = 0;
- //! integer mod functions, NULL parameter means 0
- /*!
- * second parameter must be postive (i.e. b > 0 below), otherwise function undefined
- *
- * mod(a, b) = a-b*floor(a, b) where result must lie in range [0,b)
- */
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateIntegerMod(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- CG_outputRepr *lop2 = CreateCopy(lop);
- CG_outputRepr *rop2 = CreateCopy(rop);
- return CreateMinus(lop2, CreateTimes(rop2, CreateIntegerFloor(lop, rop)));
- }
- //! integer ceil functions, NULL parameter means 0
- /*!
- * second parameter must be postive (i.e. b > 0 below), otherwise function undefined
- *
- * ceil(a, b) = -floor(-a, b) or floor(a+b-1, b) or floor(a-1, b)+1
- */
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateIntegerCeil(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- return CreateMinus(NULL, CreateIntegerFloor(CreateMinus(NULL, lop), rop));
- }
- //! binary logical operation, NULL parameter means TRUE
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateAnd(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const = 0;
- //! binary conditional Greater than or equal to
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateGE(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- return CreateLE(rop, lop);
- }
- //! binary conditional Less than or equal to
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateLE(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const = 0;
- //! binary conditional equal to
- virtual CG_outputRepr *CreateEQ(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const = 0;
- //! join stmts together, NULL parameter allowed
- virtual CG_outputRepr *StmtListAppend(CG_outputRepr *list1, CG_outputRepr *list2) const = 0;
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_outputRepr.h b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_outputRepr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0897007..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_outputRepr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 1994-2000 the Omega Project Team
- Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Chun Chen
- All Rights Reserved.
- Purpose:
- abstract base class of compiler IR code wrapper
- Notes:
- History:
- 04/17/96 - Lei Zhou - created
-namespace omega {
-class CG_outputRepr {
- CG_outputRepr() {}
- //! shallow delete
- virtual ~CG_outputRepr() { }
- virtual CG_outputRepr *clone() const = 0;
- //! delete actual IR code wrapped inside
- virtual void clear() { }
- virtual void dump() const {}
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_roseBuilder.h b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_roseBuilder.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dad663..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_roseBuilder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef CG_roseBuilder_h
-#define CG_roseBuilder_h
-#include <basic/Tuple.h>
-#include <code_gen/rose_attributes.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_roseRepr.h>
-#include <string>
-namespace omega {
-class CG_roseBuilder : public CG_outputBuilder {
- CG_roseBuilder(int isFortran, SgGlobal* global, SgGlobal* global_scope, SgSymbolTable* symtab1, SgSymbolTable* symtab2, SgNode* root);
- ~CG_roseBuilder();
- //! substitute variables in stmt
- CG_outputRepr *CreateSubstitutedStmt(int indent, CG_outputRepr *stmt,
- const std::vector<std::string> &vars,
- std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &subs) const;
- //! assignment generation
- CG_outputRepr* CreateAssignment(int indent, CG_outputRepr* lhs,
- CG_outputRepr* rhs) const;
- //! function invocation generation
- CG_outputRepr* CreateInvoke(const std::string &funcName,
- std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &argList) const;
- //! comment generation
- CG_outputRepr* CreateComment(int indent, const std::string &commentText) const;
- //! Attribute generation
- CG_outputRepr* CreateAttribute(CG_outputRepr *control,
- const std::string &commentText) const;
- //! Pragma Attribute
- CG_outputRepr* CreatePragmaAttribute(CG_outputRepr *scopeStmt, int looplevel,
- const std::string &pragmaText) const;
- //! Prefetch Attribute
- CG_outputRepr* CreatePrefetchAttribute(CG_outputRepr *scopeStmt, int looplevel,
- const std::string &arrName, int hint) const;
- //! if stmt gen operations
- CG_outputRepr* CreateIf(int indent, CG_outputRepr* guardCondition,
- CG_outputRepr* true_stmtList, CG_outputRepr* false_stmtList) const;
- //! inductive variable generation, to be used in CreateLoop as control
- CG_outputRepr* CreateInductive(CG_outputRepr* index,
- CG_outputRepr* lower,
- CG_outputRepr* upper,
- CG_outputRepr* step) const;
- //! loop stmt generation
- CG_outputRepr* CreateLoop(int indent, CG_outputRepr* control,
- CG_outputRepr* stmtList) const;
- CG_outputRepr* CreateInt(int num ) const;
- bool isInteger(CG_outputRepr *op) const;
- CG_outputRepr* CreateIdent(const std::string &varName) const;
- //! binary arithmetic operations
- CG_outputRepr* CreatePlus(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
- CG_outputRepr* CreateMinus(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
- CG_outputRepr* CreateTimes(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
- CG_outputRepr* CreateIntegerFloor(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
- CG_outputRepr* CreateIntegerMod(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
- //! binary logical operations
- CG_outputRepr* CreateAnd(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // binary relational operations
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // CG_outputRepr* CreateGE(CG_outputRepr*, CG_outputRepr*) const;
- CG_outputRepr* CreateLE(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
- CG_outputRepr* CreateEQ(CG_outputRepr* lop, CG_outputRepr* rop) const;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // stmt list gen operations
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CG_outputRepr*
- StmtListAppend(CG_outputRepr* list1, CG_outputRepr* list2) const;
- CG_outputRepr* CreateDim3(const char* varName, CG_outputRepr* arg1, CG_outputRepr* arg2, CG_outputRepr* arg3 = NULL) const;
- // Manu:: added for fortran support
- bool isInputFortran() const;
- SgSymbolTable *symtab_;
- SgSymbolTable *symtab2_;
- SgNode* root_;
- SgGlobal* global_;
- SgGlobal* global_scope;
- int isFortran; // Manu:: added for fortran support
-extern char *k_ocg_comment;
-std::vector<SgVarRefExp *>substitute(SgNode *tnl, const SgVariableSymbol *sym, SgExpression *expr,SgNode* root) ;
-} // namespace
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_roseRepr.h b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_roseRepr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 28553e7..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_roseRepr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef CG_roseRepr_h
-#define CG_roseRepr_h
-#include <code_gen/CG_outputRepr.h>
-#include "rose.h"
-namespace omega {
-class CG_roseRepr : public CG_outputRepr {
- friend class CG_roseBuilder;
- CG_roseRepr();
- CG_roseRepr(SgNode *tnl);
- CG_roseRepr(SgExpression *exp);
- CG_roseRepr(SgStatementPtrList* stmtlist);
- ~CG_roseRepr();
- CG_outputRepr *clone() const;
- void clear();
- SgNode* GetCode() const;
- SgStatementPtrList* GetList() const;
- SgExpression *GetExpression() const;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Dump operations
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void Dump() const;
- // only one of _tnl and _op would be active at any time, depending on
- // whether it is building a statement list or an expression tree
- SgNode *tnl_;
- SgExpression *op_;
- SgStatementPtrList *list_;
- void DumpFileHelper(SgNode* node, FILE* fp) const;
- //operand op_;
-} // namespace
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_stringBuilder.h b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_stringBuilder.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 09d3503..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_stringBuilder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#include <code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_stringRepr.h>
-namespace omega {
-class CG_stringBuilder: public CG_outputBuilder {
- CG_stringBuilder() {}
- ~CG_stringBuilder() {}
- bool isInteger(CG_outputRepr *op) const;
- CG_stringRepr *CreateSubstitutedStmt(int indent, CG_outputRepr *stmt, const std::vector<std::string> &vars, std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &subs) const;
- CG_stringRepr *CreateAssignment(int indent, CG_outputRepr *lhs, CG_outputRepr *rhs) const;
- CG_stringRepr *CreateInvoke(const std::string &funcName, std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &argList) const;
- CG_stringRepr *CreateComment(int indent, const std::string &commentText) const;
- CG_stringRepr* CreateAttribute(CG_outputRepr *control,
- const std::string &commentText) const;
- CG_outputRepr *CreatePragmaAttribute(CG_outputRepr *scopeStmt, int looplevel, const std::string &pragmaText) const;
- CG_outputRepr *CreatePrefetchAttribute(CG_outputRepr *scopeStmt, int looplevel, const std::string &arrName, int hint) const;
- CG_stringRepr *CreateIf(int indent, CG_outputRepr *guardCondition, CG_outputRepr *true_stmtList, CG_outputRepr *false_stmtList) const;
- CG_stringRepr *CreateInductive(CG_outputRepr *index, CG_outputRepr *lower, CG_outputRepr *upper, CG_outputRepr *step) const;
- CG_stringRepr *CreateLoop(int indent, CG_outputRepr *control, CG_outputRepr *stmtList) const;
- CG_stringRepr *CreateInt(int num) const;
- CG_stringRepr *CreateIdent(const std::string &varName) const;
- CG_stringRepr *CreatePlus(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const;
- CG_stringRepr *CreateMinus(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const;
- CG_stringRepr *CreateTimes(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const;
- CG_stringRepr *CreateDivide(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const;
- CG_stringRepr *CreateIntegerFloor(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const;
- CG_stringRepr *CreateIntegerMod(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const;
- CG_stringRepr *CreateIntegerCeil(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const;
- CG_stringRepr *CreateAnd(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const;
- CG_stringRepr *CreateGE(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const;
- CG_stringRepr *CreateLE(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const;
- CG_stringRepr *CreateEQ(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const;
- CG_stringRepr *StmtListAppend(CG_outputRepr *list1, CG_outputRepr *list2) const;
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_stringRepr.h b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_stringRepr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a6df85d..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_stringRepr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 1994-2000 the Omega Project Team
- Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Chun Chen
- All Rights Reserved.
- Purpose:
- pseudo string code wrapper
- Notes:
- History:
- 04/17/96 - Lei Zhou - created
-#include <code_gen/CG_outputRepr.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <iostream>
-namespace omega {
-class CG_stringRepr: public CG_outputRepr {
- std::string s_;
- CG_stringRepr() {}
- CG_stringRepr(const std::string &s) { s_ = s; }
- ~CG_stringRepr() {}
- CG_outputRepr *clone() const { return new CG_stringRepr(s_); }
- void dump() const { std::cout << s_ << std::endl; }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // basic operation
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- std::string GetString() const { return s_; }
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_utils.h b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_utils.h
deleted file mode 100755
index a6128bc..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/CG_utils.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _CG_UTILS_H
-#define _CG_UTILS_H
-#include <omega.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h>
-#include <basic/BoolSet.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <set>
-#include <map>
-namespace omega {
-class CG_loop;
-CG_outputRepr *output_inequality_repr(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const GEQ_Handle &inequality, Variable_ID v, const Relation &R, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly, std::set<Variable_ID> excluded_floor_vars = std::set<Variable_ID>());
-CG_outputRepr *output_substitution_repr(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const EQ_Handle &equality, Variable_ID v, bool apply_v_coef, const Relation &R, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly);
-CG_outputRepr *output_upper_bound_repr(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const GEQ_Handle &inequality, Variable_ID v, const Relation &R, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly);
-CG_outputRepr *output_lower_bound_repr(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const GEQ_Handle &inequality, Variable_ID v, const EQ_Handle &stride_eq, Variable_ID wc, const Relation &R, const Relation &known, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly);
-CG_outputRepr *output_ident(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const Relation &R, Variable_ID v, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly);
-std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > output_assignment(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const Relation &R, int level, const Relation &known, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly);
-CG_outputRepr *output_loop(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const Relation &R, int level, const Relation &known, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly);
-CG_outputRepr *output_guard(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const Relation &R, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly);
-std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> output_substitutions(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const Relation &R, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly);
-bool bound_must_hit_stride(const GEQ_Handle &inequality, Variable_ID v, const EQ_Handle &stride_eq, Variable_ID wc, const Relation &bounds, const Relation &known);
-std::pair<EQ_Handle, int> find_simplest_assignment(const Relation &R, Variable_ID v, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly = std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> >());
-std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> find_floor_definition(const Relation &R, Variable_ID v, std::set<Variable_ID> excluded_floor_vars = std::set<Variable_ID>());
-std::pair<EQ_Handle, Variable_ID> find_simplest_stride(const Relation &R, Variable_ID v);
-Variable_ID replicate_floor_definition(const Relation &R, const Variable_ID floor_var, Relation &r, F_Exists *f_exists, F_And *f_root, std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> &exists_mapping);
-Relation pick_one_guard(const Relation &R, int level = 0);
-CG_outputRepr *leaf_print_repr(BoolSet<> active, const std::map<int, Relation> &guards,
- CG_outputRepr *guard_repr, const Relation &known,
- int indent, CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const std::vector<int> &remap,
- const std::vector<Relation> &xforms, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts,
- const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly);
-CG_outputRepr *loop_print_repr(const std::vector<CG_loop *> &loops, int start, int end,
- const Relation &guard, CG_outputRepr *guard_repr,
- int indent, CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts,
- const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly);
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/code_gen.h b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/code_gen.h
deleted file mode 100644
index abfab7c..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/code_gen.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#if !defined(Already_Included_code_gen)
-#define Already_Included_code_gen
-#include <basic/Tuple.h>
-#include <omega/Relation.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_outputRepr.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h>
-namespace omega {
-typedef Tuple<int> IntTuple;
-typedef Tuple<Relation> SetTuple;
-typedef Tuple<SetTuple> SetTupleTuple;
-typedef Tuple<Relation> RelTuple;
-typedef Tuple<RelTuple> RelTupleTuple;
-CG_outputRepr *MMGenerateCode(CG_outputBuilder* ocg,
- Tuple<Relation> &T, Tuple<Relation> &old_IS,
- const Tuple<CG_outputRepr *> &stmt_content,
- Relation &known, int effort=1);
-std::string MMGenerateCode(Tuple<Relation> &T, Tuple<Relation> &old_IS, Relation &known,
- int effort=1);
-//protonu-adding a new variant to keep Gabe's code happy
-CG_outputRepr* MMGenerateCode(CG_outputBuilder* ocg, RelTuple &T, SetTuple &old_IS,
- const Tuple<CG_outputRepr *> &stmt_content, Relation &known,
- Tuple< IntTuple >& smtNonSplitLevels_,
- std::vector< std::pair<int, std::string> > syncs_,
- const Tuple< Tuple<std::string> >& loopIdxNames_,
- int effort=1);
-struct Polyhedra {
- int last_level;
- Tuple<Relation> transformations;
- Relation known;
- Tuple<int> remap; // after initial iteration space's disjoint set splitting, the new statement number maps to old statement number
- Tuple<Tuple<Relation> > projected_nIS;
- Polyhedra(const Tuple<Relation> &T, const Tuple<Relation> &old_IS, const Relation &known = Relation::Null());
- ~Polyhedra() {}
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/codegen.h b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/codegen.h
deleted file mode 100755
index cb63bfd..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/codegen.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _CODEGEN_H
-#define _CODEGEN_H
-#include <omega/Relation.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-namespace omega {
-class CodeGen {
- static const std::string loop_var_name_prefix;
- static const int var_substitution_threshold;
- //! projected_IS_[level-1][new stmt#]
- std::vector<std::vector<Relation> > projected_IS_;
- //! transformations[original stmt#]
- std::vector<Relation> xforms_;
- //! no need to generate code for constraints satisfied in known
- Relation known_;
- //! map new stmt# to original stmt#
- std::vector<int> remap_;
- CodeGen(const std::vector<Relation> &xforms, const std::vector<Relation> &IS, const Relation &known = Relation::Null(),
- std::vector< std::vector<int > > smtNonSplitLevels_ = std::vector< std::vector<int > >(),
- std::vector< std::vector<std::string> > loopIdxNames_ = std::vector< std::vector<std::string> >(),
- std::vector< std::pair<int, std::string> > syncs_ = std::vector< std::pair<int, std::string> >()
- );
- ~CodeGen() {}
- CG_result *buildAST(int effort = 1);
- int num_level() const { return projected_IS_.size(); }
- CG_result *buildAST(int level, const BoolSet<> &active, bool split_on_const, const Relation &restriction);
- friend class CG_result;
- friend class CG_split;
- friend class CG_loop;
- friend class CG_leaf;
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/codegen_error.h b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/codegen_error.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 06ecc2b..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/codegen_error.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdexcept>
-namespace omega {
-struct codegen_error: public std::runtime_error {
- codegen_error(const std::string &msg): std::runtime_error("codegen error: " + msg) {}
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/output_repr.h b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/output_repr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 254e71b..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/output_repr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef OUTPUT_REPR_H
-#define OUTPUT_REPR_H
-#include <omega.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_outputRepr.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <set>
-namespace omega {
-extern int last_level;
-CG_outputRepr* outputIdent(CG_outputBuilder* ocg, const Relation &R, Variable_ID v, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &assigned_on_the_fly);
-std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, bool> outputAssignment(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const Relation &R_, Variable_ID v, Relation &enforced, CG_outputRepr *&if_repr, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &assigned_on_the_fly);
-std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, bool> outputBounds(CG_outputBuilder* ocg, const Relation &bounds, Variable_ID v, int indent, Relation &enforced, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &assigned_on_the_fly);
-Tuple<CG_outputRepr*> outputSubstitution(CG_outputBuilder* ocg, const Relation &R, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &assigned_on_the_fly);
-CG_outputRepr* outputStatement(CG_outputBuilder* ocg, CG_outputRepr *stmt, int indent, const Relation &mapping, const Relation &known, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &assigned_on_the_fly);
-CG_outputRepr* outputGuard(CG_outputBuilder* ocg, const Relation &guards_in, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &assigned_on_the_fly);
-CG_outputRepr* output_as_guard(CG_outputBuilder* ocg, const Relation &guards_in, Constraint_Handle e, bool is_equality, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &assigned_on_the_fly);
-CG_outputRepr* output_EQ_strides(CG_outputBuilder* ocg, const Relation &guards_in, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &assigned_on_the_fly);
-CG_outputRepr* output_GEQ_strides(CG_outputBuilder* ocg, const Relation &guards_in, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &assigned_on_the_fly);
-CG_outputRepr *outputLBasRepr(CG_outputBuilder* ocg, const GEQ_Handle &g, Relation &bounds, Variable_ID v, coef_t stride, const EQ_Handle &strideEQ, Relation known, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &assigned_on_the_fly);
-CG_outputRepr *outputUBasRepr(CG_outputBuilder* ocg, const GEQ_Handle &g, Relation & bounds, Variable_ID v,
- coef_t /*stride*/, // currently unused
- const EQ_Handle &/*strideEQ*/,
- const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &assigned_on_the_fly = std::vector<CG_outputRepr *>(last_level, static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(NULL)));
-CG_outputRepr* outputEasyBoundAsRepr(CG_outputBuilder* ocg, Relation &bounds, const Constraint_Handle &g, Variable_ID v, bool ignoreWC, int ceiling, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &assigned_on_the_fly);
-bool boundHitsStride(const GEQ_Handle &g, Variable_ID v, const EQ_Handle &strideEQ, coef_t /*stride, currently unused*/, Relation known);
-Relation greatest_common_step(const Tuple<Relation> &I, const Tuple<int> &active, int level, const Relation &known = Relation::Null());
-bool findFloorInequality(Relation &r, Variable_ID v, GEQ_Handle &h, Variable_ID excluded);
-Relation project_onto_levels(Relation R, int last_level, bool wildcards);
-bool isSimpleStride(const EQ_Handle &g, Variable_ID v);
-int countStrides(Conjunct *c, Variable_ID v, EQ_Handle &strideEQ, bool &simple);
-bool hasBound(Relation r, int level, int UB);
-bool find_any_constraint(int s, int level, Relation &kr, int direction, Relation &S, bool approx);
-bool has_nonstride_EQ(Relation r, int level);
-Relation pickOverhead(Relation r, int liftTo);
-Relation minMaxOverhead(Relation r, int level);
-int max_fs_arity(const Constraint_Handle &c);
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/rose_attributes.h b/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/rose_attributes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9766f52..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/include/code_gen/rose_attributes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-#include "rose.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-namespace omega {
-class CodeInsertion;
-typedef std::vector<CodeInsertion*> CodeInsertionPtrList;
-typedef std::vector<CodeInsertion*>::iterator CodeInsertionPtrListItr;
-class CodeInsertion {
- int loop_level;
- bool marked;
- CodeInsertion(int looplevel) { this->loop_level = looplevel; marked = false; }
- ~CodeInsertion() {}
- virtual SgStatement* getStatement(SgScopeStatement* scopeStmt = NULL) = 0;
-class PragmaInsertion : public CodeInsertion {
- std::string name;
- PragmaInsertion(int loop_level, const std::string &pragma) : CodeInsertion(loop_level) { this->name = std::string(pragma); }
- ~PragmaInsertion() { }
- virtual SgStatement* getStatement(SgScopeStatement* scopeStmt = NULL);
-class MMPrefetchInsertion : public CodeInsertion {
- std::string arrName;
- std::vector<std::string*> indecies;
- std::vector<int> offsets;
- int indexCount;
- int cacheHint;
- void initialize(const std::string& arrName, int hint);
- void addDim(int offset);
- void addDim(int offset, const std::string& indexer);
- SgExpression* buildArrArg(SgScopeStatement* scopeStmt);
- SgExpression* makeIndexExp(int dim, SgScopeStatement* scopeStmt);
- MMPrefetchInsertion(int loop_level, const std::string &arr, int hint) : CodeInsertion(loop_level)
- { this->initialize(arr, hint); }
- ~MMPrefetchInsertion() { }
- virtual SgStatement* getStatement(SgScopeStatement* scopeStmt = NULL);
-class CodeInsertionAttribute : public AstAttribute {
- std::vector<CodeInsertion*> code_insertions;
- CodeInsertionAttribute() { code_insertions = std::vector<CodeInsertion*>(); }
- ~CodeInsertionAttribute() {}
- void add(CodeInsertion* ci) { code_insertions.push_back(ci); }
- CodeInsertionPtrListItr begin() { return code_insertions.begin(); }
- CodeInsertionPtrListItr end() { return code_insertions.end(); }
- void remove(CodeInsertion* ci) { std::remove(code_insertions.begin(), code_insertions.end(), ci); }
- int countCodeInsertions() { return code_insertions.size(); }
-struct CodeInsertionMark {
- SgStatement* stmt;
- CodeInsertion* ci;
-class CodeInsertionVisitor : public AstPrePostProcessing {
- int loop_level;
- std::vector<CodeInsertionMark*> ci_marks;
- void markStmt(SgStatement* stmt, CodeInsertion* ci);
- void initialize();
- virtual void preOrderVisit(SgNode* n);
- virtual void postOrderVisit(SgNode* n);
- void insertCode();
-void postProcessRoseCodeInsertion(SgProject* proj);
-void copyAttributes(SgNode* s, SgNode* d);
-CodeInsertionAttribute* getOrCreateCodeInsertionAttribute(SgNode* node);
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/src/ b/omegalib/codegen/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 42bd172..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1163 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 1994-2000 the Omega Project Team
- Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Chun Chen
- All Rights Reserved.
