path: root/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base
diff options
authorJoe Zhao <>2014-04-14 08:14:45 +0800
committerJoe Zhao <>2014-04-14 08:14:45 +0800
commitcccccbf6cca94a3eaf813b4468453160e91c332b (patch)
tree23418cb73a10ae3b0688681a7f0ba9b06424583e /src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base
First commit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base')
25 files changed, 4036 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e84190
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+#include "Activation.h"
+namespace TNet {
+void Sigmoid::PropagateFnc(const BfMatrix& X, BfMatrix& Y) {
+ //Y = 1/(1+e^{-X})
+ for(size_t r=0; r<X.Rows(); r++) {
+ for(size_t c=0; c<X.Cols(); c++) {
+ Y(r,c) = 1.0f/(1.0f+exp(-X(r,c)));
+ }
+ }
+void Sigmoid::BackpropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y) {
+ const Matrix<BaseFloat>& out = GetOutput();
+ //Y = OUT*(1-OUT)*X //ODVOZENO
+ for(size_t r=0; r<X.Rows(); r++) {
+ for(size_t c=0; c<X.Cols(); c++) {
+ Y(r,c) = X(r,c)*out(r,c)*(1.0f-out(r,c));
+ }
+ }
+void Softmax::PropagateFnc(const BfMatrix& X, BfMatrix& Y) {
+ //Y_j = e^X_j / sum_i(e^X_i)
+ //
+ // e^(X_j+c) / sum_i(e^X_i+c)
+ // = e^c.e^X_h / e^c.sum_i(e^X_i)
+ // = e^X_j / sum_i(e^X_i)
+ //
+ size_t rows = X.Rows();
+ for(size_t i=0; i<rows; i++) {
+ BfSubVector y_i(Y[i]); //<< y_i gets pointer to i'th row of matrix Y
+ y_i.Copy(X[i]);
+ BaseFloat max = y_i.Max();
+ y_i.Subtract(max);
+ y_i.ApplyExp();
+ BaseFloat sum = y_i.Sum();
+ y_i.Scale(1.0f/sum);
+ }
+void Softmax::BackpropagateFnc(const BfMatrix& X, BfMatrix& Y) {
+ //simply copy the error...,
+ Y.Copy(X);
+void BlockSoftmax::ReadFromStream(std::istream& rIn) {
+ rIn >> mDim;
+ mDimOffset.Init(mDim.Dim()+1);
+ int off=0;
+ for(int i=0; i<mDim.Dim(); i++) {
+ mDimOffset[i]=off;
+ off += mDim[i];
+ }
+ mDimOffset[mDim.Dim()]=off;
+ if(off!=GetNOutputs()) {
+ KALDI_ERR << "Non-matching dimension of sum of softmaxes,"
+ << " the sum:" << off
+ << " GetNOutputs:" << GetNOutputs();
+ }
+void BlockSoftmax::WriteToStream(std::ostream& rOut) {
+ rOut << mDim;
+void BlockSoftmax::PropagateFnc(const BfMatrix& X, BfMatrix& Y) {
+ //Y_j = e^X_j / sum_i(e^X_i)
+ //
+ // e^(X_j+c) / sum_i(e^X_i+c)
+ // = e^c.e^X_h / e^c.sum_i(e^X_i)
+ // = e^X_j / sum_i(e^X_i)
+ //
+ size_t rows = X.Rows();
+ for(size_t i=0; i<rows; i++) {
+ BfSubVector y_i(Y[i]); //<< y_i gets pointer to i'th row of matrix Y
+ y_i.Copy(X[i]);
+ //BaseFloat max = y_i.Max();
+ //y_i.Subtract(max);
+ //y_i.ApplyExp();
+ //normalize separately on each softmax interval...
+ for(int j=0; j<mDim.Dim(); j++) {
+ BfSubVector y_i_smx_j(y_i.Range(mDimOffset[j],mDim[j]));
+ BaseFloat max = y_i_smx_j.Max();
+ y_i_smx_j.Subtract(max);
+ y_i_smx_j.ApplyExp();
+ BaseFloat sum = y_i_smx_j.Sum();
+ y_i_smx_j.Scale(1.0f/sum);
+ }
+ }
+// X.CheckData("BlockSoftmax PropagateFnc X");
+// Y.CheckData("BlockSoftmax PropagateFnc Y");
+void BlockSoftmax::BackpropagateFnc(const BfMatrix& X, BfMatrix& Y) {
+ //set the output to zero
+ Y.Zero();
+ //copy only parts of the error
+ //from softmax intervals which sum up to 0.0, not 1.0
+ for(int i=0; i<X.Rows(); i++) {
+ for(int j=0; j<mDim.Dim(); j++) {
+ const BfSubVector x_i_smx_j(X[i].Range(mDimOffset[j],mDim[j]));
+ BaseFloat sum = x_i_smx_j.Sum();
+ if(sum > -0.1 && sum < 0.1) {
+ BfSubVector y_i_smx_j(Y[i].Range(mDimOffset[j],mDim[j]));
+ y_i_smx_j.Copy(x_i_smx_j);
+ } else if (sum > 0.9 && sum < 1.1) {
+ ; //do nothing
+ } else {
+ KALDI_ERR << "Invalid sum: " << sum;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// X.CheckData("BlockSoftmax BackpropagateFnc X");
+// Y.CheckData("BlockSoftmax BackpropagateFnc Y");
+} //namespace TNet
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Activation.h.svn-base b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Activation.h.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90263d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Activation.h.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#ifndef _ACT_FUN_I_
+#define _ACT_FUN_I_
+#include "Component.h"
+namespace TNet
+ /**
+ * Sigmoid activation function
+ */
+ class Sigmoid : public Component
+ {
+ public:
+ Sigmoid(size_t nInputs, size_t nOutputs, Component *pPred)
+ : Component(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred)
+ { }
+ ComponentType GetType() const
+ { return SIGMOID; }
+ const char* GetName() const
+ { return "<sigmoid>"; }
+ Component* Clone() const
+ { return new Sigmoid(GetNInputs(),GetNOutputs(),NULL); }
+ protected:
+ void PropagateFnc(const BfMatrix& X, BfMatrix& Y);
+ void BackpropagateFnc(const BfMatrix& X, BfMatrix& Y);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Softmax activation function
+ */
+ class Softmax : public Component
+ {
+ public:
+ Softmax(size_t nInputs, size_t nOutputs, Component *pPred)
+ : Component(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred)
+ { }
+ ComponentType GetType() const
+ { return SOFTMAX; }
+ const char* GetName() const
+ { return "<softmax>"; }
+ Component* Clone() const
+ { return new Softmax(GetNInputs(),GetNOutputs(),NULL); }
+ protected:
+ void PropagateFnc(const BfMatrix& X, BfMatrix& Y);
+ void BackpropagateFnc(const BfMatrix& X, BfMatrix& Y);
+ };
+ /**
+ * BlockSoftmax activation function.
+ * It is several softmaxes in one.
+ * The dimensions of softmaxes are given by integer vector.
+ * During backpropagation:
+ * If the derivatives sum up to 0, they are backpropagated.
+ * If the derivatives sup up to 1, they are discarded
+ * (like this we know that the softmax was 'inactive').
+ */
+ class BlockSoftmax : public Component
+ {
+ public:
+ BlockSoftmax(size_t nInputs, size_t nOutputs, Component *pPred)
+ : Component(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred)
+ { }
+ ComponentType GetType() const
+ { return BLOCK_SOFTMAX; }
+ const char* GetName() const
+ { return "<blocksoftmax>"; }
+ Component* Clone() const
+ { return new BlockSoftmax(*this); }
+ void ReadFromStream(std::istream& rIn);
+ void WriteToStream(std::ostream& rOut);
+ protected:
+ void PropagateFnc(const BfMatrix& X, BfMatrix& Y);
+ void BackpropagateFnc(const BfMatrix& X, BfMatrix& Y);
+ private:
+ Vector<int> mDim;
+ Vector<int> mDimOffset;
+ };
+} //namespace
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0170e04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+ * barrier.c
+ *
+ * This file implements the "barrier" synchronization construct.
+ *
+ * A barrier causes threads to wait until a set of threads has
+ * all "reached" the barrier. The number of threads required is
+ * set when the barrier is initialized, and cannot be changed
+ * except by reinitializing.
+ *
+ * The barrier_init() and barrier_destroy() functions,
+ * respectively, allow you to initialize and destroy the
+ * barrier.
+ *
+ * The barrier_wait() function allows a thread to wait for a
+ * barrier to be completed. One thread (the one that happens to
+ * arrive last) will return from barrier_wait() with the status
+ * -1 on success -- others will return with 0. The special
+ * status makes it easy for the calling code to cause one thread
+ * to do something in a serial region before entering another
+ * parallel section of code.
+ */
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include "Error.h"
+#include "Barrier.h"
+namespace TNet {
+ * Initialize a barrier for use.
+ */
+Barrier::Barrier(int count)
+ : threshold_(count), counter_(count), cycle_(0) {
+ if(0 != pthread_mutex_init(&mutex_, NULL))
+ KALDI_ERR << "Cannot initialize mutex";
+ if(0 != pthread_cond_init(&cv_, NULL)) {
+ pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex_);
+ KALDI_ERR << "Cannot initilize condv";
+ }
+ * Destroy a barrier when done using it.
+ */
+Barrier::~Barrier() {
+ if(0 != pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_))
+ KALDI_ERR << "Cannot lock mutex";
+ /*
+ * Check whether any threads are known to be waiting; report
+ * "BUSY" if so.
+ */
+ if(counter_ != threshold_) {
+ pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex_);
+ KALDI_ERR << "Cannot destroy barrier with waiting thread";
+ }
+ if(0 != pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_))
+ KALDI_ERR << "Cannot unlock barrier";
+ /*
+ * If unable to destroy either 1003.1c synchronization
+ * object, halt
+ */
+ if(0 != pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex_))
+ KALDI_ERR << "Cannot destroy mutex";
+ if(0 != pthread_cond_destroy(&cv_))
+ KALDI_ERR << "Cannot destroy condv";
+void Barrier::SetThreshold(int thr) {
+ if(counter_ != threshold_)
+ KALDI_ERR << "Cannot set threshold, while a thread is waiting";
+ threshold_ = thr; counter_ = thr;
+ * Wait for all members of a barrier to reach the barrier. When
+ * the count (of remaining members) reaches 0, broadcast to wake
+ * all threads waiting.
+ */
+int Barrier::Wait() {
+ int status, cancel, tmp, cycle;
+ if(threshold_ == 0)
+ KALDI_ERR << "Cannot wait when Threshold value was not set";
+ if(0 != pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_))
+ KALDI_ERR << "Cannot lock mutex";
+ cycle = cycle_; /* Remember which cycle we're on */
+ if(--counter_ == 0) {
+ cycle_ = !cycle_;
+ counter_ = threshold_;
+ status = pthread_cond_broadcast(&cv_);
+ /*
+ * The last thread into the barrier will return status
+ * -1 rather than 0, so that it can be used to perform
+ * some special serial code following the barrier.
+ */
+ if(status == 0) status = -1;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Wait with cancellation disabled, because barrier_wait
+ * should not be a cancellation point.
+ */
+ pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, &cancel);
+ /*
+ * Wait until the barrier's cycle changes, which means
+ * that it has been broadcast, and we don't want to wait
+ * anymore.
+ */
+ while (cycle == cycle_) {
+ status = pthread_cond_wait(&cv_, &mutex_);
+ if (status != 0) break;
+ }
+ pthread_setcancelstate(cancel, &tmp);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Ignore an error in unlocking. It shouldn't happen, and
+ * reporting it here would be misleading -- the barrier wait
+ * completed, after all, whereas returning, for example,
+ * EINVAL would imply the wait had failed. The next attempt
+ * to use the barrier *will* return an error, or hang, due
+ * to whatever happened to the mutex.
+ */
+ pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex_);
+ return status; /* error, -1 for waker, or 0 */
+}//namespace TNet
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Barrier.h.svn-base b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Barrier.h.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5849d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Barrier.h.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * barrier.h
+ *
+ * This header file describes the "barrier" synchronization
+ * construct. The type barrier_t describes the full state of the
+ * barrier including the POSIX 1003.1c synchronization objects
+ * necessary.
+ *
+ * A barrier causes threads to wait until a set of threads has
+ * all "reached" the barrier. The number of threads required is
+ * set when the barrier is initialized, and cannot be changed
+ * except by reinitializing.
+ */
+#include <pthread.h>
+#ifndef barrier_h
+#define barrier_h
+namespace TNet {
+ * Structure describing a barrier.
