path: root/omegalib/omega_lib/include/omega/Relation.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'omegalib/omega_lib/include/omega/Relation.h')
1 files changed, 299 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/omegalib/omega_lib/include/omega/Relation.h b/omegalib/omega_lib/include/omega/Relation.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b41bef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omegalib/omega_lib/include/omega/Relation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+#if ! defined _Relation_h
+#define _Relation_h 1
+#include <omega/RelBody.h>
+#include <omega/pres_cnstr.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits.h>
+namespace omega {
+// Relation representative.
+// Body and representative are separated to do reference counting.
+class Relation {
+ Relation();
+ Relation(int n_input, int n_output = 0);
+ Relation(const Relation &r);
+ Relation(const Relation &r, Conjunct *c);
+ Relation &operator=(const Relation &r);
+ Relation(Rel_Body &r, int foo);
+ static Relation Null();
+ static Relation Empty(const Relation &R);
+ static Relation True(const Relation &R);
+ static Relation True(int setvars);
+ static Relation True(int in, int out);
+ static Relation False(const Relation &R);
+ static Relation False(int setvars);
+ static Relation False(int in, int out);
+ static Relation Unknown(const Relation &R);
+ static Relation Unknown(int setvars);
+ static Relation Unknown(int in, int out);
+ bool is_null() const;
+ ~Relation();
+ inline F_Forall *add_forall()
+ { return rel_body->add_forall(); }
+ inline F_Exists *add_exists()
+ { return rel_body->add_exists(); }
+ inline F_And *add_and()
+ { return rel_body->add_and(); }
+ inline F_And *and_with()
+ { return rel_body->and_with(); }
+ inline F_Or *add_or()
+ { return rel_body->add_or(); }
+ inline F_Not *add_not()
+ { return rel_body->add_not(); }
+ inline void finalize()
+ { rel_body->finalize(); }
+ inline bool is_finalized() const
+ { return rel_body->finalized; }
+ inline bool is_set() const
+ { return rel_body->is_set(); }
+ inline int n_inp() const
+ { return rel_body->n_inp(); }
+ inline int n_out() const
+ { return rel_body->n_out(); }
+ inline int n_set() const
+ { return rel_body->n_set(); }
+ inline const Variable_ID_Tuple *global_decls() const
+ { return rel_body->global_decls(); }
+ inline int max_ufs_arity() const
+ { return rel_body->max_ufs_arity(); }
+ inline int max_ufs_arity_of_in() const
+ { return rel_body->max_ufs_arity_of_in(); }
+ inline int max_ufs_arity_of_set() const
+ { return rel_body->max_ufs_arity_of_set(); }
+ inline int max_ufs_arity_of_out() const
+ { return rel_body->max_ufs_arity_of_out(); }
+ inline int max_shared_ufs_arity() const
+ { return rel_body->max_shared_ufs_arity(); }
+ inline Variable_ID input_var(int nth)
+ { return rel_body->input_var(nth); }
+ inline Variable_ID output_var(int nth)
+ { return rel_body->output_var(nth); }
+ inline Variable_ID set_var(int nth)
+ { return rel_body->set_var(nth); }
+ inline bool has_local(const Global_Var_ID G)
+ { return rel_body->has_local(G); }
+ inline bool has_local(const Global_Var_ID G, Argument_Tuple of)
+ { return rel_body->has_local(G, of); }
+ inline Variable_ID get_local(const Variable_ID v)
+ { return split()->get_local(v); }
+ inline Variable_ID get_local(const Global_Var_ID G)
+ { return split()->get_local(G); }
+ inline Variable_ID get_local(const Global_Var_ID G, Argument_Tuple of)
+ { return split()->get_local(G, of); }
+ inline void name_input_var(int nth, Const_String S)
+ { split()->name_input_var(nth, S); }
+ inline void name_output_var(int nth, Const_String S)
+ { split()->name_output_var(nth, S); }
+ inline void name_set_var(int nth, Const_String S)
+ { split()->name_set_var(nth, S); }
+ inline F_And *and_with_and()
+ { return split()->and_with_and(); }
+ inline EQ_Handle and_with_EQ()
+ { return split()->and_with_EQ(); }
+ inline EQ_Handle and_with_EQ(const Constraint_Handle &c)
+ { return split()->and_with_EQ(c); }
+ inline GEQ_Handle and_with_GEQ()
+ { return split()->and_with_GEQ(); }
+ inline GEQ_Handle and_with_GEQ(const Constraint_Handle &c)
+ { return split()->and_with_GEQ(c); }
+ inline void print()
+ { rel_body->print(); }
+ inline void print(FILE *output_file)
+ { rel_body->print(output_file); }
+ inline void print_with_subs()
+ { rel_body->print_with_subs(); }
+ inline void print_with_subs(FILE *output_file, bool printSym=false,
+ bool newline=true)
+ { rel_body->print_with_subs(output_file, printSym, newline); }
+ inline std::string print_with_subs_to_string(bool printSym=false,
+ bool newline=true)
+ { return rel_body->print_with_subs_to_string(printSym, newline); }
+ inline std::string print_outputs_with_subs_to_string()
+ { return rel_body->print_outputs_with_subs_to_string(); }
+ inline std::string print_outputs_with_subs_to_string(int i)
+ { return rel_body->print_outputs_with_subs_to_string(i); }
+ inline void prefix_print()
+ { rel_body->prefix_print(); }
+ inline void prefix_print(FILE *output_file, int debug = 1)
+ { rel_body->prefix_print(output_file, debug); }