- Purpose:
- CG node classes, used to build AST tree from polyhedra scanning.
- Notes:
- Parameter "restriction" is always tighter than "known" since CG_split
- node does not correspond to any code for enforcement. This property is
- destroyed after hoistGuard since "restriction" is not used anymore.
- CG node's children are guaranteed not to be NULL, either NULL child is
- removed from the children or the parent node itself becomes NULL.
- History:
- 04/20/96 printRepr added by D people. Lei Zhou
- 10/24/06 hoistGuard added by chun
- 08/03/10 collect CG classes into one place, by Chun Chen
- 08/04/10 track dynamically substituted variables in printRepr, by chun
- 04/02/11 rewrite the CG node classes, by chun
- *****************************************************************************/
-#include <typeinfo>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <omega.h>
-#include <code_gen/codegen.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_stringBuilder.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_utils.h>
-#include <code_gen/codegen_error.h>
-#include <stack>
-#include <string.h>
-namespace omega {
-extern std::vector<std::vector<int> > smtNonSplitLevels;
-extern std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > loopIdxNames; //per stmt
-extern std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string> > syncs;
-extern int checkLoopLevel;
-extern int stmtForLoopCheck;
-extern int upperBoundForLevel;
-extern int lowerBoundForLevel;
-extern bool fillInBounds;
-// Class: CG_result
-CG_outputRepr *CG_result::printRepr(CG_outputBuilder *ocg,
- const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts) const {
- return printRepr(1, ocg, stmts,
- std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> >(num_level(),
- std::make_pair(static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(NULL), 0)));
-std::string CG_result::printString() const {
- CG_stringBuilder ocg;
- std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> stmts(codegen_->xforms_.size());
- for (int i = 0; i < stmts.size(); i++)
- stmts[i] = new CG_stringRepr("s" + to_string(i));
- CG_stringRepr *repr = static_cast<CG_stringRepr *>(printRepr(&ocg, stmts));
- for (int i = 0; i < stmts.size(); i++)
- delete stmts[i];
- if (repr != NULL) {
- std::string s = repr->GetString();
- delete repr;
- return s;
- } else
- return std::string();
-int CG_result::num_level() const {
- return codegen_->num_level();
-// Class: CG_split
-CG_result *CG_split::recompute(const BoolSet<> &parent_active,
- const Relation &known, const Relation &restriction) {
- active_ &= parent_active;
- if (active_.empty()) {
- delete this;
- return NULL;
- }
- int i = 0;
- while (i < restrictions_.size()) {
- Relation new_restriction = Intersection(copy(restrictions_[i]),
- copy(restriction));
- new_restriction.simplify(2, 4);
- //new_restriction.simplify();
- clauses_[i] = clauses_[i]->recompute(active_, copy(known),
- new_restriction);
- if (clauses_[i] == NULL) {
- restrictions_.erase(restrictions_.begin() + i);
- clauses_.erase(clauses_.begin() + i);
- } else
- i++;
- }
- if (restrictions_.size() == 0) {
- delete this;
- return NULL;
- } else
- return this;
-int CG_split::populateDepth() {
- int max_depth = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < clauses_.size(); i++) {
- int t = clauses_[i]->populateDepth();
- if (t > max_depth)
- max_depth = t;
- }
- return max_depth;
-std::pair<CG_result *, Relation> CG_split::liftOverhead(int depth,
- bool propagate_up) {
- for (int i = 0; i < clauses_.size();) {
- std::pair<CG_result *, Relation> result = clauses_[i]->liftOverhead(
- depth, propagate_up);
- if (result.first == NULL)
- clauses_.erase(clauses_.begin() + i);
- else {
- clauses_[i] = result.first;
- if (!result.second.is_obvious_tautology())
- return std::make_pair(this, result.second);
- i++;
- }
- }
- if (clauses_.size() == 0) {
- delete this;
- return std::make_pair(static_cast<CG_result *>(NULL),
- Relation::True(num_level()));
- } else
- return std::make_pair(this, Relation::True(num_level()));
-Relation CG_split::hoistGuard() {
- std::vector<Relation> guards;
- for (int i = 0; i < clauses_.size(); i++)
- guards.push_back(clauses_[i]->hoistGuard());
- return SimpleHull(guards, true, true);
-void CG_split::removeGuard(const Relation &guard) {
- for (int i = 0; i < clauses_.size(); i++)
- clauses_[i]->removeGuard(guard);
-std::vector<CG_result *> CG_split::findNextLevel() const {
- std::vector<CG_result *> result;
- for (int i = 0; i < clauses_.size(); i++) {
- CG_split *splt = dynamic_cast<CG_split *>(clauses_[i]);
- if (splt != NULL) {
- std::vector<CG_result *> t = splt->findNextLevel();
- result.insert(result.end(), t.begin(), t.end());
- } else
- result.push_back(clauses_[i]);
- }
- return result;
-CG_outputRepr *CG_split::printRepr(int indent, CG_outputBuilder *ocg,
- const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts,
- const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) const {
- CG_outputRepr *stmtList = NULL;
- std::vector<CG_result *> next_level = findNextLevel();
- std::vector<CG_loop *> cur_loops;
- for (int i = 0; i < next_level.size(); i++) {
- CG_loop *lp = dynamic_cast<CG_loop *>(next_level[i]);
- if (lp != NULL) {
- cur_loops.push_back(lp);
- } else {
- stmtList = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmtList,
- loop_print_repr(cur_loops, 0, cur_loops.size(),
- Relation::True(num_level()), NULL, indent, ocg,
- stmts, assigned_on_the_fly));
- stmtList = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmtList,
- next_level[i]->printRepr(indent, ocg, stmts,
- assigned_on_the_fly));
- cur_loops.clear();
- }
- }
- stmtList = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmtList,
- loop_print_repr(cur_loops, 0, cur_loops.size(),
- Relation::True(num_level()), NULL, indent, ocg, stmts,
- assigned_on_the_fly));
- return stmtList;
-CG_result *CG_split::clone() const {
- std::vector<CG_result *> clauses(clauses_.size());
- for (int i = 0; i < clauses_.size(); i++)
- clauses[i] = clauses_[i]->clone();
- return new CG_split(codegen_, active_, restrictions_, clauses);
-void CG_split::dump(int indent) const {
- std::string prefix;
- for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++)
- prefix += " ";
- std::cout << prefix << "SPLIT: " << active_ << std::endl;
- for (int i = 0; i < restrictions_.size(); i++) {
- std::cout << prefix << "restriction: ";
- const_cast<CG_split *>(this)->restrictions_[i].print();
- clauses_[i]->dump(indent + 1);
- }
-// Class: CG_loop
-CG_result *CG_loop::recompute(const BoolSet<> &parent_active,
- const Relation &known, const Relation &restriction) {
- known_ = copy(known);
- restriction_ = copy(restriction);
- active_ &= parent_active;
- std::vector<Relation> Rs;
- for (BoolSet<>::iterator i = active_.begin(); i != active_.end(); i++) {
- Relation r = Intersection(copy(restriction),
- copy(codegen_->projected_IS_[level_ - 1][*i]));
- //r.simplify(2, 4);
- r.simplify();
- if (!r.is_upper_bound_satisfiable()) {
- active_.unset(*i);
- continue;
- }
- Rs.push_back(copy(r));
- }
- if (active_.empty()) {
- delete this;
- return NULL;
- }
- Relation hull = SimpleHull(Rs, true, true);
- //hull.simplify(2,4);
- // check if actual loop is needed
- std::pair<EQ_Handle, int> result = find_simplest_assignment(hull,
- hull.set_var(level_));
- if (result.second < INT_MAX) {
- needLoop_ = false;
- bounds_ = Relation(hull.n_set());
- F_Exists *f_exists = bounds_.add_and()->add_exists();
- F_And *f_root = f_exists->add_and();
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping;
- EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(result.first); cvi; cvi++) {
- Variable_ID v = cvi.curr_var();
- switch (v->kind()) {
- case Input_Var:
- h.update_coef(bounds_.input_var(v->get_position()),
- cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- Variable_ID v2 = replicate_floor_definition(hull, v, bounds_,
- f_exists, f_root, exists_mapping);
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = v->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v2 = bounds_.get_local(g);
- else
- v2 = bounds_.get_local(g, v->function_of());
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- h.update_const(result.first.get_const());
- bounds_.simplify();
- }
- // loop iterates more than once, extract bounds now
- else {
- needLoop_ = true;
- bounds_ = Relation(hull.n_set());
- F_Exists *f_exists = bounds_.add_and()->add_exists();
- F_And *f_root = f_exists->add_and();
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping;
- Relation b = Gist(copy(hull), copy(known), 1);
- bool has_unresolved_bound = false;
- std::set<Variable_ID> excluded_floor_vars;
- excluded_floor_vars.insert(b.set_var(level_));
- for (GEQ_Iterator e(b.single_conjunct()->GEQs()); e; e++)
- if ((*e).get_coef(b.set_var(level_)) != 0) {
- bool is_bound = true;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e, true); cvi; cvi++) {
- std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(
- b, cvi.curr_var(), excluded_floor_vars);
- if (!result.first) {
- is_bound = false;
- has_unresolved_bound = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!is_bound)
- continue;
- GEQ_Handle h = f_root->add_GEQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
- Variable_ID v = cvi.curr_var();
- switch (v->kind()) {
- case Input_Var:
- h.update_coef(bounds_.input_var(v->get_position()),
- cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- Variable_ID v2 = replicate_floor_definition(b, v,
- bounds_, f_exists, f_root, exists_mapping);
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = v->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v2 = bounds_.get_local(g);
- else
- v2 = bounds_.get_local(g, v->function_of());
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- h.update_const((*e).get_const());
- }
- if (has_unresolved_bound) {
- b = Approximate(b);
- b.simplify(2, 4);
- //Simplification of Hull
- hull = Approximate(hull);
- hull.simplify(2, 4);
- //end : Anand
- for (GEQ_Iterator e(b.single_conjunct()->GEQs()); e; e++)
- if ((*e).get_coef(b.set_var(level_)) != 0)
- f_root->add_GEQ(*e);
- }
- bounds_.simplify();
- hull.simplify(2,4);
- // Since current SimpleHull does not support max() upper bound or min() lower bound,
- // we have to forcefully split the loop when hull approximation does not return any bound.
- bool has_lb = false;
- bool has_ub = false;
- for (GEQ_Iterator e = bounds_.single_conjunct()->GEQs(); e; e++) {
- if ((*e).get_coef(bounds_.set_var(level_)) > 0)
- has_lb = true;
- else if ((*e).get_coef(bounds_.set_var(level_)) < 0)
- has_ub = true;
- if (has_lb && has_ub)
- break;
- }
- if (!has_lb) {
- for (int i = 0; i < Rs.size(); i++) {
- Relation r = Approximate(copy(Rs[i]));
- r.simplify(2, 4);
- for (GEQ_Iterator e = r.single_conjunct()->GEQs(); e; e++)
- if ((*e).get_coef(r.input_var(level_)) > 0) {
- Relation r2 = Relation::True(num_level());
- r2.and_with_GEQ(*e);
- r2.simplify();
- std::vector<Relation> restrictions(2);
- restrictions[0] = Complement(copy(r2));
- restrictions[0].simplify();
- restrictions[1] = r2;
- std::vector<CG_result *> clauses(2);
- clauses[0] = this;
- clauses[1] = this->clone();
- CG_result *cgr = new CG_split(codegen_, active_,
- restrictions, clauses);
- cgr = cgr->recompute(active_, copy(known),
- copy(restriction));
- return cgr;
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < Rs.size(); i++) {
- Relation r = Approximate(copy(Rs[i]));
- r.simplify(2, 4);
- for (EQ_Iterator e = r.single_conjunct()->EQs(); e; e++)
- if ((*e).get_coef(r.input_var(level_)) != 0) {
- Relation r2 = Relation::True(num_level());
- r2.and_with_GEQ(*e);
- r2.simplify();
- std::vector<Relation> restrictions(2);
- if ((*e).get_coef(r.input_var(level_)) > 0) {
- restrictions[0] = Complement(copy(r2));
- restrictions[0].simplify();
- restrictions[1] = r2;
- } else {
- restrictions[0] = r2;
- restrictions[1] = Complement(copy(r2));
- restrictions[1].simplify();
- }
- std::vector<CG_result *> clauses(2);
- clauses[0] = this;
- clauses[1] = this->clone();
- CG_result *cgr = new CG_split(codegen_, active_,
- restrictions, clauses);
- cgr = cgr->recompute(active_, copy(known),
- copy(restriction));
- return cgr;
- }
- }
- } else if (!has_ub) {
- for (int i = 0; i < Rs.size(); i++) {
- Relation r = Approximate(copy(Rs[i]));
- r.simplify(2, 4);
- for (GEQ_Iterator e = r.single_conjunct()->GEQs(); e; e++)
- if ((*e).get_coef(r.input_var(level_)) < 0) {
- Relation r2 = Relation::True(num_level());
- r2.and_with_GEQ(*e);
- r2.simplify();
- std::vector<Relation> restrictions(2);
- restrictions[1] = Complement(copy(r2));
- restrictions[1].simplify();
- restrictions[0] = r2;
- std::vector<CG_result *> clauses(2);
- clauses[0] = this;
- clauses[1] = this->clone();
- CG_result *cgr = new CG_split(codegen_, active_,
- restrictions, clauses);
- cgr = cgr->recompute(active_, copy(known),
- copy(restriction));
- return cgr;
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < Rs.size(); i++) {
- Relation r = Approximate(copy(Rs[i]));
- r.simplify(2, 4);
- for (EQ_Iterator e = r.single_conjunct()->EQs(); e; e++)
- if ((*e).get_coef(r.input_var(level_)) != 0) {
- Relation r2 = Relation::True(num_level());
- r2.and_with_GEQ(*e);
- r2.simplify();
- std::vector<Relation> restrictions(2);
- if ((*e).get_coef(r.input_var(level_)) > 0) {
- restrictions[0] = Complement(copy(r2));
- restrictions[0].simplify();
- restrictions[1] = r2;
- } else {
- restrictions[0] = r2;
- restrictions[1] = Complement(copy(r2));
- restrictions[1].simplify();
- }
- std::vector<CG_result *> clauses(2);
- clauses[0] = this;
- clauses[1] = this->clone();
- CG_result *cgr = new CG_split(codegen_, active_,
- restrictions, clauses);
- cgr = cgr->recompute(active_, copy(known),
- copy(restriction));
- return cgr;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!has_lb && !has_ub)
- throw codegen_error(
- "can't find any bound at loop level " + to_string(level_));
- else if (!has_lb)
- throw codegen_error(
- "can't find lower bound at loop level "
- + to_string(level_));
- else if (!has_ub)
- throw codegen_error(
- "can't find upper bound at loop level "
- + to_string(level_));
- }
- bounds_.copy_names(hull);
- bounds_.setup_names();
- // additional guard/stride condition extraction
- if (needLoop_) {
- Relation cur_known = Intersection(copy(bounds_), copy(known_));
- cur_known.simplify();
- hull = Gist(hull, copy(cur_known), 1);
- std::pair<EQ_Handle, Variable_ID> result = find_simplest_stride(hull,
- hull.set_var(level_));
- if (result.second != NULL)
- if (abs(result.first.get_coef(hull.set_var(level_))) == 1) {
- F_Exists *f_exists = bounds_.and_with_and()->add_exists();
- F_And *f_root = f_exists->add_and();
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping;
- EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(result.first); cvi; cvi++) {
- Variable_ID v = cvi.curr_var();
- switch (v->kind()) {
- case Input_Var:
- h.update_coef(bounds_.input_var(v->get_position()),
- cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (v == result.second)
- v2 = f_exists->declare();
- else
- v2 = replicate_floor_definition(hull, v, bounds_,
- f_exists, f_root, exists_mapping);
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = v->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v2 = bounds_.get_local(g);
- else
- v2 = bounds_.get_local(g, v->function_of());
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- h.update_const(result.first.get_const());
- } else {
- // since gist is not powerful enough on modular constraints for now,
- // make an educated guess
- coef_t stride = abs(result.first.get_coef(result.second))
- / gcd(abs(result.first.get_coef(result.second)),
- abs(
- result.first.get_coef(
- hull.set_var(level_))));
- Relation r1(hull.n_inp());
- F_Exists *f_exists = r1.add_and()->add_exists();
- F_And *f_root = f_exists->add_and();
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping;
- EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(result.first); cvi; cvi++) {
- Variable_ID v = cvi.curr_var();
- switch (v->kind()) {
- case Input_Var:
- h.update_coef(r1.input_var(v->get_position()),
- cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (v == result.second)
- v2 = f_exists->declare();
- else
- v2 = replicate_floor_definition(hull, v, r1,
- f_exists, f_root, exists_mapping);
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = v->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v2 = r1.get_local(g);
- else
- v2 = r1.get_local(g, v->function_of());
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- h.update_const(result.first.get_const());
- r1.simplify();
- bool guess_success = false;
- for (GEQ_Iterator e(bounds_.single_conjunct()->GEQs()); e; e++)
- if ((*e).get_coef(bounds_.set_var(level_)) == 1) {
- Relation r2(hull.n_inp());
- F_Exists *f_exists = r2.add_and()->add_exists();
- F_And *f_root = f_exists->add_and();
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping;
- EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
- h.update_coef(f_exists->declare(), stride);
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
- Variable_ID v = cvi.curr_var();
- switch (v->kind()) {
- case Input_Var:
- h.update_coef(r2.input_var(v->get_position()),
- cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- Variable_ID v2 = replicate_floor_definition(
- hull, v, r2, f_exists, f_root,
- exists_mapping);
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = v->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v2 = r2.get_local(g);
- else
- v2 = r2.get_local(g, v->function_of());
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- h.update_const((*e).get_const());
- r2.simplify();
- if (Gist(copy(r1),
- Intersection(copy(cur_known), copy(r2)), 1).is_obvious_tautology()
- && Gist(copy(r2),
- Intersection(copy(cur_known), copy(r1)),
- 1).is_obvious_tautology()) {
- bounds_ = Intersection(bounds_, r2);
- bounds_.simplify();
- guess_success = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- // this is really a stride with non-unit coefficient for this loop variable
- if (!guess_success) {
- // TODO: for stride ax = b mod n it might be beneficial to
- // generate modular linear equation solver code for
- // runtime to get the starting position in printRepr,
- // and stride would be n/gcd(|a|,n), thus this stride
- // can be put into bounds_ too.
