path: root/src/
diff options
authorTuowen Zhao <>2016-10-05 17:33:25 -0600
committerTuowen Zhao <>2016-10-05 17:33:25 -0600
commit64915c9dd543c847d7b54cdad5f83c12b579c233 (patch)
tree10551e451bf73d28ed788fae2d6c477e80c1b6f2 /src/
parent342af96cd123860b3fbe0fe9b0669627cefca1cc (diff)
working clang frontend
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 567 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index e667411..d30823a 100755
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -140,494 +140,13 @@ SourceManager *globalSRCMAN; // ugly. shame.
char *splitTypeInfo(char *underlyingtype);
-void printsourceline(const char *filename, int line);
-void printlines(SourceLocation &S, SourceLocation &E, SourceManager *SRCMAN);
-void PrintBinaryOperator(Stmt *s, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level);
-void PrintDeclStmt(Stmt *s, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level);
-void PrintALoop(Stmt *L, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level);
-void PrintAUnaryOperator(Stmt *s, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level);
-void PrintAnIfStmt(Stmt *s, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level);
-void PrintCompoundStmt(Stmt *s, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level);
-void PrintDeclRefExpr(Stmt *s, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level);
-void PrintImplicitCastExpr(Stmt *s, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level);
-void PrintReturnStmt(Stmt *s, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level);
-void PrintStmt(Stmt *s, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level);
-void PrintAnIntegerLiteral(Stmt *I);
-void PrintAFloatingLiteral(Stmt *s);
-void PrintFunctionDecl(FunctionDecl *D, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level);
-void PrintTypeDefDecl(TypedefDecl *D, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level);
-void PrintVarDecl(VarDecl *D, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level);
chillAST_Node* unwrap(chillAST_NodeList* nl){
chillAST_Node* n = (*nl)[0];
delete nl;
return n;
-void printlines(SourceLocation &S, SourceLocation &E, SourceManager *SRCMAN) {
- unsigned int startlineno = SRCMAN->getPresumedLineNumber(S);
- unsigned int endlineno = SRCMAN->getPresumedLineNumber(E);
- const char *filename = SRCMAN->getBufferName(S);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- for (int l = startlineno; l <= endlineno; l++) printsourceline(filename, l);
-void Indent(int level) {
- for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) fprintf(stderr, " ");
-// really slow and bad. but I'm debugging
-void printsourceline(const char *filename, int line) {
- FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
- // Now read lines up to and including the line we want.
- char buf[10240];
- int l = 0;
- while (l < line) {
- if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp))
- ++l;
- else
- break;
- }
- fclose(fp);
- fprintf(stderr, "* %s", buf);
-void PrintBinaryOperator(Stmt *s, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level) { // SOMETIMES SHOULD HAVE ; + return
- //rintf(stderr, "\nBinaryOperator(%d) ", level);
- BinaryOperator *b = cast<BinaryOperator>(s);
- BinaryOperator::Opcode op = b->getOpcode();
- Expr *lhs = b->getLHS();
- Expr *rhs = b->getRHS();
- //fprintf(stderr, "binaryoperator lhs has type %s\n", lhs->getStmtClassName());
- //fprintf(stderr, "binaryoperator rhs has type %s\n\n", rhs->getStmtClassName());
- PrintStmt(lhs, SRCMAN, level + 1);
- fprintf(stderr, " %s ", binops[op].c_str());
- PrintStmt(rhs, SRCMAN, level + 1);
- if (level == 1) fprintf(stderr, ";\n");
-void PrintDeclStmt(Stmt *s, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level) {
- fprintf(stderr, "\nDeclaration Statement(%d)", level);
- DeclStmt *D = cast<DeclStmt>(s);
- //QualType QT = D->getType();
- //string TypeStr = QT.getAsString();
- //fprintf(stderr, "type %s\n", TypeStr,c_str());
- //SourceLocation S = D->getStartLoc();
- //SourceLocation E = D->getEndLoc();
- //printlines(S, E, SRCMAN);
- if (D->isSingleDecl()) {
- fprintf(stderr, "this is a single definition\n");
- Decl *d = D->getSingleDecl();
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "this is NOT a single definition\n");
- DeclGroupRef dg = D->getDeclGroup();
- }
- for (DeclStmt::decl_iterator DI = D->decl_begin(), DE = D->decl_end(); DI != DE; ++DI) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "a def\n");
- Decl *d = *DI;
- //fprintf(stderr, "\nstatement of type %s\n", d->getStmtClassName());
- //std::cout << (void *) d << "?";
- if (ValueDecl *VD = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(d)) {
- if (VarDecl *V = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(VD)) {
- if (V->getStorageClass() != SC_None) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s ", VarDecl::getStorageClassSpecifierString(V->getStorageClass()));
- }
- // else fprintf(stderr, "no storage class? ");
- QualType T = V->getType();
- string TypeStr = T.getAsString();
- std::string Name = VD->getNameAsString();
- //VD->getType().getAsStringInternal(Name,
- // PrintingPolicy(VD->getASTContext().getLangOpts()));
- fprintf(stderr, "%s %s ", TypeStr.c_str(), Name.c_str());
- // If this is a vardecl with an initializer, emit it.
