path: root/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Bag.c
diff options
authorTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-19 11:36:10 -0600
committerTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-19 11:36:10 -0600
commit62f7acd88465f4f20b9b25c3f7edd4e3b7ce453b (patch)
tree224cc286126ae2bb9674973f0ccaee07e324433f /omegalib/omega/include/basic/Bag.c
parent7115fd7bf9d36cc003e818825dd75fa8bf3eb69e (diff)
rm template.c
Diffstat (limited to 'omegalib/omega/include/basic/Bag.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 329 deletions
diff --git a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Bag.c b/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Bag.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c3084c1..0000000
--- a/omegalib/omega/include/basic/Bag.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
- * *
- * Collection constructors, desctructors, assignments *
- * *
- ****************************************************************/
-#include <assert.h>
-namespace omega {
-template<class T> Bag<T>::Bag() {
- contents = new List_Element <T>;
- contents->tail = 0;
- }
-template<class T> Bag<T>::~Bag() {
- delete contents;
- }
-template<class T> Ordered_Bag<T>::Ordered_Bag() {}
-template<class T> Set<T>::Set() {}
-template<class T> Bag<T>::Bag(const Bag<T> &L) {
- contents = new List_Element<T>(*L.contents);
- }
-template<class T> Bag<T> & Bag<T>::operator=(const Bag<T> &L) {
- if (this != &L) {
- delete contents;
- contents = new List_Element<T>(*L.contents);
- }
- return *this;
- }
-template<class T> Set<T>::Set(T e) {
- assert(this->contents);
- this->contents->tail = new List_Element<T>(e, 0);
- }
- * *
- * Misc. simple Collection operations *
- * *
- ****************************************************************/
-template<class T> bool Bag<T>::empty() const {
- return contents->tail == 0;
- }
-template<class T> Iterator<T> *Bag<T>::new_iterator()
- {
- return new List_Element_Iterator<T>(contents->tail);
- }
-template<class T> void Bag<T>::clear() {
- if (contents->tail) delete contents->tail;
- contents->tail = 0;
- }
-template<class T> int Bag<T>::size() const {
- int i = 0;
- List_Element<T> * p = contents->tail;
- while (p) {
- p = p->tail;
- i++;
- };
- return i;
- }
- * *
- * Collection/Element operations (e.g. insert, contains) *
- * *
- ****************************************************************/
-template<class T> void Bag<T>::remove(T e) {
- List_Element<T> * p = contents;
- while (p->tail && p->tail->head != e) p = p->tail;
- if (p->tail && p->tail->head == e) {
- List_Element<T> * q = p->tail;
- p->tail = q->tail;
- q->tail = 0;
- delete q;
- }
- }
-template<class T> T Bag<T>::extract() {
- List_Element<T> * p = contents->tail;
- T e = p->head;
- contents->tail = p->tail;
- p->tail = 0;
- delete p;
- return e;
- }
-template<class T> void Bag<T>::insert(T e) {
- List_Element<T> * q = new List_Element<T>(e,contents->tail);
- contents->tail = q;
- }
-template<class T> void Ordered_Bag<T>::insert(T e) {
- List_Element<T> * p = this->contents;
- while (p->tail && p->tail->head < e) p = p->tail;
- if (!p->tail || p->tail->head != e) {
- List_Element<T> * q = new List_Element<T>(e,p->tail);
- p->tail = q;
- }
- }
-template<class T> bool Bag<T>::contains(T e) const {
- List_Element<T> * p = contents;
- while (p->tail && p->tail->head != e) p = p->tail;
- return (p->tail && p->tail->head == e);
- }
-template<class T> bool Ordered_Bag<T>::contains(T e) const {
- List_Element<T> * p = this->contents;
- while (p->tail && p->tail->head < e) p = p->tail;
- return (p->tail && p->tail->head == e);
- }
-template<class T> bool Set<T>::contains (const Set<T>& b) const {
- List_Element<T> * p = this->contents;
- List_Element<T> * q = b.contents;
- do {
- /* consume matched elements in p and q */
- p = p->tail;
- q = q->tail;
- if (!q) return 1; /* no more elements to match */
- if (!p) return 0; /* nothing left in p to match with */
- if (q->head < p->head) {
- /* nothing smaller than
- p->head left in p, so q->head
- can't be matched */
- return 0;
- };
