path: root/test-chill
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test-chill')
-rw-r--r--test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/ -> 0 bytes
166 files changed, 0 insertions, 9928 deletions
diff --git a/test-chill/Makefile b/test-chill/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index d7238e8..0000000
--- a/test-chill/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-### ###
-### SVN variables ###
-### ###
-### ###
-### Notification ###
-### (not implemented yet) ###
-### Derived variables from config ###
-### Staging ###
-STAGING_DIR=$(shell pwd)/.staging
-### Local ###
-UNIT_TEST_DIR=$(shell pwd)/unit-tests/
-CHILL_DEV_TESTCASE_DIR=$(shell pwd)/test-cases/chill
-CHILL_DEV_TESTCASES_SCRIPT=$(shell find $(CHILL_DEV_TESTCASE_DIR) -name "*.script")
-### Python environment variables ###
-PYTHON_2:=$(shell which python)
-PYTHON_3:=$(shell which python3)
-ifneq ($(PYTHON_3),)
-PYTHON_3_VERSION=$(shell $(PYTHON_3) -c "import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_config_var('VERSION'))")
-PYTHON_2_VERSION=$(shell $(PYTHON_2) -c "import sysconfig; print sysconfig.get_config_var('VERSION')")
-PYTHON=$(shell which python$(PYTHON_VERSION))
-### ---------------------------- ###
-### deump environment ###
-# define quiet to shut this part up #
-ifndef quiet
-$(info notify on failure? $(NOTIFY_ON_FAILURE))
-$(info staging directory $(STAGING_DIR))
-$(info binary directory $(STAGING_DIR_BIN))
-$(info working directory $(STAGING_DIR_WD))
-$(info omega home $(OMEGAHOME))
-$(info chill home $(CHILLHOME))
-$(info chill svn dev repo $(SVN_CHILL_DEV))
-$(info chill svn release repo $(SVN_CHILL_RELEASE))
-$(info chill dev src $(CHILL_DEV_SRC))
-$(info chill release src $(CHILL_RELEASE_SRC))
-$(info omega svn dev repo $(SVN_OMEGA_DEV))
-$(info omega svn release repo $(SVN_OMEGA_RELEASE))
-$(info omega dev src $(OMEGA_DEV_SRC))
-$(info omega release src $(OMEGA_RELEASE_SRC))
-$(info python $(PYTHON))
-$(info unit tests $(UNIT_TEST_DIR))
-#$(info chill-dev test cases $(CHILL_DEV_TESTCASES_SCRIPT))
-#$(info chill-dev test case stdouts $(CHILL_DEV_TESTCASES_STDOUT))
-### ----------------- ###
-DIRTY_EXTS=pyc o log pickle
-DIRTY_FILES=$(foreach de,$(DIRTY_EXTS),$(shell find . -name "*.$(de)"))
-DIRTY_DIRS=$(shell find . -name '__pycache__' -and -type d) $(STAGING_DIR) pylang coverage_report
-CORE_TESTS:=_extract util gcov _cpp_validate_env cpp_validate test __main__
-CORE_TESTS:=$(addsuffix .py,$(addprefix unit-tests/test_,$(CORE_TESTS)))
-OMEGA_TESTS:=$(addsuffix .py,$(addprefix unit-tests/test_,$(OMEGA_TESTS)))
-CHILL_TESTS:=$(addsuffix .py,$(addprefix unit-tests/test_,$(CHILL_TESTS)))
-### The all target ###
-.PHONY: all
- $(MAKE) clean quiet=1
- $(MAKE) install quiet=1
-### This will install the chill_test module ###
-.PHONY: install
-install: pylang
- #TODO: maybe run a setup or something
-### This will uninstall teh chill_test module ###
-.PHONY: uninstall
- #TODO: can python modules be uninstalled?
-### Simply removes all files listed in DIRTY_FILES ###
-.PHONY: clean
- rm -rf $(DIRTY_FILES)
- rm -rf $(DIRTY_DIRS)
- git clone pylang-tmp
- $(PYTHON) pylang-tmp/
- cp -r pylang-tmp/pylang pylang
- rm -rf pylang-tmp
-### Test the test harness ###
-.PHONY: test
- @echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- @echo "Note: This target tests the test suite it's self, not chill"
- @echo "To test chill, run python -m testchill ..."
- @echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- @ rm -rf $(STAGING_DIR)
-.PHONY: test-chill
- - $(EXPORT) $(PYTHON) -m unittest $(OMEGA_TESTS) $(CHILL_TESTS)
- @ rm -rf $(STAGING_DIR)
-.PHONY: test-omega
- - $(EXPORT) $(PYTHON) -m unittest $(OMEGA_TESTS)
- @ rm -rf $(STAGING_DIR)
-.PHONY: test-core
- - $(EXPORT) $(PYTHON) -m unittest $(CORE_TESTS)
- @ rm -rf $(STAGING_DIR)
-test-core-%: $(STAGING_DIR_BIN)
- - $(EXPORT) $(PYTHON) -m unittest unit-tests/test_$*.py
-.PHONY: test-debug
- @### NOTHING ###
-### benchmarking (don't use if your're not me) ###
-$(CHILL_DEV_TESTCASES_STDOUT): %.stdout: %.script
- $(EXPORT) cd $(STAGING_DIR_WD); $(STAGING_DIR_BIN)/chill $< > $@
-.PHONY: benchmark-dev
-benchmark-dev: test-chill $(CHILL_DEV_TESTCASES_STDOUT)
- # do nothing
-### checking out and making directories ###
- mkdir -p $(STAGING_DIR_BIN)
- mkdir -p $(STAGING_DIR_WD)
- svn export $(SVN_CHILL_DEV) $(CHILL_DEV_SRC)
- svn export $(SVN_OMEGA_DEV) $(OMEGA_DEV_SRC)
- #cd $(OMEGA_DEV_SRC); $(MAKE) depend
- #cd $(OMEGA_DEV_SRC); $(MAKE)
- #cd $(OMEGA_RELEASE_SRC); $(MAKE) depend
-.PHONY: make-omega
- cd $(OMEGA_DEV_SRC); $(MAKE) depend
- cd $(OMEGA_DEV_SRC); $(MAKE)
- cd $(OMEGA_RELEASE_SRC); $(MAKE) depend
-# mkdir -p $(STAGING_DIR)
diff --git a/test-chill/ b/test-chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index e35ff68..0000000
--- a/test-chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-# testchill
-## Description
-TODO: better description
-testchill is a Python module that runs a series of tests to aid in the development and maintence of CHiLL.
-testchill tests that chill compiles successfully, that scripts can be run without error, and that they generate compilable code.
-It can also optionally test optimized code for correctness and provide code coverage.
-## Running testchill
-testchill is a Python module, and can be run like any other Python module:
-`python -m testchill <suite-args>* <sub-command> <sub-command-args>*`
-The most basic subcommand that runs the testsuite is [`local`](#-local-chill-home-). `local` runs a set of tests
-on the parent chill source directory.
-`python -m testchill [-O <path-to-omega>] local [-C <path-to-chill>]` If the environment variable $OMEGAHOME is set, the `-O` argument can be ommited.
-### Arguments common to all sub commands (with the exception of `local`):
-- `-w <working-directory>, --working-dir <working-directory>`
- Sets the working directory where testchill will compile and run test scripts. If not set, the current working directory will be used.
-- `-R <rose-home>, --rose-home <rose-home>`
- Set ROSEHOME environment variable for building omega. If not set, the current ROSEHOME environment variable will be used.
-- `-C <chill directory>, --chill-home <chill-home>`
- Set the path to chill. If not set, the current CHILLHOME environment variable will be used.
-- `-O <omega directory>, --omega-home <omega-home>`
- Set the path to omega. If not set, the current OMEGAHOME environment variable will be used.
-- `-b <binary directory>, --binary-dir <binary directory>`
- Set the directory were all chill binary files will be placed after being compiled. The chill directory will be used by default.
-### Subcommands for running individual tests:
-- <h4> `build-chill-testcase ...`
- Build chill. It will fail if the build process returns non zero.
- Optional arguments:
- - `-v {release | dev}` or `--chill-branch {release | dev}`
- `release` will build the old release version, and `dev` will build the current development version.
- `dev` is used by default.
- - `-u | -c` or `--target-cuda | --target-c`
- `-c` will build chill, and `-u` will build cuda-chill.
- `-c` is used by default.
- - `-i {script | lua | python}` or `--interface-lang {script | lua | python}`
- Set the interface language chill will be build for.
- `script` will build chill with the original chill script language.
- `lua` will build chill with lua as the interface language.
- `python` will build chill with python as the interface language.
- By default, `script` is used for chill and `lua` is used for cuda-chill.
- - `--build-coverage | --no-build-coverage`
- `--build-coverage` will build chill to work with gcov.
- `--no-build-coverage` will build chill normally.
- It is on by default.
-- <h4> `chill-testcase <chill-script> <chill-src> ...`
- Run a chill test script.
- Arguments:
- - `chill-script`
- Path to the script file.
- - `chill-src`
- Path to the source file.
- Optional arguments:
- - `-v {release | dev}` or `--chill-branch {release | dev}`
- `release` will run scripts as the old release version, and `dev` will run them as the current development version.
- `dev` is used by default.
- - `-u | -c` or `--target-cuda | --target-c`
- `-c` will run chill, and `-u` will run cuda-chill.
- `-c` is used by default.
- - `-i {script | lua | python}` or `--interface-lang {script | lua | python}`
- Set the interface language chill will be run with.
- `script` will run chill with the original chill script language.
- `lua` will run chill with lua as the interface language.
- `python` will run chill with python as the interface language.
- By default, `script` is used for chill and `lua` is used for cuda-chill.
- - `--compile-src | --no-compile-src`
- Turns source compilation test on or off. If on, the source file will be compiled prior to transormation.
- On by default.
- - `--run-script | --no-run-script`
- If on, the script file will be run.
- On by default.
- - `--compile-gensrc | --no-compile-gensrc`
- If on, the generated source file will be compiled.
- On by default.
- - `--check-run-script | --no-check-run-script`
- If on, the generated object file will be run. If there are any validation tests, each one will be compiled and run.
- On by default.
- - `--test-coverage | --no-test-coverage`
- If on, coverage data will be compiled during the run-script test.
- On by default.
-- <h4> `batch <batch-file>`
- Run a test case list (*.tclist) file. Each line constists of a subcommand to be passed to testchill (including additional `batch` commands).
- Arguments:
- - `<batch-file>`
- Path to a test case list file.
-- <h4> `local <chill-home> ...`
- Compile and test a local chill source directory.
- Arguments:
- - `<chill-home>`
- Path to chill.
- Optional arguments:
- - `-v {release | dev}` or `--chill-branch {release | dev}`
- `release` will run scripts as the old release version, and `dev` will run them as the current development version.
- `dev` is used by default.
diff --git a/test-chill/ b/test-chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ff5af8..0000000
--- a/test-chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-import argparse
-import pickle
-def loadcov(filename = 'coverage.pickle'):
- with open(filename) as f:
- return pickle.load(f)
-def lines(covset, filename):
- for line in covset.coverage_by_file[filename].lines:
- yield line.lineno, line.count(), line.code
-def nonexecuted(covset, filename):
- return filter(lambda line: line[1] == 0, lines(covset, filename))
-def commented(covset, filename):
- return filter(lambda line: line[1] is None, lines(covset, filename))
-def linerange(lineiter, minline, maxline):
- return filter(lambda line: line[0] >= minline and line[0] <= maxline, lineiter)
-def print_nonexec(argsns, cov):
- if argsns.filename is None:
- covlist = list((k, len(list(nonexecuted(cov, k)))) for k in cov.filenames)
- covlist = sorted(covlist, key=lambda i: i[1])
- for i in reversed(range(len(covlist))):
- print('{}: {}'.format(covlist[i][0].ljust(24), covlist[i][1]))
- else:
- minline, maxline = map(int,argsns.linerange)
- for lineno, count, code in linerange(nonexecuted(cov, argsns.filename), minline, maxline):
- print('{}: {}'.format(str(lineno).rjust(5), code))
-def print_full_nonexec(argsns, cov):
- for filename in cov.filenames:
- with open('coverage_report/' + filename + '.txt', 'w') as f:
- minline, maxline = map(int,argsns.linerange)
- for lineno, count, code in linerange(nonexecuted(cov, filename), minline, maxline):
- f.write('{}: {}\n'.format(str(lineno).rjust(5),code))
-def make_argparser():
- arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('')
- cmd_parser_set = arg_parser.add_subparsers()
- nonexec_cmd = cmd_parser_set.add_parser('nonexec')
- nonexec_cmd.add_argument('-f', dest='filename', default=None)
- nonexec_cmd.add_argument('-r', dest='linerange', nargs=2, default=(0, 120000), metavar='STARTLINE ENDLINE')
- nonexec_cmd.set_defaults(func=print_nonexec)
- full_nonexec_cmd = cmd_parser_set.add_parser('full_nonexec')
- full_nonexec_cmd.add_argument('-r', dest='linerange', nargs=2, default=(0, 120000), metavar='STARTLINE ENDLINE')
- full_nonexec_cmd.set_defaults(func=print_full_nonexec)
- return arg_parser
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- argsns = make_argparser().parse_args()
- cov = loadcov()
- argsns.func(argsns, cov)
diff --git a/test-chill/ b/test-chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e41489..0000000
--- a/test-chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-import pylang.parser
-import pickle
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- gstream = open('testchill/cpp_validate/grammar.txt', 'r')
- env = dict()
- exec('from testchill._cpp_validate_env import *', None, env)
- parser = pylang.parser.generate(gstream, env)
- pickle.dump(parser, open('testchill/cpp_validate/parser.pickle', 'wb'), 2)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill-lua.tclist b/test-chill/test-cases/chill-lua.tclist
deleted file mode 100644
index 39bd140..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill-lua.tclist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_distribute.lua test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-#chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_fuse.lua test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-#chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_known.lua test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-#chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_original.lua test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-#chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_peel.lua test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-#chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_permute.lua test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-#chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_print_code.lua test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-#chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_print_dep.lua test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-#chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_print_space.lua test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-#chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_reverse.lua test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-#chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_scale.lua test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-#chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_shift.lua test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-#chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_shift_to.lua test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-#chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_skew.lua test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-#chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_tile.lua test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-#chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_unroll_extra.lua test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-#chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_unroll.lua test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill-python.tclist b/test-chill/test-cases/chill-python.tclist
deleted file mode 100644
index ee6c54c..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill-python.tclist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill-script.tclist b/test-chill/test-cases/chill-script.tclist
deleted file mode 100644
index 117ee0d..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill-script.tclist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_distribute.script test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_fuse.script test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_known.script test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_original.script test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_peel.script test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_permute.script test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_print_code.script test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_print_dep.script test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_print_space.script test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_reverse.script test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_scale.script test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_shift.script test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_shift_to.script test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_skew.script test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_tile.script test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_unroll_extra.script test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_unroll.script test-cases/chill/mm.c --check-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/examples/chill/gemm.script test-cases/examples/chill/gemm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/examples/chill/gemv.script test-cases/examples/chill/gemv.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/examples/chill/jacobi1.script test-cases/examples/chill/jacobi1.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/examples/chill/jacobi2.script test-cases/examples/chill/jacobi2.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/examples/chill/qr.script test-cases/examples/chill/qr.c
-#chill-testcase test-cases/examples/chill/scalar_test.script test-cases/examples/chill/scalar_test.c --check-run-script --fail-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/examples/chill/swim.script test-cases/examples/chill/swim.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/examples/chill/test_align.script test-cases/examples/chill/test_align.c
-#chill-testcase test-cases/examples/chill/test_fusion.script test-cases/examples/chill/test_fusion.c --check-run-script --fail-run-script
-#chill-testcase test-cases/examples/chill/test_lex_order.script test-cases/examples/chill/test_lex_order.c --check-run-script --fail-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/examples/chill/test_split.script test-cases/examples/chill/test_split.c
-#chill-testcase test-cases/examples/chill/test_split2.script test-cases/examples/chill/test_split2.c --check-run-script --fail-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/examples/chill/test_tile.script test-cases/examples/chill/test_tile.c
-#chill-testcase test-cases/examples/chill/tile_violation.script test-cases/examples/chill/tile_violation.c --check-run-script --fail-run-script
-chill-testcase test-cases/examples/chill/unroll.script test-cases/examples/chill/unroll.c
-#chill-testcase test-cases/examples/chill/unroll_violation.script test-cases/examples/chill/unroll_violation.c --check-run-script --fail-run-script
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/mm.c b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/mm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 354d929..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/mm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-void mm(float **A, float **B, float **C, int ambn, int an, int bm) {
- int i, j, n;
- for(i = 0; i < an; i++) {
- for(j = 0; j < bm; j++) {
- C[i][j] = 0.0f;
- for(n = 0; n < ambn; n++) {
- C[i][j] += A[i][n] * B[n][j];
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/ b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index 760d29f..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-from chill import *
-#format: rose
-known('ambn > 0')
-known('an > 0')
-known('bm > 0')
-distribute([0,1], 1)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_distribute.script b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_distribute.script
deleted file mode 100644
index 2476e8d..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_distribute.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-source: mm.c
-procedure: mm
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-known(ambn > 0)
-known(an > 0)
-known(bm > 0)
-distribute([0,1], 1)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_distribute.stdout b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_distribute.stdout
deleted file mode 100644
index f6aa1a8..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_distribute.stdout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-for(t2 = 0; t2 <= an-1; t2++) {
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= bm-1; t4++) {
- s0(t2,t4,0);
- }
-for(t2 = 0; t2 <= an-1; t2++) {
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= bm-1; t4++) {
- for(t6 = 0; t6 <= ambn-1; t6++) {
- s1(t2,t4,t6);
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/ b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index 32c594c..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-from chill import *
-#format: rose
-known('ambn > 0')
-known('an > 0')
-known('bm > 0')
-distribute([0,1], 1)
-fuse([0,1], 1)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_fuse.script b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_fuse.script
deleted file mode 100644
index 6578ad2..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_fuse.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-source: mm.c
-procedure: mm
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-known(ambn > 0)
-known(an > 0)
-known(bm > 0)
-distribute([0,1], 1)
-fuse([0,1], 1)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_fuse.stdout b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_fuse.stdout
deleted file mode 100644
index 922d511..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_fuse.stdout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-for(t2 = 0; t2 <= an-1; t2++) {
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= bm-1; t4++) {
- s0(t2,t4,0);
- }
-for(t2 = 0; t2 <= an-1; t2++) {
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= bm-1; t4++) {
- for(t6 = 0; t6 <= ambn-1; t6++) {
- s1(t2,t4,t6);
- }
- }
-for(t2 = 0; t2 <= an-1; t2++) {
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= bm-1; t4++) {
- s0(t2,t4,0);
- s1(t2,t4,0);
- for(t6 = 1; t6 <= ambn-1; t6++) {
- s1(t2,t4,t6);
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/ b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index 662d7d0..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-from chill import *
-#format: rose
-known('ambn > 0')
-known('an > 0')
-known('bm > 0')
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_known.script b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_known.script
deleted file mode 100644
index 6772e18..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_known.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-source: mm.c
-procedure: mm
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-known(ambn > 0)
-known(an > 0)
-known(bm > 0)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_known.stdout b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_known.stdout
deleted file mode 100644
index 6975a99..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_known.stdout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-for(t2 = 0; t2 <= an-1; t2++) {
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= bm-1; t4++) {
- s0(t2,t4,0);
- s1(t2,t4,0);
- for(t6 = 1; t6 <= ambn-1; t6++) {
- s1(t2,t4,t6);
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/ b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b16325..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-from chill import *
-#format: rose
-known(['ambn > 0', 'an > 0', 'bm > 0'])
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/ b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d17799..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-from chill import *
-#format: rose
-known(['ambn > 4', 'an > 0', 'bm > 0'])
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_original.script b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_original.script
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f07121..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_original.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-source: mm.c
-procedure: mm
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-known(ambn > 4)
-known(an > 0)
-known(bm > 0)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_original.stdout b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_original.stdout
deleted file mode 100644
index 5121763..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_original.stdout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-for(t2 = 0; t2 <= an-1; t2++) {
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= bm-1; t4++) {
- s2(t2,t4,0);
- s3(t2,t4,0);
- s4(t2,t4,1);
- s5(t2,t4,2);
- s6(t2,t4,3);
- for(t6 = 4; t6 <= ambn-1; t6++) {
- s1(t2,t4,t6);
- }
- }
-for(t2 = 0; t2 <= an-1; t2++) {
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= bm-1; t4++) {
- s2(t2,t4,0);
- s3(t2,t4,0);
- s4(t2,t4,1);
- s5(t2,t4,2);
- s6(t2,t4,3);
- for(t6 = 4; t6 <= ambn-1; t6++) {
- s1(t2,t4,t6);
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/ b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index bb6c583..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-from chill import *
-#format: rose
-known(['ambn > 4', 'an > 0', 'bm > 0'])
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_peel.script b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_peel.script
deleted file mode 100644
index 121868e..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_peel.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-source: mm.c
-procedure: mm
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-known(ambn > 4)
-known(an > 0)
-known(bm > 0)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_peel.stdout b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_peel.stdout
deleted file mode 100644
index 7096b21..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_peel.stdout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-for(t2 = 0; t2 <= an-1; t2++) {
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= bm-1; t4++) {
- s2(t2,t4,0);
- s3(t2,t4,0);
- s4(t2,t4,1);
- s5(t2,t4,2);
- s6(t2,t4,3);
- for(t6 = 4; t6 <= ambn-1; t6++) {
- s1(t2,t4,t6);
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/ b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index c201d2f..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-from chill import *
-#format: rose
-known('ambn > 0')
-known('an > 0')
-known('bm > 0')
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_permute.script b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_permute.script
deleted file mode 100644
index 946bff5..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_permute.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-source: mm.c
-procedure: mm
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-known(ambn > 0)
-known(an > 0)
-known(bm > 0)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_permute.stdout b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_permute.stdout
deleted file mode 100644
index 0268d6b..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_permute.stdout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-for(t2 = 0; t2 <= ambn-1; t2++) {
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= an-1; t4++) {
- if (t2 <= 0) {
- for(t6 = 0; t6 <= bm-1; t6++) {
- s0(t4,t6,t2);
- s1(t4,t6,t2);
- }
- }
- else {
- for(t6 = 0; t6 <= bm-1; t6++) {
- s1(t4,t6,t2);
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/ b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index 004c46c..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-from chill import *
-#format: rose
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_print_code.script b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_print_code.script
deleted file mode 100644
index 20c8364..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_print_code.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-source: mm.c
-procedure: mm
-format: rose
-loop: 0
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_print_code.stdout b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_print_code.stdout
deleted file mode 100644
index b4ece20..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_print_code.stdout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-if (bm >= 1) {
- for(t2 = 0; t2 <= an-1; t2++) {
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= bm-1; t4++) {
- if (ambn >= 1) {
- s0(t2,t4,0);
- s1(t2,t4,0);
- }
- for(t6 = 1; t6 <= ambn-1; t6++) {
- s1(t2,t4,t6);
- }
- if (ambn <= 0) {
- s0(t2,t4,0);
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/ b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index a3dee29..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-from chill import *
-#format: rose
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_print_dep.script b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_print_dep.script
deleted file mode 100644
index 99dc567..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_print_dep.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-source: mm.c
-procedure: mm
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-print dep
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_print_dep.stdout b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_print_dep.stdout
deleted file mode 100644
index ab679a3..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_print_dep.stdout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-dependence graph:
-1->2: C:flow(0, 0, +) C:flow(0, 0, 0) C:output(0, 0, +) C:output(0, 0, 0)
-2->2: C:anti(0, 0, +) C:output(0, 0, +)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/ b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f8f678..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-from chill import *
-#format: rose
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_print_space.script b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_print_space.script
deleted file mode 100644
index d8c81df..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_print_space.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-source: mm.c
-procedure: mm
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-print space
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_print_space.stdout b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_print_space.stdout
deleted file mode 100644
index f97c8c1..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_print_space.stdout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-s0: { Sym=[bm,an] [t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7] : t1 = 0 && t3 = 0 && t5 = 0 && t7 = 0 && t6 = 0 && 0 <= t2 < an && 0 <= t4 < bm }
-s1: { Sym=[ambn,bm,an] [t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7] : t1 = 0 && t3 = 0 && t5 = 0 && t7 = 0 && 0 <= t2 < an && 0 <= t6 < ambn && 0 <= t4 < bm }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/ b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index a97c611..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-from chill import *
-#format: rose
-known(['ambn > 0', 'an > 0', 'bm > 0'])
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_reverse.script b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_reverse.script
deleted file mode 100644
index fc04d5c..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_reverse.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-source: mm.c
-procedure: mm
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-known(ambn > 0)
-known(an > 0)
-known(bm > 0)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_reverse.stdout b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_reverse.stdout
deleted file mode 100644
index 182b822..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_reverse.stdout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-for(t2 = 0; t2 <= an-1; t2++) {
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= bm-1; t4++) {
- s0(t2,t4,0);
- }
-for(t2 = -an+1; t2 <= 0; t2++) {
- for(t4 = -bm+1; t4 <= 0; t4++) {
- for(t6 = 0; t6 <= ambn-1; t6++) {
- s1(-t2,-t4,t6);
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/ b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index ee8455d..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-from chill import *
-#format: rose
-known(['ambn > 0', 'an > 0', 'bm > 0'])
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_scale.script b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_scale.script
deleted file mode 100644
index 20611ec..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_scale.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-source: mm.c
-procedure: mm
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-known(ambn > 0)
-known(an > 0)
-known(bm > 0)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_scale.stdout b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_scale.stdout
deleted file mode 100644
index 049451c..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_scale.stdout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-for(t2 = 0; t2 <= an-1; t2++) {
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= bm-1; t4++) {
- s0(t2,t4,0);
- }
-for(t2 = 0; t2 <= 4*an-4; t2 += 4) {
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= 4*bm-4; t4 += 4) {
- for(t6 = 0; t6 <= ambn-1; t6++) {
- s1(t2/4,t4/4,t6);
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/ b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index b3fc6ab..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-from chill import *
-#format: rose
-known('ambn > 0')
-known('an > 0')
-known('bm > 0')
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_shift.script b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_shift.script
deleted file mode 100644
index d3d67aa..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_shift.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-source: mm.c
-procedure: mm
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-known(ambn > 0)
-known(an > 0)
-known(bm > 0)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_shift.stdout b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_shift.stdout
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b96895..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_shift.stdout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-for(t2 = 0; t2 <= an+3; t2++) {
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= bm-1; t4++) {
- if (an >= t2+1) {
- s0(t2,t4,0);
- if (t2 >= 4) {
- s1(t2-4,t4,0);
- }
- if (t2 >= 4) {
- for(t6 = 1; t6 <= ambn-1; t6++) {
- s1(t2-4,t4,t6);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if (t2 >= 4) {
- for(t6 = 0; t6 <= ambn-1; t6++) {
- s1(t2-4,t4,t6);
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/ b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index f3537c5..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-from chill import *
-#format: rose
-known('ambn > 0')
-known('an > 0')
-known('bm > 0')
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_shift_to.script b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_shift_to.script
deleted file mode 100644
index 64a6443..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_shift_to.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-source: mm.c
-procedure: mm
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-known(ambn > 0)
-known(an > 0)
-known(bm > 0)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_shift_to.stdout b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_shift_to.stdout
deleted file mode 100644
index 820d83f..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_shift_to.stdout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-for(t2 = 4; t2 <= an+3; t2++) {
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= bm-1; t4++) {
- s0(t2-4,t4,0);
- s1(t2-4,t4,0);
- for(t6 = 1; t6 <= ambn-1; t6++) {
- s1(t2-4,t4,t6);
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/ b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index c7271f4..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-from chill import *
-#format: rose
-known('ambn > 0')
-known('an > 0')
-known('bm > 0')
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_skew.script b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_skew.script
deleted file mode 100644
index e9cf75a..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_skew.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-source: mm.c
-procedure: mm
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-known(ambn > 0)
-known(an > 0)
-known(bm > 0)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_skew.stdout b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_skew.stdout
deleted file mode 100644
index a1b36f8..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_skew.stdout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-for(t2 = 0; t2 <= 4*an-4; t2++) {
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= bm-1; t4++) {
- if (an >= t2+1) {
- s0(t2,t4,0);
- if (intMod(t2,4) == 0) {
- s1(t2/4,t4,0);
- }
- }
- else {
- if (intMod(t2,4) == 0) {
- s1(t2/4,t4,0);
- }
- }
- if (intMod(t2,4) == 0) {
- for(t6 = 1; t6 <= ambn-1; t6++) {
- s1(t2/4,t4,t6);
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/ b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index fbe0368..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-from chill import *
-#format: rose
-#known('ambn > 0')
-#known('an > 0')
-#known('bm > 0')
-#tile(1, 1, 4, 1)
-#tile(1, 3, 4, 2)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_tile.script b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_tile.script
deleted file mode 100644
index de27998..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_tile.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-source: mm.c
-procedure: mm
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-tile(0, 2, 4)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_tile.stdout b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_tile.stdout
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a2d89a..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_tile.stdout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-if (an >= 1) {
- for(t2 = 0; t2 <= bm-1; t2 += 4) {
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= an-1; t4++) {
- for(t6 = t2; t6 <= min(bm-1,t2+3); t6++) {
- if (ambn >= 1) {
- s0(t4,t6,0);
- s1(t4,t6,0);
- }
- for(t8 = 1; t8 <= ambn-1; t8++) {
- s1(t4,t6,t8);
- }
- if (ambn <= 0) {
- s0(t4,t6,0);
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/ b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index 39dd0db..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-from chill import *
-#format: rose
-known('ambn > 0')
-known('an > 0')
-known('bm > 0')
-distribute([0,1], 1)
-unroll(1, 3, 4)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_unroll.script b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_unroll.script
deleted file mode 100644
index bd19bd1..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_unroll.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-source: mm.c
-procedure: mm
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-known(ambn > 0)
-known(an > 0)
-known(bm > 0)
-distribute([0,1], 1)
-unroll(1, 3, 4)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_unroll.stdout b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_unroll.stdout
deleted file mode 100644
index 71616bf..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_unroll.stdout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-for(t2 = 0; t2 <= an-1; t2++) {
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= bm-1; t4++) {
- s0(t2,t4,0);
- }
-for(t2 = 0; t2 <= an-1; t2++) {
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= bm-1; t4++) {
- s2(t2,t4);
- for(t6 = 0; t6 <= -over1+ambn-1; t6 += 4) {
- s1(t2,t4,t6);
- s4(t2,t4,t6);
- }
- for(t6 = max(0,ambn-over1); t6 <= ambn-1; t6++) {
- s3(t2,t4,t6);
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/ b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
deleted file mode 100644
index 929313c..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-from chill import *
-#format: rose
-known('ambn > 0')
-known('an > 0')
-known('bm > 0')
-unroll_extra(1, 2, 4)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_unroll_extra.script b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_unroll_extra.script
deleted file mode 100644
index fae244e..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_unroll_extra.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-source: mm.c
-procedure: mm
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-known(ambn > 0)
-known(an > 0)
-known(bm > 0)
-unroll_extra(1, 2, 4)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_unroll_extra.stdout b/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_unroll_extra.stdout
deleted file mode 100644
index eca65f2..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/chill/test_unroll_extra.stdout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-for(t2 = 0; t2 <= an-1; t2++) {
- s2(t2);
- for(t4 = 0; t4 <= -over1+bm-1; t4 += 4) {
- s0(t2,t4,0);
- s1(t2,t4,0);
- s5(t2,t4,0);
- s6(t2,t4,0);
- s7(t2,t4,0);
- s8(t2,t4,0);
- s9(t2,t4,0);
- s10(t2,t4,0);
- for(t6 = 1; t6 <= ambn-1; t6++) {
- s1(t2,t4,t6);
- s6(t2,t4,t6);
- s8(t2,t4,t6);
- s10(t2,t4,t6);
- }
- }
- for(t4 = max(bm-over1,0); t4 <= bm-1; t4++) {
- s3(t2,t4,0);
- s4(t2,t4,0);
- for(t6 = 1; t6 <= ambn-1; t6++) {
- s4(t2,t4,t6);
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/cuda-chill-lua.tclist b/test-chill/test-cases/cuda-chill-lua.tclist
deleted file mode 100644
index d2e91dc..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/cuda-chill-lua.tclist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-chill-testcase -u test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/cp.lua test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/cp.c --no-compile-gensrc
-chill-testcase -u test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mm.lua test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mm.c --no-compile-gensrc
-chill-testcase -u test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mpeg4.lua test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mpeg4.c --no-compile-gensrc
-chill-testcase -u test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mriq.lua test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mriq.c --no-compile-gensrc
-chill-testcase -u test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mriq-fh.lua test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mriq-fh.c --no-compile-gensrc
-chill-testcase -u test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv.lua test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv.c --no-compile-gensrc
-chill-testcase -u test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv-shadow.lua test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv-shadow.c --no-compile-gensrc
-chill-testcase -u test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv_try.lua test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv_try.c --no-compile-gensrc
-chill-testcase -u test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/nbody.lua test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/nbody.c --no-compile-gensrc
-chill-testcase -u test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/tmv.lua test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/tmv.c --no-compile-gensrc
-chill-testcase -u test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/tmv-shadow.lua test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/tmv-shadow.c --no-compile-gensrc
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/cuda-chill-python.tclist b/test-chill/test-cases/cuda-chill-python.tclist
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b13789..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/cuda-chill-python.tclist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/gemm.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/gemm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c90ea5..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/gemm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef N
-#define N 512
-<test name=gemm define="{'N':512}">
-procedure int gemm(
- in float[N][N] a = matrix([,], lambda i,j: random(2,-2)),
- in float[N][N] b = matrix([,], lambda i,j: random(2,-2)),
- out float[N][N] c = matrix([,], lambda i,j: 0))
-int gemm(float a[N][N], float b[N][N], float c[N][N]) {
- int i, j, k;
- int n = N;
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
- for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- c[i][j] = c[i][j] + a[i][k] * b[k][j];
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/gemm.script b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/gemm.script
deleted file mode 100644
index 393f236..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/gemm.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#matrix multiply large array size for intel machine
-source: gemm.c
-procedure: gemm
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-TI = 128
-TJ = 8
-TK = 512
-UI = 2
-UJ = 2
-#print space
-#print space
-#print space
-#print space
-unroll(0,4,UI)#print space
-#print space
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/gemv.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/gemv.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 39b083c..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/gemv.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef N
-#define N 512
-<test name=gemv define="{'N':512}">
-procedure int gemv(
- out float[N] a = matrix([], lambda i: random(2,-2)),
- in float[N] b = matrix([], lambda i: random(2,-2)),
- in float[N][N] c = matrix([,], lambda i,j: random(2,-2)))
-int gemv(float a[N], float b[N], float c[N][N]) {
- int i, j;
- for (i = 1; i < N; i++)
- for (j = 1; j < N; j++)
- a[i] = a[i] + c[i][j] * b[j];
- return 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/gemv.script b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/gemv.script
deleted file mode 100644
index 73b3b58..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/gemv.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-source: gemv.c # matrix-vector multiply
-procedure: gemv
-format : rose
-loop: 0
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/jacobi1.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/jacobi1.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e7ff8f8..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/jacobi1.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef N
-#define N 512
-<test name=jacobi define="{'N':512}">
-procedure int jacobi(
- in out float[N][N] a = matrix [i,j] random(2,-2))
-int jacobi(float a[N][N]) {
- int t, i;
- for (t = 2; t <= 100; t++)
- for (i = 2; i <= N - 1; i++)
- a[t][i] = a[t - 1][i - 1] + a[t - 1][i] + a[t - 1][i + 1];
- return 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/jacobi1.script b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/jacobi1.script
deleted file mode 100644
index 604f763..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/jacobi1.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# tiling perfect jacobi loop nest with time step, use
-# unimodular transformation first (only applicable to the
-# perfect loop nest) to make tiling legal.
-source: jacobi1.c
-procedure: jacobi
-format : rose
-loop: 0
-print dep
-nonsingular([[1,0],[1,1]]) # unimodular matrix, determinant is one
-print dep
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/jacobi2.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/jacobi2.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b8d8d7b..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/jacobi2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#define N 512
-int main() {
- double a[N];
- double b[N];
- int t, i;
- for (t = 1; t <= 100; t++) {
- for (i = 2; i <= N - 1; i++)
- b[i] = (double) 0.25 * (a[i - 1] + a[i + 1]) + (double) 0.5 * a[i];
- for (i = 2; i <= N - 1; i++)
- a[i] = b[i];
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/jacobi2.script b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/jacobi2.script
deleted file mode 100644
index afe14c6..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/jacobi2.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# tiling imperfect jacobi loop nest, more details in the paper
-# "Automatic Tiling of Iterative Stencil Loops" by Zhiyuan Li and
-# Yonghong Song, TOPLAS, 2004.
-source: jacobi2.c
-procedure: main
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-print dep
-shift([1], 2, 1)
-fuse([0,1], 2) # optional
-skew([0,1], 2, [2,1])
-tile(0, 2, 32, 1)
-print dep
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/qr.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/qr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d18b72..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/qr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#include <math.h>
-int main() {
- int M, N;
- float** A;
- float *s;
- float *Rdiag;
- float *nrm;
- int i, j, k;
- float t;
- for (k = 0; k < N; k++) {
- nrm[k] = 0;
- for (i = k; i < M; i++)
- nrm[k] = sqrt(nrm[k] * nrm[k] + A[i][k] * A[i][k]);
- //t = A[k][k];
- //if (t < 0)
- // nrm[k] = -nrm[k];
- for (i = k; i < M; i++)
- A[i][k] = A[i][k] / nrm[k];
- A[k][k] = A[k][k] + 1;
- for (j = k + 1; j < N; j++) {
- s[j] = 0; //S6
- for (i = k; i < M; i++)
- s[j] = s[j] + A[i][k] * A[i][j]; //S7
- s[j] = -s[j] / A[k][k]; //S8
- for (i = k; i < M; i++)
- A[i][j] = A[i][j] + s[j] * A[i][k]; //S9
- }
- Rdiag[k] = -nrm[k];
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/qr.script b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/qr.script
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b4cd46..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/qr.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# tiling imperfect jacobi loop nest, more details in the paper
-# "Automatic Tiling of Iterative Stencil Loops" by Zhiyuan Li and
-# Yonghong Song, TOPLAS, 2004.
