path: root/test-chill/testchill/
diff options
authorDerick Huth <>2015-09-24 12:22:41 -0600
committerDerick Huth <>2015-09-24 12:22:41 -0600
commit4631ad76927d433da5d55c3c373a1dfd0f74c9d4 (patch)
treef8dcba88576ec95e403f0c14efd80e970f30a260 /test-chill/testchill/
parent6eb2b89896da66a77d0dcdf2d72b98c122826949 (diff)
parent0cff3f9a3c4ccd434900162ebef4bd814850f481 (diff)
Merge pull request #7 from dhuth/master
Diffstat (limited to 'test-chill/testchill/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 368 deletions
diff --git a/test-chill/testchill/ b/test-chill/testchill/
deleted file mode 100644
index 86415c3..0000000
--- a/test-chill/testchill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-#TODO: setup and cleanup mechanism
-import argparse
-import logging
-import os
-import pickle
-import sys
-import textwrap
-from . import chill
-from . import gcov
-from . import test
-from . import util
-def make_local(argsns, arg_parser):
- """
- Make the local test case list. A convinience function for testing a local copy of chill.
- @params argsns Command line arguments
- @params arg_parser The ArgumentParser object
- """
- util.mkdir_p(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.staging'), temp=True)
- argsns.wd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.staging/wd')
- argsns.bin_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.staging/bin')
- argsns.chill_tc_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test-cases') # formally from the commandline
- argsns.chill_dir = os.path.abspath(argsns.chill_dir)
- argsns.chill_build_coverage = argsns.coverage_set is not None #TODO: make arg passed to local.
- argsns.chill_test_coverage = argsns.coverage_set is not None
- util.mkdir_p(argsns.wd)
- util.mkdir_p(argsns.bin_dir)
-'cp', [os.path.join(argsns.chill_dir, 'examples/cuda-chill/cudaize.lua'), argsns.wd])
-'cp', [os.path.join(argsns.chill_dir, 'examples/cuda-chill/'), argsns.wd])
- for config in chill.ChillConfig.configs(argsns.chill_dir, argsns.bin_dir):
- build_testcase = chill.BuildChillTestCase(config, options={'coverage': argsns.chill_build_coverage}, coverage_set=argsns.coverage_set)
- yield build_testcase
- batch_file = os.path.join(argsns.chill_tc_dir, + '.tclist')
- for tc in make_batch_testcaselist(argsns, arg_parser, batch_file):
- yield tc
-#def make_repo(argsns, arg_parser):
- """
- Make the repo test case list. A convinience function for testing chill from the repsitory.
- @params argsns Command line arguments
- @params arg_parser The ArgumentParser object
- """
-# util.mkdir_p(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.staging'), temp=True)
-# argsns.bin_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.staging/bin')
-# argsns.repo_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.staging/repo')
-# argsns.chill_tc_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test-cases') # formally from the commandline
-# argsns.wd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.staging/wd')
-# util.mkdir_p(argsns.bin_dir)
-# util.mkdir_p(argsns.repo_dir)
-# util.mkdir_p(argsns.wd)
-# #TODO: Should these be hard coded?
