path: root/test-chill/testchill/
diff options
authorDerick Huth <>2015-09-24 11:34:04 -0600
committerDerick Huth <>2015-09-24 11:34:04 -0600
commit99c062c028c7f4e94fb38cde50772cfd3ea5ad3b (patch)
tree2d86a6d5a9b7dadd88ee83f9fc0f576a4ce1d451 /test-chill/testchill/
parentc285135eb903c31cd221f90f03e288a6b67770cd (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'test-chill/testchill/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 165 deletions
diff --git a/test-chill/testchill/ b/test-chill/testchill/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f19a12..0000000
--- a/test-chill/testchill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-import collections
-import os
-import pickle
-import re
-from . import util
-_script_parser = None
-def _get_script_parser():
- """
- Retrieve the test code generator language parser.
- """
- global _script_parser
- if _script_parser is None:
- with open('testchill/cpp_validate/parser.pickle','rb') as f:
- _script_parser = pickle.load(f)
- return _script_parser
-def _parse_testproc_python(txt, glbls=None):
- """
- Parse text as a python testchill._cpp_validate_env.Procedure object"
- @param txt Python code to be parsed.
- @param glbls A python global dict.
- """
- if glbls is None:
- glbls = dict()
- exec('import testchill._cpp_validate_env\nfrom testchill._cpp_validate_env import *', None, glbls)
- return eval(txt, glbls)
-def _parse_testproc_script(txt, glbls=None):
- """
- Parse text as test code generator language.
- @param txt Code to be parsed.
- @param glbls A python global dict.
- """
- parser = _get_script_parser()
- proc = list(parser.parse(util.textstream(txt)))[0]
- if glbls is None:
- from . import _cpp_validate_env
- glbls = dict()
- return _cpp_validate_env.addbindings(proc, glbls)
- else:
- return proc
-def _parse_testproc_iter(srcfile, wd=os.getcwd()):
- """
- Parse all test procedures from a file.
- @param srcfile File path to parse.
- @param wd Working directory.
- """
- default_attrs = {'lang':'script', 'define':'dict()'}
- for txt, parsed_attrs in util.extract_tag('test', srcfile, wd):
- attrs = collections.defaultdict(lambda: None)
- attrs.update(default_attrs)
- attrs.update(parsed_attrs)
- if attrs['lang'] == 'python':
- yield _parse_testproc_python(txt), attrs
- if attrs['lang'] == 'script':
- yield _parse_testproc_script(txt), attrs
-#def _compile_gpp(src, dest):
-# """
-# Compile a signle C++ source file into an executable object.
-# @param src Source file path.
-# @param dest Object file path.
-# """
-#'g++', ['-o', dest, src, '-lrt'])
-def _test_time(control_time, test_time):
- """
- Determine if test ran faster than control.
- @param control_time Time taken by control.
- @param test_time Time taken by test.
- """
- return control_time > test_time
-def _test_validate(control_dataout_path, test_dataout_path):
- """
- Determine if control and test computed the same values.
- @param control_dataout_path Path to the file writen by control.
- @param test_dataout_path Path to the file writen by test.
- """
- with open(control_dataout_path, 'rb') as controlfile:
- with open(test_dataout_path, 'rb') as testfile:
- return ==
-def _run_test_validate_time(control_obj_path, test_obj_path, datain_path):
- control_dataout_path = util.mktemp()
- test_dataout_path = util.mktemp()
- control_time, = eval(, [datain_path, control_dataout_path]))
- test_time, = eval(, [datain_path, test_dataout_path]))
- return _test_validate(control_dataout_path, test_dataout_path), _test_time(control_time, test_time)
-#def _run_test_validate_time(control_obj_path, test_obj_path, datain_path, wd):
- #control_obj_path = '.'.join(control_src_path.split('.')[:-1])
- #test_obj_path = '.'.join(test_src_path.split('.')[:-1])
- #util.set_tempfile(control_obj_path)
- #util.set_tempfile(test_obj_path)
- #_compile_gpp(control_src_path, control_obj_path)
- #_compile_gpp(test_src_path, test_obj_path)
- #test_validate, test_time = _run_test_validate_time(control_obj_path, test_obj_path, datain_path)
- #return test_validate, test_time
-def _generate_initial_data(test_proc, srcfile, defines, wd=os.getcwd()):
- filename = os.path.join(wd, os.path.basename(srcfile)) + '.data'
- with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
- for p_name, p_type, p_dims, p_data in test_proc.generatedata(['in', 'inout'], defines):
- f.write(p_data)
- for p_name, p_type, p_dims, p_data in test_proc.generatedata(['out'], defines):
- f.write(p_data)
- return filename
-def _format_insertion_dict(test_proc, src_path, defines):
- with open(src_path, 'r') as src_file:
- return {
- 'defines' : '\n'.join(['#define {} {}'.format(k,v) for k,v in defines.items()]),
- 'test-proc' :,
- 'declarations' : '\n'.join(test_proc.generatedecls(defines)),
- 'read-in' : '\n'.join(test_proc.generatereads(['in','inout'], 'datafile_initialize', defines)),
- 'read-out' : '\n'.join(test_proc.generatereads(['out'], 'datafile_initialize', defines)),
- 'run' : test_proc.getinvokestr(),
- 'write-out' : '\n'.join(test_proc.generatewrites('datafile_out', defines)),
- }
-def _write_generated_code(test_proc, src_path, defines, dest_filename, wd):
- insertion_dict = _format_insertion_dict(test_proc, src_path, defines)
- dest_file_path = os.path.join(wd, dest_filename)
- with open('testchill/cpp_validate/src/validate.cpp', 'r') as template_file:
- with open(dest_file_path, 'w') as destfile:
- template_text =
- desttext = template_text
- for match in re.finditer(r'(?P<indent>[ \t]*)//# (?P<name>[^\s]+)', template_text):
- destlines = insertion_dict['name')].splitlines()
- indent ='indent')
- match_text =
- repl_text = '\n'.join([indent + line for line in destlines])
- desttext = desttext.replace(match_text, repl_text)
- destfile.write(desttext)
- return dest_file_path
-def run_from_src(control_src, test_src, build_control_func, build_test_func, wd=os.getcwd()):
- control_src_path = os.path.join(wd, control_src)
- test_src_path = os.path.join(wd, test_src)
- gen_control_obj_path = os.path.join(wd, 'control_obj')
- gen_test_obj_path = os.path.join(wd, 'test_obj')
- for test_proc, attrs in _parse_testproc_iter(control_src, wd):
- defines = eval(attrs['define'])
- datafile = _generate_initial_data(test_proc, control_src_path, defines, wd=wd)
- gen_control_src = _write_generated_code(test_proc, control_src_path, defines, '', wd)
- gen_test_src = _write_generated_code(test_proc, test_src_path, defines, '', wd)
- gen_control_obj, _ = build_control_func(gen_control_src, gen_control_obj_path)
- gen_test_obj, _ = build_test_func(gen_test_src, gen_test_obj_path)
- util.set_tempfile(gen_control_obj)
- util.set_tempfile(gen_test_obj)
- yield attrs['name'], _run_test_validate_time(gen_control_obj, gen_test_obj, datafile)
-def parse_defines_iter(src, wd=os.getcwd()):
- for txt, attrs in util.extract_tag('test', src, wd):
- if 'define' in attrs.keys():
- yield eval(attrs['define'])