path: root/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 1756 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc3eed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1756 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2009-2010 University of Utah
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Purpose:
+ CHiLL's rose interface.
+ Notes:
+ Array supports mixed pointer and array type in a single declaration.
+ History:
+ 02/23/2009 Created by Chun Chen.
+#include <string>
+#include "ir_rose.hh"
+#include "ir_rose_utils.hh"
+#include "rose_attributes.h"
+#include "CG_roseRepr.h"
+#include "CG_roseBuilder.h"
+using namespace SageBuilder;
+using namespace SageInterface;
+using namespace omega;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class: IR_roseScalarSymbol
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::string IR_roseScalarSymbol::name() const {
+ return vs_->get_name().getString();
+int IR_roseScalarSymbol::size() const {
+ return (vs_->get_type()->memoryUsage()) / (vs_->get_type()->numberOfNodes());
+bool IR_roseScalarSymbol::operator==(const IR_Symbol &that) const {
+ if (typeid(*this) != typeid(that))
+ return false;
+ const IR_roseScalarSymbol *l_that =
+ static_cast<const IR_roseScalarSymbol *>(&that);
+ return this->vs_ == l_that->vs_;
+IR_Symbol *IR_roseScalarSymbol::clone() const {
+ return NULL;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class: IR_roseArraySymbol
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::string IR_roseArraySymbol::name() const {
+ return (vs_->get_declaration()->get_name().getString());
+int IR_roseArraySymbol::elem_size() const {
+ SgType *tn = vs_->get_type();
+ SgType* arrType;
+ int elemsize;
+ if (arrType = isSgArrayType(tn)) {
+ while (isSgArrayType(arrType)) {
+ arrType = arrType->findBaseType();
+ }
+ } else if (arrType = isSgPointerType(tn)) {
+ while (isSgPointerType(arrType)) {
+ arrType = arrType->findBaseType();
+ }
+ }
+ elemsize = (int) arrType->memoryUsage() / arrType->numberOfNodes();
+ return elemsize;
+int IR_roseArraySymbol::n_dim() const {
+ int dim = 0;
+ SgType* arrType = isSgArrayType(vs_->get_type());
+ SgType* ptrType = isSgPointerType(vs_->get_type());
+ if (arrType != NULL) {
+ while (isSgArrayType(arrType)) {
+ arrType = isSgArrayType(arrType)->get_base_type();
+ dim++;
+ }
+ } else if (ptrType != NULL) {
+ while (isSgPointerType(ptrType)) {
+ ptrType = isSgPointerType(ptrType)->get_base_type();
+ dim++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Manu:: fortran support
+ if (static_cast<const IR_roseCode *>(ir_)->is_fortran_) {
+ if (arrType != NULL) {
+ dim = 0;
+ SgExprListExp * dimList = isSgArrayType(vs_->get_type())->get_dim_info();
+ SgExpressionPtrList::iterator it = dimList->get_expressions().begin();
+ for(;it != dimList->get_expressions().end(); it++) {
+ dim++;
+ }
+ } else if (ptrType != NULL) {
+ //std::cout << "pntrType \n";
+ ; // not sure if this case will happen
+ }
+ }
+ return dim;
+omega::CG_outputRepr *IR_roseArraySymbol::size(int dim) const {
+ SgArrayType* arrType = isSgArrayType(vs_->get_type());
+ // SgExprListExp* dimList = arrType->get_dim_info();
+ int count = 0;
+ SgExpression* expr;
+ SgType* pntrType = isSgPointerType(vs_->get_type());
+ if (arrType != NULL) {
+ SgExprListExp* dimList = arrType->get_dim_info();
+ if (!static_cast<const IR_roseCode *>(ir_)->is_fortran_) {
+ SgExpressionPtrList::iterator it =
+ dimList->get_expressions().begin();
+ while ((it != dimList->get_expressions().end()) && (count < dim)) {
+ it++;
+ count++;
+ }
+ expr = *it;
+ } else {
+ SgExpressionPtrList::reverse_iterator i =
+ dimList->get_expressions().rbegin();
+ for (; (i != dimList->get_expressions().rend()) && (count < dim);
+ i++) {
+ count++;
+ }
+ expr = *i;
+ }
+ } else if (pntrType != NULL) {
+ while (count < dim) {
+ pntrType = (isSgPointerType(pntrType))->get_base_type();
+ count++;
+ }
+ if (isSgPointerType(pntrType))
+ expr = new SgExpression;
+ }
+ if (!expr)
+ throw ir_error("Index variable is NULL!!");
+ // Manu :: debug
+ std::cout << "---------- size :: " << isSgNode(expr)->unparseToString().c_str() << "\n";
+ return new omega::CG_roseRepr(expr);
+IR_ARRAY_LAYOUT_TYPE IR_roseArraySymbol::layout_type() const {
+ if (static_cast<const IR_roseCode *>(ir_)->is_fortran_)
+ else
+bool IR_roseArraySymbol::operator==(const IR_Symbol &that) const {
+ if (typeid(*this) != typeid(that))
+ return false;
+ const IR_roseArraySymbol *l_that =
+ static_cast<const IR_roseArraySymbol *>(&that);
+ return this->vs_ == l_that->vs_;
+IR_Symbol *IR_roseArraySymbol::clone() const {
+ return new IR_roseArraySymbol(ir_, vs_);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class: IR_roseConstantRef
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool IR_roseConstantRef::operator==(const IR_Ref &that) const {
+ if (typeid(*this) != typeid(that))
+ return false;
+ const IR_roseConstantRef *l_that =
+ static_cast<const IR_roseConstantRef *>(&that);
+ if (this->type_ != l_that->type_)
+ return false;
+ if (this->type_ == IR_CONSTANT_INT)
+ return this->i_ == l_that->i_;
+ else
+ return this->f_ == l_that->f_;
+omega::CG_outputRepr *IR_roseConstantRef::convert() {
+ if (type_ == IR_CONSTANT_INT) {
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *result = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgExpression(buildIntVal(static_cast<int>(i_))));
+ delete this;
+ return result;
+ } else
+ throw ir_error("constant type not supported");
+IR_Ref *IR_roseConstantRef::clone() const {
+ if (type_ == IR_CONSTANT_INT)
+ return new IR_roseConstantRef(ir_, i_);
+ else if (type_ == IR_CONSTANT_FLOAT)
+ return new IR_roseConstantRef(ir_, f_);
+ else
+ throw ir_error("constant type not supported");
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class: IR_roseScalarRef
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool IR_roseScalarRef::is_write() const {
+ if (is_write_ == 1)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+IR_ScalarSymbol *IR_roseScalarRef::symbol() const {
+ return new IR_roseScalarSymbol(ir_, vs_->get_symbol());
+bool IR_roseScalarRef::operator==(const IR_Ref &that) const {
+ if (typeid(*this) != typeid(that))
+ return false;
+ const IR_roseScalarRef *l_that =
+ static_cast<const IR_roseScalarRef *>(&that);
+ if (this->ins_pos_ == NULL)
+ return this->vs_ == l_that->vs_;
+ else
+ return this->ins_pos_ == l_that->ins_pos_
+ && this->op_pos_ == l_that->op_pos_;
+omega::CG_outputRepr *IR_roseScalarRef::convert() {
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *result = new omega::CG_roseRepr(isSgExpression(vs_));
+ delete this;
+ return result;
+IR_Ref * IR_roseScalarRef::clone() const {