-source: qr.c
-procedure: main
-format: rose
-loop: 0
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/scalar_test.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/scalar_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 733c882..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/scalar_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-int a[10][10];
-int main() {
- int temp;
- int i, j;
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
- a[i + 1][j - 1] = a[i][j];
- }
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/scalar_test.script b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/scalar_test.script
deleted file mode 100644
index f5b0aa8..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/scalar_test.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#Simple Scalar dependence check
-source: scalar_test.c
-procedure: main
-format : rose
-loop: 0
-print dep
-print space
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/swim.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/swim.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a21ef24..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/swim.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-#define M 100
-#define N 100
-#define N3 10
-int main() {
- int DX;
- int DY;
- int FSDX;
- int FSDY;
- int TDT;
- int TDTS8;
- int TDTSDX;
- int TDTSDY;
- int t, i, j;
- double CU[M + 1][N + 1];
- double CV[M + 1][N + 1];
- double Z[M + 1][N + 1];
- double H[M + 1][N + 1];
- double P[M + 1][N + 1];
- double U[M + 1][N + 1];
- double V[M + 1][N + 1];
- double UNEW[M + 1][N + 1];
- double UOLD[M + 1][N + 1];
- double PNEW[M + 1][N + 1];
- double POLD[M + 1][N + 1];
- double VNEW[M + 1][N + 1];
- double VOLD[M + 1][N + 1];
- double ALPHA;
- for (t = 0; t < N3; t++) {
- FSDX = 4 / DX;
- FSDY = 4 / DY;
- for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
- CU[i + 1][j] = (double) 0.5 * (P[i + 1][j] + P[i][j])
- * U[i + 1][j];
- CV[i][j + 1] = (double) 0.5 * (P[i][j + 1] + P[i][j])
- * V[i][j + 1];
- Z[i + 1][j + 1] =
- (FSDX * (V[i + 1][j + 1] - V[i][j + 1])
- - FSDY * (U[i + 1][j + 1] - U[i + 1][j]))
- / (P[i][j] + P[i + 1][j] + P[i + 1][j + 1]
- + P[i][j + 1]);
- H[i][j] = P[i][j]
- + (double) 0.25
- * (U[i + 1][j] * U[i + 1][j] + U[i][j] * U[i][j]
- + V[i][j + 1] * V[i][j + 1]
- + V[i][j] * V[i][j]);
- }
- }
- for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
- // CU[0][j] = CU[M+1][j];
- CU[0][j] = CU[M][j];
- CV[M][j + 1] = CV[0][j + 1];
- Z[0][j + 1] = Z[M][j + 1];
- H[M][j] = H[0][j];
- }
- for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {
- CU[i + 1][N] = CU[i + 1][0];
- CV[i][0] = CV[i][N];
- Z[i + 1][0] = Z[i + 1][N];
- H[i][N] = H[i][0];
- }
- CU[0][N] = CU[M][0];
- CV[M][0] = CV[0][N];
- Z[0][0] = Z[M][N];
- H[M][N] = H[0][0];
- TDTS8 = TDT / 8;
- for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
- UNEW[i + 1][j] = UOLD[i + 1][j]
- + TDTS8 * (Z[i + 1][j + 1] + Z[i + 1][j])
- * (CV[i + 1][j + 1] + CV[i][j + 1] + CV[i][j]
- + CV[i + 1][j])
- - TDTSDX * (H[i + 1][j] - H[i][j]);
- VNEW[i][j + 1] = VOLD[i][j + 1]
- - TDTS8 * (Z[i + 1][j + 1] + Z[i][j + 1])
- * (CU[i + 1][j + 1] + CU[i][j + 1] + CU[i][j]
- + CU[i + 1][j])
- - TDTSDY * (H[i][j + 1] - H[i][j]);
- PNEW[i][j] = POLD[i][j] - TDTSDX * (CU[i + 1][j] - CU[i][j])
- - TDTSDY * (CV[i][j + 1] - CV[i][j]);
- }
- }
- for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
- UNEW[0][j] = UNEW[M][j];
- VNEW[M][j + 1] = VNEW[0][j + 1];
- PNEW[M][j] = PNEW[0][j];
- }
- for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {
- UNEW[i + 1][N] = UNEW[i + 1][0];
- VNEW[i][0] = VNEW[i][N];
- PNEW[i][N] = PNEW[i][0];
- }
- UNEW[0][N] = UNEW[M][0];
- VNEW[M][0] = VNEW[0][N];
- PNEW[M][N] = PNEW[0][0];
- // time = time + DT;
- for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
- UOLD[i][j] = U[i][j]
- * (UNEW[i][j] - (double) 2 * U[i][j]
- + UOLD[i][j]);
- VOLD[i][j] = V[i][j]
- * (VNEW[i][j] - (double) 2 * V[i][j]
- + VOLD[i][j]);
- POLD[i][j] = P[i][j]
- * (PNEW[i][j] - (double) 2 * P[i][j]
- + POLD[i][j]);
- U[i][j] = UNEW[i][j];
- V[i][j] = VNEW[i][j];
- P[i][j] = PNEW[i][j];
- }
- }
- for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
- UOLD[M][j] = UOLD[0][j];
- VOLD[M][j] = VOLD[0][j];
- POLD[M][j] = POLD[0][j];
- U[M][j] = U[0][j];
- V[M][j] = V[0][j];
- P[M][j] = P[0][j];
- }
- for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {
- UOLD[i][N] = UOLD[i][0];
- VOLD[i][N] = VOLD[i][0];
- POLD[i][N] = POLD[i][0];
- U[i][N] = U[i][0];
- V[i][N] = V[i][0];
- P[i][N] = P[i][0];
- }
- UOLD[M][N] = UOLD[0][0];
- VOLD[M][N] = VOLD[0][0];
- POLD[M][N] = POLD[0][0];
- U[M][N] = U[0][0];
- V[M][N] = V[0][0];
- P[M][N] = P[0][0];
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/swim.script b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/swim.script
deleted file mode 100644
index 79de9d9..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/swim.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# tiling imperfect jacobi loop nest, more details in the paper
-# "Automatic Tiling of Iterative Stencil Loops" by Zhiyuan Li and
-# Yonghong Song, TOPLAS, 2004.
-source: swim.c
-procedure: main
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-#print space
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_align.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_align.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d1365ca..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_align.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-int main() {
- int m, n;
- int a[10], b[10];
- int i, j;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
- a[i] = 1;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
- b[i] -= 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_align.script b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_align.script
deleted file mode 100644
index c990e22..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_align.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#matrix multiply large array size for intel machine
-source: test_align.c
-procedure: main
-format: rose
-loop: 0
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_fusion.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_fusion.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bd2c4f2..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_fusion.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-int main() {
- int a[10][10];
- int i, j;
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
- a[i][j] = a[i][j] + 5;
- for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
- a[i][j + 1] = a[i][j + 1] + 5;
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_fusion.script b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_fusion.script
deleted file mode 100644
index 41f6cc0..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_fusion.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-source: test_fusion.c
-procedure: main
-loop: 0
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_lex_order.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_lex_order.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a3b26d..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_lex_order.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-int main() {
- int m, n;
- int a[10];
- int b[10];
- int c[10];
- int i, j;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
- b[j] = a[j];
- }
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
- a[j+1] = 6;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
- c[j] = a[j];
- }
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_lex_order.script b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_lex_order.script
deleted file mode 100644
index 2629e50..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_lex_order.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#matrix multiply large array size for intel machine
-source: test_lex_order.c
-procedure: main
-format: rose
-loop: 0
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_split.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_split.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ca62cc..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_split.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-int main() {
- int a[10][10][10][10];
- int i, j, k, l;
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
- for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
- for (k = 0; k < 10; k++)
- for (l = 0; l < 10; l++)
- a[i][j][k + 1][l] = a[i][j][k][l];
- // a[i+1][j-1] = a[i][j];
- return 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_split.script b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_split.script
deleted file mode 100644
index e1ebba9..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_split.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-source: test_split.c
-procedure: main
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-split(0,1, L3-L2-L4 <= 5)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_split2.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_split2.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ab8e43..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_split2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-int main() {
- int a[10][10][10][10];
- int i, j, k, l;
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
- for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
- for (k = 0; k < 10; k++)
- for (l = 0; l < 10; l++)
- a[i][j][k + 1][l - 1] = a[i][j][k][l];
- // a[i+1][j-1] = a[i][j];
- return 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_split2.script b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_split2.script
deleted file mode 100644
index bcaa2a0..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_split2.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-source: test_split2.c
-procedure: main
-format: rose
-loop: 0
-split(0,1, L4 <= 5)
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_tile.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_tile.c
deleted file mode 100644
index aeaaefc..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_tile.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-void func(int n) {
- int i;
- int a[10];
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- a[i] = 2;
-int main() {
- func(10);
- return 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_tile.script b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_tile.script
deleted file mode 100644
index d437145..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/test_tile.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#matrix multiply large array size for intel machine
-source: test_tile.c
-procedure: func
-format : rose
-loop: 0
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/tile_violation.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/tile_violation.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d719e52..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/tile_violation.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-int main() {
- int i, j, k;
- int a[10][10][10];
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
- for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
- for (k = 0; k < 10; k++)
- a[i][j + 1][k - 1] = a[i][j][k];
- return 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/tile_violation.script b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/tile_violation.script
deleted file mode 100644
index 57d1423..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/tile_violation.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#matrix multiply large array size for intel machine
-source: tile_violation.c
-procedure: main
-format :rose
-loop: 0
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/unroll.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/unroll.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 68f4633..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/unroll.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#define N 14
-void foo(int n, float* x, float* y, float* z, float* f3, float* f1, float* w) {
- int dt;
- int i, j;
- for (i = 1; i <= 14; i++)
- x[i] = 1.0;
- for (i = 1; i <= 14; i += 3)
- y[i] = 1.0;
- for (i = N + 1; i <= N + 20; i += 3)
- z[i] = 1.0;
- for (i = 0; i <= N; i++) {
- for (j = i; j <= i + N; j++)
- f3[i] = f3[i] + f1[j] * w[j - i];
- f3[i] = f3[i] * dt;
- }
- return 0;
-int main() {
- float x[N], y[N], z[N], f3[N], f1[N], w[N];
- foo(N, x, y, z, f3, f1, w);
- return 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/unroll.script b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/unroll.script
deleted file mode 100644
index e64acb6..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/unroll.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# Test unroll-and-jam. The last loop adapted from the simple
-# convolution example from p463 of "Optimizing Compilers for
-# Modern Architectures", by Randy Allen and Ken Kennedy.
-source: unroll.c
-procedure: foo
-format: rose
-# fully unroll a loop with known iteration count
-loop: 0
-print space
-# a strided loop
-loop: 1
-print space
-# lower and upper bounds are not constant
-loop: 2
-# parallelogram iteration space
-loop: 3
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/unroll_violation.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/unroll_violation.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d719e52..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/unroll_violation.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-int main() {
- int i, j, k;
- int a[10][10][10];
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
- for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
- for (k = 0; k < 10; k++)
- a[i][j + 1][k - 1] = a[i][j][k];
- return 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/unroll_violation.script b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/unroll_violation.script
deleted file mode 100644
index 019473d..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/chill/unroll_violation.script
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#matrix multiply large array size for intel machine
-source: unroll_violation.c
-procedure: main
-format: rose
-loop: 0
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/cp.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/cp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 837d7a6..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/cp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#define N 1
-#define VOLSIZEY 512
-#define VOLSIZEX 512
-#define VOLSIZEZ 1
-#define ATOMCOUNT 4000
-#define GRIDSPACING 0.1
-#define zDim 0
-extern float sqrtf(float);
-void cenergy_cpu(float atoms[ATOMCOUNT*4],float *energy,float z)
-int i,j,n;float dx,dy,dz;
- for (j=0; j<VOLSIZEY; j++) {
- for (i=0; i<VOLSIZEX; i++) {
- for (n=0;n<ATOMCOUNT;n+=4) {
- dx = (GRIDSPACING * i) - atoms[n];
- dy = (GRIDSPACING * j) - atoms[n+1];
- dz = z - atoms[n+2];
- energy[(j*VOLSIZEX + i)+VOLSIZEX*VOLSIZEY*zDim] += atoms[n+3]/sqrtf( (dx*dx) + (dy*dy)+ (dz*dz) ) ;
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/cp.lua b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/cp.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ef2264..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/cp.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
---CUBLAS 2 MM Multiply
---This function form intializes "CUDAIZE v2" versus "CUDAIZE v1" if you
---call init() and use global variables to specify procedure and loop
---Second parameter is procedure # and third is loop #
-init("cp.c", "cenergy_cpu", 0)
-dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,
- --copy_to_shared methods
---tile_by_index({"j"}, {Tn}, {l1_control="j",l1_tile="jjj"}, {"ii", "jj", "nn","jjj","j","i","n"})
---tile_by_index({"i"}, {Tii}, {l1_control="iii",l1_tile="i"}, {"ii", "jj", "iii","i","j","n"})
-cudaize("kernel_GPU",{atoms=N*4,energy=V*V*1},{block={"jj","ii"}, thread={"j","i"}})--CU=3
---cudaize("kernel_GPU",{atoms=N*4,energy=V*V*1},{block={"ii","jj"}, thread={"i","j"}})--CU=3
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/cudaize.lua b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/cudaize.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7359cca..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/cudaize.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1004 +0,0 @@
-function table.contains_key(table, key)
- for k in pairs(table) do
- if k == key then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
-function valid_indices(stmt, indices)
- --print( "valid_indices() lua calling C cur_indices")
- --io.flush()
- cur = cur_indices(stmt)
- --print("Cur indices "..list_to_string(cur))
- for idx in pairs(indices) do
- if not table.contains_key(cur,idx) then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
-function next_clean_level(cur_idxs,level)
- --print("next_clean_level( ..., "..level.." )")
- --print(string.format("indices_at_each_level %s ",list_to_string(cur_idxs) ))
- --print("loop to "..#cur_idxs)
- for i=level+1,#cur_idxs do
- --print("Checking level "..i.." = '"..cur_idxs[i].."'")
- if (# cur_idxs[i] > 0) then
- --print("Good enough"..(# cur_idxs[i]))
- --print("returning "..i)
- return i
- end
- end
- return -1 --sentinal that there were no non-dummy indices left
-function build_order(final_order, tile_idx_names, ctrl_idx_names, tile_idx_map, cur_level)
- order = {}
- --print("\nbuild_order()")
- --print("build_order(): final_order = ( "..list_to_string(final_order).." )")
- --print("build_order(): ctrl_idx_names = ("..list_to_string(ctrl_idx_names).." )")
- --print("cur_level "..cur_level.."")
- --io.flush()
- for i,k in ipairs(final_order) do
- skip = false
- cur = final_order[i]
- --print("\ncur "..cur.." = final_order["..i.."] = "..final_order[i].." ")
- --control loops below our current level should not be in the current order
- for j=cur_level+2,# ctrl_idx_names do
- --print("j "..j.." final_order["..i.."] = "..final_order[i].." ")
- if ctrl_idx_names[j] == final_order[i] then
- skip = true
- --print("SKIP "..final_order[i].." ")
- --io.flush()
- end
- end
- --possibly substitute tile indices ifn necessar
- if table.contains_key(tile_idx_map,final_order[i]) then
- approved_sub = false
- sub_string = tile_idx_map[final_order[i]]
- for j=cur_level+2,# tile_idx_names do
- if tile_idx_names[j] == sub_string then
- approved_sub = true
- end
- end
- if approved_sub then
- cur = sub_string
- end
- end
- if not skip then
- table.insert(order,cur)
- end
- end
- return order
-function list_to_string(str_list)
- --Helpful debug output
- l = ""
- for i,str in ipairs(str_list) do
- if i > 1 then
- l = l .. ", " .. str
- else
- l = str
- end
- end
- return l
-function find_cur_level(stmt,idx)
- --Search cur_indices for a idx at stmt
- cur = cur_indices(stmt)
- --print(string.format("find_cur_level(stmt %d, idx %s) Cur indices %s", stmt, idx, list_to_string(cur)))
- for i,cidx in ipairs(cur) do
- if cidx == idx then
- --print(string.format("found it at index %d", i))
- return i
- end
- end
- error("Unable to find "..idx.." in current list of indices")
-function chk_cur_level(stmt,idx)
- --Search cur_indices for a idx at stmt
- cur = cur_indices(stmt)
- for i,cidx in ipairs(cur) do
- if cidx == idx then
- return i
- end
- end
- return -1
-function find_offset(cur_order, tile, control)
- --print("Looking for tile '"..tile.."' and control '"..control.."' in ( "..list_to_string(cur_order)..", )")
- idx1 = -1
- idx2 = -1
- for i,cur in ipairs(cur_order) do
- if(cur == tile) then
- idx1 = i
- end
- if(cur == control) then
- idx2 = i
- end
- end
- if(idx1 < 0) then
- error("Unable to find tile " .. tile .. " in current list of indices")
- end
- if(idx2 < 0) then
- error("Unable to find control " .. control .. " in current list of indices")
- end
- --print("found at level " .. idx2 .. " and " .. idx1)
- if(idx2 < idx1) then
- return idx2-idx1+1
- else
- return idx2-idx1
- end
-function tile_by_index(tile_indices, sizes, index_names, final_order, tile_method)
- --io.flush()
- stmt = 0 --assume stmt 0
- cur = cur_indices(stmt)
- --print("Cur indices "..list_to_string(cur))
- if not valid_indices(stmt,tile_indices) then
- error('One of the indices in the first parameter were not '..
- 'found in the current set of indices.')
- end
- if not tile_method then tile_method = counted end
- tile_idx_names = {}
- for i,s in ipairs(tile_indices) do tile_idx_names[i]=s end --shallow copy
- --print("tile_index_names: ['"..list_to_string(tile_indices).."']")
- --print("index_names: ")
- --for k,v in pairs(index_names) do print(k,v) end
- --io.flush()
- ctrl_idx_names = {}
- tile_idx_map = {}
- for k,v in pairs(index_names) do
- valid = false
- if(string.sub(k,1,1) == "l") then
- if string.sub(k,-8) == "_control" then
- i = tonumber(string.sub(k,2,-9))
- if i and i >= 1 and i <= (# tile_indices) then
- ctrl_idx_names[i] = v
- --print(string.format("Handling control %s for loop level %d",v,i))
- --print("control "..k.." name "..v.." ")
- valid = true
- end
- elseif string.sub(k,-5) == "_tile" then
- i = tonumber(string.sub(k,2,-6))
- if i and i >= 1 and i <= (# tile_indices) then
- --print(string.format("tile %s -> %s",tile_indices[i], v))
- tile_idx_names[i] = v
- tile_idx_map[v] = tile_indices[i]
- --print(string.format("tile %s -> %s",tile_indices[i], v))
- valid = true
- end
- end
- end
- if not valid then error(string.format("%s is not a proper key for specifying "..
- "tile or control loop indices\n", k)) end
- end
- --filter out control indices (and do name substitution of unprocessed tile indices) for a given level
- cur_order = build_order(final_order, tile_indices, ctrl_idx_names, tile_idx_map, -1)
- permute(stmt, cur_order)
- for i,cur_idx in ipairs(tile_indices) do
- --print(string.format("i %d cur_idx %s calling build order ********", i-1, cur_idx))
- cur_order = build_order(final_order, tile_indices, ctrl_idx_names, tile_idx_map, i-1)
- --Find a offset between tile loop and control loop
- -- 0 = control loop one level above tile loop
- -- -1 = control loop two levels above tile loop
- -- > 0 = tile loop above control loop
- -- In the last case, we do two extra tile commands to get the control
- -- above the tile and then rely on the final permute to handle the
- -- rest
- level = find_cur_level(stmt,cur_idx)
- offset = find_offset(cur_order, tile_idx_names[i], ctrl_idx_names[i])
- --print(string.format("offset %d", offset))
- if (offset <= 0) then
- --print(string.format("[offset<=0]1tile(%d, %d, %d, %d, %s, %s, %s)",stmt, level, sizes[i], level+offset, tile_idx_names[i], ctrl_idx_names[i], tile_method))
- tile(stmt, level, sizes[i], level+offset, tile_idx_names[i], ctrl_idx_names[i], tile_method)
- else
- --print(string.format("2tile(%d, %d, %d, %d, %s, %s, %s)", stmt, level, sizes[i], level, tile_idx_names[i], ctrl_idx_names[i], tile_method))
- tile(stmt, level, sizes[i], level, tile_idx_names[i], ctrl_idx_names[i], tile_method);--regular level
- --flip tile and control loop
- --print(string.format("3tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt, level+1, level+1))
- tile(stmt, level+1, level+1);
- --print(string.format("4tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt, level+1, level))
- tile(stmt, level+1, level);
- --print(string.format("\n[offset>0]tile(%d, %d, %d, %d,%s,%s,%s)",stmt, level, sizes[i], level, tile_idx_names[i], ctrl_idx_names[i], tile_method))
- --print_code()
- end
- --Do permutation based on cur_order
- --print "permute based on build order calling build_order()"
- --print "cur_order = build_order(final_order, tile_indices, ctrl_idx_names, tile_idx_map, i-1)"
- cur_order = build_order(final_order, tile_indices, ctrl_idx_names, tile_idx_map, i-1)
- --print "permute(stmt, cur_order);"
- permute(stmt, cur_order);
- --print "\nafter permute(), code is:"
- --print_code()
- end
- --print_code()
-function normalize_index(index)
- stmt = 0 --assume stmt 0cur = cur_indices(stmt)
- --print("Cur indices "..list_to_string(cur))
- l = find_cur_level(stmt, index)
- tile(stmt, l, l)
- --print(string.format("\n[Normalize]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt, l,l))
-function is_in_indices(stmt, idx)
- cur = cur_indices(stmt)
- for i=0,#cur,1 do
- if(cur[i]==idx) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
-function copy_to_registers(start_loop, array_name)
- --print("\n\n****** starting copy to registers")
- io.flush()
- stmt = 0 --assume stmt 0
- -- [Malik] first we make sure that tx and ty are consecutive loops in the 2D thread setup, otherwise all levels for subsequent operations are messed up. Start logic.
- cur = cur_indices(stmt)
- table_Size = table.getn(cur)
- --print(string.format("Cur indices %s,",list_to_string(cur)))
- --print(string.format("The table size is %d", table_Size))
- --table.foreach(cur, print)
- --print_code()
- level_tx = -1
- level_ty = -1
- if is_in_indices(stmt,"tx") then level_tx = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx") end
- if is_in_indices(stmt,"ty") then level_ty = find_cur_level(stmt,"ty") end
- --print(string.format("level_tx %d level_ty %d", level_tx, level_ty))
- ty_lookup_idx = ""
- org_level_ty = level_ty
- --if(cur[level_tx+1]~=nil and cur[level_tx+1]~="") then ty_lookup = ty_lookup+1 end
- if(cur[level_ty+1]~=nil and cur[level_ty+1]~="") then
- --print(string.format("IF cur[%d] = %s", level_ty+1, cur[level_ty+1]))
- ty_lookup_idx = cur[level_ty+1]
- else
- --if cur[level_ty] ~= nil then print(string.format("ELSE ty_lookup_idx = cur[%d] = %s", level_ty, cur[level_ty])) -- TODO
- --else print "ELSE (dangerous)" end
- ty_lookup_idx = cur[level_ty] -- may assign nil !?
- end
- --if ty_lookup_idx ~= nil then print(string.format("ty_lookup_idx '%s'", ty_lookup_idx)) -- TODO
- --else print "ty_lookup_idx is NIL"
- --end
- if level_ty > 0 then
- --print(string.format("\ntile3(%d,%d,%d)",stmt,level_ty,level_tx+1))
- tile(stmt,level_ty,level_tx+1)
- end
- --print_code()
- --print("\ntylookup is %d",ty_lookup)
- --exit(0)
- --
- cur = cur_indices(stmt)
- table_Size = table.getn(cur)
- --print(string.format("Cur indices %s,",list_to_string(cur)))
- --print("The table size is "..table.getn(cur))
- --table.foreach(cur, print)
- if is_in_indices(stmt,"tx") then level_tx = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx") end
- if ty_lookup_idx then
- if is_in_indices(stmt,ty_lookup_idx) then level_ty = find_cur_level(stmt,ty_lookup_idx) end
- end
- ty_lookup = 1
- idx_flag = -1
- -- find the level of the next valid index after ty+1
- --print(string.format("\nlevel_ty %d", level_ty))
- if level_ty > 0 then
- --print(string.format("table_Size %d", table_Size))
- for num= level_ty+ty_lookup,table_Size do
- --print(string.format("num=%d cur[num] = '%s'",num, cur[num]))
- if(cur[num] ~= "") then
- idx_flag = find_cur_level(stmt,cur[num])
- --print (string.format("idx_flag = %d", idx_flag))
- break
- end
- end
- end
- --print(string.format("\n(first) I am checking all indexes after ty+1 %s",idx_flag))
- --print_code()
- --print ""
- how_many_levels = 1
- startat = idx_flag + 1
- if startat == 0 then startat = 1 end -- avoid attempt to examine an illegal array offset
- --print(string.format("idx_flag = %d I will check levels starting with %d", idx_flag, idx_flag+1))
- for ch_lev = startat,table_Size,1 do -- was for ch_lev = idx_flag+1,table_Size,1 do
- --print(string.format("ch_lev %d", ch_lev))
- if(cur[ch_lev] ~= nil and cur[ch_lev] ~= "") then
- --print(string.format("cur[%d] = '%s'", ch_lev, cur[ch_lev]))
- how_many_levels = how_many_levels+1
- end
- end
- --print("\nHow Many Levels",how_many_levels)
- -- change this all to reflect the real logic which is to normalize all loops inside the thread loops.
- if(how_many_levels <2) then
- while( idx_flag >= 0) do
- for num = level_ty+ty_lookup,(table_Size) do
- --print(string.format("at top of loop, num is %d", num))
- --print(string.format("num %d", num))
- --print(string.format("cur[num] = '%s'", cur[num]))
- if(cur[num] ~= "") then
- idx=cur[num]
- --print(string.format("idx '%s'", idx))
- curlev = find_cur_level(stmt,idx)
- --print(string.format("curlev %d", curlev))
- --print_code()
- --print(string.format("\n[COPYTOREG]tile(%d,%d,%d)",stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,idx),level_tx))
- tile(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,idx),find_cur_level(stmt,idx))
- curlev = find_cur_level(stmt,idx)
- --print(string.format("curlev %d", curlev))
- tile(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,idx),level_tx)
- --print(string.format("hehe '%s'",cur[num]))
- cur = cur_indices(stmt)
- --print("Cur indices INSIDE"..list_to_string(cur))
- table_Size = table.getn(cur)
- --print(string.format("Table Size is: %d",table_Size))
- level_tx = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")
- --print(string.format("\n level TX is: %d",level_tx))
- level_ty = find_cur_level(stmt,ty_lookup_idx)
- --print(string.format("\n level TY is: %d",level_ty))
- idx_flag = -1
- --print "idx_flag = -1"
- -- find the level of the next valid index after ty+1
- -- the following was num, which conflicts with loop we're already in, and otherwise wasn't used (?)
- for num= level_ty+ty_lookup,table_Size do
- --print(string.format("num mucking num = %d", num))
- if(cur[num] ~= nil and cur[num] ~= "") then
- idx_flag = find_cur_level(stmt,cur[num])
- --print("\n(second) I am checking all indexes after ty+1 %s",cur[num])
- break
- end
- end
- --print(string.format("num mucked to %d idx_flag = %d", num, idx_flag))
- end
- --print(string.format("at bottom of loop, num is %d", num))
- end
- end
- end
- --print "done with levels"
- --print "ARE WE SYNCED HERE?"
- --print_code()
- --print("\ntile(%d,%d,%d)",stmt,level_k,level_k)
- --tile(stmt,level_k,level_k)
- -- [Malik] end logic
- --print_code()
- start_level = find_cur_level(stmt, start_loop)
- --We should hold contant any block or tile loop
- block_idxs = block_indices()
- thread_idxs = thread_indices()
- --print("\nblock indices are")
- --table.foreach(block_idxs, print)
- --print("\nthread indices are")
- --table.foreach(thread_idxs, print)
- --print(string.format("\nStart Level: %d",start_level))
- hold_constant = {}
- --print("\n Now in Blocks")
- for i,idx in ipairs(block_idxs) do
- --print(string.format("\n Idx:%s : Level: %d",idx,find_cur_level(stmt,idx)))
- if find_cur_level(stmt,idx) >= start_level then
- table.insert(hold_constant, idx)
- --print(string.format("\nJust inserted block %s in hold_constant",idx))
- end
- end
- --print("\n Now in Threads")
- for i,idx in ipairs(thread_idxs) do
- --print(string.format("\n Idx:%s : Level: %d",idx,find_cur_level(stmt,idx)))
- if find_cur_level(stmt,idx) >= start_level then
- table.insert(hold_constant, idx)
- --print(string.format("\nJust inserted thread %s in hold_constant",idx))
- end
- end
- --print "\nhold constant table is: "
- --table.foreach(hold_constant, print)
- --print("\nbefore datacopy pvt")
- old_num_stmts = num_statements()
- --print_code()
- --print(string.format("\n[DataCopy]datacopy_privatized(%d, %s, %s, vector having privatized levels)",stmt, start_loop, array_name))
- --table.foreach(hold_constant, print)
- datacopy_privatized(stmt, start_loop, array_name, hold_constant)
- --print(hold_constant)
- new_num_stmts = num_statements()
- --print("\nthe num of statements:%d\n",new_num_stmt)
- --print_code()
- --exit(0)
- -- [Malik] normalize the copy loops created.
- cur = cur_indices(old_num_stmts)
- --print("Cur indices "..list_to_string(cur))
- for cidx,i in ipairs(cur) do
- if i ~= "tx" and i~="ty" and i~="bx" and i~="by" then
- --tile(old_num_stmts,find_cur_level(old_num_stmts,i),find_cur_level(old_num_stmts,i))
- --print("\nTILE OF REG: tile(%d,%d,%d)",old_num_stmts,find_cur_level(old_num_stmts,i),find_cur_level(old_num_stmts,i))
- end
- end
- --print_code()
- --print("\nthe num of statements OLD+1 :",(old_num_stmts+1))
- is this commented out? why yes, yes it is block comment
- if( (old_num_stmts+1) <= new_num_stmts) then
- cur = cur_indices(old_num_stmts+1)
- --print("Cur indices+1 "..list_to_string(cur))
- for cidx,i in ipairs(cur) do
- if i ~= "tx" and i~="ty" and i~="bx" and i~="by" then
- tile(old_num_stmts+1,find_cur_level(old_num_stmts+1,i),find_cur_level(old_num_stmts+1,i))
- --print("\nTILE OF REG: tile(%d,%d,%d)",old_num_stmts+1,find_cur_level(old_num_stmts+1,i),find_cur_level(old_num_stmts+1,i))
- end
- end
- end
- --Unroll to the last thread level
- --for stmt=old_num_stmts,new_num_stmts-1 do
- -- level = find_cur_level(stmt,thread_idxs[#thread_idxs])--get last thread level
- --if level < #cur_indices(stmt) then
- -- unroll(stmt,level+1,0)
- --print(string.format("\n[Unroll]unroll(%d, %d, 0)",stmt, level+1))
- ----print_code()
- --end
- --end
- io.flush()
- --print("****** ending copy to registers\n\n")
- --io.flush()
-function copy_to_shared(start_loop, array_name, alignment)
- --print(string.format("\nstarting copy to shared(%s, %s, %d )",start_loop,array_name,alignment))
- stmt = 0 --assume stmt 0
- cur = cur_indices(stmt)
- --print("Cur indices "..list_to_string(cur))
- start_level = find_cur_level(stmt, start_loop)
- --print(string.format("start_level %d", start_level))
- old_num_stmts = num_statements()
- --print(string.format("old_num_statements %d", old_num_stmts))
- --Now, we give it indices for up to two dimentions for copy loop
- copy_loop_idxs = {"tmp1","tmp2"}
- --print(string.format("\n[DataCopy]datacopy(%d, %d, %s, {\"tmp1\",\"tmp2\"},false,0,1,%d,true)",stmt, start_level, array_name, alignment))
- datacopy(stmt, start_level, array_name, copy_loop_idxs, false, 0, 1, alignment,true)
- add_sync(stmt,start_loop)
- new_num_stmts = num_statements()
- --This is fairly CUBLAS2 specific, not sure how well it generalizes,
- --but for a 2D copy, what we want to do is "normalize" the first loop
- --"tmp1" then get its hard upper bound. We then want to tile it to
- --make the control loop of that tile "ty". We then tile "tmp2" with a
- --size of 1 and make it "tx".
- --print(string.format("fairly CUBLAS2 specific, OLD %d NEW %d", old_num_stmts, new_num_stmts ))
- for stmt=old_num_stmts,new_num_stmts-1 do
- --print(string.format("for stmt = %d", stmt))
- was_no_error, level = pcall(find_cur_level, stmt, "tmp2")
- if was_no_error then
- --print_code()
- --print("\nCopy to shared: [If was no error]\n")
- find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp2")
- tile(stmt, level, level)
- lower,upper = hard_loop_bounds(stmt, level)
- upper = upper + 1
- --print(string.format("lower %d upper %d", lower, upper))
- tx,ty = thread_dims()
- --print("2-loop cleanup: lower, upper: "..lower..", "..upper..", tx: "..tx)
- level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1")
- --print(string.format("level %d", level))
- if tx == upper and ty == 1 then
- --print(string.format("tx = %d upper = %d ty = %d", tx, upper, ty))
- --print "Don't need"
- --Don't need an extra tile level, just move this loop up
- second_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp2")
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile0]tile(%d, %d, 1, %d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, second_level, level, "tx", "tx"))
- tile(stmt, second_level, 1, level, "tx", "tx", counted)
- else
- --print "DO need?"
- --print_code()
- if(ty == 1) then new_ctrl = "tmp3" else new_ctrl = "ty" end
---[[ Commenting out a block of Gabe's code in this control flow
- -- level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1")
- tile(stmt, level, level)
- lower,upper = hard_loop_bounds(stmt, level)
- upper = upper + 1
- --print_code()
- --print("2-loop cleanup: lower, upper: "..lower..", "..upper..", tx: "..tx..", level: "..level)
- if(math.ceil(upper/ty) > 1)then
- tile(stmt, level, math.ceil(upper/ty), level, "tmp", new_ctrl, counted)
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile1]tile(%d, %d, %f[%d,%d], %d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, level, math.ceil(upper/ty),upper,ty, level, "tmp", new_ctrl))
- else
- tile(stmt, level, math.ceil(upper/ty), level, "ty", new_ctrl, counted)
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile1]tile(%d, %d, %f[%d,%d], %d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, level, math.ceil(upper/ty),upper,ty, level, "tx", new_ctrl))
- end
- --print_code()
- -- [Malik] If here we have the loop upper bound > tx, then we should tile once more after the next tile, to carve out the correct tx.
- lower1,upper1 = hard_loop_bounds(stmt,level)
- level1 = level
- stmt1 = stmt
- -- [Malik] Do the tile after the second level tile with if condition. Just to keep the original order, the tile is being pushed to the end.
- --print("[Malik]-loop cleanup: lower1, upper1: "..lower1..", "..upper1..", tx: "..tx..", level:"..level1)
- --print_code()
- --level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp")
- --tile(stmt,level,level)
- --print_code()
- --[Malik] if you are moving the loop above the level1, you need to update level1 with new position which would be level1+2 or second_level
- if(level <= level1) then level1 = level1+2 end
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile2]tile(%d, %d, 1, %d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, second_level, level, "tx", "tx"))
- --print("\n----------------------------------")
- --print_code()
- --print("\n**********************************")
- --print("[Malik]-loop cleanup: lower1, upper1: "..lower1..", "..upper1..", tx: "..tx..", level:"..level1)
- -- [Malik] If the upper bound > tx, we do another tile to carve out the correct tx from a bigger loop. Else just normalize the bounds.
- if( upper1 > ty) then
- third_level = find_cur_level(stmt1,"tmp")
- --print("\n\n\n\t\t\t\tthirdlevel:"..third_level)
- tile(stmt1, third_level, ty, third_level, "ty", "tmp", counted)
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile3]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt1, third_level, ty,third_level, "ty", "tmp"))
- tile(stmt1,third_level+1,third_level+1)
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile3]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt1, third_level+1, third_level+1))
- tile(stmt1,third_level+1,third_level)
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile3]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt1, third_level+1, third_level))
- else
- tile(stmt1,level1,level1)
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile3ELSE]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt1,level1,level1))
- end
- --print("\nStarting tmp2\n");--print_code();
- second_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp2")
- lower,upper = hard_loop_bounds(stmt,second_level)
- level = second_level
- --print("[Malik]-loop cleanup@tmp2: lower, upper: "..lower..", "..upper..", tx: "..tx..", level:"..level)
- if(math.ceil(upper/tx) > 1)then
- tile(stmt, second_level,math.ceil(upper/tx), level, "tmp", "tx", counted)
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile2]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, second_level,math.ceil(upper/tx),second_level, "tmp", "tx"))
- else
- tile(stmt, second_level,math.ceil(upper/tx), level, "tx", "tx", counted)
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile2]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, second_level,math.ceil(upper/tx),second_level, "tx", "tx"))
- end
- --print_code()
- lower2,upper2 = hard_loop_bounds(stmt,level)
- level2 = level
- stmt2 = stmt
- --print("[Malik]-loop cleanup@tmp2: lower2, upper2: "..lower2..", "..upper2..", tx: "..tx..", level:"..level2)
- -- now for the second level.
- if( upper2 > tx) then
- forth_level = find_cur_level(stmt2,"tmp")
- --print("\n\n\n\t\t\t\tforthlevel:"..forth_level)
- --print_code()
- tile(stmt2, forth_level, 1, forth_level, "tx", "tmp", counted)
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile3B]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt2, forth_level, tx,forth_level, "ty", "tmp"))
- --print_code()
- --tile(stmt2,forth_level+1,forth_level+1)
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile3B]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt2, forth_level+1, forth_level+1))
- --tile(stmt2,forth_level+1,forth_level)
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile3B]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt2, forth_level+1, forth_level))
- else
- new_level = find_cur_level(stmt2,"ty")
- tile(stmt2,level2,1,new_level,"tx","tx",counted)
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile3BELSE]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt2,level2,level2))
- tmp_level = find_cur_level(stmt2,"tmp")
- tile(stmt2,tmp_level,tmp_level)
- end
- --print_code()
- --print("\n----------------------------------")
- --print_code()
- --print("\nStarting tmp2\n");--print_code();
- first_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1")
- second_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp2")
- lower,upper = hard_loop_bounds(stmt,second_level)
- --print("[Malik]-loop cleanup@tmp2: lower, upper: "..lower..", "..upper..", tx: "..tx..",first level:"..first_level..",second_level:"..second_level)
- -- Move the fastest changing dimension loop to the outermost,identified by "tmp2" and to be identified as tx.
- --print(string.format("\n[fastest]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, second_level,1,first_level, "tx", "tx"))
- tile(stmt,second_level,1,first_level,"tx","tx",counted)
- --print_code()
- first_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1")
- lower_1,upper_1 = hard_loop_bounds(stmt,first_level)
- tx_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")
- lower_tx,upper_tx = hard_loop_bounds(stmt,tx_level)
- --print(string.format("UL_1 %d %d UL_tx %d %d", lower_1, upper_1, lower_tx, upper_tx))
- if(math.ceil(upper_tx/tx) > 1)then
- --print "ceil I say"
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile1]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, tx_level,tx,tx_level, "tx", "tmp1"))
- tile(stmt,tx_level,tx,tx_level,"tx","tmp_tx",counted)
- --print_code()
- peat = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile1]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt, peat, peat))
- tile(stmt, peat, peat ) --find_cur_level(stmt,"tx"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tx"))
- --print_code()
- if (find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")>find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_tx")) then
- --print(string.format("\nagain [Tile1]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"tx"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_tx")))
- tile(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"tx"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_tx"))
- --print_code()
- end
- --else
- --tile(stmt, tx_level,1, tx_level, "tx", "tx", counted)
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile2]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, tx_level,1,tx_level, "tx", "tx"))
- end
- --print_code()
- --]] -- this apparently is NOT the end of a block comment
- --print("\nStarting tmp1\n")
- -- Handle the other slower changing dimension, the original outermost loop, now identified by "tmp1", to be identified as "ty".
