path: root/omegalib/omega/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'omegalib/omega/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 480 deletions
diff --git a/omegalib/omega/src/ b/omegalib/omega/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b3ef87..0000000
--- a/omegalib/omega/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 1994-2000 the Omega Project Team
- Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Chun Chen
- All Rights Reserved.
- Purpose:
- convert to dual cone for manipulation.
- Notes:
- History:
-#include <basic/Bag.h>
-#include <basic/Map.h>
-#include <omega.h>
-#include <omega/farkas.h>
-namespace omega {
-static Global_Var_Decl constant_term("constantTerm");
-// class Constant_Term {
-// public:
-// Global_Var_Decl *p;
-// Constant_Term();
-// ~Constant_Term();
-// };
-// namespace {
-// Constant_Term constant_term;
-// }
-// Constant_Term::Constant_Term() {
-// p = new Global_Var_Decl("constantTerm");
-// }
-// Constant_Term::~Constant_Term() {
-// delete p;
-// }
-// Global_Var_ID coefficient_of_constant_term = constant_term.p;
-Global_Var_ID coefficient_of_constant_term = &constant_term;
-extern int inApproximateMode;
-int farkas_debug = 0;
-coef_t farkasDifficulty;
-// forall x1,..,xn s.t. a10 + a11 x1 + ... + a1n xn >= 0 and
-// ...
-// am0 + am1 x1 + ... + amn xn >= 0
-// b0 + b1 x1 + ... + bn xn >= 0
-// iff
-// exists lambda_0,...,lambda_m >= 0 s.t.
-// forall x1,..,xn
-// lambda_0 +
-// lambda_1 ( a10 + a11 x1 + ... + a1n xn) +
-// ...
-// lambda_m ( am0 + am1 x1 + ... + amn xn) =
-// b0 + b1 x1 + ... + bn xn
-// iff
-// exists lambda_0,...,lambda_m >= 0 s.t.
-// lambda_0 + sum_i ( lambda_i a_i0 ) = b_0
-// for j in 1..n
-// sum_i ( a_ij lambda_i ) = b_j
-// iff
-// exists lambda0,...,lambda_m s.t.
-// lambda1,...,lambda_m >= 0
-// lambda0 >= 0
-// lambda_0 = b_0 - sum_i ( lambda_i a_i0 )
-// for j in 1..n
-// sum_i ( a_ij lambda_i ) = b_j
-// iff
-// exists lambda1,...,lambda_m s.t.
-// lambda1,...,lambda_m >= 0
-// b_0 - sum_i ( lambda_i a_i0 ) >= 0
-// for j in 1..n
-// sum_i ( a_ij lambda_i ) = b_j
-// a_ij come from relation rel
-// x_1,...,x_n are input and output variables from rel.
-// b_0,...,b_m are input and output arrays of coef_vars
-// Given a Relation/Set R
-// Compute A,B,C such that
-// Ax+By + C >= 0 is true for all x,y in R
-// iff [A,B] : constantTerm=C is in AffineClosure(R)
-// Note: constantTerm is a special global variable
-// If constantTerm appears in the incoming relation
-// then set it's coefficient to be 1 in the result
-// # For example, given
-// R := {[i,j] : 1 <= i <= 10 && 1 <= j <= n};
-// # the farkas closure of R is:
-// # ac := approximate {[i,j] : exists (lambda0, lambda1,lambda2,lambda3,lambda4 :
-// # 0 <= lambda1,lambda2,lambda3,lambda4
-// # && constantTerm - (-lambda1+ 10 lambda2 - lambda3) >= 0
-// # && i = lambda1-lambda2
-// # && j = lambda3-lambda4
-// # && n = lambda4)};
-// #
-// # ac;
-// {[i,j]: 0 <= n && 0 <= n+constantTerm+i+j
-// && 0 <= n+constantTerm+10i+j && 0 <= n+j}
-// The ConvexCombination of ac is:
-//# approximate {[i,j] : exists (lambda1,lambda2,lambda3,lambda4 :
-//# 0 <= lambda1,lambda2,lambda3,lambda4
-//# && 1 = lambda2+lambda3
-//# && i = lambda2+10lambda3
-//# && j = lambda2+lambda3+lambda4
-//# && n = lambda1+lambda2+lambda3+lambda4
-//# )};
-//{[i,j]: 1 <= i <= 10 && 1 <= j <= n}
-static void handleVariable(Relation &farkas, Conjunct * conj,
- F_And* and_node,
- Map<GEQ_Handle, Variable_ID> &gMap,
- Map<EQ_Handle, Variable_ID> &eMap,