-# repo_root = ''
-# for version in ['release', 'dev']:
-# new_args = util.copy(argsns)
-# if version == 'dev':
-# chill_repo = 'svn+ssh://{}@{}/chill/branches/cuda-chill-rose'.format(new_args.svnuser, repo_root)
-# chill_repo_name = 'chill'
-# omega_repo = 'svn+ssh://{}@{}/omega/branches/cuda-omega-rose'.format(new_args.svnuser, repo_root)
-# omega_repo_name = 'omega'
-# elif version == 'release':
-# chill_repo = 'svn+ssh://{}@{}/chill/release'.format(new_args.svnuser, repo_root)
-# chill_repo_name = 'chill-release'
-# omega_repo = 'svn+ssh://{}@{}/omega/release'.format(new_args.svnuser, repo_root)
-# omega_repo_name = 'omega-release'
-# new_args.omega_dir = os.path.join(new_args.repo_dir, omega_repo_name)
-# new_args.chill_dir = os.path.join(new_args.repo_dir, chill_repo_name)
-#'svn', ['export', '--force', omega_repo, new_args.omega_dir])
-#'svn', ['export', '--force', chill_repo, new_args.chill_dir])
-#'cp', [os.path.join(new_args.chill_dir, 'examples/cuda-chill/cudaize.lua'), new_args.wd])
-# if version == 'dev':
-#'cp', [os.path.join(new_args.chill_dir, 'examples/cuda-chill/'), new_args.wd])
-# # do omega: (just build it for now)
-# yield omega.BuildOmegaTestCase(new_args.omega_dir ,version)
-# # do chill
-# for config in chill.ChillConfig.configs(new_args.omega_dir, new_args.chill_dir, new_args.bin_dir, version=version):
-# yield chill.BuildChillTestCase(config, coverage_set=argsns.coverage_set)
-# batch_file = os.path.join(argsns.chill_tc_dir, + '.tclist')
-# if os.path.exists(batch_file):
-# for tc in make_batch_testcaselist(new_args, arg_parser, batch_file):
-# yield tc
-def make_runchill_testcase(argsns):
- """
- Make a RunChillTestCase from the given argument namespace
- @param argsns Command line arguments
- """
- assert (argsns.chill_dir != None) or (argsns.bin_dir != None)
- ### Required parameters ###
- wd = os.path.abspath(argsns.wd)
- chill_script = os.path.abspath(argsns.chill_script)
- chill_src = os.path.abspath(argsns.chill_src)
- coverage_set = argsns.coverage_set
- ### Options to pass to the chill test case ###
- options = dict()
- options['compile-src'] = argsns.chill_test_compile_src
- options['run-script'] = argsns.chill_test_run_script
- options['compile-gensrc'] = argsns.chill_test_compile_gensrc
- options['check-run-script-stdout'] = argsns.chill_test_check_run_script
- options['coverage'] = argsns.chill_test_coverage
- ### choose interface language from script extension if none is given ###
- if argsns.chill_script_lang is None:
- argsns.chill_script_lang = chill.ChillConfig.ext_to_script_lang(chill_script.split('.')[-1])
- config = chill.ChillConfig(
- chill_dir = os.path.abspath(argsns.chill_dir) if argsns.chill_dir != None else None,
- bin_dir = os.path.abspath(argsns.bin_dir) if argsns.bin_dir != None else None,
- build_cuda = argsns.build_cuda,
- script_lang = argsns.chill_script_lang)
- return chill.RunChillTestCase(config, chill_script, chill_src, wd=wd, options=options, coverage_set=coverage_set)
-def make_buildchill_testcase(argsns):
- """
- Make a BuilChillTestCase from the given argument namespace
- @param argsns Command line arguments
- """
- assert argsns.chill_dir != None
- coverage_set = argsns.coverage_set
- options = dict()
- options['coverage'] = argsns.chill_build_coverage
- config = chill.ChillConfig(
- chill_dir = os.path.abspath(argsns.chill_dir) if argsns.chill_dir != None else None,
- bin_dir = os.path.abspath(argsns.bin_dir) if argsns.bin_dir != None else None,
- build_cuda = argsns.build_cuda,
- script_lang = argsns.chill_script_lang)
- return chill.BuildChillTestCase(config, options=options, coverage_set=coverage_set)
-def make_batch_testcaselist(argsns, arg_parser, batch_file=None):
- """
- Make a list of test cases from a file.
- @param argsns The parent argument namespace
- @param arg_parser The argument parser. Used to parse lines from the batch file.