+ return new IR_roseScalarRef(ir_, vs_, this->is_write_);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class: IR_roseArrayRef
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool IR_roseArrayRef::is_write() const {
+ SgAssignOp* assignment;
+ if (is_write_ == 1 || is_write_ == 0)
+ return is_write_;
+ if (assignment = isSgAssignOp(ia_->get_parent())) {
+ if (assignment->get_lhs_operand() == ia_)
+ return true;
+ } else if (SgExprStatement* expr_stmt = isSgExprStatement(
+ ia_->get_parent())) {
+ SgExpression* exp = expr_stmt->get_expression();
+ if (exp) {
+ if (assignment = isSgAssignOp(exp)) {
+ if (assignment->get_lhs_operand() == ia_)
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+omega::CG_outputRepr *IR_roseArrayRef::index(int dim) const {
+ SgExpression *current = isSgExpression(ia_);
+ SgExpression* expr;
+ int count = 0;
+ while (isSgPntrArrRefExp(current)) {
+ current = isSgPntrArrRefExp(current)->get_lhs_operand();
+ count++;
+ }
+ current = ia_;
+ while (count > dim) {
+ expr = isSgPntrArrRefExp(current)->get_rhs_operand();
+ current = isSgPntrArrRefExp(current)->get_lhs_operand();
+ count--;
+ }
+ // Manu:: fortran support
+ if (static_cast<const IR_roseCode *>(ir_)->is_fortran_) {
+ expr = isSgPntrArrRefExp(ia_)->get_rhs_operand();
+ count = 0;
+ if (isSgExprListExp(expr)) {
+ SgExpressionPtrList::iterator indexList = isSgExprListExp(expr)->get_expressions().begin();
+ while (count < dim) {
+ indexList++;
+ count++;
+ }
+ expr = isSgExpression(*indexList);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!expr)
+ throw ir_error("Index variable is NULL!!");
+ omega::CG_roseRepr* ind = new omega::CG_roseRepr(expr);
+ return ind->clone();
+IR_ArraySymbol *IR_roseArrayRef::symbol() const {
+ SgExpression *current = isSgExpression(ia_);
+ SgVarRefExp* base;
+ SgVariableSymbol *arrSymbol;
+ while (isSgPntrArrRefExp(current) || isSgUnaryOp(current)) {
+ if (isSgPntrArrRefExp(current))
+ current = isSgPntrArrRefExp(current)->get_lhs_operand();
+ else if (isSgUnaryOp(current))
+ /* To handle support for addressof operator and pointer dereference
+ * both of which are unary ops
+ */
+ current = isSgUnaryOp(current)->get_operand();
+ }
+ if (base = isSgVarRefExp(current)) {
+ arrSymbol = (SgVariableSymbol*) (base->get_symbol());
+ std::string x = arrSymbol->get_name().getString();
+ } else
+ throw ir_error("Array Symbol is not a variable?!");
+ return new IR_roseArraySymbol(ir_, arrSymbol);
+bool IR_roseArrayRef::operator==(const IR_Ref &that) const {
+ if (typeid(*this) != typeid(that))
+ return false;
+ const IR_roseArrayRef *l_that = static_cast<const IR_roseArrayRef *>(&that);
+ return this->ia_ == l_that->ia_;
+omega::CG_outputRepr *IR_roseArrayRef::convert() {
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *temp = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgExpression(this->ia_));
+ omega::CG_outputRepr *result = temp->clone();
+// delete this; // Commented by Manu
+ return result;
+IR_Ref *IR_roseArrayRef::clone() const {
+ return new IR_roseArrayRef(ir_, ia_, is_write_);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class: IR_roseLoop
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IR_ScalarSymbol *IR_roseLoop::index() const {
+ SgForStatement *tf = isSgForStatement(tf_);
+ SgFortranDo *tfortran = isSgFortranDo(tf_);
+ SgVariableSymbol* vs = NULL;
+ if (tf) {
+ SgForInitStatement* list = tf->get_for_init_stmt();
+ SgStatementPtrList& initStatements = list->get_init_stmt();
+ SgStatementPtrList::const_iterator j = initStatements.begin();
+ if (SgExprStatement *expr = isSgExprStatement(*j))
+ if (SgAssignOp* op = isSgAssignOp(expr->get_expression()))
+ if (SgVarRefExp* var_ref = isSgVarRefExp(op->get_lhs_operand()))
+ vs = var_ref->get_symbol();
+ } else if (tfortran) {
+ SgExpression* init = tfortran->get_initialization();
+ if (SgAssignOp* op = isSgAssignOp(init))
+ if (SgVarRefExp* var_ref = isSgVarRefExp(op->get_lhs_operand()))
+ vs = var_ref->get_symbol();
+ }
+ if (vs == NULL)
+ throw ir_error("Index variable is NULL!!");
+ return new IR_roseScalarSymbol(ir_, vs);
+omega::CG_outputRepr *IR_roseLoop::lower_bound() const {
+ SgForStatement *tf = isSgForStatement(tf_);
+ SgFortranDo *tfortran = isSgFortranDo(tf_);
+ SgExpression* lowerBound = NULL;
+ if (tf) {
+ SgForInitStatement* list = tf->get_for_init_stmt();
+ SgStatementPtrList& initStatements = list->get_init_stmt();
+ SgStatementPtrList::const_iterator j = initStatements.begin();
+ if (SgExprStatement *expr = isSgExprStatement(*j))
+ if (SgAssignOp* op = isSgAssignOp(expr->get_expression())) {
+ lowerBound = op->get_rhs_operand();
+ //Rose sometimes introduces an unnecessary cast which is a unary op
+ if (isSgUnaryOp(lowerBound))
+ lowerBound = isSgUnaryOp(lowerBound)->get_operand();
+ }
+ } else if (tfortran) {
+ SgExpression* init = tfortran->get_initialization();
+ if (SgAssignOp* op = isSgAssignOp(init))
+ lowerBound = op->get_rhs_operand();
+ }
+ if (lowerBound == NULL)
+ throw ir_error("Lower Bound is NULL!!");
+ return new omega::CG_roseRepr(lowerBound);
+omega::CG_outputRepr *IR_roseLoop::upper_bound() const {
+ SgForStatement *tf = isSgForStatement(tf_);
+ SgFortranDo *tfortran = isSgFortranDo(tf_);
+ SgExpression* upperBound = NULL;
+ if (tf) {
+ SgBinaryOp* test_expr = isSgBinaryOp(tf->get_test_expr());
+ if (test_expr == NULL)
+ throw ir_error("Test Expression is NULL!!");
+ upperBound = test_expr->get_rhs_operand();
+ //Rose sometimes introduces an unnecessary cast which is a unary op
+ if (isSgUnaryOp(upperBound))
+ upperBound = isSgUnaryOp(upperBound)->get_operand();
+ if (upperBound == NULL)
+ throw ir_error("Upper Bound is NULL!!");
+ } else if (tfortran) {
+ upperBound = tfortran->get_bound();
+ }
+ return new omega::CG_roseRepr(upperBound);
+IR_CONDITION_TYPE IR_roseLoop::stop_cond() const {
+ SgForStatement *tf = isSgForStatement(tf_);
+ SgFortranDo *tfortran = isSgFortranDo(tf_);
+ if (tf) {
+ SgExpression* stopCond = NULL;
+ SgExpression* test_expr = tf->get_test_expr();
+ if (isSgLessThanOp(test_expr))
+ return IR_COND_LT;
+ else if (isSgLessOrEqualOp(test_expr))
+ return IR_COND_LE;
+ else if (isSgGreaterThanOp(test_expr))
+ return IR_COND_GT;
+ else if (isSgGreaterOrEqualOp(test_expr))
+ return IR_COND_GE;
+ else
+ throw ir_error("loop stop condition unsupported");
+ } else if (tfortran) {
+ SgExpression* increment = tfortran->get_increment();
+ if (!isSgNullExpression(increment)) {
+ if (isSgMinusOp(increment)
+ && !isSgBinaryOp(isSgMinusOp(increment)->get_operand()))
+ return IR_COND_GE;
+ else
+ return IR_COND_LE;
+ } else {
+ return IR_COND_LE; // Manu:: if increment is not present, assume it to be 1. Just a workaround, not sure if it will be correct for all cases.
