path: root/test-chill/testchill/
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authordhuth <>2014-09-17 18:09:29 -0600
committerdhuth <>2014-09-17 18:09:29 -0600
commit600fa18324c21a162c50c40ae5f00c899a41dd24 (patch)
treed399a8ea49c71a85abf5c07cb96b24676df32a0a /test-chill/testchill/
parenta2bd0557344bbd8d06e94814abd409f552b0efec (diff)
removed submodule, added test-chill
Diffstat (limited to 'test-chill/testchill/')
1 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-chill/testchill/ b/test-chill/testchill/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c38b98a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-chill/testchill/
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
+#TODO: test dependencies
+#TODO: expected failures
+import itertools
+import io
+import logging
+import pprint
+import sys
+import traceback
+from . import util
+class TestResult(object):
+ """
+ The base class for all test results.
+ """
+ _pass = 'pass'
+ _error = 'error'
+ _fail = 'fail'
+ _skipped = 'skipped'
+ def __init__(self, testcase, status):
+ self.testcase_name =
+ self.status = status
+ testcase.setresult(self)
+ @staticmethod
+ def make_pass(result_type, testcase, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Create and return a passing test result of type result_type.
+ @param result_type A class that extends TestResult
+ @param testcase The test case that generated the result
+ @param *args Additional positional arguments to be passed to result_type.__init__
+ @param *kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to result_type.__init__
+ """
+ return result_type(testcase, TestResult._pass, *args, **kwargs)
+ @staticmethod
+ def make_error(result_type, testcase, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Create and return a errored test result of type result_type.
+ @param result_type A class that extends TestResult
+ @param testcase The test case that generated the result
+ @param *args Additional positional arguments to be passed to result_type.__init__
+ @param *kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to result_type.__init__
+ """
+ return result_type(testcase, TestResult._error, *args, **kwargs)
+ @staticmethod
+ def make_fail(result_type, testcase, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Create and return a failed test result of type result_type.
+ @param result_type A class that extends TestResult
+ @param testcase The test case that generated the result
+ @param *args Additional positional arguments to be passed to result_type.__init__
+ @param *kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to result_type.__init__
+ """
+ return result_type(testcase, TestResult._fail, *args, **kwargs)
+ @staticmethod
+ def make_skipped(result_type, testcase, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Create and return a skipped test result of type result_type.
+ @param result_type A class that extends TestResult
+ @param testcase The test case that generated the result
+ @param *args Additional positional arguments to be passed to result_type.__init__
+ @param *kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to result_type.__init__
+ """
+ return result_type(testcase, TestResult._skipped, *args, **kwargs)
+ def passed(self):
+ """ Return true iff the testcase passed. """
+ return self.status == TestResult._pass
+ def errored(self):
+ """ Return true iff the testcase passed. """
+ return self.status == TestResult._error
+ def failed(self):
+ """ Return true iff the testcase passed. """
+ return self.status == TestResult._fail
+ def skipped(self):
+ """ Return true iff the testcase was skipped """
+ return self.status == TestResult._skipped
+ def pprint_dict(self):
+ """
+ Return a dict that is ideal for passing to pprint.
+ """
+ return {'testcase_name': self.testcase_name, 'status':self.status}
+ def pretty_print(self, width=60, outfile=sys.stdout):
+ """
+ Print result to a file in a human readable way.
+ """
+ print('='*width, end='\n', file=outfile)
+ print("{}: {}".format(self.status, self.testcase_name), end='\n', file=outfile)
+ print('-'*width, end='\n', file=outfile)
+ print(self.pretty_message(), end='\n', file=outfile)
+ print('-'*width, end='\n', file=outfile)
+ def pretty_message(self):
+ """ Return a message to be printed by pretty_print. Returns an empyt string if not overriden. """
+ return ''
+class FailedTestResult(TestResult):
+ """
+ A basic implementation of TestResult for failed tests.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, testcase, status=TestResult._fail, reason=None):
+ super(FailedTestResult, self).__init__(testcase, status)
+ self.reason = reason
+ def pprint_dict(self):
+ """
+ Return a dict that is ideal for passing to pprint.