- @param batch_file The batch file name
- """
- if batch_file is None:
- batch_file = argsns.batch_file
- with open(batch_file, 'r') as f:
- for txt_line in f.readlines():
- if len(txt_line.strip()) == 0: continue # skip empty lines
- if txt_line.strip().startswith('#'): continue # skip comment lines
- args = util.applyenv(txt_line.strip()) # replace environment variables with thier values
- args = args.split() # split by whitespace
- for tc in args_to_tclist(args, arg_parser, argsns):
- yield tc
-def add_local_args(arg_parser):
- """
- Command line arguments for the local command
- @param arg_parser The local ArgumentParser object
- """
- arg_parser.add_argument('chill_dir', metavar='chill-home', default='../')
- #arg_parser.add_argument('-v', '--chill-branch', dest='chill_version', default='dev', choices=['release','dev'])
- # - Testing should consider all interface languages. Will uncomment if testing takes too long
- # arg_parser.add_argument('-i', '--interface-lang', nargs=1, action='append', dest='chill_script_lang_list', choices=['script','lua','python'])
- # arg_parser.add_argument('-t', '--testcase-dir', dest='chill_tc_dir', default=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test-cases/'))
- arg_parser.set_defaults(wd=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.staging/wd'))
- arg_parser.set_defaults(bin_dir=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.staging/bin'))
-def add_repo_args(arg_parser):
- """
- Command line arguments for the repo command
- @param arg_parser The local ArgumentParser object
- """
- arg_parser.add_argument('svnuser', metavar='svn-user-name')
-def add_boolean_option(arg_parser, name, dest, default=True, help_on=None, help_off=None):
- """
- Add a boolean option.
- @param parg_parser The ArgumentParser object
- @param name The name of the parameter
- @param dest The dest parameter passed to the ArgumentParser
- @param default The default value
- @param help_on The help parameter for the true option
- @param help_off The help parameter for the false option
- """
- group = arg_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- group.add_argument('--' + name, action='store_true', dest=dest, default=default, help=help_on)
- group.add_argument('--no-' + name, action='store_false', dest=dest, default=default, help=help_off)
-def add_chill_common_args(arg_parser):
- """
- Common chill command line arguments.
- @param arg_parser The ArgumentParser object
- """
- cuda_group = arg_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- cuda_group.add_argument('-u', '--target-cuda', action='store_const', const=True, dest='build_cuda', default=False, help='Test cuda-chill. (Default is chill)')
- cuda_group.add_argument('-c', '--target-c', action='store_const', const=False, dest='build_cuda', default=False, help='Test chill. (Default is chill)')
- arg_parser.add_argument('-i', '--interface-lang', dest='chill_script_lang', choices=['script','lua','python'], default=None, help='Chill interface language. If an interface language is not specified, it will be determined by the script file name.')
-def add_chill_run_args(arg_parser):
- """
- Command line arguments specific to running a chill test case
- @param arg_parser The ArgumentParser object
- """
- arg_parser.add_argument('chill_script', help='Chill script file.', metavar='chill-script')
- arg_parser.add_argument('chill_src', help='Chill source file.', metavar='chill-src')
- add_boolean_option(arg_parser, 'compile-src', dest='chill_test_compile_src', default=True, help_on='Compile source file.', help_off='Do not compile source file.')
- add_boolean_option(arg_parser, 'run-script', dest='chill_test_run_script', default=True, help_on='Run chill script.', help_off='Do not run chill script.')
- add_boolean_option(arg_parser, 'compile-gensrc', dest='chill_test_compile_gensrc', default=True, help_on='Compile generated source file', help_off='Do not compile generated source file.')
- add_boolean_option(arg_parser, 'check-run-script', dest='chill_test_check_run_script', default=False, help_on='Diff stdout from chill script against a benchmark.')
- add_boolean_option(arg_parser, 'test-coverage', 'chill_test_coverage', default=False, help_on='Run chill and record code coverage (default).', help_off='Run chill normally without recording code coverage.')
-def add_chill_build_args(arg_parser):
- """
- Command line arguments specific to building chill and testing the build process
- @params arg_parser The ArgumentParser object
- """
- add_boolean_option(arg_parser, 'build-coverage', 'chill_build_coverage', default=False, help_on='Build chill for code coverage flags (default).', help_off='Build chill normally without code coverage flags.')