+ */
+class Barrier {
+ public:
+ Barrier(int count=0);
+ ~Barrier();
+ void SetThreshold(int thr);
+ int Wait();
+ private:
+ pthread_mutex_t mutex_; /* Control access to barrier */
+ pthread_cond_t cv_; /* wait for barrier */
+ int threshold_; /* number of threads required */
+ int counter_; /* current number of threads */
+ int cycle_; /* alternate wait cycles (0 or 1) */
+}//namespace TNet
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b52aeb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+#include "BiasedLinearity.h"
+namespace TNet {
+PropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y)
+ //y = b + x.A
+ //precopy bias
+ size_t rows = X.Rows();
+ for(size_t i=0; i<rows; i++) {
+ Y[i].Copy(*mpBias);
+ }
+ //multiply matrix by matrix with mLinearity
+ Y.BlasGemm(1.0f, X, NO_TRANS, *mpLinearity, NO_TRANS, 1.0f);
+BackpropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y)
+ // e' = e.A^T
+ Y.Zero();
+ Y.BlasGemm(1.0f, X, NO_TRANS, *mpLinearity, TRANS, 0.0f);
+ReadFromStream(std::istream& rIn)
+ //matrix is stored transposed as SNet does
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> transpose;
+ rIn >> transpose;
+ mLinearity = Matrix<BaseFloat>(transpose, TRANS);
+ //biases stored normally
+ rIn >> mBias;
+WriteToStream(std::ostream& rOut)
+ //matrix is stored transposed as SNet does
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> transpose(mLinearity, TRANS);
+ rOut << transpose;
+ //biases stored normally
+ rOut << mBias;
+ rOut << std::endl;
+ //calculate gradient of weight matrix
+ mLinearityCorrection.Zero();
+ mLinearityCorrection.BlasGemm(1.0f, GetInput(), TRANS,
+ GetErrorInput(), NO_TRANS,
+ 0.0f);
+ //calculate gradient of bias
+ mBiasCorrection.Set(0.0f);
+ size_t rows = GetInput().Rows();
+ for(size_t i=0; i<rows; i++) {
+ mBiasCorrection.Add(GetErrorInput()[i]);
+ }
+ /*
+ //perform update
+ mLinearity.AddScaled(-mLearningRate, mLinearityCorrection);
+ mBias.AddScaled(-mLearningRate, mBiasCorrection);
+ */
+AccuGradient(const UpdatableComponent& src, int thr, int thrN) {
+ //cast the argument
+ const BiasedLinearity& src_comp = dynamic_cast<const BiasedLinearity&>(src);
+ //allocate accumulators when needed
+ if(mLinearityCorrectionAccu.MSize() == 0) {
+ mLinearityCorrectionAccu.Init(mLinearity.Rows(),mLinearity.Cols());
+ }
+ if(mBiasCorrectionAccu.MSize() == 0) {
+ mBiasCorrectionAccu.Init(mBias.Dim());
+ }
+ //need to find out which rows to sum...
+ int div = mLinearityCorrection.Rows() / thrN;
+ int mod = mLinearityCorrection.Rows() % thrN;
+ int origin = thr * div + ((mod > thr)? thr : mod);
+ int rows = div + ((mod > thr)? 1 : 0);
+ //create the matrix windows
+ const SubMatrix<BaseFloat> src_mat (
+ src_comp.mLinearityCorrection,
+ origin, rows,
+ 0, mLinearityCorrection.Cols()
+ );
+ SubMatrix<double> tgt_mat (
+ mLinearityCorrectionAccu,
+ origin, rows,
+ 0, mLinearityCorrection.Cols()
+ );
+ //sum the rows
+ Add(tgt_mat,src_mat);
+ //first thread will always sum the bias correction
+ if(thr == 0) {
+ Add(mBiasCorrectionAccu,src_comp.mBiasCorrection);
+ }
+Update(int thr, int thrN)
+ //need to find out which rows to sum...
+ int div = mLinearity.Rows() / thrN;
+ int mod = mLinearity.Rows() % thrN;
+ int origin = thr * div + ((mod > thr)? thr : mod);
+ int rows = div + ((mod > thr)? 1 : 0);
+ //std::cout << "[P" << thr << "," << origin << "," << rows << "]" << std::flush;
+ //get the matrix windows
+ SubMatrix<double> src_mat (
+ mLinearityCorrectionAccu,
+ origin, rows,
+ 0, mLinearityCorrection.Cols()
+ );
+ SubMatrix<BaseFloat> tgt_mat (
+ mLinearity,
+ origin, rows,
+ 0, mLinearityCorrection.Cols()
+ );
+ //update weights
+ AddScaled(tgt_mat, src_mat, -mLearningRate);
+ //perform L2 regularization (weight decay)
+ BaseFloat L2_decay = -mLearningRate * mWeightcost * mBunchsize;
+ if(L2_decay != 0.0) {
+ tgt_mat.AddScaled(L2_decay, tgt_mat);
+ }
+ //first thread always update bias
+ if(thr == 0) {
+ //std::cout << "[" << thr << "BP]" << std::flush;
+ AddScaled(mBias, mBiasCorrectionAccu, -mLearningRate);
+ }
+ //reset the accumulators
+ src_mat.Zero();
+ if(thr == 0) {
+ mBiasCorrectionAccu.Zero();
+ }
+} //namespace
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/BiasedLinearity.h.svn-base b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/BiasedLinearity.h.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5018637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/BiasedLinearity.h.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#include "Component.h"
+#include "Matrix.h"
+#include "Vector.h"
+namespace TNet {
+class BiasedLinearity : public UpdatableComponent
+ public:
+ BiasedLinearity(size_t nInputs, size_t nOutputs, Component *pPred);
+ ~BiasedLinearity() { }
+ ComponentType GetType() const
+ { return BIASED_LINEARITY; }
+ const char* GetName() const
+ { return "<BiasedLinearity>"; }
+ Component* Clone() const;
+ void PropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y);
+ void BackpropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y);
+ void ReadFromStream(std::istream& rIn);
+ void WriteToStream(std::ostream& rOut);
+ /// calculate gradient
+ void Gradient();
+ /// accumulate gradient from other components
+ void AccuGradient(const UpdatableComponent& src, int thr, int thrN);
+ /// update weights, reset the accumulator
+ void Update(int thr, int thrN);
+ protected:
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> mLinearity; ///< Matrix with neuron weights
+ Vector<BaseFloat> mBias; ///< Vector with biases
+ const Matrix<BaseFloat>* mpLinearity;
+ const Vector<BaseFloat>* mpBias;
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> mLinearityCorrection; ///< Matrix for linearity updates
+ Vector<BaseFloat> mBiasCorrection; ///< Vector for bias updates
+ Matrix<double> mLinearityCorrectionAccu; ///< Matrix for summing linearity updates
+ Vector<double> mBiasCorrectionAccu; ///< Vector for summing bias updates
+// BiasedLinearity::
+BiasedLinearity(size_t nInputs, size_t nOutputs, Component *pPred)
+ : UpdatableComponent(nInputs, nOutputs, pPred),
+ mLinearity(), mBias(), //cloned instaces don't need this
+ mpLinearity(&mLinearity), mpBias(&mBias),
+ mLinearityCorrection(nInputs,nOutputs), mBiasCorrection(nOutputs),
+ mLinearityCorrectionAccu(), mBiasCorrectionAccu() //cloned instances don't need this
+{ }
+Clone() const
+ BiasedLinearity* ptr = new BiasedLinearity(GetNInputs(), GetNOutputs(), NULL);
+ ptr->mpLinearity = mpLinearity; //copy pointer from currently active weights
+ ptr->mpBias = mpBias; //...
+ ptr->mLearningRate = mLearningRate;
+ return ptr;
+} //namespace
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18a41d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+#include "BlockArray.h"
+#include "Nnet.h"
+namespace TNet
+ void
+ BlockArray::
+ PropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y)
+ {
+ SubMatrix<BaseFloat> colsX(X,0,1,0,1); //dummy dimensions
+ SubMatrix<BaseFloat> colsY(Y,0,1,0,1); //dummy dimensions
+ int X_src_ori=0, Y_tgt_ori=0;
+ for(int i=0; i<mNBlocks; i++) {
+ //get the correct submatrices
+ int colsX_cnt=mBlocks[i]->GetNInputs();
+ int colsY_cnt=mBlocks[i]->GetNOutputs();
+ colsX = X.Range(0,X.Rows(),X_src_ori,colsX_cnt);
+ colsY = Y.Range(0,Y.Rows(),Y_tgt_ori,colsY_cnt);
+ //propagate through the block(network)
+ mBlocks[i]->Propagate(colsX,colsY);
+ //shift the origin coordinates
+ X_src_ori += colsX_cnt;
+ Y_tgt_ori += colsY_cnt;
+ }
+ assert(X_src_ori == X.Cols());
+ assert(Y_tgt_ori == Y.Cols());
+ }
+ void
+ BlockArray::
+ BackpropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y)
+ {
+ KALDI_ERR << "Unimplemented";
+ }
+ void
+ BlockArray::
+ Update()
+ {
+ KALDI_ERR << "Unimplemented";
+ }
+ void
+ BlockArray::
+ ReadFromStream(std::istream& rIn)
+ {
+ if(mBlocks.size() > 0) {
+ KALDI_ERR << "Cannot read block vector, "
+ << "aleady filled bt "
+ << mBlocks.size()
+ << "elements";
+ }
+ rIn >> std::ws >> mNBlocks;
+ if(mNBlocks < 1) {
+ KALDI_ERR << "Bad number of blocks:" << mNBlocks;
+ }
+ //read all the blocks
+ std::string tag;
+ int block_id;
+ for(int i=0; i<mNBlocks; i++) {
+ //read tag <block>
+ rIn >> std::ws >> tag;
+ //make it lowercase
+ std::transform(tag.begin(), tag.end(), tag.begin(), tolower);
+ //check
+ if(tag!="<block>") {
+ KALDI_ERR << "<block> keywotd expected";
+ }
+ //read block number
+ rIn >> std::ws >> block_id;
+ if(block_id != i+1) {
+ KALDI_ERR << "Expected block number:" << i+1
+ << " read block number: " << block_id;
+ }
+ //read the nnet
+ Network* p_nnet = new Network;
+ p_nnet->ReadNetwork(rIn);
+ if(p_nnet->Layers() == 0) {
+ KALDI_ERR << "Cannot read empty network to a block";
+ }
+ //add it to the vector
+ mBlocks.push_back(p_nnet);
+ }
+ //check the declared dimensionality
+ int sum_inputs=0, sum_outputs=0;
+ for(int i=0; i<mNBlocks; i++) {
+ sum_inputs += mBlocks[i]->GetNInputs();
+ sum_outputs += mBlocks[i]->GetNOutputs();
+ }
+ if(sum_inputs != GetNInputs()) {
+ KALDI_ERR << "Non-matching number of INPUTS! Declared:"
+ << GetNInputs()
+ << " summed from blocks"
+ << sum_inputs;
+ }
+ if(sum_outputs != GetNOutputs()) {
+ KALDI_ERR << "Non-matching number of OUTPUTS! Declared:"
+ << GetNOutputs()
+ << " summed from blocks"
+ << sum_outputs;
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ BlockArray::
+ WriteToStream(std::ostream& rOut)
+ {
+ rOut << " " << mBlocks.size() << " ";
+ for(int i=0; i<mBlocks.size(); i++) {
+ rOut << "<block> " << i+1 << "\n";
+ mBlocks[i]->WriteNetwork(rOut);
+ rOut << "<endblock>\n";
+ }
+ }
+} //namespace
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/BlockArray.h.svn-base b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/BlockArray.h.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6a8657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/BlockArray.h.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#ifndef _BLOCK_ARRAY_H_
+#define _BLOCK_ARRAY_H_
+#include "Component.h"
+#include "Matrix.h"
+#include "Vector.h"
+namespace TNet {
+ class Network;
+ class BlockArray : public Component
+ {
+ public:
+ BlockArray(size_t nInputs, size_t nOutputs, Component *pPred);
+ ~BlockArray();
+ ComponentType GetType() const;
+ const char* GetName() const;
+ void PropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y);
+ void BackpropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y);
+ void Update();
+ void ReadFromStream(std::istream& rIn);
+ void WriteToStream(std::ostream& rOut);
+ //:TODO:
+ Component* Clone() const { KALDI_ERR << "Unimplemented"; }
+ protected:
+ std::vector<Network*> mBlocks; ///< vector with networks, one network is one block
+ size_t mNBlocks;
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // BlockArray::
+ inline
+ BlockArray::
+ BlockArray(size_t nInputs, size_t nOutputs, Component *pPred)
+ : Component(nInputs, nOutputs, pPred),
+ mNBlocks(0)
+ { }
+ inline
+ BlockArray::
+ ~BlockArray()
+ {
+ for(int i=0; i<mBlocks.size(); i++) {
+ delete mBlocks[i];
+ }
+ mBlocks.clear();
+ }
+ inline Component::ComponentType
+ BlockArray::
+ GetType() const
+ {
+ return Component::BLOCK_ARRAY;
+ }
+ inline const char*
+ BlockArray::
+ GetName() const
+ {
+ return "<blockarray>";
+ }
+} //namespace
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/CRBEDctFeat.h.svn-base b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/CRBEDctFeat.h.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0984c36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/CRBEDctFeat.h.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+#include "Component.h"
+#include "Matrix.h"
+#include "Vector.h"
+#include "cblas.h"
+namespace TNet {
+ /**
+ * Expands the time context of the input features
+ * in N, out k*N, FrameOffset o_1,o_2,...,o_k
+ * FrameOffset example 11frames: -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
+ */
+ class Expand : public Component
+ {
+ public:
+ Expand(size_t nInputs, size_t nOutputs, Component* pPred)