+ SgExpression* lowerBound = NULL;
+ SgExpression* upperBound = NULL;
+ SgExpression* init = tfortran->get_initialization();
+ SgIntVal* ub;
+ SgIntVal* lb;
+ if (SgAssignOp* op = isSgAssignOp(init))
+ lowerBound = op->get_rhs_operand();
+ upperBound = tfortran->get_bound();
+ if ((upperBound != NULL) && (lowerBound != NULL)) {
+ if ((ub = isSgIntVal(isSgValueExp(upperBound))) && (lb =
+ isSgIntVal(isSgValueExp(lowerBound)))) {
+ if (ub->get_value() > lb->get_value())
+ return IR_COND_LE;
+ else
+ return IR_COND_GE;
+ } else
+ throw ir_error("loop stop condition unsupported");
+ } else
+ throw ir_error("malformed fortran loop bounds!!");
+ }
+ }
+IR_Block *IR_roseLoop::body() const {
+ SgForStatement *tf = isSgForStatement(tf_);
+ SgFortranDo *tfortran = isSgFortranDo(tf_);
+ SgNode* loop_body = NULL;
+ SgStatement* body_statements = NULL;
+ if (tf) {
+ body_statements = tf->get_loop_body();
+ } else if (tfortran) {
+ body_statements = isSgStatement(tfortran->get_body());
+ }
+ loop_body = isSgNode(body_statements);
+ SgStatementPtrList list;
+ if (isSgBasicBlock(loop_body)) {
+ list = isSgBasicBlock(loop_body)->get_statements();
+ if (list.size() == 1)
+ loop_body = isSgNode(*(list.begin()));
+ }
+ if (loop_body == NULL)
+ throw ir_error("for loop body is NULL!!");
+ return new IR_roseBlock(ir_, loop_body);
+int IR_roseLoop::step_size() const {
+ SgForStatement *tf = isSgForStatement(tf_);
+ SgFortranDo *tfortran = isSgFortranDo(tf_);
+ if (tf) {
+ SgExpression *increment = tf->get_increment();
+ if (isSgPlusPlusOp(increment))
+ return 1;
+ if (isSgMinusMinusOp(increment))
+ return -1;
+ else if (SgAssignOp* assignment = isSgAssignOp(increment)) {
+ SgBinaryOp* stepsize = isSgBinaryOp(assignment->get_lhs_operand());
+ if (stepsize == NULL)
+ throw ir_error("Step size expression is NULL!!");
+ SgIntVal* step = isSgIntVal(stepsize->get_lhs_operand());
+ return step->get_value();
+ } else if (SgBinaryOp* inc = isSgPlusAssignOp(increment)) {
+ SgIntVal* step = isSgIntVal(inc->get_rhs_operand());
+ return (step->get_value());
+ } else if (SgBinaryOp * inc = isSgMinusAssignOp(increment)) {
+ SgIntVal* step = isSgIntVal(inc->get_rhs_operand());
+ return -(step->get_value());
+ } else if (SgBinaryOp * inc = isSgCompoundAssignOp(increment)) {
+ SgIntVal* step = isSgIntVal(inc->get_rhs_operand());
+ return (step->get_value());
+ }
+ } else if (tfortran) {
+ SgExpression* increment = tfortran->get_increment();
+ if (!isSgNullExpression(increment)) {
+ if (isSgMinusOp(increment)) {
+ if (SgValueExp *inc = isSgValueExp(
+ isSgMinusOp(increment)->get_operand()))
+ if (isSgIntVal(inc))
+ return -(isSgIntVal(inc)->get_value());
+ } else {
+ if (SgValueExp* inc = isSgValueExp(increment))
+ if (isSgIntVal(inc))
+ return isSgIntVal(inc)->get_value();
+ }
+ } else {
+ return 1; // Manu:: if increment is not present, assume it to be 1. Just a workaround, not sure if it will be correct for all cases.
+ SgExpression* lowerBound = NULL;
+ SgExpression* upperBound = NULL;
+ SgExpression* init = tfortran->get_initialization();
+ SgIntVal* ub;
+ SgIntVal* lb;
+ if (SgAssignOp* op = isSgAssignOp(init))
+ lowerBound = op->get_rhs_operand();
+ upperBound = tfortran->get_bound();
+ if ((upperBound != NULL) && (lowerBound != NULL)) {
+ if ((ub = isSgIntVal(isSgValueExp(upperBound))) && (lb =
+ isSgIntVal(isSgValueExp(lowerBound)))) {
+ if (ub->get_value() > lb->get_value())
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return -1;
+ } else
+ throw ir_error("loop stop condition unsupported");
+ } else
+ throw ir_error("loop stop condition unsupported");
+ }
+ }
+IR_Block *IR_roseLoop::convert() {
+ const IR_Code *ir = ir_;
+ SgNode *tnl = isSgNode(tf_);
+ delete this;
+ return new IR_roseBlock(ir, tnl);
+IR_Control *IR_roseLoop::clone() const {
+ return new IR_roseLoop(ir_, tf_);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class: IR_roseBlock
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+omega::CG_outputRepr *IR_roseBlock::original() const {
+ omega::CG_outputRepr * tnl;
+ if (isSgBasicBlock(tnl_)) {
+ SgStatementPtrList *bb = new SgStatementPtrList();
+ SgStatementPtrList::iterator it;
+ for (it = (isSgBasicBlock(tnl_)->get_statements()).begin();
+ it != (isSgBasicBlock(tnl_)->get_statements()).end()
+ && (*it != start_); it++)
+ ;
+ if (it != (isSgBasicBlock(tnl_)->get_statements()).end()) {
+ for (; it != (isSgBasicBlock(tnl_)->get_statements()).end(); it++) {
+ bb->push_back(*it);
+ if ((*it) == end_)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ tnl = new omega::CG_roseRepr(bb);
+ } else {
+ tnl = new omega::CG_roseRepr(tnl_);
+ }
+ return tnl;
+omega::CG_outputRepr *IR_roseBlock::extract() const {
+ std::string x = tnl_->unparseToString();
+ omega::CG_roseRepr * tnl;
+ omega::CG_outputRepr* block;
+ if (isSgBasicBlock(tnl_)) {
+ SgStatementPtrList *bb = new SgStatementPtrList();
+ SgStatementPtrList::iterator it;
+ for (it = (isSgBasicBlock(tnl_)->get_statements()).begin();
+ it != (isSgBasicBlock(tnl_)->get_statements()).end()
+ && (*it != start_); it++)
+ ;
+ if (it != (isSgBasicBlock(tnl_)->get_statements()).end()) {
+ for (; it != (isSgBasicBlock(tnl_)->get_statements()).end(); it++) {
+ bb->push_back(*it);
+ if ((*it) == end_)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ tnl = new omega::CG_roseRepr(bb);
+ block = tnl->clone();
+ } else {
+ tnl = new omega::CG_roseRepr(tnl_);
+ block = tnl->clone();
+ }
+ delete tnl;
+ return block;
+IR_Control *IR_roseBlock::clone() const {
+ return new IR_roseBlock(ir_, tnl_, start_, end_);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class: IR_roseIf
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+omega::CG_outputRepr *IR_roseIf::condition() const {
+ SgNode *tnl = isSgNode(isSgIfStmt(ti_)->get_conditional());
+ SgExpression* exp = NULL;
+ if (SgExprStatement* stmt = isSgExprStatement(tnl))
+ exp = stmt->get_expression();
+ if (exp == NULL)
+ return new omega::CG_roseRepr(tnl);
+ else
+ return new omega::CG_roseRepr(exp);
+IR_Block *IR_roseIf::then_body() const {
+ SgNode *tnl = isSgNode(isSgIfStmt(ti_)->get_true_body());
+ if (tnl == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ return new IR_roseBlock(ir_, tnl);
+IR_Block *IR_roseIf::else_body() const {
+ SgNode *tnl = isSgNode(isSgIfStmt(ti_)->get_false_body());
