path: root/src/KaldiLib/.svn/text-base/Features.h.svn-base
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authorJoe Zhao <>2014-04-14 08:14:45 +0800
committerJoe Zhao <>2014-04-14 08:14:45 +0800
commitcccccbf6cca94a3eaf813b4468453160e91c332b (patch)
tree23418cb73a10ae3b0688681a7f0ba9b06424583e /src/KaldiLib/.svn/text-base/Features.h.svn-base
First commit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/KaldiLib/.svn/text-base/Features.h.svn-base')
1 files changed, 597 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/KaldiLib/.svn/text-base/Features.h.svn-base b/src/KaldiLib/.svn/text-base/Features.h.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0980ab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/KaldiLib/.svn/text-base/Features.h.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
+// C++ Interface: %{MODULE}
+// Description:
+// Author: %{AUTHOR} <%{EMAIL}>, (C) %{YEAR}
+// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#ifndef TNet_Features_h
+#define TNet_Features_h
+// Standard includes
+#include <list>
+#include <queue>
+#include <string>
+// Specific includes
+#include "Common.h"
+#include "Matrix.h"
+#include "StkStream.h"
+#include "Types.h"
+#include "Timer.h"
+// we need these for reading and writing
+#define UINT_16 unsigned short
+#define UINT_32 unsigned
+#define INT_16 short
+#define INT_32 int
+#define FLOAT_32 float
+#define DOUBLE_64 double
+#define PARAMKIND_LPC 1
+#define PARAMKIND_PLP 11
+#define PARAMKIND_ANON 12
+#define PARAMKIND_E 0000100 /// has energy
+#define PARAMKIND_N 0000200 /// absolute energy suppressed
+#define PARAMKIND_D 0000400 /// has delta coefficients
+#define PARAMKIND_A 0001000 /// has acceleration coefficients
+#define PARAMKIND_C 0002000 /// is compressed
+#define PARAMKIND_Z 0004000 /// has zero mean static coef.
+#define PARAMKIND_K 0010000 /// has CRC checksum
+#define PARAMKIND_0 0020000 /// has 0'th cepstral coef.
+#define PARAMKIND_V 0040000 /// has VQ codebook index
+#define PARAMKIND_T 0100000 /// has triple delta coefficients
+// Code ...
+namespace TNet
+ /** **************************************************************************
+ ** **************************************************************************
+ */
+ class FileListElem
+ {
+ private:
+ std::string mLogical; ///< Logical file name representation
+ std::string mPhysical; ///< Pysical file name representation
+ float mWeight;
+ public:
+ FileListElem(const std::string & rFileName);
+ ~FileListElem() {}
+ const std::string &
+ Logical() const { return mLogical; }
+ const std::string &
+ Physical() const { return mPhysical; }
+ const float&
+ Weight() const { return mWeight; }
+ };
+ /** *************************************************************************
+ * @brief
+ */
+ class FeatureRepository
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * @brief HTK parameter file header (see HTK manual)
+ */
+ struct HtkHeader
+ {
+ int mNSamples;
+ int mSamplePeriod;
+ short mSampleSize;
+ short mSampleKind;
+ HtkHeader()
+ : mNSamples(0),mSamplePeriod(100000),mSampleSize(0),mSampleKind(12)
+ { }
+ };
+ /**
+ * @brief Extension of the HTK header
+ */
+ struct HtkHeaderExt
+ {
+ int mHeaderSize;
+ int mVersion;
+ int mSampSize;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @brief Normalization file type
+ */
+ enum CNFileType
+ {
+ CNF_Mean,
+ CNF_Variance,
+ CNF_VarScale
+ };
+ static int
+ ReadParmKind(const char *pStr, bool checkBrackets);
+ static int
+ ParmKind2Str(unsigned parmKind, char *pOutstr);
+ static void
+ ReadCepsNormFile(
+ const char* pFileName,
+ char** lastFile,
+ BaseFloat** vecBuff,
+ int sampleKind,
+ CNFileType type,
+ int coefs);
+ static const char mpParmKindNames[13][16];
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public:
+ /// Iterates through the list of feature file records
+ typedef std::list<FileListElem>::iterator ListIterator;
+ // some params for loading features
+ bool mSwapFeatures;
+ int mStartFrameExt;
+ int mEndFrameExt;
+ int mTargetKind;
+ int mDerivOrder;
+ int* mDerivWinLengths;
+ const char* mpCvgFile;
