path: root/examples/cuda-chill
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/cuda-chill')
23 files changed, 1802 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/cp.c b/examples/cuda-chill/cp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..837d7a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/cp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#define N 1
+#define VOLSIZEY 512
+#define VOLSIZEX 512
+#define VOLSIZEZ 1
+#define ATOMCOUNT 4000
+#define GRIDSPACING 0.1
+#define zDim 0
+extern float sqrtf(float);
+void cenergy_cpu(float atoms[ATOMCOUNT*4],float *energy,float z)
+int i,j,n;float dx,dy,dz;
+ for (j=0; j<VOLSIZEY; j++) {
+ for (i=0; i<VOLSIZEX; i++) {
+ for (n=0;n<ATOMCOUNT;n+=4) {
+ dx = (GRIDSPACING * i) - atoms[n];
+ dy = (GRIDSPACING * j) - atoms[n+1];
+ dz = z - atoms[n+2];
+ energy[(j*VOLSIZEX + i)+VOLSIZEX*VOLSIZEY*zDim] += atoms[n+3]/sqrtf( (dx*dx) + (dy*dy)+ (dz*dz) ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/cp.lua b/examples/cuda-chill/cp.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ef2264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/cp.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+--CUBLAS 2 MM Multiply
+--This function form intializes "CUDAIZE v2" versus "CUDAIZE v1" if you
+--call init() and use global variables to specify procedure and loop
+--Second parameter is procedure # and third is loop #
+init("cp.c", "cenergy_cpu", 0)
+dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,
+ --copy_to_shared methods
+--tile_by_index({"j"}, {Tn}, {l1_control="j",l1_tile="jjj"}, {"ii", "jj", "nn","jjj","j","i","n"})
+--tile_by_index({"i"}, {Tii}, {l1_control="iii",l1_tile="i"}, {"ii", "jj", "iii","i","j","n"})
+cudaize("kernel_GPU",{atoms=N*4,energy=V*V*1},{block={"jj","ii"}, thread={"j","i"}})--CU=3
+--cudaize("kernel_GPU",{atoms=N*4,energy=V*V*1},{block={"ii","jj"}, thread={"i","j"}})--CU=3
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/cudaize.lua b/examples/cuda-chill/cudaize.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7359cca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/cudaize.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1004 @@
+function table.contains_key(table, key)
+ for k in pairs(table) do
+ if k == key then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function valid_indices(stmt, indices)
+ --print( "valid_indices() lua calling C cur_indices")
+ --io.flush()
+ cur = cur_indices(stmt)
+ --print("Cur indices "..list_to_string(cur))
+ for idx in pairs(indices) do
+ if not table.contains_key(cur,idx) then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+function next_clean_level(cur_idxs,level)
+ --print("next_clean_level( ..., "..level.." )")
+ --print(string.format("indices_at_each_level %s ",list_to_string(cur_idxs) ))
+ --print("loop to "..#cur_idxs)
+ for i=level+1,#cur_idxs do
+ --print("Checking level "..i.." = '"..cur_idxs[i].."'")
+ if (# cur_idxs[i] > 0) then
+ --print("Good enough"..(# cur_idxs[i]))
+ --print("returning "..i)
+ return i
+ end
+ end
+ return -1 --sentinal that there were no non-dummy indices left
+function build_order(final_order, tile_idx_names, ctrl_idx_names, tile_idx_map, cur_level)
+ order = {}
+ --print("\nbuild_order()")
+ --print("build_order(): final_order = ( "..list_to_string(final_order).." )")
+ --print("build_order(): ctrl_idx_names = ("..list_to_string(ctrl_idx_names).." )")
+ --print("cur_level "..cur_level.."")
+ --io.flush()
+ for i,k in ipairs(final_order) do
+ skip = false
+ cur = final_order[i]
+ --print("\ncur "..cur.." = final_order["..i.."] = "..final_order[i].." ")
+ --control loops below our current level should not be in the current order
+ for j=cur_level+2,# ctrl_idx_names do
+ --print("j "..j.." final_order["..i.."] = "..final_order[i].." ")
+ if ctrl_idx_names[j] == final_order[i] then
+ skip = true
+ --print("SKIP "..final_order[i].." ")
+ --io.flush()
+ end
+ end
+ --possibly substitute tile indices ifn necessar
+ if table.contains_key(tile_idx_map,final_order[i]) then
+ approved_sub = false
+ sub_string = tile_idx_map[final_order[i]]
+ for j=cur_level+2,# tile_idx_names do
+ if tile_idx_names[j] == sub_string then
+ approved_sub = true
+ end
+ end
+ if approved_sub then
+ cur = sub_string
+ end
+ end
+ if not skip then
+ table.insert(order,cur)
+ end
+ end
+ return order
+function list_to_string(str_list)
+ --Helpful debug output
+ l = ""
+ for i,str in ipairs(str_list) do
+ if i > 1 then
+ l = l .. ", " .. str
+ else
+ l = str
+ end
+ end
+ return l
+function find_cur_level(stmt,idx)
+ --Search cur_indices for a idx at stmt
+ cur = cur_indices(stmt)
+ --print(string.format("find_cur_level(stmt %d, idx %s) Cur indices %s", stmt, idx, list_to_string(cur)))
+ for i,cidx in ipairs(cur) do
+ if cidx == idx then
+ --print(string.format("found it at index %d", i))
+ return i
+ end
+ end
+ error("Unable to find "..idx.." in current list of indices")
+function chk_cur_level(stmt,idx)
+ --Search cur_indices for a idx at stmt
+ cur = cur_indices(stmt)
+ for i,cidx in ipairs(cur) do
+ if cidx == idx then
+ return i
+ end
+ end
+ return -1
+function find_offset(cur_order, tile, control)
+ --print("Looking for tile '"..tile.."' and control '"..control.."' in ( "..list_to_string(cur_order)..", )")
+ idx1 = -1
+ idx2 = -1
+ for i,cur in ipairs(cur_order) do
+ if(cur == tile) then
+ idx1 = i
+ end
+ if(cur == control) then
+ idx2 = i
+ end
+ end
+ if(idx1 < 0) then
+ error("Unable to find tile " .. tile .. " in current list of indices")
+ end
+ if(idx2 < 0) then
+ error("Unable to find control " .. control .. " in current list of indices")
+ end
+ --print("found at level " .. idx2 .. " and " .. idx1)
+ if(idx2 < idx1) then
+ return idx2-idx1+1
+ else
+ return idx2-idx1
+ end
+function tile_by_index(tile_indices, sizes, index_names, final_order, tile_method)
+ --io.flush()
+ stmt = 0 --assume stmt 0
+ cur = cur_indices(stmt)
+ --print("Cur indices "..list_to_string(cur))
+ if not valid_indices(stmt,tile_indices) then
+ error('One of the indices in the first parameter were not '..
+ 'found in the current set of indices.')
+ end
+ if not tile_method then tile_method = counted end
+ tile_idx_names = {}
+ for i,s in ipairs(tile_indices) do tile_idx_names[i]=s end --shallow copy
+ --print("tile_index_names: ['"..list_to_string(tile_indices).."']")