+ if (tnl == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ return new IR_roseBlock(ir_, tnl);
+IR_Block *IR_roseIf::convert() {
+ const IR_Code *ir = ir_;
+ delete this;
+ return new IR_roseBlock(ir, ti_);
+IR_Control *IR_roseIf::clone() const {
+ return new IR_roseIf(ir_, ti_);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------y-----------------
+// Class: IR_roseCode_Global_Init
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IR_roseCode_Global_Init *IR_roseCode_Global_Init::pinstance = 0;
+IR_roseCode_Global_Init * IR_roseCode_Global_Init::Instance(char** argv) {
+ if (pinstance == 0) {
+ pinstance = new IR_roseCode_Global_Init;
+ pinstance->project = frontend(2, argv);
+ }
+ return pinstance;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Class: IR_roseCode
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IR_roseCode::IR_roseCode(const char *filename, const char* proc_name) :
+ IR_Code() {
+ SgProject* project;
+ char* argv[2];
+ int counter = 0;
+ argv[0] = (char*) malloc(5 * sizeof(char));
+ argv[1] = (char*) malloc((strlen(filename) + 1) * sizeof(char));
+ strcpy(argv[0], "rose");
+ strcpy(argv[1], filename);
+ project = (IR_roseCode_Global_Init::Instance(argv))->project;
+ firstScope = getFirstGlobalScope(project);
+ SgFilePtrList& file_list = project->get_fileList();
+ for (SgFilePtrList::iterator it = file_list.begin(); it != file_list.end();
+ it++) {
+ file = isSgSourceFile(*it);
+ if (file->get_outputLanguage() == SgFile::e_Fortran_output_language)
+ is_fortran_ = true;
+ else
+ is_fortran_ = false;
+ root = file->get_globalScope();
+ if (!is_fortran_) { // Manu:: this macro should not be created if the input code is in fortran
+ buildCpreprocessorDefineDeclaration(root,
+ "#define __rose_lt(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y))",
+ PreprocessingInfo::before);
+ buildCpreprocessorDefineDeclaration(root,
+ "#define __rose_gt(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y))",
+ PreprocessingInfo::before);
+ }
+ symtab_ = isSgScopeStatement(root)->get_symbol_table();
+ SgDeclarationStatementPtrList& declList = root->get_declarations();
+ p = declList.begin();
+ while (p != declList.end()) {
+ func = isSgFunctionDeclaration(*p);
+ if (func) {
+ if (!strcmp((func->get_name().getString()).c_str(), proc_name))
+ break;
+ }
+ p++;
+ counter++;
+ }
+ if (p != declList.end())
+ break;
+ }
+ symtab2_ = func->get_definition()->get_symbol_table();
+ symtab3_ = func->get_definition()->get_body()->get_symbol_table();
+ // Manu:: added is_fortran_ parameter
+ // TODO Substitute it with a better builder
+ ocg_ = new omega::CG_roseBuilder(is_fortran_, root, firstScope,
+ func->get_definition()->get_symbol_table(),
+ func->get_definition()->get_body()->get_symbol_table(),
+ isSgNode(func->get_definition()->get_body()));
+ i_ = 0; /*i_ handling may need revision */
+ free(argv[1]);
+ free(argv[0]);
+IR_roseCode::~IR_roseCode() {
+void IR_roseCode::finalizeRose() {
+ SgProject* project = (IR_roseCode_Global_Init::Instance(NULL))->project;
+ project->unparse();
+IR_ScalarSymbol *IR_roseCode::CreateScalarSymbol(const IR_Symbol *sym, int) {
+ char str1[14];
+ if (typeid(*sym) == typeid(IR_roseScalarSymbol)) {
+ SgType *tn =
+ static_cast<const IR_roseScalarSymbol *>(sym)->vs_->get_type();
+ sprintf(str1, "newVariable%i", i_);
+ SgVariableDeclaration* defn = buildVariableDeclaration(str1, tn);
+ i_++;
+ SgInitializedNamePtrList& variables = defn->get_variables();
+ SgInitializedNamePtrList::const_iterator i = variables.begin();
+ SgInitializedName* initializedName = *i;
+ SgVariableSymbol* vs = new SgVariableSymbol(initializedName);
+ prependStatement(defn,
+ isSgScopeStatement(func->get_definition()->get_body()));
+ vs->set_parent(symtab_);
+ symtab_->insert(str1, vs);
+ if (vs == NULL)
+ throw ir_error("in CreateScalarSymbol: vs is NULL!!");
+ return new IR_roseScalarSymbol(this, vs);
+ } else if (typeid(*sym) == typeid(IR_roseArraySymbol)) {
+ SgType *tn1 =
+ static_cast<const IR_roseArraySymbol *>(sym)->vs_->get_type();
+ while (isSgArrayType(tn1) || isSgPointerType(tn1)) {
+ if (isSgArrayType(tn1))
+ tn1 = isSgArrayType(tn1)->get_base_type();
+ else if (isSgPointerType(tn1))
+ tn1 = isSgPointerType(tn1)->get_base_type();
+ else
+ throw ir_error(
+ "in CreateScalarSymbol: symbol not an array nor a pointer!");
+ }
+ sprintf(str1, "newVariable%i", i_);
+ i_++;
+ SgVariableDeclaration* defn1 = buildVariableDeclaration(str1, tn1);
+ SgInitializedNamePtrList& variables1 = defn1->get_variables();
+ SgInitializedNamePtrList::const_iterator i1 = variables1.begin();
+ SgInitializedName* initializedName1 = *i1;
+ SgVariableSymbol *vs1 = new SgVariableSymbol(initializedName1);
+ prependStatement(defn1,
+ isSgScopeStatement(func->get_definition()->get_body()));
+ vs1->set_parent(symtab_);
+ symtab_->insert(str1, vs1);
+ if (vs1 == NULL)
+ throw ir_error("in CreateScalarSymbol: vs1 is NULL!!");
+ return new IR_roseScalarSymbol(this, vs1);
+ } else
+ throw std::bad_typeid();
+IR_ArraySymbol *IR_roseCode::CreateArraySymbol(const IR_Symbol *sym,
+ std::vector<omega::CG_outputRepr *> &size, int) {
+ SgType *tn;
+ char str1[14];
+ if (typeid(*sym) == typeid(IR_roseScalarSymbol)) {
+ tn = static_cast<const IR_roseScalarSymbol *>(sym)->vs_->get_type();
+ } else if (typeid(*sym) == typeid(IR_roseArraySymbol)) {
+ tn = static_cast<const IR_roseArraySymbol *>(sym)->vs_->get_type();
+ while (isSgArrayType(tn) || isSgPointerType(tn)) {
+ if (isSgArrayType(tn))
+ tn = isSgArrayType(tn)->get_base_type();
+ else if (isSgPointerType(tn))
+ tn = isSgPointerType(tn)->get_base_type();
+ else
+ throw ir_error(
+ "in CreateScalarSymbol: symbol not an array nor a pointer!");
+ }
+ } else
+ throw std::bad_typeid();
+ // Manu:: Fortran support
+ std::vector<SgExpression *>exprs;
+ SgExprListExp *exprLstExp;
+ SgExpression* sizeExpression = new SgNullExpression();
+ SgArrayType* arrayType = new SgArrayType(tn,sizeExpression);
+ sizeExpression->set_parent(arrayType);
+ if (!is_fortran_) {
+ for (int i = size.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ tn = buildArrayType(tn,static_cast<omega::CG_roseRepr *>(size[i])->GetExpression());
+ }
+ } else { // Manu:: required for fortran support
+ for (int i = size.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ exprs.push_back(static_cast<omega::CG_roseRepr *>(size[i])->GetExpression());
