path: root/src/Mahjong/Hand.hs
diff options
authorTuowen Zhao <>2016-05-24 11:58:56 -0500
committerTuowen Zhao <>2016-05-24 11:58:56 -0500
commita7ba9e2c6706ca93cbdb8f8986fb90e814ad6fb8 (patch)
treea819a538301e320a254c7debdbb4d68a739393c4 /src/Mahjong/Hand.hs
parent27d29076135ab9bb8903c9d64b0988c3b366844d (diff)
chi peng kangHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Mahjong/Hand.hs')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/src/Mahjong/Hand.hs b/src/Mahjong/Hand.hs
index 13055ff..c5446da 100644
--- a/src/Mahjong/Hand.hs
+++ b/src/Mahjong/Hand.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-module Hand where
+module Mahjong.Hand where
-import Set
-import Tile
+import Mahjong.Set
+import Mahjong.Tile
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
@@ -15,13 +15,16 @@ pairs :: Int -> [MTile] -> Int
pairs c (h:hs) = (if length (filter (==h) hs) >= c then 1 else 0) + (pairs c $ filter (/=h) hs)
pairs c [] = 0
-seven h = 7 - (pairs 1 h)
-mosou h = 14 - (pairs 0 h') - (if pairs 1 h' > 0 then 1 else 0)
+seven' h = 7 - (pairs 1 h)
+musou' h = 14 - (pairs 0 h') - (if pairs 1 h' > 0 then 1 else 0)
where h' = filter is19 h
+seven = seven'.getHand
+musou = musou'.getHand
-- For normal xAAA+yBCD+EE is easy
-- First calculate the maximum number of x+y then the number of partials
-normal h = minimum $ map listen $ normalSet h
+normal h = minimum $ map nlisten $ normalSet h
normalSet :: Hand -> [([MSet],[MSet],[MSet],MSet)]
normalSet h = do
@@ -29,28 +32,28 @@ normalSet h = do
(part,rr) <- partTest $ sort $ r
return (getCall h,set,part,rr)
-listen :: ([MSet],[MSet],[MSet],MSet) -> Int
-listen (call,set,part,rr) = rem
+nlisten :: ([MSet],[MSet],[MSet],MSet) -> Int
+nlisten (call,set,part,rr) = rem
pair = min 1 $ length (filter (\(t1:t2:t) -> t1==t2) part)
cal = 4 - (length call) - (length set)
rem = cal * 2 - (min cal ((length part)-pair)) + 1 - pair
setTest :: MSet -> [([MSet],MSet)]
-setTest t@(t1:t2:t3:ts) = (aaaTest)++(bcdTest)++other
+setTest t@(t1:t2:t3:ts) = (bcdTest)++(aaaTest)++other
where aaaTest =
guard (t1==t2 && t1==t3)
(res,h) <- setTest ts
return ([t1,t2,t3]:res,h)
+ jt1 = Just t1
+ jn1 = nextTile jt1
+ jn2 = nextTile jn1
bcdTest =
- n1 <- maybeToList $ nextTile' $ Just t1
- n2 <- maybeToList $ nextTile' $ Just n1
- guard (n1 `elem` t && n2 `elem` t)
- let rem = t `rmTile` t1 `rmTile` n1 `rmTile` n2
+ (tt,rem) <- tryTiles [jt1,jn1,jn2] t
(res,h) <- setTest rem
- return ([t1,n1,n2]:res,h)
+ return (tt:res,h)
other = do
(res,h) <- setTest $ tail t
return (res,t1:h)
@@ -63,29 +66,60 @@ partTest t@(t1:t2:ts) = aaTest ++ bcTest ++ bdTest ++ other
guard (t1==t2)
(res,h) <- partTest ts
return ([t1,t2]:res,h)
- jn1 = nextTile' (Just t1)
- jn2 = nextTile' jn1
+ jt1 = Just t1
+ jn1 = nextTile jt1
+ jn2 = nextTile jn1
bcTest =
- n1 <- maybeToList jn1
- guard (n1 `elem` t)
- let rem = t `rmTile` t1 `rmTile` n1
+ (tt,rem) <- tryTiles [jn1,jt1] t
(res,h) <- partTest rem
- return ([t1,n1]:res,h)
+ return (tt:res,h)
bdTest =
- n2 <- maybeToList jn2
- guard (n2 `elem` t)
- let rem = t `rmTile` t1 `rmTile` n2
+ (tt,rem) <- tryTiles [jn2,jt1] t
(res,h) <- partTest rem
- return ([t1,n2]:res,h)
+ return (tt:res,h)
other =
(res,h) <- partTest $ tail t
return (res,t1:h)
partTest t = [([],t)]
-rmTile :: MSet -> MTile -> MSet
+rmTile :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [a]
rmTile ts t = (takeWhile (/=t) ts) ++ if h == [] then [] else tail h
where h = (dropWhile (/=t) ts)
+listen :: Hand -> Int
+listen h = max 0 $ minimum $ [seven,musou,normal] <*> [h]
+nextTileSet :: Hand -> MSet
+nextTileSet h@(Hand hand call) = [ tile | tile <- orderedTile, (>) l $ listen $ Hand (tile:hand) call]
+ where
+ l = listen h
+trySet :: [[Maybe MTile]] -> Hand -> [(MSet,Hand)]
+trySet tiles h@(Hand hand call) = map (\(tt,rr) -> (tt,Hand rr (tt:call))) $ concat $ tryTiles <$> tiles <*> [hand]
+chi :: Hand -> MTile -> [(MSet,Hand)]
+chi h t = trySet [[p2,p1],[p1,n1],[n1,n2]] h
+ where
+ p1 = prevTile $ Just t
+ p2 = prevTile p1
+ n1 = nextTile $ Just t
+ n2 = nextTile n1
+peng :: Hand -> MTile -> [(MSet,Hand)]
+peng h t = trySet [[jt,jt]] h
+ where jt = Just t
+ankang :: Hand -> MTile -> [(MSet,Hand)]
+ankang h@(Hand hand call) t = trySet (map ((take 4).repeat.Just) orderedTile) (Hand (t:hand) call)
+mingkang :: Hand -> MTile -> [(MSet,Hand)]
+mingkang h t = trySet (map ((take 3).repeat.Just) [t]) h
+jiakang :: Hand -> MTile -> [(MSet,Hand)]
+jiakang h@(Hand hand call) t = [ (tt,Hand hand ((ht:tt):(call `rmTile` tt)))| tt<-call, let ht = head tt, let ts = (t:hand), ht `elem` ts]
+tryTiles :: [Maybe MTile] -> MSet -> [(MSet,MSet)]
+tryTiles tl ts = maybeToList $ do
+ tt <- sequence tl
+ guard $ all (`elem` ts) tt
+ return (tt,foldl rmTile ts tt)