- tile(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1"))
- --print_code()
- ty_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1")
- lower_ty,upper_ty = hard_loop_bounds(stmt,ty_level)
- tx_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")
- lower_tx,upper_tx = hard_loop_bounds(stmt,tx_level)
- --print("[Malik]-loop cleanup@tmp1: lowerty, upperty: "..lower_ty..", "..upper_ty..", ty: "..ty..",ty level:"..ty_level..",tx_level:"..tx_level..", stmt: "..stmt)
- --print "before ceil"
- if(math.ceil(upper_ty/ty) > 1)then
- --print "CEIL IF"
- --print("\n Inside upper_ty/ty > 1\n");
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile2]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, ty_level,ty,ty_level, "ty", "tmp_ty"))
- tile(stmt,ty_level,ty,ty_level,"ty","tmp_ty",counted)
- --print_code()
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile2-1]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt,find_cur_level(stmt ,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"ty")))
- tile(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"))
- --print_code()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- cur_idxs = cur_indices(stmt)
- --print("\n cur indexes are "..list_to_string(cur_idxs))
- -- Putting ty before any tmp_tx
- idx_flag = -1
- for num= 0,table.getn(cur_idxs) do
- if(cur[num] == "tmp_tx") then
- idx_flag = find_cur_level(stmt,cur[num])
- break
- end
- end
- --print(string.format("\n (1) so i have found out the value of idx flag as %d",idx_flag) )
- if(idx_flag >=0 ) then
- if (find_cur_level(stmt,"ty")>find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty")) then
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile2-2]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty")))
- tile(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty"))
- --print_code()
- end
- end
- -- Now Putting ty before any tmp_ty
- idx_flag = -1
- for num= 0,table.getn(cur_idxs) do
- if(cur[num] == "tmp_ty") then
- idx_flag = find_cur_level(stmt,cur[num])
- break
- end
- end
- --print(string.format("\n IF so i have found out the value of idx flag as %d",idx_flag) )
- if(idx_flag >=0 ) then
- --print "one more test"
- if ((find_cur_level(stmt,"ty")>find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty"))) then
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile2-2]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty")))
- tile(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty"))
- --print_code()
- end
- end
- else
- --print "CEIL ELSE"
- --cur_idxs = cur_indices(stmt)
- --print("\n Inside upper_ty/ty <= 1\n");
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile3]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)",stmt, ty_level,1,ty_level, "ty", "ty"))
- tile(stmt, ty_level,1, ty_level, "ty", "ty", counted)
- --print_code()
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile3-1]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")+1))
- tile(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")+1)
- --print_code()
- idx_flag = -1
- if(cur_idxs) then
- --print "CAN NEVER GET HERE? cur_idxs"
- for num= 0,table.getn(cur_idxs) do
- if(cur[num] == "tmp_ty") then
- idx_flag = find_cur_level(stmt,cur[num])
- break
- end
- end
- end
- --print(string.format("\n ELSE so i have found out the value of idx flag as %d",idx_flag) )
- if(idx_flag >=0 ) then
- if (find_cur_level(stmt,"ty")>find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty")) then
- --print(string.format("tile( stmt %d, level ty %d, level ty %d",stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty")))
- tile(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty"))
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile3-2]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty")))
- end
- end
- end
- --print_code()
- end
- --print "\n\n *** at bottom of if in copy to shared, "
- --print_code()
- --print "end of if"
- else
- --copy to shared only created one level, not two, so we use a different approach (MV & TMV)
- --print("\nCopy to shared: [If was error]\n")
- level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1")
- tile(stmt, level, level)
- --print(string.format("\n[Tile]tile(%d, %d, %d)",stmt, level, level))
- tx,ty = thread_dims()
- lower,upper = hard_loop_bounds(stmt, level)
- upper = upper+1 --upper bound given as <=, compare to dimensions tx which is <
- --print("upper "..upper.." tx "..tx)
- if upper == tx then
- rename_index(stmt, "tmp1", "tx")
- else
- --print("upper is not tx")
- --TODO: Don't know, maybe do some tileing etc
- --print_code()
- --print("upper "..upper.." tx "..tx.." stmt: "..stmt.." level: "..level)
- tile(stmt, level,tx,level, "tx", "tmp_tx", counted)
- --print_code()
- --print("stmt:"..stmt.." level+1: "..level+1)
- --print("TILE 7")
- tile(stmt, level+1,1,level+1,"tx", "tx",counted)
- --print("TILE 3")
- tile(stmt,level+1,level)
- --print_code()
- if(ty > 1) then
- --print_code()
- --print("GOING IN")
- lower,upper = hard_loop_bounds(stmt, level+1)
- --print(string.format("ty %d lower %d upper %d", ty, lower, upper))
- --upper=125
- --print("NOW FOR Y: upper "..upper.." ty "..ty.." stmt: "..stmt.." level: "..(level+1).." bound:"..math.ceil(upper/ty))
- tile(stmt, level+1,math.ceil(upper/ty),level+1, "tmp_ty", "ty", counted)
- --tile(stmt, level+2,math.ceil(upper/ty),level+2, "tmp_ty", "ty", counted)
- end
- --print_code()
- --rename_index(stmt, "tmp1", "tx")
- --print("Warning: Need to implement some logic here to tile the single level shared copy loop to match thread dimensions")
- end
- end
- --Always add sync
- add_sync(stmt,start_loop)
- end
- --print("ending copy to shared\n")
- --print_code()
-function unroll_to_depth(max_depth)
- --print(string.format("\n\nunroll_to_depth(%d)", max_depth ))
- --print "SYNC UP"
- cur = cur_indices(0)
- thread_idxs = thread_indices()
- guard_idx = thread_idxs[#thread_idxs]
- --print(string.format("cur indices %s",list_to_string(cur)))
- --print(string.format("thread indices %s",list_to_string(thread_idxs)))
- --print(string.format("#thread_idxs = %d", #thread_idxs))
- --print(string.format("guard_idx = %s", guard_idx))
- common_loops = {}
- comm_loops_cnt = 0
- num_stmts = num_statements()
- --print(string.format("num statements %d", num_stmts))
- for stmt=0,num_stmts-1 do
- cur_idxs = cur_indices(stmt)
- --print(string.format("\nSTMT %d Current Indices: %s",stmt,list_to_string(cur_idxs)))
- if(chk_cur_level(stmt,"tx")>0) then
- for ii=1,find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")-1 do -- started at 0
- --print(string.format("ii = %d", ii)) -- index starts at 1, what does index 0 do?
- --if cur_idxs[ii] == nil then print "cur_idxs[i]] is NIL"
- --else print(string.format("cur_idxs[%d] = '%s'", ii, cur_idxs[ii])) -- index starts at 1, what does index 0 do?
- --end
- if(cur_idxs[ii] ~= "bx" and cur_idxs[ii] ~= "by" and cur_idxs[ii] ~= nil and cur_idxs[ii] ~= "tx" and cur_idxs[ii] ~= "ty" and cur_idxs[ii] ~= "") then
- --print(string.format("id %s is not in the list", cur_idxs[ii] ))
- for stmt1=stmt+1,num_stmts-1 do
- --print(string.format("\nii %d stmt1 is %d", ii, stmt1))
- cur_idxs1 = cur_indices(stmt1)
- --print("\nstmt1 cur_idxs1 is "..list_to_string(cur_idxs1))
- --print(string.format("cur level(%d, %s) = %d", stmt, "tx", find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")))
- endrange = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")-1
- --print(string.format("for iii=1, %d do", endrange))
- for iii=1,find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")-1 do -- started at 0
- --print(string.format("stmt %d ii %d iii %d ", stmt, ii, iii))
- --if(cur_idxs1[iii] ~= nil) then
- -- print(string.format("stmt %d ii %d iii %d cur_idxs1[%d] = '%s'", stmt, ii, iii, iii, cur_idxs1[iii]))
- --else
- -- print(string.format("stmt %d ii %d iii %d cur_idxs1[%d] = NIL", stmt, ii, iii, iii))
- --end
- if(cur_idxs1[iii] ~= "bx" and cur_idxs1[iii] ~= "by" and cur_idxs1[iii] ~= nil and cur_idxs1[iii] ~= "tx" and cur_idxs1[iii] ~= "ty" and cur_idxs1[iii] ~= "") then
- if(cur_idxs[ii] == cur_idxs1[iii]) then
- --print("\nfound idx:"..cur_idxs[ii])
- --if(comm_loops_cnt == 0) then print "\n\n*** WARNING *** assigning to array index ZERO in Lua" end
- common_loops[comm_loops_cnt] = cur_idxs[ii]
- --print(string.format("cl[%d] = '%s'", comm_loops_cnt, common_loops[comm_loops_cnt]))
- comm_loops_cnt = comm_loops_cnt + 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- ----
- --if(comm_loops_cnt>0) then
- -- print("\n COMM LOOPS :TOTAL "..comm_loops_cnt..", and are "..list_to_string(common_loops).." this loop :"..common_loops[0])
- --else
- -- print "UNROLL can't unroll any loops?"
- --end
- repeat
- old_num_stmts = num_statements()
- --print(string.format("old_num_statements %d", old_num_stmts))
- for stmt=0,old_num_stmts-1 do
- cur_idxs = cur_indices(stmt)
- --print(string.format("stmt %d cur_idxs = %s", stmt, list_to_string(cur_idxs)))
- if(#cur_idxs > 0) then
- gaurd_level = -1
- if(chk_cur_level(stmt,guard_idx)>0) then
- gaurd_level = find_cur_level(stmt,guard_idx)
- end
- --print(string.format("guard_level(sp) = %d", gaurd_level))
- if(gaurd_level>-1) then
- level = next_clean_level(cur_idxs,gaurd_level)
- --print(string.format("next clean level %d", level))
- --need to handle max_depth
- num_unrolled = 0
- level_unroll_comm = level
- level_arr = {}
- while level >= 0 do
- --print(string.format("while: level = %d", level))
- if num_unrolled == max_depth then break end
- --print("Unrolling "..stmt.." at level "..(level).." index ".. cur_idxs[gaurd_level+1])
- level_arr[num_unrolled] = level
- num_unrolled = num_unrolled + 1
- guard_level = find_cur_level(stmt,guard_idx)
- level = next_clean_level(cur_idxs,level+1)
- end
- --dies print("How many levels for unroll commands"..table.getn(level_arr).." which is "..level_arr[0].." and "..level_arr[#level_arr])
- --if(table.getn(level_arr) ~= nil) then
- --print "OK, NOW WE UNROLL"
- if(level_unroll_comm >= 0)then
- for i = table.getn(level_arr),0,-1 do
- --print(string.format("\ni=%d", i))
- --print(string.format("[Unroll]unroll(%d, %d, 0)",stmt, level_arr[i]))
- unroll(stmt,level_arr[i],0)
- --print("finished unroll]]\n")
- --print_code()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- new_num_stmts = num_statements()
- until old_num_stmts == new_num_stmts
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/ b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/
deleted file mode 100755
index ffef009..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1047 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
-import chill
-import sys
-import math
-strided = 0
-counted = 1
-def print_code():
- chill.print_code()
- print ""
- sys.stdout.flush()
-def table_contains_key( table, key ): # use a dict for the 'table'?
- return table.has_key(key) # (key in table)?
-def print_array( arr ): # a useful function to mimic lua output
- for a in arr[:-1]:
- print "%s," % a,
- print "%s" % arr[-1]
- sys.stdout.flush()
-def valid_indices( statement, indices ):
- #print "valid_indices() python calling C cur_indices"
- #print statement
- cur = chill.cur_indices(statement) # calls C
- #print "python valid_indices(), cur = ",
- #print cur
- #print "indices = ",
- #print indices
- for index in indices:
- if not index in cur:
- return False
- return True
-def next_clean_level( indices_at_each_level, level):
- #print "next_clean_level( ..., %d )" % level
- #print "indices_at_each_level ",
- print_array( indices_at_each_level )
- numlevels = len(indices_at_each_level)
- #print "loop to %d" % numlevels
- for i in range(level+1, numlevels+1):
- pythoni = i-1 # LUA index starts at 1
- #print "Checking level %d = '%s'" % (i, indices_at_each_level[pythoni])
- sys.stdout.flush()
- if len(indices_at_each_level[pythoni]) > 0: # LUA INDEX STARTS AT 1
- #print "returning %d" % i
- return i # MATCH lua return value, LUA index starts at one
- return -1 # no non-dummy indices
-def build_order( final_order, tile_index_names, control_index_names, tile_index_map, current_level):
- order = []
- #print "\nbuild_order()"
- #print "build_order(): final_order = (",
- count = 0
- for f in final_order:
- #if count+1 == len(final_order):
- # print "%s )" % f
- #else:
- # print "%s," % f ,
- count += 1
- keys = control_index_names.keys()
- keys.sort()
- #if (2 == len(keys)):
- # print "build_order(): ctrl_idx_names = (%s, %s)" % (control_index_names[0], control_index_names[1])
- #else:
- # print "build_order(): ctrl_idx_names = (%s" % control_index_names[0],
- # for k in keys[1:]:
- # print ", %s" % control_index_names[k],
- # print ")"
- #print control_index_names
- #print "cur_level %d" % current_level
- #print "tile index map: ",
- #print tile_index_map
- for i in range(len(final_order)):
- k = final_order[i] # not used?
- skip = False
- cur = final_order[i]
- # control loops below our current level should not be in the current order
- # skip = cur in control_index_names[current_level+2:]
- #print "\n%d control_index_names, " % len(control_index_names)
- #print control_index_names
- for j in range(current_level+1, len(control_index_names)):
- #print "comparing cur %s with cin[%d] %s" % ( cur, j, control_index_names[j])
- if control_index_names[j] == cur:
- skip = True
- #print "SKIP %s " % cur
- # possibly substitute tile indices if necessary
- if tile_index_map.has_key(cur):
- approved_sub = False
- sub_string = tile_index_map[cur]
- #print "sub_string = ",
- #print sub_string
- # approved_sub = sub_string in tile_index_names[current_level+2:]
- for j in range(current_level+1, len(tile_index_names)):
- if tile_index_names[j] == sub_string:
- approved_sub = True
- if approved_sub:
- cur = sub_string
- if not skip:
- order.append( cur)
- #print "build_order() returning order (",
- #print order
- #for o in order:
- # print "%s," % o,
- #print ")"
- return order
-def find_cur_level( stmt, idx ):
- #print "find_cur_level(stmt %d, idx %s) Cur indices" % ( stmt, idx ),
- cur = chill.cur_indices(stmt)
- #for c in cur[:-1]:
- # print "%s," % c,
- #print "%s" % cur[ -1 ]
- index = 1 # lua starts indices at 1 !!
- for c in cur:
- if c == idx:
- #print "found it at index %d" % index
- #sys.stdout.flush()
- #print "in find_cur_level, returning ",
- #print index
- return index
- index += 1
- #print "find_cur_level(), Unable to find index %s in" % idx,
- #print cur
- #print "in find_cur_level, returning -1"
- return -1 # special meaning "it's not there"
-def chk_cur_level( stmt, idx ):
- # search cur_indices for a ind at stmt
- cur = chill.cur_indices(stmt)
- if idx in cur:
- return 1 + cur.index(idx) # lua index starts at 1 !
- return -1
-def find_offset( cur_order, tile, control):
- #print "Looking for tile '%s' and control '%s' in (" % (tile, control),
- #print cur_order
- #for o in cur_order:
- # print "%s," % o,
- #print ")"
- idx1 = -1
- idx2 = -1
- if tile in cur_order:
- idx1 = 1 + cur_order.index(tile) # lua indexes from 1!
- else:
- print "find_offset(), unable to find tile %s in current list of indices" % tile
- sys.exit(-1)
- if control in cur_order:
- idx2 = 1 + cur_order.index(control) # lua indexes from 1!
- else:
- print "find_offset(), unable to find control %s in current list of indices" % control
- sys.exit(-1)
- #print "found at level %d and %d" % ( idx2, idx1 )
- # this appears horrible
- if idx2 < idx1:
- return idx2-idx1+1 # bad ordering
- else:
- return idx2-idx1
-def tile_by_index( tile_indices, sizes, index_names, final_order, tile_method):
- #print "tile_by_index() tile_method ",
- #print tile_method
- #print "index_names: ",
- #print index_names
- stmt = 0 # assume statement 0
- if not valid_indices( stmt, tile_indices):
- print "python tile_by_index() one or more of ",
- print tile_indices,
- print " is not valid"
- sys.exit(-1)
- if tile_method == None:
- #print "CREATING tile_method = 1"
- tile_method = 1 # "counted"
- tile_index_names = []
- for ti in tile_indices:
- tile_index_names.append( ti ) # make a copy?
- #print "tile_index_names:",
- #print tile_index_names
- control_index_names = {} # a dictionary?
- tile_index_map = {}
- #print "index_names: "
- #print index_names
- for pair in index_names:
- valid = False
- control = pair[0]
- name = pair[1]
- #print "control %s name %s" % ( control, name )
- if control[0] == "l" and control[1].isdigit():
- if control.endswith("_control"):
- index = int(control[1: -8])
- control_index_names[index-1] = name
- valid = True
- elif control.endswith("_tile"):
- index = int(control[1: -5])
- #print "index %d" % index
- tile_index_names[index-1] = name # ??
- tile_index_map[name] = tile_indices[index-1]
- valid = True
- if not valid:
- print "%s is not a proper key for specifying tile or control loop indices\n" % control
- #print "control_index_names = ",
- #print control_index_names
- #print "tile_index_names = ",
- #print tile_index_names
- #print "before call to build_order(), tile_index_map = ",
- #print tile_index_map
- # filter out control indices (and do name substitution of unprocessed tile indices) for a given level
- cur_order = build_order(final_order, tile_indices, control_index_names, tile_index_map, -1)
- #print "returned from build_order python\n\n"
- # print("permute("..stmt..", {"..list_to_string(cur_order).."})")
- #print "permute(%d, {" % stmt,
- #print "cur_order = ",
- #print cur_order,
- #print "})"
- cur_order.insert(0, stmt)
- #print cur_order
- chill.permute( tuple( cur_order))
- #print "in, returned from C code chill.permute()\n"
- for i in range(len(tile_indices)):
- cur_idx = tile_indices[i]
- #print "i %d cur_idx %s calling build order ********" % (i, cur_idx)
- cur_order = build_order( final_order, tile_indices, control_index_names, tile_index_map, i)
- #print "cur_idx %s return from build order" % cur_idx
- # Find an offset between tile loop and control loop
- # 0 = control loop one level above tile loop
- # -1 = control loop two levels above tile loop
- # > 0 = tile loop above control loop
- # In the last case, we do two extra tile commands to get the control
- # above the tile and then rely on the final permute to handle the
- # rest
- level = find_cur_level(stmt,cur_idx)
- #print "level %d\n" % level
- offset = find_offset(cur_order, tile_index_names[i], control_index_names[i])
- #print "offset %d" % offset
- if offset <= 0:
- #print "[offset<=0]1tile(%d, %d, %d, %d, %s, %s, %d)" % (stmt, level, sizes[i], level+offset, tile_index_names[i], control_index_names[i], tile_method )
- chill.tile7( stmt, level, sizes[i], level+offset, tile_index_names[i], control_index_names[i], tile_method )
- #print "in, returned from C code chill.tile7\n"
- else:
- #print "2tile(%d, %d, %d, %d, %s, %s, %d)" % (stmt, level, sizes[i], level+offset-1, tile_index_names[i], control_index_names[i], tile_method )
- chill.tile7( stmt, level, sizes[i], level+offset-1, tile_index_names[i], control_index_names[i], tile_method ) # regular level
- # flip and tile control loop
- #print "3tile(%d, %d, %d)" % ( stmt, level+1, level+1)
- chill.tile3( stmt, level+1, level+1)
- #print "4tile(%d, %d, %d)" % ( stmt, level+1, level)
- chill.tile3( stmt, level+1, level)
- #print_code()
- # Do permutation based on cur_order
- #print("permute based on build order calling build_order()")
- cur_order = build_order(final_order, tile_indices, control_index_names, tile_index_map, i)
- #print("permute based on build order return from build_order()")
- # print("permute("..stmt..", {"..list_to_string(cur_order).."})")
- topermute = cur_order
- topermute.insert(0, stmt)
- chill.permute( tuple(topermute) )
- #print "\nafter permute(), code is:"
- #print_code()
-def normalize_index( index ):
- #print "in, normalize_index( %s )" % index
- stmt = 0 # assume stmt 0
- l = find_cur_level( stmt, index )
- chill.tile3( stmt, l, l )
-def is_in_indices( stmt, idx):
- cur = chill.cur_indices(stmt)
- return idx in cur
-def copy_to_registers( start_loop, array_name ):
- #print "\n\n****** starting copy to registers"
- #sys.stdout.flush()
- stmt = 0 # assume stmt 0
- cur = chill.cur_indices(stmt) # calls C
- table_Size = len(cur)
- #print "Cur indices",
- #print_array(cur)
- #print "\nThe table size is %d" % table_Size
- #count=1
- #for c in cur:
- # print "%d\t%s" % (count,c)
- # count += 1
- #print_code()
- # would be much cleaner if not translating this code from lua!
- level_tx = -1
- level_ty = -1
- if is_in_indices(stmt,"tx"):
- level_tx = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")
- if is_in_indices(stmt,"ty"):
- level_ty = find_cur_level(stmt,"ty")
- #print "level_tx %d level_ty %d" % ( level_tx, level_ty )
- #sys.stdout.flush()
- ty_lookup_idx = ""
- org_level_ty = level_ty
- # UGLY logic. Lua index starts at 1, so all tests etc here are off by 1 from the lua code
- # level_ty initializes to -1 , which is not a valid index, and so there is added code to
- # make it not try to acccess offset -1. -1 IS a valid python array index
- # to top it off, the else below can assign a NIL to ty_lookup_idx!
- if level_ty != -1 and cur[level_ty] != "":
- #print "IF cur[%d] = %s" % ( level_ty, cur[level_ty] )
- ty_lookup_idx = cur[level_ty]
- else:
- #print "ELSE ty_lookup_idx = cur[%d] = %s" % ( level_ty, cur[level_ty-1])
- ty_lookup_idx = cur[level_ty-1]
- #print "ty_lookup_idx '%s'" % ty_lookup_idx
- if level_ty > -1:
- #print "\ntile3(%d,%d,%d)" % (stmt,level_ty,level_tx+1)
- chill.tile3(stmt,level_ty,level_tx+1)
- #print_code()
- cur = chill.cur_indices(stmt) # calls C
- table_Size = len(cur)
- #print "Cur indices ",
- #for c in cur:
- # print "%s," % c,
- #print "\nThe table size is %d" % len(cur)
- #count=1
- #for c in cur:
- # print "%d\t%s" % (count,c)
- # count += 1
- #sys.stdout.flush()
- if is_in_indices(stmt,"tx"):
- level_tx = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")
- if ty_lookup_idx != "": # perhaps incorrect test
- if is_in_indices(stmt,ty_lookup_idx):
- level_ty = find_cur_level(stmt,ty_lookup_idx)
- ty_lookup = 1
- idx_flag = -1
- # find the level of the next valid index after ty+1
- #print "\nlevel_ty %d" % level_ty
- if level_ty > -1:
- #print "table_Size %d" % table_Size
- for num in range(-1 + level_ty+ty_lookup,table_Size): # ?? off by one?
- #print "num=%d cur[num] = '%s'" % (num+1, cur[num]) # num+1 is lua index ????
- sys.stdout.flush()
- if cur[num] != "":
- idx_flag = find_cur_level(stmt,cur[num])
- #print "idx_flag = %d" % idx_flag
- break
- #print "\n(first) I am checking all indexes after ty+1 %s" % idx_flag
- #print_code()
- #print ""
- how_many_levels = 1
- #print "idx_flag = %d I will check levels starting with %d" % (idx_flag, idx_flag+1)
- # lua arrays start at index 1. the next loop in lua starts at offset 0, since idx_flag can be -1
- # thus the check for "not equal nil" in lua (bad idea)
- # python arrays start at 0, so will check for things that lua doesn't (?)
- startat = idx_flag + 1
- if idx_flag == -1:
- startat = 1 # pretend we're lua for now. TODO: fix the logic
- for ch_lev in range(startat,table_Size+1): # logic may be wrong (off by one)
- #print "ch_lev %d" % ch_lev
- if ch_lev <= table_Size and cur[ch_lev-1] != "":
- #print "cur[%d] = '%s'" % ( ch_lev, cur[ch_lev-1] )
- how_many_levels += 1
- #print "\nHow Many Levels %d" % how_many_levels
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sys.stdout.flush()
- if how_many_levels< 2:
- while( idx_flag >= 0):
- for num in range(level_ty+ty_lookup,table_Size+1):
- #print "at top of loop, num is %d" % num
- #print "cur[num] = '%s'" % cur[num-1]
- if cur[num-1] != "":
- idx = cur[num-1]
- #print "idx '%s'" % idx
- sys.stdout.flush()
- curlev = find_cur_level(stmt,idx)
- #print "curlev %d" % curlev
- #print "\n[COPYTOREG]tile(%d,%d,%d)"%(stmt,curlev,level_tx)
- chill.tile3(stmt, curlev, curlev)
- curlev = find_cur_level(stmt,idx)
- #print "curlev %d" % curlev
- chill.tile3(stmt,curlev,level_tx)
- #print "hehe '%s'" % cur[num-1]
- cur = chill.cur_indices(stmt)
- #print "Cur indices INSIDE",
- #for c in cur:
- # print "%s," % c,
- table_Size = len(cur)
- #print "\nTable Size is: %d" % len(cur)
- level_tx = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")
- #print "\n level TX is: %d" % level_tx
- level_ty = find_cur_level(stmt,ty_lookup_idx)
- #print "\n level TY is: %d" %level_ty
- idx_flag = -1
- #print "idx_flag = -1"
- #- find the level of the next valid index after ty+1
- #- the following was num, which conflicts with loop we're already in, and otherwise wasn't used (?)
- for num2 in range( -1 + level_ty+ty_lookup ,table_Size): # lua starts index at one
- #print "num mucking num = %d" % num2
- if(cur[num2] != ""):
- #print "cur[%d] = '%s'" % ( num2, cur[num2] )
- idx_flag = find_cur_level(stmt,cur[num2])
- #print("\n(second) I am checking all indexes after ty+1 %s",cur[num2])
- break
- #print "num mucked to %d idx_flag = %d" % (num, idx_flag)
- #print "at bottom of loop, num is %d" % num
- #print "done with levels"
- # this was a block comment ???
-# for num in range(level_ty+1, table_Size+1):
-# print "num %d" % num
-# if cur[num-1] != "":
-# idx_flag = find_cur_level(stmt,cur[num-1]) ## ugly
-# print "idx_flag = %d" % idx_flag
- # change this all to reflect the real logic which is to normalize all loops inside the thread loops.
-# print "change this all ...\n"
-# print "level_ty+1 %d table_Size-1 %d idx_flag %d" %( level_ty+1, table_Size-1, idx_flag)
-# sys.stdout.flush()
-# sys.stdout.flush()
-# while level_ty+1 < (table_Size-1) and idx_flag >= 0:
-# print "*** level_ty %d" % level_ty
-# for num in range(level_ty+2,table_Size+1): # lua for includes second value
-# print "num %d cur[num] %s" % (num, cur[num])
-# if cur[num] != "":
-# idx = cur[num]
-# print "idx='%s'" % idx
-# #print_code()
- #print "ARE WE SYNCED HERE?"
- #print_code()
- # [Malik] end logic
- start_level = find_cur_level(stmt, start_loop) # start_loop was passed parameter!
- # We should hold constant any block or tile loop
- block_idxs = chill.block_indices()
- thread_idxs = chill.thread_indices()
- #print"\nblock indices are"
- #for index, val in enumerate(block_idxs):
- # print "%d\t%s" % ( int(index)+1 , val )
- #print"\nthread indices are"
- #for index, val in enumerate(thread_idxs):
- # print "%d\t%s" % ( int(index)+1 , val )
- #print "\nStart Level: %d" % start_level
- hold_constant = []
- #print("\n Now in Blocks")
- for idx in block_idxs:
- blocklevel = find_cur_level(stmt,idx)
- if blocklevel >= start_level:
- hold_constant.append(idx)
- #print "\nJust inserted block %s in hold_constant" %idx
- #print("\n Now in Threads")
- for idx in thread_idxs:
- blocklevel = find_cur_level(stmt,idx)
- if blocklevel >= start_level:
- hold_constant.append(idx)
- #print "\nJust inserted thread %s in hold_constant" %idx
- #print "\nhold constant table is: "
- #for index, val in enumerate(hold_constant):
- # print "%d\t%s" % ( int(index)+1 , val )
- #print("\nbefore datacopy pvt")
- old_num_stmts = chill.num_statements()
- #sys.stdout.flush()
- #print "\n[DataCopy]datacopy_privatized(%d, %s, %s, " % (stmt, start_loop, array_name),
- #print hold_constant,
- #print ")"
- passtoC = [stmt, start_loop, array_name ] # a list
- passtoC.append( len(hold_constant ) )
- for h in hold_constant:
- passtoC.append( h )
- chill.datacopy_privatized( tuple( passtoC ))
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sys.stdout.flush()
- new_num_statements = chill.num_statements()
- #print "new num statements %d" % new_num_statements
- # Unroll to the last thread level
-# for stmt in range(old_num_statements, new_num_statements):
-# print "unrolling statement %d" % stmt
-# level = find_cur_level(stmt,thread_idxs[-1]) #get last thread level
-# print "level is %d" % level
-# idxs = chill.cur_indices(stmt)
-# if level < len(idxs):
-# chill.unroll(stmt,level+1,0)
-def copy_to_shared( start_loop, array_name, alignment ):
- #print "\nstarting copy to shared( %s, %s, %d)" % (start_loop, array_name, alignment )
- #print "copy_to_shared( %s, %s, %d) in" % ( start_loop, array_name, alignment )
- stmt = 0 # assume statement 0
- cur = chill.cur_indices(stmt)
- #print "Cur indices ",
- #print_array( cur )
- start_level = find_cur_level( stmt, start_loop )
- #print "start_level %d" % start_level
- old_num_statements = chill.num_statements()
- #print "old_num_statements %d" % old_num_statements
- # Now, we give it indices for up to two dimensions for copy loop
- copy_loop_idxs = ["tmp1","tmp2"]
- #chill.datacopy_9arg(stmt, start_level, array_name, copy_loop_idxs, False, 0, 1, alignment,True)
- passtoC = [stmt, start_level, array_name] # a list
- passtoC.append( len(copy_loop_idxs))
- for i in copy_loop_idxs:
- passtoC.append(i)
- passtoC.append( 0 ) # False
- passtoC.append( 0 )
- passtoC.append( 1 )
- passtoC.append( alignment )
- passtoC.append( 1 ) # True
- #print "\n[DataCopy]datacopy( ",
- #print passtoC,
- #print ")"
- #if array_name == "b":
- # chill.cheat(1)
- #if array_name == "c":
- # chill.cheat(2)
- chill.datacopy_9arg( tuple( passtoC ))
- #print "back from datacopy_9arg\n\n\n"
- #sys.stdout.flush()
- #print "calling add_sync( %d, %s )" % ( stmt, start_loop )
- chill.add_sync( stmt, start_loop )
- #print "back from add_sync()\n\n"
- new_num_statements = chill.num_statements()
- # This is fairly CUBLAS2 specific, not sure how well it generalizes,
- # but for a 2D copy, what we want to do is "normalize" the first loop
- # "tmp1" then get its hard upper bound. We then want to tile it to
- # make the control loop of that tile "ty". We then tile "tmp2" with a
- # size of 1 and make it "tx".
- #print "fairly CUBLAS2 specific, OLD %d NEW %d" % ( old_num_statements, new_num_statements)
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sys.stdout.flush()
- for stmt in range(old_num_statements, new_num_statements):
- #print "for stmt = %d" % stmt
- level = find_cur_level( stmt, "tmp2")
- #print "FOUND CUR LEVEL? level '",
- #print level,
- #print "'"
- #print "in loop, stmt %d level %d" % ( stmt, level )
- if level != -1:
- #print "\nCopy to shared: [If was no error]\n"
- find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp2")
- chill.tile3( stmt, level, level )
- #print "hard_loop_bounds( %d, %d )" % (stmt, level)
- bounds = chill.hard_loop_bounds(stmt, level)
- lower = bounds[0]
- upper = 1+ bounds[1]
- #print "lower %d upper %d" % ( lower, upper )
- dims = chill.thread_dims()
- #print "in copy_to_shared, dims =",
- #print dims
- tx = dims[0]
- ty = dims[1]
- #print "2-loop cleanup: lower, upper: %d, %d, tx: %d" % ( lower, upper, tx)
- level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1")
- #print "level %d" % level
- if tx == upper and ty == 1:
- #print "tx = %d upper = %d ty = %d"% (tx, upper, ty)
- #print "Don't need"
- # Don't need an extra tile level, just move this loop up
- second_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp2")
- chill.tile7(stmt, second_level, 1, level, "tx", "tx", counted)
- else:
- #print "DO need?"
- if ty == 1:
- new_ctrl = "tmp3"
- else:
- new_ctrl = "ty"
- # LOTS of commented out code here in cudaize.lua
- #print_code()
- #print "\nStarting tmp2\n"
- first_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1")
- second_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp2")
- bounds = chill.hard_loop_bounds(stmt, second_level)
- lower = bounds[0]
- upper = 1 + bounds[1] # BROKEN?
- #print "[Malik]-loop cleanup@tmp2: lower, upper: %d, %d, tx: %d,first level:%d,second_level:%d" % ( lower, upper-1, tx, first_level, second_level)
- # Move the fastest changing dimension loop to the outermost,identified by "tmp2" and to be identified as tx.
- #print "\n[fastest]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)"%(stmt, second_level,1,first_level, "tx", "tx")
- chill.tile7(stmt, second_level,1,first_level,"tx","tx",counted)
- #print_code()
- first_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1")
- bounds = chill.hard_loop_bounds(stmt, first_level)
- lower_1 = bounds[0]
- upper_1 = 1 + bounds[1]
- tx_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")
- bounds = chill.hard_loop_bounds(stmt,tx_level)
- lower_tx = bounds[0]
- upper_tx = 1+bounds[1]
- #print "UL_1 %d %d UL_tx %d %d" % ( lower_1, upper_1-1, lower_tx, upper_tx-1)
- if int(math.ceil( float(upper_tx)/float(tx))) > 1:
- #print "ceil I say"
- #print "\n[Tile1]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)" % (stmt, tx_level,tx,tx_level, "tx", "tmp1")
- chill.tile7(stmt,tx_level,tx,tx_level,"tx","tmp_tx",counted)
- #print_code()
- repeat = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")
- #print "\n[Tile1]tile(%d, %d, %d)" % (stmt, repeat, repeat)
- chill.tile3(stmt, repeat, repeat) #find_cur_level(stmt,"tx"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tx"))
- #print_code()
- if find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")>find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_tx"):
- #print "\nagain [Tile1]tile(%d, %d, %d)" % (stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"tx"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_tx"))
- chill.tile3(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"tx"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_tx"))
- #print_code()
- #print_code()
- #print "\nStarting tmp1\n"
- # Handle the other slower changing dimension, the original outermost loop, now identified by "tmp1", to be identified as "ty".
- chill.tile3(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1"))
- #print_code()
- ty_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1")
- bounds = chill.hard_loop_bounds(stmt,ty_level)
- lower_ty = bounds[0]
- upper_ty = 1 + bounds[1]
- tx_level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")
- bounds = chill.hard_loop_bounds(stmt,tx_level)
- lower_tx = bounds[0]
- upper_tx = 1 + bounds[1]
- #print "[Malik]-loop cleanup@tmp1: lowerty, upperty: %d, %d, ty: %d,ty level:%d,tx_level:%d, stmt: %d" % ( lower_ty, upper_ty-1, ty, ty_level, tx_level, stmt)
- #print "before ceil"
- #sys.stdout.flush()
- if(math.ceil(float(upper_ty)/float(ty)) > 1):
- #print "CEIL IF"
- #print "\n Inside upper_ty/ty > 1\n"
- #print "\n[Tile2]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)"%(stmt, ty_level,ty,ty_level, "ty", "tmp_ty")
- chill.tile7(stmt,ty_level,ty,ty_level,"ty","tmp_ty",counted)
- #print_code()
- #print "\n[Tile2-1]tile(%d, %d, %d)"%(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt ,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"))
- chill.tile3(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"))
- #print_code()
- cur_idxs = chill.cur_indices(stmt)
- #print "\n cur indexes are ",
- #print_array( cur_idxs)
- #sys.stdout.flush()
- # Putting ty before any tmp_tx
- idx_flag = -1
- if "tmp_tx" in cur_idxs:
- idx_flag = 1 + cur_idxs.index("tmp_tx") # lua index starts at 1
- #print "\n (1) so i have found out the value of idx flag as %d" % idx_flag
- #sys.stdout.flush()
- if idx_flag >= 0:
- if find_cur_level(stmt,"ty") > find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty"):
- #print "\n[Tile2-2]tile(%d, %d, %d)"%(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty"))
- chill.tile3(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty"))
- #print_code()
- # Now Putting ty before any tmp_ty
- sys.stdout.flush()
- idx_flag = -1
- if "tmp_ty" in cur_idxs:
- idx_flag = 1 + cur_idxs.index("tmp_ty") # lua index starts at 1
- #print "\n IF so i have found out the value of idx flag as %d" % idx_flag
- #sys.stdout.flush()
- if idx_flag >= 0:
- #print "one more test"
- sys.stdout.flush()
- if find_cur_level(stmt,"ty")>find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty"):
- #print "\n[Tile2-2]tile(%d, %d, %d)"%(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty"))
- #sys.stdout.flush()
- chill.tile3(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty"))
- #print_code()
- else:
- #print "CEIL ELSE"
- #print "\n[Tile3]tile(%d, %d, %d,%d,%s,%s,counted)" % (stmt, ty_level,1,ty_level, "ty", "ty")
- #sys.stdout.flush()
- chill.tile7( stmt, ty_level, 1, ty_level, "ty", "ty", counted )
- #print_code()
- #print "\n[Tile3-1]tile(%d, %d, %d)"%(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")+1)
- sys.stdout.flush()
- chill.tile3(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")+1)
- #print_code()
- idx_flag = -1
- # LUA code checks to see if cur_idxs exists? it is unused except in the other clause of this is
- #if(cur_idxs) then
- #print "CAN NEVER GET HERE? cur_idxs"
- #for num= 0,table.getn(cur_idxs) do
- #if(cur[num] == "tmp_ty") then
- #idx_flag = find_cur_level(stmt,cur[num])
- #break
- #end
- #end
- print "\n ELSE so i have found out the value of idx flag as %d" % idx_flag
- if idx_flag >= 0: # can't happen
- print "tile( stmt %d, level ty %d, level ty %d" % ( stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty"))
- #chill.tile3(stmt,find_cur_level(stmt,"ty"),find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp_ty"))
- #print "\n\n *** at bottom of if in copy to shared, "
- #print_code()
- #print "end of if"
- else:
- # copy to shared only created one level, not two, so we use a different approach (MV & TMV)
- #print "\nCopy to shared: [If was error]\n"
- level = find_cur_level(stmt,"tmp1")
- chill.tile3(stmt, level, level)
- dims = chill.thread_dims()
- #print dims
- tx = dims[0]
- ty = dims[1]
- bounds = chill.hard_loop_bounds(stmt, level)
- lower = bounds[0]
- upper = bounds[1]
- #print "bounds lower %d upper %d" % (lower, upper)
- upper = upper+1 # upper bound given as <=, compare to dimensions tx which is <
- if upper == tx:
- #print "upper == tx"
- chill.rename_index( stmt, "tmp1", "tx")
- else:
- #print "upper is not tx"
- #print "upper %d tx %d stmt: %d level: %d" % ( upper, tx, stmt, level)
- chill.tile7( stmt, level, tx, level, "tx", "tmp_tx", counted)
- #print_code()
- #print "stmt:%d level+1: %d" % ( stmt, level+1)
- #print("TILE 7")
- chill.tile7( stmt, level+1,1,level+1,"tx", "tx",counted)
- #print("TILE 3")
- chill.tile3( stmt, level+1, level)
- #print_code()
- if ty > 1:
- #print "GOING IN"
- bounds = chill.hard_loop_bounds(stmt, level+1)
- lower = bounds[0]
- upper = bounds[1]
- #print "ty %d lower %d upper %d" % ( ty, lower, upper )
- floatdiv = float(upper)/float(ty)
- bound = int(math.ceil(float(upper)/float(ty)))
- #print "NOW FOR Y: upper %d ty %d stmt: %d level: %d bound: %d" % ( upper, ty, stmt, level+1, bound)
- chill.tile7(stmt, level+1, bound, level+1, "tmp_ty", "ty", counted)
- # Always add sync
- chill.add_sync( stmt, start_loop )
- #print "ending copy to shared\n"
- #sys.stdout.flush()
- #print_code()
-def unroll_to_depth( max_depth ):
- print "\n\nunroll_to_depth(%d)" % max_depth
- print "SYNC UP"
- sys.stdout.flush()
- cur = chill.cur_indices(0)
- thread_idxs = chill.thread_indices()
- guard_idx = thread_idxs[-1] # last one
- print "cur indices",
- print_array(cur)
- print "thread indices",
- print_array(thread_idxs)
- print "guard_idx = %s" % guard_idx
- #print "thread_idxs = ",
- #print thread_idxs
- guard_idx = thread_idxs[-1]
- #print "guard_idx = %s" % guard_idx
- common_loops = []
- comm_loops_cnt = 0
- num_stmts = chill.num_statements()
- print "num statements %d" % num_stmts
- for stmt in range(num_stmts):
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print "\nSTMT %d" % stmt,
- cur_idxs = chill.cur_indices(stmt)
- print "Current Indices:",
- for c in cur_idxs[:-1]:
- print "%s," % c,
- print "%s" % cur_idxs[-1] # last one
- sys.stdout.flush()
- #print_code()
- if chk_cur_level(stmt, "tx") > 0:
- for ii in range(find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")-1):
- print "ii = %d\ncur_idxs[%d] = '%s'" % (ii+1, ii+1, cur_idxs[ii]) # print to match lua
- id = cur_idxs[ii]
- if id not in ["bx", "by", "", "tx", "ty"]:
- print "id %s is not in the list" % id
- for stmt1 in range(stmt+1, num_stmts):
- print "\nii %d stmt1 is %d" % (ii+1, stmt1) # print to match lua
- cur_idxs1 = chill.cur_indices(stmt1)
- print "\nstmt1 cur_idxs1 is ",
- for ind in cur_idxs1[:-1]:
- print "%s," % ind,
- print "%s" % cur_idxs1[-1]
- print "cur level(%d, %s) = %d" % (stmt, "tx", find_cur_level(stmt,"tx") )
- sys.stdout.flush()
- endrange = find_cur_level(stmt,"tx")-1
- print "for iii=1, %d do" % endrange
- sys.stdout.flush()
- for iii in range(endrange): # off by one? TODO
- print "stmt %d ii %d iii %d\n" % (stmt, ii+1, iii+1),
- sys.stdout.flush()
- if iii >= len(cur_idxs1):
- print "stmt %d ii %d iii %d cur_idxs1[%d] = NIL" % (stmt, ii+1, iii+1, iii+1, ) # print to match lua
- else:
- print "stmt %d ii %d iii %d cur_idxs1[%d] = '%s'" % (stmt, ii+1, iii+1, iii+1, cur_idxs1[iii]) # print to match lua
- sys.stdout.flush()
- # this will still probably die
- if iii < len(cur_idxs1) and [iii] not in ["bx", "by", "tx", "ty", ""]:
- if cur_idxs[ii] == cur_idxs1[iii]:
- print "\nfound idx:%s" % cur_idxs[ii]
- common_loops.append(cur_idxs[ii])
- print "cl[%d] = '%s'" % ( comm_loops_cnt, cur_idxs[ii] )
- comm_loops_cnt = len(common_loops)
- if len(common_loops) > 0:
- print "\n COMM LOOPS :TOTAL %d, and are " % comm_loops_cnt,
- print common_loops,
- print " this loop : %s" % common_loops[0]
- else:
- print "UNROLL can't unroll any loops?"