+ : Component(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred)
+ { }
+ ~Expand()
+ { }
+ ComponentType GetType() const
+ { return EXPAND; }
+ const char* GetName() const
+ { return "<expand>"; }
+ Component* Clone() const
+ {
+ Expand* p = new Expand(GetNInputs(),GetNOutputs(),NULL);
+ p->mFrameOffset.Init(mFrameOffset.Dim());
+ p->mFrameOffset.Copy(mFrameOffset);
+ return p;
+ }
+ void ReadFromStream(std::istream& rIn)
+ { rIn >> mFrameOffset; }
+ void WriteToStream(std::ostream& rOut)
+ { rOut << mFrameOffset; }
+ protected:
+ void PropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y)
+ {
+ assert(X.Cols()*mFrameOffset.Dim() == Y.Cols());
+ assert(X.Rows() == Y.Rows());
+ for(size_t r=0;r<X.Rows();r++) {
+ for(size_t off=0;off<mFrameOffset.Dim();off++) {
+ int r_off = r + mFrameOffset[off];
+ if(r_off < 0) r_off = 0;
+ if(r_off >= X.Rows()) r_off = X.Rows()-1;
+ memcpy(Y.pRowData(r)+off*X.Cols(),X.pRowData(r_off),sizeof(BaseFloat)*X.Cols());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void BackpropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y)
+ { Error("__func__ Nonsense"); }
+ protected:
+ Vector<int> mFrameOffset;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Rearrange the matrix columns according to the indices in mCopyFromIndices
+ */
+ class Copy : public Component
+ {
+ public:
+ Copy(size_t nInputs, size_t nOutputs, Component* pPred)
+ : Component(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred)
+ { }
+ ~Copy()
+ { }
+ ComponentType GetType() const
+ { return COPY; }
+ const char* GetName() const
+ { return "<copy>"; }
+ Component* Clone() const
+ {
+ Copy* p = new Copy(GetNInputs(),GetNOutputs(),NULL);
+ p->mCopyFromIndices.Init(mCopyFromIndices.Dim());
+ p->mCopyFromIndices.Copy(mCopyFromIndices);
+ return p;
+ }
+ void ReadFromStream(std::istream& rIn)
+ {
+ Vector<int> vec; rIn >> vec; vec.Add(-1);
+ mCopyFromIndices.Init(vec.Dim()).Copy(vec);
+ }
+ void WriteToStream(std::ostream& rOut)
+ {
+ Vector<int> vec(mCopyFromIndices);
+ vec.Add(1); rOut << vec;
+ }
+ protected:
+ void PropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y)
+ {
+ assert(mCopyFromIndices.Dim() == Y.Cols());
+ for(int i=0; i<mCopyFromIndices.Dim();i++) {
+ assert(mCopyFromIndices[i] >= 0 && mCopyFromIndices[i] < X.Cols());
+ }
+ for(size_t r=0; r<X.Rows(); r++) {
+ for(size_t c=0; c<Y.Cols(); c++) {
+ Y(r,c) = X(r,mCopyFromIndices[c]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void BackpropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y)
+ { Error("__func__ Nonsense"); }
+ protected:
+ Vector<int> mCopyFromIndices;
+ };
+ class Transpose : public Component
+ {
+ public:
+ Transpose(size_t nInputs, size_t nOutputs, Component* pPred)
+ : Component(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred), mContext(0)
+ { }
+ ~Transpose()
+ { }
+ ComponentType GetType() const
+ { return TRANSPOSE; }
+ const char* GetName() const
+ { return "<transpose>"; }
+ Component* Clone() const
+ {
+ Transpose* p = new Transpose(GetNInputs(),GetNOutputs(),NULL);
+ p->mCopyFromIndices.Init(mCopyFromIndices.Dim());
+ p->mCopyFromIndices.Copy(mCopyFromIndices);
+ p->mContext = mContext;
+ return p;
+ }
+ void ReadFromStream(std::istream& rIn)
+ {
+ rIn >> std::ws >> mContext;
+ if(GetNInputs() != GetNOutputs()) {
+ Error("Input dim must be same as output dim");
+ }
+ Vector<int> vec(GetNInputs());
+ int channels = GetNInputs() / mContext;
+ for(int i=0, ch=0; ch<channels; ch++) {
+ for(int idx=ch; idx < (int)GetNInputs(); idx+=channels, i++) {
+ assert(i < (int)GetNInputs());
+ vec[i] = idx;
+ }
+ }
+ mCopyFromIndices.Init(vec.Dim()).Copy(vec);
+ }
+ void WriteToStream(std::ostream& rOut)
+ { rOut << " " << mContext << "\n"; }
+ protected:
+ void PropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y)
+ {
+ assert(mCopyFromIndices.Dim() == Y.Cols());
+ for(int i=0; i<mCopyFromIndices.Dim();i++) {
+ assert(mCopyFromIndices[i] >= 0 && mCopyFromIndices[i] < X.Cols());
+ }
+ for(size_t r=0; r<X.Rows(); r++) {
+ for(size_t c=0; c<Y.Cols(); c++) {
+ Y(r,c) = X(r,mCopyFromIndices[c]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void BackpropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y)
+ { Error("__func__ Nonsense"); }
+ protected:
+ int mContext;
+ Vector<int> mCopyFromIndices;
+ };
+ /**
+ * BlockLinearity is used for the blockwise multiplication by
+ * DCT transform loaded from disk
+ */
+ class BlockLinearity : public Component
+ {
+ public:
+ BlockLinearity(size_t nInputs, size_t nOutputs, Component* pPred)
+ : Component(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred)
+ { }
+ ~BlockLinearity()
+ { }
+ ComponentType GetType() const
+ { return Component::BLOCK_LINEARITY; }
+ const char* GetName() const
+ { return "<blocklinearity>"; }
+ Component* Clone() const
+ {
+ BlockLinearity* p = new BlockLinearity(GetNInputs(),GetNOutputs(),NULL);
+ p->mBlockLinearity.Init(mBlockLinearity.Rows(),mBlockLinearity.Cols());
+ p->mBlockLinearity.Copy(mBlockLinearity);
+ return p;
+ }
+ void PropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y)
+ {
+ assert(X.Rows() == Y.Rows());
+ assert(X.Cols()%mBlockLinearity.Rows() == 0);
+ assert(Y.Cols()%mBlockLinearity.Cols() == 0);
+ assert(X.Cols()/mBlockLinearity.Rows() == Y.Cols()/mBlockLinearity.Cols());
+ int instN = X.Cols()/mBlockLinearity.Rows();
+ for(int inst=0; inst<instN; inst++) {
+ cblas_sgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,
+ X.Rows(), mBlockLinearity.Cols(), mBlockLinearity.Rows(),
+ 1.0, X.pData()+inst*mBlockLinearity.Rows(), X.Stride(),
+ mBlockLinearity.pData(), mBlockLinearity.Stride(),
+ 0.0, Y.pData()+inst*mBlockLinearity.Cols(), Y.Stride());
+ cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,
+ X.Rows(), mBlockLinearity.Cols(), mBlockLinearity.Rows(),
+ 1.0, X.pData()+inst*mBlockLinearity.Rows(), X.Stride(),
+ mBlockLinearity.pData(), mBlockLinearity.Stride(),
+ 0.0, Y.pData()+inst*mBlockLinearity.Cols(), Y.Stride());
+ }
+ }
+ void BackpropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y)
+ { Error("__func__ Not implemented"); }
+ void ReadFromStream(std::istream& rIn)
+ {
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> mat;
+ rIn >> mat;
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> trans(mat,TRANS);
+ mBlockLinearity.Init(trans.Rows(),trans.Cols()).Copy(trans);
+ if((GetNOutputs() % mBlockLinearity.Cols() != 0) ||
+ (GetNInputs() % mBlockLinearity.Rows() != 0) ||
+ ((GetNOutputs() / mBlockLinearity.Cols()) !=
+ (GetNInputs() / mBlockLinearity.Rows())))
+ {
+ Error("BlockLinearity matrix dimensions must divide IO dims");
+ }
+ }
+ void WriteToStream(std::ostream& rOut)
+ {
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> trans(mBlockLinearity,TRANS);
+ rOut << trans;
+ }
+ private:
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> mBlockLinearity;
+ };
+ class Bias : public Component
+ {
+ public:
+ Bias(size_t nInputs, size_t nOutputs, Component* pPred)
+ : Component(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred)
+ { }
+ ~Bias()
+ { }
+ ComponentType GetType() const
+ { return Component::BIAS; }
+ const char* GetName() const
+ { return "<bias>"; }
+ Component* Clone() const
+ {
+ Bias* p = new Bias(GetNInputs(),GetNOutputs(),NULL);
+ p->mBias.Init(mBias.Dim());
+ p->mBias.Copy(mBias);
+ return p;
+ }
+ void PropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y)
+ {
+ Y.Copy(X);
+ for(size_t r=0; r<X.Rows(); r++) {
+ for(size_t c=0; c<X.Cols(); c++) {
+ Y(r,c) += mBias[c];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void BackpropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y)
+ { Y.Copy(X); }
+ void ReadFromStream(std::istream& rIn)
+ { rIn >> mBias; }
+ void WriteToStream(std::ostream& rOut)
+ { rOut << mBias; }
+ private:
+ Vector<BaseFloat> mBias;
+ };
+ class Window : public Component
+ {
+ public:
+ Window(size_t nInputs, size_t nOutputs, Component* pPred)
+ : Component(nInputs, nOutputs, pPred)
+ { }
+ ~Window()
+ { }
+ ComponentType GetType() const
+ { return Component::WINDOW; }
+ const char* GetName() const
+ { return "<window>"; }
+ Component* Clone() const
+ {
+ Window* p = new Window(GetNInputs(),GetNOutputs(),NULL);
+ p->mWindow.Init(mWindow.Dim());
+ p->mWindow.Copy(mWindow);
+ return p;
+ }
+ void PropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y)
+ { Y.Copy(X);
+ for(size_t r=0; r<X.Rows(); r++) {
+ for(size_t c=0; c<X.Cols(); c++) {
+ Y(r,c) *= mWindow[c];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void BackpropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y)
+ { Error("__func__ Not implemented"); }
+ void ReadFromStream(std::istream& rIn)
+ { rIn >> mWindow; }
+ void WriteToStream(std::ostream& rOut)
+ { rOut << mWindow; }
+ private:
+ Vector<BaseFloat> mWindow;
+ };
+ class Log : public Component
+ {
+ public:
+ Log(size_t nInputs, size_t nOutputs, Component* pPred)
+ : Component(nInputs, nOutputs, pPred)
+ { }
+ ~Log()
+ { }
+ ComponentType GetType() const
+ { return Component::LOG; }
+ const char* GetName() const
+ { return "<log>"; }
+ Component* Clone() const
+ { return new Log(GetNInputs(),GetNOutputs(),NULL); }
+ void PropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y)
+ { Y.Copy(X); Y.ApplyLog(); }
+ void BackpropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y)
+ { Error("__func__ Not implemented"); }
+ void ReadFromStream(std::istream& rIn)
+ { }
+ void WriteToStream(std::ostream& rOut)
+ { }
+ };
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f498318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include "Cache.h"
+#include "Matrix.h"
+#include "Vector.h"
+namespace TNet {
+ Cache::
+ Cache()
+ : mState(EMPTY), mIntakePos(0), mExhaustPos(0), mDiscarded(0),
+ mRandomized(false), mTrace(0)
+ { }
+ Cache::
+ ~Cache()
+ { }
+ void
+ Cache::
+ Init(size_t cachesize, size_t bunchsize, long int seed)
+ {
+ if((cachesize % bunchsize) != 0) {
+ KALDI_ERR << "Non divisible cachesize" << cachesize
+ << " by bunchsize" << bunchsize;
+ }
+ mCachesize = cachesize;
+ mBunchsize = bunchsize;
+ mState = EMPTY;
+ mIntakePos = 0;
+ mExhaustPos = 0;
+ mRandomized = false;
+ if(seed == 0) {
+ //generate seed
+ struct timeval tv;
+ if (gettimeofday(&tv, 0) == -1) {
+ Error("gettimeofday does not work.");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ seed = (int)(tv.tv_sec) + (int)tv.tv_usec + (int)(tv.tv_usec*tv.tv_usec);
+ }
+ srand48(seed);
+ }
+ void
+ Cache::
+ AddData(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& rFeatures, const Matrix<BaseFloat>& rDesired)
+ {
+ assert(rFeatures.Rows() == rDesired.Rows());
+ //lazy buffers allocation
+ if(mFeatures.Rows() != mCachesize) {
+ mFeatures.Init(mCachesize,rFeatures.Cols());
+ mDesired.Init(mCachesize,rDesired.Cols());
+ }
+ //warn if segment longer than half-cache
+ if(rFeatures.Rows() > mCachesize/2) {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Too long segment and small feature cache! "
+ << " cachesize: " << mCachesize
+ << " segmentsize: " << rFeatures.Rows();
+ Warning(os.str());
+ }
+ //change state
+ if(mState == EMPTY) {
+ if(mTrace&3) std::cout << "/" << std::flush;
+ mState = INTAKE; mIntakePos = 0;
+ //check for leftover from previous segment
+ int leftover = mFeaturesLeftover.Rows();
+ //check if leftover is not bigger than cachesize
+ if(leftover > mCachesize) {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Too small feature cache: " << mCachesize
+ << ", truncating: "
+ << leftover - mCachesize << " frames from previous segment leftover";
+ //Error(os.str());
+ Warning(os.str());
+ leftover = mCachesize;
+ }
+ //prefill cache with leftover
+ if(leftover > 0) {
+ memcpy(mFeatures.pData(),mFeaturesLeftover.pData(),
+ (mFeaturesLeftover.MSize() < mFeatures.MSize()?
+ mFeaturesLeftover.MSize() : mFeatures.MSize())
+ );
+ memcpy(mDesired.pData(),mDesiredLeftover.pData(),
+ (mDesiredLeftover.MSize() < mDesired.MSize()?