- if (Expr *E = V->getInit()) {
- fprintf(stderr, " = ");
- Stmt *s = dyn_cast<Stmt>(E);
- PrintStmt(s, SRCMAN, level + 1);
- //fprintf(stderr, ";\n");
- }
- }
- }
- if (level <= 1) fprintf(stderr, ";\n"); // TODO wrong
- } // for each actual declaration
-void PrintAFloatingLiteral(Stmt *s) {
- FloatingLiteral *F = dyn_cast<FloatingLiteral>(s);
- fprintf(stderr, "%f", F->getValueAsApproximateDouble()); // TODO approximate?
-void PrintALoop(Stmt *L, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "\nA LOOP L=0x%x SRCMAN 0x%x", L, &SRCMAN);
- ForStmt *ForStatement = cast<ForStmt>(L);
- SourceLocation srcloc = ForStatement->getForLoc();
- unsigned int lineno = SRCMAN->getPresumedLineNumber(srcloc);
- const char *filename = SRCMAN->getBufferName(srcloc);
- //fprintf(stderr, " in file %s at line %d ", filename, lineno);
- //printsourceline( filename, lineno);
- Stmt *init = ForStatement->getInit();
- Expr *cond = ForStatement->getCond();
- Expr *incr = ForStatement->getInc();
- Stmt *body = ForStatement->getBody();
- fprintf(stderr, "for (");
- PrintStmt(init, SRCMAN, 0);
- fprintf(stderr, "; ");
- PrintStmt(cond, SRCMAN, 0);
- fprintf(stderr, "; ");
- PrintStmt(incr, SRCMAN, 0);
- fprintf(stderr, " )\n");
- Indent(level);
- fprintf(stderr, "{\n");
- PrintStmt(body, SRCMAN, level + 1);
- fprintf(stderr, "}\n\n");
-void PrintAUnaryOperator(Stmt *s, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "UnaryOperator ");
- UnaryOperator *u = cast<UnaryOperator>(s);
- const char *op = unops[u->getOpcode()].c_str();
- if (u->isPrefix()) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s", op);
- }
- PrintStmt(u->getSubExpr(), SRCMAN, level + 1);
- if (u->isPostfix()) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s", op);
- }
-void PrintAnIfStmt(Stmt *s, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "an IF statement\n");
- // SourceLocation S = s->getLocStart();
- // SourceLocation E = s->getLocEnd();
- // printlines( S, E, SRCMAN);
- IfStmt *IfStatement = cast<IfStmt>(s);
- Stmt *Cond = IfStatement->getCond();
- Stmt *Then = IfStatement->getThen();
- Stmt *Else = IfStatement->getElse();
- fprintf(stderr, "if (");
- PrintStmt(Cond, SRCMAN, level + 1);
- fprintf(stderr, ") {\n");
- PrintStmt(Then, SRCMAN, level + 1);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n}\nelse\n{\n");
- PrintStmt(Else, SRCMAN, level + 1);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n}\n\n");
-void PrintAnIntegerLiteral(Stmt *s) {
- IntegerLiteral *I = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteral>(s);
- bool isSigned = I->getType()->isSignedIntegerType();
- fprintf(stderr, "%s", I->getValue().toString(10, isSigned).c_str());
-void PrintArraySubscriptExpr(Stmt *s, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level) {
- ArraySubscriptExpr *ASE = dyn_cast<ArraySubscriptExpr>(s);
- Expr *Base = ASE->getBase();
- Expr *Index = ASE->getIdx();
- PrintStmt(Base, SRCMAN, level + 1);
- fprintf(stderr, "[");
- PrintStmt(Index, SRCMAN, level + 1);
- fprintf(stderr, "]");
-void PrintCompoundStmt(Stmt *s, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "\nCompoundStmt(%d)", level);
- CompoundStmt *cs = dyn_cast<CompoundStmt>(s);
- int numchildren = cs->size();
- //fprintf(stderr, "CompoundStmt has %d children\n", numchildren);