- while True: # break at bottom of loop (repeat in lua)
- old_num_statements = chill.num_statements()
- print "old_num_statements %d" % old_num_statements
- for stmt in range(old_num_statements):
- cur_idxs = chill.cur_indices(stmt)
- print "stmt %d cur_idxs =" % stmt,
- index = 0
- for i in cur_idxs:
- index +=1
- if index == len(cur_idxs):
- print "%s" %i
- else:
- print "%s," % i,
- if len(cur_idxs) > 0:
- guard_level = -1
- if chk_cur_level(stmt, guard_idx) > 0:
- guard_level = find_cur_level(stmt,guard_idx)
- print "guard_level(sp) = %d" % guard_level
- if guard_level > -1:
- level = next_clean_level(cur_idxs,guard_level)
- print "next clean level %d" % level
- #print "looking at %d" % stmt
- #print "comparing %d and %d in" % (guard_level, level),
- #index = 0
- #for i in cur_idxs:
- #index +=1
- #if index == len(cur_idxs):
- # print "%s" %i
- #else:
- # print "%s," % i,
- # need to handle max_depth
- num_unrolled = 0
- level_unroll_comm = level
- level_arr = []
- #print "before while, level = %d" % level
- while level >= 0:
- print "while: level = %d" % level
- if num_unrolled == max_depth:
- break
- print "Unrolling %d at level %d index %s" % ( stmt, level, cur_idxs[guard_level]) # ???
- level_arr.append(level)
- guard_level = find_cur_level(stmt,guard_idx)
- level = next_clean_level(cur_idxs,level+1)
- print "OK, NOW WE UNROLL"
- if level_unroll_comm >= 0:
- level_arr.reverse()
- for i,lev in enumerate(level_arr):
- print "\ni=%d" % i
- print "[Unroll]unroll(%d, %d, 0)" % (stmt, lev)
- chill.unroll(stmt, lev, 0)
- new_num_statements = chill.num_statements()
- if old_num_statements == new_num_statements:
- break # exit infinite loop
-# all other calls to C have a routine in this file (?)
-def unroll( statement, level, unroll_amount ):
- chill.unroll( statement, level, unroll_amount )
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mm.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0efbeeb..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#define N 1024
-void normalMM(float c[N][N], float a[N][N], float b[N][N]) {
- int i, j, k;
- for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
- for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
- for (k = 0; k < N; k++)
- c[j][i] = c[j][i] + a[k][i] * b[j][k];
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mm.lua b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mm.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bde1b0..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mm.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-init("mm.c", "normalMM", 0)
-cudaize("mm_GPU",{a=1048576,b=1048576,c=1048576},{block={"ii","jj"}, thread={"i","j"}})CU=2
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mpeg4.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mpeg4.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 7f83bf7..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mpeg4.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#define N1 4096
-#define N2 4096
-#define WINDOW_SIZE 16
-void mpeg4_cpu(float result[N1][N2], float prev[N2+WINDOW_SIZE][N2+WINDOW_SIZE], float curr[WINDOW_SIZE*WINDOW_SIZE])
- unsigned int i;
- unsigned int j;
- unsigned int k;
- unsigned int l;
- for ( i = 0; i < N1; ++i)
- for ( j = 0; j < N2; ++j)
- for ( k = 0; k < WINDOW_SIZE; ++k)
- for ( l = 0; l < WINDOW_SIZE; ++l)
- result[i][j] += prev[i+k][j+l] * curr[k*WINDOW_SIZE+l];
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mpeg4.lua b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mpeg4.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f025dc0..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mpeg4.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
---CUBLAS 2 MM Multiply
---This function form intializes "CUDAIZE v2" versus "CUDAIZE v1" if you
---call init() and use global variables to specify procedure and loop
---Second parameter is procedure # and third is loop #
-init("mpeg4.c", "mpeg4_cpu", 0)
---dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,copy_to_shared methods
-dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,copy_to_shared methods
---TI 4ust be <= M
---TJ must be <=TI
-cudaize("kernel_GPU",{curr=W*W,prev=(N+W)*(M+W),result=N*M},{block={"ii","jj"}, thread={"i","j"}})
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mriq-fh.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mriq-fh.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 1e924b7..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mriq-fh.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#define X 32768
-#define K 256
-struct kValues {
- float Kx;
- float Ky;
- float Kz;
- float PhiMag;
-extern float sin(float);
-extern float cos(float);
-void mriFH_cpu(float *rPhi,float *rRho,float *iRho, float *iPhi, float *rD, float *iD, float *kx, float *ky, float *kz, float *dx, float *dy, float *dz, float *rFHref, float *iFHref)
- float rfh;
- float ifh;
- float exp;
- float cArg;
- float sArg;
- //float rRho[K];
- //float iRho[K];
- unsigned int k;
- unsigned int x;
- for (x = 0; x < X; ++x) {
- for (k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
- exp = 2 * 3.14159 * (kx[k]* dx[x] + ky[k]* dy[x] + kz[k]* dz[x]);
- cArg = cos(exp);
- sArg = sin(exp);
- rFHref[x] += rRho[k]* cArg - iRho[k]* sArg;
- iFHref[x] += iRho[k]*cArg + rRho[k]*sArg;
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mriq-fh.lua b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mriq-fh.lua
deleted file mode 100755
index 3277bac..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mriq-fh.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
---CUBLAS 2 MM Multiply
---This function form intializes "CUDAIZE v2" versus "CUDAIZE v1" if you
---call init() and use global variables to specify procedure and loop
---Second parameter is procedure # and third is loop #
-init("mriq-fh.c", "mriFH_cpu", 0)
-dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,
- --copy_to_shared methods
---tile_by_index({"j","i"}, {TI,TJ}, {l1_control="jj", l2_control="ii"}, {"jj","ii", "j", "i"})
---tile_by_index({"j"}, {TI}, {l1_control="jj"}, {"ii","jj", "j", "i"})
---tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="ii"}, {"ii", "i", "j"})
---tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="iii",l1_tile="i"}, {"ii","jj", "iii","j","i"})
---cudaize("Kernel_GPU", {x=N,y=N,z=N,Qr=N,Qi=N,kVals=M},{block={"jj"}, thread={"j"}})
-cudaize("kernel_GPU",{dx=N,dy=N,dz=N,iRho=M,kx=M,ky=M,kz=M,rFHref=N,iFHref=N,rRho=M},{block={"xx"}, thread={"x"}})
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mriq.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mriq.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ba4b87c..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mriq.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#define N 32768
-#define M 3072
-struct kValues {
- float Kx;
- float Ky;
- float Kz;
- float PhiMag;
-extern float sinf(float);
-extern float cosf(float);
-ComputeQCPU(int numK, int numX,struct kValues kVals[M],float x[N], float y[N], float z[N],float Qr[N], float Qi[N]) {
- float expArg;
- float cosArg;
- float sinArg;
- float phi;
- int i;
- int j;
- numK = M;
- numX = N;
- for ( i = 0; i < M; i++) {
- for ( j = 0; j < N; j++) {
- expArg = 6.2831853071795864769252867665590058f * (kVals[i].Kx * x[j] +kVals[i].Ky * y[j] +kVals[i].Kz * z[j]);
- cosArg = cosf(expArg);
- sinArg = sinf(expArg);
- phi = kVals[i].PhiMag;
- Qr[j] += phi * cosArg;
- Qi[j] += phi * sinArg;
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mriq.lua b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mriq.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 1170111..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mriq.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
---CUBLAS 2 MM Multiply
---This function form intializes "CUDAIZE v2" versus "CUDAIZE v1" if you
---call init() and use global variables to specify procedure and loop
---Second parameter is procedure # and third is loop #
-init("mriq.c", "ComputeQCPU", 0)
-dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,
- --copy_to_shared methods
---tile_by_index({"j","i"}, {TI,TJ}, {l1_control="jj", l2_control="ii"}, {"jj","ii", "j", "i"})
-tile_by_index({"i"}, {TJ}, {l1_control="ii",l1_tile="i"}, {"ii", "j","i"})
-tile_by_index({"j"}, {TI}, {l1_control="jj"}, {"ii","jj", "j", "i"})
---tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="ii"}, {"ii", "i", "j"})
---tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="iii",l1_tile="i"}, {"ii","jj", "iii","j","i"})
-cudaize("Kernel_GPU", {x=N,y=N,z=N,Qr=N,Qi=N,kVals=M},{block={"jj"}, thread={"j"}})
---datacopy(0, 3, "kVals", {"tt","t"},false,0,1,-16,true)
---unroll_to_depth(1) --won't unroll past thread/loop mapping, unrolls up to two loop levels
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv-shadow.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv-shadow.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 582b187..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv-shadow.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#define N 1024
-void normalMV(float c[N][N], float a[N], float b[N]) {
- int i, j;
- for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
- for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
- a[i] = a[i] + c[j][i] * b[j];
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv-shadow.lua b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv-shadow.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 43e8491..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv-shadow.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,
- --copy_to_shared methods
---Tile the i and j loop, introducing "ii" as the control loop for the "i"
---tile, "k" for the control loop fo the "j" tile, with the final order
---of {"ii", "k", "i", "j"}
-tile_by_index({"i","j"}, {TI,TJ}, {l1_control="ii", l2_control="k"}, {"ii", "k", "i", "j"})
---tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="iii"}, {"ii", "k", "iii","i", "j"})
---tile_by_index({"j"}, {TI}, {l2_control="k"}, { "k", "i", "j"})
---tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="ii"}, {"ii", "i", "j"})
---Normalize indx will do a tile size of one over the loop level specified
---by the input index. This is useful to get a zero lower bound and hard
---upper bound on a loop instead of it being relative to previous loop
---Cudaize now determines the grid dimentions from the loops themselves
---(the upper bounds of the block and thread loops). It also renames the
---given block and thread loops's indexes to the approviate values from
---the set {"bx","by","tx","ty","tz"}. The second parameter specifies the
---size of the arrays to be copied in the CUDA scaffolding.
-cudaize("mv_GPU", {a=N, b=N, c=N*N}, {block={"ii"}, thread={"i"}})
---Does a datacopy, tile, and add_sync to get a shared memory copy
---copy_to_shared("tx", "b", 1)
---copy_to_shared("tx", "c", -16)
-copy_to_registers("k", "a")
-unroll_to_depth(1) --won't unroll past thread/loop mapping, unrolls up to two loop levels
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 582b187..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#define N 1024
-void normalMV(float c[N][N], float a[N], float b[N]) {
- int i, j;
- for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
- for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
- a[i] = a[i] + c[j][i] * b[j];
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv.lua b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ca54501..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,
- --copy_to_shared methods
---Tile the i and j loop, introducing "ii" as the control loop for the "i"
---tile, "k" for the control loop fo the "j" tile, with the final order
---of {"ii", "k", "i", "j"}
-tile_by_index({"i","j"}, {TI,TJ}, {l1_control="ii", l2_control="k"}, {"ii", "k", "i", "j"})
---tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="iii"}, {"ii", "k", "iii","i", "j"})
---tile_by_index({"j"}, {TI}, {l2_control="k"}, { "k", "i", "j"})
---tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="ii"}, {"ii", "i", "j"})
---Normalize indx will do a tile size of one over the loop level specified
---by the input index. This is useful to get a zero lower bound and hard
---upper bound on a loop instead of it being relative to previous loop
---Cudaize now determines the grid dimentions from the loops themselves
---(the upper bounds of the block and thread loops). It also renames the
---given block and thread loops's indexes to the approviate values from
---the set {"bx","by","tx","ty","tz"}. The second parameter specifies the
---size of the arrays to be copied in the CUDA scaffolding.
-cudaize("mv_GPU", {a=N, b=N, c=N*N}, {block={"ii"}, thread={"i"}})
---Does a datacopy, tile, and add_sync to get a shared memory copy
---copy_to_shared("tx", "b", 1)
---copy_to_shared("tx", "c", -16)
-copy_to_registers("k", "a")
-unroll_to_depth(1) --won't unroll past thread/loop mapping, unrolls up to two loop levels
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv_try.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv_try.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7781f3b..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv_try.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#define N 4096
-void normalMV(int n, float c[N][N], float a[N], float b[N]) {
- int i, j;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
- a[i] = a[i] + c[i][j] * b[j];
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv_try.lua b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv_try.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index db4d9ad..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mv_try.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,
- --copy_to_shared methods
-tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="ii"}, {"ii", "i", "j"})
-cudaize("mv_GPU", {a=N, b=N, c=N*N},
- {block={"ii"}, thread={"i"}})
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/nbody.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/nbody.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 57899b6..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/nbody.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#define NBODIES 16384
-#define DELTATIME 0.001f
-#define DAMPING 1.0f
-#define NBLOCKSY 1
-#define NTHREADSY 1
-#define NTHREADSX 64
-#define BLOCKSIZE 128
-#define SHARED 1
-#define TIMER 1
-#define VERIFY 1
-extern float sqrtf(float);
-void nbody_cpu(float* oldpos,float* oldpos1, float *newpos, float *oldvel, float *newvel, float *force)
- float r0,r1,r2;
- float invDist, invDistCube, mass, invMass;
- unsigned int i,j;
- for(i = 0; i < NBODIES; ++i) {
- //force[i*4 ] = 0;
- //force[i*4+1] = 0;
- //force[i*4+2] = 0;
- //force[i*4+3] = 0;
- for(j = 0; j < NBODIES; ++j) {
- r0 = oldpos[j*4]-oldpos1[i*4];
- r1 = oldpos[j*4+1]-oldpos1[i*4+1];
- r2 = oldpos[j*4+2]-oldpos1[i*4+2];
- invDist = 1.0/sqrtf(r0 * r0 + r1 * r1 + r2 * r2 + SOFTENINGSQUARED);
- invDistCube = invDist * invDist * invDist;
- mass = oldpos1[i*4+3];
- force[i*4] = force[i*4] + r0 * mass * invDistCube;
- force[i*4+1] = force[i*4+1] + r1 * mass * invDistCube;
- force[i*4+2] = force[i*4+2] + r2 * mass * invDistCube;
- }
- }
-/* for (i = 0; i < NBODIES; ++i) {
- invMass = oldvel[4*i+3];
- oldvel[4*i] += (force[4*i] * invMass) * DELTATIME * DAMPING;
- oldvel[4*i+1] += (force[4*i+1] * invMass) * DELTATIME * DAMPING;
- oldvel[4*i+2] += (force[4*i+2] * invMass) * DELTATIME * DAMPING;
- oldpos[4*i] += oldvel[4*i] * DELTATIME;
- oldpos[4*i+1] += oldvel[4*i+1] * DELTATIME;
- oldpos[4*i+2] += oldvel[4*i+2] * DELTATIME;
- newpos[4*i+0] = oldpos[4*i];
- newpos[4*i+1] = oldpos[4*i+1];
- newpos[4*i+2] = oldpos[4*i+2];
- newpos[4*i+3] = oldpos[4*i+3];
- newvel[4*i+0] = oldvel[4*i];
- newvel[4*i+1] = oldvel[4*i+1];
- newvel[4*i+2] = oldvel[4*i+2];
- newvel[4*i+3] = oldvel[4*i+3];
- }*/
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/nbody.lua b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/nbody.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 08f88a9..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/nbody.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
---CUBLAS 2 MM Multiply
---This function form intializes "CUDAIZE v2" versus "CUDAIZE v1" if you
---call init() and use global variables to specify procedure and loop
---Second parameter is procedure # and third is loop #
-init("nbody.c", "nbody_cpu" , 0)
-dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,
- --copy_to_shared methods
---tile_by_index({"j"}, {Tn}, {l1_control="j",l1_tile="jjj"}, {"ii", "jj", "nn","jjj","j","i","n"})
---tile_by_index({"i"}, {Ti/2}, {l1_control="iii"}, {"ii","iii", "jj","i","j"})
-cudaize("kernel_GPU",{oldpos=4*NBODIES,oldpos1=4*NBODIES,oldvel=4*NBODIES,force=4*NBODIES,newpos=4*NBODIES,newvel=4*NBODIES},{block={"ii"}, thread={"i"}})--CU=3
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/tmv-shadow.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/tmv-shadow.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cb9ea8d..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/tmv-shadow.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#define N 1024
-void normalMV(float c[N][N], float a[N], float b[N]) {
- int i, j;
- for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
- for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
- a[i] = a[i] + c[i][j] * b[j];
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/tmv-shadow.lua b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/tmv-shadow.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 196b939..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/tmv-shadow.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,
- --copy_to_shared methods
---N= 8209
---tile, "k" for the control loop for the "j" tile, with the final order
---of {"ii", "k", "i", "j"}
-tile_by_index({"i","j"}, {TI,TI}, {l1_control="ii", l2_control="k"}, {"ii", "k", "i", "j"})
---tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="ii"}, {"ii", "i", "j"})
---tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI/32}, {l1_control="iii"}, {"ii", "k", "iii","i", "j"})
---Normalize indx will do a tile size of one over the loop level specified
---by the input index. This is useful to get a zero lower bound and hard
---upper bound on a loop instead of it being relative to previous loop
---Cudaize now determines the grid dimentions from the loops themselves
---(the upper bounds of the block and thread loops). It also renames the
---given block and thread loops's indexes to the approviate values from
---the set {"bx","by","tx","ty","tz"}. The second parameter specifies the
---size of the arrays to be copied in the CUDA scaffolding.
-cudaize("tmv_GPU", {a=N, b=N, c=N*N},{block={"ii"}, thread={"i"}})
---Does a datacopy, tile, and add_sync to get a shared memory copy
-copy_to_shared("tx", "b", 1)
-copy_to_shared("tx", "c", -16)
-copy_to_registers("k", "a")
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/tmv.c b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/tmv.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cb9ea8d..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/tmv.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#define N 1024
-void normalMV(float c[N][N], float a[N], float b[N]) {
- int i, j;
- for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
- for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
- a[i] = a[i] + c[i][j] * b[j];
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/tmv.lua b/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/tmv.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5071108..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/tmv.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-dofile("cudaize.lua") --defines custom tile_by_index, copy_to_registers,
- --copy_to_shared methods
---N= 8209
---tile, "k" for the control loop for the "j" tile, with the final order
---of {"ii", "k", "i", "j"}
-tile_by_index({"i","j"}, {TI,TI}, {l1_control="ii", l2_control="k"}, {"ii", "k", "i", "j"})
---tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI}, {l1_control="ii"}, {"ii", "i", "j"})
---tile_by_index({"i"}, {TI/32}, {l1_control="iii"}, {"ii", "k", "iii","i", "j"})
---Normalize indx will do a tile size of one over the loop level specified
---by the input index. This is useful to get a zero lower bound and hard
---upper bound on a loop instead of it being relative to previous loop
---Cudaize now determines the grid dimentions from the loops themselves
---(the upper bounds of the block and thread loops). It also renames the
---given block and thread loops's indexes to the approviate values from
---the set {"bx","by","tx","ty","tz"}. The second parameter specifies the
---size of the arrays to be copied in the CUDA scaffolding.
-cudaize("tmv_GPU", {a=N, b=N, c=N*N},{block={"ii"}, thread={"i"}})
---Does a datacopy, tile, and add_sync to get a shared memory copy
-copy_to_shared("tx", "b", 1)
-copy_to_shared("tx", "c", -16)
-copy_to_registers("k", "a")
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/unit/chill-basic-python.tclist b/test-chill/test-cases/unit/chill-basic-python.tclist
deleted file mode 100644
index 555fa25..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/unit/chill-basic-python.tclist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-build-chill-testcase -v dev -i python
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/ test-cases/chill/mm.c
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/unit/chill-basic-script.tclist b/test-chill/test-cases/unit/chill-basic-script.tclist
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bc34dc..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/unit/chill-basic-script.tclist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-build-chill-testcase -v dev
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_distribute.script test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_fuse.script test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_known.script test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_original.script test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_peel.script test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_permute.script test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_print_code.script test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_print_dep.script test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_print_space.script test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_reverse.script test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_scale.script test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_shift.script test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_shift_to.script test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_skew.script test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_tile.script test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_unroll_extra.script test-cases/chill/mm.c
-chill-testcase test-cases/chill/test_unroll.script test-cases/chill/mm.c
diff --git a/test-chill/test-cases/unit/chill-basic.tclist b/test-chill/test-cases/unit/chill-basic.tclist
deleted file mode 100644
index 57cddbd..0000000
--- a/test-chill/test-cases/unit/chill-basic.tclist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
--w $STAGING_DIR_WD -O $OMEGA_DEV_SRC -C $CHILL_DEV_SRC -b $STAGING_DIR_BIN batch test-cases/unit/chill-basic-script.tclist
--w $STAGING_DIR_WD -O $OMEGA_DEV_SRC -C $CHILL_DEV_SRC -b $STAGING_DIR_BIN batch test-cases/unit/chill-basic-python.tclist
diff --git a/test-chill/testchill/ b/test-chill/testchill/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/test-chill/testchill/
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/test-chill/testchill/ b/test-chill/testchill/
deleted file mode 100644
index 86415c3..0000000
--- a/test-chill/testchill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-#TODO: setup and cleanup mechanism
-import argparse
-import logging
-import os
-import pickle
-import sys
-import textwrap
-from . import chill
-from . import gcov
-from . import test
-from . import util
-def make_local(argsns, arg_parser):
- """
- Make the local test case list. A convinience function for testing a local copy of chill.
- @params argsns Command line arguments
- @params arg_parser The ArgumentParser object
- """
- util.mkdir_p(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.staging'), temp=True)
- argsns.wd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.staging/wd')
- argsns.bin_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.staging/bin')
- argsns.chill_tc_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test-cases') # formally from the commandline
- argsns.chill_dir = os.path.abspath(argsns.chill_dir)
- argsns.chill_build_coverage = argsns.coverage_set is not None #TODO: make arg passed to local.
- argsns.chill_test_coverage = argsns.coverage_set is not None
- util.mkdir_p(argsns.wd)
- util.mkdir_p(argsns.bin_dir)
-'cp', [os.path.join(argsns.chill_dir, 'examples/cuda-chill/cudaize.lua'), argsns.wd])
-'cp', [os.path.join(argsns.chill_dir, 'examples/cuda-chill/'), argsns.wd])
- for config in chill.ChillConfig.configs(argsns.chill_dir, argsns.bin_dir):
- build_testcase = chill.BuildChillTestCase(config, options={'coverage': argsns.chill_build_coverage}, coverage_set=argsns.coverage_set)
- yield build_testcase
- batch_file = os.path.join(argsns.chill_tc_dir, + '.tclist')
- for tc in make_batch_testcaselist(argsns, arg_parser, batch_file):
- yield tc
-#def make_repo(argsns, arg_parser):
- """
- Make the repo test case list. A convinience function for testing chill from the repsitory.
- @params argsns Command line arguments
- @params arg_parser The ArgumentParser object
- """
-# util.mkdir_p(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.staging'), temp=True)
-# argsns.bin_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.staging/bin')
-# argsns.repo_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.staging/repo')
-# argsns.chill_tc_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test-cases') # formally from the commandline
-# argsns.wd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.staging/wd')
-# util.mkdir_p(argsns.bin_dir)
-# util.mkdir_p(argsns.repo_dir)
-# util.mkdir_p(argsns.wd)
-# #TODO: Should these be hard coded?
-# repo_root = ''
-# for version in ['release', 'dev']:
-# new_args = util.copy(argsns)
-# if version == 'dev':
-# chill_repo = 'svn+ssh://{}@{}/chill/branches/cuda-chill-rose'.format(new_args.svnuser, repo_root)
-# chill_repo_name = 'chill'
-# omega_repo = 'svn+ssh://{}@{}/omega/branches/cuda-omega-rose'.format(new_args.svnuser, repo_root)
-# omega_repo_name = 'omega'
-# elif version == 'release':
-# chill_repo = 'svn+ssh://{}@{}/chill/release'.format(new_args.svnuser, repo_root)
-# chill_repo_name = 'chill-release'
-# omega_repo = 'svn+ssh://{}@{}/omega/release'.format(new_args.svnuser, repo_root)
-# omega_repo_name = 'omega-release'
-# new_args.omega_dir = os.path.join(new_args.repo_dir, omega_repo_name)
-# new_args.chill_dir = os.path.join(new_args.repo_dir, chill_repo_name)
-#'svn', ['export', '--force', omega_repo, new_args.omega_dir])
-#'svn', ['export', '--force', chill_repo, new_args.chill_dir])
-#'cp', [os.path.join(new_args.chill_dir, 'examples/cuda-chill/cudaize.lua'), new_args.wd])
-# if version == 'dev':
-#'cp', [os.path.join(new_args.chill_dir, 'examples/cuda-chill/'), new_args.wd])
-# # do omega: (just build it for now)
-# yield omega.BuildOmegaTestCase(new_args.omega_dir ,version)
-# # do chill
-# for config in chill.ChillConfig.configs(new_args.omega_dir, new_args.chill_dir, new_args.bin_dir, version=version):
-# yield chill.BuildChillTestCase(config, coverage_set=argsns.coverage_set)
-# batch_file = os.path.join(argsns.chill_tc_dir, + '.tclist')
-# if os.path.exists(batch_file):
-# for tc in make_batch_testcaselist(new_args, arg_parser, batch_file):
-# yield tc
-def make_runchill_testcase(argsns):
- """
- Make a RunChillTestCase from the given argument namespace
- @param argsns Command line arguments
- """
- assert (argsns.chill_dir != None) or (argsns.bin_dir != None)
- ### Required parameters ###
- wd = os.path.abspath(argsns.wd)
- chill_script = os.path.abspath(argsns.chill_script)
- chill_src = os.path.abspath(argsns.chill_src)
- coverage_set = argsns.coverage_set
- ### Options to pass to the chill test case ###
- options = dict()
- options['compile-src'] = argsns.chill_test_compile_src
- options['run-script'] = argsns.chill_test_run_script
- options['compile-gensrc'] = argsns.chill_test_compile_gensrc
- options['check-run-script-stdout'] = argsns.chill_test_check_run_script
- options['coverage'] = argsns.chill_test_coverage
- ### choose interface language from script extension if none is given ###
- if argsns.chill_script_lang is None:
- argsns.chill_script_lang = chill.ChillConfig.ext_to_script_lang(chill_script.split('.')[-1])
- config = chill.ChillConfig(
- chill_dir = os.path.abspath(argsns.chill_dir) if argsns.chill_dir != None else None,
- bin_dir = os.path.abspath(argsns.bin_dir) if argsns.bin_dir != None else None,
- build_cuda = argsns.build_cuda,
- script_lang = argsns.chill_script_lang)
- return chill.RunChillTestCase(config, chill_script, chill_src, wd=wd, options=options, coverage_set=coverage_set)
-def make_buildchill_testcase(argsns):
- """
- Make a BuilChillTestCase from the given argument namespace
- @param argsns Command line arguments
- """
- assert argsns.chill_dir != None
- coverage_set = argsns.coverage_set
- options = dict()
- options['coverage'] = argsns.chill_build_coverage
- config = chill.ChillConfig(
- chill_dir = os.path.abspath(argsns.chill_dir) if argsns.chill_dir != None else None,
- bin_dir = os.path.abspath(argsns.bin_dir) if argsns.bin_dir != None else None,
- build_cuda = argsns.build_cuda,
- script_lang = argsns.chill_script_lang)
- return chill.BuildChillTestCase(config, options=options, coverage_set=coverage_set)
-def make_batch_testcaselist(argsns, arg_parser, batch_file=None):
- """
- Make a list of test cases from a file.
- @param argsns The parent argument namespace
- @param arg_parser The argument parser. Used to parse lines from the batch file.
- @param batch_file The batch file name
- """
- if batch_file is None:
- batch_file = argsns.batch_file
- with open(batch_file, 'r') as f:
- for txt_line in f.readlines():
- if len(txt_line.strip()) == 0: continue # skip empty lines
- if txt_line.strip().startswith('#'): continue # skip comment lines
- args = util.applyenv(txt_line.strip()) # replace environment variables with thier values
- args = args.split() # split by whitespace
- for tc in args_to_tclist(args, arg_parser, argsns):
- yield tc
-def add_local_args(arg_parser):
- """
- Command line arguments for the local command
- @param arg_parser The local ArgumentParser object
- """
- arg_parser.add_argument('chill_dir', metavar='chill-home', default='../')
- #arg_parser.add_argument('-v', '--chill-branch', dest='chill_version', default='dev', choices=['release','dev'])
- # - Testing should consider all interface languages. Will uncomment if testing takes too long
- # arg_parser.add_argument('-i', '--interface-lang', nargs=1, action='append', dest='chill_script_lang_list', choices=['script','lua','python'])
- # arg_parser.add_argument('-t', '--testcase-dir', dest='chill_tc_dir', default=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test-cases/'))
- arg_parser.set_defaults(wd=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.staging/wd'))
- arg_parser.set_defaults(bin_dir=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.staging/bin'))
-def add_repo_args(arg_parser):
- """
- Command line arguments for the repo command
- @param arg_parser The local ArgumentParser object
- """
- arg_parser.add_argument('svnuser', metavar='svn-user-name')
-def add_boolean_option(arg_parser, name, dest, default=True, help_on=None, help_off=None):
- """
- Add a boolean option.
- @param parg_parser The ArgumentParser object
- @param name The name of the parameter
- @param dest The dest parameter passed to the ArgumentParser
- @param default The default value
- @param help_on The help parameter for the true option
- @param help_off The help parameter for the false option
- """
- group = arg_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- group.add_argument('--' + name, action='store_true', dest=dest, default=default, help=help_on)
- group.add_argument('--no-' + name, action='store_false', dest=dest, default=default, help=help_off)
-def add_chill_common_args(arg_parser):
- """
- Common chill command line arguments.
- @param arg_parser The ArgumentParser object
- """
- cuda_group = arg_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- cuda_group.add_argument('-u', '--target-cuda', action='store_const', const=True, dest='build_cuda', default=False, help='Test cuda-chill. (Default is chill)')
- cuda_group.add_argument('-c', '--target-c', action='store_const', const=False, dest='build_cuda', default=False, help='Test chill. (Default is chill)')
- arg_parser.add_argument('-i', '--interface-lang', dest='chill_script_lang', choices=['script','lua','python'], default=None, help='Chill interface language. If an interface language is not specified, it will be determined by the script file name.')
-def add_chill_run_args(arg_parser):
- """
- Command line arguments specific to running a chill test case
- @param arg_parser The ArgumentParser object
- """
- arg_parser.add_argument('chill_script', help='Chill script file.', metavar='chill-script')
- arg_parser.add_argument('chill_src', help='Chill source file.', metavar='chill-src')
- add_boolean_option(arg_parser, 'compile-src', dest='chill_test_compile_src', default=True, help_on='Compile source file.', help_off='Do not compile source file.')
- add_boolean_option(arg_parser, 'run-script', dest='chill_test_run_script', default=True, help_on='Run chill script.', help_off='Do not run chill script.')
- add_boolean_option(arg_parser, 'compile-gensrc', dest='chill_test_compile_gensrc', default=True, help_on='Compile generated source file', help_off='Do not compile generated source file.')
- add_boolean_option(arg_parser, 'check-run-script', dest='chill_test_check_run_script', default=False, help_on='Diff stdout from chill script against a benchmark.')
- add_boolean_option(arg_parser, 'test-coverage', 'chill_test_coverage', default=False, help_on='Run chill and record code coverage (default).', help_off='Run chill normally without recording code coverage.')
-def add_chill_build_args(arg_parser):
- """
- Command line arguments specific to building chill and testing the build process
- @params arg_parser The ArgumentParser object
- """
- add_boolean_option(arg_parser, 'build-coverage', 'chill_build_coverage', default=False, help_on='Build chill for code coverage flags (default).', help_off='Build chill normally without code coverage flags.')
-def add_local_command(command_group):
- """
- Add local to the subcommand group
- @param command_group the subparser group object
- """
- local_arg_parser = command_group.add_parser('local')
- add_local_args(local_arg_parser)
- local_arg_parser.set_defaults(func=lambda a, ap: make_local(a, ap))
-def add_repo_command(command_group):
- """
- Add repo to the subcommand group
- @param command_group the subparser group object
- """
- repo_arg_parser = command_group.add_parser('repo')
- add_repo_args(repo_arg_parser)
- repo_arg_parser.set_defaults(func=lambda a, ap: make_repo(a, ap))
-def add_chill_command(command_group):
- """
- Add chill-testcase to the subcommand group
- @param command_group The subparser group object
- """
- chill_arg_parser = command_group.add_parser('chill-testcase')
- add_chill_run_args(chill_arg_parser)
- add_chill_common_args(chill_arg_parser)
- chill_arg_parser.set_defaults(func=lambda a, ap: [make_runchill_testcase(a)])
-def add_buildchill_command(command_group):
- """
- Add build-chill-testcase to the subcommand group
- @param command_group The subparser group object
- """
- buildchill_arg_parser = command_group.add_parser('build-chill-testcase')
- add_chill_common_args(buildchill_arg_parser)
- add_chill_build_args(buildchill_arg_parser)
- buildchill_arg_parser.set_defaults(func=lambda a, ap: [make_buildchill_testcase(a)])
-def add_batch_args(arg_parser):
- """
- Command line arguments for the batch file command
- @param arg_parser The ArgumentParser object
- """
- arg_parser.add_argument('batch_file', help='Batch file', metavar='batch-filename')
-def add_batch_command(command_group):
- """
- Add batch command to the subcommand group
- @param command_group The subparser group object
- """
- batch_arg_parser = command_group.add_parser('batch')
- add_batch_args(batch_arg_parser)
- batch_arg_parser.set_defaults(func=make_batch_testcaselist)
-def add_commands(arg_parser):
- """
- Add the subcommand group
- @param arg_parser The ArgumentParser object
- """
- command_group = arg_parser.add_subparsers(title='commands')
- add_local_command(command_group)
- #add_repo_command(command_group)
- add_chill_command(command_group)
- add_buildchill_command(command_group)
- add_batch_command(command_group)
-def add_global_args(arg_parser):
- """
- Add arguments that are used for most subcommands
- @param arg_parser The ArgumentParser object
- """
- arg_parser.add_argument('-w', '--working-dir', dest='wd', default=os.getcwd(), help='The working directory. (Defaults to the current directory)', metavar='working-directory')
- arg_parser.add_argument('-R', '--rose-home', dest='rose_dir', default=os.getenv('ROSEHOME'), help='Rose home directory. (Defaults to ROSEHOME)', metavar='rose-home')
- arg_parser.add_argument('-C', '--chill-home', dest='chill_dir', default=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..'), help='Chill home directory. (Defaults to CHILLHOME)', metavar='chill-home')
- arg_parser.add_argument('-b', '--binary-dir', dest='bin_dir', default=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..'), help='Binary directory.', metavar='bin-dir')
-def make_argparser():
- """
- Create the argument parser.
- """
- arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- prog='python -m testchill',
- description=textwrap.dedent('''\
- To test a local working copy of chill (from the development branch):
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- - Run `python -m testchill local`
- '''),
- epilog='EPILOG',
- formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
- add_global_args(arg_parser)
- add_commands(arg_parser)
- # ...
- return arg_parser
-def args_to_tclist(args=sys.argv[1:], arg_parser=make_argparser(), argsns=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Parse one line and return a list of test cases.