+ mDesiredLeftover.MSize() : mDesired.MSize())
+ );
+ mFeaturesLeftover.Destroy();
+ mDesiredLeftover.Destroy();
+ mIntakePos += leftover;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(mState == INTAKE);
+ assert(rFeatures.Rows() == rDesired.Rows());
+ if(mTrace&2) std::cout << "F" << std::flush;
+ int cache_space = mCachesize - mIntakePos;
+ int feature_length = rFeatures.Rows();
+ int fill_rows = (cache_space<feature_length)? cache_space : feature_length;
+ int leftover = feature_length - fill_rows;
+ assert(cache_space > 0);
+ assert(mFeatures.Stride()==rFeatures.Stride());
+ assert(mDesired.Stride()==rDesired.Stride());
+ //copy the data to cache
+ memcpy(mFeatures.pData()+mIntakePos*mFeatures.Stride(),
+ rFeatures.pData(),
+ fill_rows*mFeatures.Stride()*sizeof(BaseFloat));
+ memcpy(mDesired.pData()+mIntakePos*mDesired.Stride(),
+ rDesired.pData(),
+ fill_rows*mDesired.Stride()*sizeof(BaseFloat));
+ //copy leftovers
+ if(leftover > 0) {
+ mFeaturesLeftover.Init(leftover,mFeatures.Cols());
+ mDesiredLeftover.Init(leftover,mDesired.Cols());
+ memcpy(mFeaturesLeftover.pData(),
+ rFeatures.pData()+fill_rows*rFeatures.Stride(),
+ mFeaturesLeftover.MSize());
+ memcpy(mDesiredLeftover.pData(),
+ rDesired.pData()+fill_rows*rDesired.Stride(),
+ mDesiredLeftover.MSize());
+ }
+ //update cursor
+ mIntakePos += fill_rows;
+ //change state
+ if(mIntakePos == mCachesize) {
+ if(mTrace&3) std::cout << "\\" << std::flush;
+ mState = FULL;
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ Cache::
+ Randomize()
+ {
+ assert(mState == FULL || mState == INTAKE);
+ if(mTrace&3) std::cout << "R" << std::flush;
+ //lazy initialization of the output buffers
+ mFeaturesRandom.Init(mCachesize,mFeatures.Cols());
+ mDesiredRandom.Init(mCachesize,mDesired.Cols());
+ //generate random series of integers
+ Vector<int> randmask(mIntakePos);
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<mIntakePos; i++) {
+ randmask[i]=i;
+ }
+ int* ptr = randmask.pData();
+ std::random_shuffle(ptr, ptr+mIntakePos, GenerateRandom);
+ //randomize
+ for(int i=0; i<randmask.Dim(); i++) {
+ mFeaturesRandom[i].Copy(mFeatures[randmask[i]]);
+ mDesiredRandom[i].Copy(mDesired[randmask[i]]);
+ }
+ mRandomized = true;
+ }
+ void
+ Cache::
+ GetBunch(Matrix<BaseFloat>& rFeatures, Matrix<BaseFloat>& rDesired)
+ {
+ if(mState == EMPTY) {
+ Error("GetBunch on empty cache!!!");
+ }
+ //change state if full...
+ if(mState == FULL) {
+ if(mTrace&3) std::cout << "\\" << std::flush;
+ mState = EXHAUST; mExhaustPos = 0;
+ }
+ //final cache is not completely filled
+ if(mState == INTAKE) {
+ if(mTrace&3) std::cout << "\\-LAST_CACHE\n" << std::flush;
+ mState = EXHAUST; mExhaustPos = 0;
+ }
+ assert(mState == EXHAUST);
+ //init the output
+ if(rFeatures.Rows()!=mBunchsize || rFeatures.Cols()!=mFeatures.Cols()) {
+ rFeatures.Init(mBunchsize,mFeatures.Cols());
+ }
+ if(rDesired.Rows()!=mBunchsize || rDesired.Cols()!=mDesired.Cols()) {
+ rDesired.Init(mBunchsize,mDesired.Cols());
+ }
+ //copy the output
+ if(mRandomized) {
+ memcpy(rFeatures.pData(),
+ mFeaturesRandom.pData()+mExhaustPos*mFeatures.Stride(),
+ rFeatures.MSize());
+ memcpy(rDesired.pData(),
+ mDesiredRandom.pData()+mExhaustPos*mDesired.Stride(),
+ rDesired.MSize());
+ } else {
+ memcpy(rFeatures.pData(),
+ mFeatures.pData()+mExhaustPos*mFeatures.Stride(),
+ rFeatures.MSize());
+ memcpy(rDesired.pData(),
+ mDesired.pData()+mExhaustPos*mDesired.Stride(),
+ rDesired.MSize());
+ }
+ //update cursor
+ mExhaustPos += mBunchsize;
+ //change state to EMPTY
+ if(mExhaustPos > mIntakePos-mBunchsize) {
+ //we don't have more complete bunches...
+ mDiscarded += mIntakePos - mExhaustPos;
+ mState = EMPTY;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Cache.h.svn-base b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Cache.h.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..800d92c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Cache.h.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#ifndef _CUCACHE_H_
+#define _CUCACHE_H_
+#include "Matrix.h"
+namespace TNet {
+ /**
+ * The feature-target pair cache
+ */
+ class Cache {
+ typedef enum { EMPTY, INTAKE, FULL, EXHAUST } State;
+ public:
+ Cache();
+ ~Cache();
+ /// Initialize the cache
+ void Init(size_t cachesize, size_t bunchsize, long int seed = 0);
+ /// Add data to cache, returns number of added vectors
+ void AddData(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& rFeatures, const Matrix<BaseFloat>& rDesired);
+ /// Randomizes the cache
+ void Randomize();
+ /// Get the bunch of training data
+ void GetBunch(Matrix<BaseFloat>& rFeatures, Matrix<BaseFloat>& rDesired);
+ /// Returns true if the cache was completely filled
+ bool Full()
+ { return (mState == FULL); }
+ /// Returns true if the cache is empty
+ bool Empty()
+ { return (mState == EMPTY || mIntakePos < mBunchsize); }
+ /// Number of discarded frames
+ int Discarded()
+ { return mDiscarded; }
+ /// Set the trace message level
+ void Trace(int trace)
+ { mTrace = trace; }
+ private:
+ static long int GenerateRandom(int max)
+ { return lrand48() % max; }
+ State mState; ///< Current state of the cache
+ size_t mIntakePos; ///< Number of intaken vectors by AddData
+ size_t mExhaustPos; ///< Number of exhausted vectors by GetBunch
+ size_t mCachesize; ///< Size of cache
+ size_t mBunchsize; ///< Size of bunch
+ int mDiscarded; ///< Number of discarded frames
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> mFeatures; ///< Feature cache
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> mFeaturesRandom; ///< Feature cache
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> mFeaturesLeftover; ///< Feature cache
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> mDesired; ///< Desired vector cache
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> mDesiredRandom; ///< Desired vector cache
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> mDesiredLeftover; ///< Desired vector cache
+ bool mRandomized;
+ int mTrace;
+ };
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Component.h.svn-base b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Component.h.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..762451e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Component.h.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+#include "Vector.h"
+#include "Matrix.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+namespace TNet {
+ /**
+ * Basic element of the network,
+ * it is a box with defined inputs and outputs,
+ * and functions to refresh outputs
+ *
+ * it is able to compute tranformation function (forward pass)
+ * and jacobian function (backward pass),
+ * which is to be implemented in descendents
+ */
+ class Component
+ {
+ public:
+ /// Types of the net components
+ typedef enum {
+ ACT_FUN = 0x0200,
+ OTHER = 0x0400,
+ LOG,
+ } ComponentType;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Constructor & Destructor
+ public:
+ Component(size_t nInputs, size_t nOutputs, Component *pPred);
+ virtual ~Component();
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Interface specification (public)
+ public:
+ /// Get Type Identification of the component
+ virtual ComponentType GetType() const = 0;
+ /// Get Type Label of the component
+ virtual const char* GetName() const = 0;
+ ///
+ virtual bool IsUpdatable() const
+ { return false; }
+ /// Clone the component
+ virtual Component* Clone() const = 0;
+ /// Get size of input vectors
+ size_t GetNInputs() const;
+ /// Get size of output vectors
+ size_t GetNOutputs() const;
+ /// IO Data getters
+ const Matrix<BaseFloat>& GetInput() const;
+ const Matrix<BaseFloat>& GetOutput() const;
+ const Matrix<BaseFloat>& GetErrorInput() const;
+ const Matrix<BaseFloat>& GetErrorOutput() const;
+ /// Set input vector (bind with the preceding NetworkComponent)
+ void SetInput(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& rInput);
+ /// Set error input vector (bind with the following NetworkComponent)
+ void SetErrorInput(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& rErrorInput);
+ /// Perform forward pass propagateion Input->Output
+ void Propagate();
+ /// Perform backward pass propagateion ErrorInput->ErrorOutput
+ void Backpropagate();
+ /// Reads the component parameters from stream
+ virtual void ReadFromStream(std::istream& rIn) { }
+ /// Writes the components parameters to stream
+ virtual void WriteToStream(std::ostream& rOut) { }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Nonpublic member functions used to update data outputs
+ protected:
+ /// Forward pass transformation (to be implemented by descendents...)
+ virtual void PropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y) = 0;
+ /// Backward pass transformation (to be implemented by descendents...)
+ virtual void BackpropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y) = 0;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // data members
+ protected:
+ size_t mNInputs; ///< Size of input vectors
+ size_t mNOutputs; ///< Size of output vectors
+ const Matrix<BaseFloat>* mpInput; ///< inputs are NOT OWNED by component
+ const Matrix<BaseFloat>* mpErrorInput;///< inputs are NOT OWNED by component
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> mOutput; ///< outputs are OWNED by component
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> mErrorOutput; ///< outputs are OWNED by component
+ };
+ /**
+ * Class UpdatableComponent is a box which has some
+ * parameters adjustable by learning
+ *
+ * you can set the learning rate, lock the params,
+ * and learn from each data observation
+ */
+ class UpdatableComponent : public Component
+ {
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Constructor & Destructor
+ public:
+ UpdatableComponent(size_t nInputs, size_t nOutputs, Component *pPred);
+ virtual ~UpdatableComponent();
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Interface specification (public)
+ public:
+ ///
+ virtual bool IsUpdatable() const
+ { return true; }
+ /// calculate gradient
+ virtual void Gradient() = 0;
+ /// accumulate gradient from other components
+ virtual void AccuGradient(const UpdatableComponent& src, int thr, int thrN) = 0;
+ /// update weights, reset the accumulator
+ virtual void Update(int thr, int thrN) = 0;
+ /// Sets the learning rate of gradient descent
+ void LearnRate(BaseFloat rate);
+ /// Gets the learning rate of gradient descent
+ BaseFloat LearnRate() const;
+ void Momentum(BaseFloat mmt);
+ BaseFloat Momentum() const ;
+ void Weightcost(BaseFloat cost);
+ BaseFloat Weightcost() const;
+ void Bunchsize(size_t size);
+ size_t Bunchsize() const;
+ protected:
+ BaseFloat mLearningRate;
+ BaseFloat mMomentum;
+ BaseFloat mWeightcost;
+ size_t mBunchsize;
+ };
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Component::
+ inline
+ Component::
+ Component(size_t nInputs, size_t nOutputs, Component *pPred)
+ : mNInputs(nInputs), mNOutputs(nOutputs),
+ mpInput(NULL), mpErrorInput(NULL),
+ mOutput(), mErrorOutput()
+ {
+ /* DOUBLE LINK the Components */
+ if (pPred != NULL) {
+ SetInput(pPred->GetOutput());
+ pPred->SetErrorInput(GetErrorOutput());
+ }
+ }
+ inline
+ Component::
+ ~Component()
+ {
+ ;
+ }
+ inline void
+ Component::
+ Propagate()
+ {
+ //initialize output buffer
+ if(mOutput.Rows() != GetInput().Rows() || mOutput.Cols() != GetNOutputs()) {
+ mOutput.Init(GetInput().Rows(),GetNOutputs());
+ }
+ //do the dimensionality test
+ if(GetNInputs() != GetInput().Cols()) {
+ KALDI_ERR << "Non-matching INPUT dim!!! Network dim: " << GetNInputs()
+ << " Data dim: " << GetInput().Cols();
+ }
+ //run transform
+ PropagateFnc(GetInput(),mOutput);
+ }
+ inline void
+ Component::
+ Backpropagate()
+ {
+ //re-initialize the output buffer
+ if(mErrorOutput.Rows() != GetErrorInput().Rows() || mErrorOutput.Cols() != GetNInputs()) {
+ mErrorOutput.Init(GetErrorInput().Rows(),GetNInputs());
+ }
+ //do the dimensionality test
+ assert(GetErrorInput().Cols() == mNOutputs);
+ assert(mErrorOutput.Cols() == mNInputs);
+ assert(mErrorOutput.Rows() == GetErrorInput().Rows());
+ //transform
+ BackpropagateFnc(GetErrorInput(),mErrorOutput);
+ }
+ inline void
+ Component::
+ SetInput(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& rInput)
+ {
+ mpInput = &rInput;
+ }
+ inline void
+ Component::
+ SetErrorInput(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& rErrorInput)
+ {
+ mpErrorInput = &rErrorInput;
+ }
+ inline const Matrix<BaseFloat>&
+ Component::
+ GetInput() const
+ {
+ if (NULL == mpInput) Error("mpInput is NULL");
+ return *mpInput;
+ }
+ inline const Matrix<BaseFloat>&
+ Component::
+ GetOutput() const
+ {
+ return mOutput;
+ }
+ inline const Matrix<BaseFloat>&
+ Component::
+ GetErrorInput() const
+ {
+ if (NULL == mpErrorInput) Error("mpErrorInput is NULL");
+ return *mpErrorInput;
+ }
+ inline const Matrix<BaseFloat>&
+ Component::
+ GetErrorOutput() const
+ {
+ return mErrorOutput;
+ }
+ inline size_t
+ Component::
+ GetNInputs() const
+ {
+ return mNInputs;
+ }
+ inline size_t
+ Component::
+ GetNOutputs() const
+ {
+ return mNOutputs;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // UpdatableComponent::
+ inline
+ UpdatableComponent::
+ UpdatableComponent(size_t nInputs, size_t nOutputs, Component *pPred)
+ : Component(nInputs, nOutputs, pPred),
+ mLearningRate(0.0), mMomentum(0.0), mWeightcost(0.0), mBunchsize(0)
+ {
+ ;
+ }
+ inline
+ UpdatableComponent::
+ ~UpdatableComponent()
+ {
+ ;
+ }
+ inline void
+ UpdatableComponent::
+ LearnRate(BaseFloat rate)
+ {
+ mLearningRate = rate;
+ }
+ inline BaseFloat
+ UpdatableComponent::
+ LearnRate() const
+ {
+ return mLearningRate;
+ }
+ inline void
+ UpdatableComponent::
+ Momentum(BaseFloat mmt)
+ {
+ mMomentum = mmt;
+ }
+ inline BaseFloat
+ UpdatableComponent::
+ Momentum() const
+ {
+ return mMomentum;
+ }
+ inline void
+ UpdatableComponent::
+ Weightcost(BaseFloat cost)
+ {
+ mWeightcost = cost;
+ }
+ inline BaseFloat
+ UpdatableComponent::
+ Weightcost() const
+ {
+ return mWeightcost;
+ }
+ inline void
+ UpdatableComponent::
+ Bunchsize(size_t size)
+ {
+ mBunchsize = size;
+ }
+ inline size_t
+ UpdatableComponent::
+ Bunchsize() const
+ {
+ return mBunchsize;
+ }
+} // namespace TNet
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58ff988
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+include ../
+INCLUDE = -I. -I../KaldiLib -I../STKLib/
+all: libTNetLib.a
+libTNetLib.a: $(OBJ)
+ $(AR) ruv $@ $(OBJ)
+ $(RANLIB) $@
+%.o :
+ $(CXX) -o $@ -c $< $(CFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDE)
+.PHONY: clean doc depend
+ rm -f *.o *.a
+ doxygen ../../doc/doxyfile_TNetLib
+ $(CXX) -M $(CXXFLAGS) *.cc $(INCLUDE) >
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ec956a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <cerrno>
+#include "Error.h"
+#include "Mutex.h"
+namespace TNet {
+Mutex::Mutex() {
+ if(0 != pthread_mutex_init(&mutex_,NULL))
+ KALDI_ERR << "Cannot initialize mutex";
+Mutex::~Mutex() {
+ if(0 != pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex_))
+ KALDI_ERR << "Cannot destroy mutex";
+void Mutex::Lock() {
+ if(0 != pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_))
+ KALDI_ERR << "Error on locking mutex";
+bool Mutex::TryLock() {
+ int ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_);
+ switch (ret) {
+ case 0: return true;
+ case EBUSY: return false;
+ default: KALDI_ERR << "Error on try-locking mutex";
+ }
+ return 0;//make compiler not complain
+void Mutex::Unlock() {
+ if(0 != pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_))
+ KALDI_ERR << "Error on unlocking mutex";
+}//namespace TNet
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Mutex.h.svn-base b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Mutex.h.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae2cfff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Mutex.h.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#include <pthread.h>
+namespace TNet {
+ * This class encapsulates mutex to ensure
+ * exclusive access to some critical section
+ * which manipulates shared resources.
