path: root/test-chill/unit-tests/
diff options
authorTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-18 21:39:45 +0000
committerTuowen Zhao <>2016-09-18 21:39:45 +0000
commitf255f2498da1fd985ad1ed79362580bbf4675723 (patch)
tree3cd02e9d3147054820c58aacd1e5d3d336eea0d7 /test-chill/unit-tests/
parent7233faacb7990a6c3a40d2435ede88d7725dfc6e (diff)
rm test-chill, create doc subdir
Diffstat (limited to 'test-chill/unit-tests/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 280 deletions
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index ed55c80..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-import functools
-import os
-import pprint
-import struct
-import unittest
-import testchill
-import testchill.util as util
-import testchill._cpp_validate_env as cpp_validate_env
-import testchill.cpp_validate as cpp_validate
-def listtodata(flist):
- data = [struct.pack('f',n) for n in flist]
- return functools.reduce(lambda a,v: a+v, data)
-class TestCppValidate(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.staging_dir_wd = os.getenv("STAGING_DIR_WD")
- self.cpp_validate_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/')
- self._parse_testproc_script_test_data = [
- (('mm_one.testproc',), None),
- (('mm_one_with.testproc',), None)
- ]
- self._parse_testproc_python_test_data = [
- ]
- #self._generate_data_test_data = [
- # (('','in'), None),
- # (('','out'), None),
- # (('','in'), None),
- # (('','out'), None),
- # (('','in'), None),
- # (('','out'), None),
- # (('','in'), None),
- # (('','out'), None),
- # ]
- self._parse_testproc_iter_test_data = [
- (('',),
- [({'lang': 'script', 'name': 'mm_small', 'define':'dict()'},)]),
- (('',),
- [({'lang': 'script', 'name': 'mm_small', 'define':'dict()'},)]),
- (('',),
- [({'lang': 'script', 'name': 'mm_small', 'define': "{'AN':3, 'BM':2, 'AMBN':5}"},)]),
- (('',),
- [({'lang': 'script', 'name': 'mm_small', 'define': "{'AN':3, 'BM':2, 'AMBN':5}"},)])
- ]
- self._compile_gpp_test_data = [
- ('', 'mm_one')
- ]
- self._test_time_test_data = [
- ((0.0034, 0.0025), True),
- ((0.0025, 0.0034), False)
- ]
- self._test_validate_test_data = [
- (('asdf', 'asdf'), True),
- (('asdf', 'sdfg'), False)
- ]
- self._run_test_validate_time_test_data = [
- (('', 'mm_control', '', 'mm_test', list(range(15)) + list(range(10))), (True, False)),
- (('', 'mm_control', '', 'mm_test', list(range(15)) + list(range(10))), (True, True)),
- (('', 'mm_control', '', 'mm_test', list(range(15)) + list(range(10))), (False, False))
- ]
- self._compile_run_test_validate_time_test_data = [
- (('', '', list(range(15)) + list(range(10))), (True, False)),
- (('', '', list(range(15)) + list(range(10))), (True, True)),
- (('', '', list(range(15)) + list(range(10))), (False, False))
- ]
- self._generate_initial_data_test_data = [
- (('mm_one.testproc', '', {}), listtodata(list(range(15)) + list(range(10)) + [0]*6)),
- (('mm_one_with.testproc', '', {}), listtodata(list(range(15)) + list(range(10)) + [0]*6)),
- ]
- self._format_insertion_dict_test_data = [
- (('mm_one.testproc', '', {}),
- {
- 'run': 'mm(A,B,C);',
- 'read-out': '*)C, 6*sizeof(float));',
- 'declarations': 'float A[3][5];\nfloat B[5][2];\nfloat C[3][2];',
- 'write-out': 'datafile_out.write((char*)C, 6*sizeof(float));',
- 'defines': '',
- 'read-in': '*)A, 15*sizeof(float));\*)B, 10*sizeof(float));'
- }),
- (('mm_one_with.testproc', '', {}),
- {
- 'run': 'mm(A,B,C);',
- 'read-out': '*)C, 6*sizeof(float));',
- 'declarations': 'float A[3][5];\nfloat B[5][2];\nfloat C[3][2];',
- 'write-out': 'datafile_out.write((char*)C, 6*sizeof(float));',
- 'defines': '',
- 'read-in': '*)A, 15*sizeof(float));\*)B, 10*sizeof(float));'
- }),
- ]
- self._write_generated_code_test_data = [
- (('mm_one.testproc', '', '', {}), '')
