path: root/src
diff options
authorTuowen Zhao <>2016-10-11 15:46:56 -0600
committerTuowen Zhao <>2016-10-11 15:46:56 -0600
commita78fdbc93fd8919aacf375cc4d40fdd46a9722a0 (patch)
treea1564139c4d22a9ca55ff442605c87c5750ca62a /src
parent098aec2482996b862eab9a3d6e493b2d06133c42 (diff)
and or not for constraints
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 36 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 2dcae2a..4e37b48 100755
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1201,8 +1201,13 @@ void IR_clangCode::ReplaceExpression(IR_Ref *old, omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) {
IR_CONDITION_TYPE IR_clangCode::QueryBooleanExpOperation(const omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) const {
CG_chillRepr *crepr = (CG_chillRepr *)repr;
chillAST_Node *node = crepr->chillnodes[0];
- if (!node->isBinaryOperator())
+ if (!node->isBinaryOperator()) {
+ if (node->isUnaryOperator()) {
+ chillAST_UnaryOperator *uop = (chillAST_UnaryOperator*)node;
+ if (!strcmp(uop->op,"!")) return IR_COND_NOT;
+ }
+ }
chillAST_BinaryOperator *bin = (chillAST_BinaryOperator*)node;
const char * opstring = bin->getOp();
if (!strcmp(opstring, "==")) return IR_COND_EQ;
@@ -1211,6 +1216,8 @@ IR_CONDITION_TYPE IR_clangCode::QueryBooleanExpOperation(const omega::CG_outputR
if (!strcmp(opstring, ">")) return IR_COND_GT;
if (!strcmp(opstring, ">=")) return IR_COND_GE;
if (!strcmp(opstring, "!=")) return IR_COND_NE;
+ if (!strcmp(opstring, "&&")) return IR_COND_AND;
+ if (!strcmp(opstring, "||")) return IR_COND_OR;
@@ -1282,13 +1289,10 @@ IR_OPERATION_TYPE IR_clangCode::QueryExpOperation(const omega::CG_outputRepr *re
std::vector<omega::CG_outputRepr *> IR_clangCode::QueryExpOperand(const omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) const {
- //fprintf(stderr, "IR_clangCode::QueryExpOperand()\n");
std::vector<omega::CG_outputRepr *> v;
CG_chillRepr *crepr = (CG_chillRepr *) repr;
- //Expr *e = static_cast<const omega::CG_chillRepr *>(repr)->GetExpression(); wrong.. CLANG
- chillAST_Node *e = crepr->chillnodes[0]; // ??
- //e->print(); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
+ chillAST_Node *e = crepr->chillnodes[0]; // ??
// really need to be more rigorous than this hack // TODO
if (e->isImplicitCastExpr()) e = ((chillAST_ImplicitCastExpr *) e)->getSubExpr();
@@ -1296,85 +1300,22 @@ std::vector<omega::CG_outputRepr *> IR_clangCode::QueryExpOperand(const omega::C
if (e->isParenExpr()) e = ((chillAST_ParenExpr *) e)->getSubExpr();
- //if(isa<IntegerLiteral>(e) || isa<FloatingLiteral>(e) || isa<DeclRefExpr>(e)) {
if (e->isIntegerLiteral() || e->isFloatingLiteral() || e->isDeclRefExpr()) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "it's a constant\n");
omega::CG_chillRepr *repr = new omega::CG_chillRepr(e);
- //} else if(BinaryOperator *bop = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(e)) {
} else if (e->isBinaryOperator()) {
- //fprintf(stderr, " BOP TODO\n"); exit(-1); //
chillAST_BinaryOperator *bop = (chillAST_BinaryOperator *) e;
- char *op = bop->op; // TODO enum for operator types
- if (!strcmp(op, "=")) {