+ --print("index_names: ")
+ --for k,v in pairs(index_names) do print(k,v) end
+ --io.flush()
+ ctrl_idx_names = {}
+ tile_idx_map = {}
+ for k,v in pairs(index_names) do
+ valid = false
+ if(string.sub(k,1,1) == "l") then
+ if string.sub(k,-8) == "_control" then
+ i = tonumber(string.sub(k,2,-9))
+ if i and i >= 1 and i <= (# tile_indices) then
+ ctrl_idx_names[i] = v
+ --print(string.format("Handling control %s for loop level %d",v,i))
+ --print("control "..k.." name "..v.." ")
+ valid = true
+ end
+ elseif string.sub(k,-5) == "_tile" then
+ i = tonumber(string.sub(k,2,-6))
+ if i and i >= 1 and i <= (# tile_indices) then
+ --print(string.format("tile %s -> %s",tile_indices[i], v))
+ tile_idx_names[i] = v
+ tile_idx_map[v] = tile_indices[i]
+ --print(string.format("tile %s -> %s",tile_indices[i], v))
+ valid = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not valid then error(string.format("%s is not a proper key for specifying "..
+ "tile or control loop indices\n", k)) end
+ end
+ --filter out control indices (and do name substitution of unprocessed tile indices) for a given level
+ cur_order = build_order(final_order, tile_indices, ctrl_idx_names, tile_idx_map, -1)
+ permute(stmt, cur_order)
+ for i,cur_idx in ipairs(tile_indices) do
+ --print(string.format("i %d cur_idx %s calling build order ********", i-1, cur_idx))
+ cur_order = build_order(final_order, tile_indices, ctrl_idx_names, tile_idx_map, i-1)
+ --Find a offset between tile loop and control loop
+ -- 0 = control loop one level above tile loop
+ -- -1 = control loop two levels above tile loop
+ -- > 0 = tile loop above control loop
+ -- In the last case, we do two extra tile commands to get the control
+ -- above the tile and then rely on the final permute to handle the
+ -- rest
+ level = find_cur_level(stmt,cur_idx)
+ offset = find_offset(cur_order, tile_idx_names[i], ctrl_idx_names[i])
+ --print(string.format("offset %d", offset))
+ if (offset <= 0) then
+ --print(string.format("[offset<=0]1tile(%d, %d, %d, %d, %s, %s, %s)",stmt, level, sizes[i], level+offset, tile_idx_names[i], ctrl_idx_names[i], tile_method))
+ tile(stmt, level, sizes[i], level+offset, tile_idx_names[i], ctrl_idx_names[i], tile_method)
+ else
+ --print(string.format("2tile(%d, %d, %d, %d, %s, %s, %s)", stmt, level, sizes[i], level, tile_idx_names[i], ctrl_idx_names[i], tile_method))
+ tile(stmt, level, sizes[i], level, tile_idx_names[i], ctrl_idx_names[i], tile_method);--regular level
+ --flip tile and control loop
+ --print(string.format("3tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt, level+1, level+1))
+ tile(stmt, level+1, level+1);
+ --print(string.format("4tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt, level+1, level))
+ tile(stmt, level+1, level);
+ --print(string.format("\n[offset>0]tile(%d, %d, %d, %d,%s,%s,%s)",stmt, level, sizes[i], level, tile_idx_names[i], ctrl_idx_names[i], tile_method))
+ --print_code()
+ end
+ --Do permutation based on cur_order
+ --print "permute based on build order calling build_order()"
+ --print "cur_order = build_order(final_order, tile_indices, ctrl_idx_names, tile_idx_map, i-1)"
+ cur_order = build_order(final_order, tile_indices, ctrl_idx_names, tile_idx_map, i-1)
+ --print "permute(stmt, cur_order);"
+ permute(stmt, cur_order);
+ --print "\nafter permute(), code is:"
+ --print_code()
+ end
+ --print_code()
+function normalize_index(index)
+ stmt = 0 --assume stmt 0cur = cur_indices(stmt)
+ --print("Cur indices "..list_to_string(cur))
+ l = find_cur_level(stmt, index)
+ tile(stmt, l, l)
+ --print(string.format("\n[Normalize]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt, l,l))
+function is_in_indices(stmt, idx)
+ cur = cur_indices(stmt)
+ for i=0,#cur,1 do
+ if(cur[i]==idx) then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function copy_to_registers(start_loop, array_name)
+ --print("\n\n****** starting copy to registers")
+ io.flush()
+ stmt = 0 --assume stmt 0
+ -- [Malik] first we make sure that tx and ty are consecutive loops in the 2D thread setup, otherwise all levels for subsequent operations are messed up. Start logic.
+ cur = cur_indices(stmt)
+ table_Size = table.getn(cur)
+ --print(string.format("Cur indices %s,",list_to_string(cur)))
+ --print(string.format("The table size is %d", table_Size))
+ --table.foreach(cur, print)
+ --print_code()
+ level_tx = -1
+ level_ty = -1
+ if is_in_indices(stmt,"tx") then level_tx = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx") end
+ if is_in_indices(stmt,"ty") then level_ty = find_cur_level(stmt,"ty") end
+ --print(string.format("level_tx %d level_ty %d", level_tx, level_ty))
+ ty_lookup_idx = ""
+ org_level_ty = level_ty
+ --if(cur[level_tx+1]~=nil and cur[level_tx+1]~="") then ty_lookup = ty_lookup+1 end
+ if(cur[level_ty+1]~=nil and cur[level_ty+1]~="") then
+ --print(string.format("IF cur[%d] = %s", level_ty+1, cur[level_ty+1]))
+ ty_lookup_idx = cur[level_ty+1]
+ else
+ --if cur[level_ty] ~= nil then print(string.format("ELSE ty_lookup_idx = cur[%d] = %s", level_ty, cur[level_ty])) -- TODO
+ --else print "ELSE (dangerous)" end
+ ty_lookup_idx = cur[level_ty] -- may assign nil !?
+ end
+ --if ty_lookup_idx ~= nil then print(string.format("ty_lookup_idx '%s'", ty_lookup_idx)) -- TODO
+ --else print "ty_lookup_idx is NIL"
+ --end
+ if level_ty > 0 then
+ --print(string.format("\ntile3(%d,%d,%d)",stmt,level_ty,level_tx+1))
+ tile(stmt,level_ty,level_tx+1)
+ end
+ --print_code()
+ --print("\ntylookup is %d",ty_lookup)
+ --exit(0)
+ --
+ cur = cur_indices(stmt)
+ table_Size = table.getn(cur)
+ --print(string.format("Cur indices %s,",list_to_string(cur)))
+ --print("The table size is "..table.getn(cur))
+ --table.foreach(cur, print)
+ if is_in_indices(stmt,"tx") then level_tx = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx") end
+ if ty_lookup_idx then
+ if is_in_indices(stmt,ty_lookup_idx) then level_ty = find_cur_level(stmt,ty_lookup_idx) end
+ end
+ ty_lookup = 1
+ idx_flag = -1
+ -- find the level of the next valid index after ty+1
+ --print(string.format("\nlevel_ty %d", level_ty))
+ if level_ty > 0 then
+ --print(string.format("table_Size %d", table_Size))
+ for num= level_ty+ty_lookup,table_Size do
+ --print(string.format("num=%d cur[num] = '%s'",num, cur[num]))
+ if(cur[num] ~= "") then
+ idx_flag = find_cur_level(stmt,cur[num])
+ --print (string.format("idx_flag = %d", idx_flag))
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --print(string.format("\n(first) I am checking all indexes after ty+1 %s",idx_flag))
+ --print_code()
+ --print ""
+ how_many_levels = 1
+ startat = idx_flag + 1
+ if startat == 0 then startat = 1 end -- avoid attempt to examine an illegal array offset
+ --print(string.format("idx_flag = %d I will check levels starting with %d", idx_flag, idx_flag+1))
+ for ch_lev = startat,table_Size,1 do -- was for ch_lev = idx_flag+1,table_Size,1 do
+ --print(string.format("ch_lev %d", ch_lev))
+ if(cur[ch_lev] ~= nil and cur[ch_lev] ~= "") then
+ --print(string.format("cur[%d] = '%s'", ch_lev, cur[ch_lev]))
+ how_many_levels = how_many_levels+1
+ end
+ end
+ --print("\nHow Many Levels",how_many_levels)
+ -- change this all to reflect the real logic which is to normalize all loops inside the thread loops.