+ *
+ * The mutex must be unlocked from the
+ * SAME THREAD which locked it
+ */
+class Mutex {
+ public:
+ Mutex();
+ ~Mutex();
+ void Lock();
+ /**
+ * Try to lock the mutex without waiting for it.
+ * Returns: true when lock successfull,
+ * false when mutex was already locked
+ */
+ bool TryLock();
+ void Unlock();
+ private:
+ pthread_mutex_t mutex_;
+} //namespace TNet
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b364ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+//#include <locale>
+#include <cctype>
+#include "Nnet.h"
+#include "CRBEDctFeat.h"
+#include "BlockArray.h"
+namespace TNet {
+void Network::Feedforward(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& in, Matrix<BaseFloat>& out,
+ size_t start_frm_ext, size_t end_frm_ext) {
+ //empty network: copy input to output
+ if(mNnet.size() == 0) {
+ if(out.Rows() != in.Rows() || out.Cols() != in.Cols()) {
+ out.Init(in.Rows(),in.Cols());
+ }
+ out.Copy(in);
+ return;
+ }
+ //short input: propagate in one block
+ if(in.Rows() < 5000) {
+ Propagate(in,out);
+ } else {//long input: propagate per parts
+ //initialize
+ out.Init(in.Rows(),GetNOutputs());
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> tmp_in, tmp_out;
+ int done=0, block=1024;
+ //propagate first part
+ tmp_in.Init(block+end_frm_ext,in.Cols());
+ tmp_in.Copy(in.Range(0,block+end_frm_ext,0,in.Cols()));
+ Propagate(tmp_in,tmp_out);
+ out.Range(0,block,0,tmp_out.Cols()).Copy(
+ tmp_out.Range(0,block,0,tmp_out.Cols())
+ );
+ done += block;
+ //propagate middle parts
+ while((done+2*block) < in.Rows()) {
+ tmp_in.Init(block+start_frm_ext+end_frm_ext,in.Cols());
+ tmp_in.Copy(in.Range(done-start_frm_ext, block+start_frm_ext+end_frm_ext, 0,in.Cols())); Propagate(tmp_in,tmp_out);
+ out.Range(done,block,0,tmp_out.Cols()).Copy(
+ tmp_out.Range(start_frm_ext,block,0,tmp_out.Cols())
+ );
+ done += block;
+ }
+ //propagate last part
+ tmp_in.Init(in.Rows()-done+start_frm_ext,in.Cols());
+ tmp_in.Copy(in.Range(done-start_frm_ext,in.Rows()-done+start_frm_ext,0,in.Cols()));
+ Propagate(tmp_in,tmp_out);
+ out.Range(done,out.Rows()-done,0,out.Cols()).Copy(
+ tmp_out.Range(start_frm_ext,tmp_out.Rows()-start_frm_ext,0,tmp_out.Cols())
+ );
+ done += tmp_out.Rows()-start_frm_ext;
+ assert(done == out.Rows());
+ }
+void Network::Propagate(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& in, Matrix<BaseFloat>& out) {
+ //empty network: copy input to output
+ if(mNnet.size() == 0) {
+ if(out.Rows() != in.Rows() || out.Cols() != in.Cols()) {
+ out.Init(in.Rows(),in.Cols());
+ }
+ out.Copy(in);
+ return;
+ }
+ //this will keep pointer to matrix 'in', for backprop
+ mNnet.front()->SetInput(in);
+ //propagate
+ LayeredType::iterator it;
+ for(it=mNnet.begin(); it!=mNnet.end(); ++it) {
+ (*it)->Propagate();
+ }
+ //copy the output matrix
+ const Matrix<BaseFloat>& mat = mNnet.back()->GetOutput();
+ if(out.Rows() != mat.Rows() || out.Cols() != mat.Cols()) {
+ out.Init(mat.Rows(),mat.Cols());
+ }
+ out.Copy(mat);
+void Network::Backpropagate(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& globerr) {
+ //pass matrix to last component
+ mNnet.back()->SetErrorInput(globerr);
+ // back-propagation : reversed order,
+ LayeredType::reverse_iterator it;
+ for(it=mNnet.rbegin(); it!=mNnet.rend(); ++it) {
+ //first component does not backpropagate error (no predecessors)
+ if(*it != mNnet.front()) {
+ (*it)->Backpropagate();
+ }
+ //compute gradient if updatable component
+ if((*it)->IsUpdatable()) {
+ UpdatableComponent& comp = dynamic_cast<UpdatableComponent&>(**it);
+ comp.Gradient(); //compute gradient
+ }
+ }
+void Network::AccuGradient(const Network& src, int thr, int thrN) {
+ LayeredType::iterator it;
+ LayeredType::const_iterator it2;
+ for(it=mNnet.begin(), it2=src.mNnet.begin(); it!=mNnet.end(); ++it,++it2) {
+ if((*it)->IsUpdatable()) {
+ UpdatableComponent& comp = dynamic_cast<UpdatableComponent&>(**it);
+ const UpdatableComponent& comp2 = dynamic_cast<const UpdatableComponent&>(**it2);
+ comp.AccuGradient(comp2,thr,thrN);
+ }
+ }
+void Network::Update(int thr, int thrN) {
+ LayeredType::iterator it;
+ for(it=mNnet.begin(); it!=mNnet.end(); ++it) {
+ if((*it)->IsUpdatable()) {
+ UpdatableComponent& comp = dynamic_cast<UpdatableComponent&>(**it);
+ comp.Update(thr,thrN);
+ }
+ }
+Network* Network::Clone() {
+ Network* net = new Network;
+ LayeredType::iterator it;
+ for(it = mNnet.begin(); it != mNnet.end(); ++it) {
+ //clone
+ net->mNnet.push_back((*it)->Clone());
+ //connect network
+ if(net->mNnet.size() > 1) {
+ Component* last = *(net->mNnet.end()-1);
+ Component* prev = *(net->mNnet.end()-2);
+ last->SetInput(prev->GetOutput());
+ prev->SetErrorInput(last->GetErrorOutput());
+ }
+ }
+ //copy the learning rate
+ //net->SetLearnRate(GetLearnRate());
+ return net;
+void Network::ReadNetwork(const char* pSrc) {
+ std::ifstream in(pSrc);
+ if(!in.good()) {
+ Error(std::string("Error, cannot read model: ")+pSrc);
+ }
+ ReadNetwork(in);
+ in.close();
+void Network::ReadNetwork(std::istream& rIn) {
+ //get the network elements from a factory
+ Component *pComp;
+ while(NULL != (pComp = ComponentFactory(rIn)))
+ mNnet.push_back(pComp);
+void Network::WriteNetwork(const char* pDst) {
+ std::ofstream out(pDst);
+ if(!out.good()) {
+ Error(std::string("Error, cannot write model: ")+pDst);
+ }
+ WriteNetwork(out);
+ out.close();
+void Network::WriteNetwork(std::ostream& rOut) {
+ //dump all the componetns
+ LayeredType::iterator it;
+ for(it=mNnet.begin(); it!=mNnet.end(); ++it) {
+ ComponentDumper(rOut, **it);
+ }
+ComponentFactory(std::istream& rIn)
+ rIn >> std::ws;
+ if(rIn.eof()) return NULL;
+ Component* pRet=NULL;
+ Component* pPred=NULL;
+ std::string componentTag;
+ size_t nInputs, nOutputs;
+ rIn >> std::ws;
+ rIn >> componentTag;
+ if(componentTag == "") return NULL; //nothing left in the file
+ //make it lowercase
+ std::transform(componentTag.begin(), componentTag.end(),
+ componentTag.begin(), tolower);
+ //the 'endblock' tag terminates the network
+ if(componentTag == "<endblock>") return NULL;
+ if(componentTag[0] != '<' || componentTag[componentTag.size()-1] != '>') {
+ Error(std::string("Invalid component tag:")+componentTag);
+ }
+ rIn >> std::ws;
+ rIn >> nOutputs;
+ rIn >> std::ws;
+ rIn >> nInputs;
+ assert(nInputs > 0 && nOutputs > 0);
+ //make coupling with predecessor
+ if(mNnet.size() == 0) {
+ pPred = NULL;
+ } else {
+ pPred = mNnet.back();
+ }
+ //array with list of component tags
+ static const std::string TAGS[] = {
+ "<biasedlinearity>",
+ "<sharedlinearity>",
+ "<sigmoid>",
+ "<softmax>",
+ "<blocksoftmax>",
+ "<expand>",
+ "<copy>",
+ "<transpose>",
+ "<blocklinearity>",
+ "<bias>",
+ "<window>",
+ "<log>",
+ "<blockarray>",
+ };
+ static const int n_tags = sizeof(TAGS) / sizeof(TAGS[0]);
+ int i = 0;
+ for(i=0; i<n_tags; i++) {
+ if(componentTag == TAGS[i]) break;
+ }
+ //switch according to position in array TAGS
+ switch(i) {
+ case 0: pRet = new BiasedLinearity(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 1: pRet = new SharedLinearity(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 2: pRet = new Sigmoid(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 3: pRet = new Softmax(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 4: pRet = new BlockSoftmax(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 5: pRet = new Expand(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 6: pRet = new Copy(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 7: pRet = new Transpose(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 8: pRet = new BlockLinearity(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 9: pRet = new Bias(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 10: pRet = new Window(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 11: pRet = new Log(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ case 12: pRet = new BlockArray(nInputs,nOutputs,pPred); break;
+ default: Error(std::string("Unknown Component tag:")+componentTag);
+ }
+ //read params if it is updatable component
+ pRet->ReadFromStream(rIn);
+ //return
+ return pRet;
+ComponentDumper(std::ostream& rOut, Component& rComp)
+ //use tags of all the components; or the identification codes
+ //array with list of component tags
+ static const Component::ComponentType TYPES[] = {
+ Component::SIGMOID,
+ Component::SOFTMAX,
+ Component::BLOCK_SOFTMAX,
+ Component::EXPAND,
+ Component::COPY,
+ Component::TRANSPOSE,
+ Component::BIAS,
+ Component::WINDOW,
+ Component::LOG,
+ Component::BLOCK_ARRAY,
+ };
+ static const std::string TAGS[] = {
+ "<biasedlinearity>",
+ "<sharedlinearity>",
+ "<sigmoid>",
+ "<softmax>",
+ "<blocksoftmax>",
+ "<expand>",
+ "<copy>",
+ "<transpose>",
+ "<blocklinearity>",
+ "<bias>",
+ "<window>",
+ "<log>",
+ "<blockarray>",
+ };
+ static const int MAX = sizeof TYPES / sizeof TYPES[0];
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<MAX; ++i) {
+ if(TYPES[i] == rComp.GetType()) break;
+ }
+ if(i == MAX) Error("Unknown ComponentType");
+ //dump the component tag
+ rOut << TAGS[i] << " "
+ << rComp.GetNOutputs() << " "
+ << rComp.GetNInputs() << std::endl;
+ //dump the parameters (if any)
+ rComp.WriteToStream(rOut);
+} //namespace
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Nnet.h.svn-base b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Nnet.h.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12e2585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Nnet.h.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+#ifndef _NETWORK_H_
+#define _NETWORK_H_
+#include "Component.h"
+#include "BiasedLinearity.h"
+#include "SharedLinearity.h"
+#include "Activation.h"
+#include "Vector.h"
+#include <vector>
+namespace TNet {
+class Network
+// Typedefs
+typedef std::vector<Component*> LayeredType;
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ // Disable copy construction and assignment
+ private:
+ Network(Network&);
+ Network& operator=(Network&);
+ public:
+ // allow incomplete network creation
+ Network()
+ { }
+ ~Network();
+ int Layers() const
+ { return mNnet.size(); }
+ Component& Layer(int i)
+ { return *mNnet[i]; }
+ const Component& Layer(int i) const
+ { return *mNnet[i]; }
+ /// Feedforward the data per blocks, this needs less memory,
+ /// and allows to process very long files.