+ inline std::string print_formula_to_string() {
+ return rel_body->print_formula_to_string();
+ }
+ void dimensions(int & ndim_all, int &ndim_domain);
+ inline bool is_lower_bound_satisfiable()
+ { return rel_body->is_lower_bound_satisfiable(); }
+ inline bool is_upper_bound_satisfiable()
+ { return rel_body->is_upper_bound_satisfiable(); }
+ inline bool is_satisfiable()
+ { return rel_body->is_satisfiable(); }
+ inline bool is_tautology()
+ { return rel_body->is_obvious_tautology(); } // for compatibility
+ inline bool is_obvious_tautology()
+ { return rel_body->is_obvious_tautology(); }
+ inline bool is_definite_tautology()
+ { return rel_body->is_definite_tautology(); }
+ // return x s.t. forall conjuncts c, c has >= x leading 0s
+ // for set, return -1 (pass this in, in case there are no conjuncts
+ inline int number_of_conjuncts()
+ { return rel_body->query_DNF()->length(); }
+ // return x s.t. forall conjuncts c, c has >= x leading 0s
+ // for set, return -1 (pass this in, in case there are no conjuncts
+ inline int query_guaranteed_leading_0s()
+ { return rel_body->query_DNF()->query_guaranteed_leading_0s(this->is_set() ? -1 : 0); }
+ // return x s.t. forall conjuncts c, c has <= x leading 0s
+ // if no conjuncts return min of input and output tuple sizes, or -1 if relation is a set
+ inline int query_possible_leading_0s()
+ { return rel_body->query_DNF()->query_possible_leading_0s(
+ this->is_set()? -1 : min(n_inp(),n_out())); }
+ // return +-1 according to sign of leading dir, or 0 if we don't know
+ inline int query_leading_dir()
+ { return rel_body->query_DNF()->query_leading_dir(); }
+ inline DNF* query_DNF()
+ { return rel_body->query_DNF(); }
+ inline DNF* query_DNF(int rdt_conjs, int rdt_constrs)
+ { return rel_body->query_DNF(rdt_conjs, rdt_constrs); }
+ inline void simplify(int rdt_conjs = 0, int rdt_constrs = 0)
+ { rel_body->simplify(rdt_conjs, rdt_constrs); }
+ inline bool is_simplified()
+ { return rel_body->is_simplified(); }
+ inline bool is_compressed() const
+ { return rel_body->is_compressed(); }
+ inline Conjunct *rm_first_conjunct()
+ { return rel_body->rm_first_conjunct(); }
+ inline Conjunct *single_conjunct()
+ { return rel_body->single_conjunct(); }
+ inline bool has_single_conjunct()
+ { return rel_body->has_single_conjunct(); }
+ void query_difference(Variable_ID v1, Variable_ID v2, coef_t &lowerBound, coef_t &upperBound, bool &guaranteed) {
+ rel_body->query_difference(v1, v2, lowerBound, upperBound, guaranteed);
+ }
+ void query_variable_bounds(Variable_ID v, coef_t &lowerBound, coef_t &upperBound) {
+ rel_body->query_variable_bounds(v,lowerBound,upperBound);
+ }
+ coef_t query_variable_mod(Variable_ID v, coef_t factor) {
+ assert(factor > 0);
+ return rel_body->query_variable_mod(v, factor);
+ }
+ int query_variable_mod(Variable_ID v, int factor) {
+ assert(sizeof(int) <= sizeof(coef_t));
+ coef_t result = rel_body->query_variable_mod(v, static_cast<coef_t>(factor));
+ if (result == posInfinity)
+ return INT_MAX;
+ else
+ return static_cast<int>(result);
+ }
+ inline void make_level_carried_to(int level)
+ {
+ split()->make_level_carried_to(level);
+ }
+ inline Relation extract_dnf_by_carried_level(int level, int direction)
+ {
+ return split()->extract_dnf_by_carried_level(level, direction);
+ }
+ inline void compress()
+ {
+ split()->compress();
+ }
+ void uncompress()
+ { rel_body->uncompress(); }
+ inline bool is_exact() const
+ { return !(rel_body->unknown_uses() & (and_u | or_u)) ; }
+ inline bool is_inexact() const
+ { return !is_exact(); }
+ inline bool is_unknown() const
+ { return rel_body->is_unknown(); }
+ inline Rel_Unknown_Uses unknown_uses() const
+ { return rel_body->unknown_uses(); }
+ void setup_names() {rel_body->setup_names();}
+ void copy_names(const Relation &r) {
+ copy_names(*r.rel_body);
+ };
+ void copy_names(Rel_Body &r);
+ // Functions that have to create sets from relations:
+ friend class Rel_Body;
+ friend_rel_ops;
+ Rel_Body *split();
+ DNF* simplified_DNF() {
+ simplify();
+ return rel_body->simplified_DNF;
+ };
+ inline void invalidate_leading_info(int changed = -1)
+ { split()->invalidate_leading_info(changed); }
+ inline void enforce_leading_info(int guaranteed, int possible, int dir)
+ {
+ split()->enforce_leading_info(guaranteed, possible, dir);
+ }
+ void makeSet();
+ void markAsSet();
+ void markAsRelation();
+ friend bool operator==(const Relation &, const Relation &);
+ void reverse_leading_dir_info()
+ { split()->reverse_leading_dir_info(); }
+ void interpret_unknown_as_true()
+ { split()->interpret_unknown_as_true(); }
+ void interpret_unknown_as_false()
+ { split()->interpret_unknown_as_false(); }
+ Rel_Body *rel_body;
+ friend Relation merge_rels(Tuple<Relation> &R, const Tuple<std::map<Variable_ID, std::pair<Var_Kind, int> > > &mapping, const Tuple<bool> &inverse, Combine_Type ctype, int number_input, int number_output);
+inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &o, Relation &R)
+ return o << R.print_with_subs_to_string();
+Relation copy(const Relation &r);
+} // namespace
+#include <omega/Relations.h>