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_fortran_) {
+ exprLstExp = buildExprListExp(exprs);
+ arrayType->set_dim_info(exprLstExp);
+ exprLstExp->set_parent(arrayType);
+ arrayType->set_rank(exprLstExp->get_expressions().size());
+ }
+ static int rose_array_counter = 1;
+ SgVariableDeclaration* defn2;
+ std::string s;
+ if (!is_fortran_) {
+ s = std::string("_P") + omega::to_string(rose_array_counter++);
+ defn2 = buildVariableDeclaration(const_cast<char *>(s.c_str()), tn);
+ } else {// Manu:: fortran support
+ s = std::string("f_P") + omega::to_string(rose_array_counter++);
+ defn2 = buildVariableDeclaration(const_cast<char *>(s.c_str()), arrayType);
+ }
+ SgInitializedNamePtrList& variables2 = defn2->get_variables();
+ SgInitializedNamePtrList::const_iterator i2 = variables2.begin();
+ SgInitializedName* initializedName2 = *i2;
+ SgVariableSymbol *vs = new SgVariableSymbol(initializedName2);
+ prependStatement(defn2,
+ isSgScopeStatement(func->get_definition()->get_body()));
+ vs->set_parent(symtab_);
+ symtab_->insert(SgName(s.c_str()), vs);
+ return new IR_roseArraySymbol(this, vs);
+IR_ScalarRef *IR_roseCode::CreateScalarRef(const IR_ScalarSymbol *sym) {
+ return new IR_roseScalarRef(this,
+ buildVarRefExp(static_cast<const IR_roseScalarSymbol *>(sym)->vs_));
+IR_ArrayRef *IR_roseCode::CreateArrayRef(const IR_ArraySymbol *sym,
+ std::vector<omega::CG_outputRepr *> &index) {
+ int t;
+ if (sym->n_dim() != index.size())
+ throw std::invalid_argument("incorrect array symbol dimensionality");
+ const IR_roseArraySymbol *l_sym =
+ static_cast<const IR_roseArraySymbol *>(sym);
+ SgVariableSymbol *vs = l_sym->vs_;
+ SgExpression* ia1 = buildVarRefExp(vs);
+ if (is_fortran_) { // Manu:: fortran support
+ std::vector<SgExpression *>exprs;
+ for (int i = 0 ; i < index.size(); i++) {
+ exprs.push_back(static_cast<omega::CG_roseRepr *>(index[i])->GetExpression());
+ }
+ SgExprListExp *exprLstExp;
+ exprLstExp = buildExprListExp(exprs);
+ ia1 = buildPntrArrRefExp(ia1,exprLstExp);
+ } else {
+ for (int i = 0; i < index.size(); i++) {
+ ia1 = buildPntrArrRefExp(ia1,
+ static_cast<omega::CG_roseRepr *>(index[i])->GetExpression());
+ }
+ }
+ SgPntrArrRefExp *ia = isSgPntrArrRefExp(ia1);
+ return new IR_roseArrayRef(this, ia, -1);
+std::vector<IR_ScalarRef *> IR_roseCode::FindScalarRef(
+ const omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) const {
+ std::vector<IR_ScalarRef *> scalars;
+ SgNode *tnl = static_cast<const omega::CG_roseRepr *>(repr)->GetCode();
+ SgStatementPtrList *list =
+ static_cast<const omega::CG_roseRepr *>(repr)->GetList();
+ SgStatement* stmt;
+ SgExpression * exp;
+ if (list != NULL) {
+ for (SgStatementPtrList::iterator it = (*list).begin();
+ it != (*list).end(); it++) {
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r = new omega::CG_roseRepr(isSgNode(*it));
+ std::vector<IR_ScalarRef *> a = FindScalarRef(r);
+ delete r;
+ std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(scalars));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (tnl != NULL) {
+ if (stmt = isSgStatement(tnl)) {
+ if (isSgBasicBlock(stmt)) {
+ SgStatementPtrList& stmts =
+ isSgBasicBlock(stmt)->get_statements();
+ for (int i = 0; i < stmts.size(); i++) {
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgNode(stmts[i]));
+ std::vector<IR_ScalarRef *> a = FindScalarRef(r);
+ delete r;
+ std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(scalars));
+ }
+ } else if (isSgForStatement(stmt)) {
+ SgForStatement *tnf = isSgForStatement(stmt);
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgStatement(tnf->get_loop_body()));
+ std::vector<IR_ScalarRef *> a = FindScalarRef(r);
+ delete r;
+ std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(scalars));
+ } else if (isSgFortranDo(stmt)) {
+ SgFortranDo *tfortran = isSgFortranDo(stmt);
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgStatement(tfortran->get_body()));
+ std::vector<IR_ScalarRef *> a = FindScalarRef(r);
+ delete r;
+ std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(scalars));
+ } else if (isSgIfStmt(stmt)) {
+ SgIfStmt* tni = isSgIfStmt(stmt);
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgNode(tni->get_conditional()));
+ std::vector<IR_ScalarRef *> a = FindScalarRef(r);
+ delete r;
+ std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(scalars));
+ r = new omega::CG_roseRepr(isSgNode(tni->get_true_body()));
+ a = FindScalarRef(r);
+ delete r;
+ std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(scalars));
+ r = new omega::CG_roseRepr(isSgNode(tni->get_false_body()));
+ a = FindScalarRef(r);
+ delete r;
+ std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(scalars));
+ } else if (isSgExprStatement(stmt)) {
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgExpression(
+ isSgExprStatement(stmt)->get_expression()));
+ std::vector<IR_ScalarRef *> a = FindScalarRef(r);
+ delete r;
+ std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(scalars));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ SgExpression* op =
+ static_cast<const omega::CG_roseRepr *>(repr)->GetExpression();
+ if (isSgVarRefExp(op)
+ && (!isSgArrayType(isSgVarRefExp(op)->get_type()))) {
+ if (SgBinaryOp* op_ = isSgBinaryOp(
+ isSgVarRefExp(op)->get_parent())) {
+ if (SgCompoundAssignOp *op__ = isSgCompoundAssignOp(op_)) {
+ if (isSgCompoundAssignOp(op_)->get_lhs_operand()
+ == isSgVarRefExp(op)) {
+ scalars.push_back(
+ new IR_roseScalarRef(this, isSgVarRefExp(op),
+ 1));
+ scalars.push_back(
+ new IR_roseScalarRef(this, isSgVarRefExp(op),
+ 0));
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (SgAssignOp* assmt = isSgAssignOp(
+ isSgVarRefExp(op)->get_parent())) {
+ if (assmt->get_lhs_operand() == isSgVarRefExp(op))
+ scalars.push_back(
+ new IR_roseScalarRef(this, isSgVarRefExp(op), 1));
+ } else if (SgAssignOp * assmt = isSgAssignOp(
+ isSgVarRefExp(op)->get_parent())) {
+ if (assmt->get_rhs_operand() == isSgVarRefExp(op))
+ scalars.push_back(
+ new IR_roseScalarRef(this, isSgVarRefExp(op), 0));
+ } else
+ scalars.push_back(
+ new IR_roseScalarRef(this, isSgVarRefExp(op), 0));
+ } else if (isSgAssignOp(op)) {
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r1 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgAssignOp(op)->get_lhs_operand());