- }
- }
- hull = Project(hull, hull.set_var(level_));
- hull.simplify(2, 4);
- guard_ = Gist(hull, Intersection(copy(bounds_), copy(known_)), 1);
- }
- // don't generate guard for non-actual loop, postpone it. otherwise
- // redundant if-conditions might be generated since for-loop semantics
- // includes implicit comparison checking. -- by chun 09/14/10
- else
- guard_ = Relation::True(num_level());
- guard_.copy_names(bounds_);
- guard_.setup_names();
- //guard_.simplify();
- // recursively down the AST
- Relation new_known = Intersection(copy(known),
- Intersection(copy(bounds_), copy(guard_)));
- new_known.simplify(2, 4);
- Relation new_restriction = Intersection(copy(restriction),
- Intersection(copy(bounds_), copy(guard_)));
- new_restriction.simplify(2, 4);
- body_ = body_->recompute(active_, new_known, new_restriction);
- if (body_ == NULL) {
- delete this;
- return NULL;
- } else
- return this;
-int CG_loop::populateDepth() {
- int depth = body_->populateDepth();
- if (needLoop_)
- depth_ = depth + 1;
- else
- depth_ = depth;
- return depth_;
-std::pair<CG_result *, Relation> CG_loop::liftOverhead(int depth,
- bool propagate_up) {
- if (depth_ > depth) {
- assert(propagate_up == false);
- std::pair<CG_result *, Relation> result = body_->liftOverhead(depth,
- false);
- body_ = result.first;
- return std::make_pair(this, Relation::True(num_level()));
- } else { // (depth_ <= depth)
- if (propagate_up) {
- Relation r = pick_one_guard(guard_, level_);
- if (!r.is_obvious_tautology())
- return std::make_pair(this, r);
- }
- std::pair<CG_result *, Relation> result;
- if (propagate_up || needLoop_)
- result = body_->liftOverhead(depth, true);
- else
- result = body_->liftOverhead(depth, false);
- body_ = result.first;
- if (result.second.is_obvious_tautology())
- return std::make_pair(this, result.second);
- // loop is an assignment, replace this loop variable in overhead condition
- if (!needLoop_) {
- result.second = Intersection(result.second, copy(bounds_));
- result.second = Project(result.second,
- result.second.set_var(level_));
- result.second.simplify(2, 4);
- }
- int max_level = 0;
- bool has_wildcard = false;
- bool direction = true;
- for (EQ_Iterator e(result.second.single_conjunct()->EQs()); e; e++)
- if ((*e).has_wildcards()) {
- if (has_wildcard)
- assert(false);
- else
- has_wildcard = true;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Input_Var
- && cvi.curr_var()->get_position() > max_level)
- max_level = cvi.curr_var()->get_position();
- } else
- assert(false);
- if (!has_wildcard) {
- int num_simple_geq = 0;
- for (GEQ_Iterator e(result.second.single_conjunct()->GEQs()); e;
- e++)
- if (!(*e).has_wildcards()) {
- num_simple_geq++;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Input_Var
- && cvi.curr_var()->get_position() > max_level) {
- max_level = cvi.curr_var()->get_position();
- direction = (cvi.curr_coef() < 0) ? true : false;
- }
- } else {
- has_wildcard = true;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Input_Var
- && cvi.curr_var()->get_position() > max_level) {
- max_level = cvi.curr_var()->get_position();
- }
- }
- assert(
- (has_wildcard && num_simple_geq == 0) || (!has_wildcard && num_simple_geq == 1));
- }
- // check if this is the top loop level for splitting for this overhead
- if (!propagate_up || (has_wildcard && max_level == level_ - 1)
- || (!has_wildcard && max_level == level_)) {
- std::vector<Relation> restrictions(2);
- std::vector<CG_result *> clauses(2);
- int saved_num_level = num_level();
- if (has_wildcard || direction) {
- restrictions[1] = Complement(copy(result.second));
- restrictions[1].simplify();
- clauses[1] = this->clone();
- restrictions[0] = result.second;
- clauses[0] = this;
- } else {
- restrictions[0] = Complement(copy(result.second));
- restrictions[0].simplify();
- clauses[0] = this->clone();
- restrictions[1] = result.second;
- clauses[1] = this;
- }
- CG_result *cgr = new CG_split(codegen_, active_, restrictions,
- clauses);
- CG_result *new_cgr = cgr->recompute(active_, copy(known_),
- copy(restriction_));
- new_cgr->populateDepth();
- assert(new_cgr==cgr);
- if (static_cast<CG_split *>(new_cgr)->clauses_.size() == 1)
- // infinite recursion detected, bail out
- return std::make_pair(new_cgr, Relation::True(saved_num_level));
- else
- return cgr->liftOverhead(depth, propagate_up);
- } else
- return std::make_pair(this, result.second);
- }
-Relation CG_loop::hoistGuard() {
- Relation r = body_->hoistGuard();
- // TODO: should bookkeep catched contraints in loop output as enforced and check if anything missing
- // if (!Gist(copy(b), copy(enforced)).is_obvious_tautology()) {
- // fprintf(stderr, "need to generate extra guard inside the loop\n");
- // }
- if (!needLoop_)
- r = Intersection(r, copy(bounds_));
- r = Project(r, r.set_var(level_));
- r = Gist(r, copy(known_), 1);
- Relation eliminate_existentials_r;
- Relation eliminate_existentials_known;
- eliminate_existentials_r = copy(r);
- if (!r.is_obvious_tautology()) {
- eliminate_existentials_r = Approximate(copy(r));
- eliminate_existentials_r.simplify(2,4);
- eliminate_existentials_known = Approximate(copy(known_));
- eliminate_existentials_known.simplify(2,4);
- eliminate_existentials_r = Gist( eliminate_existentials_r, eliminate_existentials_known, 1);
- }
- if (!eliminate_existentials_r.is_obvious_tautology()) {
- // if (!r.is_obvious_tautology()) {
- body_->removeGuard(r);
- guard_ = Intersection(guard_, copy(r));
- guard_.simplify();
- }
- return guard_;
- // return ifList;
- // }
-void CG_loop::removeGuard(const Relation &guard) {
- known_ = Intersection(known_, copy(guard));
- known_.simplify();
- guard_ = Gist(guard_, copy(known_), 1);
- guard_.copy_names(known_);
- guard_.setup_names();
-CG_outputRepr *CG_loop::printRepr(int indent, CG_outputBuilder *ocg,
- const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts,
- const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) const {
- return printRepr(true, indent, ocg, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly);
-CG_outputRepr *CG_loop::printRepr(bool do_print_guard, int indent,
- CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts,
- const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) const {
- CG_outputRepr *guardRepr;
- if (do_print_guard)
- guardRepr = output_guard(ocg, guard_, assigned_on_the_fly);
- else
- guardRepr = NULL;
- Relation cur_known = Intersection(copy(known_), copy(guard_));
- cur_known.simplify();
- if (needLoop_) {
- if (checkLoopLevel)
- if (level_ == checkLoopLevel)
- if (active_.get(stmtForLoopCheck))
- fillInBounds = true;
- CG_outputRepr *ctrlRepr = output_loop(ocg, bounds_, level_, cur_known,
- assigned_on_the_fly);
- fillInBounds = false;
- CG_outputRepr *bodyRepr = body_->printRepr(
- (guardRepr == NULL) ? indent + 1 : indent + 2, ocg, stmts,
- assigned_on_the_fly);
- CG_outputRepr * loopRepr;
- if (guardRepr == NULL)
- loopRepr = ocg->CreateLoop(indent, ctrlRepr, bodyRepr);
- else
- loopRepr = ocg->CreateLoop(indent + 1, ctrlRepr, bodyRepr);
- if (!smtNonSplitLevels.empty()) {
- bool blockLoop = false;
- bool threadLoop = false;
- bool sync = false;
- int firstActiveStmt = -1;
- for (int s = 0; s < active_.size(); s++) {
- if (active_.get(s)) {
- if (firstActiveStmt < 0)
- firstActiveStmt = s;
- //We assume smtNonSplitLevels is only used to mark the first of
- //the block or thread loops to be reduced in CUDA-CHiLL. Here we
- //place some comments to help with final code generation.
- //int idx = smtNonSplitLevels[s].index(level_);
- if (s < smtNonSplitLevels.size()) {
- if (smtNonSplitLevels[s].size() > 0)
- if (smtNonSplitLevels[s][0] == level_) {
- blockLoop = true;
- }
- //Assume every stmt marked with a thread loop index also has a block loop idx
- if (smtNonSplitLevels[s].size() > 1)
- if (smtNonSplitLevels[s][1] == level_) {
- threadLoop = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (blockLoop && threadLoop) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Warning, have %d level more than once in smtNonSplitLevels\n",
- level_);
- threadLoop = false;
- }
- std::string preferredIdx;
- if (loopIdxNames.size()
- && (level_ / 2) - 1 < loopIdxNames[firstActiveStmt].size())
- preferredIdx = loopIdxNames[firstActiveStmt][(level_ / 2) - 1];
- for (int s = 0; s < active_.size(); s++) {
- if (active_.get(s)) {
- for (int i = 0; i < syncs.size(); i++) {
- if (syncs[i].first == s
- && strcmp(syncs[i].second.c_str(),
- preferredIdx.c_str()) == 0) {
- sync = true;
- //printf("FOUND SYNC\n");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (threadLoop || blockLoop || preferredIdx.length() != 0) {
- char buf[1024];
- std::string loop;
- if (blockLoop)
- loop = "blockLoop ";
- if (threadLoop)
- loop = "threadLoop ";
- if (preferredIdx.length() != 0 && sync) {
- sprintf(buf, "~cuda~ %spreferredIdx: %s sync", loop.c_str(),
- preferredIdx.c_str());
- } else if (preferredIdx.length() != 0) {
- sprintf(buf, "~cuda~ %spreferredIdx: %s", loop.c_str(),
- preferredIdx.c_str());
- } else {
- sprintf(buf, "~cuda~ %s", loop.c_str());
- }
- loopRepr = ocg->CreateAttribute(loopRepr, buf);
- }
- }
- if (guardRepr == NULL)
- return loopRepr;
- else
- return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guardRepr, loopRepr, NULL);
- } else {
- std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > result =
- output_assignment(ocg, bounds_, level_, cur_known,
- assigned_on_the_fly);
- guardRepr = ocg->CreateAnd(guardRepr, result.first);
- if (result.second.second < CodeGen::var_substitution_threshold) {
- std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > atof =
- assigned_on_the_fly;
- atof[level_ - 1] = result.second;
- CG_outputRepr *bodyRepr = body_->printRepr(
- (guardRepr == NULL) ? indent : indent + 1, ocg, stmts,
- atof);
- delete atof[level_ - 1].first;
- if (guardRepr == NULL)
- return bodyRepr;
- else
- return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guardRepr, bodyRepr, NULL);
- } else {
- CG_outputRepr *assignRepr = ocg->CreateAssignment(
- (guardRepr == NULL) ? indent : indent + 1,
- output_ident(ocg, bounds_,
- const_cast<CG_loop *>(this)->bounds_.set_var(
- level_), assigned_on_the_fly),
- result.second.first);
- CG_outputRepr *bodyRepr = body_->printRepr(
- (guardRepr == NULL) ? indent : indent + 1, ocg, stmts,
- assigned_on_the_fly);
- if (guardRepr == NULL)
- return ocg->StmtListAppend(assignRepr, bodyRepr);
- else
- return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guardRepr,
- ocg->StmtListAppend(assignRepr, bodyRepr), NULL);
- }
- }
-CG_result *CG_loop::clone() const {
- return new CG_loop(codegen_, active_, level_, body_->clone());
-void CG_loop::dump(int indent) const {
- std::string prefix;
- for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++)
- prefix += " ";
- std::cout << prefix << "LOOP (level " << level_ << "): " << active_
- << std::endl;
- std::cout << prefix << "known: ";
- const_cast<CG_loop *>(this)->known_.print();
- std::cout << prefix << "restriction: ";
- const_cast<CG_loop *>(this)->restriction_.print();
- std::cout << prefix << "bounds: ";
- const_cast<CG_loop *>(this)->bounds_.print();
- std::cout << prefix << "guard: ";
- const_cast<CG_loop *>(this)->guard_.print();
- body_->dump(indent + 1);
-// Class: CG_leaf
-CG_result* CG_leaf::recompute(const BoolSet<> &parent_active,
- const Relation &known, const Relation &restriction) {
- active_ &= parent_active;
- known_ = copy(known);
- guards_.clear();
- for (BoolSet<>::iterator i = active_.begin(); i != active_.end(); i++) {
- Relation r = Intersection(
- copy(codegen_->projected_IS_[num_level() - 1][*i]),
- copy(restriction));
- r.simplify(2, 4);
- if (!r.is_upper_bound_satisfiable())
- active_.unset(*i);
- else {
- r = Gist(r, copy(known), 1);
- if (!r.is_obvious_tautology()) {
- guards_[*i] = r;
- guards_[*i].copy_names(known);
- guards_[*i].setup_names();
- }
- }
- }
- if (active_.empty()) {
- delete this;
- return NULL;
- } else
- return this;
-std::pair<CG_result *, Relation> CG_leaf::liftOverhead(int depth, bool) {
- if (depth == 0)
- return std::make_pair(this, Relation::True(num_level()));
- for (std::map<int, Relation>::iterator i = guards_.begin();
- i != guards_.end(); i++) {
- Relation r = pick_one_guard(i->second);
- if (!r.is_obvious_tautology()) {
- bool has_wildcard = false;
- int max_level = 0;
- for (EQ_Iterator e(r.single_conjunct()->EQs()); e; e++) {
- if ((*e).has_wildcards())
- has_wildcard = true;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Input_Var
- && cvi.curr_var()->get_position() > max_level)
- max_level = cvi.curr_var()->get_position();
- }
- for (GEQ_Iterator e(r.single_conjunct()->GEQs()); e; e++) {
- if ((*e).has_wildcards())
- has_wildcard = true;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Input_Var
- && cvi.curr_var()->get_position() > max_level)
- max_level = cvi.curr_var()->get_position();
- }
- if (!(has_wildcard && max_level == codegen_->num_level()))
- return std::make_pair(this, r);
- }
- }
- return std::make_pair(this, Relation::True(num_level()));
-Relation CG_leaf::hoistGuard() {
- std::vector<Relation> guards;
- for (BoolSet<>::iterator i = active_.begin(); i != active_.end(); i++) {
- std::map<int, Relation>::iterator j = guards_.find(*i);
- if (j == guards_.end()) {
- Relation r = Relation::True(num_level());
- r.copy_names(known_);
- r.setup_names();
- return r;
- } else {
- guards.push_back(j->second);
- }
- }
- return SimpleHull(guards, true, true);
-void CG_leaf::removeGuard(const Relation &guard) {
- known_ = Intersection(known_, copy(guard));
- known_.simplify();
- std::map<int, Relation>::iterator i = guards_.begin();
- while (i != guards_.end()) {
- i->second = Gist(i->second, copy(known_), 1);
- if (i->second.is_obvious_tautology())
- guards_.erase(i++);
- else
- ++i;
- }
-CG_outputRepr *CG_leaf::printRepr(int indent, CG_outputBuilder *ocg,
- const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts,
- const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) const {
- return leaf_print_repr(active_, guards_, NULL, known_, indent, ocg,
- codegen_->remap_, codegen_->xforms_, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly);
-CG_result *CG_leaf::clone() const {
- return new CG_leaf(codegen_, active_);
-void CG_leaf::dump(int indent) const {
- std::string prefix;
- for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++)
- prefix += " ";
- std::cout << prefix << "LEAF: " << active_ << std::endl;
- std::cout << prefix << "known: ";
- const_cast<CG_leaf *>(this)->known_.print();
- for (std::map<int, Relation>::const_iterator i = guards_.begin();
- i != guards_.end(); i++) {
- std::cout << prefix << "guard #" << i->first << ":";
- const_cast<Relation &>(i->second).print();
- }
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/src/ b/omegalib/codegen/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e12634..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1093 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 2008 University of Southern California
- Copyright (C) 2009-2010 University of Utah
- All Rights Reserved.
- Purpose:
- generate suif code for omega
- Notes:
- History:
- 02/01/06 created by Chun Chen
- *****************************************************************************/
-#include <stack>
-#include <code_gen/CG_roseBuilder.h>
-#include <string>
-struct ir_error: public std::runtime_error {
- ir_error(const std::string &msg) :
- std::runtime_error(msg) {
- }
-using namespace SageBuilder;
-using namespace SageInterface;
-using namespace OmpSupport;
-namespace omega {
-// make suif initilization happy
-char *k_ocg_comment;
-CG_roseBuilder::CG_roseBuilder(int is_fortran, SgGlobal* global, SgGlobal* firstScope,
- SgSymbolTable* symtab, SgSymbolTable* symtab2, SgNode* root) :
- isFortran(is_fortran), global_(global), global_scope(firstScope), symtab_(symtab), symtab2_(
- symtab2), root_(root) {
-CG_roseBuilder::~CG_roseBuilder() {
-// Manu:: returns true if input is in fortran, else returns false
-bool CG_roseBuilder::isInputFortran() const{
- if (isFortran)
- return true;
- else
- return false;
-// place holder generation
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateSubstitutedStmt(int, CG_outputRepr *stmt,
- const std::vector<std::string> &vars, std::vector<CG_outputRepr*> &subs) const {
- SgStatementPtrList* list = static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(stmt)->list_;
- SgNode *tnl;
- SgStatement* statement;
- if (list != NULL) {
- delete stmt;
- for (int i = 0; i < subs.size(); i++) {
- if (subs[i] == NULL)
- continue;
- CG_roseRepr *repr = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(subs[i]);
- SgExpression* op = repr->op_;
- for (SgStatementPtrList::iterator it = (*list).begin();
- it != (*list).end(); it++) {
- statement = (*it);
- tnl = isSgNode(statement);
- int j;
- int not_in_symtab_;
- not_in_symtab_ = 0;
- SgVariableSymbol *vs = symtab_->find_variable(
- SgName(vars[i].c_str()));
- if (vs == NULL) {
- not_in_symtab_ = 1;
- vs = symtab2_->find_variable(SgName(vars[i].c_str()));
- }
- if (vs != NULL) {
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> array = substitute(tnl,
- (const SgVariableSymbol*) vs, op, root_);
- for (std::vector<SgVarRefExp *>::iterator it =
- array.begin(); it != array.end(); it++) {
- if (isSgVarRefExp(op)) {
- if (strcmp(
- isSgVarRefExp(op)->get_symbol()->get_name().getString().c_str(),
- vs->get_name().getString().c_str())) {
- (*it)->set_symbol(
- isSgVarRefExp(op)->get_symbol());
- }
- } else if (isSgExpression(op)) {
- if (isSgBinaryOp((*it)->get_parent()))
- isSgBinaryOp((*it)->get_parent())->replace_expression(
- *it, op);
- else if (isSgUnaryOp((*it)->get_parent()))
- isSgUnaryOp((*it)->get_parent())->replace_expression(
- *it, op);
- else if (isSgExprListExp((*it)->get_parent()))
- isSgExprListExp((*it)->get_parent())->replace_expression(
- *it, op);
- else
- throw ir_error("unrecognized expression type");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- delete repr;
- subs[i] = NULL;
- if (subs[i] != NULL)
- throw ir_error("not freed properly");
- }
- return new CG_roseRepr(list);
- } else {
- tnl = static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(stmt)->tnl_;
- if (tnl == NULL)
- throw ir_error("both list and tnl are null!!");
- delete stmt;
- int j;
- int not_in_symtab_;
- for (int i = 0; i < subs.size(); i++) {
- if (subs[i] == NULL)
- continue;
- not_in_symtab_ = 0;
- CG_roseRepr *repr = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(subs[i]);
- SgExpression* op = repr->op_;
- delete repr;
- subs[i] = NULL;
- SgVariableSymbol *vs = symtab_->find_variable(
- SgName(vars[i].c_str()));
- if (vs == NULL) {
- not_in_symtab_ = 1;
- vs = symtab2_->find_variable(SgName(vars[i].c_str()));
- }
- if (vs != NULL) {
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> array = substitute(tnl, vs, op,
- root_);
- if (not_in_symtab_ && isSgVarRefExp(op)) {
- if (strcmp(
- isSgVarRefExp(op)->get_symbol()->get_name().getString().c_str(),
- vs->get_name().getString().c_str())) {
- }
- }
- for (std::vector<SgVarRefExp *>::iterator j = array.begin();
- j != array.end(); j++) {
- if (isSgVarRefExp(op)) {
- if (strcmp(
- isSgVarRefExp(op)->get_symbol()->get_name().getString().c_str(),
- vs->get_name().getString().c_str())) {
- (*j)->set_symbol(isSgVarRefExp(op)->get_symbol());
- }
- } else if (isSgExpression(op)) {
- if (isSgBinaryOp((*j)->get_parent()))
- isSgBinaryOp((*j)->get_parent())->replace_expression(
- *j, op);
- else if (isSgUnaryOp((*j)->get_parent()))
- isSgUnaryOp((*j)->get_parent())->replace_expression(
- *j, op);
- else if (isSgExprListExp((*j)->get_parent())) { // Manu:: fortran indices are stored this way
- isSgExprListExp((*j)->get_parent())->replace_expression(*j, op);
- }
- else
- throw ir_error("unrecognized expression type");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return new CG_roseRepr(tnl);
- }
-// assignment generation
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateAssignment(int, CG_outputRepr *lhs,
- CG_outputRepr *rhs) const {
- if (lhs == NULL || rhs == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Code generation: Missing lhs or rhs\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- SgExpression* src = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(rhs)->op_;
- SgExpression* dst = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(lhs)->op_;
- SgExprStatement* ins = buildAssignStatement(dst, src);
- src->set_parent(ins);
- dst->set_parent(ins);
- SgStatementPtrList* new_list = new SgStatementPtrList;
- (*new_list).push_back(isSgStatement(ins));
- delete lhs;
- delete rhs;
- return new CG_roseRepr(new_list);
-// function invocation generation
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateInvoke(const std::string &fname,
- std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &list) const {
- if (fname == std::string("max") || fname == std::string("min")) {
- if (list.size() == 0) {
- return NULL;
- } else if (list.size() == 1) {
- return list[0];
- } else {
- int last = list.size() - 1;
- SgExpression* op2 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(list[last])->op_;
- delete list[last];
- list.erase(list.end()-1);
- CG_roseRepr *repr = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(CreateInvoke(fname,
- list));
- SgExpression* op1 = repr->op_;
- SgExpression *ins;
- SgExprListExp* arg_list = buildExprListExp();
- appendExpression(arg_list, op1);
- appendExpression(arg_list, op2);
- SgVarRefExp* opaque_var;
- if (fname == std::string("max")) {
- opaque_var = buildOpaqueVarRefExp("__rose_gt", global_);
- ins = isSgExpression(buildFunctionCallExp(opaque_var, arg_list));
- // Manu:: fortran support
- if (isInputFortran()) {
- SgName fName("merge");
- SgTypeInt *retType = buildIntType();
- SgExpression *cond = static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(CreateLE(new CG_roseRepr(op2), new CG_roseRepr(op1)))->op_;
- appendExpression(arg_list, cond);
- ins = isSgExpression(buildFunctionCallExp(fName, retType, arg_list, global_));
- }
- } else {
- opaque_var = buildOpaqueVarRefExp("__rose_lt", global_);
- ins = isSgExpression(buildFunctionCallExp(opaque_var, arg_list));
- // Manu:: fortran support
- if (isInputFortran()) {
- SgName fName("merge");
- SgTypeInt *retType = buildIntType();
- SgExpression *cond = static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(CreateLE(new CG_roseRepr(op1), new CG_roseRepr(op2)))->op_;
- appendExpression(arg_list, cond);
- ins = isSgExpression(buildFunctionCallExp(fName, retType, arg_list, global_));
- }
- }
- repr->op_ = ins;
- return repr;
- }
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Code generation: invoke function io_call not implemented\n");
- return NULL;
- }
-// comment generation
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateComment(int,
- const std::string &commentText) const {
- if (commentText == std::string("")) {
- return NULL;
- }
- SgLocatedNode *tnl = new SgLocatedNode();
- buildComment(tnl, "//omega_comment: " + commentText);
- return new CG_roseRepr(isSgNode(tnl));
-// if stmt gen operations
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateIf(int, CG_outputRepr *guardList,
- CG_outputRepr *true_stmtList, CG_outputRepr *false_stmtList) const {
- if (true_stmtList == NULL && false_stmtList == NULL) {
- delete guardList;
- return NULL;
- } else if (guardList == NULL) {
- return StmtListAppend(true_stmtList, false_stmtList);
- }
- SgExpression* header = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(guardList)->op_;
- SgStatementPtrList *then_part1, *else_part1;
- SgStatement* then_part;
- SgStatement* else_part;
- SgBasicBlock* then_part2;