- Variable_ID v) {
- use_ugly_names++;
- if (farkas_debug > 1) {
- fprintf(DebugFile,"Building equality for %s\n", v->name().c_str());
- }
- EQ_Handle e = and_node->add_EQ();
- for (GEQ_Iterator g = conj->GEQs();;
- if (gMap(*g) != (Variable_ID) 0) {
- coef_t c = (*g).get_coef(v);
- if (c != 0) {
- e.update_coef(gMap(*g), c);
- }
- }
- for (EQ_Iterator eq = conj->EQs();;
- if (eMap(*eq) != (Variable_ID) 0) {
- coef_t c = (*eq).get_coef(v);
- if (c != 0) {
- e.update_coef(eMap(*eq), c);
- }
- }
- if ((v)->kind() == Global_Var &&
- (v)->get_global_var() == coefficient_of_constant_term)
- e.update_const(-1);
- else
- e.update_coef(farkas.get_local(v), -1);
- e.finalize();
- if (farkas_debug > 1) {
- fprintf(DebugFile,"Constraint is %s\n", e.print_to_string().c_str());
- }
- use_ugly_names--;
-Relation Farkas(NOT_CONST Relation &input_R, Farkas_Type op, bool early_bailout) {
- assert(!input_R.is_null());
- int saved_use_ugly_names = use_ugly_names;
- use_ugly_names++;
- farkasDifficulty = 0;
- Relation R = consume_and_regurgitate(input_R);
- if (op == Basic_Farkas || op == Decoupled_Farkas) {
- R.simplify(2, 4);
- R = Approximate(R, false);
- }
- Relation result = Relation::False(R);
- if (farkas_debug) {
- fprintf(DebugFile,"Computing farka of: [\n");
- R.prefix_print(DebugFile);
- }
- Variable_ID_Tuple vars;
- for (Variable_ID_Iterator v(*R.global_decls()); v; v++) vars.append(*v);
- if (R.is_set())
- for(int i=1; i <= R.n_set(); i++) vars.append(R.set_var(i));
- else {
- int i;
- for(i=1; i <= R.n_inp(); i++) vars.append(R.input_var(i));
- for(i=1; i <= R.n_out(); i++) vars.append(R.output_var(i));
- }
- Set<Variable_ID> empty;
- Variable_ID_Tuple owners;
- Map<Variable_ID, Set<Variable_ID> > connectedVariables(empty);
- if (op == Decoupled_Farkas) {
- for (Variable_ID_Iterator v(*R.global_decls()); v; v++)
- if ((*v)->kind() == Global_Var) {
- Global_Var_ID g = (*v)->get_global_var();
- if (g->arity() > 0) {
- if (R.is_set())
- for(int i=1; i <= g->arity(); i++)
- (*v)->UF_union(R.set_var(i));
- else if ((*v)->function_of() == Input_Tuple)
- for(int i=1; i <= g->arity(); i++)
- (*v)->UF_union(R.input_var(i));
- else
- for(int i=1; i <= g->arity(); i++)
- (*v)->UF_union(R.output_var(i));
- }
- }
- for (DNF_Iterator s(R.query_DNF());; {
- for (Variable_ID_Iterator v1(*(*s)->variables()); v1; v1++) {
- for (EQ_Iterator eq = (*s)->EQs();;
- if ((*eq).get_coef(*v1))
- for (Variable_ID_Iterator v2(*(*s)->variables()); v2; v2++)
- if ((*eq).get_coef(*v2))
- (*v1)->UF_union(*v2);
- for (GEQ_Iterator g = (*s)->GEQs();;
- if ((*g).get_coef(*v1))
- for (Variable_ID_Iterator v2(*(*s)->variables()); v2; v2++)
- if ((*g).get_coef(*v2))
- (*v1)->UF_union(*v2);
- }
- }
- for (Variable_ID_Iterator v3(vars);;
- connectedVariables[(*v3)->UF_owner()] |= *v3;
- foreach_map(v,Variable_ID,s,Set<Variable_ID>,connectedVariables,
- owners.append(v);
- if (farkas_debug) {
- fprintf(DebugFile,"%s:",v->char_name());
- foreach(v2,Variable_ID,s,
- fprintf(DebugFile," %s",v2->char_name());
- );
- fprintf(DebugFile,"\n");
- }
- );
- }
- Variable_ID_Iterator varGroup(owners);
- int lambda_cnt = 1;
- Relation partialResult;
- bool firstGroup = true;
- try {
- while ((op == Decoupled_Farkas &&
- || (op != Decoupled_Farkas && firstGroup)) {
- if (farkas_debug && op == Decoupled_Farkas) {
- fprintf(DebugFile,"[Computing decoupled farkas for:");
- foreach(v2,Variable_ID,connectedVariables(varGroup.curr()),
- fprintf(DebugFile," %s",v2->char_name());
- );
- fprintf(DebugFile,"\n");