- @params args Raw arguments to be passed to the ArgumentParser object (defaults to sys.args[1:])
- @params arg_parser The ArgumentParser object (defaults to an ArgumentParser returned by make_argparser())
- @params argsns The top level argument namespace (defaults to None)
- """
- if not argsns is None: # if an argsns is given,
- argsns = util.copy(argsns, exclude=['func']) # make a shallow copy, (excluding func)
- argsns = arg_parser.parse_args(args, namespace=argsns)
- for k,v in kwargs.items():
- setattr(argsns, k, v)
- return list(argsns.func(argsns, arg_parser))
-def main():
- coverage = gcov.GcovSet()
- results = list(
- test.pretty_print_results(results)
- util.rmtemp()
- with open('coverage.pickle', 'wb') as f:
- pickle.dump(coverage, f, 2)
- with open('testresults.pickle', 'wb') as f:
- pickle.dump(results, f, 2)
- if any(s.failed() or s.errored() for s in results):
- sys.exit(1)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/test-chill/testchill/ b/test-chill/testchill/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ef5a71..0000000
--- a/test-chill/testchill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,654 +0,0 @@
-import ast as _pyast
-import collections as _pycollections
-import functools as _pyfunctools
-import itertools as _pyitertools
-import random as _pyrandom
-import struct as _pystruct
-import types as _pytypes
-from . import util as _chill_util
-_pylambdatype = _pycollections.namedtuple('LambdaType', ['paramtypes','exprtype'])
-_pyarraytype = _pycollections.namedtuple('ArrayType', ['dimensions','basetype'])
-_runtime_globals = dict({
- '_pyitertools':_pyitertools,
- '_pyrandom':_pyrandom
- })
-def _evalexpr(expr, target_type, bindings):
- glbls = dict(bindings)
- glbls.update(_runtime_globals)
- if target_type is None:
- pytype = None
- else:
- pytype = target_type.getpytype()
- expr = _pyast.Expression(expr.compile_expr(pytype))
- expr = _pyast.fix_missing_locations(expr)
- return eval(compile(expr, '<string>', 'eval'), glbls)
-def _addbindings(expr, binding_frame):
- if hasattr(expr, 'binding_stack'):
- expr.binding_stack = [binding_frame] + expr.binding_stack
- return expr
-class _TreeNode(object):
- def print_tree(self, stream=None, indent=0):
- strname = type(self).__name__
- stream.write(strname + ':\n')
- indent += 2
- for k,v in vars(self).items():
- if isinstance(v, _TreeNode):
- stream.write(('{}{}:'.format(' '*indent, k)))
- v.print_tree(stream, indent + len(k))
- elif isinstance(v, list):
- stream.write(('{}{}: [\n'.format(' '*indent, k)))
- for itm in v:
- if isinstance(itm, _TreeNode):
- stream.write(' '*indent)
- itm.print_tree(stream, indent + len(k) + 1)
- else:
- stream.write('{}{}\n'.format(' '*(indent + 1), str(itm)))
- else:
- stream.write(('{}{}: {}\n'.format(' '*indent, k, str(v))))
-class _CppType(_TreeNode):
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def __repr__(self):
- return "{}".format(str(self))
- def statictype(self, bindings):
- return self
- def formatdata(self, data):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def get_cdecl_stmt(self, param_name):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def get_cread_stmt(self, param_name, istream_name, dims):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def get_cwrite_stmt(self, param_name, ostream_name, dims):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def getfreevars(self, glbls):
- raise NotImplementedError
-class _CppPrimitiveType(_CppType):
- _bycppname = {
- 'char': ('char', 'c', 1, False, False, True, False),
- 'signed char': ('signed char', 'b', 1, True, False, False, False),
- 'unsigned char': ('unsigned char', 'B', 1, True, False, False, False),
- 'short': ('short', 'h', 2, True, False, False, True),
- 'unsigned short': ('unsigned short', 'H', 2, True, False, False, False),
- 'int': ('int', 'i', 4, True, False, False, True),
- 'unsigned int': ('unsigned int', 'I', 4, True, False, False, False),
- 'long': ('long', 'l', 4, True, False, False, True),
- 'unsigned long': ('unsigned long', 'L', 4, True, False, False, False),
- 'long long': ('long long', 'q', 8, True, False, False, True),
- 'unsigned long long': ('unsigned long long', 'Q', 8, True, False, False, False),
- 'float': ('float', 'f', 4, False, True, False, True),
- 'double': ('double', 'd', 8, False, True, False, True)
- }
- def __init__(self, cppname, structfmt, size, isint, isfloat, ischar, issigned):
- _CppType.__init__(self)
- self.cppname = cppname
- self.size = size
- self.size_expr = 'sizeof(' + cppname + ')'
- self.structfmt = structfmt
- self.isint = isint
- self.isfloat = isfloat
- self.ischar = ischar
- self.issigned = issigned
- @staticmethod
- def get_from_cppname(cppname):
- return _CppPrimitiveType(*_CppPrimitiveType._bycppname[cppname])
- def getfreevars(self, glbls):
- return set()
- def getpytype(self):
- if self.ischar:
- return str
- elif self.isint:
- return int
- elif self.isfloat:
- return float
- def __str__(self):
- return self.cppname
- def formatdata(self, data):
- return [1], _pystruct.pack(self.structfmt, data)
- def get_cdecl_stmt(self, param_name):
- return '{} {};'.format(self.cppname, param_name)
- def get_cread_stmt(self, param_name, istream_name, dims):
- return '{}.read((const char*)&{}, {});'.format(istream_name, param_name, self.size_expr)
- def get_cwrite_stmt(self, param_name, ostream_name, dims):
- return '{}.write((const char*)&{}, {});'.format(ostream_name, param_name, self.size_expr)
-class _CppVoidType(_CppType):
- def __init__(self):
- self.cppname = 'void'
- def getfreevars(self, glbls):
- return set()
- def getpytype(self):
- return type(None)
- def __str__(self):
- return 'void'
-class _CppArrayType(_CppType):
- def __init__(self, basetype, dims=[None]):
- _CppType.__init__(self)
- self.basetype = basetype
- self.dimensions = dims
- def getfreevars(self, glbls):
- freevars = self.basetype.getfreevars(glbls)
- for fv in iter(d.getfreevars(glbls) for d in self.dimensions if hasattr(d, 'getfreevars')):
- freevars = freevars | fv
- return freevars
- def getpytype(self):
- return _pyarraytype(self.dimensions, self.basetype.getpytype())
- def __str__(self):
- return '{}[{}]'.format(str(self.basetype), ']['.join(map(str,self.dimensions)))
- def statictype(self, bindings):
- dim_list = list()
- for dim in self.dimensions:
- if dim is None:
- dim_list.append(None)
- else:
- dim_list.append(_evalexpr(dim, _CppPrimitiveType.get_from_cppname('int'), bindings))
- return _CppArrayType(self.basetype.statictype(bindings), dim_list)
- def _formatdata_array(self, unit_length, data):
- read_length = 0
- if _chill_util.python_version_major == 2:
- read_data = ''
- else:
- read_data = bytes()
- while read_length < len(data):
- for i in range(unit_length):
- _, b = self.basetype.formatdata(data[read_length+i])
- read_data += b
- read_length += unit_length
- return read_data
- def formatdata(self, data):
- prod = lambda l: _pyfunctools.reduce(lambda a,v: a*v, l, 1)
- if self.dimensions[0] is None:
- return self.dimensions, self._formatdata_array(prod(self.dimensions[1:]), data)
- else:
- return self.dimensions, self._formatdata_array(prod(self.dimensions), data)
- def get_cdecl_stmt(self, param_name):
- return '{} {}[{}];'.format(str(self.basetype), param_name, ']['.join(map(str,self.dimensions)))
- def get_cread_stmt(self, param_name, istream_name, dims):
- length = _pyfunctools.reduce(lambda a,v: a*v, self.dimensions)
- #TODO: use dims
- if isinstance(self.basetype, _CppPrimitiveType):
- size_expr = '{}*{}'.format(length, self.basetype.size_expr)
- return '{}.read((char*){}, {});'.format(istream_name, param_name, size_expr)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- def get_cwrite_stmt(self, param_name, ostream_name, dims):
- length = _pyfunctools.reduce(lambda a,v: a*v, self.dimensions)
- #TODO: use dims
- if isinstance(self.basetype, _CppPrimitiveType):
- size_expr = '{}*{}'.format(length, self.basetype.size_expr)
- return '{}.write((char*){}, {});'.format(ostream_name, param_name, size_expr)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
-class _CppPointerType(_CppType):
- def __init__(self, basetype):
- _CppType.__init__(self)
- self.basetype = basetype
- def getfreevars(self, glbls):
- return self.basetype.getfreevars(glbls)
- def getpytype(self):
- return self.basetype.getpytype()
- def __str__(self):
- return '{}*'.format(str(self.basetype))
- def statictype(self, bindings):
- return _CppPointerType(self.basetype.statictype(bindings))
- def formatdata(self, data):
- if isinstance(data, list):
- if _chill_util.python_version_major == 2:
- read_data = ''
- else:
- read_data = bytes()
- for data_item in data:
- next_dims, b = self.basetype.formatdata(data_item)
- read_data += b
- return [len(data)] + next_dims, read_data
- else:
- dims, fmt_data = self.basetype.formatdata(data)
- return [1] + dims, fmt_data
-class _CppReferenceType(_CppType):
- def __init__(self, basetype):
- _CppType.__init__(self)
- self.basetype = basetype
- def getfreevars(self, glbls):
- return self.basetype.getfreevars(glbls)
- def getpytype(self):
- return self.basetype.getpytype()
- def __str__(self):
- return '{}&'.format(str(self.basetype))
- def statictype(self, bindings):
- return _CppReferenceType(self.basetype.statictype(bindings))
- def formatdata(self, data):
- dims, fmt_data = self.basetype.formatdata(data)
- return dims, fmt_data
-class _Parameter(_TreeNode):
- def __init__(self, name, cpptype, direction, init_expr=None):
- = name
- self.direction = direction
- self.cpptype = cpptype
- self.init_expr = init_expr
- self._generated = None
- @staticmethod
- def order_by_freevars(param_list, glbls=set()):
- defined_names = set()
- parameter_names = set( for p in param_list)
- param_queue = _pycollections.deque(param_list)
- while len(param_queue):
- param = param_queue.popleft()
- freevars = (parameter_names & param.getfreevars(glbls)) - defined_names
- if not len(freevars):
- defined_names.add(
- yield param
- else:
- param_queue.append(param)
- def getfreevars(self, glbls=set()):
- freevars = set()
- if self.init_expr is not None:
- freevars = freevars | self.init_expr.getfreevars(glbls)
- freevars = freevars | self.cpptype.getfreevars(glbls)
- return freevars
- def generatedata(self, bindings=dict()):
- if self._generated is None:
- if self.init_expr is None:
- py_data = None
- else:
- py_data = _evalexpr(self.init_expr, self.cpptype, bindings)
- static_type = self.cpptype.statictype(bindings)
- dims, data = static_type.formatdata(py_data)
- self._generated = (, static_type, dims, data)
- return, static_type, dims, data
- else:
- return self._generated
-class _Procedure(_TreeNode):
- def __init__(self, name, rtype, parameters):
- = name
- self.rtype = rtype
- self.parameters = parameters
- self.binding_stack = []
- self._bindings = None
- self._params_orderd = None
- self._invoke_str = '{}({});'.format(, ','.join([ for p in parameters]))
- def _order_params(self):
- if not self._params_orderd:
- self._params_orderd = list(_Parameter.order_by_freevars(self.parameters))
- def _compute_bindings(self, global_bindings):
- local_bindings = dict(global_bindings)
- if self._bindings is None:
- new_bindings = dict()
- for binding_frame in self.binding_stack:
- for name, (ctype, expr) in binding_frame.items():
- value = _evalexpr(expr, ctype, local_bindings)
- new_bindings[name] = value
- local_bindings[name] = value
- self._bindings = new_bindings
- local_bindings.update(self._bindings)
- return local_bindings
- def generatedata(self, direction_list, global_bindings=None):
- self._order_params()
- if global_bindings is None:
- global_bindings = dict()
- bindings = self._compute_bindings(global_bindings)
- for param in (p for p in self._params_orderd if p.direction in direction_list):
- p_name, p_statictype, p_dims, p_data = param.generatedata(bindings)
- #TODO: add binding
- yield p_name, p_statictype, p_dims, p_data
- def generatedecls(self, bindings):
- for p_name, p_statictype, p_dims, p_data in self.generatedata(['in','out','inout'], bindings):
- yield p_statictype.get_cdecl_stmt(p_name)
- #for p_name, p_statictype, p_dims, p_data in self.generatedata('out', bindings):
- # yield p_statictype.get_cdecl_stmt(p_name)
- def generatereads(self, direction_list, stream, bindings):
- for p_name, p_statictype, p_dims, p_data in self.generatedata(direction_list, bindings):
- yield p_statictype.get_cread_stmt(p_name, stream, p_dims)
- def generatewrites(self, stream, bindings):
- for p_name, p_statictype, p_dims, p_data in self.generatedata(['inout', 'out'], bindings):
- yield p_statictype.get_cwrite_stmt(p_name, stream, p_dims)
- def getinvokestr(self):
- return self._invoke_str
-class _Expr(_TreeNode):
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def getfreevars(self, glbls):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def compile_to_lambda(self, glbls, target_type):
- args = _pyast.arguments(list(_pyast.Name(n, _pyast.Param()) for n in self.getfreevars(self, glbls)), None, None, [])
- expr = _pyast.Expression(_pyast.Lambda(args, self.compile_expr(target_type)))
- expr = _pyast.fix_missing_locations(expr)
- return eval(compile(expr, '<string>', 'eval'))
- def compile_expr(self, target_type):
- raise NotImplementedError
-class _ConstantExpr(_Expr):
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- def compile_expr(self, target_type):
- if target_type is None:
- return _pyast.parse(self.value, '<string>', 'eval').body
- elif target_type == chr:
- return _pyast.Str(chr(self.value))
- elif target_type == int:
- return _pyast.Num(int(self.value))
- elif target_type == str:
- return _pyast.Str(str(self.value))
- elif target_type == float:
- return _pyast.Num(float(self.value))
- def getfreevars(self, glbls):
- return set()
- def __str__(self):
- return self.value
-class _NameExpr(_Expr):
- def __init__(self, name):
- = name
- def compile_expr(self, target_type):
- return _pyast.Name(, _pyast.Load())
- def getfreevars(self, glbls):
- if not in glbls:
- return set([])
- else:
- return set()
- def __str__(self):
- return
-class _AttributeExpr(_Expr):
- def __init__(self, expr, name):
- self.expr = expr
- = name
- def compile_expr(self, target_type):
- return _pyast.Attribute(
- self.expr.compile_expr(None),
- _pyast.Load())
- def getfreevars(self, glbls):
- return self.expr.getfreevars(glbls)
- def __str__(self):
- return '{}.{}'.format(str(self.expr),
-class _BinExpr(_Expr):
- _optypes = {
- '+': _pyast.Add,
- '-': _pyast.Sub,
- '*': _pyast.Mult,
- '**': _pyast.Pow,
- '/': _pyast.Div
- }
- def __init__(self, left, op, right):
- self.left = left
- self.right = right
- self.op = op
- def compile_expr(self, target_type):
- return _pyast.BinOp(
- self.left.compile_expr(target_type),
- _BinExpr._optypes[self.op](),
- self.right.compile_expr(target_type))
- def getfreevars(self, glbls):
- return self.left.getfreevars(glbls) | self.right.getfreevars(glbls)
- def __str__(self):
- return '({}{}{})'.format(str(self.left),self.op,str(self.right))
-class _UnaryExpr(_Expr):
- _optypes = {
- '-': _pyast.USub
- }
- def __init__(self, op, expr):
- self.op = op
- self.expr = expr
- def compile_expr(self, target_type):
- return _pyast.UnaryOp(
- _UnaryExpr._optypes[self.op](),
- self.expr.compile_expr(target_type))
- def getfreevars(self, glbls):
- return self.expr.getfreevars(glbls)
- def __str__(self):
- return '({}{})'.format(self.op, str(self.expr))
-class _LambdaExpr(_Expr):
- def __init__(self, params, expr):
- self.params = params
- self.expr = expr
- def compile_expr(self, target_type):
- if target_type is None:
- exprtype = None
- else:
- assert hasattr(target_type, 'paramtypes')
- assert hasattr(target_type, 'exprtype')
- exprtype = target_type.exprtype
- if _chill_util.python_version_major == 2:
- return _pyast.Lambda(
- _pyast.arguments([_pyast.Name(p, _pyast.Param()) for p in self.params], None, None, []),
- self.expr.compile_expr(exprtype))
- else:
- return _pyast.Lambda(
- _pyast.arguments([_pyast.arg(p, None) for p in self.params], None, None, [], None, None, [], []),
- self.expr.compile_expr(exprtype))
- def getfreevars(self, glbls):
- new_glbls = set(glbls)
- new_glbls = new_glbls | set(self.params)
- return self.expr.getfreevars(new_glbls)
- def __str__(self):
- return 'lambda {}:{}'.format(','.join(map(str,self.params)), str(self.expr))
-class _InvokeExpr(_Expr):
- def __init__(self, func, parameters):
- self.func = func
- self.parameters = parameters
- def compile_expr(self, target_type):
- if target_type is None:
- lt = None
- else:
- lt = _pylambdatype([None for p in self.parameters], target_type)
- return _pyast.Call(
- self.func.compile_expr(lt),
- [p.compile_expr(None) for p in self.parameters],
- [],
- None,
- None)
- def getfreevars(self, glbls):
- return set(
- self.func.getfreevars(glbls) |
- _pyfunctools.reduce(lambda a,v: a | v.getfreevars(glbls), self.parameters, set()))
- def __str__(self):
- return '{}({})'.format(str(self.func),','.join(map(str,self.parameters)))
-class _Generator(_Expr):
- def __init__(self):
- _Expr.__init__(self)
-class _MatrixGenerator(_Generator):
- def __init__(self, dims, genexpr):
- self.dimensions = dims
- self.genexpr = genexpr
- def _compile_dims(self, target_type):
- if hasattr(target_type, 'dimensions'):
- dim_exprs = list()
- assert len(target_type.dimensions) == len(self.dimensions)
- for i, d in enumerate(target_type.dimensions):
- if d is None:
- d = self.dimensions[i]
- dim_exprs += [d.compile_expr(int)]
- else:
- dim_exprs = [d.compile_expr(int) for d in self.dimensions]
- return _pyast.List(dim_exprs, _pyast.Load())
- def _lambda_type(self, target_type):
- if hasattr(target_type, 'dimensions'):
- return _pylambdatype([int for d in target_type.dimensions], target_type.basetype)
- else:
- return _pylambdatype([int for d in self.dimensions], target_type)
- def compile_expr(self, target_type):
- assert target_type is not None
- dims = self._compile_dims(target_type)
- ltype = self._lambda_type(target_type)
- #def array(func,dims):
- # return [func(*d) for d in itertools.product(*(map(range,dims))]
- elt_expr = _pyast.Call(self.genexpr.compile_expr(ltype), [], [], _pyast.Name('_d', _pyast.Load()), None) # func(*d)
- # elt_expr = _pyast.Call(_pyast.Name('tuple', _pyast.Load()), [_pyast.Name('_d', _pyast.Load()), elt_expr], [], None, None) # tuple(d, func(*d))
- pdt_expr = _pyast.Attribute(_pyast.Name('_pyitertools', _pyast.Load()), 'product', _pyast.Load()) # itertools.product
- itr_expr = _pyast.Call(_pyast.Name('map', _pyast.Load()), [_pyast.Name('range', _pyast.Load()), dims], [], None, None) # map(range,dims)
- itr_expr = _pyast.Call(pdt_expr, [], [], itr_expr, None) # itertools.product(*(map(range,dims)))
- return _pyast.ListComp(
- elt_expr,
- [_pyast.comprehension(_pyast.Name('_d', _pyast.Store()), itr_expr, [])])
- def getfreevars(self, glbls):
- return set(
- self.genexpr.getfreevars(glbls) |
- _pyfunctools.reduce(lambda a,v: a | v.getfreevars(glbls), filter(lambda x: x is not None, self.dimensions), set()))
- def __str__(self):
- return 'matrix([{}],{})'.format(','.join(map(str,self.dimensions)),str(self.genexpr))
-class _RandomExpr(_Expr):
- def __init__(self, minexpr, maxexpr):
- self.minexpr = minexpr
- self.maxexpr = maxexpr
- self.expr = _BinExpr(
- _BinExpr(
- _InvokeExpr(_AttributeExpr(_NameExpr('_pyrandom'),'random'),[]),
- '*',
- _BinExpr(maxexpr, '-', minexpr)),
- '+',
- minexpr)
- def getfreevars(self, glbls):
- return self.minexpr.getfreevars(glbls) | self.maxexpr.getfreevars(glbls)
- def compile_expr(self, target_type):
- if target_type == int:
- return _pyast.Call(_pyast.Name('int', _pyast.Load()),[self.expr.compile_expr(float)],[],None,None)
- elif target_type == float:
- return self.expr.compile_expr(target_type)
- elif target_type is None:
- return self.expr.compile_expr(None)
- assert False
- def __str__(self):
- return 'random({},{})'.format(str(self.minexpr),str(self.maxexpr))
-### What to import from * ###
-addbindings = _addbindings
-CppType = _CppType
-CppPrimitiveType = _CppPrimitiveType
-CppVoidType = _CppVoidType
-CppArrayType = _CppArrayType
-CppPointerType = _CppPointerType
-ConstantExpr = _ConstantExpr
-NameExpr = _NameExpr
-AttributeExpr = _AttributeExpr
-BinExpr = _BinExpr
-UnaryExpr = _UnaryExpr
-LambdaExpr = _LambdaExpr
-InvokeExpr = _InvokeExpr
-MatrixGenerator = _MatrixGenerator
-RandomExpr = _RandomExpr
-Procedure = _Procedure
-Parameter = _Parameter
diff --git a/test-chill/testchill/ b/test-chill/testchill/
deleted file mode 100644
index f6984ac..0000000
--- a/test-chill/testchill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-import collections
-import os
-import os.path
-import itertools
-import re
-from . import util
-if util.python_version_major == 2:
- from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
- from html.parser import HTMLParser
-class _TagExtractor(HTMLParser):
- _comment_style_expr = {
- 'c': [('/(/)+',r'[\n]'),(r'/\*',r'\*/')],
- 'cc': [('/(/)+',r'[\n]'),(r'/\*',r'\*/')],
- 'cpp': [('/(/)+',r'[\n]'),(r'/\*',r'\*/')],
- 'h': [('/(/)+',r'[\n]'),(r'/\*',r'\*/')],
- 'hh': [('/(/)+',r'[\n]'),(r'/\*',r'\*/')],
- 'hpp': [('/(/)+',r'[\n]'),(r'/\*',r'\*/')],
- 'py': [('#+',r'[\n]'),('\'\'\'',),('"""',)],
- 'script': [('#+',r'[\n]')],
- 'lua': [(r'--\[\[',r'\]\]--')]
- }
- def __init__(self, tagname):
- HTMLParser.__init__(self)
- self.tagname = tagname
- self._readin = False
- self._value = ''
- def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
- if tag == self.tagname:
- self._readin = True
- self._attrs = dict(attrs)
- def handle_endtag(self, tag):
- if tag == self.tagname:
- self._readin = False
- self._tag_list.append((self._value, self._attrs))
- self._value = ''
- def handle_data(self, txt):
- if self._readin:
- self._value += txt
- @classmethod
- def _parse(cls, tagname, txt):
- reader = cls(tagname)
- reader._readin = False
- reader._value = ''
- reader._tag_list = []
- reader.feed(txt)
- return reader._tag_list
- @classmethod
- def _get_commentstyles(cls, ext):
- for comment_style in cls._comment_style_expr[ext]:
- if len(comment_style) == 1:
- start_expr = comment_style[0]
- end_expr = comment_style[0]
- elif len(comment_style) == 2:
- start_expr = comment_style[0]
- end_expr = comment_style[1]
- yield start_expr, end_expr
- @classmethod
- def _commented(cls, txt, ext):
- comment_spans = list()
- for start_expr, end_expr in cls._get_commentstyles(ext):
- pos = 0
- while pos < len(txt):
- start_match =, txt[pos:])
- if start_match:
- start_pos = pos + start_match.end()
- end_match =, txt[start_pos:])
- if end_match:
- end_pos = start_pos + end_match.start()
- pos = start_pos + end_match.end()
- else:
- end_pos = len(txt)
- pos = end_pos
- comment_spans.append((start_pos, end_pos))
- else:
- break
- for span in sorted(comment_spans, key=lambda s: s[0]):
- yield txt[span[0]:span[1]]
- @classmethod
- def extract_tag(cls, tagname, filename, wd=os.getcwd()):
- with open(os.path.join(wd, filename), 'r') as f:
- txt =
- ext = filename.split('.')[-1]
- return cls._parse(tagname, '\n'.join(cls._commented(txt, ext)))
-extract_tag = _TagExtractor.extract_tag
diff --git a/test-chill/testchill/ b/test-chill/testchill/
deleted file mode 100644
index b6d39cf..0000000
--- a/test-chill/testchill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-#TODO: Re-Document
-#TODO: highlight test implementation hooks
-import os
-import os.path
-from . import gcov
-from . import test
-from . import util
-from . import cpp_validate
-class ChillConfig(object):
- def __init__(self, chill_dir=None, bin_dir=None, build_cuda=False, script_lang=None):
- self.build_cuda = build_cuda
- self.script_lang = script_lang
- self.chill_dir = chill_dir
- self.bin_dir = bin_dir
- if self.script_lang is None:
- self.script_lang = self.default_script_lang()
- def default_script_lang(self):
- return 'python'
- def _buildfunc(self, cc, link=True):
- if not link:
- compile_args = ['-c -Wuninitialized']
- elif link and cc == 'nvcc':
- compile_args = ['-L/usr/local/cuda/lib64/lib', '-lcuda', '-lcudart', '-lstdc++', '-lrt', '-Wuninitialized']
- else:
- compile_args = ['-lstdc++', '-lrt', '-Wuninitialized']
- def build(src, dest, args=[], defines={}, wd=None):
- if wd is None:
- wd = os.path.dirname(src)
- args += ['-D{}={}'.format(k,v) for k, v in defines.items()]
- dest = os.path.join(wd, dest)
- stdout =, args + [src, '-o', dest] + compile_args, wd=wd)
- return dest, stdout
- return build
- def compile_src_func(self):
- return self._buildfunc('gcc', False)
- def compile_gensrc_func(self):
- if self.build_cuda:
- return self._buildfunc('nvcc', False)
- else:
- return self._buildfunc('gcc', False)
- def build_src_func(self):
- return self._buildfunc('gcc')
- def build_gensrc_func(self):
- if self.build_cuda:
- return self._buildfunc('nvcc')
- else:
- return self._buildfunc('gcc')
- @property
- def config_args(self):
- args = []
- if self.build_cuda:
- args += ['--enable-cuda']
- if self.script_lang is not None:
- args += ['--with-' + self.script_lang]
- return args
- @property
- def buildname(self):
- if self.build_cuda:
- return 'cudachill'
- else:
- return 'chill'
- @property
- def name(self):
- if self.buildname == 'cudachill':
- return 'cuda-chill-' + self.script_lang
- else:
- return 'chill-' + self.script_lang
- @staticmethod
- def ext_to_script_lang(ext):
- return {'script':'script', 'lua':'lua', 'py':'python'}[ext]
- @staticmethod
- def configs(chill_dir, bin_dir, build_cuda=None, script_lang=None):
- all_configs = [
- (False, 'script'),
- (False, 'lua'),
- (False, 'python'),
- (True, 'lua'),
- (True, 'python')]
- pred_list = [lambda x: True]
- if not build_cuda is None:
- pred_list += [lambda x: x[0] == build_cuda]
- if not script_lang is None:
- pred_list += [lambda x: x[1] == script_lang]
- cond = lambda x: all(p(x) for p in pred_list)
- return iter(ChillConfig(chill_dir, bin_dir, *conf) for conf in filter(cond, all_configs))
-# - - #
-# - Test case for building chill - #
-# - - #
-class BuildChillTestCase(test.TestCase):
- """
- Test case for building chill.
- """
- default_options = {
- 'coverage': False # compile for coverage
- }
- def __init__(self, config, options={}, coverage_set=None):
- """
- @param config chill configuration object
- @param options options for building chill and testing the build process
- @param coverage_set GcovSet object to record coverage
- """
- assert isinstance(config, ChillConfig)
- if config.script_lang == None:
- config.script_lang = config.default_script_lang()
- self.config = config
- super(BuildChillTestCase,self).__init__(
- self._set_options(options, coverage_set)
- def _set_options(self, options, coverage_set):
- self.options = dict(BuildChillTestCase.default_options)
- self.options.update(options)
- if self.options['coverage']:
- coverage_set.addprogram(, self.config.chill_dir)
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Called before run, outside of the context of a test case
- """
- # clean up any coverage files from a previous build
-'rm', ['-f', '*.gcno'], wd=self.config.chill_dir)
-'rm', ['-f', '*.gcov'], wd=self.config.chill_dir)
-'rm', ['-f', '*.gcda'], wd=self.config.chill_dir)
-'make clean', wd=self.config.chill_dir)
- def run(self):
- """
- Build chill
- """
-'make', ['distclean'], wd=self.config.chill_dir)
-'./configure', self.config.config_args, wd=self.config.chill_dir)
-'make', [], wd=self.config.chill_dir)
-'make', ['clean'], wd=self.config.chill_dir)
-'make', ['veryclean'], wd=self.config.chill_dir)
-'make', [depend_target] + [self.build_args], env=self.build_env, wd=self.config.chill_dir)
-'make', [target] + [self.build_args], env=self.build_env, wd=self.config.chill_dir)
- return self.make_pass()
- def tearDown(self):
- """
- Called after run, outside of the context of a test case.
- If a binary directory is specified, rename and move the executable there, otherwise, just rename it.
- """
- if self.test_result.passed():
- if self.config.bin_dir:
-'mv', [os.path.join(self.config.chill_dir, self.config.buildname), os.path.join(self.config.bin_dir,])
- elif not self.config.buildname ==
-'mv', [os.path.join(self.config.chill_dir, self.config.buildname), os.path.join(self.config.chill_dir,])
-# - - #
-# - Test case for running chill - #
-# - - #
-class RunChillTestCase(test.SequencialTestCase):
- """
- Test case for running and testing chill.
- """
- default_options={
- 'compile-src':True, # Compile original source file
- 'run-script':True, # Run chill script
- 'compile-gensrc':True, # Compile generated source file
- 'check-run-script-stdout':False, # Diff stdout from run_script() against an expected value (from a .stdout file)
- 'coverage':False, # Record coverage
- 'fail-compile-src':False, # Expect compile_src to fail (TODO: not implemented)
- 'fail-run-script':False, # Expect run_script to fail (TODO: not implemented)
- }
- def __init__(self, config, chill_script, chill_src, wd=None, options={}, coverage_set=None):
- """
- @param config Chill configuration object
- @param chill_script The path to the chill script.
- @param chill_src The path to the source file that the script uses.
- @param wd The working directory. Where the script will be executed, compiled, and tested.
- @param options Additional testing options.
- @param coverage_set GcovSet object to record coverage
- """
- if config.script_lang == None:
- config.script_lang = ChillConfig.ext_to_script_lang(chill_script.split('.')[-1])
- assert isinstance(config, ChillConfig)
- super(RunChillTestCase,self).__init__( + ':' + os.path.basename(chill_script))
- self.config = config
- self.wd = wd if (wd != None) else os.getcwd()
- self.chill_src_path = os.path.abspath(chill_src)
- self.chill_script_path = os.path.abspath(chill_script)
- self.chill_bin = os.path.join(self.config.bin_dir,
- self.chill_src = os.path.basename(self.chill_src_path)
- self.chill_script = os.path.basename(self.chill_script_path)
- self.chill_gensrc = self._get_gensrc(self.chill_src)
- self.chill_gensrc_path = os.path.join(self.wd, self.chill_gensrc)
- self.compile_src_func = self.config.compile_src_func()
- self.compile_gensrc_func = self.config.compile_gensrc_func()
- self.build_src_func = self.config.build_src_func()
- self.build_gensrc_func = self.config.build_gensrc_func()
- self._set_options(options, coverage_set)
- def _set_options(self, options, coverage_set=None):
- self.options = dict(RunChillTestCase.default_options)
- self.options.update(options)
- self.out = dict()
- self.expected = dict()
- if self.options['compile-src']:
- self.add_subtest('compile-src', self.compile_src)
- if self.options['run-script']:
- self.add_subtest('run-script', self.run_script)
- if self.options['compile-gensrc']:
- self.add_subtest('compile-generated-src', self.compile_gensrc)
- self.add_subtest('check-run-script-validate', self.check_run_script_validate)
- if self.options['check-run-script-stdout']:
- self.add_subtest('check-run-script-stdout', self.check_run_script_stdout)
- with open('.'.join(self.chill_script_path.split('.')[0:-1] + ['stdout']), 'r') as f:
- self.expected['run_script.stdout'] =
- self.coverage_set = coverage_set
- def _get_gensrc(self, src):
- """
- The name of the generated source file.
- """
- if not self.config.build_cuda:
- return 'rose_' + src
- else:
- return 'rose_' + '.'.join(src.split('.')[0:-1]) + '.cu'
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Called before any tests are performed. Moves source and script files into the working directory
- and removes any gcov data files
- """
-'cp', [self.chill_src_path, self.chill_src], wd=self.wd)
-'cp', [self.chill_script_path, self.chill_script], wd=self.wd)
- #TODO: check for chill binary
- def tearDown(self):
- """
- Called when the test is complete
- """
-'rm', ['-f', self.chill_src], wd=self.wd)
-'rm', ['-f', self.chill_script], wd=self.wd)
-'rm', ['-f', self.chill_gensrc], wd=self.wd)
- if self.options['coverage'] and self.coverage_set is not None:
- self.coverage_set.addcoverage(,
- # - - #
- # - Chill Tests - #
- # - - #
- def compile_src(self, tc):
- """
- Attempts to compile the source file before any transformation is performed. Fails if gcc fails.
- """
- #self.out['compile_src.stdout'] ='gcc', ['-c', self.chill_src], wd=self.wd)
- _, self.out['compile_src.stdout'] = self.compile_src_func(self.chill_src, util.mktemp(), wd=self.wd)
- return tc.make_pass()
- def run_script(self, tc):
- """
- Attempts to run the script file. Fails if chill exits with a non-zero result.
- """
- # look for cudaize.lua for cuda-chill
- if self.config.build_cuda and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.wd, 'cudaize.lua')):
- return test.TestResult.make_error(test.FailedTestResult, tc, reason='cudaize.lua was missing from the working directory.')
- self.out['run_script.stdout'] =, [self.chill_script], wd=self.wd)
- return tc.make_pass()
- def compile_gensrc(self, tc):
- """
- Attempts to compile the generated source file. Fails if gcc fails.
- """
- #self.out['compile_gensrc.stdout'] ='gcc', ['-c', self.chill_gensrc], wd=self.wd)
- _, self.out['compile_gensrc.stdout'] = self.compile_gensrc_func(self.chill_gensrc_path, util.mktemp(), wd=self.wd)
- return tc.make_pass()
- def check_run_script_validate(self, tc):
- """
- Generate test data and run both the original source and generated source against it.
- Fail if any test procedure generates different output.
- """
- for name, (is_valid, is_faster) in cpp_validate.run_from_src(self.chill_src, self.chill_gensrc, self.build_src_func, self.build_gensrc_func, wd=self.wd):
- self.out['check_run_script_validate.{}'.format(name)] = (is_valid, is_faster)
- if not is_valid:
- return tc.make_fail('test procedure {} returned invalid results.'.format(name))
- return tc.make_pass()
- def check_run_script_stdout(self, tc):
- """
- Diff stdout from run_script against an expected stdout
- """
- isdiff, diff = util.isdiff(self.out['run_script.stdout'], self.expected['run_script.stdout'])
- if isdiff:
- return test.TestResult.make_fail(test.FailedTestResult, tc, reason='Diff:\n' + diff)
- return tc.make_pass()
diff --git a/test-chill/testchill/ b/test-chill/testchill/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f19a12..0000000
--- a/test-chill/testchill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-import collections
-import os
-import pickle
-import re
-from . import util
-_script_parser = None
-def _get_script_parser():
- """
- Retrieve the test code generator language parser.
- """
- global _script_parser
- if _script_parser is None:
- with open('testchill/cpp_validate/parser.pickle','rb') as f:
- _script_parser = pickle.load(f)
- return _script_parser
-def _parse_testproc_python(txt, glbls=None):
- """
- Parse text as a python testchill._cpp_validate_env.Procedure object"
- @param txt Python code to be parsed.
- @param glbls A python global dict.
- """
- if glbls is None:
- glbls = dict()
- exec('import testchill._cpp_validate_env\nfrom testchill._cpp_validate_env import *', None, glbls)
- return eval(txt, glbls)
-def _parse_testproc_script(txt, glbls=None):
- """
- Parse text as test code generator language.
- @param txt Code to be parsed.
- @param glbls A python global dict.
- """
- parser = _get_script_parser()
- proc = list(parser.parse(util.textstream(txt)))[0]
- if glbls is None:
- from . import _cpp_validate_env
- glbls = dict()
- return _cpp_validate_env.addbindings(proc, glbls)
- else:
- return proc
-def _parse_testproc_iter(srcfile, wd=os.getcwd()):
- """
- Parse all test procedures from a file.
- @param srcfile File path to parse.
- @param wd Working directory.
- """
- default_attrs = {'lang':'script', 'define':'dict()'}
- for txt, parsed_attrs in util.extract_tag('test', srcfile, wd):
- attrs = collections.defaultdict(lambda: None)
- attrs.update(default_attrs)
- attrs.update(parsed_attrs)
- if attrs['lang'] == 'python':
- yield _parse_testproc_python(txt), attrs
- if attrs['lang'] == 'script':
- yield _parse_testproc_script(txt), attrs
-#def _compile_gpp(src, dest):
-# """
-# Compile a signle C++ source file into an executable object.
-# @param src Source file path.
-# @param dest Object file path.
-# """
-#'g++', ['-o', dest, src, '-lrt'])
-def _test_time(control_time, test_time):
- """
- Determine if test ran faster than control.
- @param control_time Time taken by control.
- @param test_time Time taken by test.
- """
- return control_time > test_time
-def _test_validate(control_dataout_path, test_dataout_path):
- """
- Determine if control and test computed the same values.
- @param control_dataout_path Path to the file writen by control.
- @param test_dataout_path Path to the file writen by test.
- """
- with open(control_dataout_path, 'rb') as controlfile:
- with open(test_dataout_path, 'rb') as testfile:
- return ==
-def _run_test_validate_time(control_obj_path, test_obj_path, datain_path):
- control_dataout_path = util.mktemp()
- test_dataout_path = util.mktemp()
- control_time, = eval(, [datain_path, control_dataout_path]))
- test_time, = eval(, [datain_path, test_dataout_path]))
- return _test_validate(control_dataout_path, test_dataout_path), _test_time(control_time, test_time)
-#def _run_test_validate_time(control_obj_path, test_obj_path, datain_path, wd):
- #control_obj_path = '.'.join(control_src_path.split('.')[:-1])
- #test_obj_path = '.'.join(test_src_path.split('.')[:-1])
- #util.set_tempfile(control_obj_path)
- #util.set_tempfile(test_obj_path)
- #_compile_gpp(control_src_path, control_obj_path)
- #_compile_gpp(test_src_path, test_obj_path)
- #test_validate, test_time = _run_test_validate_time(control_obj_path, test_obj_path, datain_path)
- #return test_validate, test_time
-def _generate_initial_data(test_proc, srcfile, defines, wd=os.getcwd()):
- filename = os.path.join(wd, os.path.basename(srcfile)) + '.data'
- with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
- for p_name, p_type, p_dims, p_data in test_proc.generatedata(['in', 'inout'], defines):
- f.write(p_data)
- for p_name, p_type, p_dims, p_data in test_proc.generatedata(['out'], defines):
- f.write(p_data)
- return filename
-def _format_insertion_dict(test_proc, src_path, defines):
- with open(src_path, 'r') as src_file:
- return {
- 'defines' : '\n'.join(['#define {} {}'.format(k,v) for k,v in defines.items()]),
- 'test-proc' :,
- 'declarations' : '\n'.join(test_proc.generatedecls(defines)),
- 'read-in' : '\n'.join(test_proc.generatereads(['in','inout'], 'datafile_initialize', defines)),
- 'read-out' : '\n'.join(test_proc.generatereads(['out'], 'datafile_initialize', defines)),
- 'run' : test_proc.getinvokestr(),
- 'write-out' : '\n'.join(test_proc.generatewrites('datafile_out', defines)),
- }
-def _write_generated_code(test_proc, src_path, defines, dest_filename, wd):
- insertion_dict = _format_insertion_dict(test_proc, src_path, defines)
- dest_file_path = os.path.join(wd, dest_filename)
- with open('testchill/cpp_validate/src/validate.cpp', 'r') as template_file:
- with open(dest_file_path, 'w') as destfile:
- template_text =
- desttext = template_text
- for match in re.finditer(r'(?P<indent>[ \t]*)//# (?P<name>[^\s]+)', template_text):
- destlines = insertion_dict['name')].splitlines()
- indent ='indent')
- match_text =
- repl_text = '\n'.join([indent + line for line in destlines])
- desttext = desttext.replace(match_text, repl_text)
- destfile.write(desttext)
- return dest_file_path
-def run_from_src(control_src, test_src, build_control_func, build_test_func, wd=os.getcwd()):
- control_src_path = os.path.join(wd, control_src)
- test_src_path = os.path.join(wd, test_src)
- gen_control_obj_path = os.path.join(wd, 'control_obj')
- gen_test_obj_path = os.path.join(wd, 'test_obj')
- for test_proc, attrs in _parse_testproc_iter(control_src, wd):
- defines = eval(attrs['define'])
- datafile = _generate_initial_data(test_proc, control_src_path, defines, wd=wd)
- gen_control_src = _write_generated_code(test_proc, control_src_path, defines, '', wd)
- gen_test_src = _write_generated_code(test_proc, test_src_path, defines, '', wd)
- gen_control_obj, _ = build_control_func(gen_control_src, gen_control_obj_path)
- gen_test_obj, _ = build_test_func(gen_test_src, gen_test_obj_path)
- util.set_tempfile(gen_control_obj)
- util.set_tempfile(gen_test_obj)
- yield attrs['name'], _run_test_validate_time(gen_control_obj, gen_test_obj, datafile)
-def parse_defines_iter(src, wd=os.getcwd()):
- for txt, attrs in util.extract_tag('test', src, wd):
- if 'define' in attrs.keys():
- yield eval(attrs['define'])
diff --git a/test-chill/testchill/cpp_validate/grammar.txt b/test-chill/testchill/cpp_validate/grammar.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fdb8c00..0000000
--- a/test-chill/testchill/cpp_validate/grammar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
- Identifier '[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*'
- NumericLiteral '[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?'
- Comment '\#([^\x0a])*'
- WS '\s+'
-ignore: WS, <NL>, Comment
-<proc-unit> ::=
- <with-stmt>:w => w
- <proc>:p => p
-<with-stmt> ::=
- 'with' '{' <with-decl-list-opt>:decls '}' <proc-unit>:p => addbindings(p, dict(decls))
-<with-decl-list-opt> ::=
- eps => []
- <with-decl-list>:l => l
-<with-decl-list> ::=
- <with-decl-list>:l ',' <with-decl>:decl => l + [decl]
- <with-decl>:decl => [decl]
-<with-decl> ::=
- Identifier:name ':' <expr>:e => (name, (None, e))
- <c-type>:ctype Identifier:name ':' <expr>:e => (name, (ctype, e))
-<proc> ::=
- 'procedure' <c-type>:rtype Identifier:name '(' <param-list-opt>:plist ')'
- => Procedure(name, rtype, plist)
-<c-type> ::=
- <c-type>:bt '*' => CppPointerType(bt)
- <c-type>:bt <c-array-dim-list>:dims => CppArrayType(bt, dims)
- 'void' => CppVoidType()
- 'char' => CppPrimitiveType.get_from_cppname('char')
- 'signed' 'char' => CppPrimitiveType.get_from_cppname('signed char')
- 'unsigned' 'char' => CppPrimitiveType.get_from_cppname('unsigned char')
- 'short' => CppPrimitiveType.get_from_cppname('short')
- 'unsigned' 'short' => CppPrimitiveType.get_from_cppname('unsigned short')
- 'int' => CppPrimitiveType.get_from_cppname('int')
- 'unsigned' 'int' => CppPrimitiveType.get_from_cppname('unsigned int')
- 'long' => CppPrimitiveType.get_from_cppname('long')
- 'unsigned' 'long' => CppPrimitiveType.get_from_cppname('unsigned long')
- 'long' 'long' => CppPrimitiveType.get_from_cppname('long long')
- 'unsigned' 'long' 'long' => CppPrimitiveType.get_from_cppname('unsigned long long')
- 'float' => CppPrimitiveType.get_from_cppname('float')
- 'double' => CppPrimitiveType.get_from_cppname('double')
-<c-array-dim-list> ::=
- <c-array-dim-list>:dlist '[' <expr>:e ']' => dlist + [e]
- <c-array-dim-list>:dlist '[' ']' => dlist + [None]
- '[' ']' => [None]
- '[' <expr>:e ']' => [e]
-<param-list-opt> ::=
- eps => []
- <param-list>:l => l
-<param-list> ::=
- <param-list>:l ',' <param>:p => l + [p]
- <param>:p => [p]
-<param> ::=
- <direction>:d <c-type>:t Identifier:name '=' <expr>:e => Parameter(name, t, d, e)
- <direction>:d <c-type>:t Identifier:name => Parameter(name, t, d, None)
-<direction> ::=
- 'in' => 'in'
- 'out' => 'out'
- 'in' 'out' => 'inout'
- 'out' 'in' => 'inout'
- eps => 'inout'
-<expr> ::=
- <add-expr>:e => e
- 'lambda' <id-list-opt>:params ':' <expr>:e => LambdaExpr(params, e)
- 'matrix' '(' <dim-list-expr>:d ',' <expr>:e ')' => MatrixGenerator(d, e)
- 'matrix' <named-dim-list-expr>:dims <expr>:e => MatrixGenerator([d[1] for d in dims], LambdaExpr([d[0] for d in dims], e))
-<add-expr> ::=
- <add-expr>:l '+' <mul-expr>:r => BinExpr(l, '+', r)
- <add-expr>:l '-' <mul-expr>:r => BinExpr(l, '-', r)
- <mul-expr>:e => e
-<mul-expr> ::=
- <mul-expr>:l '*' <prefix-expr>:r => BinExpr(l, '*', r)
- <mul-expr>:l '/' <prefix-expr>:r => BinExpr(l, '/', r)
- <prefix-expr>:e => e
-<prefix-expr> ::=
- '-' <prefix-expr>:e => UnaryExpr('-', e)
- <postfix-expr>:e => e
-<postfix-expr> ::=
- <pow-expr>:e => e
-<pow-expr> ::=
- <term-expr>:l '**' <pow-expr>:r => BinExpr(l, '**', r)
- <term-expr>:e => e
-<term-expr> ::=
- '(' <expr>:e ')' => e
- '[' <expr-list-opt>:l ']' => l
- Identifier:name => NameExpr(name)
- NumericLiteral:num => ConstantExpr(num)
- 'random' '(' <expr>:mn ',' <expr>:mx ')' => RandomExpr(mn, mx)
- <term-expr>:f '(' <expr-list-opt>:l ')' => InvokeExpr(f, l)
- <term-expr>:n '.' Identifier:attr => AttributeExpr(n, attr)
-<expr-list-opt> ::=
- eps => []
- <expr-list>:l => l
-<expr-list> ::=
- <expr-list>:l ',' <expr>:e => l + [e]
- <expr>:e => [e]
-<dim-list-expr> ::=
- '[' <dim-expr-list>:l ']' => l
-<dim-expr-list> ::=
- <dim-expr-list>:l ',' <dim-expr>:e => l + [e]
- <dim-expr>:e => [e]
-<dim-expr> ::=
- eps => None
- '*' => None
- <expr>:e => e
-<id-list-opt> ::=
- eps => []
- <id-list>:l => l
-<id-list> ::=
- <id-list>:l ',' Identifier:ident => l + [ident]
- Identifier:ident => [ident]
-<named-dim-list-expr> ::=
- '[' <named-dim-expr-list>:l ']' => l
-<named-dim-expr-list> ::=
- <named-dim-expr-list>:l ',' <named-dim-expr>:e => l + [e]
- <named-dim-expr>:e => [e]
-<named-dim-expr> ::=
- Identifier:name => (name, None)
- Identifier:name ':' <expr>:e => (name, e)
diff --git a/test-chill/testchill/cpp_validate/src/validate.cpp b/test-chill/testchill/cpp_validate/src/validate.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f09009d..0000000
--- a/test-chill/testchill/cpp_validate/src/validate.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#include <time.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <cstdio>
-//# defines
-//# test-proc
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- //# declarations
- timespec start_time;
- timespec end_time;
- std::ifstream datafile_initialize(argv[1]);
- //# read-in
- //# read-out
- datafile_initialize.close();
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start_time);
- //# run
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &end_time);
- std::ofstream datafile_out(argv[2]);
- //# write-out
- datafile_out.close();
- double time_diff = (end_time.tv_sec - start_time.tv_sec) + (end_time.tv_nsec - start_time.tv_nsec)/1000000000.0;
- std::printf("(%f,)", time_diff);
- return 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/testchill/ b/test-chill/testchill/
deleted file mode 100644
index 668c00e..0000000
--- a/test-chill/testchill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import functools
-import itertools
-import os
-import os.path
-import sys
-from . import util
-class GcovFile(object):
- def __init__(self, src_file_name, cov_file_path, lines, properties):
- """
- @param src_file_name Name of the source file.