- SgBasicBlock* else_part2;
- if (true_stmtList != NULL) {
- then_part1 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(true_stmtList)->list_;
- if (then_part1 != NULL) {
- then_part = *((*then_part1).begin());
- if ((*then_part1).size() > 1) {
- then_part2 = buildBasicBlock();
- for (SgStatementPtrList::iterator it = (*then_part1).begin();
- it != (*then_part1).end(); it++) {
- then_part2->append_statement(*it);
- }
- then_part = isSgStatement(then_part2);
- }
- } else {
- // Manu:: fortran support (if part)
- if (isInputFortran()) {
- then_part2 = buildBasicBlock();
- then_part2->append_statement(isSgStatement(static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(true_stmtList)->tnl_));
- then_part = isSgStatement(then_part2);
- } else
- then_part = isSgStatement(static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(true_stmtList)->tnl_);
- }
- } else {
- then_part = NULL;
- }
- if (false_stmtList != NULL) {
- else_part1 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(false_stmtList)->list_;
- if (else_part1 != NULL) {
- else_part = *((*else_part1).begin());
- if ((*else_part1).size() > 1) {
- else_part2 = buildBasicBlock();
- for (SgStatementPtrList::iterator it2 = (*else_part1).begin();
- it2 != (*else_part1).end(); it2++) {
- else_part2->append_statement(*it2);
- }
- else_part = isSgStatement(else_part2);
- }
- } else {
- // Manu:: fortran support (if part)
- if (isInputFortran()) {
- else_part2 = buildBasicBlock();
- else_part2->append_statement(isSgStatement(static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(false_stmtList)->tnl_));
- else_part = isSgStatement(else_part2);
- } else
- else_part = isSgStatement(static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(false_stmtList)->tnl_);
- }
- } else {
- else_part = NULL;
- }
- SgIfStmt* ti = buildIfStmt(header, isSgStatement(then_part),
- isSgStatement(else_part));
- delete guardList;
- delete true_stmtList;
- delete false_stmtList;
- return new CG_roseRepr(isSgNode(ti));
-// inductive variable generation, to be used in CreateLoop as control
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateInductive(CG_outputRepr *index,
- CG_outputRepr *lower, CG_outputRepr *upper, CG_outputRepr *step) const {
- if (index == NULL || lower == NULL || upper == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Code generation: something wrong in CreateInductive\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (step == NULL)
- step = new CG_roseRepr(isSgExpression(buildIntVal(1)));
- SgVarRefExp *index_sym = isSgVarRefExp(
- static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(index)->op_);
- SgExpression* lower_bound = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(lower)->op_;
- SgExpression* upper_bound = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(upper)->op_;
- SgExpression* step_size = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(step)->op_;
- SgStatement* for_init_stmt = buildAssignStatement(index_sym, lower_bound);
- SgLessOrEqualOp* cond = buildLessOrEqualOp(index_sym, upper_bound);
- SgExprStatement* test = buildExprStatement(cond);
- SgPlusAssignOp* increment = buildPlusAssignOp(index_sym, step_size);
- SgForStatement *for_stmt = buildForStatement(for_init_stmt,
- isSgStatement(test), increment, NULL);
- delete index;
- delete lower;
- delete upper;
- delete step;
- // Manu
- if (isInputFortran()) {
- SgFortranDo * forStmt=new SgFortranDo(Sg_File_Info::generateDefaultFileInfoForTransformationNode());
- forStmt->set_has_end_statement(true);
- forStmt->set_bound(upper_bound);
- forStmt->set_increment(step_size);
- forStmt->set_initialization(isSgExprStatement(for_init_stmt)->get_expression());
- return new CG_roseRepr(isSgNode(forStmt));
- } else {
- return new CG_roseRepr(isSgNode(for_stmt));
- }
-// Attribute Creation
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateAttribute(CG_outputRepr *control,
- const std::string &commentText) const {
- SgNode *tnl = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(control)->tnl_;
- tnl->setAttribute("omega_comment", new AstTextAttribute(commentText));
- return static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(control);
-// Pragma Attribute
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreatePragmaAttribute(CG_outputRepr *stmt, int looplevel, const std::string &pragmaText) const {
- SgNode *tnl = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(stmt)->tnl_;
- CodeInsertionAttribute* attr = NULL;
- if (!tnl->attributeExists("code_insertion")) {
- attr = new CodeInsertionAttribute();
- tnl->setAttribute("code_insertion", attr);
- }
- else {
- attr = static_cast<CodeInsertionAttribute*>(tnl->getAttribute("code_insertion"));
- }
- attr->add(new PragmaInsertion(looplevel, pragmaText));
- return stmt;
-// Prefetch Attribute
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreatePrefetchAttribute(CG_outputRepr* stmt, int looplevel, const std::string &arrName, int hint) const {
- SgNode *tnl = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(stmt)->tnl_;
- CodeInsertionAttribute *attr = getOrCreateCodeInsertionAttribute(tnl);
- attr->add(new MMPrefetchInsertion(looplevel, arrName, hint));
-// loop stmt generation
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateLoop(int, CG_outputRepr *control,
- CG_outputRepr *stmtList) const {
- if (stmtList == NULL) {
- delete control;
- return NULL;
- } else if (control == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Code generation: no inductive for this loop\n");
- return stmtList;
- }
- SgNode *tnl = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(control)->tnl_;
- SgForStatement *tf = isSgForStatement(tnl);
- // Manu :: fortran support
- SgFortranDo *tfd = NULL;
- if (isInputFortran()) {
- tfd = isSgFortranDo(tnl);
- }
- SgStatementPtrList * body = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(stmtList)->list_;
- if (body != NULL) {
- if (!((*body).empty())) {
- if ((*body).size() == 1) {
- if (!isInputFortran()) { // Manu:: added if-else for fortran support
- tf->set_loop_body(*((*body).begin()));
- (*((*body).begin()))->set_parent(tf);
- } else {
- SgBasicBlock* bb1 = buildBasicBlock();
- bb1->set_parent(tfd);
- bb1->append_statement(*((*body).begin()));
- tfd->set_body(bb1);
- }
- } else {
- // Manu:: support for fortran label (do - continue)
- SgName *sname = NULL;
- SgBasicBlock* bb = buildBasicBlock();
- if (!isInputFortran())
- bb->set_parent(tf);
- else
- bb->set_parent(tfd);
- for (SgStatementPtrList::iterator it = (*body).begin();
- it != (*body).end(); it++) {
- bb->append_statement(*it);
- (*it)->set_parent(bb);
- }
- if (!isInputFortran())
- tf->set_loop_body(bb);
- else {
- tfd->set_body(bb);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- SgNode* tnl2 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(stmtList)->tnl_;
- if (tnl2 != NULL) {
- if (!isInputFortran()) {
- tf->set_loop_body(isSgStatement(tnl2));
- tnl2->set_parent(tf);
- } else {
- SgBasicBlock* bb1 = buildBasicBlock();
- bb1->set_parent(tfd);
- bb1->append_statement(isSgStatement(tnl2));
- tfd->set_body(bb1);
- tnl2->set_parent(bb1);
- }
- }
- }
- delete stmtList;
- return control;
-// basic int, identifier gen operations
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateInt(int _i) const {
- return new CG_roseRepr(isSgExpression(buildIntVal(_i)));
-bool CG_roseBuilder::isInteger(CG_outputRepr *op) const{
- SgExpression *op1 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(op)->op_;
- if(op1)
- if(isSgIntVal(op1))
- return true;
- return false;
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateIdent(const std::string &_s) const {
- SgVariableSymbol *vs = symtab_->find_variable(SgName(_s.c_str()));
- SgVariableSymbol *vs2 = symtab2_->find_variable(SgName(_s.c_str()));
- if (vs == NULL && vs2 == NULL) {
- SgVariableDeclaration* defn = buildVariableDeclaration(
- SgName(_s.c_str()), buildIntType());
- SgInitializedNamePtrList& variables = defn->get_variables();
- SgInitializedNamePtrList::const_iterator i = variables.begin();
- SgInitializedName* initializedName = *i;
- vs = new SgVariableSymbol(initializedName);
- prependStatement(defn, isSgScopeStatement(root_));
- vs->set_parent(symtab2_);
- symtab2_->insert(SgName(_s.c_str()), vs);
- return new CG_roseRepr(isSgExpression(buildVarRefExp(vs)));
- }
- /* May have problem */
- if (!isSgExpression(buildVarRefExp(SgName(_s.c_str()))))
- throw ir_error("error in Create ident!!");
- if (vs2 != NULL)
- return new CG_roseRepr(isSgExpression(buildVarRefExp(vs2)));
- return new CG_roseRepr(isSgExpression(buildVarRefExp(vs)));
-// binary arithmetic operations
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreatePlus(CG_outputRepr *lop,
- CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- if (rop == NULL) {
- return lop;
- } else if (lop == NULL) {
- return rop;
- }
- SgExpression* op1 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(lop)->op_;
- SgExpression* op2 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(rop)->op_;
- SgAddOp *ins = buildAddOp(op1, op2);
- op1->set_parent(ins);
- op2->set_parent(ins);
- delete lop;
- delete rop;
- return new CG_roseRepr(isSgExpression(ins));
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateMinus(CG_outputRepr *lop,
- CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- if (rop == NULL) {
- return lop; /* May Cause Problem */
- } else if (lop == NULL) {
- SgExpression *op = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(rop)->op_;
- SgMinusOp *ins = buildMinusOp(op);
- delete rop;
- return new CG_roseRepr(isSgExpression(ins));
- } else {
- SgExpression* op1 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(lop)->op_;
- SgExpression* op2 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(rop)->op_;
- SgSubtractOp *ins = buildSubtractOp(op1, op2);
- op1->set_parent(ins);
- op2->set_parent(ins);
- delete lop;
- delete rop;
- return new CG_roseRepr(isSgExpression(ins));
- }
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateTimes(CG_outputRepr *lop,
- CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- if (rop == NULL || lop == NULL) {
- if (rop != NULL) {
- rop->clear();
- delete rop;
- }
- if (lop != NULL) {
- lop->clear();
- delete lop;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- SgExpression* op1 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(lop)->op_;
- SgExpression* op2 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(rop)->op_;
- SgMultiplyOp *ins = buildMultiplyOp(op1, op2);
- op1->set_parent(ins);
- op2->set_parent(ins);
- delete lop;
- delete rop;
- return new CG_roseRepr(isSgExpression(ins));
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateIntegerFloor(CG_outputRepr *lop,
- CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- if (rop == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Code generation: divide by NULL\n");
- return NULL;
- } else if (lop == NULL) {
- delete rop;
- return NULL;
- }
- // (6+5)*10 / 4
- SgExpression* op1 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(lop)->op_;
- SgExpression* op2 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(rop)->op_;
- // bugs in SUIF prevent use of correct io_divfloor
- SgDivideOp *ins = buildDivideOp(op1, op2);
- delete lop;
- delete rop;
- return new CG_roseRepr(isSgExpression(ins));
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateIntegerMod(CG_outputRepr *lop,
- CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- if (rop == NULL || lop == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- SgExpression* op1 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(lop)->op_;
- SgExpression* op2 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(rop)->op_;
- // bugs in SUIF prevent use of correct io_mod
- SgModOp *ins;
- if (!isInputFortran()) {
- ins = buildModOp(op1, op2);
- delete lop;
- delete rop;
- return new CG_roseRepr(isSgExpression(ins));
- } else { // Manu:: fortran mod is a function call and not an operator (f77 and f90)
- SgExpression *fins;
- SgName fName("MOD");
- SgExprListExp* arg_list = buildExprListExp();
- appendExpression(arg_list, op1);
- appendExpression(arg_list, op2);
- SgTypeInt *retType = buildIntType();
- fins = isSgExpression(buildFunctionCallExp(fName, retType, arg_list, global_));
- return new CG_roseRepr(isSgExpression(fins));
- }
-// binary logical operations
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateAnd(CG_outputRepr *lop,
- CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- if (rop == NULL)
- return lop;
- else if (lop == NULL)
- return rop;
- SgExpression* op1 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(lop)->op_;
- SgExpression* op2 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(rop)->op_;
- SgAndOp *ins = buildAndOp(op1, op2);
- delete lop;
- delete rop;
- return new CG_roseRepr(isSgExpression(ins));
-// binary relational operations
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateLE(CG_outputRepr *lop,
- CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- if (rop == NULL || lop == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- SgExpression* op1 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(lop)->op_;
- SgExpression* op2 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(rop)->op_;
- SgLessOrEqualOp *ins = buildLessOrEqualOp(op1, op2);
- delete lop;
- delete rop;
- return new CG_roseRepr(isSgExpression(ins));
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateEQ(CG_outputRepr *lop,
- CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- if (rop == NULL || lop == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- SgExpression* op1 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(lop)->op_;
- SgExpression* op2 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(rop)->op_;
- SgEqualityOp *ins = buildEqualityOp(op1, op2);
- delete lop;
- delete rop;
- return new CG_roseRepr(isSgExpression(ins));
-// stmt list gen operations
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::StmtListAppend(CG_outputRepr *list1,
- CG_outputRepr *list2) const {
- if (list2 == NULL) {
- return list1;
- } else if (list1 == NULL) {
- return list2;
- }
- SgStatementPtrList* new_list;
- SgStatementPtrList* tnl1 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(list1)->list_;
- SgStatementPtrList* tnl2 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(list2)->list_;
- SgNode* one = static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(list1)->tnl_;
- SgNode* two = static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(list2)->tnl_;
- SgExpression* exp1 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(list1)->op_;
- SgExpression* exp2 = static_cast<CG_roseRepr *>(list2)->op_;
- if (exp1 || exp2)
- throw ir_error("error in stmtlistappend!!");
- if (tnl1 && one)
- throw ir_error("error in stmtlistappend!!");
- if (tnl2 && two)
- throw ir_error("error in stmtlistappend!!");
- if ((tnl1 == NULL) && (tnl2 == NULL)) {
- if ((one != NULL) && (two != NULL)) {
- new_list = new SgStatementPtrList;
- (*new_list).push_back(isSgStatement(one));
- (*new_list).push_back(isSgStatement(two));
- CG_roseRepr* new_rep = new CG_roseRepr(new_list);
- return static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(new_rep);
- } else if ((one != NULL) && (two == NULL)) {
- return static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(new CG_roseRepr(one));
- } else if ((two != NULL) && (one == NULL)) {
- return static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(new CG_roseRepr(two));
- }
- } else {
- if ((tnl2 != NULL) && (tnl1 == NULL)) {
- if (one == NULL)
- return list2;
- else {
- new_list = new SgStatementPtrList;
- (*new_list).push_back(isSgStatement(one));
- for (SgStatementPtrList::iterator it = (*tnl2).begin();
- it != (*tnl2).end(); it++) {
- (*new_list).push_back(*it);
- }
- return static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(new CG_roseRepr(new_list));
- }
- } else if ((tnl1 != NULL) && (tnl2 == NULL)) {
- if (two == NULL)
- return list1;
- else {
- (*tnl1).push_back(isSgStatement(two));
- return static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(new CG_roseRepr(tnl1));
- }
- } else if ((tnl1 != NULL) && (tnl2 != NULL)) {
- for (SgStatementPtrList::iterator it = (*tnl2).begin();
- it != (*tnl2).end(); it++) {
- (*tnl1).push_back(*it);
- }
- return static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(new CG_roseRepr(tnl1));
- }
- }
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseBuilder::CreateDim3(const char* varName, CG_outputRepr* arg1,
- CG_outputRepr* arg2, CG_outputRepr* arg3) const {
- SgFunctionSymbol * ctor_symbol = global_scope->lookup_function_symbol(
- SgName("dim3"));
- SgExprListExp * ctor_args;
- if(arg3 != NULL)
- ctor_args = buildExprListExp(static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(arg1)->op_,
- static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(arg2)->op_, static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(arg3)->op_);
- else
- ctor_args = buildExprListExp(static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(arg1)->op_,
- static_cast<CG_roseRepr*>(arg2)->op_);
- SgFunctionCallExp * dim3_func_call = buildFunctionCallExp(
- buildFunctionRefExp(ctor_symbol->get_declaration()), ctor_args);
- char joined_str[20];
- strcpy(joined_str, "dim3 ");
- strcat(joined_str, varName);
- SgExprStatement* decl = buildAssignStatement(
- buildOpaqueVarRefExp(joined_str, isSgScopeStatement(root_)),
- dim3_func_call);
- SgStatementPtrList *tnl2 = new SgStatementPtrList;
- (*tnl2).push_back(decl);
- return new CG_roseRepr(tnl2);
-std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> substitute(SgNode *in, const SgVariableSymbol *sym,
- SgExpression* expr, SgNode* root) {
- SgStatement* stmt;
- SgExpression* op;
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> arrays;
- if (in != NULL) {
- if (stmt = isSgStatement(in)) {
- if (isSgBasicBlock(stmt)) {
- SgStatementPtrList& stmts =
- isSgBasicBlock(stmt)->get_statements();
- for (int i = 0; i < stmts.size(); i++) {
- stmts[i]->set_parent(stmt);
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a = substitute(
- isSgNode(stmts[i]), sym, expr, root);
- std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
- }
- } else if (isSgForStatement(stmt)) {
- SgForStatement *tnf = isSgForStatement(stmt);
- tnf->get_for_init_stmt()->set_parent(tnf);
- tnf->get_test()->set_parent(tnf);
- tnf->get_increment()->set_parent(tnf);
- tnf->get_loop_body()->set_parent(tnf);
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a = substitute(
- isSgNode(tnf->get_for_init_stmt()), sym, expr, root);
- std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a1 = substitute(
- isSgNode(tnf->get_test()), sym, expr, root);
- std::copy(a1.begin(), a1.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a2 = substitute(
- isSgNode(tnf->get_increment()), sym, expr, root);
- std::copy(a2.begin(), a2.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a3 = substitute(
- isSgNode(tnf->get_loop_body()), sym, expr, root);
- std::copy(a3.begin(), a3.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
- } else if (isSgFortranDo(stmt)) { // Manu:: fortran support
- SgFortranDo *tnf = isSgFortranDo(stmt);
- tnf->get_initialization()->set_parent(tnf);
- tnf->get_bound()->set_parent(tnf);
- tnf->get_increment()->set_parent(tnf);
- tnf->get_body()->set_parent(tnf);
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a = substitute(
- isSgNode(tnf->get_initialization()), sym, expr, root);
- std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a1 = substitute(
- isSgNode(tnf->get_bound()), sym, expr, root);
- std::copy(a1.begin(), a1.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a2 = substitute(
- isSgNode(tnf->get_increment()), sym, expr, root);
- std::copy(a2.begin(), a2.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a3 = substitute(
- isSgNode(tnf->get_body()), sym, expr, root);
- std::copy(a3.begin(), a3.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
- } else if (isSgForInitStatement(stmt)) {
- SgStatementPtrList& stmts =
- isSgForInitStatement(stmt)->get_init_stmt();
- for (SgStatementPtrList::iterator it = stmts.begin();
- it != stmts.end(); it++) {
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a = substitute(isSgNode(*it),
- sym, expr, root);
- std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
- }
- }
- else if (isSgVariableDeclaration(stmt)) {
- if (SgExpression *init =
- isSgVariableDeclaration(stmt)->get_variables().front()->get_initializer()) {
- if (isSgAssignInitializer(init)) {
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a = substitute(
- isSgAssignInitializer(init)->get_operand(), sym,
- expr, root);
- std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
- }
- }
- } else if (isSgIfStmt(stmt)) {
- SgIfStmt* tni = isSgIfStmt(stmt);
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a = substitute(
- isSgNode(tni->get_conditional()), sym, expr, root);
- std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a1 = substitute(
- isSgNode(tni->get_true_body()), sym, expr, root);
- std::copy(a1.begin(), a1.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a2 = substitute(
- isSgNode(tni->get_false_body()), sym, expr, root);
- std::copy(a2.begin(), a2.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
- } else if (isSgExprStatement(stmt)) {
- (isSgExprStatement(stmt)->get_expression())->set_parent(
- isSgExprStatement(stmt));
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a = substitute(
- isSgNode(isSgExprStatement(stmt)->get_expression()),
- sym, expr, root);
- std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
- }
- }
- else {
- op = isSgExpression(in);
- std::string y = sym->get_name().getString();
- if (isSgBinaryOp(op)) {
- isSgBinaryOp(op)->get_lhs_operand()->set_parent(op);
- isSgBinaryOp(op)->get_rhs_operand()->set_parent(op);
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a = substitute(
- isSgBinaryOp(op)->get_lhs_operand(), sym, expr, root);
- std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a1 = substitute(
- isSgBinaryOp(op)->get_rhs_operand(), sym, expr, root);
- std::copy(a1.begin(), a1.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
- } else if (isSgUnaryOp(op)) {
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a = substitute(
- isSgUnaryOp(op)->get_operand(), sym, expr, root);
- std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
- } else if (isSgVarRefExp(op)) {
- std::string z =
- isSgVarRefExp(op)->get_symbol()->get_name().getString();
- if (!strcmp(z.c_str(), y.c_str())) {
- arrays.push_back(isSgVarRefExp(op));
- }
- }
- else if (isSgCallExpression(op)) {
- SgExprListExp* exprs = isSgCallExpression(op)->get_args();
- SgExpressionPtrList &expr_list = exprs->get_expressions();
- for (SgExpressionPtrList::iterator it = expr_list.begin();
- it != expr_list.end(); it++) {
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a = substitute(isSgNode(*it),
- sym, expr, root);
- std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
- }
- } else if (isSgExprListExp(op)) { // Manu:: fortran indices are stored this way
- SgExpressionPtrList &expr_list = isSgExprListExp(op)->get_expressions();
- for (SgExpressionPtrList::iterator it = expr_list.begin();
- it != expr_list.end(); it++) {
- std::vector<SgVarRefExp *> a = substitute(isSgNode(*it),
- sym, expr, root);
- std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return arrays;
-} // namespace
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/src/ b/omegalib/codegen/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9265ab0..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 2008 University of Southern California.