- }
- firstGroup = false;
- partialResult = Relation::True(R);
- coef_t difficulty = 0;
- for (DNF_Iterator s(R.query_DNF());; {
- int nz;
- coef_t m,sum;
- (*s)->difficulty(nz,m,sum);
- difficulty = max((coef_t) nz,2*nz+2*m+sum);
- if (farkas_debug) {
- fprintf(DebugFile,"Computing farka of conjunct: \n");
- (*s)->prefix_print(DebugFile);
- fprintf(DebugFile,"Difficulty is " coef_fmt "(%d," coef_fmt "," coef_fmt ")\n", difficulty,nz,m,sum);
- }
- if (early_bailout && difficulty >= 500) {
- farkasDifficulty = difficulty;
- if (farkas_debug) {
- fprintf(DebugFile,"Too ugly, returning dull result\n");
- }
- use_ugly_names--;
- if (op == Basic_Farkas || op == Decoupled_Farkas)
- return Relation::False(partialResult);
- else return Relation::True(partialResult);
- }
- Relation farkas = Relation::Empty(R);
- farkas.copy_names(R);
- F_Exists* exist = farkas.add_exists();
- F_And* and_node = exist->add_and();
- Map<GEQ_Handle, Variable_ID> gMap((Variable_ID)0);
- Map<EQ_Handle, Variable_ID> eMap((Variable_ID)0);
- for (EQ_Iterator eq = (*s)->EQs();; {
- if (op == Decoupled_Farkas) {
- bool ShouldConsider = true;
- for (Variable_ID_Iterator v(*(*s)->variables()); v; v++) {
- if ((*eq).get_coef(*v) != 0
- && (*v)->UF_owner() != varGroup.curr()) {
- ShouldConsider = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!ShouldConsider) continue;
- }
- char s[10];
- sprintf(s, "lambda%d", lambda_cnt++);
- eMap[*eq] = exist->declare(s);
- assert(op == Basic_Farkas || op == Decoupled_Farkas
- || (*eq).get_const() == 0);
- }
- for (GEQ_Iterator g = (*s)->GEQs();; {
- if (op == Decoupled_Farkas) {
- bool ShouldConsider = true;
- for (Variable_ID_Iterator v(*(*s)->variables()); v; v++) {
- if ((*g).get_coef(*v) != 0
- && (*v)->UF_owner() != varGroup.curr()) {
- ShouldConsider = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!ShouldConsider) continue;
- }
- char s[10];
- sprintf(s, "lambda%d", lambda_cnt++);
- Variable_ID lambda = exist->declare(s);
- GEQ_Handle positive;
- switch(op) {
- case Positive_Combination_Farkas:
- case Convex_Combination_Farkas:
- case Basic_Farkas:
- case Decoupled_Farkas:
- positive = and_node->add_GEQ();
- positive.update_coef(lambda, 1);
- positive.finalize();
- break;
- case Linear_Combination_Farkas:
- case Affine_Combination_Farkas:
- break;
- }
- gMap[*g] = lambda;
- assert(op == Basic_Farkas || op == Decoupled_Farkas || (*g).get_const() == 0);
- }
- for (Variable_ID_Iterator v(vars); v; v++) {
- assert((*v)->kind() != Wildcard_Var);
- if ((*v)->kind() == Global_Var
- && (*v)->get_global_var() == coefficient_of_constant_term) {
- assert(op != Basic_Farkas && op != Decoupled_Farkas);
- if (op == Linear_Combination_Farkas) continue;
- if (op == Positive_Combination_Farkas) continue;
- }
- if (op == Decoupled_Farkas && (*v)->UF_owner() != varGroup.curr()) {
- EQ_Handle e = and_node->add_EQ();
- e.update_coef(farkas.get_local(*v),-1);
- continue;
- }
- handleVariable(farkas, *s, and_node, gMap,eMap, *v);
- }
- if (op == Basic_Farkas || op == Decoupled_Farkas) {
- GEQ_Handle e = and_node->add_GEQ();
- e.update_coef(farkas.get_local(coefficient_of_constant_term),1);
- for (GEQ_Iterator g = s.curr()->GEQs();;
- if (gMap(*g) != (Variable_ID) 0)
- e.update_coef( gMap(*g),-(*g).get_const());
- for (EQ_Iterator eq = s.curr()->EQs();;
- if (eMap(*eq) != (Variable_ID) 0)
- e.update_coef(eMap(*eq),-(*eq).get_const());
- e.finalize();
- }
- // lambda variables are not integers, so disable integer problem solving,
- // we just mark it as simplified.