+ if(how_many_levels <2) then
+ while( idx_flag >= 0) do
+ for num = level_ty+ty_lookup,(table_Size) do
+ --print(string.format("at top of loop, num is %d", num))
+ --print(string.format("num %d", num))
+ --print(string.format("cur[num] = '%s'", cur[num]))
+ if(cur[num] ~= "") then
+ idx=cur[num]
+ --print(string.format("idx '%s'", idx))
+ curlev = find_cur_level(stmt,idx)
+ --print(string.format("curlev %d", curlev))
+ --print_code()
+ --print(string.format("\n[COPYTOREG]tile(%d,%d,%d)",stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,idx),level_tx))
+ tile(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,idx),find_cur_level(stmt,idx))
+ curlev = find_cur_level(stmt,idx)
+ --print(string.format("curlev %d", curlev))
+ tile(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,idx),level_tx)
+ --print(string.format("hehe '%s'",cur[num]))
+ cur = cur_indices(stmt)
+ --print("Cur indices INSIDE"..list_to_string(cur))
+ table_Size = table.getn(cur)
+ --print(string.format("Table Size is: %d",table_Size))
+ level_tx = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")
+ --print(string.format("\n level TX is: %d",level_tx))
+ level_ty = find_cur_level(stmt,ty_lookup_idx)
+ --print(string.format("\n level TY is: %d",level_ty))
+ idx_flag = -1
+ --print "idx_flag = -1"
+ -- find the level of the next valid index after ty+1
+ -- the following was num, which conflicts with loop we're already in, and otherwise wasn't used (?)
+ for num= level_ty+ty_lookup,table_Size do
+ --print(string.format("num mucking num = %d", num))
+ if(cur[num] ~= nil and cur[num] ~= "") then
+ idx_flag = find_cur_level(stmt,cur[num])
+ --print("\n(second) I am checking all indexes after ty+1 %s",cur[num])
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ --print(string.format("num mucked to %d idx_flag = %d", num, idx_flag))
+ end
+ --print(string.format("at bottom of loop, num is %d", num))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --print "done with levels"
+ --print "ARE WE SYNCED HERE?"
+ --print_code()
+ --print("\ntile(%d,%d,%d)",stmt,level_k,level_k)
+ --tile(stmt,level_k,level_k)
+ -- [Malik] end logic
+ --print_code()
+ start_level = find_cur_level(stmt, start_loop)
+ --We should hold contant any block or tile loop
+ block_idxs = block_indices()
+ thread_idxs = thread_indices()
+ --print("\nblock indices are")
+ --table.foreach(block_idxs, print)
+ --print("\nthread indices are")
+ --table.foreach(thread_idxs, print)
+ --print(string.format("\nStart Level: %d",start_level))
+ hold_constant = {}
+ --print("\n Now in Blocks")
+ for i,idx in ipairs(block_idxs) do
+ --print(string.format("\n Idx:%s : Level: %d",idx,find_cur_level(stmt,idx)))
+ if find_cur_level(stmt,idx) >= start_level then
+ table.insert(hold_constant, idx)
+ --print(string.format("\nJust inserted block %s in hold_constant",idx))
+ end
+ end
+ --print("\n Now in Threads")
+ for i,idx in ipairs(thread_idxs) do
+ --print(string.format("\n Idx:%s : Level: %d",idx,find_cur_level(stmt,idx)))
+ if find_cur_level(stmt,idx) >= start_level then
+ table.insert(hold_constant, idx)
+ --print(string.format("\nJust inserted thread %s in hold_constant",idx))
+ end
+ end
+ --print "\nhold constant table is: "
+ --table.foreach(hold_constant, print)
+ --print("\nbefore datacopy pvt")
+ old_num_stmts = num_statements()
+ --print_code()
+ --print(string.format("\n[DataCopy]datacopy_privatized(%d, %s, %s, vector having privatized levels)",stmt, start_loop, array_name))
+ --table.foreach(hold_constant, print)
+ datacopy_privatized(stmt, start_loop, array_name, hold_constant)
+ --print(hold_constant)
+ new_num_stmts = num_statements()
+ --print("\nthe num of statements:%d\n",new_num_stmt)
+ --print_code()
+ --exit(0)
+ -- [Malik] normalize the copy loops created.
+ cur = cur_indices(old_num_stmts)
+ --print("Cur indices "..list_to_string(cur))
+ for cidx,i in ipairs(cur) do
+ if i ~= "tx" and i~="ty" and i~="bx" and i~="by" then
+ --tile(old_num_stmts,find_cur_level(old_num_stmts,i),find_cur_level(old_num_stmts,i))
+ --print("\nTILE OF REG: tile(%d,%d,%d)",old_num_stmts,find_cur_level(old_num_stmts,i),find_cur_level(old_num_stmts,i))
+ end
+ end
+ --print_code()
+ --print("\nthe num of statements OLD+1 :",(old_num_stmts+1))
+ is this commented out? why yes, yes it is block comment
+ if( (old_num_stmts+1) <= new_num_stmts) then
+ cur = cur_indices(old_num_stmts+1)
+ --print("Cur indices+1 "..list_to_string(cur))
+ for cidx,i in ipairs(cur) do
+ if i ~= "tx" and i~="ty" and i~="bx" and i~="by" then
+ tile(old_num_stmts+1,find_cur_level(old_num_stmts+1,i),find_cur_level(old_num_stmts+1,i))
+ --print("\nTILE OF REG: tile(%d,%d,%d)",old_num_stmts+1,find_cur_level(old_num_stmts+1,i),find_cur_level(old_num_stmts+1,i))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --Unroll to the last thread level
+ --for stmt=old_num_stmts,new_num_stmts-1 do
+ -- level = find_cur_level(stmt,thread_idxs[#thread_idxs])--get last thread level
+ --if level < #cur_indices(stmt) then
+ -- unroll(stmt,level+1,0)
+ --print(string.format("\n[Unroll]unroll(%d, %d, 0)",stmt, level+1))
+ ----print_code()
+ --end
+ --end
+ io.flush()
+ --print("****** ending copy to registers\n\n")
+ --io.flush()
+function copy_to_shared(start_loop, array_name, alignment)
+ --print(string.format("\nstarting copy to shared(%s, %s, %d )",start_loop,array_name,alignment))
+ stmt = 0 --assume stmt 0
+ cur = cur_indices(stmt)
+ --print("Cur indices "..list_to_string(cur))
+ start_level = find_cur_level(stmt, start_loop)
+ --print(string.format("start_level %d", start_level))
+ old_num_stmts = num_statements()
+ --print(string.format("old_num_statements %d", old_num_stmts))
+ --Now, we give it indices for up to two dimentions for copy loop
+ copy_loop_idxs = {"tmp1","tmp2"}
+ --print(string.format("\n[DataCopy]datacopy(%d, %d, %s, {\"tmp1\",\"tmp2\"},false,0,1,%d,true)",stmt, start_level, array_name, alignment))
+ datacopy(stmt, start_level, array_name, copy_loop_idxs, false, 0, 1, alignment,true)
+ add_sync(stmt,start_loop)
+ new_num_stmts = num_statements()
+ --This is fairly CUBLAS2 specific, not sure how well it generalizes,
+ --but for a 2D copy, what we want to do is "normalize" the first loop
+ --"tmp1" then get its hard upper bound. We then want to tile it to
+ --make the control loop of that tile "ty". We then tile "tmp2" with a
+ --size of 1 and make it "tx".