- All Rights Reserved.
- Purpose:
- omega holder for suif implementaion
- Notes:
- History:
- 02/01/06 - Chun Chen - created
-#include <code_gen/CG_roseRepr.h>
-#include <code_gen/rose_attributes.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <cstring>
-namespace omega {
-CG_roseRepr::CG_roseRepr(): tnl_(NULL), op_(NULL), list_(NULL){
-CG_roseRepr::CG_roseRepr(SgNode *tnl): tnl_(tnl), op_(NULL),list_(NULL) {
-CG_roseRepr::CG_roseRepr(SgExpression* op): tnl_(NULL), op_(op),list_(NULL){
-CG_roseRepr::CG_roseRepr(SgStatementPtrList* stmtlist):tnl_(NULL), op_(NULL), list_(stmtlist){
-CG_roseRepr::~CG_roseRepr() {
- // delete nothing here. operand or tree_node_list should already be
- // grafted to other expression tree or statement list
-CG_outputRepr* CG_roseRepr::clone() const {
- if( tnl_ != NULL) {
- SgTreeCopy tc;
- SgNode *tnl = tnl_->copy(tc);
- copyAttributes(tnl_, tnl);
- tnl->set_parent(tnl_->get_parent());
- return new CG_roseRepr(tnl);
- }
- else if(op_ != NULL)
- {
- SgTreeCopy tc1;
- SgNode* op = isSgNode(op_)->copy(tc1);
- copyAttributes(op_, op);
- op->set_parent(isSgNode(op_)->get_parent());
- return new CG_roseRepr(isSgExpression(op));
- }
- else if(list_ != NULL)
- {
- SgStatementPtrList* list2 = new SgStatementPtrList;
- for(SgStatementPtrList::iterator it = (*list_).begin(); it != (*list_).end(); it++){
- SgTreeCopy tc3;
- SgNode *tnl2 = isSgNode(*it)->copy(tc3);
- copyAttributes(*it, tnl2);
- tnl2->set_parent(isSgNode(*it)->get_parent());
- (*list2).push_back(isSgStatement(tnl2));
- }
- return new CG_roseRepr(list2);
- }
- return NULL;
-void CG_roseRepr::clear() {
- if(tnl_ != NULL) {
- delete tnl_;
- tnl_ = NULL;
- }
-SgNode* CG_roseRepr::GetCode() const {
- return tnl_;
-SgStatementPtrList* CG_roseRepr::GetList() const {
- return list_;
-SgExpression* CG_roseRepr::GetExpression() const {
- return op_;
-void CG_roseRepr::Dump() const {
-SgNode* tnl = tnl_;
-SgExpression* op = op_ ;
- if(tnl != NULL)
- DumpFileHelper(tnl, stdout);
- else if(op != NULL)
- DumpFileHelper(isSgNode(op), stdout);
-void CG_roseRepr::DumpFileHelper(SgNode* node, FILE *fp) const{
- std::string x;
- size_t numberOfSuccessors = node->get_numberOfTraversalSuccessors();
- if(numberOfSuccessors == 0){
- x = node->unparseToString ();
- fprintf(fp, "%s", x.c_str());
- }
- else{
- for (size_t idx = 0; idx < numberOfSuccessors; idx++)
- {
- SgNode *child = NULL;
- child = node->get_traversalSuccessorByIndex(idx);
- DumpFileHelper(child, fp);
- }
-} // namespace
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/src/ b/omegalib/codegen/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f9286f..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,487 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 1994-2000 the Omega Project Team
- Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Chun Chen
- All Rights Reserved.
- Purpose:
- generate pseudo string code
- Notes:
- There is no need to check illegal NULL parameter and throw invalid_argument
- in other IR interface implementation. They are for debugging purpose.
- intMod implements modular function that returns positve remainder no matter
- lop is postive or nagative and rop is guranteed to be positive here.
- History:
- 04/17/96 - Lei Zhou - created
- 08/31/09 add parenthesis to string operands, Chun Chen
-#include <code_gen/CG_stringBuilder.h>
-#include <code_gen/codegen_error.h>
-#include <basic/util.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
-namespace {
-std::string SafeguardString(const std::string &s, char op) {
- int len = s.length();
- int paren_level = 0;
- int num_plusminus = 0;
- int num_mul = 0;
- int num_div = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
- switch (s[i]) {
- case '(':
- paren_level++;
- break;
- case ')':
- paren_level--;
- break;
- case '+':
- case '-':
- if (paren_level == 0)
- num_plusminus++;
- break;
- case '*':
- if (paren_level == 0)
- num_mul++;
- break;
- case '/':
- if (paren_level == 0)
- num_div++;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- bool need_paren = false;
- switch (op) {
- case '-':
- if (num_plusminus > 0)
- need_paren = true;
- break;
- case '*':
- if (num_plusminus > 0 || num_div > 0)
- need_paren = true;
- break;
- case '/':
- if (num_plusminus > 0 || num_div > 0 || num_mul > 0)
- need_paren = true;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (need_paren)
- return "(" + s + ")";
- else
- return s;
-std::string GetIndentSpaces(int indent) {
- std::string indentStr;
- for (int i = 1; i < indent; i++) {
- indentStr += " ";
- }
- return indentStr;
-// A shortcut to extract the string enclosed in the CG_outputRepr and delete
-// the original holder.
-std::string GetString(omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) {
- std::string result = static_cast<omega::CG_stringRepr *>(repr)->GetString();
- delete repr;
- return result;
-namespace omega {
-// Class: CG_stringBuilder
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateSubstitutedStmt(int indent, CG_outputRepr *stmt,
- const std::vector<std::string> &vars,
- std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &subs) const {
- std::string listStr = "";
- for (int i = 0; i < subs.size(); i++) {
- if (subs[i] == NULL)
- listStr += "N/A";
- else
- listStr += GetString(subs[i]);
- if (i < subs.size() - 1)
- listStr += ",";
- }
- std::string stmtName = GetString(stmt);
- std::string indentStr = GetIndentSpaces(indent);
- return new CG_stringRepr(indentStr + stmtName + "(" + listStr + ");\n");
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateAssignment(int indent,
- CG_outputRepr *lhs,
- CG_outputRepr *rhs) const {
- if (lhs == NULL || rhs == NULL)
- throw std::invalid_argument("missing lhs or rhs in assignment");
- std::string lhsStr = GetString(lhs);
- std::string rhsStr = GetString(rhs);
- std::string indentStr = GetIndentSpaces(indent);
- return new CG_stringRepr(indentStr + lhsStr + "=" + rhsStr + ";\n");
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateInvoke(const std::string &funcName,
- std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &list) const {
- std::string listStr = "";
- for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
- listStr += GetString(list[i]);
- if ( i < list.size()-1)
- listStr += ",";
- }
- return new CG_stringRepr(funcName + "(" + listStr + ")");
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateComment(int indent, const std::string &commentText) const {
- if (commentText == std::string("")) {
- return NULL;
- }
- std::string indentStr = GetIndentSpaces(indent);
- return new CG_stringRepr(indentStr + "// " + commentText + "\n");
-CG_stringRepr* CG_stringBuilder::CreateAttribute(CG_outputRepr *control,
- const std::string &commentText) const {
- if (commentText == std::string("")) {
- return static_cast<CG_stringRepr *> (control);
- }
- std::string controlString = GetString(control);
- return new CG_stringRepr("// " + commentText + "\n" + controlString);
-CG_outputRepr* CG_stringBuilder::CreatePragmaAttribute(CG_outputRepr *scopeStmt, int looplevel, const std::string &pragmaText) const {
- // -- Not Implemented
- return scopeStmt;
-CG_outputRepr* CG_stringBuilder::CreatePrefetchAttribute(CG_outputRepr* scopeStmt, int looplevel, const std::string& arrName, int hint) const {
- // -- Not Implemented
- return scopeStmt;
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateIf(int indent, CG_outputRepr *guardList,
- CG_outputRepr *true_stmtList, CG_outputRepr *false_stmtList) const {
- if (guardList == NULL)
- throw std::invalid_argument("missing if condition");
- if (true_stmtList == NULL && false_stmtList == NULL) {
- delete guardList;
- return NULL;
- }
- std::string guardListStr = GetString(guardList);
- std::string indentStr = GetIndentSpaces(indent);
- std::string s;
- if (true_stmtList != NULL && false_stmtList == NULL) {
- s = indentStr + "if (" + guardListStr + ") {\n"
- + GetString(true_stmtList)
- + indentStr + "}\n";
- }
- else if (true_stmtList == NULL && false_stmtList != NULL) {
- s = indentStr + "if !(" + guardListStr + ") {\n"
- + GetString(false_stmtList)
- + indentStr + "}\n";
- }
- else {
- s = indentStr + "if (" + guardListStr + ") {\n"
- + GetString(true_stmtList)
- + indentStr + "}\n"
- + indentStr + "else {\n"
- + GetString(false_stmtList)
- + indentStr + "}\n";
- }
- return new CG_stringRepr(s);
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateInductive(CG_outputRepr *index,
- CG_outputRepr *lower, CG_outputRepr *upper,
- CG_outputRepr *step) const {
- if (index == NULL)
- throw std::invalid_argument("missing loop index");
- if (lower == NULL)
- throw std::invalid_argument("missing loop lower bound");
- if (upper == NULL)
- throw std::invalid_argument("missing loop upper bound");
- if (step == NULL)
- throw std::invalid_argument("missing loop step size");
- std::string indexStr = GetString(index);
- std::string lowerStr = GetString(lower);
- std::string upperStr = GetString(upper);
- std::string doStr = "for(" + indexStr + " = " + lowerStr + "; "
- + indexStr + " <= " + upperStr + "; "
- + indexStr;
- std::string stepStr = GetString(step);
- if (stepStr == to_string(1))
- doStr += "++";
- else
- doStr += " += " + stepStr;
- doStr += ")";
- return new CG_stringRepr(doStr);
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateLoop(int indent, CG_outputRepr *control,
- CG_outputRepr *stmtList) const {
- if (stmtList == NULL) {
- delete control;
- return NULL;
- }
- else if (control == NULL)
- return static_cast<CG_stringRepr *>(stmtList);
- std::string ctrlStr = GetString(control);
- std::string stmtStr = GetString(stmtList);
- std::string indentStr = GetIndentSpaces(indent);
- std::string s = indentStr + ctrlStr + " {\n"
- + stmtStr
- + indentStr + "}\n";
- return new CG_stringRepr(s);
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateInt(int num) const {
- std::string s = to_string(num);
- return new CG_stringRepr(s);
-bool CG_stringBuilder::isInteger(CG_outputRepr *op) const {
- char * cstr;
- std::string s = GetString(op);
- cstr = new char [s.size()+1];
- strcpy (cstr, s.c_str());
- int count = 0;
- while(cstr[count] != '\n' && cstr[count] != '\0' )
- if( !isdigit(cstr[count]))
- return false;
- return true;
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateIdent(const std::string &varName) const {
- if (varName == std::string("")) {
- return NULL;
- }
- return new CG_stringRepr(varName);
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreatePlus(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- if (rop == NULL) {
- return static_cast<CG_stringRepr *>(lop);
- }
- else if (lop == NULL) {
- return static_cast<CG_stringRepr *>(rop);
- }
- std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
- std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
- return new CG_stringRepr(lopStr + "+" + ropStr);
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateMinus(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- if (rop == NULL) {
- return static_cast<CG_stringRepr *>(lop);
- }
- else if (lop == NULL) {
- std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
- return new CG_stringRepr("-" + SafeguardString(ropStr, '-'));
- }
- std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
- std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
- return new CG_stringRepr(lopStr + "-" + SafeguardString(ropStr, '-'));
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateTimes(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- if (rop == NULL || lop == NULL) {
- delete rop;
- delete lop;
- return NULL;
- }
- std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
- std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
- return new CG_stringRepr(SafeguardString(lopStr, '*') + "*" + SafeguardString(ropStr, '*'));
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateDivide(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- if (rop == NULL)
- throw codegen_error("integer division by zero");
- else if (lop == NULL) {
- delete rop;
- return NULL;
- }
- std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
- std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
- return new CG_stringRepr(SafeguardString(lopStr, '/') + "/" + SafeguardString(ropStr, '/'));
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateIntegerFloor(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- if (rop == NULL)
- throw codegen_error("integer division by zero");
- else if (lop == NULL) {
- delete rop;
- return NULL;
- }
- std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
- std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
- return new CG_stringRepr("intFloor(" + lopStr + "," + ropStr + ")");
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateIntegerMod(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- if (rop == NULL)
- throw codegen_error("integer modulo by zero");
- else if (lop == NULL) {
- delete rop;
- return NULL;
- }
- std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
- std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
- return new CG_stringRepr("intMod(" + lopStr + "," + ropStr + ")");
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateIntegerCeil(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- if (rop == 0)
- throw codegen_error("integer ceiling by zero");
- else if (lop == NULL) {
- delete rop;
- return NULL;
- }
- std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
- std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
- return new CG_stringRepr("intCeil(" + lopStr + "," + ropStr + ")");
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateAnd(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- if (rop == NULL)
- return static_cast<CG_stringRepr *>(lop);
- else if (lop == NULL)
- return static_cast<CG_stringRepr *>(rop);
- std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
- std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
- return new CG_stringRepr(lopStr + " && " + ropStr);
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateGE(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- if (rop == NULL || lop == NULL)
- throw std::invalid_argument("missing operand in greater than equal comparison condition");
- std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
- std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
- return new CG_stringRepr(lopStr + " >= " + ropStr);
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateLE(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- if (rop == NULL || lop == NULL)
- throw std::invalid_argument("missing operand in less than equal comparison condition");
- std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
- std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
- return new CG_stringRepr(lopStr + " <= " + ropStr);
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::CreateEQ(CG_outputRepr *lop, CG_outputRepr *rop) const {
- if (rop == NULL || lop == NULL)
- throw std::invalid_argument("missing operand in equal comparison condition");
- std::string lopStr = GetString(lop);
- std::string ropStr = GetString(rop);
- return new CG_stringRepr(lopStr + " == " + ropStr);
-CG_stringRepr *CG_stringBuilder::StmtListAppend(CG_outputRepr *list1, CG_outputRepr *list2) const {
- if (list2 == NULL) {
- return static_cast<CG_stringRepr *>(list1);
- }
- else if (list1 == NULL) {
- return static_cast<CG_stringRepr *>(list2);
- }
- std::string list1Str = GetString(list1);
- std::string list2Str = GetString(list2);
- return new CG_stringRepr(list1Str + list2Str);
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/src/ b/omegalib/codegen/src/
deleted file mode 100755
index d3a5f71..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1735 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 1994-2000 the Omega Project Team
- Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Chun Chen
- All Rights Reserved.
- Purpose:
- Utility functions for processing CG tree.
- Notes:
- History:
- 07/19/07 when generating output variable substitutions for a mapping
- relation, map it to each output to get correct equality, -chun
- 07/29/10 when translating equality to assignment, generate appropriate
- if-condition when necesssary, -chun
-#include <typeinfo>
-#include <omega.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_utils.h>
-#include <code_gen/codegen_error.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stack>
-namespace omega {
-int checkLoopLevel;
-int stmtForLoopCheck;
-int upperBoundForLevel;
-int lowerBoundForLevel;
-bool fillInBounds;
-//trick to static init checkLoopLevel to 0
-class JunkStaticInit{ public: JunkStaticInit(){ checkLoopLevel=0; fillInBounds=false;} };
-static JunkStaticInit junkInitInstance__;
-namespace {
-Relation find_best_guard(const Relation &R, const BoolSet<> &active, const std::map<int, Relation> &guards) {
- std::pair<int, int> best_cost = std::make_pair(0, 0);
- Relation best_cond = Relation::True(R.n_set());
- Relation r = copy(R);
- int max_iter_count = 2*(r.single_conjunct()->n_EQs()) + r.single_conjunct()->n_GEQs();
- int iter_count = 0;
- while (!r.is_obvious_tautology()) {
- std::pair<int, int> cost = std::make_pair(0, 0);
- Relation cond = pick_one_guard(r);
- Relation complement_cond = Complement(copy(cond));
- complement_cond.simplify();
- for (BoolSet<>::const_iterator i = active.begin(); i != active.end(); i++) {
- std::map<int, Relation>::const_iterator j = guards.find(*i);
- if (j == guards.end())
- continue;
- if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(j->second), copy(cond)))
- cost.first++;
- else if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(j->second), copy(complement_cond)))
- cost.second++;
- }
- if (cost > best_cost) {
- best_cost = cost;
- best_cond = copy(cond);
- }
- r = Gist(r, cond, 1);
- if (iter_count > max_iter_count)
- throw codegen_error("guard condition too complex to handle");
- iter_count++;
- }
- return best_cond;
-Relation find_best_guard(const Relation &R, const std::vector<CG_loop *> &loops, int start, int end) {
- std::pair<int, int> best_cost = std::make_pair(0, 0);
- Relation best_cond = Relation::True(R.n_set());
- Relation r = copy(R);
- int max_iter_count = 2*(r.single_conjunct()->n_EQs()) + r.single_conjunct()->n_GEQs();
- int iter_count = 0;
- while (!r.is_obvious_tautology()) {
- std::pair<int, int> cost = std::make_pair(0, 0);
- Relation cond = pick_one_guard(r);
- int i = start;
- for ( ; i < end; i++) {
- if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(loops[i]->guard_), copy(cond)))
- cost.first++;
- else
- break;
- }
- Relation complement_cond = Complement(copy(cond));
- complement_cond.simplify();
- for (int j = i; j < end; j++)
- if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(loops[j]->guard_), copy(complement_cond)))
- cost.second++;
- else
- break;
- if (cost > best_cost) {
- best_cost = cost;
- best_cond = copy(cond);
- }
- r = Gist(r, cond, 1);
- if (iter_count > max_iter_count)
- throw codegen_error("guard condition too complex to handle");
- iter_count++;
- }
- return best_cond;
-bool bound_must_hit_stride(const GEQ_Handle &inequality, Variable_ID v, const EQ_Handle &stride_eq, Variable_ID wc, const Relation &bounds, const Relation &known) {
- assert(inequality.get_coef(v) != 0 && abs(stride_eq.get_coef(v)) == 1 && wc->kind() == Wildcard_Var && abs(stride_eq.get_coef(wc)) > 1);
- // if bound expression uses floor operation, bail out for now
- // TODO: in the future, handle this
- if (abs(inequality.get_coef(v)) != 1)
- return false;
- coef_t stride = abs(stride_eq.get_coef(wc));
- Relation r1(known.n_set());
- F_Exists *f_exists1 = r1.add_and()->add_exists();
- F_And *f_root1 = f_exists1->add_and();
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping1;
- EQ_Handle h1 = f_root1->add_EQ();
- Relation r2(known.n_set());
- F_Exists *f_exists2 = r2.add_and()->add_exists();
- F_And *f_root2 = f_exists2->add_and();
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping2;
- EQ_Handle h2 = f_root2->add_EQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(inequality); cvi; cvi++) {
- Variable_ID v = cvi.curr_var();
- switch (v->kind()) {
- case Input_Var:
- h1.update_coef(r1.input_var(v->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
- h2.update_coef(r2.input_var(v->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = v->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v1, v2;
- if (g->arity() == 0) {
- v1 = r1.get_local(g);
- v2 = r2.get_local(g);
- }
- else {
- v1 = r1.get_local(g, v->function_of());
- v2 = r2.get_local(g, v->function_of());
- }
- h1.update_coef(v1, cvi.curr_coef());
- h2.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- Variable_ID v1 = replicate_floor_definition(bounds, v, r1, f_exists1, f_root1, exists_mapping1);
- Variable_ID v2 = replicate_floor_definition(bounds, v, r2, f_exists2, f_root2, exists_mapping2);
- h1.update_coef(v1, cvi.curr_coef());
- h2.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- h1.update_const(inequality.get_const());
- h1.update_coef(f_exists1->declare(), stride);
- h2.update_const(inequality.get_const());
- r1.simplify();
- r2.simplify();
- Relation all_known = Intersection(copy(bounds), copy(known));
- all_known.simplify();
- if (Gist(r1, copy(all_known), 1).is_obvious_tautology()) {
- Relation r3(known.n_set());
- F_Exists *f_exists3 = r3.add_and()->add_exists();
- F_And *f_root3 = f_exists3->add_and();
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping3;
- EQ_Handle h3 = f_root3->add_EQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(stride_eq); cvi; cvi++) {
- Variable_ID v= cvi.curr_var();
- switch (v->kind()) {
- case Input_Var:
- h3.update_coef(r3.input_var(v->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = v->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v3;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v3 = r3.get_local(g);
- else
- v3 = r3.get_local(g, v->function_of());
- h3.update_coef(v3, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Wildcard_Var:
- if (v == wc)
- h3.update_coef(f_exists3->declare(), cvi.curr_coef());
- else {
- Variable_ID v3 = replicate_floor_definition(bounds, v, r3, f_exists3, f_root3, exists_mapping3);
- h3.update_coef(v3, cvi.curr_coef());
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- h3.update_const(stride_eq.get_const());
- r3.simplify();
- if (Gist(r3, Intersection(r2, all_known), 1).is_obvious_tautology())
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- else
- return false;
-// output variable by its name, however if this variable need to be substituted,
-// return the substitution.