- for (Stmt::child_iterator I = cs->child_begin(); I!=cs->child_end(); ++I) {
- const char *classname = I->getStmtClassName();
- if (!strcmp(classname, "BinaryOperator")) {
- BinaryOperator *b = cast<BinaryOperator>(*I);
- BinaryOperator::Opcode op = b->getOpcode();
- if (op == BO_Assign) {
- fprintf(stderr, "compound statement has child of type ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT ");
- SourceLocation S = I->getLocStart();
- SourceLocation E = I->getLocEnd();
- unsigned int startlineno = SRCMAN->getPresumedLineNumber( S );
- unsigned int endlineno = SRCMAN->getPresumedLineNumber( E );
- fprintf(stderr, "(%d-%d)\n", startlineno, endlineno );
- }
- else
- fprintf(stderr, "compound statement has child of type %s\n", I->getStmtClassName());
- }
- else
- fprintf(stderr, "compound statement has child of type %s\n", I->getStmtClassName());
- }
- for (auto I = cs->child_begin(); I != cs->child_end(); ++I) {
- Stmt *child = *I;
- PrintStmt(child, SRCMAN, level); // NOTE not level + 1
- fprintf(stderr, "\n"); // ***\n\n");
- }
-void PrintDeclRefExpr(Stmt *s, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level) {
- DeclRefExpr *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(s);
- //if (NestedNameSpecifier *Qualifier = DRE->getQualifier())
- // Qualifier->print( raw_ostream nonstandard of course );
- DeclarationNameInfo DNI = DRE->getNameInfo();
- DeclarationName DN = DNI.getName();
- fprintf(stderr, "%s", DN.getAsString().c_str());
-void PrintFunctionDecl(FunctionDecl *D, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level) {
- //rintf(stderr, "\nFunctionDecl(%d) %s\n", level, D->getNameInfo().getAsString().c_str());
- // Type name as string
- QualType QT = D->getReturnType();
- string TypeStr = QT.getAsString();
- // Function name
- DeclarationName DeclName = D->getNameInfo().getName();
- string FuncName = DeclName.getAsString();
- //fprintf(stderr, "function %s has type %s ", FuncName.c_str(), TypeStr.c_str());
- fprintf(stderr, "\n%s %s(", TypeStr.c_str(), FuncName.c_str());
- int numparams = D->getNumParams();
- //fprintf(stderr, "and %d parameters\n", numparams);
- for (int i = 0; i < numparams; i++) {
- if (i) fprintf(stderr, ", ");
- ParmVarDecl *clangVardecl = D->getParamDecl(i);
- // from DeclPrinter::VisitVarDecl(VarDecl *D)
- StorageClass SCAsWritten = clangVardecl->getStorageClass();
- if (SCAsWritten != SC_None) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s ", VarDecl::getStorageClassSpecifierString(SCAsWritten));
- }
- //else fprintf(stderr, "(no storage class?) ");
- QualType T = clangVardecl->getType();
- if (ParmVarDecl *Parm = dyn_cast<ParmVarDecl>(clangVardecl))
- T = Parm->getOriginalType();
- string Name = clangVardecl->getName();
- char *td = strdup(T.getAsString().c_str());
- fprintf(stderr, "td = '%s'\n", td);
- char *arraypart = splitTypeInfo(td);
- fprintf(stderr, "%s %s%s ", td, Name.c_str(), arraypart);
- }
- fprintf(stderr, ")\n{\n"); // beginning of function body
- Stmt *body = D->getBody();
- PrintStmt(body, SRCMAN, level + 1);
- fprintf(stderr, "}\n\n"); // end of function body
-void PrintImplicitCastExpr(Stmt *s, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level) {
- ImplicitCastExpr *ICE = dyn_cast<ImplicitCastExpr>(s);