+ --print(string.format("fairly CUBLAS2 specific, OLD %d NEW %d", old_num_stmts, new_num_stmts ))
+ for stmt=old_num_stmts,new_num_stmts-1 do
+ --print(string.format("for stmt = %d", stmt))
+ was_no_error, level = pcall(find_cur_level, stmt, "tmp2")
+ if was_no_error then
+ --print_code()
+ --print("\nCopy to shared: [If was no error]\n")
+ find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp2")
+ tile(stmt, level, level)
+ lower,upper = hard_loop_bounds(stmt, level)
+ upper = upper + 1
+ --print(string.format("lower %d upper %d", lower, upper))
+ tx,ty = thread_dims()
+ --print("2-loop cleanup: lower, upper: "..lower..", "..upper..", tx: "..tx)
+ level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1")
+ --print(string.format("level %d", level))
+ if tx == upper and ty == 1 then
+ --print(string.format("tx = %d upper = %d ty = %d", tx, upper, ty))
+ --print "Don't need"
+ --Don't need an extra tile level, just move this loop up
+ second_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp2")
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile0]tile(%d, %d, 1, %d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, second_level, level, "tx", "tx"))
+ tile(stmt, second_level, 1, level, "tx", "tx", counted)
+ else
+ --print "DO need?"
+ --print_code()
+ if(ty == 1) then new_ctrl = "tmp3" else new_ctrl = "ty" end
+--[[ Commenting out a block of Gabe's code in this control flow
+ -- level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1")
+ tile(stmt, level, level)
+ lower,upper = hard_loop_bounds(stmt, level)
+ upper = upper + 1
+ --print_code()
+ --print("2-loop cleanup: lower, upper: "..lower..", "..upper..", tx: "..tx..", level: "..level)
+ if(math.ceil(upper/ty) > 1)then
+ tile(stmt, level, math.ceil(upper/ty), level, "tmp", new_ctrl, counted)
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile1]tile(%d, %d, %f[%d,%d], %d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, level, math.ceil(upper/ty),upper,ty, level, "tmp", new_ctrl))
+ else
+ tile(stmt, level, math.ceil(upper/ty), level, "ty", new_ctrl, counted)
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile1]tile(%d, %d, %f[%d,%d], %d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, level, math.ceil(upper/ty),upper,ty, level, "tx", new_ctrl))
+ end
+ --print_code()
+ -- [Malik] If here we have the loop upper bound > tx, then we should tile once more after the next tile, to carve out the correct tx.
+ lower1,upper1 = hard_loop_bounds(stmt,level)
+ level1 = level
+ stmt1 = stmt
+ -- [Malik] Do the tile after the second level tile with if condition. Just to keep the original order, the tile is being pushed to the end.
+ --print("[Malik]-loop cleanup: lower1, upper1: "..lower1..", "..upper1..", tx: "..tx..", level:"..level1)
+ --print_code()
+ --level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp")
+ --tile(stmt,level,level)
+ --print_code()
+ --[Malik] if you are moving the loop above the level1, you need to update level1 with new position which would be level1+2 or second_level
+ if(level <= level1) then level1 = level1+2 end
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile2]tile(%d, %d, 1, %d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, second_level, level, "tx", "tx"))
+ --print("\n----------------------------------")
+ --print_code()
+ --print("\n**********************************")
+ --print("[Malik]-loop cleanup: lower1, upper1: "..lower1..", "..upper1..", tx: "..tx..", level:"..level1)
+ -- [Malik] If the upper bound > tx, we do another tile to carve out the correct tx from a bigger loop. Else just normalize the bounds.
+ if( upper1 > ty) then
+ third_level = find_cur_level(stmt1,"tmp")
+ --print("\n\n\n\t\t\t\tthirdlevel:"..third_level)
+ tile(stmt1, third_level, ty, third_level, "ty", "tmp", counted)
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile3]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt1, third_level, ty,third_level, "ty", "tmp"))
+ tile(stmt1,third_level+1,third_level+1)
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile3]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt1, third_level+1, third_level+1))
+ tile(stmt1,third_level+1,third_level)
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile3]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt1, third_level+1, third_level))
+ else
+ tile(stmt1,level1,level1)
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile3ELSE]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt1,level1,level1))
+ end
+ --print("\nStarting tmp2\n");--print_code();
+ second_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp2")
+ lower,upper = hard_loop_bounds(stmt,second_level)
+ level = second_level
+ --print("[Malik]-loop cleanup@tmp2: lower, upper: "..lower..", "..upper..", tx: "..tx..", level:"..level)
+ if(math.ceil(upper/tx) > 1)then
+ tile(stmt, second_level,math.ceil(upper/tx), level, "tmp", "tx", counted)
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile2]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, second_level,math.ceil(upper/tx),second_level, "tmp", "tx"))
+ else
+ tile(stmt, second_level,math.ceil(upper/tx), level, "tx", "tx", counted)
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile2]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, second_level,math.ceil(upper/tx),second_level, "tx", "tx"))
+ end
+ --print_code()
+ lower2,upper2 = hard_loop_bounds(stmt,level)
+ level2 = level
+ stmt2 = stmt
+ --print("[Malik]-loop cleanup@tmp2: lower2, upper2: "..lower2..", "..upper2..", tx: "..tx..", level:"..level2)
+ -- now for the second level.
+ if( upper2 > tx) then
+ forth_level = find_cur_level(stmt2,"tmp")
+ --print("\n\n\n\t\t\t\tforthlevel:"..forth_level)
+ --print_code()
+ tile(stmt2, forth_level, 1, forth_level, "tx", "tmp", counted)
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile3B]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt2, forth_level, tx,forth_level, "ty", "tmp"))
+ --print_code()
+ --tile(stmt2,forth_level+1,forth_level+1)
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile3B]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt2, forth_level+1, forth_level+1))
+ --tile(stmt2,forth_level+1,forth_level)
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile3B]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt2, forth_level+1, forth_level))
+ else
+ new_level = find_cur_level(stmt2,"ty")
+ tile(stmt2,level2,1,new_level,"tx","tx",counted)
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile3BELSE]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt2,level2,level2))
+ tmp_level = find_cur_level(stmt2,"tmp")
+ tile(stmt2,tmp_level,tmp_level)
+ end
+ --print_code()
+ --print("\n----------------------------------")
+ --print_code()
+ --print("\nStarting tmp2\n");--print_code();
+ first_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1")
+ second_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp2")
+ lower,upper = hard_loop_bounds(stmt,second_level)
+ --print("[Malik]-loop cleanup@tmp2: lower, upper: "..lower..", "..upper..", tx: "..tx..",first level:"..first_level..",second_level:"..second_level)
+ -- Move the fastest changing dimension loop to the outermost,identified by "tmp2" and to be identified as tx.