-CG_outputRepr *output_ident(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const Relation &R, Variable_ID v, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- const_cast<Relation &>(R).setup_names(); // hack
- if (v->kind() == Input_Var) {
- int pos = v->get_position();
- if (assigned_on_the_fly[pos-1].first != NULL)
- return assigned_on_the_fly[pos-1].first->clone();
- else
- return ocg->CreateIdent(v->name());
- }
- else if (v->kind() == Global_Var) {
- if (v->get_global_var()->arity() == 0)
- return ocg->CreateIdent(v->name());
- else {
- /* This should be improved to take into account the possible elimination
- of the set variables. */
- int arity = v->get_global_var()->arity();
- std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> argList;
- for(int i = 1; i <= arity; i++)
- argList.push_back(ocg->CreateIdent(const_cast<Relation &>(R).input_var(i)->name()));
- CG_outputRepr *call = ocg->CreateInvoke(v->get_global_var()->base_name(), argList);
- return call;
- }
- }
- else
- assert(false);
-// return pair<if condition, <assignment rhs, assignment cost> >
-std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > output_assignment(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const Relation &R, int level, const Relation &known, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- Variable_ID v = const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level);
- Conjunct *c = const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct();
- std::pair<EQ_Handle, int> result = find_simplest_assignment(R, v, assigned_on_the_fly);
- if (result.second == INT_MAX)
- return std::make_pair(static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(NULL), std::make_pair(static_cast<CG_outputRepr *>(NULL), INT_MAX));
- CG_outputRepr *if_repr = NULL;
- CG_outputRepr *assign_repr = NULL;
- // check whether to generate if-conditions from equality constraints
- if (abs(result.first.get_coef(v)) != 1) {
- Relation r(R.n_set());
- F_Exists *f_exists = r.add_and()->add_exists();
- F_And *f_root = f_exists->add_and();
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> exists_mapping;
- exists_mapping[v] = f_exists->declare();
- EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(result.first); cvi; cvi++)
- switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
- case Input_Var: {
- if (cvi.curr_var() == v)
- h.update_coef(exists_mapping[v], cvi.curr_coef());
- else
- h.update_coef(r.set_var(cvi.curr_var()->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = cvi.curr_var()->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v2 = r.get_local(g);
- else
- v2 = r.get_local(g, cvi.curr_var()->function_of());
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID>::iterator p = exists_mapping.find(cvi.curr_var());
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (p == exists_mapping.end()) {
- v2 = f_exists->declare();
- exists_mapping[cvi.curr_var()] = v2;
- }
- else
- v2 = p->second;
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- h.update_const(result.first.get_const());
- for (EQ_Iterator e(c->EQs()); e; e++)
- if (!((*e) == result.first)) {
- EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
- case Input_Var: {
- assert(cvi.curr_var() != v);
- h.update_coef(r.set_var(cvi.curr_var()->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = cvi.curr_var()->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v2 = r.get_local(g);
- else
- v2 = r.get_local(g, cvi.curr_var()->function_of());
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID>::iterator p = exists_mapping.find(cvi.curr_var());
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (p == exists_mapping.end()) {
- v2 = f_exists->declare();
- exists_mapping[cvi.curr_var()] = v2;
- }
- else
- v2 = p->second;
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- h.update_const((*e).get_const());
- }
- for (GEQ_Iterator e(c->GEQs()); e; e++) {
- GEQ_Handle h = f_root->add_GEQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
- case Input_Var: {
- h.update_coef(r.set_var(cvi.curr_var()->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = cvi.curr_var()->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v2 = r.get_local(g);
- else
- v2 = r.get_local(g, cvi.curr_var()->function_of());
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID>::iterator p = exists_mapping.find(cvi.curr_var());
- Variable_ID v2;
- if (p == exists_mapping.end()) {
- v2 = f_exists->declare();
- exists_mapping[cvi.curr_var()] = v2;
- }
- else
- v2 = p->second;
- h.update_coef(v2, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- h.update_const((*e).get_const());
- }
- r.simplify();
- if (!Gist(r, copy(known), 1).is_obvious_tautology()) {
- CG_outputRepr *lhs = output_substitution_repr(ocg, result.first, v, false, R, assigned_on_the_fly);
- if_repr = ocg->CreateEQ(ocg->CreateIntegerMod(lhs->clone(), ocg->CreateInt(abs(result.first.get_coef(v)))), ocg->CreateInt(0));
- assign_repr = ocg->CreateDivide(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(abs(result.first.get_coef(v))));
- }
- else
- assign_repr = output_substitution_repr(ocg, result.first, v, true, R, assigned_on_the_fly);
- }
- else
- assign_repr = output_substitution_repr(ocg, result.first, v, true, R, assigned_on_the_fly);
- if (assign_repr == NULL)
- assign_repr = ocg->CreateInt(0);
- return std::make_pair(if_repr, std::make_pair(assign_repr, result.second));
-// return NULL if 0
-CG_outputRepr *output_substitution_repr(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const EQ_Handle &equality, Variable_ID v, bool apply_v_coef, const Relation &R, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- const_cast<Relation &>(R).setup_names(); // hack
- coef_t a = equality.get_coef(v);
- assert(a != 0);
- CG_outputRepr *repr = NULL;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(equality); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var() != v) {
- CG_outputRepr *t;
- if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Wildcard_Var) {
- std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, cvi.curr_var());
- if (!result.first) {
- delete repr;
- throw codegen_error("can't output non floor defined wildcard");
- }
- t = output_inequality_repr(ocg, result.second, cvi.curr_var(), R, assigned_on_the_fly);
- }
- else
- t = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi.curr_var(), assigned_on_the_fly);
- coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
- if (a > 0) {
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, t);
- else
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), t));
- }
- else { // coef < 0
- if (coef == -1)
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, t);
- else
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), t));
- }
- }
- else {
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, t);
- else
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), t));
- }
- else { // coef < 0
- if (coef == -1)
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, t);
- else
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), t));
- }
- }
- }
- int c = equality.get_const();
- if (a > 0) {
- if (c > 0)
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else if (c < 0)
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- }
- else {
- if (c > 0)
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else if (c < 0)
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- }
- if (apply_v_coef && abs(a) != 1)
- repr = ocg->CreateDivide(repr, ocg->CreateInt(abs(a)));
- return repr;
-// original Substitutions class from omega can't handle integer
-// division, this is new way.
-std::vector<CG_outputRepr*> output_substitutions(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const Relation &R, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> subs;
- for (int i = 1; i <= R.n_out(); i++) {
- Relation mapping(R.n_out(), 1);
- F_And *f_root = mapping.add_and();
- EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
- h.update_coef(mapping.output_var(1), 1);
- h.update_coef(mapping.input_var(i), -1);
- Relation r = Composition(mapping, copy(R));
- r.simplify();
- Variable_ID v = r.output_var(1);
- CG_outputRepr *repr = NULL;
- std::pair<EQ_Handle, int> result = find_simplest_assignment(r, v, assigned_on_the_fly);
- if (result.second < INT_MAX)
- repr = output_substitution_repr(ocg, result.first, v, true, r, assigned_on_the_fly);
- else {
- std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, v);
- if (result.first)
- try {
- repr = output_inequality_repr(ocg, result.second, v, R, assigned_on_the_fly);
- }
- catch (const codegen_error &) {
- }
- }
- subs.push_back(repr);
- }
- return subs;
-// handle floor definition wildcards in equality, the second in returned pair
-// is the cost.
-std::pair<EQ_Handle, int> find_simplest_assignment(const Relation &R, Variable_ID v, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- Conjunct *c = const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct();
- int min_cost = INT_MAX;
- EQ_Handle eq;
- for (EQ_Iterator e(c->EQs()); e; e++)
- if (!(*e).has_wildcards() && (*e).get_coef(v) != 0) {
- int cost = 0;
- if (abs((*e).get_coef(v)) != 1)
- cost += 4; // divide cost
- int num_var = 0;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var() != v) {
- num_var++;
- if (abs(cvi.curr_coef()) != 1)
- cost += 2; // multiply cost
- if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Global_Var && cvi.curr_var()->get_global_var()->arity() > 0)
- cost += 10; // function cost
- else if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Input_Var &&
- assigned_on_the_fly.size() >= cvi.curr_var()->get_position() &&
- assigned_on_the_fly[cvi.curr_var()->get_position()-1].first != NULL)
- cost += assigned_on_the_fly[cvi.curr_var()->get_position()-1].second; // substitution cost on record
- }
- if ((*e).get_const() != 0)
- num_var++;
- if (num_var > 1)
- cost += num_var - 1; // addition cost
- if (cost < min_cost) {
- min_cost = cost;
- eq = *e;
- }
- }
- if (min_cost < INT_MAX)
- return std::make_pair(eq, min_cost);
- for (EQ_Iterator e(c->EQs()); e; e++)
- if ((*e).has_wildcards() && (*e).get_coef(v) != 0) {
- bool is_assignment = true;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e, true); cvi; cvi++) {
- std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, v);
- if (!result.first) {
- is_assignment = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!is_assignment)
- continue;
- int cost = 0;
- if (abs((*e).get_coef(v)) != 1)
- cost += 4; // divide cost
- int num_var = 0;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var() != v) {
- num_var++;
- if (abs(cvi.curr_coef()) != 1)
- cost += 2; // multiply cost
- if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Wildcard_Var)
- cost += 10; // floor operation cost
- else if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Global_Var && cvi.curr_var()->get_global_var()->arity() > 0)
- cost += 20; // function cost
- else if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Input_Var &&
- assigned_on_the_fly.size() >= cvi.curr_var()->get_position() &&
- assigned_on_the_fly[cvi.curr_var()->get_position()-1].first != NULL)
- cost += assigned_on_the_fly[cvi.curr_var()->get_position()-1].second; // substitution cost on record
- }
- if ((*e).get_const() != 0)
- num_var++;
- if (num_var > 1)
- cost += num_var - 1; // addition cost
- if (cost < min_cost) {
- min_cost = cost;
- eq = *e;
- }
- }
- return std::make_pair(eq, min_cost);
-// find floor definition for variable v, e.g. m-c <= 4v <= m, (c is
-// constant and 0 <= c < 4). this translates to v = floor(m, 4) and
-// return 4v<=m in this case. All wildcards in such inequality are
-// also floor defined.
-std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> find_floor_definition(const Relation &R, Variable_ID v, std::set<Variable_ID> excluded_floor_vars) {
- Conjunct *c = const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct();
- excluded_floor_vars.insert(v);
- for (GEQ_Iterator e = c->GEQs(); e; e++) {
- coef_t a = (*e).get_coef(v);
- if (a >= -1)
- continue;
- a = -a;
- bool interested = true;
- for (std::set<Variable_ID>::const_iterator i = excluded_floor_vars.begin(); i != excluded_floor_vars.end(); i++)
- if ((*i) != v && (*e).get_coef(*i) != 0) {
- interested = false;
- break;
- }
- if (!interested)
- continue;
- // check if any wildcard is floor defined
- bool has_undefined_wc = false;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e, true); cvi; cvi++)
- if (excluded_floor_vars.find(cvi.curr_var()) == excluded_floor_vars.end()) {
- std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, cvi.curr_var(), excluded_floor_vars);
- if (!result.first) {
- has_undefined_wc = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (has_undefined_wc)
- continue;
- // find the matching upper bound for floor definition
- for (GEQ_Iterator e2 = c->GEQs(); e2; e2++)
- if ((*e2).get_coef(v) == a && (*e).get_const() + (*e2).get_const() < a) {
- bool match = true;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- if ((*e2).get_coef(cvi.curr_var()) != -cvi.curr_coef()) {
- match = false;
- break;
- }
- if (!match)
- continue;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e2); cvi; cvi++)
- if ((*e).get_coef(cvi.curr_var()) != -cvi.curr_coef()) {
- match = false;
- break;
- }
- if (match)
- return std::make_pair(true, *e);
- }
- }
- return std::make_pair(false, GEQ_Handle());
-// find the stride involving the specified variable, the stride
-// equality can have other wildcards as long as they are defined as
-// floor variables.
-std::pair<EQ_Handle, Variable_ID> find_simplest_stride(const Relation &R, Variable_ID v) {
- int best_num_var = INT_MAX;
- coef_t best_coef;
- EQ_Handle best_eq;
- Variable_ID best_stride_wc;
- for (EQ_Iterator e(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->EQs()); e; e++)
- if ((*e).has_wildcards() && (*e).get_coef(v) != 0) {
- bool is_stride = true;
- bool found_free = false;
- int num_var = 0;
- int num_floor = 0;
- Variable_ID stride_wc;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
- switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- bool is_free = true;
- for (GEQ_Iterator e2(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->GEQs()); e2; e2++)
- if ((*e2).get_coef(cvi.curr_var()) != 0) {
- is_free = false;
- break;
- }
- if (is_free) {
- if (found_free)
- is_stride = false;
- else {
- found_free = true;
- stride_wc = cvi.curr_var();
- }
- }
- else {
- std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, cvi.curr_var());
- if (result.first)
- num_floor++;
- else
- is_stride = false;
- }
- break;
- }
- case Input_Var:
- num_var++;
- break;
- default:
- ;
- }
- if (!is_stride)
- break;
- }
- if (is_stride) {
- coef_t coef = abs((*e).get_coef(v));
- if (best_num_var == INT_MAX || coef < best_coef ||
- (coef == best_coef && num_var < best_num_var)) {
- best_coef = coef;
- best_num_var = num_var;
- best_eq = *e;
- best_stride_wc = stride_wc;
- }
- }
- }
- if (best_num_var != INT_MAX)
- return std::make_pair(best_eq, best_stride_wc);
- else
- return std::make_pair(EQ_Handle(), static_cast<Variable_ID>(NULL));
-// convert relation to if-condition
-CG_outputRepr *output_guard(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const Relation &R, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- assert(R.n_out()==0);
- CG_outputRepr *result = NULL;
- Conjunct *c = const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct();
- // e.g. 4i=5*j
- for (EQ_Iterator e = c->EQs(); e; e++)
- if (!(*e).has_wildcards()) {
- CG_outputRepr *lhs = NULL;
- CG_outputRepr *rhs = NULL;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
- CG_outputRepr *v = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi.curr_var(), assigned_on_the_fly);
- coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, v);
- else
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v));
- }
- else { // coef < 0
- if (coef == -1)
- rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, v);
- else
- rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v));
- }
- }
- coef_t c = (*e).get_const();
- CG_outputRepr *term;
- if (lhs == NULL)
- term = ocg->CreateEQ(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else {
- if (c > 0)
- rhs = ocg->CreateMinus(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else if (c < 0)
- rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- else if (rhs == NULL)
- rhs = ocg->CreateInt(0);
- term = ocg->CreateEQ(lhs, rhs);
- }
- result = ocg->CreateAnd(result, term);
- }
- // e.g. i>5j
- for (GEQ_Iterator e = c->GEQs(); e; e++)
- if (!(*e).has_wildcards()) {
- CG_outputRepr *lhs = NULL;
- CG_outputRepr *rhs = NULL;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
- CG_outputRepr *v = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi.curr_var(), assigned_on_the_fly);
- coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, v);
- else
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v));
- }
- else { // coef < 0
- if (coef == -1)
- rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, v);
- else
- rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v));
- }
- }
- coef_t c = (*e).get_const();
- CG_outputRepr *term;
- if (lhs == NULL)
- term = ocg->CreateLE(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else {
- if (c > 0)
- rhs = ocg->CreateMinus(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else if (c < 0)
- rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- else if (rhs == NULL)
- rhs = ocg->CreateInt(0);
- term = ocg->CreateGE(lhs, rhs);
- }
- result = ocg->CreateAnd(result, term);
- }
- // e.g. 4i=5j+4alpha
- for (EQ_Iterator e = c->EQs(); e; e++)
- if ((*e).has_wildcards()) {
- Variable_ID wc;
- int num_wildcard = 0;
- int num_positive = 0;
- int num_negative = 0;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
- if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Wildcard_Var) {
- num_wildcard++;
- wc = cvi.curr_var();
- }
- else {
- if (cvi.curr_coef() > 0)
- num_positive++;
- else
- num_negative++;
- }
- }
- if (num_wildcard > 1) {
- delete result;
- throw codegen_error("Can't generate equality condition with multiple wildcards");
- }
- int sign = (num_positive>=num_negative)?1:-1;
- CG_outputRepr *lhs = NULL;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
- if (cvi.curr_var() != wc) {
- CG_outputRepr *v = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi.curr_var(), assigned_on_the_fly);
- coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
- if (sign == 1) {
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, v);
- else
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v));
- }
- else { // coef < 0
- if (coef == -1)
- lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, v);
- else
- lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v));
- }
- }
- else {
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, v);
- else
- lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v));
- }
- else { // coef < 0
- if (coef == -1)
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, v);
- else
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- coef_t c = (*e).get_const();
- if (sign == 1) {
- if (c > 0)
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else if (c < 0)
- lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- }
- else {
- if (c > 0)
- lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else if (c < 0)
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- }
- lhs = ocg->CreateIntegerMod(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(abs((*e).get_coef(wc))));
- CG_outputRepr *term = ocg->CreateEQ(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(0));
- result = ocg->CreateAnd(result, term);
- }
- // e.g. 4alpha<=i<=5alpha
- for (GEQ_Iterator e = c->GEQs(); e; e++)
- if ((*e).has_wildcards()) {
- Variable_ID wc;
- int num_wildcard = 0;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e, true); cvi; cvi++)
- if (num_wildcard == 0) {
- wc = cvi.curr_var();
- num_wildcard = 1;
- }
- else
- num_wildcard++;
- if (num_wildcard > 1) {
- delete result;
- // e.g. c*alpha - x >= 0 (*)
- // -d*alpha + y >= 0 (*)
- // e1*alpha + f1*beta + g1 >= 0 (**)
- // e2*alpha + f2*beta + g2 >= 0 (**)
- // ...
- // TODO: should generate a testing loop for alpha using its lower and
- // upper bounds from (*) constraints and do the same if-condition test
- // for beta from each pair of opposite (**) constraints as above,
- // and exit the loop when if-condition satisfied.