- PrintStmt(ICE->getSubExpr(), SRCMAN, level + 1);
-void PrintReturnStmt(Stmt *s, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level) {
- ReturnStmt *r = dyn_cast<ReturnStmt>(s);
- fprintf(stderr, "return");
- if (r->getRetValue()) {
- fprintf(stderr, " ");
- PrintStmt(r->getRetValue(), SRCMAN, level + 1);
- }
- fprintf(stderr, ";\n");
-void PrintStmt(Stmt *s, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "\nprint statement 0x%x of type %s\n", s, s->getStmtClassName());
- //fprintf(stderr, "*");
- //SourceLocation srcloc = s->getStartLoc();
- //unsigned int lineno = SRCMAN->getPresumedLineNumber( srcloc );
- //const char *filename = SRCMAN->getBufferName( srcloc );
- //StmtClass getStmtClass()
- if (isa<DeclStmt>(s)) {
- PrintDeclStmt(s, SRCMAN, level);
- } else if (isa<FloatingLiteral>(s)) {
- PrintAFloatingLiteral(s);
- } else if (isa<IntegerLiteral>(s)) {
- PrintAnIntegerLiteral(s);
- } else if (isa<UnaryOperator>(s)) {
- PrintAUnaryOperator(s, SRCMAN, level);
- } else if (isa<BinaryOperator>(s)) {
- PrintBinaryOperator(s, SRCMAN, level);
- } else if (isa<ForStmt>(s)) {
- PrintALoop(s, SRCMAN, level);
- } else if (isa<IfStmt>(s)) {
- PrintAnIfStmt(s, SRCMAN, level);
- } else if (isa<CompoundStmt>(s)) {
- PrintCompoundStmt(s, SRCMAN, level);
- } else if (isa<ImplicitCastExpr>(s)) {
- PrintImplicitCastExpr(s, SRCMAN, level);
- } else if (isa<DeclRefExpr>(s)) {
- PrintDeclRefExpr(s, SRCMAN, level);
- } else if (isa<ArraySubscriptExpr>(s)) {
- PrintArraySubscriptExpr(s, SRCMAN, level);
- } else if (isa<ReturnStmt>(s)) {
- PrintReturnStmt(s, SRCMAN, level);
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "\nPrintStmt() UNHANDLED statement of type %s\n", s->getStmtClassName());
- exit(-1);
- }
- //int numchildren=0;
- //for (Stmt::child_range I = s->children(); I; ++I, numchildren++) ;
- //if (numchildren) fprintf(stderr, "has %d children\n", numchildren);
- //if (numchildren) {
- // for (Stmt::child_range I = s->children(); I; ++I
- //}
-void PrintTranslationUnit(TranslationUnitDecl *TUD, ASTContext &CTX) {
- // TUD derived from Decl and DeclContext
- static DeclContext *DC = TUD->castToDeclContext(TUD);
- //SourceManager SM = CTX.getSourceManager();
- for (DeclContext::decl_iterator DI = DC->decls_begin(), DE = DC->decls_end(); DI != DE; ++DI) {
- Decl *D = *DI;
- if (isa<FunctionDecl>(D)) { //fprintf(stderr, "FunctionDecl\n");
- PrintFunctionDecl(dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(D), &CTX.getSourceManager(), 0);
- } else if (isa<VarDecl>(D)) { //fprintf(stderr, "VarDecl\n");
- PrintVarDecl(dyn_cast<VarDecl>(D), &CTX.getSourceManager(), 0);
- } else if (isa<TypedefDecl>(D)) { //fprintf(stderr, "TypedefDecl\n");
- PrintTypeDefDecl(dyn_cast<TypedefDecl>(D), &CTX.getSourceManager(), 0);
- } else if (isa<TypeAliasDecl>(D)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "TypeAliasDecl\n");
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "\na declaration of type %s (%d) which I have no idea how to handle\n", D->getDeclKindName(),
- D->getKind());
- exit(-1);
- }
- //else if (isa<TypedefNameDecl>(D)) { fprintf(stderr, "TypedefNameDecl\n");}
- }
-void PrintTypeDefDecl(TypedefDecl *D, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level) {
- /* internal typedefs do not have a source file and this will die!