- v.push_back(new omega::CG_chillRepr(bop->getRHS())); // for assign, return RHS
- } else {
- v.push_back(new omega::CG_chillRepr(bop->getLHS())); // for +*-/ return both lhs and rhs
- v.push_back(new omega::CG_chillRepr(bop->getRHS()));
- }
+ v.push_back(new omega::CG_chillRepr(bop->getLHS()));
+ v.push_back(new omega::CG_chillRepr(bop->getRHS()));
} // BinaryOperator
else if (e->isUnaryOperator()) {
- omega::CG_chillRepr *repr;
chillAST_UnaryOperator *uop = (chillAST_UnaryOperator *) e;
- char *op = uop->op; // TODO enum
- if (!strcmp(op, "+") || !strcmp(op, "-")) {
- v.push_back(new omega::CG_chillRepr(uop->getSubExpr()));
- } else {
- CHILL_ERROR(" IR_clangCode::QueryExpOperand() Unary Operator UNHANDLED op (%s)\n", op);
- exit(-1);
- }
+ v.push_back(new omega::CG_chillRepr(uop->getSubExpr()));
} // unaryoperator
else {
CHILL_ERROR("UNHANDLED node type %s\n", e->getTypeString());
- /*
-Expr *op1, *op2;
- switch(bop->getOpcode()) {
- case BO_Assign:
- op2 = bop->getRHS();
- repr = new omega::CG_chillRepr(op2);
- v.push_back(repr);
- break;
- case BO_Add:
- case BO_Sub:
- case BO_Mul:
- case BO_Div:
- op1 = bop->getLHS();
- repr = new omega::CG_chillRepr(op1);
- v.push_back(repr);
- op2 = bop->getRHS();
- repr = new omega::CG_chillRepr(op2);
- v.push_back(repr);
- break;
- default:
- throw chill::error::ir("operation not supported");
- }
- */
- //} else if(UnaryOperator *uop = dyn_cast<UnaryOperator>(e)) {
- //} else if(e->isUnaryOperator()) {
- /*
- omega::CG_chillRepr *repr;
- switch(uop->getOpcode()) {
- case UO_Minus:
- case UO_Plus:
- op1 = uop->getSubExpr();
- repr = new omega::CG_chillRepr(op1);
- v.push_back(repr);
- break;
- default:
- throw chill::error::ir("operation not supported");
- }
- */
- //} else if(ConditionalOperator *cop = dyn_cast<ConditionalOperator>(e)) {
- //omega::CG_chillRepr *repr;
- // TODO: Handle conditional operator here
- //} else throw chill::error::ir("operand type UNsupported");
return v;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 33bf6e5..36b0e8d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ void exp2formula(IR_Code *ir,
std::vector<CG_outputRepr *> v = ir->QueryExpOperand(repr);
- exp2formula(ir, r, f_root, freevars, v[0], lhs, side, rel, true,
+ exp2formula(ir, r, f_root, freevars, v[1], lhs, side, rel, true,
uninterpreted_symbols, uninterpreted_symbols_stringrepr);
if (destroy)
delete repr;
@@ -758,21 +758,10 @@ Relation arrays2relation(IR_Code *ir, std::vector<Free_Var_Decl *> &freevars,
const IR_ArrayRef *ref_dst, const Relation &IS_r,
std::map<std::string, std::vector<omega::CG_outputRepr *> > &uninterpreted_symbols,
std::map<std::string, std::vector<omega::CG_outputRepr *> > &uninterpreted_symbols_stringrepr) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "arrays2relation()\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, "%d freevars\n", freevars.size());
- //for (int i=0; i<freevars.size(); i++) fprintf(stderr, "freevar %d %s\n", i, (const char *)(freevars[i]->base_name()));
Relation &IS1 = const_cast<Relation &>(IS_w);
Relation &IS2 = const_cast<Relation &>(IS_r);
- //Relation *helper;
- //helper = new Relation(IS1); fprintf(stderr, "IS1 "); helper->print(); fflush(stdout);