+ std::vector<IR_ScalarRef *> a1 = FindScalarRef(r1);
+ delete r1;
+ std::copy(a1.begin(), a1.end(), back_inserter(scalars));
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r2 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgAssignOp(op)->get_rhs_operand());
+ std::vector<IR_ScalarRef *> a2 = FindScalarRef(r2);
+ delete r2;
+ std::copy(a2.begin(), a2.end(), back_inserter(scalars));
+ } else if (isSgBinaryOp(op)) {
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r1 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgBinaryOp(op)->get_lhs_operand());
+ std::vector<IR_ScalarRef *> a1 = FindScalarRef(r1);
+ delete r1;
+ std::copy(a1.begin(), a1.end(), back_inserter(scalars));
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r2 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgBinaryOp(op)->get_rhs_operand());
+ std::vector<IR_ScalarRef *> a2 = FindScalarRef(r2);
+ delete r2;
+ std::copy(a2.begin(), a2.end(), back_inserter(scalars));
+ } else if (isSgUnaryOp(op)) {
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r1 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgUnaryOp(op)->get_operand());
+ std::vector<IR_ScalarRef *> a1 = FindScalarRef(r1);
+ delete r1;
+ std::copy(a1.begin(), a1.end(), back_inserter(scalars));
+ }
+ }
+ return scalars;
+std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> IR_roseCode::FindArrayRef(
+ const omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) const {
+ std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> arrays;
+ SgNode *tnl = static_cast<const omega::CG_roseRepr *>(repr)->GetCode();
+ SgStatementPtrList* list =
+ static_cast<const omega::CG_roseRepr *>(repr)->GetList();
+ SgStatement* stmt;
+ SgExpression * exp;
+ if (list != NULL) {
+ for (SgStatementPtrList::iterator it = (*list).begin();
+ it != (*list).end(); it++) {
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r = new omega::CG_roseRepr(isSgNode(*it));
+ std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> a = FindArrayRef(r);
+ delete r;
+ std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
+ }
+ } else if (tnl != NULL) {
+ if (stmt = isSgStatement(tnl)) {
+ if (isSgBasicBlock(stmt)) {
+ SgStatementPtrList& stmts =
+ isSgBasicBlock(stmt)->get_statements();
+ for (int i = 0; i < stmts.size(); i++) {
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgNode(stmts[i]));
+ std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> a = FindArrayRef(r);
+ delete r;
+ std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
+ }
+ } else if (isSgForStatement(stmt)) {
+ SgForStatement *tnf = isSgForStatement(stmt);
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgStatement(tnf->get_loop_body()));
+ std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> a = FindArrayRef(r);
+ delete r;
+ std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
+ } else if (isSgFortranDo(stmt)) {
+ SgFortranDo *tfortran = isSgFortranDo(stmt);
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgStatement(tfortran->get_body()));
+ std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> a = FindArrayRef(r);
+ delete r;
+ std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
+ } else if (isSgIfStmt(stmt)) {
+ SgIfStmt* tni = isSgIfStmt(stmt);
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgNode(tni->get_conditional()));
+ std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> a = FindArrayRef(r);
+ delete r;
+ std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
+ r = new omega::CG_roseRepr(isSgNode(tni->get_true_body()));
+ a = FindArrayRef(r);
+ delete r;
+ std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
+ r = new omega::CG_roseRepr(isSgNode(tni->get_false_body()));
+ a = FindArrayRef(r);
+ delete r;
+ std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
+ } else if (isSgExprStatement(stmt)) {
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgExpression(
+ isSgExprStatement(stmt)->get_expression()));
+ std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> a = FindArrayRef(r);
+ delete r;
+ std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ SgExpression* op =
+ static_cast<const omega::CG_roseRepr *>(repr)->GetExpression();
+ if (isSgPntrArrRefExp(op)) {
+ SgVarRefExp* base;
+ SgExpression* op2;
+ if (isSgCompoundAssignOp(isSgPntrArrRefExp(op)->get_parent())) {
+ IR_roseArrayRef *ref1 = new IR_roseArrayRef(this,
+ isSgPntrArrRefExp(op), 0);
+ arrays.push_back(ref1);
+ IR_roseArrayRef *ref2 = new IR_roseArrayRef(this,
+ isSgPntrArrRefExp(op), 1);
+ arrays.push_back(ref2);
+ } else {
+ IR_roseArrayRef *ref3 = new IR_roseArrayRef(this,
+ isSgPntrArrRefExp(op), -1);
+ arrays.push_back(ref3);
+ while (isSgPntrArrRefExp(op)) {
+ op2 = isSgPntrArrRefExp(op)->get_rhs_operand();
+ op = isSgPntrArrRefExp(op)->get_lhs_operand();
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r = new omega::CG_roseRepr(op2);
+ std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> a = FindArrayRef(r);
+ delete r;
+ std::copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (isSgAssignOp(op)) {
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r1 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgAssignOp(op)->get_lhs_operand());
+ std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> a1 = FindArrayRef(r1);
+ delete r1;
+ std::copy(a1.begin(), a1.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r2 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgAssignOp(op)->get_rhs_operand());
+ std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> a2 = FindArrayRef(r2);
+ delete r2;
+ std::copy(a2.begin(), a2.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
+ } else if (isSgBinaryOp(op)) {
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r1 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgBinaryOp(op)->get_lhs_operand());
+ std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> a1 = FindArrayRef(r1);
+ delete r1;
+ std::copy(a1.begin(), a1.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r2 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgBinaryOp(op)->get_rhs_operand());
+ std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> a2 = FindArrayRef(r2);
+ delete r2;
+ std::copy(a2.begin(), a2.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
+ } else if (isSgUnaryOp(op)) {