+ //:TODO: get rid of these
+ const char* mpCmnPath;
+ const char* mpCmnMask;
+ const char* mpCvnPath;
+ const char* mpCvnMask;
+ int mTrace;
+ // Constructors and destructors
+ /**
+ * @brief Default constructor that creates an empty repository
+ */
+ FeatureRepository() : mDerivWinLengths(NULL), mpCvgFile(NULL),
+ mpCmnPath(NULL), mpCmnMask(NULL), mpCvnPath(NULL), mpCvnMask(NULL),
+ mTrace(0),
+ mpLastFileName(NULL), mLastFileName(""), mpLastCmnFile (NULL),
+ mpLastCvnFile (NULL), mpLastCvgFile (NULL), mpCmn(NULL),
+ mpCvn(NULL), mpCvg(NULL), mpA(NULL), mpB(NULL),
+ mTimeOpen(0), mTimeSeek(0), mTimeRead(0), mTimeNormalize(0)
+ {
+ mInputQueueIterator = mInputQueue.end();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Copy constructor which copies filled repository
+ */
+ FeatureRepository(const FeatureRepository& ori)
+ : mDerivWinLengths(NULL), mpCvgFile(NULL),
+ mpCmnPath(NULL), mpCmnMask(NULL), mpCvnPath(NULL), mpCvnMask(NULL),
+ mTrace(0),
+ mpLastFileName(NULL), mLastFileName(""), mpLastCmnFile (NULL),
+ mpLastCvnFile (NULL), mpLastCvgFile (NULL), mpCmn(NULL),
+ mpCvn(NULL), mpCvg(NULL), mpA(NULL), mpB(NULL),
+ mTimeOpen(0), mTimeSeek(0), mTimeRead(0), mTimeNormalize(0)
+ {
+ //copy all the data from the input queue
+ mInputQueue = ori.mInputQueue;
+ //initialize like the original
+ Init(
+ ori.mSwapFeatures,
+ ori.mStartFrameExt,
+ ori.mEndFrameExt,
+ ori.mTargetKind,
+ ori.mDerivOrder,
+ ori.mDerivWinLengths,
+ ori.mpCmnPath,
+ ori.mpCmnMask,
+ ori.mpCvnPath,
+ ori.mpCvnMask,
+ ori.mpCvgFile);
+ //set on the end
+ mInputQueueIterator = mInputQueue.end();
+ //copy default header values
+ mHeader = ori.mHeader;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Destroys the repository
+ */
+ ~FeatureRepository()
+ {
+ if (NULL != mpA) {
+ free(mpA);
+ }
+ if (NULL != mpB) {
+ free(mpB);
+ }
+ //remove all entries
+ mInputQueue.clear();
+ if(mTrace&4) {
+ std::cout << "[FeatureRepository -- open:" << mTimeOpen << "s seek:" << mTimeSeek << "s read:" << mTimeRead << "s normalize:" << mTimeNormalize << "s]\n";
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Initializes the object using the given parameters
+ *
+ * @param swap Boolean value specifies whether to swap bytes
+ * when reading file or not.
+ * @param extLeft Features read from file are extended with extLeft
+ * initial frames. Normally, these frames are
+ * repetitions of the first feature frame in file
+ * (with its derivative, if derivatives are preset in
+ * the file). However, if segment of feature frames
+ * is extracted according to range specification, the
+ * true feature frames from beyond the segment boundary
+ * are used, wherever it is possible. Note that value
+ * of extLeft can be also negative. In such case
+ * corresponding number of initial frames is discarded.
+ * @param extRight The paramerer is complementary to parameter extLeft
+ * and has obvious meaning. (Controls extensions over
+ * the last frame, last frame from file is repeated
+ * only if necessary).
+ * @param targetKind The parameters is used to check whether
+ * pHeader->mSampleKind match to requited targetKind
+ * and to control suppression of 0'th cepstral or
+ * energy coefficients accorging to modifiers _E, _0,
+ * and _N. Modifiers _D, _A and _T are ignored;
+ * Computation of derivatives is controled by parameters
+ * derivOrder and derivWinLen. Value PARAMKIND_ANON
+ * ensures that function do not result in targetKind
+ * mismatch error and cause no _E or _0 suppression.
+ * @param derivOrder Final features will be augmented with their
+ * derivatives up to 'derivOrder' order. If 'derivOrder'
+ * is negative value, no new derivatives are appended
+ * and derivatives that already present in feature file
+ * are preserved. Straight features are considered
+ * to be of zero order. If some derivatives are already
+ * present in feature file, these are not computed
+ * again, only higher order derivatives are appended
+ * if required. Note, that HTK feature file cannot
+ * contain higher order derivatives (e.g. double delta)
+ * without containing lower ones (e.g. delta).