+ --print(string.format("\n[fastest]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, second_level,1,first_level, "tx", "tx"))
+ tile(stmt,second_level,1,first_level,"tx","tx",counted)
+ --print_code()
+ first_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1")
+ lower_1,upper_1 = hard_loop_bounds(stmt,first_level)
+ tx_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")
+ lower_tx,upper_tx = hard_loop_bounds(stmt,tx_level)
+ --print(string.format("UL_1 %d %d UL_tx %d %d", lower_1, upper_1, lower_tx, upper_tx))
+ if(math.ceil(upper_tx/tx) > 1)then
+ --print "ceil I say"
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile1]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, tx_level,tx,tx_level, "tx", "tmp1"))
+ tile(stmt,tx_level,tx,tx_level,"tx","tmp_tx",counted)
+ --print_code()
+ peat = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile1]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt, peat, peat))
+ tile(stmt, peat, peat ) --find_cur_level(stmt,"tx"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tx"))
+ --print_code()
+ if (find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")>find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_tx")) then
+ --print(string.format("\nagain [Tile1]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"tx"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_tx")))
+ tile(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"tx"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_tx"))
+ --print_code()
+ end
+ --else
+ --tile(stmt, tx_level,1, tx_level, "tx", "tx", counted)
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile2]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, tx_level,1,tx_level, "tx", "tx"))
+ end
+ --print_code()
+ --]] -- this apparently is NOT the end of a block comment
+ --print("\nStarting tmp1\n")
+ -- Handle the other slower changing dimension, the original outermost loop, now identified by "tmp1", to be identified as "ty".
+ tile(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1"))
+ --print_code()
+ ty_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1")
+ lower_ty,upper_ty = hard_loop_bounds(stmt,ty_level)
+ tx_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")
+ lower_tx,upper_tx = hard_loop_bounds(stmt,tx_level)
+ --print("[Malik]-loop cleanup@tmp1: lowerty, upperty: "..lower_ty..", "..upper_ty..", ty: "..ty..",ty level:"..ty_level..",tx_level:"..tx_level..", stmt: "..stmt)
+ --print "before ceil"
+ if(math.ceil(upper_ty/ty) > 1)then
+ --print "CEIL IF"
+ --print("\n Inside upper_ty/ty > 1\n");
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile2]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, ty_level,ty,ty_level, "ty", "tmp_ty"))
+ tile(stmt,ty_level,ty,ty_level,"ty","tmp_ty",counted)
+ --print_code()
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile2-1]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt,find_cur_level(stmt ,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"ty")))
+ tile(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"))
+ --print_code()
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ cur_idxs = cur_indices(stmt)
+ --print("\n cur indexes are "..list_to_string(cur_idxs))
+ -- Putting ty before any tmp_tx
+ idx_flag = -1
+ for num= 0,table.getn(cur_idxs) do
+ if(cur[num] == "tmp_tx") then
+ idx_flag = find_cur_level(stmt,cur[num])
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ --print(string.format("\n (1) so i have found out the value of idx flag as %d",idx_flag) )
+ if(idx_flag >=0 ) then
+ if (find_cur_level(stmt,"ty")>find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty")) then
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile2-2]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty")))
+ tile(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty"))
+ --print_code()
+ end
+ end
+ -- Now Putting ty before any tmp_ty
+ idx_flag = -1
+ for num= 0,table.getn(cur_idxs) do
+ if(cur[num] == "tmp_ty") then
+ idx_flag = find_cur_level(stmt,cur[num])
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ --print(string.format("\n IF so i have found out the value of idx flag as %d",idx_flag) )
+ if(idx_flag >=0 ) then
+ --print "one more test"
+ if ((find_cur_level(stmt,"ty")>find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty"))) then
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile2-2]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty")))
+ tile(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty"))
+ --print_code()
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ --print "CEIL ELSE"
+ --cur_idxs = cur_indices(stmt)
+ --print("\n Inside upper_ty/ty <= 1\n");
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile3]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, ty_level,1,ty_level, "ty", "ty"))
+ tile(stmt, ty_level,1, ty_level, "ty", "ty", counted)
+ --print_code()
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile3-1]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")+1))
+ tile(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")+1)
+ --print_code()
+ idx_flag = -1
+ if(cur_idxs) then
+ --print "CAN NEVER GET HERE? cur_idxs"
+ for num= 0,table.getn(cur_idxs) do
+ if(cur[num] == "tmp_ty") then
+ idx_flag = find_cur_level(stmt,cur[num])
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --print(string.format("\n ELSE so i have found out the value of idx flag as %d",idx_flag) )
+ if(idx_flag >=0 ) then
+ if (find_cur_level(stmt,"ty")>find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty")) then
+ --print(string.format("tile( stmt %d, level ty %d, level ty %d",stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty")))
+ tile(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty"))
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile3-2]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty")))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --print_code()
+ end
+ --print "\n\n *** at bottom of if in copy to shared, "
+ --print_code()
+ --print "end of if"
+ else
+ --copy to shared only created one level, not two, so we use a different approach (MV & TMV)
+ --print("\nCopy to shared: [If was error]\n")
+ level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1")
+ tile(stmt, level, level)
+ --print(string.format("\n[Tile]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt, level, level))
+ tx,ty = thread_dims()
+ lower,upper = hard_loop_bounds(stmt, level)
+ upper = upper+1 --upper bound given as <=, compare to dimensions tx which is <
+ --print("upper "..upper.." tx "..tx)
+ if upper == tx then
+ rename_index(stmt, "tmp1", "tx")
+ else
+ --print("upper is not tx")
+ --TODO: Don't know, maybe do some tileing etc
+ --print_code()
+ --print("upper "..upper.." tx "..tx.." stmt: "..stmt.." level: "..level)
+ tile(stmt, level,tx,level, "tx", "tmp_tx", counted)
+ --print_code()
+ --print("stmt:"..stmt.." level+1: "..level+1)
+ --print("TILE 7")
+ tile(stmt, level+1,1,level+1,"tx", "tx",counted)
+ --print("TILE 3")
+ tile(stmt,level+1,level)
+ --print_code()
+ if(ty > 1) then
+ --print_code()
+ --print("GOING IN")
+ lower,upper = hard_loop_bounds(stmt, level+1)
+ --print(string.format("ty %d lower %d upper %d", ty, lower, upper))
+ --upper=125
+ --print("NOW FOR Y: upper "..upper.." ty "..ty.." stmt: "..stmt.." level: "..(level+1).." bound:"..math.ceil(upper/ty))
+ tile(stmt, level+1,math.ceil(upper/ty),level+1, "tmp_ty", "ty", counted)
+ --tile(stmt, level+2,math.ceil(upper/ty),level+2, "tmp_ty", "ty", counted)
+ end
+ --print_code()
+ --rename_index(stmt, "tmp1", "tx")
+ --print("Warning: Need to implement some logic here to tile the single level shared copy loop to match thread dimensions")
+ end
+ end
+ --Always add sync
+ add_sync(stmt,start_loop)
+ end
+ --print("ending copy to shared\n")
+ --print_code()
+function unroll_to_depth(max_depth)
+ --print(string.format("\n\nunroll_to_depth(%d)", max_depth ))
+ --print "SYNC UP"
+ cur = cur_indices(0)
+ thread_idxs = thread_indices()
+ guard_idx = thread_idxs[#thread_idxs]
+ --print(string.format("cur indices %s",list_to_string(cur)))
+ --print(string.format("thread indices %s",list_to_string(thread_idxs)))
+ --print(string.format("#thread_idxs = %d", #thread_idxs))
+ --print(string.format("guard_idx = %s", guard_idx))
+ common_loops = {}
+ comm_loops_cnt = 0
+ num_stmts = num_statements()
+ --print(string.format("num statements %d", num_stmts))
+ for stmt=0,num_stmts-1 do
+ cur_idxs = cur_indices(stmt)
+ --print(string.format("\nSTMT %d Current Indices: %s",stmt,list_to_string(cur_idxs)))
+ if(chk_cur_level(stmt,"tx")>0) then
+ for ii=1,find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")-1 do -- started at 0
+ --print(string.format("ii = %d", ii)) -- index starts at 1, what does index 0 do?
+ --if cur_idxs[ii] == nil then print "cur_idxs[i]] is NIL"
+ --else print(string.format("cur_idxs[%d] = '%s'", ii, cur_idxs[ii])) -- index starts at 1, what does index 0 do?