+ /// It does not trim the *_frm_ext, but uses it
+ /// for concatenation of segments
+ void Feedforward(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& in, Matrix<BaseFloat>& out,
+ size_t start_frm_ext, size_t end_frm_ext);
+ /// forward the data to the output
+ void Propagate(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& in, Matrix<BaseFloat>& out);
+ /// backpropagate the error while calculating the gradient
+ void Backpropagate(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& globerr);
+ /// accumulate the gradient from other networks
+ void AccuGradient(const Network& src, int thr, int thrN);
+ /// update weights, reset the accumulator
+ void Update(int thr, int thrN);
+ Network* Clone(); ///< Clones the network
+ void ReadNetwork(const char* pSrc); ///< read the network from file
+ void ReadNetwork(std::istream& rIn); ///< read the network from stream
+ void WriteNetwork(const char* pDst); ///< write network to file
+ void WriteNetwork(std::ostream& rOut); ///< write network to stream
+ size_t GetNInputs() const; ///< Dimensionality of the input features
+ size_t GetNOutputs() const; ///< Dimensionality of the desired vectors
+ void SetLearnRate(BaseFloat learnRate); ///< set the learning rate value
+ BaseFloat GetLearnRate(); ///< get the learning rate value
+ void SetWeightcost(BaseFloat l2); ///< set the L2 regularization const
+ void ResetBunchsize(); ///< reset the frame counter (needed for L2 regularization
+ void AccuBunchsize(const Network& src); ///< accumulate frame counts in bunch (needed in L2 regularization
+ private:
+ /// Creates a component by reading from stream
+ Component* ComponentFactory(std::istream& In);
+ /// Dumps component into a stream
+ void ComponentDumper(std::ostream& rOut, Component& rComp);
+ private:
+ LayeredType mNnet; ///< container with the network layers
+// Network::
+inline Network::~Network() {
+ //delete all the components
+ LayeredType::iterator it;
+ for(it=mNnet.begin(); it!=mNnet.end(); ++it) {
+ delete *it;
+ }
+inline size_t Network::GetNInputs() const {
+ assert(mNnet.size() > 0);
+ return mNnet.front()->GetNInputs();
+inline size_t
+GetNOutputs() const
+ assert(mNnet.size() > 0);
+ return mNnet.back()->GetNOutputs();
+inline void
+SetLearnRate(BaseFloat learnRate)
+ LayeredType::iterator it;
+ for(it=mNnet.begin(); it!=mNnet.end(); ++it) {
+ if((*it)->IsUpdatable()) {
+ dynamic_cast<UpdatableComponent*>(*it)->LearnRate(learnRate);
+ }
+ }
+inline BaseFloat
+ //TODO - learn rates may differ layer to layer
+ assert(mNnet.size() > 0);
+ for(size_t i=0; i<mNnet.size(); i++) {
+ if(mNnet[i]->IsUpdatable()) {
+ return dynamic_cast<UpdatableComponent*>(mNnet[i])->LearnRate();
+ }
+ }
+ Error("No updatable NetComponents");
+ return -1;
+inline void
+SetWeightcost(BaseFloat l2)
+ LayeredType::iterator it;
+ for(it=mNnet.begin(); it!=mNnet.end(); ++it) {
+ if((*it)->IsUpdatable()) {
+ dynamic_cast<UpdatableComponent*>(*it)->Weightcost(l2);
+ }
+ }
+inline void
+ LayeredType::iterator it;
+ for(it=mNnet.begin(); it!=mNnet.end(); ++it) {
+ if((*it)->IsUpdatable()) {
+ dynamic_cast<UpdatableComponent*>(*it)->Bunchsize(0);
+ }
+ }
+inline void
+AccuBunchsize(const Network& src)
+ assert(Layers() == src.Layers());
+ assert(Layers() > 0);
+ for(int i=0; i<Layers(); i++) {
+ if(Layer(i).IsUpdatable()) {
+ UpdatableComponent& tgt_comp = dynamic_cast<UpdatableComponent&>(Layer(i));
+ const UpdatableComponent& src_comp = dynamic_cast<const UpdatableComponent&>(src.Layer(i));
+ tgt_comp.Bunchsize(tgt_comp.Bunchsize()+src_comp.GetOutput().Rows());
+ }
+ }
+} //namespace
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c899fb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+#include "ObjFun.h"
+#include "Error.h"
+#include <limits>
+namespace TNet {
+ObjectiveFunction* ObjectiveFunction::Factory(ObjFunType type) {
+ ObjectiveFunction* ret = NULL;
+ switch(type) {
+ case MEAN_SQUARE_ERROR: ret = new MeanSquareError; break;
+ case CROSS_ENTROPY: ret = new CrossEntropy; break;
+ default: Error("Unknown ObjectiveFunction type");
+ }
+ return ret;
+ * MeanSquareError
+ */
+void MeanSquareError::Evaluate(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& net_out, const Matrix<BaseFloat>& target, Matrix<BaseFloat>* err) {
+ //check dimensions
+ assert(net_out.Rows() == target.Rows());
+ assert(net_out.Cols() == target.Cols());
+ if(err->Rows() != net_out.Rows() || err->Cols() != net_out.Cols()) {
+ err->Init(net_out.Rows(),net_out.Cols());
+ }
+ //compute global gradient
+ err->Copy(net_out);
+ err->AddScaled(-1,target);
+ //compute loss function
+ double sum = 0;
+ for(size_t r=0; r<err->Rows(); r++) {
+ for(size_t c=0; c<err->Cols(); c++) {
+ BaseFloat val = (*err)(r,c);
+ sum += val*val;
+ }
+ }
+ error_ += sum/2.0;
+ frames_ += net_out.Rows();
+std::string MeanSquareError::Report() {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "Mse:" << error_ << " frames:" << frames_
+ << " err/frm:" << error_/frames_
+ << "\n";
+ return ss.str();
+ * CrossEntropy
+ */
+///Find maximum in float array
+inline int FindMaxId(const BaseFloat* ptr, size_t N) {
+ BaseFloat mval = -1e20f;
+ int mid = -1;
+ for(size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ if(ptr[i] > mval) {
+ mid = i; mval = ptr[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return mid;
+CrossEntropy::Evaluate(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& net_out, const Matrix<BaseFloat>& target, Matrix<BaseFloat>* err)
+ //check dimensions
+ assert(net_out.Rows() == target.Rows());
+ assert(net_out.Cols() == target.Cols());
+ if(err->Rows() != net_out.Rows() || err->Cols() != net_out.Cols()) {
+ err->Init(net_out.Rows(),net_out.Cols());
+ }
+ //allocate confunsion buffers
+ if(confusion_mode_ != NO_CONF) {
+ if(confusion_.Rows() != target.Cols() || confusion_.Cols() != target.Cols()) {
+ confusion_.Init(target.Cols(),target.Cols());
+ confusion_count_.Init(target.Cols());
+ diag_confusion_.Init(target.Cols());
+ }
+ }
+ //compute global gradient (assuming on softmax input)
+ err->Copy(net_out);
+ err->AddScaled(-1,target);
+ //collect max values
+ std::vector<size_t> max_target_id(target.Rows());
+ std::vector<size_t> max_netout_id(target.Rows());
+ //check correct classification
+ int corr = 0;
+ for(size_t r=0; r<net_out.Rows(); r++) {
+ int id_netout = FindMaxId(net_out[r].pData(),net_out.Cols());
+ int id_target = FindMaxId(target[r].pData(),target.Cols());
+ if(id_netout == id_target) corr++;
+ max_target_id[r] = id_target;//store the max value
+ max_netout_id[r] = id_netout;
+ }
+ //compute loss function
+ double sumerr = 0;
+ for(size_t r=0; r<net_out.Rows(); r++) {
+ if(target(r,max_target_id[r]) == 1.0) {
+ //pick the max value..., rest is zero
+ BaseFloat val = log(net_out(r,max_target_id[r]));
+ if(val < -1e10f) val = -1e10f;
+ sumerr += val;
+ } else {
+ //process whole posterior vect.
+ for(size_t c=0; c<net_out.Cols(); c++) {
+ if(target(r,c) != 0.0) {
+ BaseFloat val = target(r,c)*log(net_out(r,c));
+ if(val < -1e10f) val = -1e10f;
+ sumerr += val;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //accumulate confusuion network
+ if(confusion_mode_ != NO_CONF) {
+ for(size_t r=0; r<net_out.Rows(); r++) {
+ int id_target = max_target_id[r];
+ int id_netout = max_netout_id[r];
+ switch(confusion_mode_) {
+ case MAX_CONF:
+ confusion_(id_target,id_netout) += 1;
+ break;
+ case SOFT_CONF:
+ confusion_[id_target].Add(net_out[r]);
+ break;
+ diag_confusion_[id_target] += ((id_target==id_netout)?1:0);
+ break;
+ diag_confusion_[id_target] += net_out[r][id_target];
+ break;
+ default:
+ KALDI_ERR << "unknown confusion type" << confusion_mode_;
+ }
+ confusion_count_[id_target] += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ error_ -= sumerr;
+ frames_ += net_out.Rows();
+ corr_ += corr;
+std::string CrossEntropy::Report() {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "Xent:" << error_ << " frames:" << frames_
+ << " err/frm:" << error_/frames_
+ << " correct[" << 100.0*corr_/frames_ << "%]"
+ << "\n";
+ if(confusion_mode_ != NO_CONF) {
+ //read class tags
+ std::vector<std::string> tag;
+ {
+ std::ifstream ifs(output_label_map_);
+ assert(ifs.good());
+ std::string str;
+ while(!ifs.eof()) {
+ ifs >> str;
+ tag.push_back(str);
+ }
+ }
+ assert(confusion_count_.Dim() <= tag.size());
+ //print confusion matrix
+ if(confusion_mode_ == MAX_CONF || confusion_mode_ == SOFT_CONF) {
+ ss << "Row:label Col:hyp\n" << confusion_ << "\n";
+ }
+ //***print per-target accuracies
+ for(int i=0; i<confusion_count_.Dim(); i++) {
+ //get the numerator
+ BaseFloat numerator = 0.0;
+ switch (confusion_mode_) {
+ case MAX_CONF: case SOFT_CONF:
+ numerator = confusion_[i][i];
+ break;
+ numerator = diag_confusion_[i];
+ break;
+ default:
+ KALDI_ERR << "Usupported confusion mode:" << confusion_mode_;
+ }
+ //add line to report
+ ss << std::setw(30) << tag[i] << " "
+ << std::setw(10) << 100.0*numerator/confusion_count_[i] << "%"
+ << " [" << numerator << "/" << confusion_count_[i] << "]\n";
+ } //***print per-target accuracies
+ }// != NO_CONF
+ return ss.str();
+void CrossEntropy::MergeStats(const ObjectiveFunction& inst) {
+ const CrossEntropy& xent = dynamic_cast<const CrossEntropy&>(inst);
+ frames_ += xent.frames_; error_ += xent.error_; corr_ += xent.corr_;
+ //sum the confustion statistics
+ if(confusion_mode_ != NO_CONF) {
+ if(confusion_.Rows() != xent.confusion_.Rows()) {
+ confusion_.Init(xent.confusion_.Rows(),xent.confusion_.Cols());
+ confusion_count_.Init(xent.confusion_count_.Dim());
+ diag_confusion_.Init(xent.diag_confusion_.Dim());
+ }
+ confusion_.Add(xent.confusion_);
+ confusion_count_.Add(xent.confusion_count_);
+ diag_confusion_.Add(xent.diag_confusion_);
+ }
+} // namespace TNet
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/ObjFun.h.svn-base b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/ObjFun.h.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c458340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/ObjFun.h.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+#ifndef _TNET_OBJ_FUN_H
+#define _TNET_OBJ_FUN_H
+#include <cassert>
+#include <limits>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "Matrix.h"
+#include "Vector.h"
+namespace TNet {
+ /**
+ * General interface for objective functions
+ */
+ class ObjectiveFunction
+ {
+ public:
+ /// Enum with objective function types
+ typedef enum {
+ OBJ_FUN_I = 0x0300,
+ } ObjFunType;
+ public:
+ /// Factory for creating objective function instances
+ static ObjectiveFunction* Factory(ObjFunType type);
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Interface specification
+ protected:
+ ObjectiveFunction() { }; /// constructor
+ public:
+ virtual ~ObjectiveFunction() { }; /// destructor
+ virtual ObjFunType GetType() = 0;
+ virtual const char* GetName() = 0;
+ virtual ObjectiveFunction* Clone() = 0;
+ ///calculate error of network output
+ virtual void Evaluate(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& net_out, const Matrix<BaseFloat>& target, Matrix<BaseFloat>* err) = 0;
+ ///get the accumulated error
+ virtual double GetError() = 0;
+ ///the number of processed frames
+ virtual size_t GetFrames() = 0;
+ ///report the error to string
+ virtual std::string Report() = 0;
+ ///sum the frame counts from more instances
+ virtual void MergeStats(const ObjectiveFunction& inst) = 0;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Mean square error function
+ */
+ class MeanSquareError : public ObjectiveFunction
+ {
+ public:
+ MeanSquareError()
+ : ObjectiveFunction(), frames_(0), error_(0)
+ { }
+ ~MeanSquareError()
+ { }
+ ObjFunType GetType()
+ { return MEAN_SQUARE_ERROR; }
+ const char* GetName()
+ { return "<MeanSquareError>"; }
+ ObjectiveFunction* Clone()
+ { return new MeanSquareError(*this); }
+ void Evaluate(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& net_out, const Matrix<BaseFloat>& target, Matrix<BaseFloat>* err);
+ size_t GetFrames()
+ { return frames_; }
+ double GetError()
+ { return error_; }
+ std::string Report();
+ void MergeStats(const ObjectiveFunction& inst) {
+ const MeanSquareError& mse = dynamic_cast<const MeanSquareError&>(inst);
+ frames_ += mse.frames_; error_ += mse.error_;
+ }
+ private:
+ size_t frames_;
+ double error_;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Cross entropy error function
+ */
+ class CrossEntropy : public ObjectiveFunction
+ {
+ public:
+ public:
+ CrossEntropy()
+ : ObjectiveFunction(), frames_(0), error_(0), corr_(0), confusion_mode_(NO_CONF), output_label_map_(NULL)
+ { }
+ ~CrossEntropy()
+ { }
+ ObjFunType GetType()
+ { return CROSS_ENTROPY; }
+ const char* GetName()
+ { return "<cross_entropy>"; }
+ ObjectiveFunction* Clone()
+ { return new CrossEntropy(*this); }