+ * Derivative present in feature file that are of
+ * higher order than is required are discarded.
+ * Derivatives are computed in the final stage from
+ * (extracted segment of) feature frames possibly
+ * extended by repeated frames. Derivatives are
+ * computed using the same formula that is employed
+ * also by HTK tools. Lengths of windows used for
+ * computation of derivatives are passed in parameter
+ * derivWinLen. To compute derivatives for frames close
+ * to boundaries, frames before the first and after the
+ * last frame (of the extracted segment) are considered
+ * to be (yet another) repetitions of the first and the
+ * last frame, respectively. If the segment of frames
+ * is extracted according to range specification and
+ * parameters extLeft and extLeft are set to zero, the
+ * first and the last frames of the segment are
+ * considered to be repeated, eventough the true feature
+ * frames from beyond the segment boundary can be
+ * available in the file. Therefore, segment extracted
+ * from features that were before augmented with
+ * derivatives will differ
+ * from the same segment augmented with derivatives by
+ * this function. Difference will be of course only on
+ * boundaries and only in derivatives. This "incorrect"
+ * behavior was chosen to fully simulate behavior of
+ * HTK tools. To obtain more correct computation of
+ * derivatives, use parameters extLeft and extRight,
+ * which correctly extend segment with the true frames
+ * (if possible) and in resulting feature matrix ignore
+ * first extLeft and last extRight frames. For this
+ * purpose, both extLeft and extRight should be set to
+ * sum of all values in the array derivWinLen.
+ * @param pDerivWinLen Array of size derivOrder specifying lengths of
+ * windows used for computation of derivatives.
+ * Individual values represents one side context
+ * used in the computation. The each window length is
+ * therefore twice the value from array plus one.
+ * Value at index zero specify window length for first
+ * order derivatives (delta), higher indices
+ * corresponds to higher order derivatives.
+ * @param pCmnPath Cepstral mean normalization path
+ * @param pCmnMask Cepstral mean normalization mask
+ * @param pCvnPath Cepstral variance normalization path
+ * @param pCvnMask Cepstral variance normalization mask
+ * @param pCvgFile Global variance file to be parsed
+ *
+ * The given parameters are necessary for propper feature extraction
+ */
+ void
+ Init(
+ bool swap,
+ int extLeft,
+ int extRight,
+ int targetKind,
+ int derivOrder,
+ int* pDerivWinLen,
+ const char* pCmnPath,
+ const char* pCmnMask,
+ const char* pCvnPath,
+ const char* pCvnMask,
+ const char* pCvgFile);
+ void Trace(int trace)
+ { mTrace = trace; }
+ /**
+ * @brief Returns a refference to the current file header
+ */
+ const HtkHeader&
+ CurrentHeader() const
+ { return mHeader; }
+ /**
+ * @brief Returns a refference to the current file header
+ */
+ const HtkHeaderExt&
+ CurrentHeaderExt() const
+ { return mHeaderExt; }
+ /**
+ * @brief Returns the current file details
+ *
+ * @return Refference to a class @c FileListElem
+ *
+ * Logical and physical file names are stored in @c FileListElem class
+ */
+ const std::list<FileListElem>::iterator&
+ pCurrentRecord() const
+ { return mInputQueueIterator; }
+ /**
+ * @brief Returns the following file details
+ *
+ * @return Refference to a class @c FileListElem
+ *
+ * Logical and physical file names are stored in @c FileListElem class
+ */
+ const std::list<FileListElem>::iterator&
+ pFollowingRecord() const
+ { return mInputQueueIterator; }
+ void
+ Rewind()
+ { mInputQueueIterator = mInputQueue.begin(); }
+ /**
+ * @brief Adds a single feature file to the repository
+ * @param rFileName file to read features from
+ */
+ void
+ AddFile(const std::string & rFileName);
+ /**
+ * @brief Adds a list of feature files to the repository
+ * @param rFileName feature list file to read from
+ */
+ void
+ AddFileList(const char* pFileName, const char* pFilter = "");
+ const FileListElem&
+ Current() const
+ { return *mInputQueueIterator; }
+ /**
+ * @brief Moves to the next record
+ */
+ void
+ MoveNext();
+ /**
+ * @brief Reads full feature matrix from a feature file
+ * @param rMatrix matrix to be created and filled with read data
+ * @return number of successfully read feature vectors
+ */
+ bool
+ ReadFullMatrix(Matrix<BaseFloat>& rMatrix);
+ bool
+ WriteFeatureMatrix(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& rMatrix, const std::string& filename, int targetKind, int samplePeriod);
+ size_t
+ QueueSize() const {return mInputQueue.size(); }
+ /**
+ * @brief Reads feature vectors from a feature file
+ * @param rMatrix matrix to be (only!) filled with read data.