+ --end
+ if(cur_idxs[ii] ~= "bx" and cur_idxs[ii] ~= "by" and cur_idxs[ii] ~= nil and cur_idxs[ii] ~= "tx" and cur_idxs[ii] ~= "ty" and cur_idxs[ii] ~= "") then
+ --print(string.format("id %s is not in the list", cur_idxs[ii] ))
+ for stmt1=stmt+1,num_stmts-1 do
+ --print(string.format("\nii %d stmt1 is %d", ii, stmt1))
+ cur_idxs1 = cur_indices(stmt1)
+ --print("\nstmt1 cur_idxs1 is "..list_to_string(cur_idxs1))
+ --print(string.format("cur level(%d, %s) = %d", stmt, "tx", find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")))
+ endrange = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")-1
+ --print(string.format("for iii=1, %d do", endrange))
+ for iii=1,find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")-1 do -- started at 0
+ --print(string.format("stmt %d ii %d iii %d ", stmt, ii, iii))
+ --if(cur_idxs1[iii] ~= nil) then
+ -- print(string.format("stmt %d ii %d iii %d cur_idxs1[%d] = '%s'", stmt, ii, iii, iii, cur_idxs1[iii]))
+ --else
+ -- print(string.format("stmt %d ii %d iii %d cur_idxs1[%d] = NIL", stmt, ii, iii, iii))
+ --end
+ if(cur_idxs1[iii] ~= "bx" and cur_idxs1[iii] ~= "by" and cur_idxs1[iii] ~= nil and cur_idxs1[iii] ~= "tx" and cur_idxs1[iii] ~= "ty" and cur_idxs1[iii] ~= "") then
+ if(cur_idxs[ii] == cur_idxs1[iii]) then
+ --print("\nfound idx:"..cur_idxs[ii])
+ --if(comm_loops_cnt == 0) then print "\n\n*** WARNING *** assigning to array index ZERO in Lua" end
+ common_loops[comm_loops_cnt] = cur_idxs[ii]
+ --print(string.format("cl[%d] = '%s'", comm_loops_cnt, common_loops[comm_loops_cnt]))
+ comm_loops_cnt = comm_loops_cnt + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ----
+ --if(comm_loops_cnt>0) then
+ -- print("\n COMM LOOPS :TOTAL "..comm_loops_cnt..", and are "..list_to_string(common_loops).." this loop :"..common_loops[0])
+ --else
+ -- print "UNROLL can't unroll any loops?"
+ --end
+ repeat
+ old_num_stmts = num_statements()
+ --print(string.format("old_num_statements %d", old_num_stmts))
+ for stmt=0,old_num_stmts-1 do
+ cur_idxs = cur_indices(stmt)
+ --print(string.format("stmt %d cur_idxs = %s", stmt, list_to_string(cur_idxs)))
+ if(#cur_idxs > 0) then
+ gaurd_level = -1
+ if(chk_cur_level(stmt,guard_idx)>0) then
+ gaurd_level = find_cur_level(stmt,guard_idx)
+ end
+ --print(string.format("guard_level(sp) = %d", gaurd_level))
+ if(gaurd_level>-1) then
+ level = next_clean_level(cur_idxs,gaurd_level)
+ --print(string.format("next clean level %d", level))
+ --need to handle max_depth
+ num_unrolled = 0
+ level_unroll_comm = level
+ level_arr = {}
+ while level >= 0 do
+ --print(string.format("while: level = %d", level))
+ if num_unrolled == max_depth then break end
+ --print("Unrolling "..stmt.." at level "..(level).." index ".. cur_idxs[gaurd_level+1])
+ level_arr[num_unrolled] = level
+ num_unrolled = num_unrolled + 1
+ guard_level = find_cur_level(stmt,guard_idx)
+ level = next_clean_level(cur_idxs,level+1)
+ end
+ --dies print("How many levels for unroll commands"..table.getn(level_arr).." which is "..level_arr[0].." and "..level_arr[#level_arr])
+ --if(table.getn(level_arr) ~= nil) then
+ --print "OK, NOW WE UNROLL"
+ if(level_unroll_comm >= 0)then
+ for i = table.getn(level_arr),0,-1 do
+ --print(string.format("\ni=%d", i))
+ --print(string.format("[Unroll]unroll(%d, %d, 0)",stmt, level_arr[i]))
+ unroll(stmt,level_arr[i],0)
+ --print("finished unroll]]\n")
+ --print_code()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ new_num_stmts = num_statements()
+ until old_num_stmts == new_num_stmts
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/mm.c b/examples/cuda-chill/mm.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0efbeeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/mm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#define N 1024
+void normalMM(float c[N][N], float a[N][N], float b[N][N]) {
+ int i, j, k;
+ for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
+ for (k = 0; k < N; k++)
+ c[j][i] = c[j][i] + a[k][i] * b[j][k];
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/mm.lua b/examples/cuda-chill/mm.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bde1b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/mm.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+init("mm.c", "normalMM", 0)
+cudaize("mm_GPU",{a=1048576,b=1048576,c=1048576},{block={"ii","jj"}, thread={"i","j"}})CU=2
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/mpeg4.c b/examples/cuda-chill/mpeg4.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7f83bf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/mpeg4.c
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#define N1 4096
+#define N2 4096
+#define WINDOW_SIZE 16
+void mpeg4_cpu(float result[N1][N2], float prev[N2+WINDOW_SIZE][N2+WINDOW_SIZE], float curr[WINDOW_SIZE*WINDOW_SIZE])
+ unsigned int i;
+ unsigned int j;
+ unsigned int k;
+ unsigned int l;
+ for ( i = 0; i < N1; ++i)
+ for ( j = 0; j < N2; ++j)
+ for ( k = 0; k < WINDOW_SIZE; ++k)
+ for ( l = 0; l < WINDOW_SIZE; ++l)
+ result[i][j] += prev[i+k][j+l] * curr[k*WINDOW_SIZE+l];
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/mpeg4.lua b/examples/cuda-chill/mpeg4.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f025dc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/mpeg4.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+--CUBLAS 2 MM Multiply
+--This function form intializes "CUDAIZE v2" versus "CUDAIZE v1" if you
+--call init() and use global variables to specify procedure and loop
+--Second parameter is procedure # and third is loop #
+init("mpeg4.c", "mpeg4_cpu", 0)
+--dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,copy_to_shared methods
+dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,copy_to_shared methods
+--TI 4ust be <= M
+--TJ must be <=TI
+cudaize("kernel_GPU",{curr=W*W,prev=(N+W)*(M+W),result=N*M},{block={"ii","jj"}, thread={"i","j"}})
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/mriq-fh.c b/examples/cuda-chill/mriq-fh.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1e924b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/mriq-fh.c
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#define X 32768
+#define K 256
+struct kValues {
+ float Kx;
+ float Ky;
+ float Kz;
+ float PhiMag;
+extern float sin(float);
+extern float cos(float);
+void mriFH_cpu(float *rPhi,float *rRho,float *iRho, float *iPhi, float *rD, float *iD, float *kx, float *ky, float *kz, float *dx, float *dy, float *dz, float *rFHref, float *iFHref)
+ float rfh;
+ float ifh;
+ float exp;
+ float cArg;
+ float sArg;
+ //float rRho[K];
+ //float iRho[K];
+ unsigned int k;
+ unsigned int x;
+ for (x = 0; x < X; ++x) {
+ for (k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
+ exp = 2 * 3.14159 * (kx[k]* dx[x] + ky[k]* dy[x] + kz[k]* dz[x]);
+ cArg = cos(exp);
+ sArg = sin(exp);
+ rFHref[x] += rRho[k]* cArg - iRho[k]* sArg;
+ iFHref[x] += iRho[k]*cArg + rRho[k]*sArg;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/mriq-fh.lua b/examples/cuda-chill/mriq-fh.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3277bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/mriq-fh.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+--CUBLAS 2 MM Multiply