- ]
- self.run_from_src_test_data = [
- (('', '', self.staging_dir_wd), [('small', (True, False)), ('medium', (True, False)), ('big', (True, False))]),
- (('', '', self.staging_dir_wd), [('small', (True, True)), ('medium', (True, True)), ('big', (True, True))]),
- ]
- def tearDown(self):
- util.rmtemp()
- def test__get_script_parser(self):
- cpp_validate._script_parser = None
- self.assertIsNotNone(cpp_validate._get_script_parser())
- self.assertIsNotNone(cpp_validate._get_script_parser())
- def _test_parse_src(self, parsefunc, test_data):
- def parse_file(filename):
- path = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, filename)
- with open(path, 'r') as f:
- src =
- return parsefunc(src)
- for args, expected in test_data:
- srcfile, = args
- val = parse_file(srcfile)
- #TODO: make some assertions
- def test__parse_testproc_script(self):
- self._test_parse_src(
- cpp_validate._parse_testproc_script,
- self._parse_testproc_script_test_data)
- @unittest.skip("not yet supported")
- def test__parse_testproc_python(self):
- self._test_parse_src(
- cpp_validate._parse_testproc_python,
- self._parse_testproc_python_test_data)
- def test__parse_testproc_iter(self):
- def testfunc(filename):
- path = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, filename)
-'cp', [path, '.'], wd=self.staging_dir_wd)
- return list(cpp_validate._parse_testproc_iter(filename, wd=self.staging_dir_wd))
- for args, expected_list in self._parse_testproc_iter_test_data:
- val_list = testfunc(*args)
- for val, expected in zip(val_list, expected_list):
- _, attr_val = val
- attr_exp, = expected
- self.assertEqual(attr_val, attr_exp)
- #TODO: make some more assertions
- #def test__generate_data(self):
- # def testfunc(filename, direction):
- # path = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, filename)
- #'cp', [path, '.'], wd=self.staging_dir_wd)
- # for proc, attrs in cpp_validate._parse_testproc_iter(filename, wd=self.staging_dir_wd):
- # defines = eval(attrs['define'])
- # yield cpp_validate._generate_initial_data(proc, direction, filename, defines, wd=self.staging_dir_wd)
- #
- # for args, expected in self._generate_data_test_data:
- # for filename in testfunc(*args):
- # self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(filename))
- # #TODO: make some more assertions
- def test__compile_gpp(self):
- def testfunc(src, obj):
- src = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, src)
- obj = os.path.join(self.staging_dir_wd, obj)
- cpp_validate._compile_gpp(src, obj)
- for src, obj in self._compile_gpp_test_data:
- testfunc(src, obj)
- obj_path = os.path.join(self.staging_dir_wd, obj)
- self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(obj_path))
- def test__test_time(self):
- def testfunc(control_time, test_time):
- return cpp_validate._test_time(control_time, test_time)
- for args, exp in self._test_time_test_data:
- val = testfunc(*args)
- self.assertEqual(val, exp)
- def test__test_validate(self):
- def testfunc(control_data, test_data):
- if util.python_version_major == 3:
- control_data = bytes(map(ord,control_data))
- test_data = bytes(map(ord,test_data))
- control_file, control_path = util.mktemp('wb')
- control_file.write(control_data)
- control_file.close()
- test_file, test_path = util.mktemp('wb')
- test_file.write(test_data)
- test_file.close()
- return cpp_validate._test_validate(control_path, test_path)
- for args, exp in self._test_validate_test_data:
- val = testfunc(*args)
- self.assertEqual(val, exp)
- def test__run_test_validate_time(self):
- def makeobj(src, obj):
- src_path = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, src)
- obj_path = os.path.join(self.staging_dir_wd, obj)
-'g++', ['-o', obj_path, src_path, '-lrt'])