- @param cov_file_path Full path to the coverage file.
- @param lines List of GcovLine objects.
- @param properties Properties from the coverage file.
- """
- self.src_file_name = src_file_name
- self.cov_file_path = cov_file_path
- self.lines = lines
- = properties
- @staticmethod
- def parse_file(gcov, fname, process=None):
- """
- Parse a file into a GcovFile object.
- @param gcov Gcov object that tis file is a part of.
- @param gname File name.
- @param process Process name
- """
-'gcov', [fname], wd=gcov.srcdir)
- cov_file_path = os.path.join(gcov.srcdir, fname + '.gcov')
- src_file_name = fname
- if os.path.exists(cov_file_path):
- with open(cov_file_path, 'r') as f:
- lines, properties = GcovFile.parse_lines(f.readlines(), process)
- return GcovFile(src_file_name, cov_file_path, lines, properties)
- else:
- return None
- @staticmethod
- def parse_lines(str_lines, process):
- """
- Parse a string from a coverage file into a list of GcovLine objects.
- @param str_lines Full text of a coverage file.
- @param process Name of the process that executed the code.
- """
- properties = dict()
- lines = []
- for line in str_lines:
- if line[-1] == '\n':
- line = line[0:-1]
- pline = line.split(':')
- pline = list(map(str.strip, pline[0:2])) + pline[2:]
- if pline[1] == '0':
- properties[pline[2]] = pline[3].strip()
- elif pline[0][0] == '-':
- lines.append(GcovLine(int(pline[1]), dict(), ':'.join(pline[2:])))
- elif pline[0][0] == '#':
- lines.append(GcovLine(int(pline[1]), {process : 0}, ':'.join(pline[2:])))
- else:
- lines.append(GcovLine(int(pline[1]), {process : int(pline[0])}, ':'.join(pline[2:])))
- return lines, properties
- @staticmethod
- def union(left, right):
- """
- Merge two different coverages of the same file into a single coverage object.
- """
- return left | right
- def __or__(self, right):
- """
- Merge two different coverages of the same file into a single coverage object.
- """
- new_file = self.clone()
- new_file.merge(right)
- return new_file
- def __ior__(self, right):
- """
- Merge two different coverages of the same file into a single coverage object.
- """
- self.merge(right)
- return self
- def merge(self, other):
- """
- Merge another coeverage into self.
- """
- assert self.src_file_name == other.src_file_name
- GcovLine.merge_lines(self.lines, other.lines)
- def clone(self):
- """
- Create a shallow clone.
- """
- return GcovFile(self.src_file_name, self.cov_file_path, list(self.lines), dict(
-class GcovLine(object):
- def __init__(self, lineno, count_by_process, code):
- """
- @param lineno Line number.
- @param count_by_prcess A dictionary of execution counts by name of the process that executed them.
- @param code Source code from this line.
- """
- self.lineno = lineno
- self.count_by_process = count_by_process
- self.code = code
- @staticmethod
- def merge_lines(lines, other_lines):
- """
- Merge lines from other_line into lines.
- """
- for line, other_line in zip(lines, other_lines):
- assert line.lineno == other_line.lineno
- assert line.code == other_line.code
- line.count_by_process.update(other_line.count_by_process)
- def count(self):
- """
- The total number of times this line was executed.
- """
- runable_list = [l for l in self.count_by_process.values() if l is not None]
- if len(runable_list) == 0:
- return None
- else:
- return sum(runable_list)
- def __repr__(self):
- return str((self.lineno, self.count_by_process, self.code))
-class Gcov(object):
- def __init__(self, srcdir):
- self.srcdir = srcdir
- self.files = dict()
- @staticmethod
- def parse(srcdir, process=None):
- gcov = Gcov(srcdir)
- gcov._append(filter(lambda f: f is not None, map(functools.partial(GcovFile.parse_file, gcov, process=process),
- util.filterext(['cc','c','cpp','h','hh'], os.listdir(srcdir)))))
- return gcov
- def _append(self, files):
- for f in files:
- if f.src_file_name in self.files:
- self.files[f.src_file_name].merge(f)
- else:
- self.files[f.src_file_name] = f
- def __or__(self, right):
- new_cov = self.clone()
- new_cov.merge(right)
- return new_cov
- def __ior__(self, right):
- self.merge(right)
- return self
- @staticmethod
- def union(left, right):
- return left | right
- def merge(self, other):
- self._append(other.files.values())
- def clone(self):
- new_cov = Gcov(self.srcdir)
- new_cov._append(iter(f.clone() for f in self.files.values()))
- return new_cov
-class GcovSet(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.coverage_by_program = dict()
- def addprogram(self, prog_name, src_dir):
- self.coverage_by_program[prog_name] = Gcov(src_dir)
- def addcoverage(self, prog_name, process_name):
- cov = self.coverage_by_program[prog_name]
- cov.merge(Gcov.parse(cov.srcdir, process_name))
- #def unexecuted_lines(self):
- # covlist = sorted(self.coverage_by_program.values(), key=lambda c: c.srcdir)
- # for src, grp in itertools.groupby(covlist, lambda c: c.srcdir):
- # files = functools.reduce(lambda a, c: a | c, grp).files.values()
- # file_lines = iter((f.src_file_name, iter(l for l in f.lines if l.count() == 0)) for f in files)
- # yield src, file_lines
- #
- #def pretty_print(self, outfile=sys.stdout, width=60, stats=['unexecuted', 'unexecuted.bysrc']):
- # print('='*width, file=outfile)
- # print(' CODE COVERAGE', file=outfile)
- #
- # if 'unexecuted' in stats:
- # print('='*width, file=outfile)
- # print(' unexecuted lines', file=outfile)
- # if 'unexecuted.bysrc' in stats:
- # for src, file_lines in self.unexecuted_lines():
- # print((src + ':'), file=outfile)
- # print('-'*width, file=outfile)
- # for src_file_name, lines in file_lines:
- # print(' ' + src_file_name + ':', file=outfile)
- # for line in lines:
- # print("{}:{}".format(str(line.lineno).rjust(5), line.code), file=outfile)
- # #print('='*width, file=outfile)
- # #print(prog, file=outfile)
- # #print('-'*width, file=outfile)
- def _get_coverage_by_file(self):
- return functools.reduce(lambda a,b: a|b, self.coverage_by_program.values()).files
- def _get_filenames(self):
- return self.coverage_by_file.keys()
- coverage_by_file = property(_get_coverage_by_file)
- filenames = property(_get_filenames)
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deleted file mode 100644
index 962333a..0000000
--- a/test-chill/testchill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-from . import test
-from . import util
-class BuildOmegaTestCase(test.TestCase):
- def __init__(self, omega_dir, version='dev'):
- super(BuildOmegaTestCase, self).__init__(BuildOmegaTestCase.getname(version))
- self.omega_dir = omega_dir
- self.version = version
- @staticmethod
- def getname(version):
- if version == 'release':
- return 'omega-release'
- else:
- return 'omega'
- def setUp(self):
-'make clean', wd=self.omega_dir)
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def run(self):
-'make depend', wd=self.omega_dir)
-'make', wd=self.omega_dir)
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deleted file mode 100644
index c38b98a..0000000
--- a/test-chill/testchill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-#TODO: test dependencies
-#TODO: expected failures
-import itertools
-import io
-import logging
-import pprint
-import sys
-import traceback
-from . import util
-class TestResult(object):
- """
- The base class for all test results.
- """
- _pass = 'pass'
- _error = 'error'
- _fail = 'fail'
- _skipped = 'skipped'
- def __init__(self, testcase, status):
- self.testcase_name =
- self.status = status
- testcase.setresult(self)
- @staticmethod
- def make_pass(result_type, testcase, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Create and return a passing test result of type result_type.
- @param result_type A class that extends TestResult
- @param testcase The test case that generated the result
- @param *args Additional positional arguments to be passed to result_type.__init__
- @param *kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to result_type.__init__
- """
- return result_type(testcase, TestResult._pass, *args, **kwargs)
- @staticmethod
- def make_error(result_type, testcase, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Create and return a errored test result of type result_type.
- @param result_type A class that extends TestResult
- @param testcase The test case that generated the result
- @param *args Additional positional arguments to be passed to result_type.__init__
- @param *kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to result_type.__init__
- """
- return result_type(testcase, TestResult._error, *args, **kwargs)
- @staticmethod
- def make_fail(result_type, testcase, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Create and return a failed test result of type result_type.
- @param result_type A class that extends TestResult
- @param testcase The test case that generated the result
- @param *args Additional positional arguments to be passed to result_type.__init__
- @param *kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to result_type.__init__
- """
- return result_type(testcase, TestResult._fail, *args, **kwargs)
- @staticmethod
- def make_skipped(result_type, testcase, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Create and return a skipped test result of type result_type.
- @param result_type A class that extends TestResult
- @param testcase The test case that generated the result
- @param *args Additional positional arguments to be passed to result_type.__init__
- @param *kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to result_type.__init__
- """
- return result_type(testcase, TestResult._skipped, *args, **kwargs)
- def passed(self):
- """ Return true iff the testcase passed. """
- return self.status == TestResult._pass
- def errored(self):
- """ Return true iff the testcase passed. """
- return self.status == TestResult._error
- def failed(self):
- """ Return true iff the testcase passed. """
- return self.status == TestResult._fail
- def skipped(self):
- """ Return true iff the testcase was skipped """
- return self.status == TestResult._skipped
- def pprint_dict(self):
- """
- Return a dict that is ideal for passing to pprint.
- """
- return {'testcase_name': self.testcase_name, 'status':self.status}
- def pretty_print(self, width=60, outfile=sys.stdout):
- """
- Print result to a file in a human readable way.
- """
- print('='*width, end='\n', file=outfile)
- print("{}: {}".format(self.status, self.testcase_name), end='\n', file=outfile)
- print('-'*width, end='\n', file=outfile)
- print(self.pretty_message(), end='\n', file=outfile)
- print('-'*width, end='\n', file=outfile)
- def pretty_message(self):
- """ Return a message to be printed by pretty_print. Returns an empyt string if not overriden. """
- return ''
-class FailedTestResult(TestResult):
- """
- A basic implementation of TestResult for failed tests.
- """
- def __init__(self, testcase, status=TestResult._fail, reason=None):
- super(FailedTestResult, self).__init__(testcase, status)
- self.reason = reason
- def pprint_dict(self):
- """
- Return a dict that is ideal for passing to pprint.
- """
- ppdict = super(FailedTestResult, self).pprint_dict()
- ppdict['reason'] = self.reason
- return ppdict
- def pretty_message(self):
- return self.reason
-class CompoundTestResult(TestResult):
- """
- A TestResult returned by running a sequencial test case
- """
- def __init__(self, testcase, results):
- super(CompoundTestResult, self).__init__(testcase, None)
- self.sub_results = results
- status_list = [r.status for r in results]
- if TestResult._fail in status_list:
- self.status = TestResult._fail
- elif TestResult._error in status_list:
- self.status = TestResult._error
- elif TestResult._pass in status_list:
- self.status = TestResult._pass
- else:
- self.status = TestResult._skipped
- def pprint_dict(self):
- """
- Returns a dict that is ideal for passing to pprint.
- """
- ppdict = super(CompoundTestResult, self).pprint_dict()
- ppdict['sub_results'] = list(s.pprint_dict() for s in self.sub_results)
- return ppdict
- def pretty_message(self):
- return '\n'.join(
- "{}: {}{}".format(
- st.status,
- st.testcase_name,
- '\n' + st.pretty_message() if st.status in [TestResult._fail, TestResult._error] else '')
- for st in self.sub_results)
-class SubTestResult(TestResult):
- """
- A TestResult for a subtest in a sequencial test case.
- """
- def __init__(self, subtest_name, inner_result):
- """
- @param subtest_name The name of the subtest.
- @param inner_result The result returned from running the subtest.
- """
- super(SubTestResult, self).__init__(inner_result.testcase, inner_result.status)
- self.inner_result = inner_result
- def pprint_dict(self):
- """
- Return a dict that is ideal for passing to pprint.
- """
- ppdict = super(CompoundTestResult, self).pprint_dict()
- ppdict['inner_result'] = self.inner_result.pprint_dict()
- return ppdict
-class UnhandledExceptionTestResult(TestResult):
- """
- A TestResult returned for exceptions that the test case failed to handle.
- """
- def __init__(self, testcase, status, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
- super(UnhandledExceptionTestResult, self).__init__(testcase, status)
- self.exception_type = exc_type
- self.exception_value = exc_value
- if not exc_traceback is None:
- sio = util.StringIO()
- traceback.print_exception(self.exception_type, self.exception_value, exc_traceback, file=sio)
- self.exception_message = sio.getvalue()
- else:
- self.exception_message = "{}: {}".format(str(exc_type), str(exc_value))
- def pprint_dict(self):
- """
- Return a dict that is ideal for passing to pprint.
- """
- ppdict = super(UnhandledExceptionTestResult, self).pprint_dict()
- ppdict['exception_type'] = self.exception_type
- ppdict['exception_value'] = self.exception_value
- ppdict['exception_message'] = self.exception_message
- return ppdict
- def pretty_message(self):
- return self.exception_message
-class TestCase(object):
- """
- Base class for all test cases
- """
- def __init__(self, name=None):
- """
- @param name A unique test case name.
- """
- = name
- def setUp(self):
- """
- Called imediately before a testcase is executed.
- """
- pass
- def run(self):
- """
- Run the test case, and return its result.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def tearDown(self):
- """
- Called imediately after a testcase is executed.
- """
- pass
- def catch(self, exc):
- """
- Called when run raises an exception. If the test case
- knows how to handle it, it should return it's own result or None.
- Otherwise, return the original exception.
- """
- return exc
- def setresult(self, test_result):
- """
- Called after a test issues a result and before tearDown is called.
- """
- self.test_result = test_result
- def make_pass(self, result_type=TestResult, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Make a passed result for this testcase.
- """
- return TestResult.make_pass(result_type, self, *args, **kwargs)
- def make_fail(self, result_type=FailedTestResult, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Make a failed result for this testcase.
- """
- return TestResult.make_fail(result_type, self, *args, **kwargs)
-class SequencialTestCase(TestCase):
- """
- A test case that executes a sequence of subtests until
- one fails.
- """
- def __init__(self, name):
- super(SequencialTestCase, self).__init__(name)
- self.tests = []
- def add_subtest(self, subtest_name, subtest_func):
- """
- Add a subtest.
- """
- self.tests.append((subtest_name, subtest_func))
- def run(self):
- return CompoundTestResult(self, list(self._runall()))
- def _runall(self):
- return _rungen([SubTestCase(name, func) for name, func in self.tests], failfast=True)
-class SubTestCase(TestCase):
- """
- A subtest of a sequncial test.
- """
- def __init__(self, name, func):
- super(SubTestCase, self).__init__(name)
- = lambda: func(self)
-def run(tclist, failfast=False):
- """
- Run all test cases in tclist and return a list of thier results.
- """
- return list(_rungen(tclist, failfast))
-def _rungen(tclist, failfast=False):
- """
- A generator for running tests internally.
- """
- for tc in tclist:
- result = None
- tc.setUp()
- try:
- result = _result(, tc)
- except Exception as ex:
- result = _result(tc.catch(ex), tc)
- tc.tearDown()
- yield result
- if failfast and (result.failed() or result.errored()):
- break
-def _result(res, tc):
- """
- Convert res to a TestResult object.
- If res is a TestResult object, give it back.
- If res is an Exception, return an UnandledExceptionTestResult.
- If res is something else, discard it and return a passed TestResult.
- """
- if isinstance(res, TestResult):
- return res
- elif isinstance(res, Exception):
-'uncaught exception: {}'.format(str(res)))
- return TestResult.make_error(UnhandledExceptionTestResult, tc, *(sys.exc_info()))
- else:
- return TestResult.make_pass(TestResult, tc)
-def pprint_results(result_iter, outfile=sys.stdout):
- """
- Print pprint version of test results to a file-like object.
- @param result_iter An iterator of results to print.
- @param outfile An opened file-like object to print to (defaults to stdout).
- """
- status_func = lambda r: r.status
- result_iter = sorted(result_iter, key=status_func)
- status_dict = dict(iter((k, list(map(lambda tc: tc.pprint_dict(), g))) for k, g in itertools.groupby(result_iter, status_func)))
- pprint.pprint(status_dict, stream=outfile)
-def pretty_print_results(
- result_iter,
- count_by_status=True, exclude_passed=True, exclude_skipped=True, exclude_failed=False,
- exclude_errored=False, sort_by_status=True, width=60, outfile=sys.stdout):
- """
- Print iterator of TestResults in a human readable format to a file-like object.
- @param result_iter An iterator of TestResult objects to print.
- @param count_by_status Print the number of tests for each status (defaults to True).
- @param exclude_passed Exclude passed test results from printing (defaults to True).
- @param exclude_skipped Exclude skipped test results from printing (defaults to True).
- @param exclude_failed Exclude failed test results from printing (defaults to False).
- @param exclude_errored Exclude errored test results from printing (defaults to False).
- @param sort_by_status Print test results in order of status: passed, errored, failed, then skipped (defaults to True).
- @param width Printing width (defaults to 60).
- @param outfile A file-like object to print to (defaults to stdout).
- """
- result_list = list(result_iter)
- status_func = lambda r: r.status
- if sort_by_status:
- #TODO: printing order
- result_iter = sorted(result_iter, key=status_func)
- if count_by_status:
- print('Passed: {}'.format(len([tr for tr in result_list if tr.passed()])), file=outfile)
- print('Errors: {}'.format(len([tr for tr in result_list if tr.errored()])), file=outfile)
- print('Failed: {}'.format(len([tr for tr in result_list if tr.failed()])), file=outfile)
- print('Skipped: {}'.format(len([tr for tr in result_list if tr.skipped()])), file=outfile)
- #TODO: something that doesn't expose TestResult._*
- print_status = set(itertools.compress([TestResult._pass, TestResult._error, TestResult._fail, TestResult._skipped],
- map(lambda n: not n, [exclude_passed, exclude_errored, exclude_failed, exclude_skipped])))
- for tr in (r for r in result_list if r.status in print_status):
- tr.pretty_print(width=width, outfile=outfile)
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deleted file mode 100644
index 266a94d..0000000
--- a/test-chill/testchill/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-import difflib
-import functools
-import itertools
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import sysconfig
-import subprocess
-import tempfile
-logging.basicConfig(filename='testchill.log', level=logging.DEBUG, filemode='w')
-python_version = sysconfig.get_python_version()
-python_version_major = int(sysconfig.get_python_version().split('.')[0])
-python_version_minor = int(sysconfig.get_python_version().split('.')[1])
-if python_version_major == 2:
- from StringIO import StringIO
- from io import StringIO
-_temp_dirs = []
-_temp_files = []
-### Errors ###
-### Shell Util ###
-def shell(cmd, args=[], stdout=None, stderr=None, env={}, wd=os.getcwd()):
- """
- Execute a shell command.
- @params cmd The command name
- @params args A list of command line arguments (defaults to [])
- @params stdout A file like object or file number that reads input written to stdout.
- stdout will be returned as a string if this is None or not given.
- @params stderr A file like object or file number that reads input written to stderr.
- @params env A dict of environment variables. Before the command is executed, these will be exported
- @params wd The working directory. Before the command is executed, the working directory will be changed to wd. (wd defaults to the current working directory)
- """
- fullcmd = ' '.join(['export {}={};'.format(k,str(v)) for k,v in env.items()] + ['cd {};'.format(wd)] + [cmd] + args)
-'shell: '+fullcmd)
- if stdout == None:
- outp = subprocess.check_output(fullcmd, stderr=stderr, shell=True)
- if python_version_major == 2:
- return outp
- elif python_version_major == 3:
- return outp.decode()
- else:
- subprocess.check_call(fullcmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, shell=True)
-def mkdir_p(directory, temp=False, **kwargs):
- """
- Make directory (equivelent to shell('mkdir', ['-p', directory]))
- """
- if not os.path.exists(directory):
- if temp and (directory not in _temp_dirs):
- _temp_dirs.append(directory)
- shell('mkdir', ['-p', directory], **kwargs)
-def set_tempfile(filename):
- """
- Add a file to a list of temp files
- @param filename The full path to a temparary file.
- """
- _temp_files.append(filename)
-def withtmp(wtfunc, rdfunc):
- """
- Perform some operation using a temporary file.
- @param wtfunc A function that writes to the temparary file
- @param rdfybc A function that reads from the temparary file
- """
- with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as f:
- wtfunc(f)
- return rdfunc(f)
-def rmtemp():
- """
- Clean temp files and directories
- """
- for temp_file in list(_temp_files):
- if os.path.exists(temp_file):
- shell('rm', [temp_file])
- _temp_files.remove(temp_file)
- for temp_dir in list(_temp_dirs):
- if os.path.exists(temp_dir):
- shell('rm', ['-rf', temp_dir])
- _temp_dirs.remove(temp_dir)
-def mktemp(mode=None):
- """
- Create a temparary file. Returns a two-tuple with an open file object and the filename.
- """
- fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp()
- _temp_files.append(name)
- if mode is None:
- os.close(fd)
- return name
- else:
- return os.fdopen(fd, mode), name
-### Misc Util ###
-def copy(obj, exclude=[]):
- """
- Make a shallow copy of a python object with __dict__, excluding any attribute in exclude
- @param obj The object to copy
- @param exclude A list of attributes to ignore
- """
- nobj = type(obj)()
- for k, v in vars(obj).items():
- if k in exclude: continue
- setattr(nobj, k, v)
- return nobj
-def applyenv(line):
- """
- Apply bash style environment variables to a string
- @param line The input string
- """
- return re.sub(r'\$([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\b',lambda m: str(os.getenv(, '')), line)
-def callonce(func):
- """
- Assert that a function is only ever called once.
- @param func Function to only be run once.
- """
- pred_name = '__' + func.__module__.replace('.','__') + '_' + func.__name__ + '_called'
- globals()[pred_name] = False
- @functools.wraps(func)
- def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
- if not globals()[pred_name]:
- globals()[pred_name] = True
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- else:
- raise Exception('{} was invoked multiple times.'.format(func.__name___))
- return wrapper
-def isdiff(strone, strtwo):
- """
- Diff two strings. Returns a two element tuple. The first is True if the the two files are different, and the
- next is a textual representation of the diff.
- @param strone First string.
- @param strtwo Second string.
- """
- diff = list(difflib.ndiff(strone.splitlines(), strtwo.splitlines()))
- return len(list(line for line in diff if line[0] in ['-','+'])) != 0, '\n'.join(diff)
-def filterext(ext_list, filenames):
- """
- Filter file names by extension.
- @param ext_list A list of extensions.
- @param filenames An iterable object of file names.
- """
- return iter(s for s in filenames if any(s.strip().endswith(e) for e in ext_list))
-def extract_tag(tagname, filename, wd=os.getcwd()):
- """
- Extract commented out text in each html tag '<tagname>'. Returns a list of tuples for each tag.
- Each tuple has two elements, the first is the text found in the tag, the second contains a dict
- of attributes given in the tag.
- @param tagname The name of the tag to search for.
- @param filename A filename to search for comments in.
- @param wd The working directory.
- """
- from . import _extract
- return _extract.extract_tag(tagname, filename, wd)
-def textstream(txt):
- """
- Creates a stream from text. Intended to hide version differences between 2 and 3.
- @param txt A string to use as the default data in a stream.
- """
- if python_version_major == 2:
- import StringIO
- return StringIO.StringIO(txt)
- elif python_version_major == 3:
- import io
- return io.StringIO(txt)
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b13789..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
deleted file mode 100755
index 93eb080..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-import struct
-data = list(range(15)) + list(range(10)) + [0]*6
-bindata = ''.join([struct.pack('f',n) for n in data])
-with open('','wb') as f:
- f.write(bindata)
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6131ae1..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#define AN 3
-#define BM 2
-#define AMBN 5
-<test name='mm_small'>
-procedure void mm(
- in float[3][5] A = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: random(-8,8)),
- in float[5][2] B = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: random(-8,8)),
- out float[3][2] C = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: 0))
-void mm(float A[AN][AMBN], float B[AMBN][BM], float C[AN][BM]) {
- int i;
- int j;
- int k;
- for(i = 0; i < AN; i++) {
- for(j = 0; j < BM; j++) {
- for(k = 0; k < AMBN; k++) {
- C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/mm_one.testproc b/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/mm_one.testproc
deleted file mode 100644
index a12a963..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/mm_one.testproc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-procedure void mm(
- in float[3][5] A = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: random(-8,8)),
- in float[5][2] B = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: random(-8,8)),
- out float[3][2] C = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: 0))
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
deleted file mode 100644
index e35f189..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-<test name='mm_small' define="{'AN':3, 'BM':2, 'AMBN':5}">
-procedure void mm(
- in float[AN][AMBN] A = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: random(-8,8)),
- in float[AMBN][BM] B = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: random(-8,8)),
- out float[AN][BM] C = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: 0))
-void mm(float A[AN][AMBN], float B[AMBN][BM], float C[AN][BM]) {
- int i;
- int j;
- int k;
- for(i = 0; i < AN; i++) {
- for(j = 0; j < BM; j++) {
- for(k = 0; k < AMBN; k++) {
- C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b7e6c1..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-#define AN 3
-#define BM 2
-#define AMBN 5
-//#define PRINT
-#include <time.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <cstdio>
-<test name='mm_small'>
-procedure void mm(
- in float[3][5] A = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: random(-8,8)),
- in float[5][2] B = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: random(-8,8)),
- out float[3][2] C = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: 0))
-void mm(float A[AN][AMBN], float B[AMBN][BM], float C[AN][BM]) {
- int i;
- int j;
- int k;
- for(i = 0; i < AN; i++) {
- for(j = 0; j < BM; j++) {
- C[i][j] = 0;
- for(k = 0; k < AMBN; k++) {
- C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];
- }
- }
- }
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- float A[3][5] = {{0,1,2,3,4},{5,6,7,8,9},{10,11,12,13,14}};
- float B[5][2] = {{0,1},{2,3},{4,5},{6,7},{8,9}};
- float C[3][2] = {{0,0},{0,0},{0,0}};
- timespec start_time;
- timespec end_time;
- if (argc == 3) {
- std::ifstream is(argv[1], std::ifstream::in | std::ifstream::binary);
-*)A, 15*sizeof(float));
-*)B, 10*sizeof(float));
- is.close();
- }
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start_time);
- for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
- mm(A,B,C);
- }
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &end_time);
- if (argc == 3) {
- std::ofstream os(argv[2], std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::binary);
- os.write((char*)C, 6*sizeof(float));
- os.close();
- }
- #ifdef PRINT
- std::printf("A:\n");
- for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- std::printf("[");
- for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
- std::printf("%f,",A[i][j]);
- }
- std::printf("]\n");
- }
- std::printf("B:\n");
- for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- std::printf("[");
- for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
- std::printf("%f,",B[i][j]);
- }
- std::printf("]\n");
- }
- std::printf("C:\n");
- for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- std::printf("[");
- for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
- std::printf("%f,",C[i][j]);
- }
- std::printf("]\n");
- }
- #else
- double time_diff = (end_time.tv_sec - start_time.tv_sec) + (end_time.tv_nsec - start_time.tv_nsec)/1000000000.0;
- std::printf("(%f,)", time_diff);
- #endif
- return 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d96248..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-#define AN 3
-#define BM 2
-#define AMBN 5
-//#define PRINT
-#include <time.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <cstdio>
-<test name='mm_small'>
-procedure void mm(
- in float[3][5] A = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: random(-8,8)),
- in float[5][2] B = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: random(-8,8)),
- out float[3][2] C = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: 0))
-void mm(float A[AN][AMBN], float B[AMBN][BM], float C[AN][BM]) {
- int i;
- int j;
- int k;
- for(i = 0; i < AN; i++) {
- for(j = 0; j < BM; j++) {
- C[i][j] = 0;
- for(k = 0; k < AMBN; k++) {
- C[i][j] += A[i][k] + B[k][j];
- }
- }
- }
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- float A[3][5] = {{0,1,2,3,4},{5,6,7,8,9},{10,11,12,13,14}};
- float B[5][2] = {{0,1},{2,3},{4,5},{6,7},{8,9}};
- float C[3][2] = {{0,0},{0,0},{0,0}};
- timespec start_time;
- timespec end_time;
- if (argc == 3) {
- std::ifstream is(argv[1], std::ifstream::in | std::ifstream::binary);
-*)A, 15*sizeof(float));
-*)B, 10*sizeof(float));
- is.close();
- }
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start_time);
- for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
- mm(A,B,C);
- }
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &end_time);
- if (argc == 3) {
- std::ofstream os(argv[2], std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::binary);
- os.write((char*)C, 6*sizeof(float));
- os.close();
- }
- #ifdef PRINT
- std::printf("A:\n");
- for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- std::printf("[");
- for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
- std::printf("%f,",A[i][j]);
- }
- std::printf("]\n");
- }
- std::printf("B:\n");
- for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- std::printf("[");
- for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
- std::printf("%f,",B[i][j]);
- }
- std::printf("]\n");
- }
- std::printf("C:\n");
- for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- std::printf("[");
- for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
- std::printf("%f,",C[i][j]);
- }
- std::printf("]\n");
- }
- #else
- double time_diff = (end_time.tv_sec - start_time.tv_sec) + (end_time.tv_nsec - start_time.tv_nsec)/1000000000.0;
- std::printf("(%f,)", time_diff);
- #endif
- return 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
deleted file mode 100644
index a03b505..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-#define AN 3
-#define BM 2
-#define AMBN 5
-//#define PRINT
-#include <time.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <cstdio>
-<test name='mm_small'>
-procedure void mm(
- in float[3][5] A = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: random(-8,8)),
- in float[5][2] B = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: random(-8,8)),
- out float[3][2] C = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: 0))
-void mm(float A[AN][AMBN], float B[AMBN][BM], float C[AN][BM]) {
- int i;
- int j;
- int k;
- for(i = 0; i < AN; i++) {
- for(j = 0; j < BM; j++) {
- C[i][j] = 0;
- for(k = 0; k < AMBN; k++) {
- C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];
- }
- }
- }
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- float A[3][5] = {{0,1,2,3,4},{5,6,7,8,9},{10,11,12,13,14}};
- float B[5][2] = {{0,1},{2,3},{4,5},{6,7},{8,9}};
- float C[3][2] = {{0,0},{0,0},{0,0}};
- timespec start_time;
- timespec end_time;
- if (argc == 3) {
- std::ifstream is(argv[1], std::ifstream::in | std::ifstream::binary);
-*)A, 15*sizeof(float));
-*)B, 10*sizeof(float));
- is.close();
- }
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start_time);
- mm(A,B,C);
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &end_time);
- if (argc == 3) {
- std::ofstream os(argv[2], std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::binary);
- os.write((char*)C, 6*sizeof(float));
- os.close();
- }
- #ifdef PRINT
- std::printf("A:\n");
- for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- std::printf("[");
- for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
- std::printf("%f,",A[i][j]);
- }
- std::printf("]\n");
- }
- std::printf("B:\n");
- for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- std::printf("[");
- for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
- std::printf("%f,",B[i][j]);
- }
- std::printf("]\n");
- }
- std::printf("C:\n");
- for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- std::printf("[");
- for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
- std::printf("%f,",C[i][j]);
- }
- std::printf("]\n");
- }
- #else
- double time_diff = (end_time.tv_sec - start_time.tv_sec) + (end_time.tv_nsec - start_time.tv_nsec)/1000000000.0;
- std::printf("(%f,)", time_diff);
- #endif
- return 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6151301..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#include <time.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <cstdio>
-#define AN 3
-#define BM 2
-#define AMBN 5
-<test name='mm_small'>
-procedure void mm(
- in float[3][5] A = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: random(-8,8)),
- in float[5][2] B = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: random(-8,8)),
- out float[3][2] C = matrix([*,*],lambda i,j: 0))
-void mm(float A[AN][AMBN], float B[AMBN][BM], float C[AN][BM]) {
- int i;
- int j;
- int k;
- for(i = 0; i < AN; i++) {
- for(j = 0; j < BM; j++) {
- for(k = 0; k < AMBN; k++) {
- C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];
- }
- }
- }
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- float A[3][5];
- float B[5][2];
- float C[3][2];
- timespec start_time;
- timespec end_time;
- std::ifstream datafile_initialize(argv[1]);
-*)A, 15*sizeof(float));
-*)B, 10*sizeof(float));
-*)C, 6*sizeof(float));
- datafile_initialize.close();
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start_time);
- mm(A,B,C);
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &end_time);
- std::ofstream datafile_out(argv[2]);
- datafile_out.write((char*)C, 6*sizeof(float));
- datafile_out.close();
- double time_diff = (end_time.tv_sec - start_time.tv_sec) + (end_time.tv_nsec - start_time.tv_nsec)/1000000000.0;
- std::printf("(%f,)", time_diff);
- return 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cb0ae4..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#define AN 3
-#define BM 2
-#define AMBN 5
-<test name='mm_small'>
-with {evendist2:lambda i,j: random(-8,8), zero2:lambda i,j: 0}
-procedure void mm(
- in float[3][5] A = matrix([*,*],evendist2),
- in float[5][2] B = matrix([*,*],evendist2),
- out float[3][2] C = matrix([*,*],zero2))
-void mm(float A[AN][AMBN], float B[AMBN][BM], float C[AN][BM]) {
- int i;
- int j;
- int k;
- for(i = 0; i < AN; i++) {
- for(j = 0; j < BM; j++) {
- for(k = 0; k < AMBN; k++) {
- C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/mm_one_with.testproc b/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/mm_one_with.testproc
deleted file mode 100644
index 80bc841..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/mm_one_with.testproc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-with {evendist2:lambda i,j: random(-8,8), zero2:lambda i,j: 0}
-procedure void mm(
- in float[3][5] A = matrix([*,*],evendist2),
- in float[5][2] B = matrix([*,*],evendist2),
- out float[3][2] C = matrix([*,*],zero2))
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
deleted file mode 100644
index 77ce673..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-<test name='mm_small' define="{'AN':3, 'BM':2, 'AMBN':5}">
-with {evendist2:lambda i,j: random(-8,8), zero2:lambda i,j: 0}
-procedure void mm(
- in float[AN][AMBN] A = matrix([*,*],evendist2),
- in float[AMBN][BM] B = matrix([*,*],evendist2),
- out float[AN][BM] C = matrix([*,*],zero2))
-void mm(float A[AN][AMBN], float B[AMBN][BM], float C[AN][BM]) {
- int i;
- int j;
- int k;
- for(i = 0; i < AN; i++) {
- for(j = 0; j < BM; j++) {
- for(k = 0; k < AMBN; k++) {
- C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
deleted file mode 100644
index 49df049..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-<test name=small define="{'AN':2, 'AMBN':5, 'BM':3}">
- procedure void mm(
- in float[AN][AMBN] A = matrix([,],lambda i,j: i*AMBN + j),
- in float[AMBN][BM] B = matrix([,],lambda i,j: i*BM + j),
- out float[AN][BM] C = matrix([,],lambda i,j: 0))
-<test name=medium define="{'AN':20, 'AMBN':50, 'BM':30}">
- procedure void mm(
- in float[AN][AMBN] A = matrix([,],lambda i,j: i*AMBN + j),
- in float[AMBN][BM] B = matrix([,],lambda i,j: i*BM + j),
- out float[AN][BM] C = matrix([,],lambda i,j: 0))
-<test name=big define="{'AN':200, 'AMBN':500, 'BM':300}">
- procedure void mm(
- in float[AN][AMBN] A = matrix([,],lambda i,j: i*AMBN + j),
- in float[AMBN][BM] B = matrix([,],lambda i,j: i*BM + j),
- out float[AN][BM] C = matrix([,],lambda i,j: 0))
-void mm(float A[AN][AMBN], float B[AMBN][BM], float C[AN][BM]) {
- for(int i = 0; i < AN; i++) {
- for(int j = 0; j < BM; j++) {
- C[i][j] = 0;
- for(int k = 0; k < AMBN; k++) {
- C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
deleted file mode 100644
index 82c5ce6..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
deleted file mode 100644
index dd8c7e7..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<test name=small define="{'AN':2, 'AMBN':5, 'BM':3}">
- procedure void mm(
- in float[AN][AMBN] A = matrix([,],lambda i,j: i*AMBN + j),
- in float[AMBN][BM] B = matrix([,],lambda i,j: i*BM + j),
- out float[AN][BM] C = matrix([,],lambda i,j: 0))
-<test name=medium define="{'AN':20, 'AMBN':50, 'BM':30}">
- procedure void mm(
- in float[AN][AMBN] A = matrix([,],lambda i,j: i*AMBN + j),
- in float[AMBN][BM] B = matrix([,],lambda i,j: i*BM + j),
- out float[AN][BM] C = matrix([,],lambda i,j: 0))
-<test name=big define="{'AN':200, 'AMBN':500, 'BM':300}">
- procedure void mm(
- in float[AN][AMBN] A = matrix([,],lambda i,j: i*AMBN + j),
- in float[AMBN][BM] B = matrix([,],lambda i,j: i*BM + j),
- out float[AN][BM] C = matrix([,],lambda i,j: 0))
-void mm(float A[AN][AMBN], float B[AMBN][BM], float C[AN][BM]) {