+--This function form intializes "CUDAIZE v2" versus "CUDAIZE v1" if you
+--call init() and use global variables to specify procedure and loop
+--Second parameter is procedure # and third is loop #
+init("mriq-fh.c", "mriFH_cpu", 0)
+dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,
+ --copy_to_shared methods
+--tile_by_index({"j","i"}, {TI,TJ}, {l1_control="jj", l2_control="ii"}, {"jj","ii", "j", "i"})
+--tile_by_index({"j"}, {TI}, {l1_control="jj"}, {"ii","jj", "j", "i"})
+--tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="ii"}, {"ii", "i", "j"})
+--tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="iii",l1_tile="i"}, {"ii","jj", "iii","j","i"})
+--cudaize("Kernel_GPU", {x=N,y=N,z=N,Qr=N,Qi=N,kVals=M},{block={"jj"}, thread={"j"}})
+cudaize("kernel_GPU",{dx=N,dy=N,dz=N,iRho=M,kx=M,ky=M,kz=M,rFHref=N,iFHref=N,rRho=M},{block={"xx"}, thread={"x"}})
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/mriq.c b/examples/cuda-chill/mriq.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba4b87c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/mriq.c
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#define N 32768
+#define M 3072
+struct kValues {
+ float Kx;
+ float Ky;
+ float Kz;
+ float PhiMag;
+extern float sinf(float);
+extern float cosf(float);
+ComputeQCPU(int numK, int numX,struct kValues kVals[M],float x[N], float y[N], float z[N],float Qr[N], float Qi[N]) {
+ float expArg;
+ float cosArg;
+ float sinArg;
+ float phi;
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ numK = M;
+ numX = N;
+ for ( i = 0; i < M; i++) {
+ for ( j = 0; j < N; j++) {
+ expArg = 6.2831853071795864769252867665590058f * (kVals[i].Kx * x[j] +kVals[i].Ky * y[j] +kVals[i].Kz * z[j]);
+ cosArg = cosf(expArg);
+ sinArg = sinf(expArg);
+ phi = kVals[i].PhiMag;
+ Qr[j] += phi * cosArg;
+ Qi[j] += phi * sinArg;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/mriq.lua b/examples/cuda-chill/mriq.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1170111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/mriq.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+--CUBLAS 2 MM Multiply
+--This function form intializes "CUDAIZE v2" versus "CUDAIZE v1" if you
+--call init() and use global variables to specify procedure and loop
+--Second parameter is procedure # and third is loop #
+init("mriq.c", "ComputeQCPU", 0)
+dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,
+ --copy_to_shared methods
+--tile_by_index({"j","i"}, {TI,TJ}, {l1_control="jj", l2_control="ii"}, {"jj","ii", "j", "i"})
+tile_by_index({"i"}, {TJ}, {l1_control="ii",l1_tile="i"}, {"ii", "j","i"})
+tile_by_index({"j"}, {TI}, {l1_control="jj"}, {"ii","jj", "j", "i"})
+--tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="ii"}, {"ii", "i", "j"})
+--tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="iii",l1_tile="i"}, {"ii","jj", "iii","j","i"})
+cudaize("Kernel_GPU", {x=N,y=N,z=N,Qr=N,Qi=N,kVals=M},{block={"jj"}, thread={"j"}})
+--datacopy(0, 3, "kVals", {"tt","t"},false,0,1,-16,true)
+--unroll_to_depth(1) --won't unroll past thread/loop mapping, unrolls up to two loop levels
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/mv-shadow.c b/examples/cuda-chill/mv-shadow.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..582b187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/mv-shadow.c
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#define N 1024
+void normalMV(float c[N][N], float a[N], float b[N]) {
+ int i, j;
+ for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
+ a[i] = a[i] + c[j][i] * b[j];
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/mv-shadow.lua b/examples/cuda-chill/mv-shadow.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43e8491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/mv-shadow.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,
+ --copy_to_shared methods
+--Tile the i and j loop, introducing "ii" as the control loop for the "i"
+--tile, "k" for the control loop fo the "j" tile, with the final order
+--of {"ii", "k", "i", "j"}
+tile_by_index({"i","j"}, {TI,TJ}, {l1_control="ii", l2_control="k"}, {"ii", "k", "i", "j"})
+--tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="iii"}, {"ii", "k", "iii","i", "j"})
+--tile_by_index({"j"}, {TI}, {l2_control="k"}, { "k", "i", "j"})
+--tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="ii"}, {"ii", "i", "j"})
+--Normalize indx will do a tile size of one over the loop level specified
+--by the input index. This is useful to get a zero lower bound and hard
+--upper bound on a loop instead of it being relative to previous loop
+--Cudaize now determines the grid dimentions from the loops themselves
+--(the upper bounds of the block and thread loops). It also renames the
+--given block and thread loops's indexes to the approviate values from
+--the set {"bx","by","tx","ty","tz"}. The second parameter specifies the
+--size of the arrays to be copied in the CUDA scaffolding.
+cudaize("mv_GPU", {a=N, b=N, c=N*N}, {block={"ii"}, thread={"i"}})
+--Does a datacopy, tile, and add_sync to get a shared memory copy
+--copy_to_shared("tx", "b", 1)
+--copy_to_shared("tx", "c", -16)
+copy_to_registers("k", "a")
+unroll_to_depth(1) --won't unroll past thread/loop mapping, unrolls up to two loop levels
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/mv.c b/examples/cuda-chill/mv.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..582b187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/mv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#define N 1024
+void normalMV(float c[N][N], float a[N], float b[N]) {
+ int i, j;
+ for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
+ a[i] = a[i] + c[j][i] * b[j];
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/mv.lua b/examples/cuda-chill/mv.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca54501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/mv.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,
+ --copy_to_shared methods
+--Tile the i and j loop, introducing "ii" as the control loop for the "i"
+--tile, "k" for the control loop fo the "j" tile, with the final order
+--of {"ii", "k", "i", "j"}
+tile_by_index({"i","j"}, {TI,TJ}, {l1_control="ii", l2_control="k"}, {"ii", "k", "i", "j"})
+--tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="iii"}, {"ii", "k", "iii","i", "j"})
+--tile_by_index({"j"}, {TI}, {l2_control="k"}, { "k", "i", "j"})
+--tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="ii"}, {"ii", "i", "j"})
+--Normalize indx will do a tile size of one over the loop level specified
+--by the input index. This is useful to get a zero lower bound and hard
+--upper bound on a loop instead of it being relative to previous loop
+--Cudaize now determines the grid dimentions from the loops themselves
+--(the upper bounds of the block and thread loops). It also renames the
+--given block and thread loops's indexes to the approviate values from
+--the set {"bx","by","tx","ty","tz"}. The second parameter specifies the
+--size of the arrays to be copied in the CUDA scaffolding.