+ void Evaluate(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& net_out, const Matrix<BaseFloat>& target, Matrix<BaseFloat>* err);
+ size_t GetFrames()
+ { return frames_; }
+ double GetError()
+ { return error_; }
+ void SetConfusionMode(enum ConfusionMode m)
+ { confusion_mode_ = m; }
+ void SetOutputLabelMap(const char* map)
+ { output_label_map_ = map; }
+ std::string Report();
+ void MergeStats(const ObjectiveFunction& inst);
+ private:
+ size_t frames_;
+ double error_;
+ size_t corr_;
+ ConfusionMode confusion_mode_;
+ Matrix<float> confusion_;
+ Vector<int> confusion_count_;
+ Vector<double> diag_confusion_;
+ const char* output_label_map_;
+ };
+} //namespace TNet
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Platform.h.svn-base b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Platform.h.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66ebacb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Platform.h.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+#include "Thread.h"
+#include "Matrix.h"
+#include "Features.h"
+#include "Labels.h"
+#include "Cache.h"
+#include "Nnet.h"
+#include "ObjFun.h"
+#include "Mutex.h"
+#include "Semaphore.h"
+#include "Barrier.h"
+#include "Thread.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+#include <iterator>
+namespace TNet {
+class PlatformThread;
+class Platform {
+* Variables to be initialized directly from the main function
+ FeatureRepository feature_;
+ LabelRepository label_;
+ Network nnet_transf_;
+ Network nnet_;
+ ObjectiveFunction* obj_fun_;
+ int bunchsize_;
+ int cachesize_;
+ bool randomize_;
+ int start_frm_ext_;
+ int end_frm_ext_;
+ int trace_;
+ bool crossval_;
+ long int seed_;
+ /*
+ * Variables to be used internally during the multi-threaded training
+ */
+ private:
+ Semaphore semaphore_read_;
+ std::vector<std::list<Matrix<BaseFloat>*> > feature_buf_;
+ std::vector<std::list<Matrix<BaseFloat>*> > label_buf_;
+ std::vector<Mutex> mutex_buf_;
+ std::vector<Network*> nnet_transf2_;
+ std::vector<Cache> cache_;
+ std::vector<Network*> nnet2_;
+ std::vector<ObjectiveFunction*> obj_fun2_;
+ std::vector<bool> sync_mask_;
+ Barrier barrier_;
+ bool end_reading_;
+ std::vector<Timer> tim_;
+ std::vector<double> tim_accu_;
+ int num_thr_;
+ Semaphore semaphore_endtrain_;
+ Semaphore semaphore_endtrain2_;
+ public:
+ Mutex cout_mutex_;
+ /*
+ * Methods
+ */
+ public:
+ Platform()
+ : bunchsize_(0), cachesize_(0), randomize_(false),
+ start_frm_ext_(0), end_frm_ext_(0), trace_(0),
+ crossval_(false), seed_(0),
+ end_reading_(false), num_thr_(0)
+ { }
+ ~Platform()
+ {
+ for(size_t i=0; i<nnet_transf2_.size(); i++) {
+ delete nnet_transf2_[i];
+ }
+ for(size_t i=0; i<nnet2_.size(); i++) {
+ delete nnet2_[i];
+ }
+ for(size_t i=0; i<obj_fun2_.size(); i++) {
+ delete obj_fun2_[i];
+ }
+ }
+ /// Run the training using num_threads threads
+ void RunTrain(int num_threads);
+ private:
+ /// The data-reading thread
+ void ReadData();
+ /// The training thread
+ void Thread(int thr);
+ friend class PlatformThread;
+ * Inherit Thread for the training threads
+ */
+class PlatformThread : public Thread {
+ public:
+ PlatformThread(Platform* pf)
+ : platform_(*pf)
+ { }
+ private:
+ void Execute(void* arg) {
+ long long thr_id = reinterpret_cast<long long>(arg);
+ platform_.Thread(thr_id);
+ }
+ private:
+ Platform& platform_;
+void Platform::RunTrain(int num_thr) {
+ num_thr_ = num_thr;
+ /*
+ * Initialize parallel training
+ */
+ feature_buf_.resize(num_thr);
+ label_buf_.resize(num_thr);
+ mutex_buf_.resize(num_thr);
+ cache_.resize(num_thr);
+ sync_mask_.resize(num_thr);
+ barrier_.SetThreshold(num_thr);
+ tim_.resize(num_thr);
+ tim_accu_.resize(num_thr,0.0);
+ int bunchsize = bunchsize_/num_thr;
+ int cachesize = (cachesize_/num_thr/bunchsize)*bunchsize;
+ std::cout << "Bunchsize:" << bunchsize << "*" << num_thr << "=" << bunchsize*num_thr
+ << " Cachesize:" << cachesize << "*" << num_thr << "=" << cachesize*num_thr << "\n";
+ for(int i=0; i<num_thr; i++) {
+ //clone transforms
+ nnet_transf2_.push_back(nnet_transf_.Clone());
+ //create cache
+ cache_[i].Init(cachesize,bunchsize,seed_);
+ cache_[i].Trace(trace_);
+ //clone networks
+ nnet2_.push_back(nnet_.Clone());
+ //clone objective function objects
+ obj_fun2_.push_back(obj_fun_->Clone());
+ //enable threads to sync weights
+ sync_mask_[i] = true;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Run training threads
+ */
+ std::vector<PlatformThread*> threads;
+ for(intptr_t i=0; i<num_thr; i++) {
+ PlatformThread* t = new PlatformThread(this);
+ t->Start(reinterpret_cast<void*>(i));
+ threads.push_back(t);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Read the training data
+ */
+ ReadData();
+ /*
+ * Wait for training to finish
+ */
+ semaphore_endtrain2_.Wait();
+void Platform::ReadData() try {
+ cout_mutex_.Lock();
+ std::cout << "queuesize " << feature_.QueueSize() << "\n";
+ cout_mutex_.Unlock();
+ int thr = 0;
+ for(feature_.Rewind();!feature_.EndOfList();feature_.MoveNext()) {
+ Matrix<BaseFloat>* fea = new Matrix<BaseFloat>;
+ Matrix<BaseFloat>* lab = new Matrix<BaseFloat>;
+ feature_.ReadFullMatrix(*fea);
+ label_.GenDesiredMatrix(*lab,
+ fea->Rows()-start_frm_ext_-end_frm_ext_,
+ feature_.CurrentHeader().mSamplePeriod,
+ feature_.Current().Logical().c_str());
+ fea->CheckData(feature_.Current().Logical());
+ mutex_buf_[thr].Lock();
+ feature_buf_[thr].push_back(fea);
+ label_buf_[thr].push_back(lab);
+ mutex_buf_[thr].Unlock();
+ //suspend reading when shortest buffer has 50 matrices
+ if(thr == 0) {
+ int minsize=1e6;
+ for(size_t i=0; i<feature_buf_.size(); i++) {
+ int s = feature_buf_[i].size();
+ if(s < minsize) minsize = s;
+ }
+ if(minsize > 20) semaphore_read_.Wait();
+ }
+ thr = (thr+1) % num_thr_;
+ }
+ std::cout << "[Reading finished]\n" << std::flush;
+ end_reading_ = true;
+} catch (std::exception& rExc) {
+ std::cerr << "Exception thrown" << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << rExc.what() << std::endl;
+ exit(1);
+void Platform::Thread(int thr_id) try {
+ const int thr = thr_id; //make id const for safety!
+ while(1) {
+ //fill the cache
+ while(!cache_[thr].Full() && !(end_reading_ && (feature_buf_[thr].size() == 0))) {
+ if(feature_buf_[thr].size() <= 5) {
+ semaphore_read_.Post();//wake the reader
+ }
+ if(feature_buf_[thr].size() == 0) {
+ cout_mutex_.Lock();
+ std::cout << "Thread" << thr << ",waiting for data\n";
+ cout_mutex_.Unlock();
+ sleep(1);
+ } else {
+ //get the matrices
+ mutex_buf_[thr].Lock();
+ Matrix<BaseFloat>* fea = feature_buf_[thr].front();
+ Matrix<BaseFloat>* lab = label_buf_[thr].front();
+ feature_buf_[thr].pop_front();
+ label_buf_[thr].pop_front();
+ mutex_buf_[thr].Unlock();
+ //transform the features
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> fea_transf;
+ nnet_transf2_[thr]->Propagate(*fea,fea_transf);
+ //trim the ext
+ SubMatrix<BaseFloat> fea_trim(
+ fea_transf,
+ start_frm_ext_,
+ fea_transf.Rows()-start_frm_ext_-end_frm_ext_,
+ 0,
+ fea_transf.Cols()
+ );
+ //add to cache
+ cache_[thr].AddData(fea_trim,*lab);
+ delete fea; delete lab;
+ }
+ }
+ //no more data, end training...
+ if(cache_[thr].Empty()) break;
+ if(randomize_) { cache_[thr].Randomize(); }
+ //std::cout << "Thread" << thr << ", Cache#" << nr_cache++ << "\n";
+ //train from cache
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> fea2,lab2,out,err;
+ while(!cache_[thr].Empty()) {
+ cache_[thr].GetBunch(fea2,lab2);
+ nnet2_[thr]->Propagate(fea2,out);
+ obj_fun2_[thr]->Evaluate(out,lab2,&err);
+ if(!crossval_) {
+ nnet2_[thr]->Backpropagate(err);
+ tim_[thr].Start();
+ barrier_.Wait();//*********/
+ tim_[thr].End(); tim_accu_[thr] += tim_[thr].Val();
+ //sum the gradient and bunchsize
+ for(int i=0; i<num_thr_; i++) {
+ if(sync_mask_[i]) {
+ nnet_.AccuGradient(*nnet2_[i],thr,num_thr_);
+ if(thr == 0) nnet_.AccuBunchsize(*nnet2_[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ tim_[thr].Start();
+ barrier_.Wait();//*********/
+ tim_[thr].End(); tim_accu_[thr] += tim_[thr].Val();
+ //update
+ nnet_.Update(thr,num_thr_);
+ tim_[thr].Start();
+ barrier_.Wait();//*********/
+ tim_[thr].End(); tim_accu_[thr] += tim_[thr].Val();
+ //reset the bunchsize counter
+ if(thr == 0) nnet_.ResetBunchsize();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::cout << "Thread" << thr << " end of data\n";
+ //deactivate threads' update from summing
+ sync_mask_[thr] = false;
+ //increase number of finished threads
+ semaphore_endtrain_.Post();
+ //synchronize the updates of other threads
+ while(1) {
+ barrier_.Wait();//*********/
+ if(semaphore_endtrain_.GetValue() == num_thr_) break;
+ //sum the gradient and bunchsize
+ for(int i=0; i<num_thr_; i++) {
+ if(sync_mask_[i]) {
+ nnet_.AccuGradient(*nnet2_[i],thr,num_thr_);
+ if(thr == 0) nnet_.AccuBunchsize(*nnet2_[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ barrier_.Wait();//*********/
+ //update
+ nnet_.Update(thr,num_thr_);
+ barrier_.Wait();//*********/
+ //reset bunchsize counter
+ if(thr == 0) nnet_.ResetBunchsize();
+ }
+ //finally merge objfun stats
+ if(thr == 0) {
+ for(int i=0; i<num_thr_; i++) {
+ obj_fun_->MergeStats(*obj_fun2_[i]);
+ }
+ cout_mutex_.Lock();
+ std::cout << "Barrier waiting times per thread\n";
+ std::copy(tim_accu_.begin(),tim_accu_.end(),std::ostream_iterator<double>(std::cout," "));
+ std::cout << "\n";
+ cout_mutex_.Unlock();
+ }
+ cout_mutex_.Lock();
+ std::cout << "[Thread" << thr << " finished]\n";
+ cout_mutex_.Unlock();
+ if(thr == 0) {
+ semaphore_endtrain2_.Post();
+ }
+} catch (std::exception& rExc) {
+ std::cerr << "Exception thrown" << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << rExc.what() << std::endl;
+ exit(1);
+}//namespace TNet
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d149fb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#include "Semaphore.h"
+namespace TNet {
+ Semaphore::
+ Semaphore(int initValue)
+ {
+ mSemValue = initValue;
+ pthread_mutex_init(&mMutex, NULL);
+ pthread_cond_init(&mCond, NULL);
+ }
+ Semaphore::
+ ~Semaphore()
+ {
+ pthread_mutex_destroy(&mMutex);
+ pthread_cond_destroy(&mCond);
+ }
+ int
+ Semaphore::
+ TryWait()
+ {
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mMutex);
+ if(mSemValue > 0) {
+ mSemValue--;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mMutex);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mMutex);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ void
+ Semaphore::
+ Wait()
+ {
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mMutex);
+ while(mSemValue <= 0) {
+ pthread_cond_wait(&mCond, &mMutex);
+ }
+ mSemValue--;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mMutex);
+ }
+ void
+ Semaphore::
+ Post()
+ {
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mMutex);
+ mSemValue++;
+ pthread_cond_signal(&mCond);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mMutex);
+ }
+ int
+ Semaphore::
+ GetValue()
+ { return mSemValue; }
+} //namespace
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Semaphore.h.svn-base b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Semaphore.h.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a28ee44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Semaphore.h.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#ifndef _SEMPAHORE_H_
+#define _SEMPAHORE_H_
+#include <pthread.h>
+namespace TNet {
+ class Semaphore {
+ public:
+ Semaphore(int initValue = 0);
+ ~Semaphore();
+ int TryWait();
+ void Wait();
+ void Post();
+ int GetValue();
+ private:
+ int mSemValue;
+ pthread_mutex_t mMutex;
+ pthread_cond_t mCond;
+ };
+} //namespace
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..108212c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+#include "SharedLinearity.h"
+#include "cblas.h"
+namespace TNet {
+PropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y)
+ //precopy bias
+ for(int k=0; k<mNInstances; k++) {
+ for(size_t r=0; r<X.Rows(); r++) {
+ memcpy(Y.pRowData(r)+k*mpBias->Dim(),mpBias->pData(),mpBias->Dim()*sizeof(BaseFloat));
+ }
+ }
+ //multiply blockwise
+ for(int k=0; k<mNInstances; k++) {
+ SubMatrix<BaseFloat> xblock(X,0,X.Rows(),k*mpLinearity->Rows(),mpLinearity->Rows());
+ SubMatrix<BaseFloat> yblock(Y,0,Y.Rows(),k*mpLinearity->Cols(),mpLinearity->Cols());
+ yblock.BlasGemm(1.0,xblock,NO_TRANS,*mpLinearity,NO_TRANS,1.0);
+ }
+BackpropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y)
+ for(int k=0; k<mNInstances; k++) {
+ SubMatrix<BaseFloat> xblock(X,0,X.Rows(),k*mpLinearity->Cols(),mpLinearity->Cols());
+ SubMatrix<BaseFloat> yblock(Y,0,Y.Rows(),k*mpLinearity->Rows(),mpLinearity->Rows());
+ yblock.BlasGemm(1.0,xblock,NO_TRANS,*mpLinearity,TRANS,1.0);
+ }
+#if 0
+ BaseFloat N = 1;
+ /*
+ //Not part of the interface!!!