- throw codegen_error("Can't generate multiple wildcard GEQ guards right now");
- }
- coef_t c = (*e).get_coef(wc);
- int sign = (c>0)?1:-1;
- GEQ_Iterator e2 = e;
- e2++;
- for ( ; e2; e2++) {
- coef_t c2 = (*e2).get_coef(wc);
- if (c2 == 0)
- continue;
- int sign2 = (c2>0)?1:-1;
- if (sign != -sign2)
- continue;
- int num_wildcard2 = 0;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e2, true); cvi; cvi++)
- num_wildcard2++;
- if (num_wildcard2 > 1)
- continue;
- GEQ_Handle lb, ub;
- if (sign == 1) {
- lb = (*e);
- ub = (*e2);
- }
- else {
- lb = (*e2);
- ub = (*e);
- }
- CG_outputRepr *lhs = NULL;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(lb); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var() != wc) {
- CG_outputRepr *v = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi.curr_var(), assigned_on_the_fly);
- coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, v);
- else
- lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v));
- }
- else { // coef < 0
- if (coef == -1)
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, v);
- else
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v));
- }
- }
- coef_t c = lb.get_const();
- if (c > 0)
- lhs = ocg->CreateMinus(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else if (c < 0)
- lhs = ocg->CreatePlus(lhs, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- CG_outputRepr *rhs = NULL;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(ub); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var() != wc) {
- CG_outputRepr *v = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi.curr_var(), assigned_on_the_fly);
- coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, v);
- else
- rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v));
- }
- else { // coef < 0
- if (coef == -1)
- rhs = ocg->CreateMinus(rhs, v);
- else
- rhs = ocg->CreateMinus(rhs, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v));
- }
- }
- c = ub.get_const();
- if (c > 0)
- rhs = ocg->CreatePlus(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else if (c < 0)
- rhs = ocg->CreateMinus(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- rhs = ocg->CreateIntegerFloor(rhs, ocg->CreateInt(-ub.get_coef(wc)));
- rhs = ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(lb.get_coef(wc)), rhs);
- CG_outputRepr *term = ocg->CreateLE(lhs, rhs);
- result = ocg->CreateAnd(result, term);
- }
- }
- return result;
-// return NULL if 0
-CG_outputRepr *output_inequality_repr(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const GEQ_Handle &inequality, Variable_ID v, const Relation &R, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly, std::set<Variable_ID> excluded_floor_vars) {
- const_cast<Relation &>(R).setup_names(); // hack
- coef_t a = inequality.get_coef(v);
- assert(a != 0);
- excluded_floor_vars.insert(v);
- CG_outputRepr *repr = NULL;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(inequality); cvi; cvi++)
- if (cvi.curr_var() != v) {
- CG_outputRepr *t;
- if (cvi.curr_var()->kind() == Wildcard_Var) {
- std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, cvi.curr_var(), excluded_floor_vars);
- if (!result.first) {
- delete repr;
- throw codegen_error("Can't generate bound expression with wildcard not involved in floor definition");
- }
- try {
- t = output_inequality_repr(ocg, result.second, cvi.curr_var(), R, assigned_on_the_fly, excluded_floor_vars);
- }
- catch (const std::exception &e) {
- delete repr;
- throw e;
- }
- }
- else
- t = output_ident(ocg, R, cvi.curr_var(), assigned_on_the_fly);
- coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
- if (a > 0) {
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, t);
- else
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), t));
- }
- else {
- if (coef == -1)
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, t);
- else
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), t));
- }
- }
- else {
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, t);
- else
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), t));
- }
- else {
- if (coef == -1)
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, t);
- else
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), t));
- }
- }
- }
- coef_t c = inequality.get_const();
- if (c > 0) {
- if (a > 0)
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- }
- else if (c < 0) {
- if (a > 0)
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- else
- repr = ocg->CreateMinus(repr, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- }
- if (abs(a) == 1)
- return repr;
- else if (a > 0)
- return ocg->CreateIntegerCeil(repr, ocg->CreateInt(a));
- else // a < 0
- return ocg->CreateIntegerFloor(repr, ocg->CreateInt(-a));
-// nothing special, just an alias
-CG_outputRepr *output_upper_bound_repr(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const GEQ_Handle &inequality, Variable_ID v, const Relation &R, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- assert(inequality.get_coef(v) < 0);
- CG_outputRepr* zero_;
- zero_ = output_inequality_repr(ocg, inequality, v, R, assigned_on_the_fly);
- if(!zero_)
- zero_ = ocg->CreateInt(0);
- return zero_;
-// output lower bound with respect to lattice
-CG_outputRepr *output_lower_bound_repr(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const GEQ_Handle &inequality, Variable_ID v, const EQ_Handle &stride_eq, Variable_ID wc, const Relation &R, const Relation &known, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- assert(inequality.get_coef(v) > 0);
- CG_outputRepr* zero_;
- if (wc == NULL || bound_must_hit_stride(inequality, v, stride_eq, wc, R, known)){
- zero_ = output_inequality_repr(ocg, inequality, v, R, assigned_on_the_fly);
- if(!zero_)
- zero_ = ocg->CreateInt(0);
- return zero_;
- }
- CG_outputRepr *strideBoundRepr = NULL;
- int sign = (stride_eq.get_coef(v)>0)?1:-1;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(stride_eq); cvi; cvi++) {
- Variable_ID v2 = cvi.curr_var();
- if (v2 == v || v2 == wc)
- continue;
- CG_outputRepr *v_repr;
- if (v2->kind() == Input_Var || v2->kind() == Global_Var)
- v_repr = output_ident(ocg, R, v2, assigned_on_the_fly);
- else if (v2->kind() == Wildcard_Var) {
- std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, v2);
- assert(result.first);
- v_repr = output_inequality_repr(ocg, result.second, v2, R, assigned_on_the_fly);
- }
- coef_t coef = cvi.curr_coef();
- if (sign < 0) {
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreatePlus(strideBoundRepr, v_repr);
- else
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreatePlus(strideBoundRepr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v_repr));
- }
- else { // coef < 0
- if (coef == -1)
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr, v_repr);
- else
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v_repr));
- }
- }
- else {
- if (coef > 0) {
- if (coef == 1)
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr, v_repr);
- else
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(coef), v_repr));
- }
- else { // coef < 0
- if (coef == -1)
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreatePlus(strideBoundRepr, v_repr);
- else
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreatePlus(strideBoundRepr, ocg->CreateTimes(ocg->CreateInt(-coef), v_repr));
- }
- }
- }
- coef_t c = stride_eq.get_const();
- if (c > 0) {
- if (sign < 0)
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreatePlus(strideBoundRepr, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- else
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr, ocg->CreateInt(c));
- }
- else if (c < 0) {
- if (sign < 0)
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- else
- strideBoundRepr = ocg->CreatePlus(strideBoundRepr, ocg->CreateInt(-c));
- }
- CG_outputRepr *repr = output_inequality_repr(ocg, inequality, v, R, assigned_on_the_fly);
- CG_outputRepr *repr2 = ocg->CreateCopy(repr);
- repr = ocg->CreatePlus(repr2, ocg->CreateIntegerMod(ocg->CreateMinus(strideBoundRepr, repr), ocg->CreateInt(abs(stride_eq.get_coef(wc)))));
- return repr;
-// return loop control structure only
-CG_outputRepr *output_loop(CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const Relation &R, int level, const Relation &known, const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- std::pair<EQ_Handle, Variable_ID> result = find_simplest_stride(R, const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level));
- if (result.second != NULL)
- assert(abs(result.first.get_coef(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level))) == 1);
- std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> lbList, ubList;
- try {
- coef_t const_lb = negInfinity, const_ub = posInfinity;
- for (GEQ_Iterator e(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->GEQs()); e; e++) {
- coef_t coef = (*e).get_coef(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level));
- if (coef > 0) {
- CG_outputRepr *repr = output_lower_bound_repr(ocg, *e, const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level), result.first, result.second, R, known, assigned_on_the_fly);
- if (repr == NULL)
- repr = ocg->CreateInt(0);
- lbList.push_back(repr);
- if ((*e).is_const(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level))){
- if(!result.second) {
- //no variables but v in constr
- coef_t L,m;
- L = -((*e).get_const());
- m = (*e).get_coef(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level));
- coef_t sb = (int) (ceil(((float) L) /m));
- set_max(const_lb, sb);
- }
- else{
- coef_t L,m,s,c;
- L = -((*e).get_const());
- m = (*e).get_coef(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level));
- s = abs(result.first.get_coef(result.second));
- c = result.first.get_const();
- coef_t sb = (s * (int) (ceil( (float) (L - (c * m)) /(s*m))))+ c;
- set_max(const_lb, sb);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (coef < 0) {
- CG_outputRepr *repr = output_upper_bound_repr(ocg, *e, const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level), R, assigned_on_the_fly);
- if (repr == NULL)
- repr = ocg->CreateInt(0);
- ubList.push_back(repr);
- if ((*e).is_const(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level))) {
- // no variables but v in constraint
- set_min(const_ub,-(*e).get_const()/(*e).get_coef(const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level)));
- }
- }
- }
- if(fillInBounds && lbList.size() == 1 && const_lb != negInfinity)
- lowerBoundForLevel = const_lb;
- if(fillInBounds && const_ub != posInfinity)
- upperBoundForLevel = const_ub;
- if (lbList.size() == 0)
- throw codegen_error("missing lower bound at loop level " + to_string(level));
- if (ubList.size() == 0)
- throw codegen_error("missing upper bound at loop level " + to_string(level));
- }
- catch (const std::exception &e) {
- for (int i = 0; i < lbList.size(); i++)
- delete lbList[i];
- for (int i = 0; i < ubList.size(); i++)
- delete ubList[i];
- throw e;
- }
- CG_outputRepr *lbRepr = NULL;
- if (lbList.size() > 1)
- lbRepr = ocg->CreateInvoke("max", lbList);
- else // (lbList.size() == 1)
- lbRepr = lbList[0];
- CG_outputRepr *ubRepr = NULL;
- if (ubList.size() > 1)
- ubRepr = ocg->CreateInvoke("min", ubList);
- else // (ubList.size() == 1)
- ubRepr = ubList[0];
- CG_outputRepr *stRepr;
- if (result.second == NULL)
- stRepr = ocg->CreateInt(1);
- else
- stRepr = ocg->CreateInt(abs(result.first.get_coef(result.second)));
- CG_outputRepr *indexRepr = output_ident(ocg, R, const_cast<Relation &>(R).set_var(level), assigned_on_the_fly);
- return ocg->CreateInductive(indexRepr, lbRepr, ubRepr, stRepr);
-// parameter f_root is inside f_exists, not the other way around.
-// return replicated variable in new relation, with all cascaded floor definitions
-// using wildcards defined in the same way as in the original relation.
-Variable_ID replicate_floor_definition(const Relation &R, const Variable_ID floor_var,
- Relation &r, F_Exists *f_exists, F_And *f_root,
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID> &exists_mapping) {
- assert(R.n_out() == 0 && r.n_out() == 0 && R.n_inp() == r.n_inp());
- std::set<Variable_ID> excluded_floor_vars;
- std::stack<Variable_ID> to_fill;
- to_fill.push(floor_var);
- while (!to_fill.empty()) {
- Variable_ID v =;
- to_fill.pop();
- if (excluded_floor_vars.find(v) != excluded_floor_vars.end())
- continue;
- std::pair<bool, GEQ_Handle> result = find_floor_definition(R, v, excluded_floor_vars);
- assert(result.first);
- excluded_floor_vars.insert(v);
- GEQ_Handle h1 = f_root->add_GEQ();
- GEQ_Handle h2 = f_root->add_GEQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(result.second); cvi; cvi++) {
- Variable_ID v2 = cvi.curr_var();
- switch (v2->kind()) {
- case Input_Var: {
- int pos = v2->get_position();
- h1.update_coef(r.input_var(pos), cvi.curr_coef());
- h2.update_coef(r.input_var(pos), -cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- case Wildcard_Var: {
- std::map<Variable_ID, Variable_ID>::iterator p = exists_mapping.find(v2);
- Variable_ID v3;
- if (p == exists_mapping.end()) {
- v3 = f_exists->declare();
- exists_mapping[v2] = v3;
- }
- else
- v3 = p->second;
- h1.update_coef(v3, cvi.curr_coef());
- h2.update_coef(v3, -cvi.curr_coef());
- if (v2 != v)
- to_fill.push(v2);
- break;
- }
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = v2->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v3;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v3 = r.get_local(g);
- else
- v3 = r.get_local(g, v2->function_of());
- h1.update_coef(v3, cvi.curr_coef());
- h2.update_coef(v3, -cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- h1.update_const(result.second.get_const());
- h2.update_const(-result.second.get_const()-result.second.get_coef(v)-1);
- }
- if (floor_var->kind() == Input_Var)
- return r.input_var(floor_var->get_position());
- else if (floor_var->kind() == Wildcard_Var)
- return exists_mapping[floor_var];
- else
- assert(false);
-// pick one guard condition from relation. it can involve multiple
-// constraints when involving wildcards, as long as its complement
-// is a single conjunct.
-Relation pick_one_guard(const Relation &R, int level) {
- assert(R.n_out()==0);
- Relation r = Relation::True(R.n_set());
- for (GEQ_Iterator e(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->GEQs()); e; e++)
- if (!(*e).has_wildcards()) {
- r.and_with_GEQ(*e);
- r.simplify();
- r.copy_names(R);
- r.setup_names();
- return r;
- }
- for (EQ_Iterator e(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->EQs()); e; e++)
- if (!(*e).has_wildcards()) {
- r.and_with_GEQ(*e);
- r.simplify();
- r.copy_names(R);
- r.setup_names();
- return r;
- }
- for (EQ_Iterator e(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->EQs()); e; e++)
- if ((*e).has_wildcards()) {
- int num_wildcard = 0;
- int max_level = 0;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
- case Wildcard_Var:
- num_wildcard++;
- break;
- case Input_Var:
- if (cvi.curr_var()->get_position() > max_level)
- max_level = cvi.curr_var()->get_position();
- break;
- default:
- ;
- }
- if (num_wildcard == 1 && max_level != level-1) {
- r.and_with_EQ(*e);
- r.simplify();
- r.copy_names(R);
- r.setup_names();
- return r;
- }
- }
- for (GEQ_Iterator e(const_cast<Relation &>(R).single_conjunct()->GEQs()); e; e++)
- if ((*e).has_wildcards()) {
- int num_wildcard = 0;
- int max_level = 0;
- bool direction;
- Variable_ID wc;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++)
- switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
- case Wildcard_Var:
- num_wildcard++;
- wc = cvi.curr_var();
- direction = cvi.curr_coef()>0?true:false;
- break;
- case Input_Var:
- if (cvi.curr_var()->get_position() > max_level)
- max_level = cvi.curr_var()->get_position();
- break;
- default:
- ;
- }
- if (num_wildcard == 1 && max_level != level-1) {
- // find the pairing inequality
- GEQ_Iterator e2 = e;
- e2++;
- for ( ; e2; e2++) {
- int num_wildcard2 = 0;
- int max_level2 = 0;
- bool direction2;
- Variable_ID wc2;
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e2); cvi; cvi++)
- switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
- case Wildcard_Var:
- num_wildcard2++;
- wc2 = cvi.curr_var();
- direction2 = cvi.curr_coef()>0?true:false;
- break;
- case Input_Var:
- if (cvi.curr_var()->get_position() > max_level2)
- max_level2 = cvi.curr_var()->get_position();
- break;
- default:
- ;
- }
- if (num_wildcard2 == 1 && max_level2 != level-1 && wc2 == wc && direction2 == not direction) {
- F_Exists *f_exists = r.and_with_and()->add_exists();
- Variable_ID wc3 = f_exists->declare();
- F_And *f_root = f_exists->add_and();
- GEQ_Handle h = f_root->add_GEQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e); cvi; cvi++) {
- switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
- case Wildcard_Var:
- h.update_coef(wc3, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- case Input_Var:
- h.update_coef(r.input_var(cvi.curr_var()->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = cvi.curr_var()->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v = r.get_local(g);
- else
- v = r.get_local(g, cvi.curr_var()->function_of());
- h.update_coef(v, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- h.update_const((*e).get_const());
- h = f_root->add_GEQ();
- for (Constr_Vars_Iter cvi(*e2); cvi; cvi++) {
- switch (cvi.curr_var()->kind()) {
- case Wildcard_Var:
- h.update_coef(wc3, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- case Input_Var:
- h.update_coef(r.input_var(cvi.curr_var()->get_position()), cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- case Global_Var: {
- Global_Var_ID g = cvi.curr_var()->get_global_var();
- Variable_ID v;
- if (g->arity() == 0)
- v = r.get_local(g);
- else
- v = r.get_local(g, cvi.curr_var()->function_of());
- h.update_coef(v, cvi.curr_coef());
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- h.update_const((*e2).get_const());
- r.simplify();
- r.copy_names(R);
- r.setup_names();
- return r;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// heavy lifting for code output for one leaf node
-CG_outputRepr *leaf_print_repr(BoolSet<> active, const std::map<int, Relation> &guards,
- CG_outputRepr *guard_repr, const Relation &known,
- int indent, CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const std::vector<int> &remap,
- const std::vector<Relation> &xforms, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts,
- const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- if (active.num_elem() == 0)
- return NULL;
- CG_outputRepr *stmt_list = NULL;
- for (BoolSet<>::iterator i = active.begin(); i != active.end(); i++) {
- std::map<int, Relation>::const_iterator j = guards.find(*i);
- if (j == guards.end() || Must_Be_Subset(copy(known), copy(j->second))) {
- Relation mapping = Inverse(copy((xforms[remap[*i]])));
- mapping.simplify();
- mapping.setup_names();
- std::vector<std::string> loop_vars;
- for (int k = 1; k <= mapping.n_out(); k++) {
- loop_vars.push_back(mapping.output_var(k)->name());
-// std::cout << "CG_Utils:: " << k << ", " << mapping.output_var(k)->name().c_str() << "\n";
- }
- std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> sList = output_substitutions(ocg, mapping, assigned_on_the_fly);
- stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list, ocg->CreateSubstitutedStmt((guard_repr==NULL)?indent:indent+1, stmts[remap[*i]]->clone(), loop_vars, sList));
- active.unset(*i);
- }
- }
- if (stmt_list != NULL) {
- if (active.num_elem() != 0)
- stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list, leaf_print_repr(active, guards, NULL, known, (guard_repr==NULL)?indent:indent+1, ocg, remap, xforms, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly));
- if (guard_repr == NULL)
- return stmt_list;
- else
- return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guard_repr, stmt_list, NULL);
- }
- else {
- Relation then_cond = find_best_guard(const_cast<std::map<int, Relation> &>(guards)[*(active.begin())], active, guards);
- assert(!then_cond.is_obvious_tautology());
- Relation new_then_known = Intersection(copy(known), copy(then_cond));
- new_then_known.simplify();
- Relation else_cond = Complement(copy(then_cond));
- else_cond.simplify();
- Relation new_else_known = Intersection(copy(known), copy(else_cond));
- new_else_known.simplify();
- BoolSet<> then_active(active.size()), else_active(active.size()), indep_active(active.size());
- std::map<int, Relation> then_guards, else_guards;
- for (BoolSet<>::iterator i = active.begin(); i != active.end(); i++) {
- Relation &r = const_cast<std::map<int, Relation> &>(guards)[*i];
- if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(r), copy(then_cond))) {
- Relation r2 = Gist(copy(r), copy(then_cond), 1);
- if (!r2.is_obvious_tautology())
- then_guards[*i] = r2;
- then_active.set(*i);
- }
- else if (Must_Be_Subset(copy(r), copy(else_cond))) {
- Relation r2 = Gist(copy(r), copy(else_cond), 1);
- if (!r2.is_obvious_tautology())
- else_guards[*i] = r2;
- else_active.set(*i);
- }
- else
- indep_active.set(*i);
- }
- assert(!then_active.empty());
- CG_outputRepr *new_guard_repr = output_guard(ocg, then_cond, assigned_on_the_fly);
- if (else_active.empty() && indep_active.empty()) {
- guard_repr = ocg->CreateAnd(guard_repr, new_guard_repr);
- return leaf_print_repr(then_active, then_guards, guard_repr, new_then_known, indent, ocg, remap, xforms, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly);
- }
- else if (else_active.empty() && !indep_active.empty()) {
- int new_indent = (guard_repr==NULL)?indent:indent+1;
- stmt_list = leaf_print_repr(then_active, then_guards, new_guard_repr, new_then_known, new_indent, ocg, remap, xforms, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly);
- stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list, leaf_print_repr(indep_active, guards, NULL, known, new_indent, ocg, remap, xforms, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly));
- if (guard_repr == NULL)
- return stmt_list;
- else
- return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guard_repr, stmt_list, NULL);
- }
- else { // (!else_active.empty())
- int new_indent = (guard_repr==NULL)?indent:indent+1;
- CG_outputRepr *then_stmt_list = leaf_print_repr(then_active, then_guards, NULL, new_then_known, new_indent+1, ocg, remap, xforms, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly);
- CG_outputRepr *else_stmt_list = leaf_print_repr(else_active, else_guards, NULL, new_else_known, new_indent+1, ocg, remap, xforms, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly);
- stmt_list = ocg->CreateIf(new_indent, new_guard_repr, then_stmt_list, else_stmt_list);
- if (!indep_active.empty())
- stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list, leaf_print_repr(indep_active, guards, NULL, known, new_indent, ocg, remap, xforms, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly));
- if (guard_repr == NULL)
- return stmt_list;
- else
- return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guard_repr, stmt_list, NULL);
- }
- }
-// heavy lifting for code output for one level of loop nodes
-CG_outputRepr *loop_print_repr(const std::vector<CG_loop *> &loops, int start, int end,
- const Relation &guard, CG_outputRepr *guard_repr,
- int indent, CG_outputBuilder *ocg, const std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> &stmts,
- const std::vector<std::pair<CG_outputRepr *, int> > &assigned_on_the_fly) {
- if (start >= end)
- return NULL;
- Relation R = Gist(copy(loops[start]->guard_), copy(guard), 1);
- if (Must_Be_Subset(Intersection(copy(loops[start]->known_), copy(guard)), copy(R))) {
- int new_indent = (guard_repr==NULL)?indent:indent+1;
- int i = start+1;
- for ( ; i < end; i++)
- if (!Gist(copy(loops[i]->guard_), copy(guard), 1).is_obvious_tautology())
- break;
- CG_outputRepr *stmt_list = NULL;
- for (int j = start; j < i; j++)
- stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list, loops[j]->printRepr(false, new_indent, ocg, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly));
- stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list, loop_print_repr(loops, i, end, guard, NULL, new_indent, ocg, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly));
- if (guard_repr == NULL)
- return stmt_list;
- else
- return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guard_repr, stmt_list, NULL);
- }
- Relation then_cond = find_best_guard(R, loops, start, end);
- assert(!then_cond.is_obvious_tautology());
- Relation else_cond = Complement(copy(then_cond));
- else_cond.simplify();
- std::vector<CG_loop *> then_loops, else_loops, indep_loops;
- int i = start;
- for ( ; i < end; i++)
- if (!Must_Be_Subset(copy(loops[i]->guard_), copy(then_cond)))
- break;
- int j = i;
- for ( ; j < end; j++)
- if (!Must_Be_Subset(copy(loops[j]->guard_), copy(else_cond)))
- break;
- assert(i>start);
- CG_outputRepr *new_guard_repr = output_guard(ocg, then_cond, assigned_on_the_fly);
- if (j == i && end == j) {
- guard_repr = ocg->CreateAnd(guard_repr, new_guard_repr);
- Relation new_guard = Intersection(copy(guard), copy(then_cond));
- new_guard.simplify();
- return loop_print_repr(loops, start, end, new_guard, guard_repr, indent, ocg, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly);
- }
- else if (j == i && end > j) {
- int new_indent = (guard_repr==NULL)?indent:indent+1;
- Relation new_guard = Intersection(copy(guard), copy(then_cond));
- new_guard.simplify();
- CG_outputRepr *stmt_list = loop_print_repr(loops, start, i, new_guard, new_guard_repr, new_indent, ocg, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly);
- stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list, loop_print_repr(loops, j, end, guard, NULL, new_indent, ocg, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly));
- if (guard_repr == NULL)
- return stmt_list;
- else
- return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guard_repr, stmt_list, NULL);
- }
- else { // (j > i)
- int new_indent = (guard_repr==NULL)?indent:indent+1;
- Relation then_new_guard = Intersection(copy(guard), copy(then_cond));
- then_new_guard.simplify();
- CG_outputRepr *then_stmt_list = loop_print_repr(loops, start, i, then_new_guard, NULL, new_indent+1, ocg, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly);
- Relation else_new_guard = Intersection(copy(guard), copy(else_cond));
- else_new_guard.simplify();
- CG_outputRepr *else_stmt_list = loop_print_repr(loops, i, j, else_new_guard, NULL, new_indent+1, ocg, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly);
- CG_outputRepr *stmt_list = ocg->CreateIf(new_indent, new_guard_repr, then_stmt_list, else_stmt_list);
- stmt_list = ocg->StmtListAppend(stmt_list, loop_print_repr(loops, j, end, guard, NULL, new_indent, ocg, stmts, assigned_on_the_fly));
- if (guard_repr == NULL)
- return stmt_list;
- else
- return ocg->CreateIf(indent, guard_repr, stmt_list, NULL);
- }
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index 92ca702..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 1994-2000 the Omega Project Team
- Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Chun Chen
- All Rights Reserved.