+ * @return number of successfully read feature vectors
+ *
+ * The function tries to fill @c pMatrix with feature vectors comming from
+ * the current stream. If there are less vectors left in the stream,
+ * they are used and true number of successfuly read vectors is returned.
+ */
+ int
+ ReadPartialMatrix(Matrix<BaseFloat>& rMatrix);
+ /**
+ * @brief Filters the records of this repository based on HTK logical name
+ * masking. If pFilter equals to NULL, all source repository entries are
+ * coppied to rOut repository.
+ *
+ * @param pFilter HTK mask that defines the filter
+ * @param pValue Filter value
+ * @param rOut Reference to the new FeatureRepository which will be filled
+ * with the matching records
+ */
+ void
+ HtkFilter(const char* pFilter, const char* pValue, FeatureRepository& rOut);
+ /**
+ * @brief Filters the records of this repository based on HTK logical name
+ * masking and returns list of unique names. If pFilter equals to NULL,
+ * single name "default" is returned.
+ *
+ * @param pFilter HTK mask that defines the filter
+ * @param rOut Reference to the list of results (std::list< std::string >)
+ */
+ void
+ HtkSelection(const char* pFilter, std::list< std::string >& rOut);
+ /**
+ * @brief Returns true if there are no feature files left on input
+ */
+ bool
+ EndOfList() const
+ { return mInputQueueIterator == mInputQueue.end(); }
+ const std::string&
+ CurrentIndexFileName() const
+ { return mCurrentIndexFileName; }
+ friend
+ void
+ AddFileListToFeatureRepositories(
+ const char* pFileName,
+ const char* pFilter,
+ std::queue<FeatureRepository *> &featureRepositoryList);
+ private:
+ /// List (queue) of input feature files
+ std::list<FileListElem> mInputQueue;
+ std::list<FileListElem>::iterator mInputQueueIterator;
+ std::string mCurrentIndexFileName;
+ std::string mCurrentIndexFileDir;
+ std::string mCurrentIndexFileExt;
+ /// current stream
+ IStkStream mStream;
+ // stores feature file's HTK header
+ HtkHeader mHeader;
+ HtkHeaderExt mHeaderExt;
+ // this group of variables serve for working withthe same physical
+ // file name more than once
+ char* mpLastFileName;
+ std::string mLastFileName;
+ char* mpLastCmnFile;
+ char* mpLastCvnFile;
+ char* mpLastCvgFile;
+ BaseFloat* mpCmn;
+ BaseFloat* mpCvn;
+ BaseFloat* mpCvg;
+ HtkHeader mLastHeader;
+ BaseFloat* mpA;
+ BaseFloat* mpB;
+ Timer mTim;
+ double mTimeOpen;
+ double mTimeSeek;
+ double mTimeRead;
+ double mTimeNormalize;
+ // Reads HTK feature file header
+ int
+ ReadHTKHeader();
+ int
+ ReadHTKFeature(BaseFloat* pIn,
+ size_t feaLen,
+ bool decompress,
+ BaseFloat* pScale,
+ BaseFloat* pBias);
+ bool
+ ReadHTKFeatures(const std::string& rFileName, Matrix<BaseFloat>& rFeatureMatrix);
+ bool
+ ReadHTKFeatures(const FileListElem& rFileNameRecord, Matrix<BaseFloat>& rFeatureMatrix);
+ int
+ WriteHTKHeader (FILE* fp_out, HtkHeader header, bool swap);
+ int
+ WriteHTKFeature (FILE* fp_out, FLOAT *out, size_t fea_len, bool swap, bool compress, FLOAT* pScale, FLOAT* pBias);
+ int
+ WriteHTKFeatures(FILE* pOutFp, FLOAT * pOut, int nCoeffs, int nSamples, int samplePeriod, int targetKind, bool swap);
+ int
+ WriteHTKFeatures(
+ FILE * pOutFp,
+ int samplePeriod,
+ int targetKind,
+ bool swap,
+ Matrix<BaseFloat>& rFeatureMatrix
+ );
+ bool
+ ReadGzipAsciiFeatures(const FileListElem& rFileNameRecord, Matrix<BaseFloat>& rFeatureMatrix);
+ }; // class FeatureStream
+} //namespace TNet
+#endif // TNet_Features_h