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *r1 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(
+ isSgUnaryOp(op)->get_operand());
+ std::vector<IR_ArrayRef *> a1 = FindArrayRef(r1);
+ delete r1;
+ std::copy(a1.begin(), a1.end(), back_inserter(arrays));
+ }
+ }
+ return arrays;
+std::vector<IR_Control *> IR_roseCode::FindOneLevelControlStructure(
+ const IR_Block *block) const {
+ std::vector<IR_Control *> controls;
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ int begin;
+ int end;
+ SgNode* tnl_ =
+ ((static_cast<IR_roseBlock *>(const_cast<IR_Block *>(block)))->tnl_);
+ if (isSgForStatement(tnl_))
+ controls.push_back(new IR_roseLoop(this, tnl_));
+ else if (isSgFortranDo(tnl_))
+ controls.push_back(new IR_roseLoop(this, tnl_));
+ else if (isSgIfStmt(tnl_))
+ controls.push_back(new IR_roseIf(this, tnl_));
+ else if (isSgBasicBlock(tnl_)) {
+ SgStatementPtrList& stmts = isSgBasicBlock(tnl_)->get_statements();
+ for (i = 0; i < stmts.size(); i++) {
+ if (isSgNode(stmts[i])
+ == ((static_cast<IR_roseBlock *>(const_cast<IR_Block *>(block)))->start_))
+ begin = i;
+ if (isSgNode(stmts[i])
+ == ((static_cast<IR_roseBlock *>(const_cast<IR_Block *>(block)))->end_))
+ end = i;
+ }
+ SgNode* start = NULL;
+ SgNode* prev = NULL;
+ for (i = begin; i <= end; i++) {
+ if (isSgForStatement(stmts[i]) || isSgFortranDo(stmts[i])) {
+ if (start != NULL) {
+ controls.push_back(
+ new IR_roseBlock(this,
+ (static_cast<IR_roseBlock *>(const_cast<IR_Block *>(block)))->tnl_,
+ start, prev));
+ start = NULL;
+ }
+ controls.push_back(new IR_roseLoop(this, isSgNode(stmts[i])));
+ } else if (isSgIfStmt(stmts[i])) {
+ if (start != NULL) {
+ controls.push_back(
+ new IR_roseBlock(this,
+ (static_cast<IR_roseBlock *>(const_cast<IR_Block *>(block)))->tnl_,
+ start, prev));
+ start = NULL;
+ }
+ controls.push_back(new IR_roseIf(this, isSgNode(stmts[i])));
+ } else if (start == NULL)
+ start = isSgNode(stmts[i]);
+ prev = isSgNode(stmts[i]);
+ }
+ if ((start != NULL) && (start != isSgNode(stmts[begin])))
+ controls.push_back(
+ new IR_roseBlock(this,
+ (static_cast<IR_roseBlock *>(const_cast<IR_Block *>(block)))->tnl_,
+ start, prev));
+ }
+ return controls;
+IR_Block *IR_roseCode::MergeNeighboringControlStructures(
+ const std::vector<IR_Control *> &controls) const {
+ if (controls.size() == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ SgNode *tnl = NULL;
+ SgNode *start, *end;
+ for (int i = 0; i < controls.size(); i++) {
+ switch (controls[i]->type()) {
+ SgNode *tf = static_cast<IR_roseLoop *>(controls[i])->tf_;
+ if (tnl == NULL) {
+ tnl = tf->get_parent();
+ start = end = tf;
+ } else {
+ if (tnl != tf->get_parent())
+ throw ir_error("controls to merge not at the same level");
+ end = tf;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tnl == NULL) {
+ tnl = static_cast<IR_roseBlock *>(controls[0])->tnl_;
+ start = static_cast<IR_roseBlock *>(controls[0])->start_;
+ end = static_cast<IR_roseBlock *>(controls[0])->end_;
+ } else {
+ if (tnl != static_cast<IR_roseBlock *>(controls[0])->tnl_)
+ throw ir_error("controls to merge not at the same level");
+ end = static_cast<IR_roseBlock *>(controls[0])->end_;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ throw ir_error("unrecognized control to merge");
+ }
+ }
+ return new IR_roseBlock(controls[0]->ir_, tnl, start, end);
+IR_Block *IR_roseCode::GetCode() const {
+ SgFunctionDefinition* def = NULL;
+ SgBasicBlock* block = NULL;
+ if (func != 0) {
+ if (def = func->get_definition()) {
+ if (block = def->get_body())
+ return new IR_roseBlock(this,
+ func->get_definition()->get_body());
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void IR_roseCode::ReplaceCode(IR_Control *old, omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) {
+ /* SgStatementPtrList *tnl =
+ static_cast<omega::CG_roseRepr *>(repr)->GetList();
+ SgNode *tf_old;
+ */
+ SgStatementPtrList *tnl =
+ static_cast<omega::CG_roseRepr *>(repr)->GetList();
+ SgNode* node_ = static_cast<omega::CG_roseRepr *>(repr)->GetCode();
+ SgNode * tf_old;
+ /* May need future revision it tnl has more than one statement */
+ switch (old->type()) {
+ tf_old = static_cast<IR_roseLoop *>(old)->tf_;
+ break;
+ tf_old = static_cast<IR_roseBlock *>(old)->start_;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw ir_error("control structure to be replaced not supported");
+ break;
+ }
+ std::string y = tf_old->unparseToString();
+ SgStatement *s = isSgStatement(tf_old);
+ if (s != 0) {
+ SgStatement *p = isSgStatement(tf_old->get_parent());
+ if (p != 0) {
+ SgStatement* temp = s;
+ if (tnl != NULL) {
+ SgStatementPtrList::iterator it = (*tnl).begin();
+ p->insert_statement(temp, *it, true);
+ temp = *it;
+ p->remove_statement(s);
+ it++;
+ for (; it != (*tnl).end(); it++) {
+ p->insert_statement(temp, *it, false);
+ temp = *it;
+ }
+ } else if (node_ != NULL) {
+ if (!isSgStatement(node_))
+ throw ir_error("Replacing Code not a statement!");
+ else {
+ SgStatement* replace_ = isSgStatement(node_);
+ p->insert_statement(s, replace_, true);
+ p->remove_statement(s);
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw ir_error("Replacing Code not a statement!");
+ }
+ } else
+ throw ir_error("Replacing Code not a statement!");
+ } else
+ throw ir_error("Replacing Code not a statement!");
+ delete old;
+ delete repr;
+ /* May need future revision it tnl has more than one statement */
+ /*
+ switch (old->type()) {
+ tf_old = static_cast<IR_roseLoop *>(old)->tf_;
+ break;
+ tf_old = static_cast<IR_roseBlock *>(old)->start_;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw ir_error("control structure to be replaced not supported");
+ break;
+ }
+ // std::string y = tf_old->unparseToString();
+ SgStatement *s = isSgStatement(tf_old);
+ if (s != 0) {
+ SgStatement *p = isSgStatement(tf_old->get_parent());
+ if (p != 0) {
+ // SgStatement* it2 = isSgStatement(tnl);
+ // if(it2 != NULL){
+ p->replace_statement(s, *tnl);
+ // }
+ // else {
+ // throw ir_error("Replacing Code not a statement!");
+ // }
+ } else
+ throw ir_error("Replacing Code not a statement!");
+ } else
+ throw ir_error("Replacing Code not a statement!");
+ // y = tnl->unparseToString();
+ delete old;
+ delete repr;
+ */
+void IR_roseCode::ReplaceExpression(IR_Ref *old, omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) {