- Purpose:
- CodeGen class as entry point for code generation.
- Notes:
- Loop variable name prefix should not cause any possible name conflicts
- with original loop variables wrapped in statement holder. This guarantees
- that variable substitution done correctly in the generated code.
- History:
- 04/24/96 MMGenerateCode, added by Fortran D people. Lei Zhou
- 09/17/08 loop overhead removal based on actual nesting depth -- by chun
- 03/05/11 fold MMGenerateCode into CodeGen class, Chun Chen
-#include <typeinfo>
-#include <omega.h>
-#include <basic/util.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <code_gen/CG.h>
-#include <code_gen/codegen.h>
-#include <code_gen/CG_outputBuilder.h>
-#include <code_gen/codegen_error.h>
-namespace omega {
-const std::string CodeGen::loop_var_name_prefix = "t";
-const int CodeGen::var_substitution_threshold = 10;
-//Anand--adding stuff to make Chun's code work with Gabe's
-std::vector< std::vector<int> > smtNonSplitLevels;
-std::vector< std::vector<std::string> > loopIdxNames;//per stmt
-std::vector< std::pair<int, std::string> > syncs;
-CodeGen::CodeGen(const std::vector<Relation> &xforms, const std::vector<Relation> &IS, const Relation &known, std::vector< std::vector<int> > smtNonSplitLevels_ , std::vector< std::vector<std::string> > loopIdxNames_, std::vector< std::pair<int, std::string> > syncs_) {
- // check for sanity of parameters
- int num_stmt = IS.size();
- if (xforms.size() != num_stmt)
- throw std::invalid_argument("number of iteration spaces does not match number of transformations");
- known_ = copy(known);
- if (known_.n_out() != 0)
- throw std::invalid_argument("known condition must be a set relation");
- if (known_.is_null())
- known_ = Relation::True(0);
- else
- known_.simplify(2, 4);
- if (!known_.is_upper_bound_satisfiable())
- return;
- if (known_.number_of_conjuncts() > 1)
- throw std::invalid_argument("only one conjunct allowed in known condition");
- xforms_ = xforms;
- for (int i = 0; i < num_stmt; i++) {
- xforms_[i].simplify();
- if (!xforms_[i].has_single_conjunct())
- throw std::invalid_argument("mapping relation must have only one conjunct");
- if (xforms_[i].n_inp() != IS[i].n_inp() || IS[i].n_out() != 0)
- throw std::invalid_argument("illegal iteration space or transformation arity");
- }
- //protonu--
- //easier to handle this as a global
- smtNonSplitLevels = smtNonSplitLevels_;
- syncs = syncs_;
- loopIdxNames = loopIdxNames_;
- //end-protonu
- // find the maximum iteration space dimension we are going to operate on
- int num_level = known_.n_inp();
- for (int i = 0; i < num_stmt; i++)
- if (xforms_[i].n_out() > num_level)
- num_level = xforms_[i].n_out();
- known_ = Extend_Set(known_, num_level-known_.n_inp());
- for (int i = 1; i <= num_level; i++)
- known_.name_set_var(i, loop_var_name_prefix + to_string(i));
- known_.setup_names();
- // split disjoint conjunctions in original iteration spaces
- std::vector<Relation> new_IS;
- for (int i = 0; i < num_stmt; i++) {
- for (int j = 1; j <= IS[i].n_inp(); j++)
- xforms_[i].name_input_var(j, const_cast<std::vector<Relation> &>(IS)[i].input_var(j)->name());
- for (int j = 1; j <= xforms_[i].n_out(); j++)
- xforms_[i].name_output_var(j, loop_var_name_prefix + to_string(j));
- xforms_[i].setup_names();
- Relation R = Range(Restrict_Domain(copy(xforms_[i]), copy(IS[i])));
- R = Intersection(Extend_Set(R, num_level-R.n_inp()), copy(known_));
- R.simplify(2, 4);
- if (R.is_inexact())
- throw codegen_error("cannot generate code for inexact iteration spaces");
- while(R.is_upper_bound_satisfiable()) {
- DNF *dnf = R.query_DNF();
- DNF_Iterator c(dnf);
- Relation R2 = Relation(R, *c);
- R2.simplify();
- new_IS.push_back(copy(R2));
- remap_.push_back(i);
- if (!
- break;
- Relation remainder(R, *c);
- while ( {
- remainder = Union(remainder, Relation(R, *c));
- }
- R = Difference(remainder, R2);
- R.simplify(2, 4);
- }
- }
- // number of new statements after splitting
- num_stmt = new_IS.size();
- if(!smtNonSplitLevels.empty())
- smtNonSplitLevels.resize(num_stmt);
- // assign a dummy value to loops created for the purpose of expanding to maximum dimension
- for (int i = 0; i < num_stmt; i++) {
- if (xforms[remap_[i]].n_out() < num_level) {
- F_And *f_root = new_IS[i].and_with_and();
- for (int j = xforms[remap_[i]].n_out()+1; j <= num_level; j++) {
- EQ_Handle h = f_root->add_EQ();
- h.update_coef(new_IS[i].set_var(j), 1);
- h.update_const(posInfinity);
- }
- new_IS[i].simplify();
- }
- }
- // calculate projected subspaces for each loop level once and save for CG tree manipulation later
- projected_IS_ = std::vector<std::vector<Relation> >(num_level);
- for (int i = 0; i < num_level; i++)
- projected_IS_[i] = std::vector<Relation>(num_stmt);
- for (int i = 0; i < num_stmt; i++) {
- if (num_level > 0)
- projected_IS_[num_level-1][i] = new_IS[i];
- for (int j = num_level-1; j >= 1; j--) {
- projected_IS_[j-1][i] = Project(copy(projected_IS_[j][i]), j+1, Set_Var);
- projected_IS_[j-1][i].simplify(2, 4);
- }
- }
-CG_result *CodeGen::buildAST(int level, const BoolSet<> &active, bool split_on_const, const Relation &restriction) {
- if (level > num_level())
- return new CG_leaf(this, active);
- int num_active_stmt = active.num_elem();
- if (num_active_stmt == 0)
- return NULL;
- else if (num_active_stmt == 1)
- return new CG_loop(this, active, level, buildAST(level+1, active, true, restriction));
- // use estimated constant bounds for fast non-overlap iteration space splitting
- if (split_on_const) {
- std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<coef_t, coef_t>, int> > bounds;
- for (BoolSet<>::const_iterator i = active.begin(); i != active.end(); i++) {
- Relation r = Intersection(copy(projected_IS_[level-1][*i]), copy(restriction));
- r.simplify(2, 4);
- if (!r.is_upper_bound_satisfiable())
- continue;
- coef_t lb, ub;
- r.single_conjunct()->query_variable_bounds(r.set_var(level),lb,ub);
- bounds.push_back(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(lb, ub), *i));
- }
- sort(bounds.begin(), bounds.end());
- std::vector<Relation> split_cond;
- std::vector<CG_result *> split_child;
- coef_t prev_val = -posInfinity;
- coef_t next_val = bounds[0].first.second;
- BoolSet<> next_active(active.size());
- int i = 0;
- while (i < bounds.size()) {
- if (bounds[i].first.first <= next_val) {
- next_active.set(bounds[i].second);
- next_val = max(next_val, bounds[i].first.second);
- i++;
- }
- else {
- Relation r(num_level());
- F_And *f_root = r.add_and();
- if (prev_val != -posInfinity) {
- GEQ_Handle h = f_root->add_GEQ();
- h.update_coef(r.set_var(level), 1);
- h.update_const(-prev_val-1);
- }
- if (next_val != posInfinity) {
- GEQ_Handle h = f_root->add_GEQ();
- h.update_coef(r.set_var(level), -1);
- h.update_const(next_val);
- }
- r.simplify();
- Relation new_restriction = Intersection(copy(r), copy(restriction));
- new_restriction.simplify(2, 4);
- CG_result *child = buildAST(level, next_active, false, new_restriction);
- if (child != NULL) {
- split_cond.push_back(copy(r));
- split_child.push_back(child);
- }
- next_active.unset_all();
- prev_val = next_val;
- next_val = bounds[i].first.second;
- }
- }
- if (!next_active.empty()) {
- Relation r = Relation::True(num_level());
- if (prev_val != -posInfinity) {
- F_And *f_root = r.and_with_and();
- GEQ_Handle h = f_root->add_GEQ();
- h.update_coef(r.set_var(level), 1);
- h.update_const(-prev_val-1);
- r.simplify();
- }
- Relation new_restriction = Intersection(copy(r), copy(restriction));
- new_restriction.simplify(2, 4);
- CG_result *child = buildAST(level, next_active, false, new_restriction);
- if (child != NULL) {
- split_cond.push_back(copy(r));
- split_child.push_back(child);
- }
- }
- if (split_child.size() == 0)
- return NULL;
- else if (split_child.size() == 1)
- return split_child[0];
- else
- return new CG_split(this, active, split_cond, split_child);
- }
- // check bound conditions exhaustively for non-overlap iteration space splitting
- else {
- std::vector<Relation> Rs(active.size());
- for (BoolSet<>::const_iterator i = active.begin(); i != active.end(); i++) {
- Rs[*i] = Intersection(Approximate(copy(projected_IS_[level-1][*i])), copy(restriction));
- Rs[*i].simplify(2, 4);
- }
- Relation hull = SimpleHull(Rs);
- //protonu-warn Chun about this change
- //This does some fancy splitting of statements into loops with the
- //fewest dimentions, but that's not necessarily what we want when
- //code-gening for CUDA. smtNonSplitLevels keeps track per-statment of
- //the levels that should not be split on.
- bool checkForSplits = true;
- for (BoolSet<>::const_iterator i = active.begin(); i != active.end(); i++) {
- if(*i < smtNonSplitLevels.size())
- for(int k = 0; k <smtNonSplitLevels[*i].size(); k++)
- if(smtNonSplitLevels[*i][k] == (level-2)){
- checkForSplits = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- for (BoolSet<>::const_iterator i = active.begin(); i != active.end() && checkForSplits; i++) {
- Relation r = Gist(copy(Rs[*i]), copy(hull), 1);
- if (r.is_obvious_tautology())
- continue;
- r = EQs_to_GEQs(r);
- for (GEQ_Iterator e = r.single_conjunct()->GEQs(); e; e++) {
- if ((*e).has_wildcards())
- continue;
- Relation cond = Relation::True(num_level());
- BoolSet<> first_chunk(active.size());
- BoolSet<> second_chunk(active.size());
- if ((*e).get_coef(hull.set_var(level)) > 0) {
- cond.and_with_GEQ(*e);
- cond = Complement(cond);;
- cond.simplify();
- second_chunk.set(*i);
- }
- else if ((*e).get_coef(hull.set_var(level)) < 0) {
- cond.and_with_GEQ(*e);
- cond.simplify();
- first_chunk.set(*i);
- }
- else
- continue;
- bool is_proper_split_cond = true;
- for (BoolSet<>::const_iterator j = active.begin(); j != active.end(); j++)
- if ( *j != *i) {
- bool in_first = Intersection(copy(Rs[*j]), copy(cond)).is_upper_bound_satisfiable();
- bool in_second = Difference(copy(Rs[*j]), copy(cond)).is_upper_bound_satisfiable();
- if (in_first && in_second) {
- is_proper_split_cond = false;
- break;
- }
- if (in_first)
- first_chunk.set(*j);
- else if (in_second)
- second_chunk.set(*j);
- }
- if (is_proper_split_cond && first_chunk.num_elem() != 0 && second_chunk.num_elem() != 0) {
- CG_result *first_cg = buildAST(level, first_chunk, false, copy(cond));
- CG_result *second_cg = buildAST(level, second_chunk, false, Complement(copy(cond)));
- if (first_cg == NULL)
- return second_cg;
- else if (second_cg == NULL)
- return first_cg;
- else {
- std::vector<Relation> split_cond;
- std::vector<CG_result *> split_child;
- split_cond.push_back(copy(cond));
- split_child.push_back(first_cg);
- split_cond.push_back(Complement(copy(cond)));
- split_child.push_back(second_cg);
- return new CG_split(this, active, split_cond, split_child);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return new CG_loop(this, active, level, buildAST(level+1, active, true, restriction));
- }
-CG_result *CodeGen::buildAST(int effort) {
- if (remap_.size() == 0)
- return NULL;
- CG_result *cgr = buildAST(1, ~BoolSet<>(remap_.size()), true, Relation::True(num_level()));
- if (cgr == NULL)
- return NULL;
- // break down the complete iteration space condition to levels of bound/guard condtions
- cgr = cgr->recompute(cgr->active_, copy(known_), copy(known_));
- if (cgr == NULL)
- return NULL;
- // calculate each loop's nesting depth
- int depth = cgr->populateDepth();
- // redistribute guard condition locations by additional splittings
- std::pair<CG_result *, Relation> result = cgr->liftOverhead(min(effort,depth), false);
- // since guard conditions are postponed for non-loop levels, hoist them now.
- // this enables proper if-condition simplication when outputting actual code.
- result.first->hoistGuard();
- return result.first;
diff --git a/omegalib/codegen/src/ b/omegalib/codegen/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index bb9681c..0000000
--- a/omegalib/codegen/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-#include <code_gen/rose_attributes.h>
-namespace omega {
-CodeInsertionAttribute* getOrCreateCodeInsertionAttribute(SgNode* node) {
- CodeInsertionAttribute* attr;
- if(node->attributeExists("code_insertion"))
- return static_cast<CodeInsertionAttribute*>(node->getAttribute("code_insertion"));
- attr = new CodeInsertionAttribute();
- node->setAttribute("code_insertion", attr);
- return attr;
-void postProcessRoseCodeInsertion(SgProject* proj) {
- //generatePDF(*proj);
- CodeInsertionVisitor visitor = CodeInsertionVisitor();
- visitor.initialize();
- visitor.traverseInputFiles(proj);
- visitor.insertCode();
-// Swap a code insertion from one node (sn) to another (dn)
-// -- note that this function does not currently remove the insertion from the sn node
-void moveCodeInsertion(SgNode* sn, CodeInsertion* ci, SgNode* dn) {
- CodeInsertionAttribute* new_attr;
- // TODO in the near future: replace the above statement with 'new_attr = getOrCreateCodeInsertionAttribute(...)'
- CodeInsertionAttribute* old_attr = static_cast<CodeInsertionAttribute*>(sn->getAttribute("code_insertion"));
- if(dn->attributeExists("code_insertion")) {
- new_attr = static_cast<CodeInsertionAttribute*>(dn->getAttribute("code_insertion"));
- }
- else {
- new_attr = new CodeInsertionAttribute();
- dn->setAttribute("code_insertion", new_attr);
- }
- new_attr->add(ci);
-// A function that copies a specific attribute from one node to another
-// this function exists to get around a ROSE limitation that does not
-// copy attributes
-void copyAttribute(std::string attr_name, SgNode* s, SgNode* d) {
- if(s->attributeExists(attr_name)) {
- d->setAttribute(attr_name,s->getAttribute(attr_name));
- }
-// TODO: find all existng attributes and iterate over them instead of doing them
-// individually
-void copyAttributes(SgNode* s, SgNode* d) {
- copyAttribute("code_insertion", s, d);
- //...any other attributes...
-void CodeInsertionVisitor::initialize() {
- this->loop_level = 0;
- this->ci_marks = std::vector<CodeInsertionMark*>();
-void CodeInsertionVisitor::markStmt(SgStatement* stmt, CodeInsertion* ci) {
- // this check prevents multiple copies of stmts
- // -- may be changed in the future
- if(!ci->marked) {
- CodeInsertionMark* pos = new CodeInsertionMark();
- pos->stmt = stmt;
- pos->ci = ci;
- this->ci_marks.push_back(pos);
- ci->marked = true;
- }
-// increase loop_level as the visitor descends
-void CodeInsertionVisitor::preOrderVisit(SgNode* n) {
- if (isSgForStatement(n)) {
- this->loop_level++;
- }
-void CodeInsertionVisitor::postOrderVisit(SgNode* n) {
- if(isSgForStatement(n)) {
- this->loop_level--;
- }
- if(isSgStatement(n)) {
- if(n->attributeExists("code_insertion")) {
- CodeInsertionAttribute *attr = static_cast<CodeInsertionAttribute*>(n->getAttribute("code_insertion"));
- for(CodeInsertionPtrListItr itr = attr->begin(); itr != attr->end(); ++itr) {
- CodeInsertion *insertion = *itr;
- // check loop level -- if it is equivelent, mark statement for insertion
- // -- else, move attribute up to parent
- if(insertion->loop_level != this->loop_level) {
- moveCodeInsertion(n, insertion, n->get_parent());
- }
- else {
- this->markStmt(isSgStatement(n), insertion);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// final stage of algorithm that inserts marked statements
-void CodeInsertionVisitor::insertCode() {
- for(std::vector<CodeInsertionMark*>::iterator itr = this->ci_marks.begin(); itr != this->ci_marks.end(); ++itr) {
- CodeInsertionMark* mark = *itr;
- SgScopeStatement* scope = static_cast<SgScopeStatement*>(mark->stmt->get_parent());
- SageInterface::insertStatementBefore(mark->stmt, mark->ci->getStatement(scope));
- }
-SgStatement* PragmaInsertion::getStatement(SgScopeStatement* scopeStmt) {
- SgStatement* stmt = SageBuilder::buildPragmaDeclaration(this->name);
- return stmt;
-//SgStatement* MMPrefetchInsertion::getStatement(SgScopeStatement* scopeStmt) {
-// const SgName& name = SgName("_mm_prefetch");
-// SgType* rtype = SageBuilder::buildVoidType();
-// SgExpression* arr_arg = SageBuilder::buildVarRefExp(this->arrName);
-// SgExpression* hint_arg = SageBuilder::buildShortVal(this->cacheHint);
-// SgExprListExp* args = SageBuilder::buildExprListExp(arr_arg,hint_arg);
-// SgStatement* stmt = SageBuilder::buildFunctionCallStmt(name, rtype, args, scopeStmt);
-// return stmt;
-SgStatement* MMPrefetchInsertion::getStatement(SgScopeStatement* scopeStmt) {
- const SgName fname = SgName("_mm_prefetch");
- SgType* rtype = SageBuilder::buildVoidType();
- SgExpression* arr_arg = this->buildArrArg(scopeStmt);
- SgExpression* hint_arg = SageBuilder::buildShortVal(this->cacheHint);
- SgExprListExp* args = SageBuilder::buildExprListExp(arr_arg, hint_arg);
- return SageBuilder::buildFunctionCallStmt(fname, rtype, args, scopeStmt);
-SgExpression* MMPrefetchInsertion::buildArrArg(SgScopeStatement* scopeStmt) {
- // if there are no index arguments given, just return a variable reference
- if(this->indexCount == 0) {
- const SgName aname = SgName(this->arrName);
- return SageBuilder::buildVarRefExp(aname, scopeStmt);
- }
- std::vector<SgExpression*> argList = std::vector<SgExpression*>();
- // foreach dimension
- for(int i = 0; i < this->indexCount; i++) {
- argList.push_back(this->makeIndexExp(i, scopeStmt));
- }
- return SageBuilder::buildExprListExp(argList);
-SgExpression* MMPrefetchInsertion::makeIndexExp(int dim, SgScopeStatement* scopeStmt) {
- //(i + offset) or (offset) or (i)
- std::string* indexer = this->;
- int offset = this->;
- if(indexer == NULL) {
- return SageBuilder::buildIntVal(offset);
- }
- else {
- const SgName name = SgName(*indexer);
- SgVarRefExp* iref = SageBuilder::buildVarRefExp(name, scopeStmt);
- if(offset == 0) {
- return iref;
- }
- else {
- return SageBuilder::buildAddOp(iref, SageBuilder::buildIntVal(offset));
- }
- }
-void MMPrefetchInsertion::initialize(const std::string& arrName, int hint) {
- this->arrName = std::string(arrName);
- this->cacheHint = hint;
- this->indecies = std::vector<std::string*>();
- this->offsets = std::vector<int>();
- this->indexCount = 0;
-void MMPrefetchInsertion::addDim(int offset) {
- this->offsets.push_back(offset);
- this->indecies.push_back(NULL);
- this->indexCount++;
-void MMPrefetchInsertion::addDim(int offset, const std::string& indexer) {
- this->offsets.push_back(offset);
- this->indecies.push_back(new std::string(indexer));
- this->indexCount++;