+ """
+ ppdict = super(FailedTestResult, self).pprint_dict()
+ ppdict['reason'] = self.reason
+ return ppdict
+ def pretty_message(self):
+ return self.reason
+class CompoundTestResult(TestResult):
+ """
+ A TestResult returned by running a sequencial test case
+ """
+ def __init__(self, testcase, results):
+ super(CompoundTestResult, self).__init__(testcase, None)
+ self.sub_results = results
+ status_list = [r.status for r in results]
+ if TestResult._fail in status_list:
+ self.status = TestResult._fail
+ elif TestResult._error in status_list:
+ self.status = TestResult._error
+ elif TestResult._pass in status_list:
+ self.status = TestResult._pass
+ else:
+ self.status = TestResult._skipped
+ def pprint_dict(self):
+ """
+ Returns a dict that is ideal for passing to pprint.
+ """
+ ppdict = super(CompoundTestResult, self).pprint_dict()
+ ppdict['sub_results'] = list(s.pprint_dict() for s in self.sub_results)
+ return ppdict
+ def pretty_message(self):
+ return '\n'.join(
+ "{}: {}{}".format(
+ st.status,
+ st.testcase_name,
+ '\n' + st.pretty_message() if st.status in [TestResult._fail, TestResult._error] else '')
+ for st in self.sub_results)
+class SubTestResult(TestResult):
+ """
+ A TestResult for a subtest in a sequencial test case.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, subtest_name, inner_result):
+ """
+ @param subtest_name The name of the subtest.
+ @param inner_result The result returned from running the subtest.
+ """
+ super(SubTestResult, self).__init__(inner_result.testcase, inner_result.status)
+ self.inner_result = inner_result
+ def pprint_dict(self):
+ """
+ Return a dict that is ideal for passing to pprint.
+ """
+ ppdict = super(CompoundTestResult, self).pprint_dict()
+ ppdict['inner_result'] = self.inner_result.pprint_dict()
+ return ppdict
+class UnhandledExceptionTestResult(TestResult):
+ """
+ A TestResult returned for exceptions that the test case failed to handle.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, testcase, status, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
+ super(UnhandledExceptionTestResult, self).__init__(testcase, status)
+ self.exception_type = exc_type
+ self.exception_value = exc_value
+ if not exc_traceback is None:
+ sio = util.StringIO()
+ traceback.print_exception(self.exception_type, self.exception_value, exc_traceback, file=sio)
+ self.exception_message = sio.getvalue()
+ else:
+ self.exception_message = "{}: {}".format(str(exc_type), str(exc_value))
+ def pprint_dict(self):
+ """
+ Return a dict that is ideal for passing to pprint.
+ """
+ ppdict = super(UnhandledExceptionTestResult, self).pprint_dict()
+ ppdict['exception_type'] = self.exception_type
+ ppdict['exception_value'] = self.exception_value
+ ppdict['exception_message'] = self.exception_message
+ return ppdict
+ def pretty_message(self):
+ return self.exception_message
+class TestCase(object):
+ """
+ Base class for all test cases
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name=None):
+ """
+ @param name A unique test case name.
+ """
+ = name
+ def setUp(self):
+ """
+ Called imediately before a testcase is executed.
+ """
+ pass
+ def run(self):
+ """
+ Run the test case, and return its result.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def tearDown(self):
+ """
+ Called imediately after a testcase is executed.
+ """
+ pass
+ def catch(self, exc):
+ """
+ Called when run raises an exception. If the test case
+ knows how to handle it, it should return it's own result or None.
+ Otherwise, return the original exception.
+ """
+ return exc
+ def setresult(self, test_result):
+ """
+ Called after a test issues a result and before tearDown is called.
+ """
+ self.test_result = test_result
+ def make_pass(self, result_type=TestResult, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Make a passed result for this testcase.
+ """
+ return TestResult.make_pass(result_type, self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def make_fail(self, result_type=FailedTestResult, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Make a failed result for this testcase.
+ """
+ return TestResult.make_fail(result_type, self, *args, **kwargs)
+class SequencialTestCase(TestCase):
+ """
+ A test case that executes a sequence of subtests until
+ one fails.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ super(SequencialTestCase, self).__init__(name)
+ self.tests = []
+ def add_subtest(self, subtest_name, subtest_func):
+ """
+ Add a subtest.