- //helper = new Relation(IS2); fprintf(stderr, "IS2 "); helper->print(); fflush(stdout);
Relation r(IS1.n_set(), IS2.n_set());
- //helper = new Relation(r); fprintf(stderr, "r "); helper->print(); fflush(stdout);
for (int i = 1; i <= IS1.n_set(); i++)
r.name_input_var(i, IS1.set_var(i)->name());
@@ -780,25 +769,9 @@ Relation arrays2relation(IR_Code *ir, std::vector<Free_Var_Decl *> &freevars,
for (int i = 1; i <= IS2.n_set(); i++)
r.name_output_var(i, IS2.set_var(i)->name() + "'");
- //fprintf(stderr, " sym_src\n");
IR_Symbol *sym_src = ref_src->symbol();
IR_Symbol *sym_dst = ref_dst->symbol();
- //fprintf(stderr, " going to do IR_Symbol operator==\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, " comparing symbol 0x%x to symbol 0x%x\n", sym_src, sym_dst);
- //if (!(*sym_src == *sym_dst)) fprintf(stderr, "!(*sym_src == *sym_dst)\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, "calling !=\n");
- //if (*sym_src != *sym_dst) fprintf(stderr, " (*sym_src != *sym_dst) TRUE\n");
- //else fprintf(stderr, " (*sym_src != *sym_dst) FALSE\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, "calling ==\n");
- //if ((*sym_src == *sym_dst)) fprintf(stderr, "(*sym_src == *sym_dst)) TRUE \n");
- //else fprintf(stderr, "(*sym_src == *sym_dst) FALSE \n");
if (*sym_src != *sym_dst) {
- //if (!(*sym_src == *sym_dst)) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "False Relation\n");
r.add_or(); // False Relation
delete sym_src;
delete sym_dst;
@@ -807,14 +780,8 @@ Relation arrays2relation(IR_Code *ir, std::vector<Free_Var_Decl *> &freevars,
delete sym_src;
delete sym_dst;
- //fprintf(stderr, "f_root\n");
F_And *f_root = r.add_and();
- //fprintf(stderr, " ref_src->n_dim() %d\n", ref_src->n_dim());
for (int i = 0; i < ref_src->n_dim(); i++) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "arrays2 i %d\n", i);
F_Exists *f_exists = f_root->add_exists();
Variable_ID e1 = f_exists->declare(tmp_e());
Variable_ID e2 = f_exists->declare(tmp_e());
@@ -860,9 +827,6 @@ Relation arrays2relation(IR_Code *ir, std::vector<Free_Var_Decl *> &freevars,
// reset the output variable names lost in restriction
for (int i = 1; i <= IS2.n_set(); i++)
r.name_output_var(i, IS2.set_var(i)->name() + "'");
- //helper = new Relation(r); fprintf(stderr, "r "); helper->print(); fflush(stdout);
- //fprintf(stderr, "leaving arrays2relation\n");
return r;
@@ -875,45 +839,26 @@ std::pair<std::vector<DependenceVector>, std::vector<DependenceVector> > relatio
const IR_ArrayRef *ref_src,
const IR_ArrayRef *ref_dst,
const Relation &r) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "relation2dependences()\n");
assert(r.n_inp() == r.n_out());
std::vector<DependenceVector> dependences1, dependences2;
- //std::vector<DependenceVector*> dep1, dep2;
std::stack<DependenceLevel> working;
working.push(DependenceLevel(r, r.n_inp()));
while (!working.empty()) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "!empty size %d\n", working.size());
DependenceLevel dep =;
- //if (!dep.r.is_satisfiable()) fprintf(stderr, "NOT dep.r.is_satisfiable()\n");
- //else fprintf(stderr, " dep.r.is_satisfiable()\n");
// No dependence exists, move on.