- for(int w = 0; w < 100; w++) {
- for(int i = 0; i < AN; i++) {
- for(int j = 0; j < BM; j++) {
- C[i][j] = 0;
- for(int k = 0; k < AMBN; k++) {
- C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
deleted file mode 100755
index fefbd2a..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-import struct
-import numpy as np
-with open('','rb') as f:
- data =
-mat = np.array([struct.unpack_from('f',data,n*4) for n in range(len(data)/4)]).reshape((3,2))
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/Makefile b/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index f5f2608..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-OBJS = $(patsubst, %.o, $(wildcard *.cc))
-.PHONY: all
-all: sorter
-$(OBJS): %.o:
- g++ -g -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -c $< -o $@
-.PHONY: sorter
-sorter: $(OBJS)
- g++ -g -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -o bin/sorter $(OBJS)
-.PHONY: clean
- rm -f *.o
- rm -f *.gcno *.gcda *.gcov
- rm -f bin/sorter
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e747a3..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#include "MergeSorter.h"
-/* Python
-def msort(lst, start, end, pindent = 0):
- if start == end:
- return
- center = start + ((end - start) // 2)
- print(' '*pindent + "SPLIT {}|{}".format(lst[start:center+1], lst[center+1:end+1]))
- msort(lst, start, center, pindent+1)
- msort(lst, center+1, end, pindent+1)
- left = list(lst[start:center+1])
- right = list(lst[center+1:end+1])
- print(' '*pindent + "MERGE {}|{}".format(lst[start:center+1], lst[center+1:end+1]))
- i,j = 0, 0
- for k in range(start, end+1):
- if i >= len(left):
- lst[k] = right[j]
- j += 1
- print(' '*(pindent+1) + 'pull j: {} {} {}'.format(lst[start:k+1], left[i:], right[j:]))
- elif j >= len(right):
- lst[k] = left[i]
- i += 1
- print(' '*(pindent+1) + 'pull i: {} {} {}'.format(lst[start:k+1], left[i:], right[j:]))
- elif left[i] > right[j]:
- lst[k] = right[j]
- j += 1
- print(' '*(pindent+1) + 'pull j: {} {} {}'.format(lst[start:k+1], left[i:], right[j:]))
- else:
- lst[k] = left[i]
- i += 1
- print(' '*(pindent+1) + 'pull i: {} {} {}'.format(lst[start:k+1], left[i:], right[j:]))
- print(' '*pindent + "-- {}".format(lst[start:end+1]))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- import random as r
- x = [int(r.random()*12) for i in range(7)]
- print(x)
- msort(x, 0, len(x)-1)
- print(x)
-static void mergesort(std::vector<int>& lst, int start, int end) {
- if(start == end) return;
- int center = start + (end-start)/2;
- mergesort(lst, start, center);
- mergesort(lst, center+1, end);
- std::vector<int> left = std::vector<int>(lst.begin()+start, lst.begin()+(center+1));
- std::vector<int> right = std::vector<int>(lst.begin()+(center+1),lst.begin()+(end+1));
- int i = 0;
- int j = 0;
- for(int k = start; k < (end+1); k++) {
- if (i >= left.size()) {
- lst[k] = right[j++];
- }
- else if(j >= right.size()) {
- lst[k] = left[i++];
- }
- else if(left[i] > right[j]) {
- lst[k] = right[j++];
- }
- else {
- lst[k] = left[i++];
- }
- }
-MergeSorter::MergeSorter() {
- this->name = std::string("mergesort");
-MergeSorter::~MergeSorter() {
-void MergeSorter::sort(std::vector<int>& list) const {
- mergesort(list, 0, list.size()-1);
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/MergeSorter.h b/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/MergeSorter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e2ed391..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/MergeSorter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#include <vector>
-#include "Sorter.h"
-class MergeSorter : public Sorter {
- MergeSorter();
- virtual ~MergeSorter();
- virtual void sort(std::vector<int>& list) const;
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ade346..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-#include "QuickSorter.h"
-/* Python
-def swap(l, i, k):
- v = l[i]
- l[i] = l[k]
- l[k] = v
- print(str(l))
-def partition(l, start, end):
- print("PARTITION {} [{}:{}]".format(l, start, end))
- p_value = l[end]
- p_index = end-1
- for i in range(start, end):
- while(i < p_index and l[i] >= p_value):
- swap(l, i, p_index)
- p_index -= 1
- while(i >= p_index and l[i] < p_value):
- swap(l, i, p_index)
- p_index += 1
- swap(l, p_index, end)
- print("DONE {}|[{}]|{}:{}".format(l[start:p_index], l[p_index], l[p_index+1:end+1], p_value))
- return p_index
-def qsort(l, i, k):
- if i < k:
- p = partition(l, i, k)
- qsort(l,i,p-1)
- qsort(l,p+1,k)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import random as r
- x = [int(r.random()*12) for i in range(12)]
- print(x)
- qsort(x, 0, len(x)-1)
- print(x)
-static void swap(std::vector<int>& list, int i, int k) {
- int v = list[i];
- list[i] = list[k];
- list[k] = v;
-static int partition(std::vector<int>& list, int i, int k) {
- int pivot_value = list[k];
- int pivot_index = k - 1;
- for(int index = i; index < k; index++) {
- while((index < pivot_index) && (list[index] >= pivot_value)) {
- swap(list, index, pivot_index);
- pivot_index--;
- }
- while((index >= pivot_index) && (list[index] < pivot_value)) {
- swap(list, index, pivot_index);
- pivot_index++;
- }
- }
- swap(list, pivot_index, k);
- return pivot_index;
-static void quicksort(std::vector<int>& list, int i, int k) {
- if(i < k) {
- int p = partition(list, i, k);
- quicksort(list, i, p-1);
- quicksort(list, p+1, k);
- }
-QuickSorter::QuickSorter() {
- this->name = std::string("quicksort");
-QuickSorter::~QuickSorter() {
-void QuickSorter::sort(std::vector<int>& list) const {
- quicksort(list, 0, list.size()-1);
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/QuickSorter.h b/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/QuickSorter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 81919dd..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/QuickSorter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#include <vector>
-#include "Sorter.h"
-class QuickSorter : public Sorter {
- QuickSorter();
- virtual ~QuickSorter();
- virtual void sort(std::vector<int>& list) const;
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/
deleted file mode 100644
index a1ae5ec..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#include "Sorter.h"
-Sorter::Sorter() {
-Sorter::~Sorter() {
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/Sorter.h b/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/Sorter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index abf8f82..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/Sorter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef SORTER_H
-#define SORTER_H
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-class Sorter {
- Sorter();
- virtual ~Sorter();
- std::string name;
- virtual void sort(std::vector<int>& list) const = 0;
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fe960b..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/cprog/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "Sorter.h"
-#include "QuickSorter.h"
-#include "MergeSorter.h"
-//#include "InsertionSorter.h"
-//#include "ShellSorter.h"
-void read_vector(std::vector<int>& vec, int start, int stop, char** argv) {
- for(int i = start; i < stop; i++) {
- vec.push_back((int)strtol(argv[i],NULL,0));
- }
-void print_vector(std::vector<int>& vec) {
- printf("[");
- for(std::vector<int>::iterator iter = vec.begin(); iter != vec.end(); iter++) {
- printf(" %d ", *iter);
- }
- printf("]\n");
-void addsorter(std::map<std::string, Sorter*>& m, Sorter* s) {
- m[s->name] = s;
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- std::map<std::string, Sorter*> sorter_map;
- std::vector<int> vec;
- read_vector(vec, 2, argc, argv);
- print_vector(vec);
- addsorter(sorter_map, new QuickSorter());
- addsorter(sorter_map, new MergeSorter());
- //addsorter(sorter_map, new InsertionSorter());
- //addsorter(sorter_map, new ShellSorter());
- sorter_map[std::string(argv[1])]->sort(vec);
- print_vector(vec);
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a79417..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import unittest
-import testchill.gcov as gcov
-import testchill.__main__ as main
-def runtest(tc):
- tc.setUp()
- tc.tearDown()
-class TestMain(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.chill_dev_src = os.getenv('CHILL_DEV_SRC')
- self.chill_release_src = os.getenv('CHILL_RELEASE_SRC')
- self.omega_dev_src = os.getenv('OMEGA_DEV_SRC')
- self.omega_release_src = os.getenv('OMEGA_RELEASE_SRC')
- self.staging_dir_bin = os.getenv('STAGING_DIR_BIN')
- self.staging_dir_wd = os.getenv('STAGING_DIR_WD')
- def test_main_parse_chillbuild(self):
- pass
- def test_main_parse_chill_dev(self):
- tclist = main.args_to_tclist('-b {} chill-testcase path/to/somescript.script path/to/somesrc.c'.format(self.staging_dir_bin).split(), coverage_set=gcov.GcovSet())
- tc = tclist[0]
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.chill_dir, None)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.bin_dir, self.staging_dir_bin)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.build_cuda, False)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.version, 'dev')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.script_lang, 'script')
- self.assertEqual(, 'chill:somescript.script')
- self.assertEqual(tc.wd, os.getcwd())
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_bin, os.path.join(self.staging_dir_bin, 'chill'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_script, 'somescript.script')
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_src, 'somesrc.c')
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_script_path, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'path/to/somescript.script'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_src_path, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'path/to/somesrc.c'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_gensrc, 'rose_somesrc.c')
- def test_main_parse_chill_lua_dev(self):
- tclist = main.args_to_tclist('-b {} chill-testcase path/to/somescript.lua path/to/somesrc.c'.format(self.staging_dir_bin).split(), coverage_set=gcov.GcovSet())
- tc = tclist[0]
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.chill_dir, None)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.bin_dir, self.staging_dir_bin)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.build_cuda, False)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.version, 'dev')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.script_lang, 'lua')
- self.assertEqual(, 'chill-lua:somescript.lua')
- self.assertEqual(tc.wd, os.getcwd())
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_bin, os.path.join(self.staging_dir_bin, 'chill-lua'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_script, 'somescript.lua')
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_src, 'somesrc.c')
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_script_path, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'path/to/somescript.lua'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_src_path, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'path/to/somesrc.c'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_gensrc, 'rose_somesrc.c')
- def test_main_parse_chill_python_dev(self):
- tclist = main.args_to_tclist('-b {} chill-testcase path/to/ path/to/somesrc.c'.format(self.staging_dir_bin).split(), coverage_set=gcov.GcovSet())
- tc = tclist[0]
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.chill_dir, None)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.bin_dir, self.staging_dir_bin)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.build_cuda, False)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.version, 'dev')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.script_lang, 'python')
- self.assertEqual(, '')
- self.assertEqual(tc.wd, os.getcwd())
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_bin, os.path.join(self.staging_dir_bin, 'chill-python'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_script, '')
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_src, 'somesrc.c')
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_script_path, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'path/to/'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_src_path, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'path/to/somesrc.c'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_gensrc, 'rose_somesrc.c')
- def test_main_parse_cudachill_dev(self):
- tclist = main.args_to_tclist('-b {} chill-testcase -u path/to/somescript.lua path/to/somesrc.c'.format(self.staging_dir_bin).split(), coverage_set=gcov.GcovSet())
- tc = tclist[0]
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.chill_dir, None)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.bin_dir, self.staging_dir_bin)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.build_cuda, True)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.version, 'dev')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.script_lang, 'lua')
- self.assertEqual(, 'cuda-chill:somescript.lua')
- self.assertEqual(tc.wd, os.getcwd())
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_bin, os.path.join(self.staging_dir_bin, 'cuda-chill'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_script, 'somescript.lua')
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_src, 'somesrc.c')
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_script_path, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'path/to/somescript.lua'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_src_path, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'path/to/somesrc.c'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_gensrc, '')
- def test_main_parse_cudachill_python_dev(self):
- tclist = main.args_to_tclist('-b {} chill-testcase -u path/to/ path/to/somesrc.c'.format(self.staging_dir_bin).split(), coverage_set=gcov.GcovSet())
- tc = tclist[0]
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.chill_dir, None)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.bin_dir, self.staging_dir_bin)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.build_cuda, True)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.version, 'dev')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.script_lang, 'python')
- self.assertEqual(, '')
- self.assertEqual(tc.wd, os.getcwd())
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_bin, os.path.join(self.staging_dir_bin, 'cuda-chill-python'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_script, '')
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_src, 'somesrc.c')
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_script_path, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'path/to/'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_src_path, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'path/to/somesrc.c'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_gensrc, '')
- def test_main_parse_chill_release(self):
- tclist = main.args_to_tclist('-b {} chill-testcase -v release path/to/somescript.script path/to/somesrc.c'.format(self.staging_dir_bin).split(), coverage_set=gcov.GcovSet())
- tc = tclist[0]
- self.assertEqual(, 'chill-release:somescript.script')
- self.assertEqual(tc.wd, os.getcwd())
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_bin, os.path.join(self.staging_dir_bin, 'chill-release'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_script, 'somescript.script')
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_src, 'somesrc.c')
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_script_path, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'path/to/somescript.script'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_src_path, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'path/to/somesrc.c'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_gensrc, 'rose_somesrc.c')
- def test_main_parse_chill_release(self):
- tclist = main.args_to_tclist('-b {} chill-testcase -uv release path/to/somescript.lua path/to/somesrc.c'.format(self.staging_dir_bin).split(), coverage_set=gcov.GcovSet())
- tc = tclist[0]
- self.assertEqual(, 'cuda-chill-release:somescript.lua')
- self.assertEqual(tc.wd, os.getcwd())
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_bin, os.path.join(self.staging_dir_bin, 'cuda-chill-release'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_script, 'somescript.lua')
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_src, 'somesrc.c')
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_script_path, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'path/to/somescript.lua'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_src_path, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'path/to/somesrc.c'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_gensrc, '')
- def test_main_parse_chillbuild_dev(self):
- tclist = main.args_to_tclist('-b {} -C {} build-chill-testcase'.format(self.staging_dir_bin, self.chill_dev_src).split(), coverage_set=gcov.GcovSet())
- tc = tclist[0]
- self.assertEqual(, 'chill')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.bin_dir, self.staging_dir_bin)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.chill_dir, self.chill_dev_src)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.script_lang, 'script')
- def test_main_parse_chillbuild_lua_dev(self):
- tclist = main.args_to_tclist('-b {} -C {} build-chill-testcase -i lua'.format(self.staging_dir_bin, self.chill_dev_src).split(), coverage_set=gcov.GcovSet())
- tc = tclist[0]
- self.assertEqual(, 'chill-lua')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.bin_dir, self.staging_dir_bin)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.chill_dir, self.chill_dev_src)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.script_lang, 'lua')
- def test_main_parse_chillbuild_python_dev(self):
- tclist = main.args_to_tclist('-b {} -C {} build-chill-testcase -i python'.format(self.staging_dir_bin, self.chill_dev_src).split(), coverage_set=gcov.GcovSet())
- tc = tclist[0]
- self.assertEqual(, 'chill-python')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.bin_dir, self.staging_dir_bin)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.chill_dir, self.chill_dev_src)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.script_lang, 'python')
- def test_main_parse_chillbuild_cuda_dev(self):
- tclist = main.args_to_tclist('-b {} -C {} build-chill-testcase -u'.format(self.staging_dir_bin, self.chill_dev_src).split(), coverage_set=gcov.GcovSet())
- tc = tclist[0]
- self.assertEqual(, 'cuda-chill')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.bin_dir, self.staging_dir_bin)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.chill_dir, self.chill_dev_src)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.script_lang, 'lua')
- def test_main_parse_chillbuild_cuda_python_dev(self):
- tclist = main.args_to_tclist('-b {} -C {} build-chill-testcase -u -i python'.format(self.staging_dir_bin, self.chill_dev_src).split(), coverage_set=gcov.GcovSet())
- tc = tclist[0]
- self.assertEqual(, 'cuda-chill-python')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.bin_dir, self.staging_dir_bin)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.chill_dir, self.chill_dev_src)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.script_lang, 'python')
- def test_main_parse_chillbuild_release(self):
- tclist = main.args_to_tclist('-b {} -C {} build-chill-testcase -v release'.format(self.staging_dir_bin, self.chill_dev_src).split(), coverage_set=gcov.GcovSet())
- tc = tclist[0]
- self.assertEqual(, 'chill-release')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.bin_dir, self.staging_dir_bin)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.chill_dir, self.chill_dev_src)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.script_lang, 'script')
- def test_main_parse_chillbuild_cuda_release(self):
- tclist = main.args_to_tclist('-b {} -C {} build-chill-testcase -u -v release'.format(self.staging_dir_bin, self.chill_dev_src).split(), coverage_set=gcov.GcovSet())
- tc = tclist[0]
- self.assertEqual(, 'cuda-chill-release')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.bin_dir, self.staging_dir_bin)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.chill_dir, self.chill_dev_src)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.script_lang, 'lua')
- def test_main_tctree(self):
- tclist = main.args_to_tclist('batch test-cases/unit/chill-basic.tclist'.split(), coverage_set=gcov.GcovSet())
- for tc in tclist:
- runtest(tc)
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index e0225cd..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-import ast
-import functools
-import itertools
-import pylang.debug
-import random
-import struct
-import unittest
-import testchill
-import testchill._cpp_validate_env as validate_env
-import testchill.cpp_validate
-import testchill.util
-## Support functions ##
-class Point(object):
- def __init__(self, x, y):
- self.x = x
- self.y = y
-def _compile_and_run(expr, target_type, bindings):
- t = ast.fix_missing_locations(ast.Expression(expr.compile_expr(target_type)))
- return eval(compile(t, '<string>', 'eval'), bindings)
-def _compile_and_invoke(expr, target_type, bindings, args):
- t = ast.fix_missing_locations(ast.Expression(expr.compile_expr(target_type)))
- return (eval(compile(t, '<string>', 'eval'), bindings))(*args)
-def _expr_test(tc, expr, fv_bindings, rt_bindings, target_type, exp_freevars, exp_value):
- freevars = expr.getfreevars(fv_bindings)
- value = _compile_and_run(expr, target_type, rt_bindings)
- tc.assertEqual(exp_freevars, freevars)
- tc.assertEqual(exp_value, value)
- tc.assertEqual(target_type, type(value))
-def _expr_test_list(tc, expr, fv_bindings, rt_bindings, target_type, exp_freevars, exp_value):
- freevars = expr.getfreevars(fv_bindings)
- value = _compile_and_run(expr, target_type, rt_bindings)
- tc.assertEqual(exp_freevars, freevars)
- tc.assertEqual(exp_value, value)
- tc.assertEqual(list, type(value))
-def _expr_test_invoke(tc, expr, fv_bindings, rt_bindings, target_type, exp_freevars, invoke_args, exp_value):
- freevars = expr.getfreevars(fv_bindings)
- value = _compile_and_invoke(expr, target_type, rt_bindings, invoke_args)
- tc.assertEqual(exp_freevars, freevars)
- tc.assertEqual(exp_value, value)
- tc.assertEqual(target_type.exprtype, type(value))
-def lambdatype(param_types, etype):
- return validate_env._pylambdatype(param_types, etype)
-def arraytype(dims, etype):
- return validate_env._pyarraytype(dims, etype)
-## Test case class ##
-class Test_CppValidateEnv(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- ### data for the abstract syntax tree ###
- _const_4 = validate_env._ConstantExpr('4')
- _const_3 = validate_env._ConstantExpr('3')
- _const_2 = validate_env._ConstantExpr('2')
- _const_0 = validate_env._ConstantExpr('0')
- _name_x = validate_env._NameExpr('x')
- _name_y = validate_env._NameExpr('y')
- _name_p = validate_env._NameExpr('p')
- _name_pow = validate_env._NameExpr('pow')
- _attr_px = validate_env._AttributeExpr(_name_p, 'x')
- _attr_py = validate_env._AttributeExpr(_name_p, 'y')
- _add_3_2 = validate_env._BinExpr(_const_3, '+', _const_2)
- _add_x_2 = validate_env._BinExpr(_name_x, '+', _const_2)
- _pow_x_2 = validate_env._BinExpr(_name_x, '**', _const_2)
- _name_i = validate_env._NameExpr('i')
- _lambda_i = validate_env._LambdaExpr(['i'],_name_i)
- _name_j = validate_env._NameExpr('j')
- _const_10 = validate_env._ConstantExpr('10')
- _mul_i_10 = validate_env._BinExpr(_name_i, '*', _const_10)
- _add_mul_i_10_j = validate_env._BinExpr(_mul_i_10, '+', _name_j)
- _lambda_ij = validate_env._LambdaExpr(['i','j'],_add_mul_i_10_j)
- self._ConstantExpr_test_data = [
- (('3',), set(), dict(), int, set(), int(3)),
- (('3',), set(), dict(), float, set(), float(3))
- ]
- self._NameExpr_test_data = [
- (('x',), set(), {'x':3}, int, {'x'}, int(3)),
- (('x',), {'x'}, {'x':3}, int, set(), int(3))
- ]
- self._AttributeExpr_test_data = [
- ((validate_env._NameExpr('p'),'x'), set(), {'p':Point(3,0)}, int, {'p'}, int(3)),
- ((validate_env._NameExpr('p'),'x'), {'p'}, {'p':Point(3,0)}, int, set(), int(3))
- ]
- self._BinExpr_test_data = [
- ((_const_3, '+', _const_2), set(), dict(), int, set(), int(5)),
- ((_const_3, '+', _const_2), set(), dict(), float, set(), float(5)),
- ((_name_x, '+', _const_2), set(), {'x':3}, int, {'x'}, int(5)),
- ((_name_x, '+', _const_2), {'x'}, {'x':3}, int, set(), int(5)),
- ((_const_3, '+', _name_x), set(), {'x':2}, int, {'x'}, int(5)),
- ((_const_3, '+', _name_x), {'x'}, {'x':2}, int, set(), int(5)),
- ((_const_3, '-', _const_2), set(), dict(), int, set(), int(1)),
- ((_const_3, '*', _const_2), set(), dict(), int, set(), int(6)),
- ((_const_3, '/', _const_2), set(), dict(), int, set(), int(1)),
- ((_const_3, '**', _const_2), set(), dict(), int, set(), int(9))
- ]
- self._UnaryExpr_test_data = [
- (('-', _const_3), set(), dict(), int, set(), int(-3)),
- (('-', _add_3_2), set(), dict(), int, set(), int(-5)),
- (('-', _add_x_2), set(), {'x':3}, int, {'x'}, int(-5)),
- (('-', _add_x_2), {'x'}, {'x':3}, int, set(), int(-5))
- ]
- self._LambdaExpr_test_data = [
- (([],_const_3), set(), dict(), lambdatype([],int), set(), tuple(), int(3)),
- (([],_name_x), set(), {'x':3}, lambdatype([],int), {'x'}, tuple(), int(3)),
- ((['x'],_pow_x_2), set(), dict(), lambdatype([int],int), set(), (int(4),), int(16))
- ]
- self._InvokeExpr_test_data = [
- ((_name_pow,[_const_3, _const_2]), set(), dict(), int, {'pow'}, int(9)),
- ]
- self._MatrixGenerator_test_data = [
- (([_const_2],_lambda_i), set(), {'_pyitertools': itertools}, arraytype([None],int), set(), [0, 1]),
- (([None],_lambda_i), set(), {'_pyitertools': itertools}, arraytype([_const_2],int), set(), [0, 1]),
- (([_const_2,_const_3],_lambda_ij), set(), {'_pyitertools': itertools}, arraytype([_const_2,_const_3], int), set(), [0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12]),
- (([_const_2,_const_3],_lambda_ij), set(), {'_pyitertools': itertools}, arraytype([None,None], int), set(), [0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12]),
- (([_const_2,None],_lambda_ij), set(), {'_pyitertools': itertools}, arraytype([None,_const_3], int), set(), [0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12]),
- (([None,_const_3],_lambda_ij), set(), {'_pyitertools': itertools}, arraytype([_const_2,None], int), set(), [0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12]),
- (([None,None],_lambda_ij), set(), {'_pyitertools': itertools}, arraytype([_const_2,_const_3], int), set(), [0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12]),
- (([_name_x],_lambda_i), set(), {'_pyitertools': itertools, 'x':2}, arraytype([None],int), {'x'}, [0, 1]),
- (([None],_lambda_i), set(), {'_pyitertools': itertools, 'x':2}, arraytype([_name_x],int), set(), [0, 1]),
- ]
- self._RandomExpr_test_state = random.getstate()
- self._RandomExpr_test_data = [
- ((_const_0,_const_4), set(), {'_pyrandom': random}, int, set(), int(random.random()*4)),
- ((_const_0,_name_x), set(), {'_pyrandom': random, 'x':4}, int, {'x'}, int(random.random()*4)),
- ((_name_x,_const_4), set(), {'_pyrandom': random, 'x':0}, int, {'x'}, int(random.random()*4)),
- ]
- ### data for data generating ###
- _name_ambn = validate_env._NameExpr('ambn')
- _name_an = validate_env._NameExpr('an')
- _name_bm = validate_env._NameExpr('bm')
- _name_even2 = validate_env._NameExpr('evendist2')
- _lambda_ij_0 = validate_env._LambdaExpr(['i','j'],_const_0)
- _matrix_2_an_ambn_even2 = validate_env._MatrixGenerator([_name_an,_name_ambn],_name_even2)
- _matrix_2_ambn_bm_even2 = validate_env._MatrixGenerator([_name_ambn,_name_bm],_name_even2)
- _matrix_2_an_bm_lambda_ij_0 = validate_env._MatrixGenerator([_name_an,_name_bm],_lambda_ij_0)
- _add_an_bm = validate_env._BinExpr(_name_an, '+', _name_bm)
- _int_type = validate_env._CppPrimitiveType.get_from_cppname('int')
- _float_type = validate_env._CppPrimitiveType.get_from_cppname('float')
- _float_ptr_type = validate_env._CppPointerType(_float_type)
- _param_A = validate_env._Parameter('A', _float_ptr_type,'in', _matrix_2_an_ambn_even2)
- _param_B = validate_env._Parameter('B', _float_ptr_type,'in', _matrix_2_ambn_bm_even2)
- _param_C = validate_env._Parameter('C', _float_ptr_type,'out',_matrix_2_an_bm_lambda_ij_0)
- _param_ambn = validate_env._Parameter('ambn',_int_type, 'in', _add_an_bm)
- _param_an = validate_env._Parameter('an', _int_type, 'in', _const_2)
- _param_bm = validate_env._Parameter('bm', _int_type, 'in', _const_3)
- self._Parameter_order_by_freevars_test_data = [
- ([_param_A, _param_B, _param_C, _param_ambn, _param_an, _param_bm], ['an','bm','C','ambn','A','B'])
- ]
- _float_3_type = validate_env._CppArrayType(_float_type, [_const_3])
- _float_3_2_type = validate_env._CppArrayType(_float_type, [_const_3,_const_2])
- _name_N = validate_env._NameExpr('N')
- _float_N_type = validate_env._CppArrayType(_float_type, [_name_N])
- _float_N_2_type = validate_env._CppArrayType(_float_type, [_name_N,_const_2])
- self._CppType_statictype_test_data = [
- ((_int_type, dict()), 'int'),
- ((_float_ptr_type, dict()), 'float*'),
- ((_float_3_type, dict()), 'float[3]'),
- ((_float_N_type, {'N': 3}), 'float[3]'),
- ((_float_N_2_type, {'N': 3}), 'float[3][2]')
- ]
- _int_ptr_type = validate_env._CppPointerType(_int_type)
- _int_ptr_ptr_type = validate_env._CppPointerType(_int_ptr_type)
- _int_3_type = validate_env._CppArrayType(_int_type, [_const_3])
- _int_N_type = validate_env._CppArrayType(_int_type, [_name_N])
- _int_3_2_type = validate_env._CppArrayType(_int_type, [_const_3, _const_2])
- joinbytes = lambda b: functools.reduce(lambda a,v: a+v,b)
- self._CppType_formatdata_test_data = [
- ((_int_type, dict(), 3), ([1], struct.pack('i',3))),
- ((_float_type, dict(), float(3)), ([1], struct.pack('f',float(3)))),
- ((_int_3_type, dict(), list(range(3))), ([3], joinbytes([struct.pack('i',i) for i in range(3)]))),
- ((_int_3_2_type, dict(), list(range(6))), ([3,2], joinbytes([struct.pack('i',i) for i in range(6)]))),
- ((_int_ptr_type, dict(), 3), ([1,1], struct.pack('i',3))),
- ((_int_ptr_type, dict(), list(range(3))), ([3,1], joinbytes([struct.pack('i',i) for i in range(3)]))),
- ((_int_ptr_ptr_type, dict(), list(range(3))), ([3,1,1], joinbytes([struct.pack('i',i) for i in range(3)]))),
- ((_int_ptr_ptr_type, dict(), [[0,1,2],[3,4,5]]), ([2,3,1], joinbytes([struct.pack('i',i) for i in range(6)]))),
- ]
- evendist2 = lambda i,j: random.random()
- random.seed(0)
- self._Parameter_generatedata_test_state = random.getstate()
- if testchill.util.python_version_major == 2:
- self._Parameter_generatedata_test_data = [
- ((_param_A, {'an':2, 'ambn':5,'evendist2':evendist2}), ('A', 'float*', [10, 1], '\x08,X?M\tB?)U\xd7>\xbc\x90\x84>\xe6\xe2\x02?\x87S\xcf>\x06\xa7H?\xceK\x9b>\x84\x04\xf4>\x86X\x15?')),
- ((_param_B, {'ambn':5, 'bm':3,'evendist2':evendist2}), ('B', 'float*', [15, 1], '\x16zh?(3\x01?\rM\x90>b|A?nM\x1e?^B\x80>!\xe5h?\xd4\x97{?fjO?Y\xf4f?\xaa\xcb\x9e>A\xd6:?D\x1af?\x92\x19/?\xb1\xbc\xf1>')),
- ((_param_C, {'an':2, 'bm':3, 'evendist2':evendist2}), ('C', 'float*', [6, 1], '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')),
- ((_param_ambn, {'an':2, 'bm':3}), ('ambn', 'int', [1], '\x05\x00\x00\x00')),
- ((_param_an, dict()), ('an', 'int', [1], '\x02\x00\x00\x00')),
- ((_param_bm, dict()), ('bm', 'int', [1], '\x03\x00\x00\x00'))
- ]
- else:
- self._Parameter_generatedata_test_data = [
- ((_param_A, {'an':2, 'ambn':5,'evendist2':evendist2}), ('A', 'float*', [10, 1], b'\x08,X?M\tB?)U\xd7>\xbc\x90\x84>\xe6\xe2\x02?\x87S\xcf>\x06\xa7H?\xceK\x9b>\x84\x04\xf4>\x86X\x15?')),
- ((_param_B, {'ambn':5, 'bm':3,'evendist2':evendist2}), ('B', 'float*', [15, 1], b'\x16zh?(3\x01?\rM\x90>b|A?nM\x1e?^B\x80>!\xe5h?\xd4\x97{?fjO?Y\xf4f?\xaa\xcb\x9e>A\xd6:?D\x1af?\x92\x19/?\xb1\xbc\xf1>')),
- ((_param_C, {'an':2, 'bm':3, 'evendist2':evendist2}), ('C', 'float*', [6, 1], b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')),
- ((_param_ambn, {'an':2, 'bm':3}), ('ambn', 'int', [1], b'\x05\x00\x00\x00')),
- ((_param_an, dict()), ('an', 'int', [1], b'\x02\x00\x00\x00')),
- ((_param_bm, dict()), ('bm', 'int', [1], b'\x03\x00\x00\x00'))
- ]
- ### data for parsing ###
- self.parse_procedure_test_data = [
- (('procedure void q()',), ('void', 'q', 0)),
- (('procedure int q()',), ('int', 'q', 0)),
- (('procedure float q()',), ('float', 'q', 0)),
- (('procedure unsigned int q()',), ('unsigned int', 'q', 0)),
- (('procedure void q(in int x)',), ('void', 'q', 1)),
- (('procedure void q(in int x, in int y)',), ('void', 'q', 2)),
- ]
- _mm_proc_expr = '''
- procedure void mm(
- in float* A = matrix([an,ambn],evendist2),
- in float* B = matrix([ambn,bm],evendist2),
- out float* C = matrix([an,bm],lambda i,j: 0),
- in int ambn = an + bm,
- in int an = 2,
- in int bm = 3)
- '''
- self.parse_parameter_test_data = [
- (('procedure void mm(in int x)',), [(0, 'x', 'int', 'in', False, set())]),
- (('procedure void mm(out int* x = 10)',), [(0, 'x', 'int*', 'out', True, set())]),
- ((_mm_proc_expr,),[
- (0, 'A', 'float*', 'in', True, set(['an','ambn','evendist2'])),
- (1, 'B', 'float*', 'in', True, set(['ambn','bm','evendist2'])),
- (2, 'C', 'float*', 'out', True, set(['an','bm'])),
- (3, 'ambn', 'int', 'in', True, set(['an','bm'])),
- (4, 'an', 'int', 'in', True, set([])),
- (5, 'bm', 'int', 'in', True, set([]))
- ]),
- ]
- ### data for code generation ###
- _float_2d_type = validate_env._CppArrayType(_float_type, [_name_an,_name_ambn])
- self._CppType_statictype_test_data = [
- ((_float_2d_type, {'an':2,'ambn':5}), 'float[2][5]')
- ]
- self._CppType_get_cdecl_stmt_test_data = [
- ((_float_2d_type, 'A', {'an':2,'ambn':5}), 'float A[2][5];')
- ]
- self._CppType_get_cread_stmt_test_data = [
- ((_float_2d_type, 'A', {'an':2,'ambn':5}, 'datafile_initialize', [10,1]), '*)A, 10*sizeof(float));')
- ]
- self._CppType_get_cwrite_stmt_test_data = [
- ((_float_2d_type, 'A', {'an':2,'ambn':5}, 'datafile_out', [10,1]), 'datafile_out.write((char*)A, 10*sizeof(float));')
- ]
- def run_expr_test_data(self, ctor, test_data):
- for ctor_args, fv_bindings, rt_bindings, target_type, exp_freevars, exp_value in test_data:
- expr = ctor(*ctor_args)
- _expr_test(self, expr, fv_bindings, rt_bindings, target_type, exp_freevars, exp_value)
- def run_expr_test_data_list(self, ctor, test_data):
- for ctor_args, fv_bindings, rt_bindings, target_type, exp_freevars, exp_value in test_data:
- expr = ctor(*ctor_args)
- _expr_test_list(self, expr, fv_bindings, rt_bindings, target_type, exp_freevars, exp_value)
- def run_expr_test_data_invoke(self, ctor, test_data):
- for ctor_args, fv_bindings, rt_bindings, target_type, exp_freevars, invoke_args, exp_value in test_data:
- expr = ctor(*ctor_args)
- _expr_test_invoke(self, expr, fv_bindings, rt_bindings, target_type, exp_freevars, invoke_args, exp_value)
- def test__ConstantExpr(self):
- self.run_expr_test_data(validate_env._ConstantExpr, self._ConstantExpr_test_data)
- def test__NameExpr(self):
- self.run_expr_test_data(validate_env._NameExpr, self._NameExpr_test_data)
- def test__AttributeExpr(self):
- self.run_expr_test_data(validate_env._AttributeExpr, self._AttributeExpr_test_data)
- def test__UnaryExpr(self):
- self.run_expr_test_data(validate_env._UnaryExpr, self._UnaryExpr_test_data)
- def test__LambdaExpr(self):
- self.run_expr_test_data_invoke(validate_env._LambdaExpr, self._LambdaExpr_test_data)
- def test__InvokeExpr(self):
- self.run_expr_test_data(validate_env._InvokeExpr, self._InvokeExpr_test_data)
- def test__MatrixGenerator(self):
- self.run_expr_test_data_list(validate_env._MatrixGenerator, self._MatrixGenerator_test_data)
- def test__RandomExpr(self):
- random.setstate(self._RandomExpr_test_state)
- self.run_expr_test_data(validate_env._RandomExpr, self._RandomExpr_test_data)
- def test_parse_procedure(self):
- parse_func = testchill.cpp_validate._parse_testproc_script
- for args, expected in self.parse_procedure_test_data:
- rtype_exp, name_exp, param_count_exp = expected
- proc = parse_func(*args)
- self.assertEqual(str(proc.rtype), rtype_exp)
- self.assertEqual(, name_exp)
- self.assertEqual(len(proc.parameters), param_count_exp)
- def test_parse_parameter(self):
- #pylang.debug.enable(['pylang.parser.BaseTextParser.parse'])
- parse_func = testchill.cpp_validate._parse_testproc_script
- for args, expected in self.parse_parameter_test_data:
- proc = parse_func(*args)
- for param_exp in expected:
- index, name_exp, ctype_exp, direction_exp, has_init_exp, freevars_exp = param_exp
- param = proc.parameters[index]
- self.assertEqual(, name_exp)
- self.assertEqual(str(param.cpptype), ctype_exp)
- self.assertEqual(param.direction, direction_exp)
- self.assertEqual(param.init_expr is not None, has_init_exp)
- self.assertEqual(param.getfreevars(), freevars_exp)
- #pylang.debug.enable(['pylang.parser.BaseTextParser.parse'], False)
- def test__Parameter_order_by_freevars(self):
- def testfunc(param_list):
- return [ for p in validate_env._Parameter.order_by_freevars(param_list)]
- for arg, expected in self._Parameter_order_by_freevars_test_data:
- self.assertEqual(testfunc(arg),expected)
- def test__CppType_statictype(self):
- def testfunc(ctype, glbls):
- return str(ctype.statictype(glbls))
- for args, expected in self._CppType_statictype_test_data:
- self.assertEqual(testfunc(*args), expected)
- def test__CppType_formatdata(self):
- def testfunc(ctype, glbls, data):
- return ctype.statictype(glbls).formatdata(data)
- for args, expected in self._CppType_formatdata_test_data:
- dim_exp, bytes_exp = expected
- dim_val, bytes_val = testfunc(*args)
- self.assertEqual(dim_val, dim_exp)
- self.assertEqual(bytes_val, bytes_exp)
- def test__CppType_statictype(self):
- def testfunc(t, bindings):
- return str(t.statictype(bindings))
- for args, typename in self._CppType_statictype_test_data:
- self.assertEqual(testfunc(*args), typename)
- def test__CppType_get_cdecl_stmt(self):
- def testfunc(t, param_name, bindings):
- return t.statictype(bindings).get_cdecl_stmt(param_name)
- for args, decl_exp in self._CppType_get_cdecl_stmt_test_data:
- decl_val = testfunc(*args)
- self.assertEqual(decl_val, decl_exp)
- def test__CppType_get_cread_stmt(self):
- def testfunc(t, param_name, bindings, stream, dims):
- return t.statictype(bindings).get_cread_stmt(param_name, stream, dims)
- for args, decl_exp in self._CppType_get_cread_stmt_test_data:
- decl_val = testfunc(*args)
- self.assertEqual(decl_val, decl_exp)
- def test__CppType_get_cwrite_stmt(self):
- def testfunc(t, param_name, bindings, stream, dims):
- return t.statictype(bindings).get_cwrite_stmt(param_name, stream, dims)
- for args, decl_exp in self._CppType_get_cwrite_stmt_test_data:
- decl_val = testfunc(*args)
- self.assertEqual(decl_val, decl_exp)
- def test__Parameter_generatedata(self):
- def testfunc(param, glbls):
- return param.generatedata(glbls)
- for args, expected in self._Parameter_generatedata_test_data:
- name_val, type_val, dims_val, data_val = testfunc(*args)
- name_exp, type_exp, dims_exp, data_exp = expected
- #print((name_val,type_val,dims_val,data_val))
- self.assertEqual(name_val, name_exp)
- self.assertEqual(str(type_val), type_exp)
- self.assertEqual(dims_val, dims_exp)
- self.assertEqual(data_val, data_exp)
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 72cba8a..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-import ast
-import unittest
-import testchill._extract as _extract
-import testchill.util as util
-class TestExtraction(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self._TagExtractor_parse_test_data = [
- (('a',''), []),
- (('a','x<a>yy</a>z'), [('yy', {})]),
- (('a','x<a>yy</a>z<a>ww</a>g'), [('yy', {}), ('ww',{})]),
- (('a','x<a>yy</a>z<b>ww</b>g'), [('yy', {})])
- ]
- self._commented_test_data = [
- (('no comment here','cc'), []),
- (('one comment //xxx\n','cc'), ['xxx']),
- (('two comments //xxx\nunrelated//yyy\n', 'cc'), ['xxx','yyy']),
- (('two comments //xxx\nunrelated//yyy', 'cc'), ['xxx','yyy']),
- (('ss/*x\ny\n*/z','cc'),['x\ny\n']),
- (('ss/*x\ny\n*/z//q\nc','cc'),['x\ny\n','q']),
- (('ss###x#\n','py'),['x#']),
- (('ss"""x"""\n','py'),['x'])