+ """
+ self.tests.append((subtest_name, subtest_func))
+ def run(self):
+ return CompoundTestResult(self, list(self._runall()))
+ def _runall(self):
+ return _rungen([SubTestCase(name, func) for name, func in self.tests], failfast=True)
+class SubTestCase(TestCase):
+ """
+ A subtest of a sequncial test.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name, func):
+ super(SubTestCase, self).__init__(name)
+ = lambda: func(self)
+def run(tclist, failfast=False):
+ """
+ Run all test cases in tclist and return a list of thier results.
+ """
+ return list(_rungen(tclist, failfast))
+def _rungen(tclist, failfast=False):
+ """
+ A generator for running tests internally.
+ """
+ for tc in tclist:
+ result = None
+ tc.setUp()
+ try:
+ result = _result(, tc)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ result = _result(tc.catch(ex), tc)
+ tc.tearDown()
+ yield result
+ if failfast and (result.failed() or result.errored()):
+ break
+def _result(res, tc):
+ """
+ Convert res to a TestResult object.
+ If res is a TestResult object, give it back.
+ If res is an Exception, return an UnandledExceptionTestResult.
+ If res is something else, discard it and return a passed TestResult.
+ """
+ if isinstance(res, TestResult):
+ return res
+ elif isinstance(res, Exception):
+'uncaught exception: {}'.format(str(res)))
+ return TestResult.make_error(UnhandledExceptionTestResult, tc, *(sys.exc_info()))
+ else:
+ return TestResult.make_pass(TestResult, tc)
+def pprint_results(result_iter, outfile=sys.stdout):
+ """
+ Print pprint version of test results to a file-like object.
+ @param result_iter An iterator of results to print.
+ @param outfile An opened file-like object to print to (defaults to stdout).
+ """
+ status_func = lambda r: r.status
+ result_iter = sorted(result_iter, key=status_func)
+ status_dict = dict(iter((k, list(map(lambda tc: tc.pprint_dict(), g))) for k, g in itertools.groupby(result_iter, status_func)))
+ pprint.pprint(status_dict, stream=outfile)
+def pretty_print_results(
+ result_iter,
+ count_by_status=True, exclude_passed=True, exclude_skipped=True, exclude_failed=False,
+ exclude_errored=False, sort_by_status=True, width=60, outfile=sys.stdout):
+ """
+ Print iterator of TestResults in a human readable format to a file-like object.
+ @param result_iter An iterator of TestResult objects to print.
+ @param count_by_status Print the number of tests for each status (defaults to True).
+ @param exclude_passed Exclude passed test results from printing (defaults to True).
+ @param exclude_skipped Exclude skipped test results from printing (defaults to True).
+ @param exclude_failed Exclude failed test results from printing (defaults to False).
+ @param exclude_errored Exclude errored test results from printing (defaults to False).
+ @param sort_by_status Print test results in order of status: passed, errored, failed, then skipped (defaults to True).
+ @param width Printing width (defaults to 60).
+ @param outfile A file-like object to print to (defaults to stdout).
+ """
+ result_list = list(result_iter)
+ status_func = lambda r: r.status
+ if sort_by_status:
+ #TODO: printing order
+ result_iter = sorted(result_iter, key=status_func)
+ if count_by_status:
+ print('Passed: {}'.format(len([tr for tr in result_list if tr.passed()])), file=outfile)
+ print('Errors: {}'.format(len([tr for tr in result_list if tr.errored()])), file=outfile)
+ print('Failed: {}'.format(len([tr for tr in result_list if tr.failed()])), file=outfile)
+ print('Skipped: {}'.format(len([tr for tr in result_list if tr.skipped()])), file=outfile)
+ #TODO: something that doesn't expose TestResult._*
+ print_status = set(itertools.compress([TestResult._pass, TestResult._error, TestResult._fail, TestResult._skipped],
+ map(lambda n: not n, [exclude_passed, exclude_errored, exclude_failed, exclude_skipped])))
+ for tr in (r for r in result_list if r.status in print_status):
+ tr.pretty_print(width=width, outfile=outfile)