if (!dep.r.is_satisfiable()) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "No dependence exists, move on.\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, "satisfiable\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, "dep.level %d r.n_inp() %d\n", dep.level, r.n_inp());
if (dep.level == r.n_inp()) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "dep.level == r.n_inp()\n");
DependenceVector dv;
- //fprintf(stderr, "\ndv created in if ***\n");
- //DependenceVector *dv2 = new DependenceVector;
- //fprintf(stderr, "for loop independent dependence dep.dir %d\n", dep.dir);
// for loop independent dependence, use lexical order to
// determine the correct source and destination
if (dep.dir == 0) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "dep.dir == 0\n");
if (*ref_src == *ref_dst) { // c == c
- //fprintf(stderr, "trivial\n");
continue; // trivial self zero-dependence
@@ -930,7 +875,6 @@ std::pair<std::vector<DependenceVector>, std::vector<DependenceVector> > relatio
} else if (dep.dir == 1) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "dep.dir == 1\n");
if (ref_src->is_write()) {
if (ref_dst->is_write())
dv.type = DEP_W2W;
@@ -943,7 +887,6 @@ std::pair<std::vector<DependenceVector>, std::vector<DependenceVector> > relatio
dv.type = DEP_R2R;
} else { // dep.dir == -1
- //fprintf(stderr, "dep.dir == -1\n");
if (ref_dst->is_write()) {
if (ref_src->is_write())
dv.type = DEP_W2W;
@@ -960,78 +903,34 @@ std::pair<std::vector<DependenceVector>, std::vector<DependenceVector> > relatio
dv.lbounds = dep.lbounds;
dv.ubounds = dep.ubounds;
- //fprintf(stderr, " calling ref_src->symbol();\n");
dv.sym = ref_src->symbol();
- //fprintf(stderr, "dv.sym = %p\n", dv.sym);
- //fprintf(stderr, "symbol %s ADDING A DEPENDENCE OF TYPE ", dv.sym->name().c_str());
- //switch (dv.type) {
- //case DEP_W2W: fprintf(stderr, "DEP_W2W to "); break;
- //case DEP_W2R: fprintf(stderr, "DEP_W2R to "); break;
- //case DEP_R2W: fprintf(stderr, "DEP_R2W to "); break;
- //case DEP_R2R: fprintf(stderr, "DEP_R2R to "); break;
- //default: fprintf(stderr, "DEP_UNKNOWN to "); break;
- //}
- //if (dep.dir == 0 || dep.dir == 1) fprintf(stderr, "dependences1\n");
- //else fprintf(stderr, "dependences2\n");
if (dep.dir == 0 || dep.dir == 1) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "pushing dv\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, "DONE pushing dv\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, "now %d dependences1\n", dependences1.size() );
- //for (int i=0; i<dependences1.size(); i++) {
- // fprintf(stderr, "dependences1[%d]: ", i );
- // //fprintf(stderr, "symbol %p ", dependences1[i].sym);
- // fprintf(stderr, "symbol ");
- // fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", dependences1[i].sym->name().c_str());
- //}
- //fprintf(stderr, "\n");
} else {
- //fprintf(stderr, "pushing dv\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, "DONE pushing dv\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, "now %d dependences2\n", dependences2.size() );
- //for (int i=0; i<dependences2.size(); i++) {
- // fprintf(stderr, "dependences2[%d]: ", i);
- // //fprintf(stderr, "symbol %p ", dependences2[i].sym);
- // fprintf(stderr, "symbol ");
- // fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", dependences2[i].sym->name().c_str());
- //}
- //fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, "dv goes out of scope ***\n");
} else {