- ]
- def test__commented(self):
- def run(txt, ext):
- return list(_extract._TagExtractor._commented(txt, ext))
- for args, res in self._commented_test_data:
- self.assertEqual(run(*args), res)
- #def test_extract(self):
- # def testfunc(tag, txt):
- # temp = util.mktemp()
- # with open(temp, 'w') as f:
- # f.write(txt)
- # extracted = _extract._TagExtractor.extract_tag(tag, temp)
- # util.rmtemp()
- # return extracted
- #
- # for args, res in self.test_extract_data:
- # self.assertEqual(testfunc(*args), res)
- def test__TagExtractor_parse(self):
- def testfunc(tag, txt):
- return _extract._TagExtractor._parse(tag, txt)
- for args, exp in self._TagExtractor_parse_test_data:
- self.assertEqual(testfunc(*args), exp)
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8aaebfe..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import os
-import unittest
-import testchill.chill
-import testchill.gcov
-import testchill.test
-import testchill.util
-def runtest(tclist):
- if _runbuild:
- for tc in tclist:
- tc.setUp()
- tc.setresult(
- tc.tearDown()
-def runchilltest(tclist, runvalidate=False, runstdout=False):
- for tc in tclist:
- tc.setUp()
- tc.compile_src(tc)
- tc.run_script(tc)
- tc.compile_gensrc(tc)
- if runvalidate:
- tc.check_run_script_validate(tc)
- if runstdout:
- tc.check_run_script_stdout(tc)
- tc.tearDown()
-class TestChillTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def config(self, **kwargs):
- cargs = {
- 'omega_dir': self.omega_dev_dir,
- 'chill_dir': self.chill_dev_dir,
- 'bin_dir': self.bin_dir,
- 'build_cuda': False,
- 'script_lang': None,
- 'version': 'dev'
- }
- cargs.update(kwargs)
- return testchill.chill.ChillConfig(**cargs)
- def config_rel(self, **kwargs):
- kwargs['version'] = 'release'
- kwargs['omega_dir'] = self.omega_rel_dir
- kwargs['chill_dir'] = self.chill_rel_dir
- return self.config(**kwargs)
- def setUp(self):
- self.chill_dev_dir = os.getenv('CHILL_DEV_SRC')
- self.chill_rel_dir = os.getenv('CHILL_RELEASE_SRC')
- self.omega_dev_dir = os.getenv('OMEGA_DEV_SRC')
- self.omega_rel_dir = os.getenv('OMEGA_RELEASE_SRC')
- self.bin_dir = os.getenv('STAGING_DIR_BIN')
- self.wd = os.getenv('STAGING_DIR_WD')
- self.build_options = {'coverage':False}
-'cp', [os.path.join(self.chill_dev_dir, 'examples/cuda-chill/cudaize.lua'), self.wd])
-'cp', [os.path.join(self.chill_dev_dir, 'examples/cuda-chill/'), self.wd])
- self.config_test_func = {
- 0: lambda conf: conf.default_script_lang(),
- 1: lambda conf:,
- 2: lambda conf: conf.make_depend_target(),
- 3: lambda conf: conf.make_target(),
- 4: lambda conf: conf.make_args()
- }
- self.config_test_data = [
- ((self.omega_dev_dir, self.chill_dev_dir, self.bin_dir, False, None, 'dev'), ('script', 'chill', 'depend-chill', 'chill')),
- ((self.omega_dev_dir, self.chill_dev_dir, self.bin_dir, False, 'lua', 'dev'), ('script', 'chill-lua', 'depend-chill', 'chill')),
- ((self.omega_dev_dir, self.chill_dev_dir, self.bin_dir, False, 'python', 'dev'), ('script', 'chill-python', 'depend-chill', 'chill')),
- ((self.omega_dev_dir, self.chill_dev_dir, self.bin_dir, True, None, 'dev'), ('lua', 'cuda-chill', 'depend-cuda-chill', 'cuda-chill')),
- ((self.omega_dev_dir, self.chill_dev_dir, self.bin_dir, True, 'python', 'dev'), ('lua', 'cuda-chill-python', 'depend-cuda-chill', 'cuda-chill')),
- ((self.omega_rel_dir, self.chill_rel_dir, self.bin_dir, False, None, 'release'), ('script', 'chill-release', 'depend', 'chill')),
- ((self.omega_rel_dir, self.chill_rel_dir, self.bin_dir, True, None, 'release'), ('lua', 'cuda-chill-release', 'depend-cuda-chill', 'cuda-chill'))
- ]
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def _run_ChillConfig_test(self, n):
- for args, expected in self.config_test_data:
- val = self.config_test_func[n](testchill.chill.ChillConfig(*args))
- exp = expected[n]
- self.assertEqual(val, exp)
- def test_ChillConfig_default_script_lang(self):
- self._run_ChillConfig_test(0)
- def test_ChillConfig_name(self):
- self._run_ChillConfig_test(1)
- def test_ChillConfig_make_depend_target(self):
- self._run_ChillConfig_test(2)
- def test_ChillConfig_make_target(self):
- self._run_ChillConfig_test(3)
- #def test_ChillConfig_make_args(self):
- # self._run_ChillConfig_test(4)
- def test_chill_dev(self):
- tc = testchill.chill.BuildChillTestCase(self.config(), self.build_options)
- self.assertEqual(, 'chill')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.env()['OMEGAHOME'], self.omega_dev_dir)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.make_depend_target(), 'depend-chill')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.make_target(), 'chill')
- self.assertEqual(, 'chill')
-'Building ' +
- runtest([tc])
- def test_chill_dev_lua(self):
- tc = testchill.chill.BuildChillTestCase(self.config(script_lang='lua'), self.build_options)
- self.assertEqual(, 'chill-lua')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.env()['OMEGAHOME'], self.omega_dev_dir)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.make_depend_target(), 'depend-chill')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.make_target(), 'chill')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.make_args(), 'SCRIPT_LANG=lua')
- self.assertEqual(, 'chill-lua')
-'Building ' +
- runtest([tc])
- def test_chill_dev_python(self):
- tc = testchill.chill.BuildChillTestCase(self.config(script_lang='python'), self.build_options)
- self.assertEqual(, 'chill-python')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.env()['OMEGAHOME'], self.omega_dev_dir)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.make_depend_target(), 'depend-chill')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.make_target(), 'chill')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.make_args(), 'SCRIPT_LANG=python')
- self.assertEqual(, 'chill-python')
-'Building ' +
- runtest([tc])
- def test_cudachill_dev(self):
- tc = testchill.chill.BuildChillTestCase(self.config(build_cuda=True), self.build_options)
- self.assertEqual(, 'cuda-chill')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.env()['OMEGAHOME'], self.omega_dev_dir)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.make_depend_target(), 'depend-cuda-chill')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.make_target(), 'cuda-chill')
- self.assertEqual(, 'cuda-chill')
-'Building ' +
- runtest([tc])
- def test_cudachill_dev(self):
- tc = testchill.chill.BuildChillTestCase(self.config(build_cuda=True, script_lang='python'), self.build_options)
- self.assertEqual(, 'cuda-chill-python')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.env()['OMEGAHOME'], self.omega_dev_dir)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.make_depend_target(), 'depend-cuda-chill')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.make_target(), 'cuda-chill')
- self.assertEqual(, 'cuda-chill-python')
-'Building ' +
- runtest([tc])
- def test_chill_release(self):
- tc = testchill.chill.BuildChillTestCase(self.config_rel(), self.build_options)
- self.assertEqual(, 'chill-release')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.env()['OMEGAHOME'], self.omega_rel_dir)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.make_depend_target(), 'depend')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.make_target(), 'chill')
- self.assertEqual(, 'chill-release')
-'Building ' +
- runtest([tc])
- def test_cudachill_release(self):
- tc = testchill.chill.BuildChillTestCase(self.config_rel(build_cuda=True), self.build_options)
- self.assertEqual(, 'cuda-chill-release')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.env()['OMEGAHOME'], self.omega_rel_dir)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.env()['CUDACHILL'], 'true')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.make_depend_target(), 'depend-cuda-chill')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.make_target(), 'cuda-chill')
- self.assertEqual(, 'cuda-chill-release')
-'Building ' +
- runtest([tc])
- def test_run_chill(self):
- config = self.config()
- btc = testchill.chill.BuildChillTestCase(config, self.build_options)
- runtest([btc])
- tc = testchill.chill.RunChillTestCase(config, 'test-cases/chill/test_scale.script', 'test-cases/chill/mm.c', wd=self.wd)
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_src, 'mm.c')
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_script, 'test_scale.script')
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_src_path, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test-cases/chill/mm.c'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_script_path, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test-cases/chill/test_scale.script'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_gensrc, 'rose_mm.c')
- self.assertEqual(, 'chill:test_scale.script')
- runchilltest([tc])
- def test_run_cudachill(self):
- config = self.config(build_cuda=True)
- btc = testchill.chill.BuildChillTestCase(config, self.build_options)
- runtest([btc])
- tc = testchill.chill.RunChillTestCase(config, 'test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mm.lua', 'test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mm.c', wd=self.wd)
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_src, 'mm.c')
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_script, 'mm.lua')
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_src_path, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mm.c'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_script_path, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test-cases/examples/cuda-chill/mm.lua'))
- self.assertEqual(tc.chill_gensrc, '')
- self.assertEqual(, 'cuda-chill:mm.lua')
- runchilltest([tc])
- def test_chill_coverage(self):
- tc = testchill.chill.BuildChillTestCase(self.config(), options={'coverage':True}, coverage_set=testchill.gcov.GcovSet())
- self.assertEqual(, 'chill')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.env()['OMEGAHOME'], self.omega_dev_dir)
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.make_depend_target(), 'depend-chill')
- self.assertEqual(tc.config.make_target(), 'chill')
- self.assertEqual(, 'chill')
- self.assertTrue(tc.options['coverage'])
-'Building ' +
- if _runbuild:
- runtest([tc])
- self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.chill_dev_dir, 'ir_rose.gcno')))
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index ed55c80..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-import functools
-import os
-import pprint
-import struct
-import unittest
-import testchill
-import testchill.util as util
-import testchill._cpp_validate_env as cpp_validate_env
-import testchill.cpp_validate as cpp_validate
-def listtodata(flist):
- data = [struct.pack('f',n) for n in flist]
- return functools.reduce(lambda a,v: a+v, data)
-class TestCppValidate(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.staging_dir_wd = os.getenv("STAGING_DIR_WD")
- self.cpp_validate_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'unit-tests/cpp_validate_prog/')
- self._parse_testproc_script_test_data = [
- (('mm_one.testproc',), None),
- (('mm_one_with.testproc',), None)
- ]
- self._parse_testproc_python_test_data = [
- ]
- #self._generate_data_test_data = [
- # (('','in'), None),
- # (('','out'), None),
- # (('','in'), None),
- # (('','out'), None),
- # (('','in'), None),
- # (('','out'), None),
- # (('','in'), None),
- # (('','out'), None),
- # ]
- self._parse_testproc_iter_test_data = [
- (('',),
- [({'lang': 'script', 'name': 'mm_small', 'define':'dict()'},)]),
- (('',),
- [({'lang': 'script', 'name': 'mm_small', 'define':'dict()'},)]),
- (('',),
- [({'lang': 'script', 'name': 'mm_small', 'define': "{'AN':3, 'BM':2, 'AMBN':5}"},)]),
- (('',),
- [({'lang': 'script', 'name': 'mm_small', 'define': "{'AN':3, 'BM':2, 'AMBN':5}"},)])
- ]
- self._compile_gpp_test_data = [
- ('', 'mm_one')
- ]
- self._test_time_test_data = [
- ((0.0034, 0.0025), True),
- ((0.0025, 0.0034), False)
- ]
- self._test_validate_test_data = [
- (('asdf', 'asdf'), True),
- (('asdf', 'sdfg'), False)
- ]
- self._run_test_validate_time_test_data = [
- (('', 'mm_control', '', 'mm_test', list(range(15)) + list(range(10))), (True, False)),
- (('', 'mm_control', '', 'mm_test', list(range(15)) + list(range(10))), (True, True)),
- (('', 'mm_control', '', 'mm_test', list(range(15)) + list(range(10))), (False, False))
- ]
- self._compile_run_test_validate_time_test_data = [
- (('', '', list(range(15)) + list(range(10))), (True, False)),
- (('', '', list(range(15)) + list(range(10))), (True, True)),
- (('', '', list(range(15)) + list(range(10))), (False, False))
- ]
- self._generate_initial_data_test_data = [
- (('mm_one.testproc', '', {}), listtodata(list(range(15)) + list(range(10)) + [0]*6)),
- (('mm_one_with.testproc', '', {}), listtodata(list(range(15)) + list(range(10)) + [0]*6)),
- ]
- self._format_insertion_dict_test_data = [
- (('mm_one.testproc', '', {}),
- {
- 'run': 'mm(A,B,C);',
- 'read-out': '*)C, 6*sizeof(float));',
- 'declarations': 'float A[3][5];\nfloat B[5][2];\nfloat C[3][2];',
- 'write-out': 'datafile_out.write((char*)C, 6*sizeof(float));',
- 'defines': '',
- 'read-in': '*)A, 15*sizeof(float));\*)B, 10*sizeof(float));'
- }),
- (('mm_one_with.testproc', '', {}),
- {
- 'run': 'mm(A,B,C);',
- 'read-out': '*)C, 6*sizeof(float));',
- 'declarations': 'float A[3][5];\nfloat B[5][2];\nfloat C[3][2];',
- 'write-out': 'datafile_out.write((char*)C, 6*sizeof(float));',
- 'defines': '',
- 'read-in': '*)A, 15*sizeof(float));\*)B, 10*sizeof(float));'
- }),
- ]
- self._write_generated_code_test_data = [
- (('mm_one.testproc', '', '', {}), '')
- ]
- self.run_from_src_test_data = [
- (('', '', self.staging_dir_wd), [('small', (True, False)), ('medium', (True, False)), ('big', (True, False))]),
- (('', '', self.staging_dir_wd), [('small', (True, True)), ('medium', (True, True)), ('big', (True, True))]),
- ]
- def tearDown(self):
- util.rmtemp()
- def test__get_script_parser(self):
- cpp_validate._script_parser = None
- self.assertIsNotNone(cpp_validate._get_script_parser())
- self.assertIsNotNone(cpp_validate._get_script_parser())
- def _test_parse_src(self, parsefunc, test_data):
- def parse_file(filename):
- path = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, filename)
- with open(path, 'r') as f:
- src =
- return parsefunc(src)
- for args, expected in test_data:
- srcfile, = args
- val = parse_file(srcfile)
- #TODO: make some assertions
- def test__parse_testproc_script(self):
- self._test_parse_src(
- cpp_validate._parse_testproc_script,
- self._parse_testproc_script_test_data)
- @unittest.skip("not yet supported")
- def test__parse_testproc_python(self):
- self._test_parse_src(
- cpp_validate._parse_testproc_python,
- self._parse_testproc_python_test_data)
- def test__parse_testproc_iter(self):
- def testfunc(filename):
- path = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, filename)
-'cp', [path, '.'], wd=self.staging_dir_wd)
- return list(cpp_validate._parse_testproc_iter(filename, wd=self.staging_dir_wd))
- for args, expected_list in self._parse_testproc_iter_test_data:
- val_list = testfunc(*args)
- for val, expected in zip(val_list, expected_list):
- _, attr_val = val
- attr_exp, = expected
- self.assertEqual(attr_val, attr_exp)
- #TODO: make some more assertions
- #def test__generate_data(self):
- # def testfunc(filename, direction):
- # path = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, filename)
- #'cp', [path, '.'], wd=self.staging_dir_wd)
- # for proc, attrs in cpp_validate._parse_testproc_iter(filename, wd=self.staging_dir_wd):
- # defines = eval(attrs['define'])
- # yield cpp_validate._generate_initial_data(proc, direction, filename, defines, wd=self.staging_dir_wd)
- #
- # for args, expected in self._generate_data_test_data:
- # for filename in testfunc(*args):
- # self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(filename))
- # #TODO: make some more assertions
- def test__compile_gpp(self):
- def testfunc(src, obj):
- src = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, src)
- obj = os.path.join(self.staging_dir_wd, obj)
- cpp_validate._compile_gpp(src, obj)
- for src, obj in self._compile_gpp_test_data:
- testfunc(src, obj)
- obj_path = os.path.join(self.staging_dir_wd, obj)
- self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(obj_path))
- def test__test_time(self):
- def testfunc(control_time, test_time):
- return cpp_validate._test_time(control_time, test_time)
- for args, exp in self._test_time_test_data:
- val = testfunc(*args)
- self.assertEqual(val, exp)
- def test__test_validate(self):
- def testfunc(control_data, test_data):
- if util.python_version_major == 3:
- control_data = bytes(map(ord,control_data))
- test_data = bytes(map(ord,test_data))
- control_file, control_path = util.mktemp('wb')
- control_file.write(control_data)
- control_file.close()
- test_file, test_path = util.mktemp('wb')
- test_file.write(test_data)
- test_file.close()
- return cpp_validate._test_validate(control_path, test_path)
- for args, exp in self._test_validate_test_data:
- val = testfunc(*args)
- self.assertEqual(val, exp)
- def test__run_test_validate_time(self):
- def makeobj(src, obj):
- src_path = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, src)
- obj_path = os.path.join(self.staging_dir_wd, obj)
-'g++', ['-o', obj_path, src_path, '-lrt'])
- util.set_tempfile(obj_path)
- return src_path, obj_path
- def testfunc(control_src, control_obj, test_src, test_obj, in_data):
- control_src, control_obj = makeobj(control_src, control_obj)
- test_src, test_obj = makeobj(test_src, test_obj)
- inpath = os.path.join(self.staging_dir_wd, '')
- with open(inpath, 'wb') as infile:
- infile.write(listtodata(in_data))
- util.set_tempfile(inpath)
- return cpp_validate._run_test_validate_time(control_obj, test_obj, inpath)
- for args, expected in self._run_test_validate_time_test_data:
- validate_val, time_val = testfunc(*args)
- validate_exp, time_exp = expected
- self.assertEqual(validate_val, validate_exp)
- self.assertEqual(time_val, time_exp)
- def test__compile_run_test_validate_time(self):
- def testfunc(control_src, test_src, in_data):
- control_src = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, control_src)
- test_src = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, test_src)
- inpath = os.path.join(self.staging_dir_wd, '')
- with open(inpath, 'wb') as infile:
- infile.write(listtodata(in_data))
- util.set_tempfile(inpath)
- return cpp_validate._compile_run_test_validate_time(control_src, test_src, inpath)
- for args, expected in self._compile_run_test_validate_time_test_data:
- validate_val, time_val = testfunc(*args)
- validate_exp, time_exp = expected
- self.assertEqual(validate_val, validate_exp)
- self.assertEqual(time_val, time_exp)
- def test__generate_initial_data(self):
- def testfunc(testprocfile, srcfile, defines):
- testprocpath = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, testprocfile)
- with open(testprocpath, 'r') as f:
- srcpath = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, srcfile)
- testproc = cpp_validate._parse_testproc_script(
- return cpp_validate._generate_initial_data(testproc, srcpath, defines, wd=self.staging_dir_wd)
- for args, expected in self._generate_initial_data_test_data:
- datafile = testfunc(*args)
- with open(datafile, 'rb') as f:
- self.assertEqual(len(, len(expected))
- def test__format_insertion_dict(self):
- def testfunc(testprocfile, srcfile, defines):
- testprocpath = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, testprocfile)
- srcpath = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, srcfile)
- with open(testprocpath, 'r') as f:
- testproc = cpp_validate._parse_testproc_script(
- #testproc.generatedata('in', defines)
- #testproc.generatedata('out', defines)
- return cpp_validate._format_insertion_dict(testproc, srcpath, defines)
- for args, exp in self._format_insertion_dict_test_data:
- val = testfunc(*args)
- for k,v in exp.items():
- self.assertEqual(val[k], v)
- def test__write_generated_code(self):
- def testfunc(testprocfile, srcname, destname, defines):
- srcpath = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, srcname)
- with open(os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, testprocfile),'r') as f:
- testproc = cpp_validate._parse_testproc_script(
- return cpp_validate._write_generated_code(testproc, srcpath, defines, destname, self.staging_dir_wd)
- for args, exp_path in self._write_generated_code_test_data:
- val_path = testfunc(*args)
- util.set_tempfile(val_path)
- exp_path = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, exp_path)
- with open(val_path, 'r') as valfile:
- with open(exp_path, 'r') as expfile:
- self.assertEqual(,
- def test_run_from_src(self):
- for args, expected in self.run_from_src_test_data:
- control_src, test_src, wd = args
- control_src = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, control_src)
- test_src = os.path.join(self.cpp_validate_dir, test_src)
- val = list(cpp_validate.run_from_src(control_src,test_src,wd))
- self.assertEqual(val, expected)
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2720ef7..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-import itertools
-import pprint
-import os
-import textwrap
-import unittest
-import testchill.util as util
-import testchill.gcov as gcov
-class TestGCov(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.cprog_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'unit-tests/cprog')
- self.cprog_bin = os.path.join(self.cprog_dir, 'bin/sorter')
- def build_prog(self):
- self.clean_prog()
-'make', [], wd=self.cprog_dir)
- def clean_prog(self):
-'make', ['clean'], wd=self.cprog_dir)
- def run_prog(self, alg, lst):
-, [alg] + list(map(str,lst)))
- def test_GcovLine_mrege_lines(self):
- '''
- 56: 14: while((index < pivot_index) && (list[index] >= pivot_value)) {
- 6: 15: swap(list, index, pivot_index);
- 6: 16: pivot_index--;
- -: 17: }
- And
- 78: 14: while((index < pivot_index) && (list[index] >= pivot_value)) {
- 18: 15: swap(list, index, pivot_index);
- 18: 16: pivot_index--;
- -: 17: }
- '''
- lines_proc_one = list(itertools.starmap(gcov.GcovLine,[
- (14, {'proc_one': 56},' while((index < pivot_index) && (list[index] >= pivot_value)) {'),
- (15, {'proc_one': 6},' swap(list, index, pivot_index);'),
- (16, {'proc_one': 6},' pivot_index--;'),
- (17, {'proc_one': None},' }')]))
- lines_proc_two = list(itertools.starmap(gcov.GcovLine,[
- (14, {'proc_two': 78},' while((index < pivot_index) && (list[index] >= pivot_value)) {'),
- (15, {'proc_two': 18},' swap(list, index, pivot_index);'),
- (16, {'proc_two': 18},' pivot_index--;'),
- (17, {'proc_two': None},' }')]))
- gcov.GcovLine.merge_lines(lines_proc_one, lines_proc_two)
- self.assertEqual(lines_proc_one[0].lineno, 14)
- self.assertEqual(lines_proc_one[1].lineno, 15)
- self.assertEqual(lines_proc_one[2].lineno, 16)
- self.assertEqual(lines_proc_one[3].lineno, 17)
- def test_GcovLine_merge_and_count(self):
- lines_proc_one = list(itertools.starmap(gcov.GcovLine,[
- (14, {'proc_one': 56},' while((index < pivot_index) && (list[index] >= pivot_value)) {'),
- (15, {'proc_one': 6},' swap(list, index, pivot_index);'),
- (16, {'proc_one': 6},' pivot_index--;'),
- (17, {'proc_one': None},' }')]))
- lines_proc_two = list(itertools.starmap(gcov.GcovLine,[
- (14, {'proc_two': 78},' while((index < pivot_index) && (list[index] >= pivot_value)) {'),
- (15, {'proc_two': 18},' swap(list, index, pivot_index);'),
- (16, {'proc_two': 18},' pivot_index--;'),
- (17, {'proc_two': None},' }')]))
- gcov.GcovLine.merge_lines(lines_proc_one, lines_proc_two)
- self.assertEqual(lines_proc_one[0].count(), 134)
- self.assertEqual(lines_proc_one[1].count(), 24)
- self.assertEqual(lines_proc_one[2].count(), 24)
- self.assertEqual(lines_proc_one[3].count(), None)
- def test_GcovFile_parse_lines(self):
- lines = textwrap.dedent(
- '''-:0:SomeProperty:SomeValue
- 56: 14: while((index < pivot_index) && (list[index] >= pivot_value)) {
- 6: 15: swap(list, index, pivot_index);
- 6: 16: pivot_index--;
- -: 17: }''').splitlines()
- lines, properties = gcov.GcovFile.parse_lines(lines, 'proc')
- self.assertEqual(lines[0].lineno, 14)
- self.assertEqual(lines[0].count_by_process, {'proc': 56})
- self.assertEqual(lines[0].code, ' while((index < pivot_index) && (list[index] >= pivot_value)) {')
- self.assertEqual(lines[3].count_by_process, dict())
- def test_Gcov_parse(self):
- self.build_prog()
- self.run_prog('quicksort', [9, 4, 10, 6, 11, 0, 3, 7, 2, 1, 8, 5])
- cov = gcov.Gcov.parse(self.cprog_dir, 'unsorted')
- self.build_prog()
- self.run_prog('quicksort', [5, 4, 3, 2, 1])
- #pprint.pprint(vars(cov.files['']))
- cov.merge(gcov.Gcov.parse(self.cprog_dir, 'reverse'))
- #pprint.pprint(vars(cov.files['']))
- #TODO: assert something
- #cov.pretty_print()
- def tearDown(self):
- self.clean_prog()
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 91d6a13..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import unittest
-import testchill.util
-class TestOmegaTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.omega_dev_dir = os.getenv('OMEGA_DEV_SRC')
- self.omega_rel_dir = os.getenv('OMEGA_RELEASE_SRC')
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def test_omega_dev(self):
- tc =
- def test_omega_release(self):
- tc =, 'release')
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9745358..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-import io
-import pickle
-import pprint
-import unittest
-import textwrap
-import testchill.test as test
-import testchill.util as util
-class Named(object):
- def __init__(self, name):
- = name
- def setresult(self, res):
- pass
-def make_tc(rfunc=None, sufunc=None, tdfunc=None, name=None):
- class SomeTestCase(test.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- if sufunc:
- sufunc(self)
- def run(self):
- if rfunc != None:
- return rfunc(self)
- def tearDown(self):
- if tdfunc:
- tdfunc(self)
- return SomeTestCase(name)
-def make_seqtc(subtests, sufunc=None, tdfunc=None, name=None):
- class SomeSeqTestCase(test.SequencialTestCase):
- def __init__(self, name):
- test.SequencialTestCase.__init__(self, name)
- for fn_name, func in subtests:
- self.add_subtest(fn_name, func)
- def setUp(self):
- if sufunc:
- sufunc(self)
- def tearDown(self):
- if tdfunc:
- tdfunc(self)
- return SomeSeqTestCase(name)
-class TestTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def flip_n_switch(self, n, value=True):
- '''
- Return a function that sets switches[n] to value (True by default)
- '''
- def flipswitch(tc):
- self.switches[n] = value
- return flipswitch
- def flip_n_switch_if_m(self, n, m, value=True):
- '''
- Returns a function that sets switches[n] to value (True by default) if switches[m] is True
- '''
- def flipswitch(tc):
- if self.switches[m]:
- self.switches[n] = value
- return flipswitch
- def allways_raise(self, exc=Exception('Expected exception')):
- '''
- Returns a function that raises an exception
- '''
- def throwexc(tc):
- raise exc
- return throwexc
- def allways_fail(self):
- '''
- Returns a function that returns an explicit failure
- '''
- def fail(tc):
- return test.TestResult.make_fail(test.TestResult, tc)
- return fail
- def allways_skip(self):
- '''
- Returns a function that skips
- '''
- def skip(tc):
- return test.TestResult.make_skipped(test.TestResult, tc)
- return skip
- def allways_pass(self):
- '''
- Returns a function that passes
- '''
- def notfail(tc):
- return test.TestResult.make_pass(test.TestResult, tc)
- return notfail
- def donothing(self):
- '''
- Returns a function that does nothing
- '''
- def foo(tc):
- pass
- return foo
- def setUp(self):
- self.switches = dict((n, False) for n in range(3))
- def test_TestResult_make_pass(self):
- self.assertTrue(test.TestResult.make_pass(test.TestResult, Named('i-pass')).passed())
- self.assertFalse(test.TestResult.make_pass(test.TestResult, Named('i-pass')).errored())
- self.assertFalse(test.TestResult.make_pass(test.TestResult, Named('i-pass')).failed())
- self.assertFalse(test.TestResult.make_pass(test.TestResult, Named('i-pass')).skipped())
- def test_TestResult_make_error(self):
- self.assertFalse(test.TestResult.make_error(test.TestResult, Named('i-error')).passed())
- self.assertTrue(test.TestResult.make_error(test.TestResult, Named('i-error')).errored())
- self.assertFalse(test.TestResult.make_error(test.TestResult, Named('i-error')).failed())
- self.assertFalse(test.TestResult.make_error(test.TestResult, Named('i-error')).skipped())
- def test_TestResult_make_fail(self):
- self.assertFalse(test.TestResult.make_fail(test.TestResult, Named('i-fail')).passed())
- self.assertFalse(test.TestResult.make_fail(test.TestResult, Named('i-fail')).errored())
- self.assertTrue(test.TestResult.make_fail(test.TestResult, Named('i-fail')).failed())
- self.assertFalse(test.TestResult.make_fail(test.TestResult, Named('i-fail')).skipped())
- def test_TestResult_make_skipped(self):
- self.assertFalse(test.TestResult.make_skipped(test.TestResult, Named('i-skip')).passed())
- self.assertFalse(test.TestResult.make_skipped(test.TestResult, Named('i-skip')).errored())
- self.assertFalse(test.TestResult.make_skipped(test.TestResult, Named('i-skip')).failed())
- self.assertTrue(test.TestResult.make_skipped(test.TestResult, Named('i-skip')).skipped())
- def test__result(self):
- result_passed = test.TestResult.make_pass(test.TestResult, Named('i-pass'))
- result_failed = test.TestResult.make_fail(test.TestResult, Named('i-fail'))
- self.assertTrue(result_passed is test._result(result_passed, Named('i-pass')))
- self.assertTrue(test._result(result_failed, Named('i-fail')).failed())
- self.assertTrue(test._result(Exception(), Named('i-error')).errored())
- def test_run_empty(self):
- def test_run_run(self):
- rfunc=self.flip_n_switch(0))])
- self.assertTrue(self.switches[0])
- def test_run_setupfirst(self):
- rfunc = self.flip_n_switch_if_m(0,1),
- sufunc = self.flip_n_switch(1))])
- self.assertTrue(self.switches[0])
- def test_run_teardownlast(self):
- rfunc = self.flip_n_switch(1),
- tdfunc = self.flip_n_switch_if_m(0,1))])
- self.assertTrue(self.switches[0])
- def test_run_teardown_allways(self):
- rfunc = self.allways_raise(),
- tdfunc = self.flip_n_switch(0))])
- self.assertTrue(self.switches[0])
- def test_run_pass_result(self):
- result_set =[make_tc(
- rfunc = self.donothing(),
- name='pass')])
- result = result_set[0]
- self.assertTrue(result.passed())
- self.assertFalse(result.errored())
- self.assertFalse(result.failed())
- self.assertFalse(result.skipped())
- def test_run_error_result(self):
- result_set =[make_tc(
- rfunc = self.allways_raise(),
- name='error')])
- result = result_set[0]
- self.assertFalse(result.passed())
- self.assertTrue(result.errored())
- self.assertFalse(result.failed())
- self.assertFalse(result.skipped())
- def test_run_fail_result(self):
- result_set =[make_tc(
- rfunc = self.allways_fail(),
- name='fail')])
- result = result_set[0]
- self.assertFalse(result.passed())
- self.assertFalse(result.errored())
- self.assertTrue(result.failed())
- self.assertFalse(result.skipped())
- def test_run_skipped_result(self):
- result_set =[make_tc(
- rfunc = self.allways_skip(),
- name='skipped')])
- result = result_set[0]
- self.assertFalse(result.passed())
- self.assertFalse(result.errored())
- self.assertFalse(result.failed())
- self.assertTrue(result.skipped())
- def test_run_seq_empty(self):
- def test_run_seq_allrun(self):
- result_set =[make_seqtc([
- ('one', self.flip_n_switch(0)),
- ('two', self.flip_n_switch(1)),
- ('three', self.flip_n_switch(2))],
- name='seq')])
- self.assertTrue(result_set[0].passed())
- self.assertTrue(self.switches[0])
- self.assertTrue(self.switches[1])
- self.assertTrue(self.switches[2])
- def test_run_seq_until_fail(self):
- result_set =[make_seqtc([
- ('one', self.flip_n_switch(0)),
- ('two', self.allways_fail()),
- ('trhee', self.flip_n_switch(1))],
- name='seq')])
- self.assertTrue(result_set[0].failed())
- self.assertTrue(self.switches[0])
- self.assertFalse(self.switches[1])
- def test_run_seq_until_error(self):
- result_set =[make_seqtc([
- ('one', self.flip_n_switch(0)),
- ('two', self.allways_raise()),
- ('trhee', self.flip_n_switch(1))],
- name='seq')])
- self.assertTrue(result_set[0].errored())
- self.assertTrue(self.switches[0])
- self.assertFalse(self.switches[1])
- def test_persistance_one_pass(self):
- result_set =[make_tc(self.allways_pass(), name='tc-name')])
- read_result_set = util.withtmp(
- lambda f: pickle.dump(result_set, f),
- lambda f: pickle.load(f))
- self.assertEqual(list(map(vars,result_set)), list(map(vars,read_result_set)))
- def test_persistance_seq(self):
- result_set =[make_seqtc([
- ('one', self.flip_n_switch(0)),
- ('two', self.flip_n_switch(1))],
- name = 'seq')])
- read_result_set = util.withtmp(
- lambda f: pickle.dump(result_set, f),
- lambda f: pickle.load(f))
- for i in range(len(result_set)):
- self.assertEqual(result_set[i].status, read_result_set[i].status)
- self.assertEqual(result_set[i].testcase_name, read_result_set[i].testcase_name)
- for j in range(len(result_set[i].sub_results)):
- self.assertEqual(result_set[i].sub_results[j].status, read_result_set[i].sub_results[j].status)
- self.assertEqual(result_set[i].sub_results[j].testcase_name, read_result_set[i].sub_results[j].testcase_name)
- def test_persistance_seq_error(self):
- result_set =[make_seqtc([
- ('one', self.flip_n_switch(0)),
- ('two', self.allways_raise())],
- name = 'seq')])
- read_result_set = util.withtmp(
- lambda f: pickle.dump(result_set, f),
- lambda f: pickle.load(f))
- for i in range(len(result_set)):
- self.assertEqual(result_set[i].status, read_result_set[i].status)
- self.assertEqual(result_set[i].testcase_name, read_result_set[i].testcase_name)
- for j in range(len(result_set[i].sub_results)):
- self.assertEqual(result_set[i].sub_results[j].status, read_result_set[i].sub_results[j].status)
- self.assertEqual(result_set[i].sub_results[j].testcase_name, read_result_set[i].sub_results[j].testcase_name)
- def test_FailedTestResult_init(self):
- result = test.TestResult.make_fail(test.FailedTestResult, Named('i-fail'), reason='testing')
- self.assertFalse(result.passed())
- self.assertTrue(result.failed())
- self.assertFalse(result.errored())
- self.assertFalse(result.skipped())
- self.assertEqual(result.testcase_name, 'i-fail')
- self.assertEqual(result.reason, 'testing')
- def test_pretty_print(self):
- def pretty_print_to_string(results_iter):
- sio = util.StringIO()
- test.pretty_print_results(results_iter, outfile=sio)
- return sio.getvalue()
- results_iter = iter([
- test.TestResult.make_pass(test.TestResult, Named('i-pass')),
- test.TestResult.make_error(test.UnhandledExceptionTestResult, Named('i-error'), Exception, Exception(), None),
- test.TestResult.make_fail(test.FailedTestResult, Named('i-fail'), reason='Oops'),
- test.TestResult.make_skipped(test.TestResult, Named('i-skip'))
- ])
- self.assertEqual(pretty_print_to_string(results_iter), textwrap.dedent('''\
- Passed: 1
- Errors: 1
- Failed: 1
- Skipped: 1
- ============================================================
- error: i-error
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- <class 'Exception'>:
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- ============================================================
- fail: i-fail
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Oops
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- '''))
- result_set =[make_seqtc([
- ('one', self.flip_n_switch(0)),
- ('two', self.flip_n_switch(1)),
- ('three', self.flip_n_switch(2))],
- name='seq')])
- result_set_fail =[make_seqtc([
- ('one', self.flip_n_switch(0)),
- ('two', lambda s: test.TestResult.make_fail(test.FailedTestResult, s, 'Oops')),
- ('trhee', self.flip_n_switch(1))],
- name='seq')])
- result_set_error =[make_seqtc([
- ('one', self.flip_n_switch(0)),
- ('two', lambda s: test.TestResult.make_error(test.UnhandledExceptionTestResult, s, Exception, Exception(), None))],
- name = 'seq')])
- compound_set = pretty_print_to_string(result_set)
- compound_set_fail = pretty_print_to_string(result_set_fail)
- compound_set_error = pretty_print_to_string(result_set_error)
- self.assertEqual(compound_set, textwrap.dedent('''\
- Passed: 1
- Errors: 0
- Failed: 0
- Skipped: 0
- '''))
- self.assertEqual(compound_set_fail, textwrap.dedent('''\
- Passed: 0
- Errors: 0
- Failed: 1
- Skipped: 0
- ============================================================
- fail: seq
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- pass: one
- fail: two
- Oops
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- '''))
- self.assertEqual(compound_set_error, textwrap.dedent('''\
- Passed: 0
- Errors: 1
- Failed: 0
- Skipped: 0
- ============================================================
- error: seq
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- pass: one
- error: two
- <class 'Exception'>:
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- '''))
- def tearDown(self):
- util.rmtemp()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test-chill/unit-tests/ b/test-chill/unit-tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index fbb0c79..0000000
--- a/test-chill/unit-tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import subprocess
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-import testchill.util as util
-### Most of these are sanity checks. ###
-class TestUtil(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.tempfiles = []
- def maketempfiles(self, n=1):
- files = tuple([tempfile.mkstemp(text=True) for i in range(n)])
- self.tempfiles += list(map(lambda f: f[1], files))
- return files
- def test_shell(self):
- sbla = subprocess.check_output(['ls', '-la', 'test-cases/chill'])
- if util.python_version_major == 3:
- sbla = sbla.decode()
- shla ='ls', ['-la', 'test-cases/chill'])
- self.assertEqual(sbla, shla)
- def test_shell_env(self):
- env = {'STRING_VAR':'string','NUMBER_VAR':3,'DEFINED_VAR':1}
- self.assertEqual('echo', ['$STRING_VAR'], env=env), env['STRING_VAR'] + '\n')
- self.assertEqual('echo', ['$NUMBER_VAR'], env=env), str(env['NUMBER_VAR']) + '\n')
- self.assertEqual('echo', ['$DEFINED_VAR'], env=env), str(env['DEFINED_VAR']) + '\n')
- def test_shell_tofile(self):
- tfile = self.maketempfiles(1)
- fname = tfile[0][1]
- with open(fname, 'w') as f:
-'ls', ['-la', 'test-cases/chill'], stdout=f)
- with open(fname, 'r') as f:
- self.assertEqual('ls', ['-la', 'test-cases/chill']),
- def test_copy(self):
- class C(object):
- pass
- c = C()
- c.x = 'x'
- a = util.copy(c)
- b = util.copy(c)
- a.x = 'y'
- self.assertEqual(c.x,'x')
- self.assertEqual(b.x,'x')
- self.assertEqual(a.x,'y')
- def test_callonce(self):
- def foo():
- return 3
- foo_once = util.callonce(foo)
- self.assertEqual(foo_once(), 3)
- self.assertRaises(Exception, foo_once)
- def test_isdiff(self):
- testdata = [
- (('aaa','aaa'),(False,' aaa')),
- (('aab','aaa'),(True, '- aab\n+ aaa')),
- (('a\nb','a\nb\nc'),(True, ' a\n b\n+ c')),
- (('a\na\nc','a\nb\nc'),(True, ' a\n- a\n+ b\n c'))
- ]
- for args, expected in testdata:
- isdiff_exp, diff_exp = expected
- isdiff_val, diff_val = util.isdiff(*args)
- self.assertEqual(isdiff_val, isdiff_exp)
- self.assertEqual(diff_val, diff_exp)
- def test_filterext(self):
- testdata = [
- ((['.c','.py'],['a.c','b.txt','']),['a.c',''])
- ]
- for args, expected in testdata:
- self.assertEqual(list(util.filterext(*args)), expected)
- #TODO:
- #def test_extract_tag(self):
- # testdata = [
- # (('a', 'abc<a>def</a>ghi<b>jkl</b>mno<c>pqr</c>stu<b>zwx</b>yz'), ['def']),
- # (('b', 'abc<a>def</a>ghi<b>jkl</b>mno<c>pqr</c>stu<b>zwx</b>yz'), ['jkl','zwx']),
- # (('c', 'abc<a>def</a>ghi<b>jkl</b>mno<c>pqr</c>stu<b>zwx</b>yz'), ['pqr']),
- # (('d', 'abc<a>def</a>ghi<b>jkl</b>mno<c>pqr</c>stu<b>zwx</b>yz'), []),
- # ]
- # for args, expected in testdata:
- # self.assertEqual(list(util.extract_tag(*args)), expected)
- def test_textstream(self):
- testdata = [
- (('asdf',),'asdf')
- ]
- for args, expected in testdata:
- stream = util.textstream(*args)
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(stream,'read'))
- self.assertEqual(, expected)
- def tearDown(self):
- for f in self.tempfiles:
- os.remove(f)