- util.set_tempfile(obj_path)
- return src_path, obj_path
- def testfunc(control_src, control_obj, test_src, test_obj, in_data):
- control_src, control_obj = makeobj(control_src, control_obj)
- test_src, test_obj = makeobj(test_src, test_obj)
- inpath = os.path.join(self.staging_dir_wd, '')
- with open(inpath, 'wb') as infile:
- infile.write(listtodata(in_data))
- util.set_tempfile(inpath)
- return cpp_validate._run_test_validate_time(control_obj, test_obj, inpath)
- for args, expected in self._run_test_validate_time_test_data:
- validate_val, time_val = testfunc(*args)
- validate_exp, time_exp = expected
- self.assertEqual(validate_val, validate_exp)
- self.assertEqual(time_val, time_exp)
- def test__compile_run_test_validate_time(self):
- def testfunc(control_src, test_src, in_data):
- control_src = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, control_src)
- test_src = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, test_src)
- inpath = os.path.join(self.staging_dir_wd, '')
- with open(inpath, 'wb') as infile:
- infile.write(listtodata(in_data))
- util.set_tempfile(inpath)
- return cpp_validate._compile_run_test_validate_time(control_src, test_src, inpath)
- for args, expected in self._compile_run_test_validate_time_test_data:
- validate_val, time_val = testfunc(*args)
- validate_exp, time_exp = expected
- self.assertEqual(validate_val, validate_exp)
- self.assertEqual(time_val, time_exp)
- def test__generate_initial_data(self):
- def testfunc(testprocfile, srcfile, defines):
- testprocpath = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, testprocfile)
- with open(testprocpath, 'r') as f:
- srcpath = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, srcfile)
- testproc = cpp_validate._parse_testproc_script(
- return cpp_validate._generate_initial_data(testproc, srcpath, defines, wd=self.staging_dir_wd)
- for args, expected in self._generate_initial_data_test_data:
- datafile = testfunc(*args)
- with open(datafile, 'rb') as f:
- self.assertEqual(len(, len(expected))
- def test__format_insertion_dict(self):
- def testfunc(testprocfile, srcfile, defines):
- testprocpath = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, testprocfile)
- srcpath = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, srcfile)
- with open(testprocpath, 'r') as f:
- testproc = cpp_validate._parse_testproc_script(
- #testproc.generatedata('in', defines)
- #testproc.generatedata('out', defines)
- return cpp_validate._format_insertion_dict(testproc, srcpath, defines)
- for args, exp in self._format_insertion_dict_test_data:
- val = testfunc(*args)
- for k,v in exp.items():
- self.assertEqual(val[k], v)
- def test__write_generated_code(self):
- def testfunc(testprocfile, srcname, destname, defines):
- srcpath = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, srcname)
- with open(os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, testprocfile),'r') as f:
- testproc = cpp_validate._parse_testproc_script(
- return cpp_validate._write_generated_code(testproc, srcpath, defines, destname, self.staging_dir_wd)
- for args, exp_path in self._write_generated_code_test_data:
- val_path = testfunc(*args)
- util.set_tempfile(val_path)
- exp_path = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, exp_path)
- with open(val_path, 'r') as valfile:
- with open(exp_path, 'r') as expfile:
- self.assertEqual(,
- def test_run_from_src(self):
- for args, expected in self.run_from_src_test_data:
- control_src, test_src, wd = args
- control_src = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, control_src)
- test_src = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, test_src)
- val = list(cpp_validate.run_from_src(control_src,test_src,wd))
- self.assertEqual(val, expected)