- while (p && p->head < q->head) {
- /* toss away some elements from p */
- p = p->tail;
- }
- if (!p || q->head < p->head) return 0;
- } while (q);
- return 1;
- }
- * *
- * Collection/Collection operations (e.g. |=) *
- * *
- ****************************************************************/
-template<class T> void Bag<T>::operator |= (const Bag<T> & b) {
- assert(this != &b);
- List_Element<T> * q = b.contents->tail;
- while (q) {
- List_Element<T> * r = new List_Element<T>(q->head,contents->tail);
- contents->tail = r;
- q = q->tail;
- }
- }
-template<class T> void Ordered_Bag<T>::operator |= (const Ordered_Bag<T> & b) {
- if (this == &b) return;
- List_Element<T> * p = this->contents;
- List_Element<T> * q = b.contents->tail;
- while (q) {
- while (p->tail && p->tail->head < q->head) p = p->tail;
- List_Element<T> * r = new List_Element<T>(q->head,p->tail);
- p->tail = r;
- q = q->tail;
- }
- }
-template<class T> void Ordered_Bag<T>::operator |= (const Bag<T> & b) {
- Ordered_Bag<T> tmp;
- for (List_Element<T> *p = b.contents; p; p=p->tail) {
- tmp.insert(p->head);
- }
- *this |= tmp;
-template<class T> void Set<T>::operator |= (const Set<T> & b) {
- if (this == &b) return;
- List_Element<T> * p = this->contents;
- List_Element<T> * q = b.contents->tail;
- while (q) {
- while (p->tail && p->tail->head < q->head) p = p->tail;
- if (!p->tail || p->tail->head != q->head) {
- List_Element<T> * r = new List_Element<T>(q->head,p->tail);
- p->tail = r;
- }
- q = q->tail;
- }
- }
-template<class T> void Set<T>::operator |= (const Ordered_Bag<T> & b) {
- Set<T> tmp;
- for (List_Element<T> *p = b.contents; p; p=p->tail) {
- tmp.insert(p->head);
- }
- *this |= tmp;
-template<class T> void Set<T>::operator |= (const Bag<T> & b) {
- Set<T> tmp;
- for (List_Element<T> *p = b.contents; p; p=p->tail) {
- tmp.insert(p->head);
- }
- *this |= tmp;
-// delete items also in b
-template<class T> void Set<T>::operator -= (const Set<T> & b) {
- if (this == &b) {
- this->clear();
- return;
- }
- List_Element<T> * p = this->contents;
- List_Element<T> * q = b.contents->tail;
- while (q) {
- while (p->tail && p->tail->head < q->head) p = p->tail;
- if (p->tail && p->tail->head == q->head) {
- List_Element<T> * r = p->tail;
- p->tail = r->tail;
- r->tail = 0;
- delete r;
- }
- q = q->tail;
- }
- }
-// delete items not in b
-template<class T> void Set<T>::operator &= (const Set<T> & b)
- {
- if (this == &b) return;
- List_Element<T> * p = this->contents;
- List_Element<T> * q = b.contents->tail;
- while (q) {
- while (p->tail && p->tail->head < q->head) {
- List_Element<T> * r = p->tail;
- p->tail = r->tail;
- r->tail = 0;
- delete r;
- };
- if (p->tail && p->tail->head == q->head) {
- /* allow p->tail->head into the result */
- p = p->tail;
- }
- /* q->head has matched anything it is going to match */
- q = q->tail;
- }
- if (p->tail) {
- delete p->tail;
- p->tail = 0;
- };
- }
-template<class T> bool Set<T>::operator & (const Set<T>& b) const {
- List_Element<T> * p = this->contents;
- List_Element<T> * q = b.contents;
- do {
- p = p->tail;
- q = q->tail;
- while (p && q && p->head != q->head) {
- while (p && p->head < q->head) p = p->tail;
- while (p && q && q->head < p->head) q = q->tail;
- };
- if (p && q && p->head == q->head) return 1;
- } while (p && q);
- return 0;
- }
-template<class T> bool Ordered_Bag<T>::operator == (const Ordered_Bag<T>& b) const {
- List_Element<T> * p = this->contents;
- List_Element<T> * q = b.contents;
- while (1) {
- p = p->tail;
- q = q->tail;
- if (!p && !q) return 1;
- if (!p || !q) return 0;
- if (p->head != q->head) return 0;
- };
- }
-template<class T> bool Ordered_Bag<T>::operator != (const Ordered_Bag<T>& b) const {
- return !(*this == b);
- }
-template<class T> bool Ordered_Bag<T>::operator < (const Ordered_Bag<T>& b) const {
- List_Element<T> * p = this->contents;
- List_Element<T> * q = b.contents;
- while (1) {
- p = p->tail;
- q = q->tail;
- if (!p && !q) return 0;
- if (!p) return 1;
- if (!q) return 0;
- if (p->head < q->head) return 1;
- if (q->head < p->head) return 0;
- };
- return 1;
- }
-} // namespace