- SourceLocation S = D->getLocStart(); // NOT getStartLoc(), that's class DeclStmt
- SourceLocation E = D->getLocEnd();
- unsigned int startlineno = SRCMAN->getPresumedLineNumber( S );
- unsigned int endlineno = SRCMAN->getPresumedLineNumber( E );
- const char *filename = SRCMAN-> etBufferName( S );
- fprintf(stderr, " in file %s at lines %d-%d", filename, startlineno, endlineno);
- for (int l=startlineno; l<= endlineno; l++) printsourceline( filename, l);
- */
- // arrays suck
- char *td = strdup(D->getUnderlyingType().getAsString().c_str());
- //fprintf(stderr, "td = '%s'\n", td);
- char *arraypart = splitTypeInfo(td);
- fprintf(stderr, "typedef %s %s%s;\n", td, D->getName().str().c_str(), arraypart);
- free(td);
- free(arraypart);
-void PrintVarDecl(VarDecl *D, SourceManager *SRCMAN, int level) {
- // arrays suck
- char *td = strdup(D->getType().getAsString().c_str()); // leak
- //fprintf(stderr, "td = '%s'\n", td);
- char *arraypart = splitTypeInfo(td);
- fprintf(stderr, "%s %s%s", td, D->getName().str().c_str(), arraypart);
- Expr *Init = D->getInit();
- if (Init) {
- //fprintf(stderr," = (TODO)");
- PrintStmt(Init, SRCMAN, level + 1);
- }
- fprintf(stderr, ";\n");
- free(td);
- free(arraypart);
-} //PrintVarDecl
chillAST_NodeList* ConvertVarDecl(VarDecl *D) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "\nConvertVarDecl()\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, "Decl has type %s\n", D->getDeclKindName());
- //PrintVarDecl( D, globalSRCMAN, 0 );
bool isParm = false;
QualType T0 = D->getType();
@@ -637,39 +156,14 @@ chillAST_NodeList* ConvertVarDecl(VarDecl *D) {
isParm = true;
- // arrays suck
char *vartype = strdup(T.getAsString().c_str());
- //fprintf(stderr, "vartype = '%s' T0 '%s\n", vartype, T0.getAsString().c_str() );
char *arraypart = splitTypeInfo(vartype);
- //fprintf(stderr, "arraypart = '%s'\n", arraypart);
char *varname = strdup(D->getName().str().c_str());
- //fprintf(stderr, "VarDecl (clang 0x%x) for %s %s%s\n", D, vartype, varname, arraypart);
chillAST_VarDecl *chillVD = new chillAST_VarDecl(vartype, varname, arraypart, (void *) D);
chillVD->isAParameter = isParm;
- //fprintf(stderr, "\nthis is the vardecl\n");
- //chillVD->print(); printf("\n\n"); fflush(stdout);
- //clang::QualType qtyp = D->getType();
- //clang::Expr *e = D->getInit();
- //fprintf(stderr, "e 0x%x\n", e);
- //if (qtyp->isPointerType()) {
- // fprintf(stderr, "pointer type\n");
- // clang::QualType ptyp = qtyp->getPointeeType();
- // fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ptyp.getAsString().c_str());
- //}
- //if (qtyp->isArrayType()) fprintf(stderr, "Array type\n");
- //if (qtyp->isConstantArrayType()) fprintf(stderr, "constant array type\n");
- //const clang::Type *typ = qtyp.getTypePtr();
- //clang::Expr *e = ((clang::VariableArrayType *)typ)->getSizeExpr();
- //e->dump();
int numdim = 0;
chillVD->knownArraySizes = true;
@@ -679,7 +173,6 @@ chillAST_NodeList* ConvertVarDecl(VarDecl *D) {
// note: vartype here, arraypart in next code.. is that right?