+ if(mGradDivFrm) {
+ N = static_cast<BaseFloat>(GetInput().Rows());
+ }
+ */
+ BaseFloat mmt_gain = static_cast<BaseFloat>(1.0/(1.0-mMomentum));
+ N *= mmt_gain; //compensate higher gradient estimates due to momentum
+ //compensate augmented dyn. range of gradient caused by multiple instances
+ N *= static_cast<BaseFloat>(mNInstances);
+ const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X = GetInput().Data();
+ const Matrix<BaseFloat>& E = GetErrorInput().Data();
+ //get gradient of shared linearity
+ for(int k=0; k<mNInstances; k++) {
+ SubMatrix<BaseFloat> xblock(X,0,X.Rows(),k*mLinearity.Rows(),mLinearity.Rows());
+ SubMatrix<BaseFloat> eblock(E,0,E.Rows(),k*mLinearity.Cols(),mLinearity.Cols());
+ mLinearityCorrection.BlasGemm(1.0,xblock,TRANS,eblock,NO_TRANS,((k==0)?mMomentum:1.0f));
+ }
+ //get gradient of shared bias
+ mBiasCorrection.Scale(mMomentum);
+ for(int r=0; r<E.Rows(); r++) {
+ for(int c=0; c<E.Cols(); c++) {
+ mBiasCorrection[c%mBiasCorrection.Dim()] += E(r,c);
+ }
+ }
+ //perform update
+ mLinearity.AddScaled(-mLearningRate/N,mLinearityCorrection);
+ mBias.AddScaled(-mLearningRate/N,mBiasCorrection);
+ //regularization weight decay
+ mLinearity.AddScaled(-mLearningRate*mWeightcost,mLinearity);
+ReadFromStream(std::istream& rIn)
+ //number of instances of shared weights in layer
+ rIn >> std::ws >> mNInstances;
+ if(mNInstances < 1) {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Bad number of instances:" << mNInstances;
+ Error(os.str());
+ }
+ if(GetNInputs() % mNInstances != 0 || GetNOutputs() % mNInstances != 0) {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Number of Inputs/Outputs must be divisible by number of instances"
+ << " Inputs:" << GetNInputs()
+ << " Outputs" << GetNOutputs()
+ << " Intances:" << mNInstances;
+ Error(os.str());
+ }
+ //matrix is stored transposed as SNet does
+ BfMatrix transpose;
+ rIn >> transpose;
+ mLinearity = BfMatrix(transpose, TRANS);
+ //biases stored normally
+ rIn >> mBias;
+ if(transpose.Cols()*transpose.Rows() == 0) {
+ Error("Missing linearity matrix in network file");
+ }
+ if(mBias.Dim() == 0) {
+ Error("Missing bias vector in network file");
+ }
+ if(mLinearity.Cols() != (GetNOutputs() / mNInstances) ||
+ mLinearity.Rows() != (GetNInputs() / mNInstances) ||
+ mBias.Dim() != (GetNOutputs() / mNInstances)
+ ){
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Wrong dimensionalities of matrix/vector in network file\n"
+ << "Inputs:" << GetNInputs()
+ << " Outputs:" << GetNOutputs()
+ << "\n"
+ << "N-Instances:" << mNInstances
+ << "\n"
+ << "linearityCols:" << mLinearity.Cols() << "(" << mLinearity.Cols()*mNInstances << ")"
+ << " linearityRows:" << mLinearity.Rows() << "(" << mLinearity.Rows()*mNInstances << ")"
+ << " biasDims:" << mBias.Dim() << "(" << mBias.Dim()*mNInstances << ")"
+ << "\n";
+ Error(os.str());
+ }
+ mLinearityCorrection.Init(mLinearity.Rows(),mLinearity.Cols());
+ mBiasCorrection.Init(mBias.Dim());
+WriteToStream(std::ostream& rOut)
+ rOut << mNInstances << std::endl;
+ //matrix is stored transposed as SNet does
+ BfMatrix transpose(mLinearity, TRANS);
+ rOut << transpose;
+ //biases stored normally
+ rOut << mBias;
+ rOut << std::endl;
+ const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X = GetInput();
+ const Matrix<BaseFloat>& E = GetErrorInput();
+ //get gradient of shared linearity
+ for(int k=0; k<mNInstances; k++) {
+ SubMatrix<BaseFloat> xblock(X,0,X.Rows(),k*mpLinearity->Rows(),mpLinearity->Rows());
+ SubMatrix<BaseFloat> eblock(E,0,E.Rows(),k*mpLinearity->Cols(),mpLinearity->Cols());
+ mLinearityCorrection.BlasGemm(1.0,xblock,TRANS,eblock,NO_TRANS,((k==0)?0.0f:1.0f));
+ }
+ //get gradient of shared bias
+ mBiasCorrection.Set(0.0f);
+ for(int r=0; r<E.Rows(); r++) {
+ for(int c=0; c<E.Cols(); c++) {
+ mBiasCorrection[c%mBiasCorrection.Dim()] += E(r,c);
+ }
+ }
+AccuGradient(const UpdatableComponent& src, int thr, int thrN)
+ //cast the argument
+ const SharedLinearity& src_comp = dynamic_cast<const SharedLinearity&>(src);
+ //allocate accumulators when needed
+ if(mLinearityCorrectionAccu.MSize() == 0) {
+ mLinearityCorrectionAccu.Init(mpLinearity->Rows(),mpLinearity->Cols());
+ }
+ if(mBiasCorrectionAccu.MSize() == 0) {
+ mBiasCorrectionAccu.Init(mpBias->Dim());
+ }
+ //assert the dimensions
+ /*
+ assert(mLinearityCorrection.Rows() == src_comp.mLinearityCorrection.Rows());
+ assert(mLinearityCorrection.Cols() == src_comp.mLinearityCorrection.Cols());
+ assert(mBiasCorrection.Dim() == src_comp.mBiasCorrection.Dim());
+ */
+ //need to find out which rows to sum...
+ int div = mLinearityCorrection.Rows() / thrN;
+ int mod = mLinearityCorrection.Rows() % thrN;
+ int origin = thr * div + ((mod > thr)? thr : mod);
+ int rows = div + ((mod > thr)? 1 : 0);
+ //std::cout << "[S" << thr << "," << origin << "," << rows << "]" << std::flush;
+ //create the matrix windows
+ const SubMatrix<BaseFloat> src_mat (
+ src_comp.mLinearityCorrection,
+ origin, rows,
+ 0, mLinearityCorrection.Cols()
+ );
+ SubMatrix<double> tgt_mat (
+ mLinearityCorrectionAccu,
+ origin, rows,
+ 0, mLinearityCorrection.Cols()
+ );
+ //sum the rows
+ Add(tgt_mat,src_mat);
+ //first thread will always sum the bias correction and adds frame count
+ if(thr == 0) {
+ //std::cout << "[BS" << thr << "]" << std::flush;
+ Add(mBiasCorrectionAccu,src_comp.mBiasCorrection);
+ }
+Update(int thr, int thrN)
+ //need to find out which rows to sum...
+ int div = mLinearity.Rows() / thrN;
+ int mod = mLinearity.Rows() % thrN;
+ int origin = thr * div + ((mod > thr)? thr : mod);
+ int rows = div + ((mod > thr)? 1 : 0);
+ //std::cout << "[P" << thr << "," << origin << "," << rows << "]" << std::flush;
+ //get the matrix windows
+ SubMatrix<double> src_mat (
+ mLinearityCorrectionAccu,
+ origin, rows,
+ 0, mLinearityCorrection.Cols()
+ );
+ SubMatrix<BaseFloat> tgt_mat (
+ mLinearity,
+ origin, rows,
+ 0, mLinearityCorrection.Cols()
+ );
+ //TODO perform L2 regularization
+ //tgt_mat.AddScaled(tgt_mat, -mWeightcost * num_frames);
+ //update weights
+ AddScaled(tgt_mat, src_mat, -mLearningRate/static_cast<BaseFloat>(mNInstances));
+ //first thread always update bias
+ if(thr == 0) {
+ //std::cout << "[" << thr << "BP]" << std::flush;
+ AddScaled(mBias, mBiasCorrectionAccu, -mLearningRate/static_cast<BaseFloat>(mNInstances));
+ }
+ //reset the accumulators
+ src_mat.Zero();
+ if(thr == 0) {
+ mBiasCorrectionAccu.Zero();
+ }
+} //namespace
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/SharedLinearity.h.svn-base b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/SharedLinearity.h.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83feeee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/SharedLinearity.h.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#include "Component.h"
+#include "Matrix.h"
+#include "Vector.h"
+namespace TNet {
+class SharedLinearity : public UpdatableComponent
+ public:
+ SharedLinearity(size_t nInputs, size_t nOutputs, Component *pPred);
+ ~SharedLinearity();
+ ComponentType GetType() const
+ { return SHARED_LINEARITY; }
+ const char* GetName() const
+ { return "<SharedLinearity>"; }
+ Component* Clone() const;
+ void PropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y);
+ void BackpropagateFnc(const Matrix<BaseFloat>& X, Matrix<BaseFloat>& Y);
+ void ReadFromStream(std::istream& rIn);
+ void WriteToStream(std::ostream& rOut);
+ /// calculate gradient
+ void Gradient();
+ /// accumulate gradient from other components
+ void AccuGradient(const UpdatableComponent& src, int thr, int thrN);
+ /// update weights, reset the accumulator
+ void Update(int thr, int thrN);
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> mLinearity; ///< Matrix with neuron weights
+ Vector<BaseFloat> mBias; ///< Vector with biases
+ Matrix<BaseFloat>* mpLinearity;
+ Vector<BaseFloat>* mpBias;
+ Matrix<BaseFloat> mLinearityCorrection; ///< Matrix for linearity updates
+ Vector<BaseFloat> mBiasCorrection; ///< Vector for bias updates
+ Matrix<double> mLinearityCorrectionAccu; ///< Accumulator for linearity updates
+ Vector<double> mBiasCorrectionAccu; ///< Accumulator for bias updates
+ int mNInstances;
+// SharedLinearity::
+SharedLinearity(size_t nInputs, size_t nOutputs, Component *pPred)
+ : UpdatableComponent(nInputs, nOutputs, pPred),
+ mpLinearity(&mLinearity), mpBias(&mBias),
+ mNInstances(0)
+{ }
+{ }
+Clone() const
+ SharedLinearity* ptr = new SharedLinearity(GetNInputs(),GetNOutputs(),NULL);
+ ptr->mpLinearity = mpLinearity;
+ ptr->mpBias = mpBias;
+ ptr->mLinearityCorrection.Init(mpLinearity->Rows(),mpLinearity->Cols());
+ ptr->mBiasCorrection.Init(mpBias->Dim());
+ ptr->mNInstances = mNInstances;
+ ptr->mLearningRate = mLearningRate;
+ return ptr;
+} //namespace
diff --git a/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Thread.h.svn-base b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Thread.h.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba6d7ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNetLib/.svn/text-base/Thread.h.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#ifndef _TNET_THREAD_H
+#define _TNET_THREAD_H
+namespace TNet {
+class Thread {
+ public:
+ Thread()
+ { }
+ virtual ~Thread()
+ { }
+ int Start(void* arg);
+ protected:
+ static void* EntryPoint(void*);
+ virtual void Execute(void*) = 0; ///< Override this function
+ void* Arg() const { return arg_; }
+ void Arg(void* a) { arg_ = a; }
+ private:
+ pthread_t thread_id_;
+ void * arg_;
+int Thread::Start(void * arg) {
+ Arg(arg); // store user data
+ int ret=0;
+ //create thread as detached (don't wait for it)
+ pthread_attr_t tattr;
+ ret |= pthread_attr_init(&tattr);
+ ret |= pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&tattr,PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
+ ret |= pthread_create(&thread_id_, &tattr, &Thread::EntryPoint, this);
+ if(ret != 0) KALDI_ERR << "Failed to create thread";
+ return ret;
+/*static */
+void* Thread::EntryPoint(void* pthis) try {
+ Thread* pt = (Thread*)pthis;
+ pt->Execute(pt->Arg());
+ return NULL;
+} catch (std::exception& rExc) {
+ std::cerr << "Exception thrown" << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << rExc.what() << std::endl;
+ exit(1);
+} //namespace TNet