- //fprintf(stderr, "now work on the next dimension level\n");
// now work on the next dimension level
int level = ++dep.level;
- //fprintf(stderr, "level %d\n", level);
coef_t lbound, ubound;
Relation delta = Deltas(copy(dep.r));
- //delta.print(); fflush(stdout);
delta.query_variable_bounds(delta.set_var(level), lbound, ubound);
- //fprintf(stderr, "delta lb " coef_fmt " 0x%llx ub " coef_fmt " 0x%llx\n", lbound,lbound,ubound,ubound);
if (dep.dir == 0) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "dep.dir == 0\n");
if (lbound > 0) {
dep.dir = 1;
dep.lbounds[level - 1] = lbound;
dep.ubounds[level - 1] = ubound;
- //fprintf(stderr, "push 1\n");
} else if (ubound < 0) {
dep.dir = -1;
dep.lbounds[level - 1] = -ubound;
dep.ubounds[level - 1] = -lbound;
- //fprintf(stderr, "push 2\n");
} else {
// split the dependence vector into flow- and anti-dependence
@@ -1048,15 +947,9 @@ std::pair<std::vector<DependenceVector>, std::vector<DependenceVector> > relatio
h.update_coef(dep2.r.input_var(level), 1);
h.update_coef(dep2.r.output_var(level), -1);
- //fprintf(stderr, "push 3\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, "lbound %lld 0x%llx\n", lbound, lbound);
- //if (lbound < 0LL) fprintf(stderr, "lbound < 0LL\n");
- //if (*ref_src != *ref_dst) fprintf(stderr, "(*ref_src != *ref_dst)\n");
- //else fprintf(stderr, "(*ref_src EQUAL *ref_dst)\n");
if (lbound < 0LL && (*ref_src != *ref_dst)) { // c == c
DependenceLevel dep2 = dep;
@@ -1076,12 +969,8 @@ std::pair<std::vector<DependenceVector>, std::vector<DependenceVector> > relatio
dep2.lbounds[level - 1] = std::max(-ubound,
static_cast<coef_t>(1)); // use max() to avoid Omega retardedness
dep2.ubounds[level - 1] = -lbound;
- //fprintf(stderr, "push 4\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, "ubound %d\n", ubound);
if (ubound > 0) {
DependenceLevel dep2 = dep;
@@ -1099,8 +988,6 @@ std::pair<std::vector<DependenceVector>, std::vector<DependenceVector> > relatio
dep2.dir = 1;
dep2.lbounds[level - 1] = std::max(lbound, static_cast<coef_t>(1)); // use max() to avoid Omega retardness
dep2.ubounds[level - 1] = ubound;
- //fprintf(stderr, "push 5\n");
@@ -1108,7 +995,6 @@ std::pair<std::vector<DependenceVector>, std::vector<DependenceVector> > relatio
// now deal with dependence vector with known direction
// determined at previous levels
else {
- //fprintf(stderr, "else messy\n");
// For messy bounds, further test to see if the dependence distance
// can be reduced to positive/negative. This is an omega hack.
if (lbound == negInfinity && ubound == posInfinity) {
@@ -1162,47 +1048,10 @@ std::pair<std::vector<DependenceVector>, std::vector<DependenceVector> > relatio
dep.lbounds[level - 1] = lbound;
dep.ubounds[level - 1] = ubound;
- //fprintf(stderr, "push 6\n");
- //fprintf(stderr, "at bottom, size %d\n", working.size());
- //fprintf(stderr, "leaving relation2dependences, %d and %d dependences\n", dependences1.size(), dependences2.size());
- //for (int i=0; i<dependences1.size(); i++) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "dependences1[%d]: ", i);
- //fprintf(stderr, "symbol %s\n", dependences1[i].sym->name().c_str());
- //fprintf(stderr, "symbol %s HAS A left DEPENDENCE OF TYPE ", dependences1[i].sym->name().c_str());
- //switch (dependences1[i].type) {
- //case DEP_W2W: fprintf(stderr, "DEP_W2W\n"); break;
- //case DEP_W2R: fprintf(stderr, "DEP_W2R\n"); break;
- //case DEP_R2W: fprintf(stderr, "DEP_R2W\n"); break;
- //case DEP_R2R: fprintf(stderr, "DEP_R2R\n"); break;