+cudaize("mv_GPU", {a=N, b=N, c=N*N}, {block={"ii"}, thread={"i"}})
+--Does a datacopy, tile, and add_sync to get a shared memory copy
+--copy_to_shared("tx", "b", 1)
+--copy_to_shared("tx", "c", -16)
+copy_to_registers("k", "a")
+unroll_to_depth(1) --won't unroll past thread/loop mapping, unrolls up to two loop levels
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/mv_try.c b/examples/cuda-chill/mv_try.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7781f3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/mv_try.c
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#define N 4096
+void normalMV(int n, float c[N][N], float a[N], float b[N]) {
+ int i, j;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
+ a[i] = a[i] + c[i][j] * b[j];
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/mv_try.lua b/examples/cuda-chill/mv_try.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db4d9ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/mv_try.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,
+ --copy_to_shared methods
+tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="ii"}, {"ii", "i", "j"})
+cudaize("mv_GPU", {a=N, b=N, c=N*N},
+ {block={"ii"}, thread={"i"}})
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/nbody.c b/examples/cuda-chill/nbody.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57899b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/nbody.c
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#define NBODIES 16384
+#define DELTATIME 0.001f
+#define DAMPING 1.0f
+#define NBLOCKSY 1
+#define NTHREADSY 1
+#define NTHREADSX 64
+#define BLOCKSIZE 128
+#define SHARED 1
+#define TIMER 1
+#define VERIFY 1
+extern float sqrtf(float);
+void nbody_cpu(float* oldpos,float* oldpos1, float *newpos, float *oldvel, float *newvel, float *force)
+ float r0,r1,r2;
+ float invDist, invDistCube, mass, invMass;
+ unsigned int i,j;
+ for(i = 0; i < NBODIES; ++i) {
+ //force[i*4 ] = 0;
+ //force[i*4+1] = 0;
+ //force[i*4+2] = 0;
+ //force[i*4+3] = 0;
+ for(j = 0; j < NBODIES; ++j) {
+ r0 = oldpos[j*4]-oldpos1[i*4];
+ r1 = oldpos[j*4+1]-oldpos1[i*4+1];
+ r2 = oldpos[j*4+2]-oldpos1[i*4+2];
+ invDist = 1.0/sqrtf(r0 * r0 + r1 * r1 + r2 * r2 + SOFTENINGSQUARED);
+ invDistCube = invDist * invDist * invDist;
+ mass = oldpos1[i*4+3];
+ force[i*4] = force[i*4] + r0 * mass * invDistCube;
+ force[i*4+1] = force[i*4+1] + r1 * mass * invDistCube;
+ force[i*4+2] = force[i*4+2] + r2 * mass * invDistCube;
+ }
+ }
+/* for (i = 0; i < NBODIES; ++i) {
+ invMass = oldvel[4*i+3];
+ oldvel[4*i] += (force[4*i] * invMass) * DELTATIME * DAMPING;
+ oldvel[4*i+1] += (force[4*i+1] * invMass) * DELTATIME * DAMPING;
+ oldvel[4*i+2] += (force[4*i+2] * invMass) * DELTATIME * DAMPING;
+ oldpos[4*i] += oldvel[4*i] * DELTATIME;
+ oldpos[4*i+1] += oldvel[4*i+1] * DELTATIME;
+ oldpos[4*i+2] += oldvel[4*i+2] * DELTATIME;
+ newpos[4*i+0] = oldpos[4*i];
+ newpos[4*i+1] = oldpos[4*i+1];
+ newpos[4*i+2] = oldpos[4*i+2];
+ newpos[4*i+3] = oldpos[4*i+3];
+ newvel[4*i+0] = oldvel[4*i];
+ newvel[4*i+1] = oldvel[4*i+1];
+ newvel[4*i+2] = oldvel[4*i+2];
+ newvel[4*i+3] = oldvel[4*i+3];
+ }*/
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/nbody.lua b/examples/cuda-chill/nbody.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08f88a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/nbody.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+--CUBLAS 2 MM Multiply
+--This function form intializes "CUDAIZE v2" versus "CUDAIZE v1" if you
+--call init() and use global variables to specify procedure and loop
+--Second parameter is procedure # and third is loop #
+init("nbody.c", "nbody_cpu" , 0)
+dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,
+ --copy_to_shared methods
+--tile_by_index({"j"}, {Tn}, {l1_control="j",l1_tile="jjj"}, {"ii", "jj", "nn","jjj","j","i","n"})
+--tile_by_index({"i"}, {Ti/2}, {l1_control="iii"}, {"ii","iii", "jj","i","j"})
+cudaize("kernel_GPU",{oldpos=4*NBODIES,oldpos1=4*NBODIES,oldvel=4*NBODIES,force=4*NBODIES,newpos=4*NBODIES,newvel=4*NBODIES},{block={"ii"}, thread={"i"}})--CU=3
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/tmv-shadow.c b/examples/cuda-chill/tmv-shadow.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb9ea8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/tmv-shadow.c
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#define N 1024
+void normalMV(float c[N][N], float a[N], float b[N]) {
+ int i, j;
+ for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
+ a[i] = a[i] + c[i][j] * b[j];
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/tmv-shadow.lua b/examples/cuda-chill/tmv-shadow.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..196b939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/tmv-shadow.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,
+ --copy_to_shared methods
+--N= 8209
+--tile, "k" for the control loop for the "j" tile, with the final order
+--of {"ii", "k", "i", "j"}
+tile_by_index({"i","j"}, {TI,TI}, {l1_control="ii", l2_control="k"}, {"ii", "k", "i", "j"})
+--tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="ii"}, {"ii", "i", "j"})
+--tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI/32}, {l1_control="iii"}, {"ii", "k", "iii","i", "j"})
+--Normalize indx will do a tile size of one over the loop level specified
+--by the input index. This is useful to get a zero lower bound and hard
+--upper bound on a loop instead of it being relative to previous loop
+--Cudaize now determines the grid dimentions from the loops themselves
+--(the upper bounds of the block and thread loops). It also renames the
+--given block and thread loops's indexes to the approviate values from
+--the set {"bx","by","tx","ty","tz"}. The second parameter specifies the
+--size of the arrays to be copied in the CUDA scaffolding.
+cudaize("tmv_GPU", {a=N, b=N, c=N*N},{block={"ii"}, thread={"i"}})
+--Does a datacopy, tile, and add_sync to get a shared memory copy
+copy_to_shared("tx", "b", 1)
+copy_to_shared("tx", "c", -16)
+copy_to_registers("k", "a")
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/tmv.c b/examples/cuda-chill/tmv.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb9ea8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/tmv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#define N 1024
+void normalMV(float c[N][N], float a[N], float b[N]) {
+ int i, j;
+ for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
+ a[i] = a[i] + c[i][j] * b[j];
diff --git a/examples/cuda-chill/tmv.lua b/examples/cuda-chill/tmv.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5071108
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cuda-chill/tmv.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,
+ --copy_to_shared methods
+--N= 8209
+--tile, "k" for the control loop for the "j" tile, with the final order
+--of {"ii", "k", "i", "j"}
+tile_by_index({"i","j"}, {TI,TI}, {l1_control="ii", l2_control="k"}, {"ii", "k", "i", "j"})
+--tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="ii"}, {"ii", "i", "j"})
+--tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI/32}, {l1_control="iii"}, {"ii", "k", "iii","i", "j"})
+--Normalize indx will do a tile size of one over the loop level specified
+--by the input index. This is useful to get a zero lower bound and hard
+--upper bound on a loop instead of it being relative to previous loop
+--Cudaize now determines the grid dimentions from the loops themselves
+--(the upper bounds of the block and thread loops). It also renames the
+--given block and thread loops's indexes to the approviate values from
+--the set {"bx","by","tx","ty","tz"}. The second parameter specifies the
+--size of the arrays to be copied in the CUDA scaffolding.
+cudaize("tmv_GPU", {a=N, b=N, c=N*N},{block={"ii"}, thread={"i"}})
+--Does a datacopy, tile, and add_sync to get a shared memory copy
+copy_to_shared("tx", "b", 1)
+copy_to_shared("tx", "c", -16)
+copy_to_registers("k", "a")