if (index(vartype, '*')) {
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(vartype); i++) if (vartype[i] == '*') numdim++;
- //fprintf(stderr, "numd %d\n", numd);
chillVD->numdimensions = numdim;
@@ -689,8 +182,6 @@ chillAST_NodeList* ConvertVarDecl(VarDecl *D) {
int len = strlen(arraypart);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) if (dupe[i] == '[') numdim++;
- //fprintf(stderr, "numdim %d\n", numdim);
chillVD->numdimensions = numdim;
int *as = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int *) * numdim);
if (!as) {
@@ -701,25 +192,15 @@ chillAST_NodeList* ConvertVarDecl(VarDecl *D) {
char *ptr = dupe;
- //fprintf(stderr, "dupe '%s'\n", ptr);
while (ptr = index(ptr, '[')) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "tmp '%s'\n", ptr);
int dim;
sscanf(ptr, "%d", &dim);
- //fprintf(stderr, "dim %d\n", dim);
*as++ = dim;
ptr = index(ptr, ']');
- //fprintf(stderr, "bottom of loop, ptr = '%s'\n", ptr);
- //for (int i=0; i<numdim; i++) {
- // fprintf(stderr, "dimension %d = %d\n", i, chillVD->arraysizes[i]);
- //}
- //fprintf(stderr, "need to handle [] array to determine num dimensions\n");
- //exit(-1);
Expr *Init = D->getInit();
@@ -727,16 +208,10 @@ chillAST_NodeList* ConvertVarDecl(VarDecl *D) {
fprintf(stderr, " = VARDECL HAS INIT. (TODO) (RIGHT NOW)");
- //fprintf(stderr, ";\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, "calling chillVD->print()\n");
- //chillVD->print(); // debugging only
- // store this away for declrefexpr that references it!
@@ -1254,37 +729,26 @@ chillAST_NodeList* ConvertParenExpr(ParenExpr *clangPE) {
chillAST_NodeList* ConvertTranslationUnit(TranslationUnitDecl *TUD, char *filename) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "ConvertTranslationUnit( filename %s )\n\n", filename);
- // TUD derived from Decl and DeclContext
static DeclContext *DC = TUD->castToDeclContext(TUD);
- // TODO this was to get the filename without having to pass it in
- //ASTContext CTX = TUD->getASTContext ();
- //SourceManager SM = CTX.getSourceManager();
- //SourceLocation srcloc = ForStatement->getForLoc();
- //unsigned int lineno = SRCMAN->getPresumedLineNumber( srcloc );
- //const char *filename = SRCMAN->getBufferName( srcloc );
chillAST_SourceFile *topnode = new chillAST_SourceFile(filename);
topnode->chill_array_counter = 1;
topnode->chill_scalar_counter = 0;
// now recursively build clang AST from the children of TUD
- //for (DeclContext::decl_iterator DI = DC->decls_begin(), DE = DC->decls_end(); DI != DE; ++DI)
DeclContext::decl_iterator start = DC->decls_begin();
DeclContext::decl_iterator end = DC->decls_end();
for (DeclContext::decl_iterator DI = start; DI != end; ++DI) {
Decl *D = *DI;
+ // Skip internal declarations of clang
+ if (D->isImplicit()) continue;
- if (isa<FunctionDecl>(D)) { //fprintf(stderr, "\nTUD FunctionDecl\n");
+ if (isa<FunctionDecl>(D)) {
- } else if (isa<VarDecl>(D)) { //fprintf(stderr, "\nTUD VarDecl\n");
+ } else if (isa<VarDecl>(D)) {
- //fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr, "\nTUD VarDecl DONE\n");
- } else if (isa<TypedefDecl>(D)) { //fprintf(stderr, "\nTUD TypedefDecl\n");
+ } else if (isa<TypedefDecl>(D)) {
} else if (isa<RecordDecl>(D)) {
CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("\nTUD RecordDecl\n");
@@ -1297,10 +761,7 @@ chillAST_NodeList* ConvertTranslationUnit(TranslationUnitDecl *TUD, char *filena
- //fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr, "leaving ConvertTranslationUnit()\n\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, "in ConvertTranslationUnit(), dumping the file\n");