- farkas.simplify(-1, -1);
- farkas.single_conjunct()->difficulty(nz,m,sum);
- difficulty = max((coef_t) nz,2*nz+2*m+sum);
- if (farkas_debug) {
- fprintf(DebugFile,"farka has difficulty " coef_fmt "(%d," coef_fmt "," coef_fmt "):\n", difficulty,nz,m,sum);
- farkas.prefix_print(DebugFile);
- }
- if (early_bailout && difficulty >= 500) {
- farkasDifficulty = difficulty;
- if (farkas_debug) {
- fprintf(DebugFile,"Too ugly, returning dull result\n");
- }
- use_ugly_names--;
- if (op == Basic_Farkas || op == Decoupled_Farkas)
- return Relation::False(partialResult);
- else return Relation::True(partialResult);
- }
- farkas = Approximate(farkas);
- if (farkas_debug) {
- fprintf(DebugFile,"simplified:\n");
- farkas.prefix_print(DebugFile);
- }
- partialResult = Approximate(Intersection(partialResult,farkas));
- if (farkas_debug) {
- fprintf(DebugFile,"combined:\n");
- partialResult.prefix_print(DebugFile);
- }
- if (partialResult.has_single_conjunct()) {
- partialResult.single_conjunct()->difficulty(nz,m,sum);
- difficulty = max((coef_t) nz,2*nz+2*m+sum);
- }
- else
- difficulty = 1000;
- if (early_bailout && difficulty >= 500) {
- farkasDifficulty = difficulty;
- if (farkas_debug) {
- fprintf(DebugFile,"Too ugly, returning dull result\n");
- }
- use_ugly_names--;
- if (op == Basic_Farkas || op == Decoupled_Farkas)
- return Relation::False(partialResult);
- else return Relation::True(partialResult);
- }
- }
- farkasDifficulty += difficulty;
- if (farkas_debug) {
- fprintf(DebugFile,"] done computing farkas\n");
- partialResult.prefix_print(DebugFile);
- }
- if (op == Decoupled_Farkas) {
- result = Union(result,partialResult);
- }
- }
- }
- catch (const std::overflow_error &e) {
- // clear global variables
- inApproximateMode = 0;
- use_ugly_names = saved_use_ugly_names;
- if (early_bailout) {
- if (farkasDifficulty < 1000)
- farkasDifficulty = 1000;
- // return dull result
- if (op == Basic_Farkas || op == Decoupled_Farkas)
- return Relation::False(partialResult);
- else
- return Relation::True(partialResult);
- }
- else
- throw std::overflow_error("farkas too ugly");
- }
- if (1 || op == Decoupled_Farkas) {
- foreach(v,Variable_ID,vars, reset_remap_field(v));
- }
- use_ugly_names--;
- if (op == Decoupled_Farkas) {
- if (farkas_debug) {
- fprintf(DebugFile,"] decoupled result:\n");
- result.prefix_print(DebugFile);
- }
- return result;
- }
- return partialResult;
-} // namespace