+ SgExpression* op = static_cast<omega::CG_roseRepr *>(repr)->GetExpression();
+ if (typeid(*old) == typeid(IR_roseArrayRef)) {
+ SgPntrArrRefExp* ia_orig = static_cast<IR_roseArrayRef *>(old)->ia_;
+ SgExpression* parent = isSgExpression(isSgNode(ia_orig)->get_parent());
+ std::string x = isSgNode(op)->unparseToString();
+ std::string y = isSgNode(ia_orig)->unparseToString();
+ if (parent != NULL) {
+ std::string z = isSgNode(parent)->unparseToString();
+ parent->replace_expression(ia_orig, op);
+ isSgNode(op)->set_parent(isSgNode(parent));
+ /* if(isSgBinaryOp(parent))
+ {
+ if(isSgBinaryOp(parent)->get_lhs_operand() == ia_orig){
+ isSgBinaryOp(parent)->set_lhs_operand(op);
+ }else if(isSgBinaryOp(parent)->get_rhs_operand() == ia_orig){
+ isSgBinaryOp(parent)->set_rhs_operand(op);
+ }
+ else
+ parent->replace_expression(ia_orig, op);
+ */
+ } else {
+ SgStatement* parent_stmt = isSgStatement(
+ isSgNode(ia_orig)->get_parent());
+ if (parent_stmt != NULL)
+ parent_stmt->replace_expression(ia_orig, op);
+ else
+ throw ir_error(
+ "ReplaceExpression: parent neither expression nor statement");
+ }
+ } else
+ throw ir_error("replacing a scalar variable not implemented");
+ delete old;
+IR_OPERATION_TYPE IR_roseCode::QueryExpOperation(
+ const omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) const {
+ SgExpression* op =
+ static_cast<const omega::CG_roseRepr *>(repr)->GetExpression();
+ if (isSgValueExp(op))
+ return IR_OP_CONSTANT;
+ else if (isSgVarRefExp(op) || isSgPntrArrRefExp(op))
+ return IR_OP_VARIABLE;
+ else if (isSgAssignOp(op) || isSgCompoundAssignOp(op))
+ else if (isSgAddOp(op))
+ return IR_OP_PLUS;
+ else if (isSgSubtractOp(op))
+ return IR_OP_MINUS;
+ else if (isSgMultiplyOp(op))
+ return IR_OP_MULTIPLY;
+ else if (isSgDivideOp(op))
+ return IR_OP_DIVIDE;
+ else if (isSgMinusOp(op))
+ return IR_OP_NEGATIVE;
+ else if (isSgConditionalExp(op)) {
+ SgExpression* cond = isSgConditionalExp(op)->get_conditional_exp();
+ if (isSgGreaterThanOp(cond))
+ return IR_OP_MAX;
+ else if (isSgLessThanOp(cond))
+ return IR_OP_MIN;
+ } else if (isSgUnaryAddOp(op))
+ return IR_OP_POSITIVE;
+ else if (isSgNullExpression(op))
+ return IR_OP_NULL;
+ else
+ return IR_OP_UNKNOWN;
+IR_CONDITION_TYPE IR_roseCode::QueryBooleanExpOperation(
+ const omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) const {
+ SgExpression* op2 =
+ static_cast<const omega::CG_roseRepr *>(repr)->GetExpression();
+ SgNode* op;
+ if (op2 == NULL) {
+ op = static_cast<const omega::CG_roseRepr *>(repr)->GetCode();
+ if (op != NULL) {
+ if (isSgExprStatement(op))
+ op2 = isSgExprStatement(op)->get_expression();
+ else
+ } else
+ }
+ if (isSgEqualityOp(op2))
+ return IR_COND_EQ;
+ else if (isSgNotEqualOp(op2))
+ return IR_COND_NE;
+ else if (isSgLessThanOp(op2))
+ return IR_COND_LT;
+ else if (isSgLessOrEqualOp(op2))
+ return IR_COND_LE;
+ else if (isSgGreaterThanOp(op2))
+ return IR_COND_GT;
+ else if (isSgGreaterOrEqualOp(op2))
+ return IR_COND_GE;
+std::vector<omega::CG_outputRepr *> IR_roseCode::QueryExpOperand(
+ const omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) const {
+ std::vector<omega::CG_outputRepr *> v;
+ SgExpression* op1;
+ SgExpression* op2;
+ SgExpression* op =
+ static_cast<const omega::CG_roseRepr *>(repr)->GetExpression();
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *repr1;
+ if (isSgValueExp(op) || isSgVarRefExp(op)) {
+ omega::CG_roseRepr *repr = new omega::CG_roseRepr(op);
+ v.push_back(repr);
+ } else if (isSgAssignOp(op)) {
+ op1 = isSgAssignOp(op)->get_rhs_operand();
+ repr1 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(op1);
+ v.push_back(repr1);
+ /*may be a problem as assignOp is a binaryop destop might be needed */
+ } else if (isSgMinusOp(op)) {
+ op1 = isSgMinusOp(op)->get_operand();
+ repr1 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(op1);
+ v.push_back(repr1);
+ } else if (isSgUnaryAddOp(op)) {
+ op1 = isSgUnaryAddOp(op)->get_operand();
+ repr1 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(op1);
+ v.push_back(repr1);
+ } else if ((isSgAddOp(op) || isSgSubtractOp(op))
+ || (isSgMultiplyOp(op) || isSgDivideOp(op))) {
+ op1 = isSgBinaryOp(op)->get_lhs_operand();
+ repr1 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(op1);
+ v.push_back(repr1);
+ op2 = isSgBinaryOp(op)->get_rhs_operand();
+ repr1 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(op2);
+ v.push_back(repr1);
+ } else if (isSgConditionalExp(op)) {
+ SgExpression* cond = isSgConditionalExp(op)->get_conditional_exp();
+ op1 = isSgBinaryOp(cond)->get_lhs_operand();
+ repr1 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(op1);
+ v.push_back(repr1);
+ op2 = isSgBinaryOp(cond)->get_rhs_operand();
+ repr1 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(op2);
+ v.push_back(repr1);
+ } else if (isSgCompoundAssignOp(op)) {
+ SgExpression* cond = isSgCompoundAssignOp(op);
+ op1 = isSgBinaryOp(cond)->get_lhs_operand();
+ repr1 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(op1);
+ v.push_back(repr1);
+ op2 = isSgBinaryOp(cond)->get_rhs_operand();
+ repr1 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(op2);
+ v.push_back(repr1);
+ } else if (isSgBinaryOp(op)) {
+ op1 = isSgBinaryOp(op)->get_lhs_operand();
+ repr1 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(op1);
+ v.push_back(repr1);
+ op2 = isSgBinaryOp(op)->get_rhs_operand();
+ repr1 = new omega::CG_roseRepr(op2);
+ v.push_back(repr1);
+ }
+ else
+ throw ir_error("operation not supported");
+ return v;
+IR_Ref *IR_roseCode::Repr2Ref(const omega::CG_outputRepr *repr) const {
+ SgExpression* op =
+ static_cast<const omega::CG_roseRepr *>(repr)->GetExpression();
+ if (SgValueExp* im = isSgValueExp(op)) {
+ if (isSgIntVal(im))
+ return new IR_roseConstantRef(this,
+ static_cast<omega::coef_t>(isSgIntVal(im)->get_value()));
+ else if (isSgUnsignedIntVal(im))
+ return new IR_roseConstantRef(this,
+ static_cast<omega::coef_t>(isSgUnsignedIntVal(im)->get_value()));
+ else if (isSgLongIntVal(im))
+ return new IR_roseConstantRef(this,
+ static_cast<omega::coef_t>(isSgLongIntVal(im)->get_value()));
+ else if (isSgFloatVal(im))
+ return new IR_roseConstantRef(this, isSgFloatVal(im)->get_value());
+ else
+ assert(0);
+ } else if (isSgVarRefExp(op))
+ return new IR_roseScalarRef(this, isSgVarRefExp(op));
+ else
+ assert(0);