- //topnode->dump();
@@ -1308,10 +769,7 @@ chillAST_NodeList* ConvertTranslationUnit(TranslationUnitDecl *TUD, char *filena
chillAST_NodeList* ConvertGenericClangAST(Stmt *s) {
if (s == NULL) return NULL;
- //fprintf(stderr, "\nConvertGenericClangAST() Stmt of type %d (%s)\n", s->getStmtClass(),s->getStmtClassName());
Decl *D = (Decl *) s;
- //if (isa<Decl>(D)) fprintf(stderr, "Decl of kind %d (%s)\n", D->getKind(),D->getDeclKindName() );
chillAST_NodeList *ret = NULL; // find the SINGLE constant or data reference at this node or below
@@ -1428,7 +886,7 @@ int IR_chillArraySymbol::elem_size() const {
fprintf(stderr, "IR_chillArraySymbol::elem_size() TODO\n");
return 8; // TODO
- //const ArrayType *at = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(vd_->getType());
+ //const ArrayType *at = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(vd_->getType());
//if(at) {
// return (vd_->getASTContext().getTypeSize(at->getElementType())) / 8;
//} else
@@ -2261,8 +1719,7 @@ IR_clangCode::IR_clangCode(const char *fname, const char *proc_name) : IR_Code()
IR_clangCode::~IR_clangCode() {
- //func_->print(llvm::outs(), 4); // printing as part of the destructor !!
- CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("\n\toutput happening as part of the destructor !!\n");
+ CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("output happening as part of the destructor !!\n");
@@ -2651,10 +2108,8 @@ std::vector<IR_Control *> IR_clangCode::FindOneLevelControlStructure(const IR_Bl
} // for each child
ns = basicblock->numstatements();
- if (ns!=0 && ns != numchildren) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "end of body ends the run of %d statements in the Basic Block\n", ns);
+ if (ns!=0)
- }
} else
CHILL_DEBUG_PRINT("Single statement block of type %s\n", blockast->getTypeString());
@@ -3143,8 +2598,6 @@ IR_Ref *IR_clangCode::Repr2Ref(const omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) const {
CG_chillRepr *crepr = (CG_chillRepr *) repr;
chillAST_Node *node = crepr->chillnodes[0];
- //Expr *e = static_cast<const omega::CG_chillRep *>(repr)->GetExpression();
if (node->isIntegerLiteral()) {
// FIXME: Not sure if it'll work in all cases (long?)
int val = ((chillAST_IntegerLiteral *) node)->value;
@@ -3153,34 +2606,22 @@ IR_Ref *IR_clangCode::Repr2Ref(const omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) const {
float val = ((chillAST_FloatingLiteral *) node)->value;
return new IR_chillConstantRef(this, val);
} else if (node->isDeclRefExpr()) {
- //fprintf(stderr, " IR_clangCode::Repr2Ref() declrefexpr TODO\n"); exit(-1);
return new IR_chillScalarRef(this, (chillAST_DeclRefExpr *) node); // uses DRE
} else {
fprintf(stderr, " IR_clangCode::Repr2Ref() UNHANDLED node type %s\n", node->getTypeString());
- //assert(0);
chillAST_NodeList* ConvertMemberExpr(clang::MemberExpr *clangME) {
- fprintf(stderr, "ConvertMemberExpr()\n");
- clang::Expr *E = clangME->getBase();
- E->dump();
chillAST_Node *base = unwrap(ConvertGenericClangAST(clangME->getBase()));
DeclarationNameInfo memnameinfo = clangME->getMemberNameInfo();
DeclarationName DN = memnameinfo.getName();
const char *member = DN.getAsString().c_str();
- //fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", DN.getAsString().c_str());
chillAST_MemberExpr *ME = new chillAST_MemberExpr(base, member, clangME);
- fprintf(stderr, "this is the Member Expresion\n");
- ME->print();
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");