- //default: fprintf(stderr, "DEP_UNKNOWN\n"); break;
- //}
- //}
- //for (int i=0; i<dependences2.size(); i++) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "symbol %s HAS A right DEPENDENCE OF TYPE ", dependences2[i].sym->name().c_str());
- //switch (dependences2[i].type) {
- //case DEP_W2W: fprintf(stderr, "DEP_W2W\n"); break;
- //case DEP_W2R: fprintf(stderr, "DEP_W2R\n"); break;
- //case DEP_R2W: fprintf(stderr, "DEP_R2W\n"); break;
- //case DEP_R2R: fprintf(stderr, "DEP_R2R\n"); break;
- //default: fprintf(stderr, "DEP_UNKNOWN\n"); break;
- //}
- //}
return std::make_pair(dependences1, dependences2);
@@ -1219,6 +1068,25 @@ void exp2constraint(IR_Code *ir, Relation &r, F_And *f_root,
std::map<std::string, std::vector<omega::CG_outputRepr *> > &uninterpreted_symbols_stringrepr) {
IR_CONDITION_TYPE cond = ir->QueryBooleanExpOperation(repr);
switch (cond) {
+ case IR_COND_NOT: {
+ F_And *fa = f_root->add_not()->add_and();
+ std::vector<omega::CG_outputRepr *> op = ir->QueryExpOperand(repr);
+ exp2constraint(ir, r, fa, freevars, op[0], false, uninterpreted_symbols, uninterpreted_symbols_stringrepr);
+ }
+ case IR_COND_AND: {
+ std::vector<omega::CG_outputRepr *> op = ir->QueryExpOperand(repr);
+ exp2constraint(ir, r, f_root, freevars, op[0], false, uninterpreted_symbols, uninterpreted_symbols_stringrepr);
+ exp2constraint(ir, r, f_root, freevars, op[1], false, uninterpreted_symbols, uninterpreted_symbols_stringrepr);
+ }
+ case IR_COND_OR: {
+ F_Or *f_or = f_root->add_or();
+ F_And *fa1 = f_or->add_and();
+ F_And *fa2 = f_or->add_and();
+ std::vector<omega::CG_outputRepr *> op = ir->QueryExpOperand(repr);
+ exp2constraint(ir, r, fa1, freevars, op[0], false, uninterpreted_symbols, uninterpreted_symbols_stringrepr);
+ exp2constraint(ir, r, fa2, freevars, op[0], false, uninterpreted_symbols, uninterpreted_symbols_stringrepr);
+ break;
+ }
case IR_COND_LT:
case IR_COND_LE:
case IR_COND_EQ:
@@ -1228,11 +1096,10 @@ void exp2constraint(IR_Code *ir, Relation &r, F_And *f_root,
Variable_ID e = f_exist->declare();
F_And *f_and = f_exist->add_and();
std::vector<omega::CG_outputRepr *> op = ir->QueryExpOperand(repr);
- exp2formula(ir, r, f_and, freevars, op[0], e, 's', IR_COND_EQ, true,
+ exp2formula(ir, r, f_and, freevars, op[0], e, 's', IR_COND_EQ, false,
uninterpreted_symbols, uninterpreted_symbols_stringrepr);
- exp2formula(ir, r, f_and, freevars, op[1], e, 's', cond, true,
+ exp2formula(ir, r, f_and, freevars, op[1], e, 's', cond, false,
uninterpreted_symbols, uninterpreted_symbols_stringrepr);
if (destroy)
delete repr;
@@ -2296,10 +2163,6 @@ Relation replace_set_var_as_another_set_var(const omega::Relation &new_relation,
// Copy all relations from r and add new bound at position indicated by level.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/transformations/ b/src/transformations/
index 72a32d5..95f2c05 100644
--- a/src/transformations/
+++ b/src/transformations/
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ void Loop::buildIS(std::vector<ir_tree_node*> &ir_tree,std::vector<int> &lexical
stmt[loc].loop_level[ii].parallel_level = 0;
// Update lexical ordering for next statement
- lexicalOrder.emplace_back(lexicalOrder[lexicalOrder.size()-1] + 1);
+ lexicalOrder[lexicalOrder.size()-1]++;
@@ -411,6 +411,7 @@ void Loop::buildIS(std::vector<ir_tree_node*> &ir_tree,std::vector<int> &lexical
// Update lexical ordering for next statement
+ lexicalOrder[lexicalOrder.size()-1]++;