-def add_local_command(command_group):
- """
- Add local to the subcommand group
- @param command_group the subparser group object
- """
- local_arg_parser = command_group.add_parser('local')
- add_local_args(local_arg_parser)
- local_arg_parser.set_defaults(func=lambda a, ap: make_local(a, ap))
-def add_repo_command(command_group):
- """
- Add repo to the subcommand group
- @param command_group the subparser group object
- """
- repo_arg_parser = command_group.add_parser('repo')
- add_repo_args(repo_arg_parser)
- repo_arg_parser.set_defaults(func=lambda a, ap: make_repo(a, ap))
-def add_chill_command(command_group):
- """
- Add chill-testcase to the subcommand group
- @param command_group The subparser group object
- """
- chill_arg_parser = command_group.add_parser('chill-testcase')
- add_chill_run_args(chill_arg_parser)
- add_chill_common_args(chill_arg_parser)
- chill_arg_parser.set_defaults(func=lambda a, ap: [make_runchill_testcase(a)])
-def add_buildchill_command(command_group):
- """
- Add build-chill-testcase to the subcommand group
- @param command_group The subparser group object
- """
- buildchill_arg_parser = command_group.add_parser('build-chill-testcase')
- add_chill_common_args(buildchill_arg_parser)
- add_chill_build_args(buildchill_arg_parser)
- buildchill_arg_parser.set_defaults(func=lambda a, ap: [make_buildchill_testcase(a)])
-def add_batch_args(arg_parser):
- """
- Command line arguments for the batch file command
- @param arg_parser The ArgumentParser object
- """
- arg_parser.add_argument('batch_file', help='Batch file', metavar='batch-filename')
-def add_batch_command(command_group):
- """
- Add batch command to the subcommand group
- @param command_group The subparser group object
- """
- batch_arg_parser = command_group.add_parser('batch')
- add_batch_args(batch_arg_parser)
- batch_arg_parser.set_defaults(func=make_batch_testcaselist)
-def add_commands(arg_parser):
- """
- Add the subcommand group
- @param arg_parser The ArgumentParser object
- """
- command_group = arg_parser.add_subparsers(title='commands')
- add_local_command(command_group)
- #add_repo_command(command_group)
- add_chill_command(command_group)
- add_buildchill_command(command_group)
- add_batch_command(command_group)
-def add_global_args(arg_parser):
- """
- Add arguments that are used for most subcommands
- @param arg_parser The ArgumentParser object
- """
- arg_parser.add_argument('-w', '--working-dir', dest='wd', default=os.getcwd(), help='The working directory. (Defaults to the current directory)', metavar='working-directory')
- arg_parser.add_argument('-R', '--rose-home', dest='rose_dir', default=os.getenv('ROSEHOME'), help='Rose home directory. (Defaults to ROSEHOME)', metavar='rose-home')
- arg_parser.add_argument('-C', '--chill-home', dest='chill_dir', default=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..'), help='Chill home directory. (Defaults to CHILLHOME)', metavar='chill-home')
- arg_parser.add_argument('-b', '--binary-dir', dest='bin_dir', default=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..'), help='Binary directory.', metavar='bin-dir')
-def make_argparser():
- """
- Create the argument parser.
- """
- arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- prog='python -m testchill',
- description=textwrap.dedent('''\
- To test a local working copy of chill (from the development branch):
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- - Run `python -m testchill local`
- '''),
- epilog='EPILOG',
- formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
- add_global_args(arg_parser)
- add_commands(arg_parser)
- # ...
- return arg_parser
-def args_to_tclist(args=sys.argv[1:], arg_parser=make_argparser(), argsns=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Parse one line and return a list of test cases.
- @params args Raw arguments to be passed to the ArgumentParser object (defaults to sys.args[1:])
- @params arg_parser The ArgumentParser object (defaults to an ArgumentParser returned by make_argparser())
- @params argsns The top level argument namespace (defaults to None)
- """
- if not argsns is None: # if an argsns is given,
- argsns = util.copy(argsns, exclude=['func']) # make a shallow copy, (excluding func)
- argsns = arg_parser.parse_args(args, namespace=argsns)
- for k,v in kwargs.items():
- setattr(argsns, k, v)
- return list(argsns.func(argsns, arg_parser))
-def main():
- coverage = gcov.GcovSet()
- results = list(
- test.pretty_print_results(results)
- util.rmtemp()
- with open('coverage.pickle', 'wb') as f:
- pickle.dump(coverage, f, 2)
- with open('testresults.pickle', 'wb') as f:
- pickle.dump(results, f, 2)
- if any(s.failed() or s.errored() for s in results):
- sys.exit(1)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()